Getting Started =============== The easiest way to get started is to copy the [Misk exemplar project]( This exemplar contains a Misk web app with the requisite dependencies. ## Prerequisites Misk relies on [hermit][hermit] to install tools required to develop and run the service. Please follow [this]( to install and activate hermit. Misk uses [Gradle][gradle] to build and run test locally. ## Start the service Run `ExemplarService#main` from your IDE, or use gradle to run: ```bash gradle run ``` ## Set up bindings A Misk application is wired together using [Guice]( Features of Misk are managed by [Guava `Services`](, provided by [Guice `Modules`](, and configured using Misk `Config`s. For example, if your application needs a Redis cache, you would install [`RedisModule`](, and add a corresponding `RedisConfig` to your application’s config YAML. Misk is unopinionated about which of its features your application chooses to use, and offers multiple alternatives for some common concerns. ### The main function The entry point to every Misk application is [`MiskApplication`]( ```kotlin fun main(args: Array) { val environment = Environment.fromEnvironmentVariable() val env = Env( val config = MiskConfig.load("exemplar", env) MiskApplication( MiskRealServiceModule(), MiskWebModule(config.web), ExemplarAccessModule(), ExemplarWebActionsModule(), // e.g. to add an admin dashboard: AdminDashboardModule(isDevelopment = true) ).run(args) } ``` ## Set up configuration Every Misk application has a top-level class that implements the `Config` marker interface. This `Config` encapsulates all of the configuration for the app. By default, configs are loaded from YAML files at the app’s resources root. Each value in the config must have a corresponding entry in the YAML file. Modules in Misk that require configuration usually have their own `Config` objects. If you want to use the Module in your app, you should add them as properties of your app’s `Config` object, for example: ```kotlin data class MyAppConfig( val my_config_value: String, val http_clients: HttpClientsConfig ) : Config ``` This then corresponds to a YAML file: ```yaml my_config_value: "this value" http_clients: # ... config ``` ### Config resolution Configs are loaded using the app’s resource loader. The config loader looks for files in the following order by default: 1. `$SERVICE_NAME-common.yaml` 2. `$SERVICE_NAME-$ENVIRONMENT.yaml` At least one of `$SERVICE_NAME-common.yaml` or `$SERVICE_NAME-$ENVIRONMENT.yaml` must exist. Values from later files take precedence. ## Write an endpoint Actions are Misk's unit for an endpoint. Actions inherit from `WebAction` and have a `@Get`/`@Post` annotation: ```kotlin @Singleton class HelloWebAction @Inject constructor() : WebAction { @Get("/hello/{name}") @Unauthenticated @ResponseContentType(MediaTypes.APPLICATION_JSON) fun hello( @PathParam name: String, ): HelloResponse { return HelloResponse(name) } } data class HelloResponse(val name: String) ``` Read more about this in [Actions](./ ## Test the endpoint You can unit test directly: ```kotlin class HelloWebActionTest { @Test fun `tests the unit`() { assertThat(HelloWebAction().hello("sandy", headersOf(), null, null)) .isEqualTo(HelloResponse("sandy")) } } ``` Integration tests set up a module for you, and adds an injector to the test class. You can use `WebServerTestingModule` to set up a running web server and make `WebTestClient` available. ```kotlin @MiskTest(startService = true) class HelloWebActionTest { @MiskTestModule val module = TestModule() @Inject private lateinit var webTestClient: WebTestClient @Test fun `tests a request being made`() { val hello = webTestClient.get("/hello/sandy") assertThat(hello.response.code).isEqualTo(200) assertThat(hello.parseJson()) .isEqualTo(HelloResponse("sandy")) } class TestModule : KAbstractModule() { override fun configure() { install(WebServerTestingModule()) install(HelloModule()) } } } ``` Read more about this in [Actions]( ## Create services The main function is just an entry point for wiring together components of Misk. Long-running threads that do the real work are written as `Services` using [Guava’s Service Framework]( A `Service` is bound by installing a `ServiceModule`, for example: ```kotlin class MyServiceModule : KAbstractModule() { override fun configure() { install(ServiceModule()) } } ``` Notice that in this example we use [`KAbstractModule()`](, Misk’s Kotlin wrapper for [`AbstractModule`](, as our base Module class. `MiskApplication` will start all services installed by a `ServiceModule`. If there is a `Service` that must be run after a other set of `Services` have started, the service dependency graph should be specified at the installation site. For example, if you are operating a movie service, which needs a database: ```kotlin class MovieServiceModule : KAbstractModule() { override fun configure() { // Note that DatabaseService does not have to be installed here. // It could be installed in another KAbstractModule if preferred. install(ServiceModule()) // Multiple dependencies can be added by chaining calls to `dependsOn`. install(ServiceModule() .dependsOn()) } } ``` See [`ServiceModule`](0.x/misk-service/misk/-service-module/ for more details about the service graph. When writing `Services`, always prefer to inherit from one of the common base classes: [`AbstractIdleService`](, [`AbstractScheduledService`](, or [`AbstractExecutionThreadService`]( See [Services Explained]( for details. If your service is can make use of exponential backoff and scheduling, take a look at using [`RepeatedTaskQueue`]( [hermit]: [gradle]: