Econda - Cross Sell

Cross sell is highly customizable and it depends on your setup. Please refer to Econda offical documentation.

All necessary JS files are already integrated into the module, the only thing you need to do is to add your API key inside the econda_crosssell.twig template:

<input type="hidden" name="econda_aid" value="ADD_YOUR_API_KEY_HERE">


Adding the Cross Sell Widget to Twig

To include this snippet in your project, you need to include this code in your twig template:

{% include "@econda/partials/econda_crosssell.twig" with {
  product: product,
  category: category
} %}


Do not forget to build your frontend by running antelope build yves from you project root folder.

Checking Your Setup

If your setup is correct you should see the new Econda widget on the page where the cross sell widget was added.


See also:


Last review date: Jul. 12th, 2018