# Adding a comment system Material for MkDocs allows to easily add the third-party comment system of your choice to the footer of any page by using [theme extension]. As an example, we'll be integrating [Giscus], which is Open Source, free, and uses GitHub discussions as a backend. [Giscus]: https://giscus.app/ ## Customization ### Giscus integration Before you can use [Giscus], you need to complete the following steps: 1. __Install the [Giscus GitHub App]__ and grant access to the repository that should host comments as GitHub discussions. Note that this can be a repository different from your documentation. 2. __Visit [Giscus] and generate the snippet__ through their configuration tool to load the comment system. Copy the snippet for the next step. The resulting snippet should look similar to this: ``` html ``` The [`comments.html`][comments] partial (empty by default) is the best place to add the snippet generated by [Giscus]. Follow the guide on [theme extension] and [override the `comments.html` partial][overriding partials] with: ``` html hl_lines="3" {% if page.meta.comments %}

{{ lang.t("meta.comments") }}

{% endif %} ``` 1. This code block ensures that [Giscus] renders with a dark theme when the palette is set to `slate`. Note that multiple dark themes are available, so you can change it to your liking. Replace the highlighted line with the snippet you generated with the [Giscus] configuration tool in the previous step. If you copied the snippet from above, you can enable comments on a page by setting the `comments` front matter property to `true`: ``` yaml --- comments: true --- # Page title ... ``` If you wish to enable comments for an entire folder, you can use the [built-in meta plugin]. [Giscus GitHub App]: https://github.com/apps/giscus [theme extension]: ../customization.md#extending-the-theme [comments]: https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material/blob/master/src/templates/partials/comments.html [overriding partials]: ../customization.md#overriding-partials [built-in meta plugin]: ../plugins/meta.md