Freezegun Changelog =================== 1.5.1 ----- * Fix the typing of the `tick()` method, and improve it's behaviour. 1.5.0 ---- * The default ignore list now contains the `queue`-package * Added a missing `move_to`-function when calling `freeze_time(tick=True)` * Fixes a rounding error in `time.time_ns()` * Fixed a bug where the default ignore list could not be empty (`configure(default_ignore_list=[])`) * All `tick()` methods now return the new datetime (instead of None) * Type improvements 1.4.0 ----- * `asyncio`-support from 1.3.x introduced quite a few bugs, so that functionality is now hidden behind a flag: `with freeze_time('1970-01-02', real_asyncio=True):` 1.3.1 ----- * Fixed the release number in the build 1.3.0 ----- * Fixed `asyncio` support to avoid `await asyncio.sleep(1)` hanging forever. * Added support for Python 3.12 1.2.2 ----- * Removes Python 3.6 support, which reached its EOL on 2021-12-23 ( * Improved static typing definitions * Don't freeze pytest timings. This avoids class-level decorator usage messing with pytest timings. * Pass through all setUp and tearDown arguments 1.2.1 ----- * Added missing typeshed types from distribution * Pass all arguments on recursive freeze_time calls 1.2.0 ----- * Add support for `time.perf_counter` (and `…_ns`) * Added typeshed types * Dropped support for python 3.5 1.1.0 ----- * Add support for `time.monotonic` (and `…_ns`) * Allow to configure default ignore list, and also to just extend the default * Fixed when accessing from thread after stop() 1.0.0 ------ * Dropped Py2 support * Added as_kwarg argument in order to have the frozen time object passed with the name provided in as_kwarg argument 0.3.15 ------ * Fix locale timestamp bug. CC #328 0.3.14 ------ * Fix calendar.timegm behavior 0.3.13 ------ * Fix for Py3.8 * Reset time.time_ns on stop 0.3.12 ------ * Refactor classes to functions * Ignore Selenium * Move to pytest * Conditionally patch time.clock * Patch time.time_ns added in Python 3.7 0.3.11 ------ * Performance improvements * Fix nesting time.time * Add nanosecond property 0.3.10 ------ * Performance improvements * Coroutine support 0.3.9 ----- * If no time to be frozen, use current time * Fix uuid1 issues * Add support for python 3.6 0.3.8 ----- * Bugfix for old-style classes * Ignore warnings when patching * Add `move_to` method to change time 0.3.7 ----- * Fix CPython detection 0.3.6 ----- * Catch TypeError when fetching attribute values * Speed improvements * Add manual tick increment 0.3.5 ----- * Add `tick` argument to allow time to move forward * Performance improvements * Fix timezone example in README