Spryker in Docker - Development Mode

General Information

Docker images/containers are used in the DEV environment. Find more information in Docker documentation.

File synchronization is enabled when the "dev" mode is active.

In development mode, file changes on host machine are synced into containers and vice-versa.

When containers are killed, all files remain on the host machine.

Source code synchronization

The following table describes the approaches and solutions used for each supported operating system:

OS Description
Linux bind mount
MacOS http://docker-sync.io/



Find more information about docker-sync here.

Multi-store Setup Support

  • Multi-store setup is supported.
  • Default stores are AT, DE, US.
  • AT and DE are handled by a separate group of containers and have a common database.

  • US is handled by a separate group of containers and has a separate database.

Find more information about the multi-store setup here.

Database Access

In development mode, you can access your postgres database using the following credentials:

  • host - localhost
  • port - 5432
  • user - spryker
  • pw - secret

All of the credentials can be changed in the Deploy file.

Xdebug Support

Use the -x argument with the sdk run|start|up command to enable Xdebug.

The full list of possible arguments can be found here.

More information about Xdebug can be found here.

Mail Catcher: MailHog

MailHog is a mail catcher service that is used with Spryker in Docker for the Demo and Dev environments. This email testing tool is used by developers to catch and show emails locally without an SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server.

With the MailHog service, developers can:

  • configure an application to use MailHog for SMTP delivery;
  • view messages in the web UI or retrieve them with JSON API.

http://mail.demo-spryker.com/ is used to see incoming emails.

Login is not required.

See also:

Last review date: Aug 06, 2019