Twig Compatibility: Legacy Demoshop vs SCOS

In the SCOS, all variables available in the Twig templates can be accessed from the _view variable. In the Demoshop we used a different technique and passed the Twig variables to the global Twig namespace directly. The following code examples will help to understand the difference.

Demoshop controller:

public function fooAction(): array
    return $this->viewResponse([
        'varA' => 'value-a',

Demoshop Twig file:

    <p>The value of varA is {{ varA }}</p>

As you can see in this example, the key (varA) passed from the controller to the template is used one-to-one to retrieve the value inside the template.

We changed this behavior in the SCOS, as already mentioned, to keep the global scope of Twig clean. See the following example:

SCOS controller:

use SprykerYvesKernelViewView;
public function fooAction(): View
    return $this->view([
        'varA' => 'value-a',

SCOS Twig file:

    <p>The value of varA is {{ _view.varA }}</p>

The view object here is limited to the current template scope.

How to Use a SCOS Feature Within the Demoshop

To not be forced to update all the Twig files and variables usages, we added a configuration option that can be used to pass all the variables to the global Twig scope.


* Copyright © 2016-present Spryker Systems GmbH. All rights reserved.
* Use of this software requires acceptance of the Evaluation License Agreement. See LICENSE file.
namespace SprykerShopYvesShopApplication;
use SprykerYvesKernelAbstractBundleConfig;
class ShopApplicationConfig extends AbstractBundleConfig
     * @return bool
    public function useViewParametersToRenderTwig(): bool
        return false;

When this method has been changed in your project so it returns true instead of false, the way of Demoshop accessing the Twig variable can be used if the View class from the SCOS is used.

    <p>The value of varA is {{ _view.varA }}</p>


    <p>The value of varA is {{ varA }}</p>

can now be used to access variables in Twig.

For more information on Demoshop vs Suite compatibility, see Making the Legacy Demoshop Compatible with the Modular Frontend.


See also:


Last review date: October 18th, 2018