{ // You can set a path to your python virtualenv, // for example `/home/user/.virtualenvs/myenv)`. // Note: Interpreter path would be found automaticaly "python_virtualenv": "", // You can set a path to your python interpreter, // for example `/home/user/.virtualenvs/myenv/bin/python)`. "python_interpreter": "", // Additional python package paths. "python_package_paths": [], // When executing "Go to definition" // true: Will go to directly to the term definition or declaration // false: Will follow the import path back to where it is is originally // defined "follow_imports": true, // Which function arguments to insert in autocompletion: // "all" - all // "required" - those with no default value (that are required) // "" - none "auto_complete_function_params": "required", // Which completions to show: // "all" - both jedi's and sublime's // "jedi" - only jedi's // "default" - only jedi's if it has something to show, otherwise sublime's "sublime_completions_visibility": "default", // How long (in seconds) we should wait for a completion "completion_timeout": 3, // how to open goto definition result with ability to show it transient // variation (preview only. it won't have a tab assigned it until modified): // "single-panel" - opens a file in same layout (default) // "single-panel-transient" - same as above but in transient mode // "two-panel" - opens a file in a split to two columns layout // "two-panel-transient" - same as above but in transient mode "sublime_goto_layout": "single-panel", // Use hover popup to display the docstring of a function. // "true" - replace ST's goto defintion popup by jedi's docstring popup // "false" - use ST's default goto definition popup "enable_tooltip": true, // SublimeREPL integration "enable_in_sublime_repl": false, // Only show completions after character that matches this regex "only_complete_after_regex": "", // Highlight symbol usages in current view on select "highlight_usages_on_select": false, // Highlight color for symbol usages: an empty string for the default color, or one of // "region.redish", "region.orangish", "region.yellowish", "region.greenish", // "region.bluish", "region.purplish", "region.pinkish", "region.blackish" "highlight_usages_color": "region.bluish" }