# Unreleased Added: - Ability to open `irc://` and `ircs://` URL schemes - Ability to overwrite nickname colors by providing a hex string (see [buffer configuration](https://halloy.squidowl.org/configuration/buffer.html#buffernicknamecolor-section)). - Ability to overwrite server & internal message colors by providing a hex string (see [buffer configuration](https://halloy.squidowl.org/configuration/buffer.html#bufferserver_messages-section)). - Configurable shortcuts for "Leave Buffer" and "Toggle Sidebar" actions (see [keyboard shortcuts configuration](https://halloy.squidowl.org/configuration/keyboard.html)). - Ability to remember window position and size when reopened. - Ability to hide unread indicators in sidebar (see [sidemenu configuration](https://halloy.squidowl.org/configuration/sidebar.html)) Fixed: - UTF-8 channel name rendering in sidebar and in pane title bars. # 2024.7 (2024-05-05) Added: - Reload configuration file from within the application (Ctrl + r (macOS: + r)) - Allow configuration of internal messages in buffer (see [buffer configuration](https://halloy.squidowl.org/configuration/buffer.html#bufferinternal_messages-section)) - User information added to context menu - Support for IRCv3 `CAP NEW` and `CAP DEL` subcommands - Enable support for IRCv3 `multi-prefix`, `message-tags`, `WHOX`, and `UTF8ONLY` - Dynamic commands and tooltips added to command auto-completion via `ISUPPORT` - Added support for `socks5` proxy configuration (see [proxy configuration](https://halloy.squidowl.org/configuration/proxy.html)) - Added support for `http` proxy configuration (see [proxy configuration](https://halloy.squidowl.org/configuration/proxy.html)) Changed: - Simplified onboarding experience for users without a `config.toml` file - MacOS will now also look in `$HOME/.config/halloy` for `config.toml`. - Context menus can be dismissed by pressing Escape - Join channels that report themselves as requiring registration after logging in Fixed: - No longer automatically reconnects to a server after using the `/QUIT` command. # 2024.6 (2024-04-05) Added: - File transfer support (see [file transfer configuration](https://halloy.squidowl.org/configuration/file_transfer.html)) - Adjust WHO polling for servers without `away-notify` (see [server configuration](https://halloy.squidowl.org/configuration/servers.html)) - Tooltips on application buttons (see [tooltips configuration](https://halloy.squidowl.org/configuration/tooltips.html)). - Sidebar menu buttons (see [sidebar configuration](https://halloy.squidowl.org/configuration/sidebar.html#sidebarbuttons-section)). - Display current version, and latest remote version in command bar - Allow reading passwords from files in server configuration - Allow configuration to specify a server's NickServ IDENTIFY command syntax Fixed: - Accept '@' in usernames to support bouncers that use the user@identifier/network convention - Prevent rare scenario where broadcast messages' timestamp would not match time the messages are received - Fix SASL on macos by using RUSTLS backend Changed: - MacOS icon to better follow Apple's [Human Interface Guidelines](https://developer.apple.com/design/human-interface-guidelines/app-icons) # 2024.5 (2024-03-21) **BREAKING** Configuration file format has switched from `YAML` to `TOML`. Please vist the migration guide here: [halloy.squidowl.org/guides/migrating-from-yaml](https://halloy.squidowl.org/guides/migrating-from-yaml.html). Added: - Added command bar entry to open wiki website. Changed: - Configuration file now uses TOML instead of YAML - Renamed `[keys]` section to `[keyboard]` - Renamed `[buffer.channel.users]` section to `[buffer.channel.nicklist]` - Renamed `[buffer.input_visibility]` section to `[buffer.text_input]` - Removed `[dashboard]` section - Renamed `[dashboard.sidebar]` section to `[sidebar]` - Changed `exclude` from `[buffer.server_messages]` to two seperate settings - `enabled = bool` - `smart = number` - Use primary text color instead of accent color for `solid` nicknames - Op and Voice context menu items hidden in channels where the user is not an Op Fixed: - `WHOIS` is now correctly formatted when printed in buffers. # 2024.4 (2024-03-15) Added: - Configuration option to enable a topic banner in channels. This can be enabled under `buffer.channel.topic` - Messages typed into the input will persist until sent. Typed messages are saved when switching a pane to another buffer, then are restored when that buffer is returned to. - Added display of highest access level in front of nicks in chat, mirroring the format in the nick list - Added ability to toggle Op and Voice from user context menu in channels Fix: - Context menus now shows buttons as expected - Buttons on help screen is now correctly sized - Text input is now disabled when not connected to a channel - When someone is kicked, it is now correctly shown - Query messages sent by another client will now correctly be displayed - Prevent flooding server by grouping channels together in as few JOIN messages as possible Changed: - Various UI changes - Ensured consistent padding in channel buffer - Unified styling for dividers Security: - `chrono` [RUSTSEC-2020-0071](https://rustsec.org/advisories/RUSTSEC-2020-0071) # 2024.3, 2024.2 (2024-03-05) Added: - Option to colorize nicks in the nick list (and an option to control it separately from in the buffer) - Option to control application scale factor Fixed: - Input not visible on Server and Query (DM) buffers - Clipped buttons in context menu Changed: - Improved user experience in text input when auto-completing a nickname. - Configuration option `server_messages` changed `exclude` from a boolean value to [`All`, `None` or `!Smart seconds`]. - `All` excludes all messages for the specific server message. - `None` [default] excludes no messages for the specific server message. - `!Smart seconds` shows the server message if the user has sent a message in the given time interval (seconds) prior to the server message. # 2024.1 (2024-02-07) Added: - Configuration option `servers..sasl.external.key` added to support loading a separate PEM PKCS #8 encoded key for SASL authentication. Changed: - Focus an available pane on launch, so that launch behavior follows typical use (e.g. if `dashboard.sidebar.default_action` is set to `replacePane`, then selecting a channel in the sidebar will replace the focused pane instead of opening a new pane) - `hidden_server_messages` has been changed to `server_messages` and additional customization has been added: - Exclude messages [join, part, quit]. - Adjust username format. Fixed: - Accept '\*' as a legal special symbol for usernames - Accept '/' in usernames, ensuring correct parsing for bouncers using the nick/server convention - Create the configuration directory correctly, if it does not exist yet. # 2023.5 (2023-11-12) Added: - IRCv3 capability `userhost-in-names` support added - IRCv3 capability `invite-notify` support added - Configuration option `dashboard.sidebar.width` to control sidebar width. - Configuration option `notification` to control and enable notifications Changed: - Limit messages to 512 bytes in length, including the trailing CR-LF characters. - Configuration option `dashboard.sidebar_default_action` now moved to `dashboard.sidebar.default_action` # 2023.4 (2023-08-03) Added: - Command bar (opened by pressing (Ctrl + k (macOS: + k))) - Configurable keyboard shortcuts for common actions, such as changing buffer focus, maximize / restoring buffer size, cycling channels in the buffer and more! A new `keys` section has been added to the config file, reference the [wiki](https://github.com/squidowl/halloy/wiki/Keyboard-shortcuts) for more details. - Single clicking on a user will insert nickname to input - Configuration option `on_connect` to execute commands once connected to a server, reference the [wiki](https://github.com/squidowl/halloy/wiki/Configuration#on-connect-commands) for more details. Changed: - Instead of using hostname as fallback, we now always derive the seed for unique user colors from their nickname Fixed: - Set the window application id on Linux to `org.squidowl.halloy` - Correctly display all arguments when receiving MODE command # 2023.3 (2023-07-27) **Message history and dashboard state will be reset due to a breaking change. We've switched to a more flexible storage format to ensure future breakages won't occur.** Added: - Away-notify extension added for supported servers - SASL support for PLAIN & EXTERNAL. The following per-server config keys have been added: - PLAIN - `sasl.plain.username` & `sasl.plain.password` - EXTERNAL - `sasl.external.cert` is a path to the PEM encoded X509 cert - Configuration option `buffer.hidden_server_messages` to hide server messages from the provided array of sources: ["join", "part", "quit"] - Configuration option `buffer.input_visibility` to control input field visibility: always shown or following the focused buffer. - Portable mode - if a config file exists in the same directory as the executable, all Halloy data will be saved to that directory - Upon joining a channel, display the channel mode in the buffer - When querying an away user, you will see an away message - Autocomplete on joined channels Changed: - Away users will be appear slightly transparent in nicklist - Configuration option `new_buffer` has been renamed to `buffer`. `new_buffer` key will still work for backwards compatibility. - Migrated to our own internal IRC backend. This should allow for quicker development against extensions and bug fixes. Fixed: - Changes done in the config file are now properly applied to the old buffers - Text and colors on light themes will no longer appear washed out - All WHOIS responses are now properly routed to the buffer where the request was made (text input or via context menu) - Accessing text input history will only populate the current buffer, not all of them - Text from input box can be copied to clipboard - Prevent text input cursor from blinking when window loses focus # 2023.2 (2023-07-07) Added: - Nickname completions in text input with Tab - Previously sent messages can be accessed per buffer in the text input with / arrows - New configuration option `dashboard.sidebar_default_action` to control pane behaviour when selecting buffers - Messages from other users containing your nickname are now highlighted - Themes directory where users can add their own theme files - Broadcast nickname changes to relevant channels and queries. - Broadcast quit messages to relevant channels and queries. - Better error descriptions on connection failures - Support RAW command - Drag & drop buffers to the edges for better customization of the grid - Whois messages are printed in the currently focused buffer Changed: - Default channel in `config.yaml` has been changed to `#halloy` (from `##rust`) - `palette` field has been deprecated and replaced by `theme` in `config.yaml` - Sorting channel nicknames - Title headers has been changed to also display user count for channels - Copy change: "Leave" has been changed to "Close query" for queries Fixed: - The last word of a message sometimes dissapeared - Persist partial text input content when switching away from buffer - Correctly load image on welcome screen # 2023.1-alpha1 (2023-06-30) Added: - First release 🎉