# Setting up social cards Material for MkDocs can automatically create beautiful social cards for your documentation, which appear as link previews on social media platforms. You can select from several [pre-designed layouts][default layouts] or create [custom layouts] to match your unique style and branding. --- :fontawesome-brands-youtube:{ style="color: #EE0F0F" } __[How to build custom social cards]__ by @james-willett – :octicons-clock-24: 24m – Learn how to create entirely custom social cards perfectly matching your branding for each page automatically! [How to build custom social cards]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OjnOc6ftJ8
[![Layout default variant]][Layout default variant]
Social card of our [formatting] reference
[default layouts]: ../plugins/social.md#layouts [custom layouts]: #customization [formatting]: ../reference/formatting.md [Layout default variant]: ../assets/screenshots/social-cards-variant.png ## Configuration ### Built-in social plugin The built-in social plugin automatically generate a custom preview image for each page. Install all [dependencies for image processing] and add the following lines to `mkdocs.yml`: ``` yaml plugins: - social ``` For a list of all settings, please consult the [plugin documentation]. [plugin documentation]: ../plugins/social.md !!! info "The [`site_url`][site_url] setting must be set" Note that you must set [`site_url`][site_url] when using the social plugin, or the generated cards will not be correctly linked. Social media services like Twitter and Facebook demand that social previews point to an absolute URL, which the plugin can only compute when [`site_url`][site_url] is set. Example: ``` yaml site_url: https://example.com ``` [dependencies for image processing]: ../plugins/requirements/image-processing.md [site_url]: https://www.mkdocs.org/user-guide/configuration/#site_url ## Usage If you want to adjust the title or set a custom description for the social card, you can set the front matter [`title`][Changing the title] and [`description`][Changing the description] properties, which take precedence over the defaults, or use: - [`cards_layout_options.title`](../plugins/social.md#option.title) - [`cards_layout_options.description`](../plugins/social.md#option.description) [Changing the title]: ../reference/index.md#setting-the-page-title [Changing the description]: ../reference/index.md#setting-the-page-description ### Choosing a font Some fonts do not contain CJK characters, like for example the [default font, `Roboto`][font]. In case your `site_name`, `site_description`, or page title contain CJK characters, choose another font from [Google Fonts] which comes with CJK characters, e.g. one from the `Noto Sans` font family: === "Chinese (Simplified)" ``` yaml plugins: - social: cards_layout_options: font_family: Noto Sans SC ``` === "Chinese (Traditional)" ``` yaml plugins: - social: cards_layout_options: font_family: Noto Sans TC ``` === "Japanese" ``` yaml plugins: - social: cards_layout_options: font_family: Noto Sans JP ``` === "Korean" ``` yaml plugins: - social: cards_layout_options: font_family: Noto Sans KR ``` [font]: changing-the-fonts.md#regular-font ### Changing the layout If you want to use a different layout for a single page (e.g. your landing page), you can use the `social` front matter property together with the [`cards_layout`](../plugins/social.md#meta.social.cards_layout) key, exactly as in `mkdocs.yml`: ``` yaml --- social: cards_layout: custom --- # Page title ... ``` You can apply those changes for entire subtrees of your documentation, e.g., to generate different social cards for your blog and API reference, by using the [built-in meta plugin]. [built-in meta plugin]: ../plugins/meta.md ### Parametrizing the layout Besides changing the entire layout, you can override all options that a layout exposes. This means you can parametrize social cards with custom front matter properties, such as `tags`, `date`, `author` or anything you can think of. Simply define [`cards_layout_options`](../plugins/social.md#meta.social.cards_layout_options): ``` yaml --- social: cards_layout_options: background_color: blue # Change background color background_image: null # Remove background image --- # Page title ... ``` You can apply those changes for entire subtrees of your documentation, e.g., to generate different social cards for your blog and API reference, by using the [built-in meta plugin]. ### Disabling social cards If you wish to disable social cards for a page, simply add the following to the front matter of the Markdown document: ``` yaml --- social: cards: false --- # Page title ... ``` ## Customization [Insiders] ships a ground up rewrite of the [built-in social plugin] and introduces a brand new layout system based on a combination of YAML and [Jinja templates] – the same engine Material for MkDocs uses for HTML templating – allowing for the creation of complex custom layouts:
Layer 0
Layer 1
Layer 2
Layer 3
Layer 4
Layer 5
Social cards are composed of layers, analogous to how they are represented in graphic design software such as Adobe Photoshop. As many layers are common across the cards generated for each page (e.g., backgrounds or logos), the built-in social plugin can automatically deduplicate layers and render them just once, substantially accelerating card generation. The generated cards are cached to ensure they are only regenerated when their contents change. Layouts are written in YAML syntax. Before starting to create a custom layout, it is a good idea to [study the pre-designed layouts] (link to [Insiders] repository), in order to get a better understanding of how they work. Then, create a new layout and reference it in `mkdocs.yml`: === ":octicons-file-code-16: `layouts/custom.yml`" ``` yaml size: { width: 1200, height: 630 } layers: [] ``` === ":octicons-file-code-16: `mkdocs.yml`" ``` yaml plugins: - social: cards_layout_dir: layouts cards_layout: custom debug: true ``` Note that the `.yml` file extension should be omitted. Next, run `mkdocs serve`, and see how the `.cache` directory is populated with the generated cards. Open any card in your editor, so you can see your changes immediately. Since we haven't defined any layers, the cards are transparent. The following sections explain how to create custom layouts. [Insiders]: ../insiders/index.md [built-in social plugin]: ../plugins/social.md [Google Fonts]: https://fonts.google.com/ [Jinja templates]: https://jinja.palletsprojects.com/en/3.1.x/ [study the pre-designed layouts]: https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material-insiders/tree/master/src/plugins/social/layouts ### Size and offset Each layer has an associated size and offset, which is defined in pixels. The `size` is defined by a `width` and `height` property, and the `offset` by `x` and `y` properties: ``` yaml size: { width: 1200, height: 630 } layers: - size: { width: 1200, height: 630 } offset: { x: 0, y: 0 } ``` If the `size` is omitted, it defaults to the size of the layout. If the `offset` is omitted, it defaults to the top left corner, which is the default `origin`. Saving the layout and reloading renders: ![Layer size] The layer outline and grid are visible because we enabled [`debug`][debug] mode in `mkdocs.yml`. The top left shows the layer index and offset, which is useful for alignment and composition. [Layer size]: ../assets/screenshots/social-cards-layer-size.png [debug]: ../plugins/social.md#debugging #### Origin The `origin` for the `x` and `y` values can be changed, so that the layer is aligned to one of the edges or corners of the layout, e.g., to the bottom right corner of the layout: ``` yaml hl_lines="5" size: { width: 1200, height: 630 } layers: - size: { width: 1200, height: 630 } offset: { x: 0, y: 0 } origin: end bottom ``` The following table shows the supported values:
| Origin | | | | -------------- | --------------- | ------------ | | :material-arrow-top-left: `start top` | :material-arrow-up: `center top` | :material-arrow-top-right: `end top` | | :material-arrow-left: `start center` | :material-circle-small: `center` | :material-arrow-right: `end center` | | :material-arrow-bottom-left: `start bottom` | :material-arrow-down: `center bottom` | :material-arrow-bottom-right: `end bottom` |
Supported values for origin
### Backgrounds Each layer can be assigned a background color and image. If both are given, the color is rendered on top of the image, allowing for semi-transparent, tinted backgrounds: === "Background color" ``` yaml size: { width: 1200, height: 630 } layers: - background: color: "#4051b5" ``` ![Layer background color] === "Background image" ``` yaml size: { width: 1200, height: 630 } layers: - background: image: layouts/background.png ``` ![Layer background image] === "Background image, tinted" ``` yaml size: { width: 1200, height: 630 } layers: - background: image: layouts/background.png color: "#4051b5ee" # (1)! ``` 1. The color value can be set to a [CSS color keyword], or a 3, 4, 6 or 8 letter HEX color code, allowing for semi-transparent layers. ![Layer background] Background images are automatically scaled to fit the layer while preserving aspect-ratio. Notice how we omitted `size` and `offset`, because we want to fill the entire area of the social card. [Layer background color]: ../assets/screenshots/social-cards-layer-background-color.png [Layer background image]: ../assets/screenshots/social-cards-layer-background-image.png [Layer background]: ../assets/screenshots/social-cards-layer-background.png ### Typography Now, we can add dynamic typography that is sourced from Markdown files - this is the actual raison d'être of the [built-in social plugin]. [Jinja templates] are used to render a text string that is then added to the image: ``` yaml size: { width: 1200, height: 630 } layers: - size: { width: 832, height: 310 } offset: { x: 62, y: 160 } typography: content: "{{ page.title }}" # (1)! align: start color: white line: amount: 3 height: 1.25 font: family: Roboto style: Bold ``` 1. The following variables can be used in [Jinja templates]: - [`config.*`][config variable] - [`page.*`][page variable] - [`layout.*`][layout options] The author is free in defining `layout.*` options, which can be used to pass arbitrary data to the layout from `mkdocs.yml`. This renders a text layer with the title of the page with a line height of 1.25, and a maximum number of 3 lines. The plugin automatically computes the font size from the line height, the number of lines, and font metrics like ascender and descender.[^2] This renders: [^2]: If the plugin would require the author to specify the font size and line height manually, it would be impossible to guarantee that the text fits into the layer. For this reason we implemented a declarative approach, where the author specifies the desired line height and number of lines, and the plugin computes the font size automatically. ![Layer typography] [config variable]: https://www.mkdocs.org/dev-guide/themes/#config [page variable]: https://www.mkdocs.org/dev-guide/themes/#page [Layer typography]: ../assets/screenshots/social-cards-layer-typography.png #### Overflow If the text overflows the layer, there are two possible behaviors: either the text is automatically truncated and shortened with an ellipsis, or the text is automatically scaled down to fit the layer: ``` { .markdown .no-copy } # If we use a very long headline, we can see how the text will be truncated ``` === ":octicons-ellipsis-16: Ellipsis" ![Layer typography ellipsis] === ":material-arrow-collapse: Shrink" ![Layer typography shrink] While truncating with an ellipsis is the default, auto-shrinking can be enabled by setting `overflow` to `shrink`: ``` yaml hl_lines="7" size: { width: 1200, height: 630 } layers: - size: { width: 832, height: 310 } offset: { x: 62, y: 160 } typography: content: "{{ page.title }}" overflow: shrink align: start color: white line: amount: 3 height: 1.25 font: family: Roboto style: Bold ``` [Layer typography ellipsis]: ../assets/screenshots/social-cards-layer-typography-ellipsis.png [Layer typography shrink]: ../assets/screenshots/social-cards-layer-typography-shrink.png #### Alignment Text can be aligned to all corners and edges of the layer. For example, if we want to align the text to the middle of the layer, we can set `align` to `start center`, which will render as: ![Layer typography align] [Layer typography align]: ../assets/screenshots/social-cards-layer-typography-align.png The following table shows the supported values:
| Alignment | | | | -------------- | --------------- | ------------ | | :material-arrow-top-left: `start top` | :material-arrow-up: `center top` | :material-arrow-top-right: `end top` | | :material-arrow-left: `start center` | :material-circle-small: `center` | :material-arrow-right: `end center` | | :material-arrow-bottom-left: `start bottom` | :material-arrow-down: `center bottom` | :material-arrow-bottom-right: `end bottom` |
Supported values for text alignment
#### Font The [built-in social plugin] integrates with [Google Fonts] and will automatically download the font files for you. The `font` property accepts a `family` and `style` property, where the `family` must be set to the name of the font, and the `style` to one of the supported font styles. For example, setting `family` to `Roboto` will automatically download the following files: ``` { .sh .no-copy #example } .cache/plugins/social/fonts └─ Roboto/ ├─ Black.ttf ├─ Black Italic.ttf ├─ Bold.ttf ├─ Bold Italic.ttf ├─ Italic.ttf ├─ Light.ttf ├─ Light Italic.ttf ├─ Medium.ttf ├─ Medium Italic.ttf ├─ Regular.ttf ├─ Thin.ttf └─ Thin Italic.ttf ``` In that case, the author can use `Bold` or `Medium Italic` as the `style`. If the font style specified in the layer is not part of the font family, the font always falls back to `Regular` and prints a warning in [`debug`][debug] mode, as `Regular` is included with all font families. ### Icons Authors can leverage the full range of icons that are shipped with Material for MkDocs, or even provide custom icons by using theme extension and going through the process described in the guide on [additional icons]. Icons can even be tinted by using the `color` property: ``` yaml size: { width: 1200, height: 630 } layers: - background: color: "#4051b5" - size: { width: 144, height: 144 } offset: { x: 992, y: 64 } icon: value: material/cat color: white ``` This will render the icon in the top right corner of the social card: ![Layer icon] The possibilities are endless. For example, icons can be used to draw shapes like circles: ``` yaml size: { width: 1200, height: 630 } layers: - background: color: "#4051b5" - size: { width: 2400, height: 2400 } offset: { x: -1024, y: 64 } icon: value: material/circle color: "#5c6bc0" - size: { width: 1800, height: 1800 } offset: { x: 512, y: -1024 } icon: value: material/circle color: "#3949ab" ``` This will add two circles to the background: ![Layer icon circles] ### Tags The new [built-in social plugin] gives full flexibility of the meta tags that are added to your site, which are necessary to instruct services like Twitter or Discord how to display your social card. All default layouts use the following set of tags, which you can copy to your layout and adapt: ``` yaml definitions: - &page_title_with_site_name >- {%- if not page.is_homepage -%} {{ page.meta.get("title", page.title) }} - {{ config.site_name }} {%- else -%} {{ page.meta.get("title", page.title) }} {%- endif -%} - &page_description >- {{ page.meta.get("description", config.site_description) or "" }} tags: og:type: website og:title: *page_title_with_site_name og:description: *page_description og:image: "{{ image.url }}" og:image:type: "{{ image.type }}" og:image:width: "{{ image.width }}" og:image:height: "{{ image.height }}" og:url: "{{ page.canonical_url }}" twitter:card: summary_large_image twitter:title: *page_title_with_site_name twitter:description: *page_description twitter:image: "{{ image.url }}" ``` Note that this example makes use of [YAML anchors] to minify repetition. The `definitions` property is solely intended for the definition on aliases that can then be referenced with anchors. [YAML anchors]: https://support.atlassian.com/bitbucket-cloud/docs/yaml-anchors/ __Are you missing something? Please [open a discussion] and let us know!__ [additional icons]: ./changing-the-logo-and-icons.md#additional-icons [Layer icon]: ../assets/screenshots/social-cards-layer-icon.png [Layer icon circles]: ../assets/screenshots/social-cards-layer-icon-circles.png [open a discussion]: https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material/discussions/new