## CAside A source/header files synchronizer for Sublime Text 3 ### Features * Header/Source files synchronization * Multiple extensions supported (via Regular Expression) ### Important Notes You must open your workspace as a group you selected For example: You select to open all files in group 1, then you must set your workspace to group 2 (View > Groups > Max Columns: 2) ### Commands The following commands can be accessed via *Command Palette* (Control+Shift+P or Super+Shift+P) only * Enable/Disable * Enable or disable CAside plugin * Select * Select (a view in) currently focused group * Synchronize * Synchronize the source and header ### How it's work When you activate a view, CAside will looking for a file from current view and try to find a correspond target file (For example, when you open a .c file, CAside will looking for .h file) if a file is found, it will open on a new group as you assign in settings file. ### CAside in action ![Demo](http://spywhere.github.io/images/CAsideDemo.gif) ### Installation You can install CAside via [Sublime Package Control](https://sublime.wbond.net/installation) or by clone this repository into your *Sublime Text 3 / Packages* folder cd PACKAGES_PATH git clone git://github.com/spywhere/CAside.git PACKAGES_PATH is related to folder which can be accessed via the *Preference > Browse Packages...* ### Settings Settings are accessed via the *Preferences > Package Settings > CAside* or via command palette by type *"Preference CAside"* Default settings should not be modified. However, you can copy the relevant settings into CAside user settings file