// ==UserScript== // @name Forum Extract // @version 1.2.7 // @description Filters out any unwanted listings on userstyles forum. // @author Sonny Razzano aka srazzano // @namespace srazzano // @include /https?://forum\.userstyles\.org.*/ // @require https://raw.githubusercontent.com/srazzano/GM_devtools_Dialog/master/GM_devtools_Dialog.js // @icon https://raw.githubusercontent.com/srazzano/Images/master/extract.png // @homepageURL https://github.com/srazzano/Forum_Extract // @downloadURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/srazzano/Forum_Extract/master/Forum_Extract.user.js // @updateURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/srazzano/Forum_Extract/master/Forum_Extract.user.js // @support srazzano@gmail.com // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_setClipboard // ==/UserScript== /* jshint multistr:true */ var fe0 = "Empty", fe1 = "Change Case", fe2 = "Delete Keyword", fe3 = "(1) Separate multiple entries with <> and no spacing.\n(2) Middle click inserts active keywords.\n(3) Double click clears field.\n(4) \ Filter does not catch '+', '(' or ')'\n(5) Double click filtered/unfiltered button for menulist of keywords."; var fe4 = "Case-Sensitive", fe5 = "Set Case", fe6 = "Create Filter", fe7 = "Removing from filter:\n"; var fe8 = "Highlight To Select:", fe9 = "", fe10 = "Filtered", fe11 = "Unfiltered", fe12 = "Case On", fe13 = "Case Off", fe14 = "Non Case-Sensitive", fe15 = "Show Notifications on hover", fe16 = "Case-Sensitive Filter Search"; var fe17 = "Forum Extract Options", fe18 = "Turn Off Auto Insert Highlighted Text", fe19 = "Turn On Auto Insert Highlighted Text", fe20 = "Ok", fe21 = "Del", fe22 = "Insert Off", fe23 = "Insert On"; var fe24 = "Bookmarked Discussions", fe25 = "Copy List", fe26 = "ideogram", fe27 = "AUTHOR KEYWORDS: ", fe28 = "TOPIC KEYWORDS: ", fe29 = "PROFILE KEYWORDS: ", fe30 = "THREAD KEYWORDS: "; var fe31 = "Uncheck the box this filter doesn't apply to", fe32 = "Dark Theme", fe33 = "Custom Rating icons", fe34 = "Filter Threads", fe35 = "By: ", fe36 = "Topic", fe37 = "Author", fe38 = "Profile link", fe39 = "Content"; var fe40 = "Numbered Thread topics", fe41 = "Full Screen mode", fe42 = "Thread Filter in side panel", fe43 = "Options", fe44 = "My Bookmarks Page", fe45 = "no spam", fe46 = "English only", spam = /\d{9}/; var url = window.location.href, mainPage = url.match(/https:\/\/forum\.userstyles\.org\/$/); var indexPage = url.match(/https:\/\/forum\.userstyles\.org\/discussions/), catPage = url.match(/https:\/\/forum\.userstyles\.org\/categories/), discPage = url.match(/https:\/\/forum\.userstyles\.org\/discussion\/\d+\/.*$/); var proMsgPage = url.match(/https:\/\/forum\.userstyles\.org\/(profile|messages)/); (function () { "use strict"; devtools.config.init({ title: fe17, settings: { "itemCount": { type: "checkbox", label: fe40, defaultValue: false }, "fullScreen": { type: "checkbox", label: fe41, defaultValue: false }, "showFilter": { type: "checkbox", label: fe42, defaultValue: true }, "showNotifications": { type: "checkbox", label: fe15, defaultValue: true }, "darkTheme": { type: "checkbox", label: fe32, defaultValue: false }, "customRatings": { type: "checkbox", label: fe33, defaultValue: false } }, css: "\ #devtools-wrapper #devtools-dialog-devtools-config {width: 210px !important}\ #devtools-wrapper .dialog {-moz-user-select: none !important}\ #devtools-wrapper .dialog .dialog-title {cursor: default !important; margin: 0 0 12px 0 !important}\ #devtools-wrapper .dialog label {margin: 2px 0 !important}\ #devtools-wrapper .dialog input[type='checkbox'] {margin: 0 4px !important}\ .dialog-content span {position: relative !important; top: 4px !important}\ #devtools-wrapper .dialog .dialog-footer {margin: 4px 0 0 0 !important}\ #devtools-wrapper .dialog .dialog-footer button {padding: 0 4px!important}\ #devtools-wrapper .dialog .dialog-footer button img {margin: 0 4px 0 0 !important}\ #devtools-wrapper .dialog .dialog-footer button:first-child {display: none !important}\ .dialog-close {display: none !important}\ "} ); function getInsertText() { var gB = GM_getValue("insertText") != false ? false : true, iB = $("#insBtn"); GM_setValue("insertText", gB); if (gB) { $("#Content").addEventListener("mouseup", getActiveText, false); iB.setAttribute("class", "insertOn filterButton"); iB.title = fe18; iB.textContent = fe23; } else { $("#Content").removeEventListener("mouseup", getActiveText, false); iB.setAttribute("class", "insertOff filterButton"); iB.title = fe19; iB.textContent = fe22; } } function getCase() { GM_getValue("caseSensitive") != false ? GM_setValue("caseSensitive", false) : GM_setValue("caseSensitive", true); if (GM_getValue("caseSensitive")) { $("#caseBtn").textContent = fe12; $("#caseBtn").title = fe4; $("#caseBtn").setAttribute("class", "caseOn filterButton"); $("#keywordIn").placeholder = fe4; } else { $("#caseBtn").textContent = fe13; $("#caseBtn").title = fe14; $("#caseBtn").setAttribute("class", "caseOff filterButton"); $("#keywordIn").placeholder = fe14; } } function getKey(e) { var ki = $("#keywordIn"); if (e.button == 1 && (mainPage || indexPage || catPage) && $("#cbAuthor").checked) ki.value = gvAuthor; if (e.button == 1 && (mainPage || indexPage || catPage) && $("#cbTopic").checked) ki.value = gvTopic; if (e.button == 1 && discPage && $("#cbProfile").checked) ki.value = gvProfile; if (e.button == 1 && discPage && $("#cbThread").checked) ki.value = gvThread; } function getListText() { if (!$("#listBox")) { if ((mainPage || indexPage || catPage) && $("#cbAuthor").checked && !$("#cbTopic").checked && GM_getValue("authorKeywords") != "") var listdiv = $c("td", {id:"listBox", innerHTML:fe27 + GM_getValue("authorKeywords").replace(/<>/g, "\u2022"), spellcheck:false}); if ((mainPage || indexPage || catPage) && !$("#cbAuthor").checked && $("#cbTopic").checked && GM_getValue("topicKeywords") != "") var listdiv = $c("td", {id:"listBox", innerHTML:fe28 + GM_getValue("topicKeywords").replace(/<>/g, "\u2022"), spellcheck:false}); if ((mainPage || indexPage || catPage) && $("#cbAuthor").checked && $("#cbTopic").checked && GM_getValue("authorKeywords") != "" && GM_getValue("topicKeywords") != "") var listdiv = $c("td", {id:"listBox", innerHTML:fe27 + GM_getValue("authorKeywords").replace(/<>/g, "\u2022") + "
" + fe28 + GM_getValue("topicKeywords").replace(/<>/g, "\u2022"), spellcheck:false}); if (discPage && $("#cbProfile").checked && !$("#cbThread").checked && GM_getValue("profileKeywords") != "") var listdiv = $c("td", {id:"listBox", innerHTML:fe29 + GM_getValue("profileKeywords").replace(/<>/g, "\u2022"), spellcheck:false}); if (discPage && !$("#cbProfile").checked && $("#cbThread").checked && GM_getValue("threadKeywords") != "") var listdiv = $c("td", {id:"listBox", innerHTML:fe30 + GM_getValue("threadKeywords").replace(/<>/g, "\u2022"), spellcheck:false}); if (discPage && $("#cbProfile").checked && $("#cbThread").checked && GM_getValue("profileKeywords") != "" && GM_getValue("threadKeywords") != "") var listdiv = $c("td", {id:"listBox", innerHTML:fe29 + GM_getValue("profileKeywords").replace(/<>/g, "\u2022") + "
" + fe30 + GM_getValue("threadKeywords").replace(/<>/g, "\u2022"), spellcheck:false}); } var head = $c("td", {id:"listHeader"}); listdiv.insertBefore(head, listdiv.firstChild); document.body.appendChild(listdiv); var mb = document.body.querySelector('.MeBox'); var fg = document.body.querySelector('#filterGrp'); var val = mb.clientHeight + fg.clientHeight; GM_addStyle('#listBox{height:auto!important;padding:2px 8px!important;position:fixed!important;width:auto!important}'); if (fullScreen) GM_addStyle('#listBox{left:auto!important;right:0!important;top:'+(val+45)+'px!important}'); else GM_addStyle('#listBox{left:0!important;right:auto!important;top:'+(val+105)+'px!important}'); $("#filterCnt").addEventListener("mouseout", function(){document.body.removeChild(listdiv)}, false); $("#listBox").addEventListener("mouseup", getText, false); } function setUnfiltered() { if ((mainPage || indexPage || catPage) && $("#cbAuthor").checked) { for (var i = 0; i < authorContent.length; i++) { if (authorContent[i].getAttribute("filtered")) { authorContent[i].parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.style.display = "block"; } } } if ((mainPage || indexPage || catPage) && $("#cbTopic").checked) { for (var i = 0; i < topicContent.length; i++) { if (topicContent[i].getAttribute("filtered")) { topicContent[i].parentNode.parentNode.style.display = "block"; } } } if (discPage && $("#cbProfile").checked) { for (var i = 0; i < profileContent.length; i++) { if (profileContent[i].getAttribute("filtered")) { profileContent[i].parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.style.display = "block"; } } } if (discPage && $("#cbThread").checked) { for (var i = 0; i < threadContent.length; i++) { if (threadContent[i].getAttribute("filtered")) { threadContent[i].style.display = "block"; } } } } function setFiltered() { if ((mainPage || indexPage || catPage) && $("#cbAuthor").checked) { for (var i = 0; i < authorContent.length; i++) { if (authorContent[i].hasAttribute("filtered")) { authorContent[i].parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.style.display = "none"; } } } if ((mainPage || indexPage || catPage) && $("#cbTopic").checked) { for (var i = 0; i < topicContent.length; i++) { if (topicContent[i].hasAttribute("filtered")) { topicContent[i].parentNode.parentNode.style.display = "none"; } } } if (discPage && $("#cbProfile").checked) { for (var i = 0; i < profileContent.length; i++) { if (profileContent[i].hasAttribute("filtered")) { profileContent[i].parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.style.display = "none"; } } } if (discPage && $("#cbThread").checked) { for (var i = 0; i < threadContent.length; i++) { if (threadContent[i].hasAttribute("filtered")) { threadContent[i].style.display = "none"; } } } } function copyKeywords() { var aaa = GM_getValue("topicKeywords"), bbb = GM_getValue("authorKeywords"), ccc = GM_getValue("profileKeywords"), ddd = GM_getValue("threadKeywords"); var str = '\n' + fe28 + '\n' + aaa + '\n\n' + fe27 + '\n' + bbb + '\n\n' + fe29 + '\n' + ccc + '\n\n' + fe30 + '\n' + ddd; GM_setClipboard(str); alert('Copied to Clipboard\n\n' + str); } var itemCount = devtools.config.get("itemCount"); var fullScreen = devtools.config.get("fullScreen"); var showFilter = devtools.config.get("showFilter"); var showNotifications = devtools.config.get("showNotifications"); var darkTheme = devtools.config.get("darkTheme"); var customRatings = devtools.config.get("customRatings"); var menu = document.body.querySelector(".SiteMenu"); var optBtn = $c("li", {id:"optBtn"}); optBtn.appendChild($c("a", {title:fe43, textContent:fe43}, [{type:"click", fn:function(e){e.preventDefault(); devtools.config.open()}}])); menu.appendChild(optBtn); GM_addStyle("#optBtn:hover {cursor: pointer !important;}"); if (itemCount) { var item = $(".Title", $("#Content")); var itemHead = $(".Item-Header", $("#Content")); for (var i = 0; i < item.length; i++) item[i].insertBefore($c("span", {className:"fSpan", textContent:i + 1 + "."}), item[i].firstChild); for (var j = 0; j < itemHead.length; j++) itemHead[j].insertBefore($c("span", {className:"fSpan", textContent:j + 1 + "."}), itemHead[j].firstChild); } if (!GM_getValue("cbAuthor")) GM_setValue("cbAuthor", false); if (!GM_getValue("cbTopic")) GM_setValue("cbTopic", false); if (!GM_getValue("cbProfile")) GM_setValue("cbProfile", false); if (!GM_getValue("cbThread")) GM_setValue("cbThread", false); if (!GM_getValue("authorKeywords")) GM_setValue("authorKeywords", ""); if (GM_getValue("authorKeywords") == "undefined") GM_setValue("authorKeywords", ""); if (GM_getValue("authorKeywords").indexOf("<>") == -1) GM_setValue("authorKeywords", GM_getValue("authorKeywords").replace(/,(?!\s)/g, "<>")); if (!GM_getValue("topicKeywords")) GM_setValue("topicKeywords", ""); if (GM_getValue("topicKeywords") == "undefined") GM_setValue("topicKeywords", ""); if (GM_getValue("topicKeywords").indexOf("<>") == -1) GM_setValue("topicKeywords", GM_getValue("topicKeywords").replace(/,(?!\s)/g, "<>")); if 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(!GM_getValue("caseSensitive")) GM_setValue("caseSensitive", false); var caseSensitive = GM_getValue("caseSensitive"); var group = $c("div", {id:"filterGrp", className:'Box'}); var title = $c("h4", {id:"filterTitle", textContent:fe34}); var filterA = $c("div", {id:"filterA", className:"filterDiv"}); var filterB = $c("div", {id:"filterB", className:"filterDiv"}); var filter1 = $c("div", {id:"filter1", className:"filterDiv"}); var filter2 = $c("div", {id:"filter2", className:"filterDiv"}); var filterLabel = $c("label", {id:"filterLabel", className:"filterLabel", textContent:fe35}); var checkbox1 = $c("input", {id:"cbTopic", type:"checkbox", className:"filterCheckbox", checked:GM_getValue("cbTopic")}, [{type:"click", fn:function(e){checkbox(e)()}}]); var label1 = $c("a", {id:"labelTopic", className:"filterLabel", textContent:fe36}, [{type:"click", fn:function(e){checkbox(e)()}}]); var checkbox2 = $c("input", {id:"cbAuthor", type:"checkbox", className:"filterCheckbox", 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((mainPage || indexPage || catPage) && showFilter) { if (GM_getValue("authorKeywords") == "" && GM_getValue("topicKeywords") == "") { if (showFilteredIndex) $("#filterBtn").textContent = fe10; else $("#filterBtn").textContent = fe11; } if ($("#cbAuthor").checked) { if (GM_getValue("authorKeywords") != "") { for (k = 0; k < aut.length; k++) authorNames.push(aut[k]); for (var x in authorNames) for (var i = 0; i < authorContent.length; i++) { var mod = authorNames[x].replace(/\.,\?""!@#\$%\^&\*\(\)-_=\+;:<>\/\\\|\}\{\[\]`~]*/g, "zqz"); if (caseSensitive) var word = new RegExp(mod); else var word = new RegExp(mod, "i"); if (authorContent[i].textContent.match(word) || authorNames[x] == fe26 && authorContent[i].textContent.match(/[\u4E00-\u9FFF]/)) { authorContent[i].setAttribute("filtered", true); authorContent[i].parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.setAttribute("filtered", true); authorContent[i].parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.style.display = "none"; listCnt++ } } } } if ($("#cbTopic").checked) { if (GM_getValue("topicKeywords") != "") { for (k = 0; k < top.length; k++) topicNames.push(top[k]); for (var x in topicNames) for (var i = 0; i < topicContent.length; i++) { var mod = topicNames[x].replace(/\.,\?""!@#\$%\^&\*\(\)-_=\+;:<>\/\\\|\}\{\[\]`~]*/g, "zqz"); if (caseSensitive) var word = new RegExp(mod); else var word = new RegExp(mod, "i"); if (topicContent[i].textContent.match(word) || topicNames[x] == fe26 && topicContent[i].textContent.match(/[\u4E00-\u9FFF]/) || topicNames[x] == fe45 && topicContent[i].textContent.match(spam) || topicNames[x] == fe46 && topicContent[i].textContent.match(/[\u0080-\uFFFF]/)) { topicContent[i].setAttribute("filtered", true); topicContent[i].parentNode.parentNode.setAttribute("filtered", true); topicContent[i].parentNode.parentNode.style.display = "none"; listCnt++ } } } } if (showFilteredIndex) { $("#filterBtn").textContent = fe11; setUnfiltered(); } else { $("#filterBtn").textContent = fe10; setFiltered(); } if 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