2003 March 27: Updated the man pages to abc2abc, abc2midi and midi2abc and created a new man page for yaps. Minor changes to midifile.c and midifile.h were made to minimize the number of warning error messages. Midi2abc was upgraded to be in line with the version I use with the script midi2abc.tcl. The syntax in mftext.c was improved to reduce the number of compilation warnings. 2003 April 12 abc2midi: for abc tunes with no guitar chords, an error message "Command not recognized" is issued whenever a %%MIDI chordprog or %%MIDI bassprog command is encountered. The problem occurs mainly with runabc, which performs only one pass through the tune and is unable to know whether guitar chords are present before sending %%MIDI commands. Since no MIDI program command is issued in this situation, the error message was disabled, The fix was made in dodeferred() in genmidi.c 2003 April 12 abc2midi assumes the ratio of 2:1 for long/short notes in broken rhythms specified with angle brackets (eg. c>d), Though this can be changed using the %%MIDI ratio command, it is inconvenient for many users since it is necessary to edit each tune in the abc file in order to effect this change. A new command parameter -RS (ratio standard) changes default ratio to 3:1 which is the standard music notation. The new parameter still allows the %%MIDI ratio command to override the default. The change was incorporated in event_init() of store.c. 2003 Apri 19 The proposed abc standard allows non numeric identifications for the voice field, eg. V: soprano instead of V:1. If you are creating a midi file, each unique identification string will mapped to a sequential numbers 1,2 etc, as if you had used numbers originally. The change allows abcMIDI to handle a number of new multivoiced abc files which have adopted this convention. Only the first 20 characters of the identification string are distinguished. Anything following the identification string is ignored. The identification string should not end with an equal sign =. If nonnumeric identifications are used, abc2midi will print the mapping between the id's and the numbers. This may be useful for catching spelling errors in the id's. The fix was made in function parsefield in parseabc.c. The change does not yet allow V: commands to appear before the body of the tune. A number of abc files may designate a rest using x instead of z. This means that this rest exists but should not appear in the printed score. I have modified the parser so it shall now interpret x as rest; however, if you are using yaps to print the score, this rest will still remain visible. Abc2midi will now treat x exactly like z. Abc2abc will probably automatically convert the x's to z's whether you want it or not. A minor change was made in parsemusic in parseabc.c. It is necessary to modify toabc.c and yapstree.c to fix the remaining problems. 2003 April 27 Guitar chords. The base note preceded by a slash in the guitar chord may now be in lower case as well as upper case. For example, "G/B" and "G/b" will both be treated the same way. This complies with the proposed abc standard 1.7.6 (abc-draft.txt) and avoids problems with some files in the Nottingham database. The fix was made in event_handle_gchord in store.c. Guitar chords. When there is a change of meter, the gchord beat does not seem to get changed. I inserted a call to setbeat() in writetrack() in genmidi.c whenever a TIME feature is encountered. It was also necessary to change the definition of setbeat in store.c from static to external. 2003 May 3 Karoake lyrics: Improved the documentation for the functions write_syllable and getword in genmidi.c which handle the lyrics in the w: body line. If a bar line is placed in the lyric line between two tied notes, for example see below, "C6" c> G E2- | E2 (3 c d c | "E7" B> ^G E2- | E4 | w: All of me, | * why not take | all of me.* ^ write_syllable loses synchrony with the music while searching for the next bar line in the music. The problem was fixed by resetting waitforbar to 0 between the two calls of write_syllable, in writetrack (genmidi.c) after TNOTE is handled. I found most warning messages about mismatched lyric syllables to music notes have to do with users failing to notate syllables correctly when tied notes occur. (Failure to place a * or _ (underscore) preceding syllable of tied note. Confusing hyphen with underscore...) 2003 May 4 abc2midi file xref: Abc2midi has the option of converting only a particular tune in a abcfile to a midi file by specifying the X: reference number immediately following the abc file name. When this feature is used, warning messages such as Warning in line 28: T: outside tune body - possible missing X: The problem occurs in the function parsefield in parseabc.c. In order to catch the reference number of the selected tune, every line of the input file is parsed. A flag "parsing" equal to 0 or 1 is used to turn on the parsing inside the body of the of the music. This flag is turned in function event_refno() in store.c by calling the function parseon() in parseabc.c. Unfortunately all field lines (eg. T: , M:, L:, V: ...) were unaffected by this flag and continued to be parsed. When the T: field command is encountered, it falls through to the default: in parsefield and it is processed by the function, event_field in store.c. Event_field was designed to treat the T: and R: conditions but before handling these conditions it checks whether the control flag dotune is set. This flag is also set by event_refno. If the flag is not set, then event_field assumes that a T: field command was encountered without a preceding X: reference field which is a valid error condition. Since all field lines in the abc file are parsed this introduces other problems. Any anomaly in the field lines whether they are from the selected tune or not are reported. For example, if a user has selected for example tune 500 from a large abc file, errors in the field lines of other tunes will be reported. Furthermore, in some cases the program may crash in processing a field line of another tune. To address these problems, the functions parseline and parsefield in parseabc.c were modified so that all field lines (except for the X: field line) and all text lines are ignored for nonselected tunes. Parseline checks whether the flag parsing is set before calling parsemusic or event_text. In parsefield, the condition key == 'X' was moved from the switch control structure and treated separately immediately when entering this function. If parsing flag has not been set, the function returns immediately after checking for key == 'X'. This introduces a new problem. If the abc file has no X: field, the abcmidi programs does nothing without any error indication. To handle, this situation I introduced a the global variable parsing_started into parseabc.c, It is initialized to 0 and set to 1 when the function parseron() is called. Prior to the end of the function parsefile, the parsing_started variable is checked. If it is still 0, an error message is returned. Finally, event_linebreak() is suppressed in parsefile() whenever the variable parsing is not set. This avoids a lot of blank line output from abc2abc whenever the X: field is missing from the input abc file. This is a major change to the code, since it affects three programs, abc2midi, yaps and abc2abc. I hope this has not introduced new problems. 2003 May 11 Many tunes have a left repeat sign (|:) missing. In most cases it is fairly clear where to place the repeat sign and abc2midi merely puts a warning message "Assuming repeat". When you are processing a large group of abc tunes these messages may be annoying. A new parameter -NAR (no assuming repeat) will suppress this message when you are running abc2midi. However, occasionally you get the error message "Found unexpected :| ...". This is a more serious problem. Due to some ambiguity, the program store.c was unable to place a missing |: into the tune. During the second pass, genmidi.c encounters the :| and does not know where to begin the repeat. This is a real error since the repeat will not occur. This error message is not suppressed. The instructions !trill! and !fermata! are recognized by yaps and abc2midi and are treated in the same way as the decorations T and H preceding a note. To do this I introduced a new integer global array decorator_passback[] which is set by event_handle_instruction in both yapstree.c and store.c. The array is passed between files parseabc.c, store.c and yapstree.c as an extern. 2003 May 18 The symbol y used to denote a space in Barfly, is ignored and no longer causes an error message. It is deleted by abc2abc. 2003 May 19 Added an option to number bars in yaps. Note the bar numbers may not match those in abc2midi or other abc*ps programs. Introduced global flag barnums and global integer nnbars in yapstree.c which is set by event_init and linked to drawtune.c. Added new -k option in event_init in yapstree.c. In event_bar in yapstree.c passed the current bar number instead of NULL in addfeature. In drawtune.c introduced a new function printbarnumber which is called in various places in the function printvoiceline. %%MIDI chordname accepts negative semitone shifts relative to root. In function event_specific in store.c, replaced readnump with readsnump. 2003 May 22 Bar numbering in yaps is now in agreement with abc2midi but may differ by one unit with abc2ps and other members of its family. See abcguide.txt for more discussion. I moved the position of the call to checkbar() in event_bar() (yapstree.c) so it occurs before addfeature is called rather than after. The decoration field line d: (used inabcm2ps) is not parsed as a music line but is an ignored field line. Change was made in parseabc.c in parsefield() and parseline(). 2003 May 31 Yaps crashes when it encounters text preceded by an underscore in a guitar chord. For example "G" AB/2B/2 "_quiet" DD| g/2g/2d/2d/2 | here yaps crashes when the function event_handle_gchord (in yapstree.c) encounters the text _quiet. The problem was fixed by ensuring that, cv->instruction_pending is not NULL prior to adding anything to this structure. 2003 June 6 Yaps ignores any guitar chords placed in front of a chord if the notes in the chord are not in descending order. For example in the following line |"Gm"[G2B2][Ac]|[Bd][Ac][GB]|"D"[A/2c/2][A/2c/2][Ac][Bd]| the guitar chords Gm and D do not appear because they precede a chords [G2B2] and [A/2c/2]. This problem also applies to any instructions (eg. !quiet!) which immediately precede a chord. The problem has to do with the way the gchord and instructions are processed by yapstree.c. When they are first encountered they are placed in temporary places, cv->gchord_pending and cv->instructions->pending. When the next note is encountered, the function newnote moves them to fields associated with that note. Unfortunately, when printvoiceline in drawtune.c processes the notes in a chord it expects the guitar chord or instructions to be associated with the first note encountered in the chord. (It checks chordcount variable.) This is not always true because the function insertnote in yapstree.c for some reason will reorder the the notes in the chord if they are not in descending order. The fix was to modify noteinsert in yapstree.c so that if it reorders the notes in the chord, it also moves the gchord and instructions fields to be with the first note. 14 June 2003 Yaps produces a segmentation error when it fails to find an expected continuation line and attempts to print a guitar chord.(eg.) X:1 T:example K:C "C" abcd|\ (In this example there is no more records following the backslash.) The error occurs when it tries to execute showtext in the function notetext in the file drawtune.c. The fix was to ensure that the pointer spacing is not NULL prior to calling showtext. 21 June 2003 Abc2midi assumes the last %%MIDI gchord string specified as the default for the start of the tune. In the following tune, X: 1 T: gchords M:4/4 L:1/4 K:C "C" CCCC|CCCC| %%MIDI gchord czcz FFFF|FFFF| %%MIDI gchord fzzz GGGG|GGGG| %%MIDI gchord fcfz CCCC|CCCC| the gchord string was not set for the first two bars. It was expected that abc2midi would use the system default for 4/4 time, i.e. fzczfzcz. Instead, the last defined gchord fzfz was assumed, which is not expected. If the user places another %%MIDI gchord string before the first bar or adds a redundant meter field M:4/4 just before the first bar, everything is ok. Abc2midi calls setbeat which calls set_gchords just after it processes the first K: declaration in the field area. When abc2midi writes the first track writetrack(0) containing the melody, everything is still ok, except that the accompaniment is not written at this point. Each time writetrack encounters another %%MIDI gchord declaration, set_gchord changes the gchord string. When it is time to start the accompaniment track, the gchord string was left as the last declared string. The fix was to move the setbeat invocation from headerprocess() in store.c to the beginning of writetrack in genmidi.c when the accompaniment track is identified. I also added a short caveate in abcguide.txt about the setting of MIDI gchord string. 28 June 2003 The %%MIDI transpose command transposes all channels including the drum channel. For the drum channel, the pitch component selects the percussion instrument, so transposition is not appropriate here. The fix was applied to the function save_note in the file genmidi.c. Transposition is blocked if the drum channel 9 (counting from 0) is selected. 29 June 2003 Besides the key signature, the K: field can contain many other descriptors, such as the clef (treble, bass...), the octave and transposition. The code for parsing the K: field parsekey was rather convoluted and hard to understand. It was simplified by breaking it up into several functions. During this process, I discovered an Easter Egg (undocumented feature) in abc2midi. It is possible to transpose an individual voice without affecting the other voices. The documentation to these features was improved in abcguide.txt. 1 July 2003 The single voice transpose function described above does not work correctly in combination with the global transpose initiated by the %%MIDI transpose (or rtranspose) function. The original code in store.c and genmidi.c was confusing since communications between the two files was performed by both the feature/pitch arrays and a global variable global_transpose which was linked to both files using an extern int declaration. Here is a short description on how it was originally. Parsekey passes transpose to event_key. When a new transpose value is obtained from event_key, the TRANSPOSE flag is added to the feature array and the value of transpose is put in the pitch array. In addition the global_transpose variable (a variable linked to genmidi.c) is also set to transpose if event_key obtains the transpose value before getting to the body of the music. When a transpose value is obtained from event_specific (i.e. from a %%MIDI transpose indication) a TRANSPOSE flag is also added to the feature array and the linked variable global_transpose is always set to the transpose value. Genmidi.c processes the TRANSPOSE feature in the function writetrack. At the start of every track, writetrack sets the transpose variable (here not linked with store.c) to global_transpose. When TRANSPOSE feature is encountered the variable transpose is extracted from the pitch array. The transpose value is added to the note pitch whenever a note is issued. The transpose value is also stashed away by save_state in case a REPEAT feature is encountered. In this situation, the stashed value is recovered by restore_state. It would make more sense to treat transpose and global_transpose independently. i.e. new pitch = pitch + transpose + global_transpose. Also it would be be a good idea not to pass global_transpose to genmidi.c using "extern int" but setting it using a new feature GTRANSPOSE in the feature array. Fix: GTRANSPOSE introduced in abc.h. global_transpose variable and associated code eliminated from store.c. In writetrack in store.c, another switch condition for GTRANSPOSE was introduced. global_transpose initialized to 0. transpose initialized to 0 in starttrack. In noteon_data and addtoQ transpose + global_transpose are added to pitch. These changes now allow global_transpose and transpose functions to work together and independently. Basically transposition is now performed by either or both variables 'transpose' and 'global_transpose'. The only difference between these variables is that the transpose variable is reinitialized to zero each time a new track is started, while global_transpose is only initialized at the start of the tune. These variables are set only through the feature/pitch arrays in store.c. 5 July 2003 Abcm2ps allows the voice field to contain additional descriptor information such as the clef name. This information may indicate a voice transposition by one octave. Abc2midi and other abcMIDI programs currently ignore this information. Fix: A new function parsevoice was introduced into parseabc. which contains a combination of the code in both parsefield and parsekey. New parameters were introduced to event_voice in store.c, yapstree.c, toabc.c, parseabc.c and parseabc.h in order to pass this information. In store.c, event_voice will call event_octave if gotoctave is set and insert a TRANSPOSE feature in the feature/pitch array. In toabc.c, event_voice will also output the clef if gotclef is set. In the event that treble+8, treble-8, or tenor-8 is specified, parsevoice will set octave to the appropriate value and set gotoctave so that event_voice in store.c will also issue an event_octave. The transpose indication in the clef is detected in the function isclef() in parseabc.c which now has extra parameters. Please note no transposition is assumed for the bass clef. If it is desired that abc2midi transpose that voice, a octave=-1 or -2, should be included in the K: or V: field. 6 July 2003 Abc2midi considers the placement of a V: indication outside the music body (in the header) as an error and ignores it. Other applications such as abcm2ps permit V: indications to occur music header. In such instances, the voice field specifies information such as the clef to be used for that voice. Several changes were needed to handle the this convention. (1) In event_voice, the check "pastheader" was disabled; however, it is important not to call checkbreak() prior to passing the header. (2) It is necessary to create the first voicecontext structure immediately after the parser is started rather than wait for the first K: field (which ends the header block). Therefore, the code v = newvoice(1); head = v; was moved to event_refno and event_key was replaced getvoicecontext(1); (3) Normally event_octave will transpose all the music voices if it is called in the music header. This needs to be disabled when it is called from event_voice. A new parameter, local (as opposed to global) was introduced into event_voice to indicate such a situation. (It was necessary to also put this change in parseabc.c, yapstree.c, toabc.c, parseabc.h, in addition to store.c) 12 July 2003 Abc2midi loses synchronization between voices when a voice change occurs in the middle of a bar. The following tune does not get converted correctly into a MIDI file. X:1 T: sample M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K:G V:1 |:AG Bc| V:2 |:C2 C2| V:1 AG Bc|[1 V:2 C2 C2|[1 V:1 CDEF:|[2 EFG2| V:2 D2 D2:|[2 G4| The problem occurs when writetrack (in genmidi) is processing the second repeat. When it comes to the bar marked with a [1 it attempt to skip to the bar labeled [2, however, it failed to check for a voice change. (It is unusual to switches voices in the middle of a bar.) Instead it another [1 and outputs numerous error messages. The problem was fixed by checking for a voice change and searching for the continuation of the current active voice using the findvoice function. Yaps terminates prematurely if a tune does not contain a M: indication in the header. Yaps reports that there is no M: field but when it attempts to set it to the default 4/4 in startbody(), no voice structure has been created. To fix this problem lines of code, setvoice(1) and startbody() were interchanged in event_true_key() in yapstree.c 13 July 2003 Yaps bar alignment fails in multivoiced files containing tuples (eg. triplets). For example, X: 1 T: yaps trips on triplets M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: G V:1 C4|C4|(3BBB (3BBB|C4|C4| V:2 F4|F4|F4|F4|F4| The bars for the second line do line up after the triplets. The function advance() in position.c does not set the notelengths in the case of triplets. As a result, spaceline() in position.c has the incorrect temporal position of the notes when it tries to place the notes on the staff. Fix: a new variable tuplenotes was introduced in the struct note (struct.h). This variable is set in event_note, in yapstree.c and contains the sequence number of the tuple note (descending). In event that advance() detects a tuple note (based on this variable), the temporal length is adjusted by multiplying it by the tuplefactor. (A new function mulfract was introduced for this purpose.). The notes and bars are lined up now, but more work is probably needed to get more pleasing spacing. 19 July 2003 Abc2midi fails to set key signature sharps or flats pattern in multivoiced tunes with voice indications in the header. For example in the following tune, X: 1 T: G minor scale M: 2/4 L: 1/8 V:2 K: Bb V:2 GABc|defg| the notes B and e are not flattened in the output MIDI file. This is a new bug I introduced in July 5, 2003 when I extended the abcMIDI package to handle voice field indications in the header block. For each voice there is a separate voicecontext structure which contains its own basemap for sharpening or flattening selected notes. See store.c code. (This permits the option of a voice to have its own key signature which is different from the other voices.) There is also a global voicecontext structure used for applying the key signature to all voices if they are not indicated separately. The global key signature is copied to the voicecontext of a separate voice at the time that the voicecontext structure is created. Unfortunately, if the voicecontext structure is created prior to setting the overall key signature with the first K: indicator, then the basemap for that voice is set for C major or A minor. Fix: a new flag, keyset was introduced in the voicecontext structure. This flag indicates whether the key signature was known at the time when the voicecontext structure was allocated by newvoice(). Whenever getvoicecontext() switches voices context, it now checks keyset to determine whether it is necessary to copy the basemap and related variables from the global voicecontext structure. I: octave=n has been disabled in abc2midi. Since an octave shift can be indicated in either the K: or V: field, it is no longer necessary to use the info field for setting the octave range. I have disabled this feature to discourage using the info field for setting the octave range. 20 July 2003 The hidden rest (x) was introduced in abcMIDI in April 19 2003. Abc2midi treated it as a regular rest but abc2abc automatically converted it into a regular rest z. The new functionality to transpose separate voices that was introduced in abc2midi now makes abc2abc even more useful. I have upgraded abc2abc so it now preserves the hidden rests in the abc files. Yaps continues to not distinguish the two types of rests (like abc2midi). Fix: introduced an extra variable in event_rest in parseabc.c, store.c, yapstree.c, toabc.c and parseabc.h. In toabc.c event_rest emits an x instead of a z if a hidden rest is detected. 16 August 2003 Abc2midi: The drum accompaniment is started or stopped using the instruction command !drum! and !nodrum!. The !drum! and !nodrum! commands are not part of the abc standard so other applications such as abc2ps and related clones do not understand this instruction. The programs either ignore or it or return a warning. I have introduced an alternate method of starting and stopping the drum track using the MIDI indications. %%MIDI drumon and %%MIDI drumoff This is similar to the method of starting and stopping gchords. (%%MIDI gchordon and %%MIDI gchordoff). I feel this is the preferred method and the older method will probably be deprecated. Fortunately, I am the only one using drum accompaniment (eg. isra.abc) so all of this has little impact. August 22 2003 Midi2abc creates a abc file with a blank title. It is more useful to place the name of the input midi file in the title. Midi2abc puts a blank line in the abc file in the event that a newline character \n is embedded in the meta_text. A blank line signifies the end of a tune, so the remaining part of the abc file is not processed. The function remove_carriage_return was updated so it now checks for both \r and \n. August 31 2003 Reorganized and improved documentation of midi2abc.c Many MIDI files have multiple tempo indications. In fact some MIDI files change the tempo at every beat. Midi2abc assumes the last tempo indication; however, in some MIDI files the tempo slows down at the end. When the resulting abc file is converted back to a MIDI file it plays much slower than the original. I have modified midi2abc so that it now assumes the first tempo indication and ignores all following indications. September 8 2003 Midi2abc identifies drum tracks (channel 10) but it needs to issue a %%MIDI channel 10 to that voice so that abc2midi will know to assign that voice channel 10. Printtrack was modified to test for a drum track. Added two new parameters, -bpl and -bps to control the formatting of the output abc file. These parameters control the number of bars printed per line, and the number of bars to be associated with a music staff. The -obpl (one bar per line) parameter is deprecated. September 13 2003 Midi2abc by default does not use the PPQN information in the MIDI header to determines the note length in MIDI pulses. Furthermore it ignores any time signature information in the MIDI file that may be present. Most MIDI files do contain valid information so midi2abc produces the best output when run time options -xl and -xm are included. Midi2abc was modified to make these run time options the default and the unnecessary flags -xl and -xm are now removed. To allow the user to force midi2abc to estimate xunits (MIDI pulses per standard unit note length) from the note duration statistics, a new option -gu was now introduced. Since this is a major change in how midi2abc runs, the version number was bumped up to 2.6. September 14 2003 Contrary to the documentation, the anacrusis is not specified in beats but in abc half unit lengths where a unit length is given in the L: field in the header. For example if L:1/8 and M: 4/4, an anacrusis of 1 beat is specified as 4 (i.e. four 1/16 units). This is due to the way the quantized music is represented in midi2abc. Midi2abc does not allow notes shorter than than 1/2 an L: unit. Therefore if the unit length is L: 1/8, the shortest note that can be produced by abc2midi is a sixteenth note. Note lengths are stored internally in midi2abc as numerator/denominator where the denominator is always 2. So a sixteenth note is quantized to a numerator value of 1. Therefore midi2abc has difficulty representing very short notes that are encountered in trills or drum rolls. In such situations you should use the -s option for short notes to get an approximation. This also explains why printtrack, findana and guessana want the barsize to be measured in half abc unit lengths (barsize is doubled in the calling sequence for these functions.) I have corrected the readme.txt and the midi2abc.1 man file. September 21 2003 Laura Michaels contributed patches to store.c, genmidi.c and abc.h to handle the Copyright extended information field (see abc2-draft) and to improve the production of Karaoke MIDI files. Laura Michaels also provided makefiles for other compilers such as Ming and Watfor. More details follow. The proposed standard introduces a new field using the syntax %%abc-copyright (c) Copyright John Smith 2003 Abc2midi now inserts this in the MIDI file in the form of a metatext copyright tag. Changes were made to the event_specific function in store.c to process the copyright information. Karaoke file applications such as Winamp, VanBasco;s Karaoke player, and WinKaraoke (on Windows) have difficulty extracting the composer and copyright information fields and confuse them with the Karaoke text. The function karaokestarttrack in genmidi.c was modified to handle additional @T information lines for composer and copyright information after the title line in the first MIDI track. In the Karaoke track (track 3), this information was also added in the form of @I fields. Also other abc information fields such as H: and A: were suppressed in the Karaoke track by setting texton to 0 in printtrack. The 98 character limit for text lines handled by event_field in store.c was changed to 255 (see default case in switch (k)). September 28 2003 For multivoiced abc files there is a need to be able to apply a fermata to a rest. For example, consider this file. X: 1 T: fermata applied to rest M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: G [V:1] CDEF|GAF!fermata!G|C2 C2| [V:2] EFGA|Bcd!fermata!z|C2 C2| [V:1] CDEF|GAF!fermata!G|C2 C2| [V:2] EFGA|Bcd!fermata!G|C2 C2| If the fermata is not applied to the rest, there is a loss of synchronization between the two voices. The function event_rest was modified to get the array decorators from one of its passed parameters. In store.c event_rest would double the length of the rest (including hidden rests) if decorators[FERMATA] is set. In parseabc.c it was necessary to to update the decorators array for the case 'z' and 'x', prior to passing it to event_rest. Changes were also required in yapstree.c and toabc.c even though event_rest does not use the decorators array in these files. The declarations for event_rest in parseabc.h also needed to be changed. September 29 2003 A new problem with setbeat (store.c) was discovered. For the file X:1 T: time sig M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: G "C" G2 G2| G2 G2| [M:3/4] G2 G2 G2|G2 G2 G2| The gchord output was not correct for the first two bars. This was caused by several problems in the code. (1) Setbeat calls set_gchord to set the gchord_seq, gchord_len, g_num, and g_denom used by dogchords. The values for g_num and g_denom were incorrect because they were computed from mtime_num and mtime_denom which were set by set_meter. The values of mtime_num and mtime_denom were the last values in the previous tracks processed so if there was a change of meter in the tune they would not reflect the initial value. (2) Setbeat chooses the appropriate gchord string on the basis of the time signature stored in the time_num and time_denom array. It is therefore necessary that these values remain current to the current context during the writetrack pass. Therefore set_meter was modified to update time_num and time_denom whenever it is called. Set_meter is called in several places. It was called in starttrack with the global parameters time_num and time_denom. Unfortunately these parameters are affected by the event_timesig which is called during the parsing stage. Therefore their values reflect the last time signature encountered during the parsing stage. It is necessary to cache the initial settings of the time signature set in the header block. New variables header_time_num and header_time_denom are defined in store.c and passed to genmidi.c as externals. In writetrack, for the accompaniment track it was necessary to call set_meter() with the header time signatures just prior to setbeat(). Set_meter is also called by write_meter in genmidi.c. Write_meter is called whenever a TIME feature (for time signature) is encountered. Fortunately, the correct time signature stored in the num[] and denom[] arrays are used. Setbeat is called shortly after in printtrack. October 13 2003 Though most MIDI files indicate a time signature few also indicate a key signature. Though midi2abc reports any key signature it finds in the MIDI file, it does not use it but insists on determining it by scanning all notes and choosing the key signature that minimizes the number of accidentals. This works fine if there are no key changes in the music. If the MIDI file does indeed indicate key signatures and key changes then midi2abc should use this information in creating the abc file. In a similar vein, for some MIDI files there may be more than one meter change. Midi2abc uses the first time signature that is indicated in the MIDI file. If it encounters other time signature indications later, it reports it but it still uses the initial time signature to transcribe the file. Again it would be desirable if midi2abc would act on this information. Looking at midi2abc.c, it was noticed that the function findkey() is always invoked except when the key signature is passed in one of the run time parameters. If a key signature or time signature metatext command is encountered, a time stamped text message is added to the tlistx structure associated with that track. These text messages are sent to the abc file at the appropriate time using the handletext function which is invoked by printtrack; however, no adjustment is made for any key or meter change. Further the barsize is assumed to be fixed. The barsize is a local variable in the main program and it is passed to printtrack as one of its parameters. The barsize controls the placement of bar lines in the output abc file. Numerous changes were needed to fix these problems. (1) A new global flag, gotkeysig was introduced to the code. It is initialized to zero but set to 1 whenever a key signature metatext command is encountered. (2) A new variable 'type' was added to the tlistx structure. If tlistx.text contains the key signature, tlistx.type is set to 1. If tlistx.text contains the time signature, tlistx.type is set to 2. For everything else, tlistx.type is set to 0. (3) The 'type' variable was added to the addtext() function and in the many places where it was invoked. (4) In the function txt_keysig(), the verbose message sent to the tlistx structure was replaced with just the sf and mi (number of sharps/flats and major/minor flag). (5) In the function txt_timesig(), The verbose message was replaced with just the time signature nn/denom. (6) Major additions were made to the function handletext() which now does more than just print text at the appropriate place. If the text string is a key signature or time signature as indicated by the type variable, then the key signature or time signature parameters are extracted. If it is a key signature, setupkey(sf) is called which does all the work of printing the K: field and setting up the tables for suppressing the accidentals. If it is a time signature, a M: %d/%d %d command is printed (time signature and pulses per quarter note). (7) The barsize variable was turned into a global variable like asig and bsig. (8) The function txt_timesig() was broken into two functions, txt_timesig and setup_timesig(). The new function setup_timesig() updates the global variables, asig, bsig and barsize. If unitlen was never set, it is also set as well as xunit. Because the notes are quantized in a separate pass, we must use a fixed xunit and unitlen for the entire file. Setup_timesig() is also called during the printtrack pass whenever handletext() detects a meter change. (9) Printtrack uses the barnotes counter to decide when to place a bar line. It is set to barsize at the beginning of each bar and it is decremented by each note. When it reaches zero a new bar line is issued. (It is done this way in order to handle anacrusis.) If barsize changes after the start of the bar it is necessary to correct barnotes. Printtrack keeps track of the previous barsize (last_barsize) and uses that to fix barnotes. (10) Added a new option -gk to force midi2abc to guess the key signature by minimizing accidentals even though the key signature is already indicated in the MIDI file. Normally it will automatically guess the key signature if no key signature is found in the file and the key signature is not specified with the -k parameter. Unfortunately, this was not all the needed changes. For multitrack MIDI files it is customary to reserve the first track for handling global operations such as tempo, key, meter changes, and text messages. The remaining tracks contain the actual music. In the case of multivoiced abc files, it is necessary to apply the meter change or key change to each voice. Therefore for each voice, midi2abc needs to also check the tlistx structure in track zero for any such changes. Another handletext() call was added to to printtrack to handle this situation. Abc2midi does not follow this convention exactly. For single voice abc files with possible bass/chord or drum accompaniment and possible Karaoke, it uses several tracks but it does not reserve track 0 for this special purpose. For multi voice abc files, abc2midi does use track 0 for this special purpose and places text and metatext commands grabbed from track one; however, because the delta times from the missing notes were not accounted for, the delta times for the time signature and key signatures are not correct. (They are all zero.) Fortunately, each track also has any key or time signature metatext commands with the correct delta times (assuming the abc file was notated correctly), so that information in track zero is not needed. The simplest fix was to suppress output of these meta commands in track 0. In writetrack (genmidi.c) a new flag 'timekey' was introduced to suppress MIDI commands for key/meter changes in track 0. The function setupkey does not work correctly after the first call to this function. After that, the accidentals are put in the wrong place. It was noticed that the array key[] is initialized to zero in the function findkey() instead of setupkey where it is actually used. Findkey() is normally only called once if it is called. The initialization code was moved to setupkey. October 25 2003 When the MIDI file has more than one key signature or time signature, the first key signature or time signature displayed in the header block reflects the last signature that was encountered in the MIDI file rather than the initial initial signature. This is corrected later on, however the abc file looks strange. To fix this problem new variables, header_asig, header_bsig, header_unitlen, header_keysig and header_bb were introduced. When parsing the MIDI file, they are set to the first time signature or key signature encountered. They are printed in the header block. For multitrack MIDI files, midi2abc prints out all the textual information for track 0 immediately following the end of the header block (first K: indication). This unfortunately may include a whole list of key signature or time signature meta text commands resulting in a correct but rather confusing abc file. To avoid this situation a new variable, trackno, was added to the function handletext. The function handletext now suppresses the K:, M:, and L: indications for track zero when the MIDI file has more than one track. October 26 2003 There are still circumstances where a redundant key signature or time signature is printed in the abc file. To avoid these situations new variables, active_asig, active_bsig and active_keysig were introduced. They are set to the current status. Before printing a new signature, the present status is checked and only changes are printed. November 9 2003 Midi2abc frequently fails to detect triplets in the MIDI file; even when it has been notated correctly using a music notation program. Therefore sets of triplets may be converted into D3/2D-[D/2-D/2]D A3/2B-[B/2C/2-]C| instead of (3D2D2D2 (3A2B2C2| which is another annoyance. Midi2abc.c has a special function called dospecial which attempts to detect broken notes (eg. C > D) and triplets; however, it does not seem to work consistently. The problem is that all notes are quantized to units of 1/32 or 1/16 notes, (depending on the meter). The length of a triplet note is 1/12 or 1/24 which does not get quantized exactly. Thus the representation of this sequence (calling scannotes in the debugger) appears as follows. Pitch 62 chan 0 vel 127 time 160 xnum 3 playnum 3 Pitch 62 chan 0 vel 90 time 160 xnum 2 playnum 3 Pitch 62 chan 0 vel 90 time 160 xnum 3 playnum 3 Pitch 69 chan 0 vel 90 time 160 xnum 3 playnum 3 Pitch 71 chan 0 vel 90 time 160 xnum 2 playnum 3 Pitch 60 chan 0 vel 90 time 160 xnum 3 playnum 3 time is in units of midi pulses, xnum and playnum are in quantized half units where xunit = 120 midi pulses. The time and xnum are the inter-onset time of the note (length between onset of this note and the next note). Playnum is the quantized duration of the note (from midi on to midi off). All of these variables are computed by the function quantize() in midi2abc. Note that 160 is not divided even by the half unit = 60. Playnum is rounded up but xnum compensates for the fact that it may have been too long in the previous note. The code in the function dospecial is far from transparent. It looks ahead one or two notes to determine whether this note and the following notes should be treated differently (either as broken or triplets) and uses the return character or featurecount array to signal to printtrack how to handle these notes. One of the tests in dospecial is the line just before the broken rhythm tests is (reformatted for clarity) if ((v2 < pnum) || (v2 > 1 + pnum) || (pnum == 0) || (v1+v2 > *barnotes )) { return(' '); where v1,v2 refer to the xnum values of this note and the next note and playnum is the playnum value of the next note. v2 happened to be less than pnum due to the adjustment discussed above, so the program returns from this function without testing for broken notes or triplets. I commented out /* (v2 default_length is placed in num, denom storage. CHORDOFFEX is a new feature type added to abc.h for handling this situation. Genmidi.c treats CHORDOFF and CHORDOFFEX the same way. A new function fix_enclosed_note_lengths was introduced to readjust the note lengths of all the notes in the chord in the event that it is set outside the enclosing brackets (i.e. CHORDOFFEX). The function tiefix now keeps track of the chord start ([) in the variable chord_start. When it encounters a CHORDOFFEX, it calls fix_enclosed_note_lengths. November 07 2004: -chord extension continued yaps: Unlike abc2midi, yaps only performs one pass through the abc file while preparing a very detailed layout of the music in a complex data tune data structure. You can view part of this structure by running yaps with the -d parameter. This data structure is passed to printtune() in drawtune.c. A new function fix_enclosed_note_lengths was created in the file yapstree.c to adjust the note durations. This function is called by event_chordoff when the parser encounters the end of a chord (']'). The new function does nothing if ] is not followed by a note length. Otherwise it corrects cv->barcount in order to avoid warnings regarding the number of beats in the bar. It replaces the note duration of each note in the chord with the new note duration. The function count_dots is called to replace the note duration representation. (There still seems to be a problem here.) abc2abc: Minimal changes in toabc.c were made. The function event_chordoff was modified to output the note length information following the chord if any and to correct the bar count. November 20 2004 The fix for handling chord extensions in yaps did not work properly and would frequently place tails on notes which should not have tails. It was discovered that chords have their own structure for indicating their PostScript representation and their tail is drawn by a function called drawchordtail. The yapstree.c function event_chordoff was modified to also update the chord structure when the chord extension occurs. Introduced a new folder called programming in the doc subdirectory and moved abc2midi.txt, midi2abc.txt and coding.txt into this folder. The folder contains some program implementation details. The file yaps.txt was renamed to yapshelp.txt. A new file yaps.txt describing the implementation of yaps was prepared. November 28 2004 Abc2midi new feature: all notes in a chord are started at the same instant. Inserting a short delay between the start of the notes in the chord would provide more control over the timbre. However to ensure that the music is not lengthened, it is necessary to ensure that all the notes end at the same time. Implementation of this feature was not easy due to the way the notes are handled are converted to MIDI commands in genmidi.c and the complexity of the queues.c code. MIDI note on commands are sent by a long chain of function calls starting with the function call to noteon(). Noteon() determines the velocity of the note from the beatstring and current context and then calls noteon_data(). Noteon_data() calls midi_noteon() and updates the tracklen. Midi_noteon() calls mf_write_midi_event which finally records the MIDI command. The MIDI command to stop playing the note is sent to a queue by the function addtoQ which is defined in the queue.c file. Finally if this note is not inside a chord, or if a end of chord feature has been encountered, the notes in the queue all processed by calling the function delay(). Delay() converts the note duration in MIDI tick units and calls the function timestep() which is defined in queues.c. The global variable delta_time indicates the time delay in MIDI tick units to execute the MIDI command. All MIDI command specify times relative to the time of the last command. Functions in genmidi.c generally reset delta_time to zero after sending a MIDI command. Otherwise, delta_time is adjusted by timestep() in queues.c. In order to control the delay intervals between notes in a chord, new global variables notecount, notedelay and totalnotedelay were introduced into genmidi.c. If notecount is greater than 1, delta_time is changed to notedelay and totalnotedelay is incremented by this amount. It is necessary to shorten the shifted notes by totalnotedelay so that they end at the same time. The new length is passed to addtoQ in queues.c. At the end of the chord, notecount and totalnotedelay are reset to zero. December 4 2004: (Continued from November 28 2004.) Unfortunately addtoQ does not know that the shortened notes have been shifted. When correcting the delay of the cached note in the structure, addtoQ now takes into account that the new note was shifted with respect to the previous note by notedelay which is also passed as a global variable. Finally, it was also necessary to adjust delta_time in timestep() by totalnotedelay. More comments were added to the code addtoQ and timestep in queues.c. The notedelay variable is set to 10 MIDI units as a default. (There are 480 MIDI units in one quarter note beat.) A new MIDI command %%MIDI chordattack n, was introduced in dodeferred() (genmidi.c) to allow the user to fine tune this variable. I do not recommend making this variable larger than the smallest note in the tune, (eg. 30 units if there are 1/16 note chords.) The abcguide.txt and abc2midi.1 documentation was updated. Thanks go to Hudson Lacerda for suggesting this improvement. Midi2abc outputs MIDI metatext commands as abc comments. In some cases they can be interpreted as pseudo comments causing undesirable actions by other software. For example, in the following the title MIDI program 17 is converted to metatext in the MIDI file. When midi2abc converts the MIDI file back to an abc file the text can be interpreted as a %%MIDI command. X:1 T:MIDI program 17 C:Hudson Lacerda M:12/8 L:1/8 Q:1/4=120 K:C %MIDI C,^C,D,^D,E,F,^F,G,^G,A,^A,B, | C^CD^DEF^FG^GA^AB | c^cd^def^fg^ga^ab | c'^c'd'^d'e'f'^f'g'^g'a'^a'b' | -- output from midi2abc -- X: 1 T: from (null) M: 12/8 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K:C % 0 sharps %%MIDI program 17 %%MIDI C,^C,D, ^D,E,F, ^F,G,^G, A,^A,B,| \ =C^C=D ^DE=F ^F=G^G =A^AB| \ =c^c=d ^de=f ^f=g^g =a^ab| \ =c'^c'=d' ^d'e'=f' ^f'=g'^g' =a'^a'b'| As suggested by Hudson Lacerda, the fix is to add a space before the metatext. The sprintf statement near the end of the function txt_metatxt() was modified. Midi2abc should place the input file name in the title line instead of null. This has been changed. December 09 2004 Abc2midi new feature: introduced %%MIDI randomchordattack n. The delay between notes in a chord will vary randomly between 0 and n-1 MIDI units. It is recommended that n is not longer than the shortest chord. (If the shortest chord consisting of two notes is a 1/16 note then n should be not greater than 480/4 = 120. If there are three notes in the chord n should be less than 480/8 since the delays add up.) December 12 2004 - also see June 13 2005 New feature: chord extension applied to tied chords. In order for abc2midi to handle the syntax [CEG]3-[CEG]2 or something similar, it was necessary to make more changes in the code store.c. The code dotie() was not easy to figure out. To avoid working with this code, abc2midi patches up the feature,num,denom arrays so that it appears the same as if the old syntax [C3-E3-G3-][C2E2G2] was used instead. New functions, insertfeature() and removefeature() were written to insert or remove a feature in the middle of the arrays. The dotie() function was modified to also detect the CHORDOFFEX feature and treat it the same way as a CHORDOFF. The function fix_enclosed_note_lengths was modified to also catch the TNOTE feature and treat as a NOTE feature. A new function patchup_chordtie was introduced. The function stuffs a TIE feature after each note in the chord and returns the position of the first TIE. Many changes were made to the tiefix function(). Another local variable, chord_end was added. Chord_start and chord_end keep track of the feature index positions of the last chord scanned. If a TIE feature is immediately preceded by a CHORDOFF or CHORDOFFEX feature, then that tie is stripped off and new ties are stuffed into the chord using the function patch_chordtie. Tiefix then backups into this chord so it can run dotie on all the internal ties. December 17 2004 Finished debugging chord tie feature. Tiefix no longer runs fix_enclosed_note_length when it backs up into the chord. Abc2midi: Limin Wang discovered and D.J. Bernstein reported two unprotected buffer overflows in store.c. This allows an attacker to gain control of the computer through a malicious abc file in an email message or from a web page that is fed into abc2midi. This applies to all versions of abc2midi. The buffers are now protected. Yaps, midi2abc: minor changes to reduce likelihood of buffer overflow. December 18 2004 Abc2midi new feature: Abc2midi recognizes the !f!, !pp!, etc indications and adjusts the audio level in the output MIDI file accordingly. Unfortunately this may get in the way for multivoiced abc files where the indications are placed in one voice but not the others. When the file is typeset by abcm2ps the output looks fine, but one of the voices is inaudible in the MIDI file. An example, is shown below. X: 1 T:ff_pp_1_1 C:ff_pp_1_1: the second voice is covered by the first one C:but the score could be interpreted as they both have to C:be played with the same intensity M:4/4 L:1/4 Q:1/4=100 %%MIDI transpose -12 %%staves (1 2) V: 1 clef=treble V: 2 clef=treble %V: 3 clef=treble % K:C %%measurenb 0 % [V: 1] G A c e | e c A G | A G A G | [V: 2] !ppp!C E E E | G E E E | F E D C | Things get more complicated when 2 or 3 voices share one stave (eg. classical guitar notation). It is not desirable to have to many "p"s printed over and under the stave. Abc2midi does not understand !crescendo! and !diminuendo! notation. A simple but not a perfect solution, is to introduce a new option in abc2midi which will tell abc2midi to ignore all dynamic indications. Fix: thanks to Michele for the code and suggestion. A new option -NFNP (no f no p) was introduced in store.c. Abcguide.txt and abcmidi.1 documentation was also updated. Abc2midi: Wrong tempo when L: missing in a multivoiced file. Abc2midi should assume a L:1/8 when the meter is 3/4 or larger and L:1/16 otherwise in the event that the default length of a note is not specified.. This works correctly for most abc files but fails in the following example. (The tune is played at the wrong tempo.) X: 1 T: no L M: 3/4 L: 1/8 Q: 80 V:1 clef=treble V:2 clef=treble K: G V: 1 abcdf2|gabcG2| V: 2 ABCDF2|ABCDF2| Analysis: abc2midi checks for missing L: in the function headerprocess() when it reaches the start of the tune body (the first K: field). If the note length, global.default_length, was not set at this point then it is set to 8 or 16. When a new voice is created by event_voice, it assumes a note length specified by global.default_length. In the above example, an event_voice is called prior to the start of the body so global.default_length is still undefined. The default_length for the voice remains undefined and abc2midi runs unpredictably. Fix: headerprocess now sets default_length to global.default_length for any voices that have already been created. January 1 2005 Abcmidi: does not handle a tie broken by a voice switch. In the following example, X:1 T: tie M: 2/4 L: 1/4 K: G V:1 AB-| V:2 cd| V:1 Bc| V:2 G2| the tie joining B is interrupted by a voice change. Abc2midi fails to join the notes. Fix: the functions tiefix and dotie now check for a voice change and do not attempt to tie notes belonging to different voices. Abcmidi: abcmidi fails to assign the channel to correct program (musical instrument) for the first note in a multivoiced abc file. In the following example: X:1 T: MIDI program M: 2/4 L: 1/4 V: S clef=treble name="Soprano" V: A clef=treble name="Alto" %%MIDI program 1 60 %%MIDI program 2 60 K: G V: S G A|B C|G A|F G| V: A z2|G A|F G|G A| The first note G is played on the piano instead of the French Horn as indicated by the command %%MIDI program 1 60 Analysis: the MIDI indications are inserted into the track number associated with the voice. In this example, voice A is mapped into track 2 and all the program indications are put into track 2. The midi player processes the tracks sequentially and does not see the program change in time to affect the first note in voice S so it is played on the default instrument, acoustic grand (piano). The simplest fix is to ensure all the MIDI indications go into the first voice as shown here. X:1 T: MIDI program M: 2/4 L: 1/4 V: S clef=treble name="Soprano" V: A clef=treble name="Alto" V: S %%MIDI program 1 60 %%MIDI program 2 60 K: G V: S G A|B C|G A|F G| V: A z2|G A|F G|G A| Alternatively you can place the %%MIDI program indication in the voice that it affects. (The channel number is no longer needed then.) See below. X:1 T: MIDI program M: 2/4 L: 1/4 V: S clef=treble name="Soprano" V: A clef=treble name="Alto" V: S K: G V: S %%MIDI program 60 G A|B C|G A|F G| V: A %%MIDI program 60 z2|G A|F G|G A| I shall update abcguide.txt regarding this issue. January 8 2005 Another exploitable error in store.c was found by Anselm Lingnau which causes a buffer overflow for %%abc-copyright. A fix using the snprintf routine was suggested. The snprintf routine is a recent addition to the C compiler; for those running older compilers you will need to download a portable GPL implementation of snprintf() from http://www.ijs.si/software/snprintf in order to compile and link abc2midi. (In case the web site changes, search for snprintf portable implementation.) If you are running an old or nonstandard operating system for which there is little likelihood of a buffer overflow exploit taking over your computer and it is too cumbersome to include snprintf, then you can define NO_SNPRINTF (in store.c) and it will use sprintf. Michele has added an additional correction to the broken tie fix I made on January 1 2004. In order to handle the following example which includes a chord in voice 2. X:1 T: tie M: 2/4 L: 1/4 K: G % V:1 AB-| V:2 [dA]c| V:1 Bc| V:2 GG| it is necessary to add if(localvoiceno != voiceno) break; after case CHORDOFFEX: in the function dotie. January 9 2005 Abc2midi: new decorations !arpeggio! and !breath! are introduced. When the !arpeggio! instruction precedes a chord, the notedelay time is temporarily set to three times its normal value. For the time being, the !breath! instruction is treated exactly the same as a staccato marking. (i.e. the length of the note is halved and followed by a rest of the same value.) Implementation: a new decoration BREATH was added and a new feature ARPEGGIO was added in abc.h. In store.c, additional code was added to event_handle_instruction to handle the !arpeggio! and !breath! commands. In event_note, both STACCATO and BREATH decorator flags are checked and treated the same way. New global variables staticnotedelay and staticchordattack were added and linked to notedelay and chordattack in several places. In writetrack, genmidi.c, a separate case statement in the main switch statement was introduced for ARPEGGIO. It changes the values of notedelay and noteattack to 3 times its nominal value. (They are restored back to their nominal values after a CHORDOFF or CHORDOFFEX feature.) Jan 22 2005 Abc2midi: a missing break statement caused abc2midi to crash when encountering !arpeggio!. Added a tune demonstrating the !arpeggio! instruction to demo.abc. Midi2abc: normally midi2abc groups the notes forming a beat together so that abc*2ps produces a pretty output. For some raw abc output, (eg.) B3/2z4^dz/2e3/2z3/2| it is easier to edit it if there is a space between every note (eg.) B3/2 z4 ^d z/2 e3/2 z3/2| A new option -nogr has been added to midi2abc. If it is included as one of the run time options, then a space is inserted between all notes that are not in triplets. Changes were made to printchord and printtrack in midi2abc.c. (Search for nogr to see changes.) February 03 2005 Abc2abc: introduced a new run time parameter -usekey. This is a generalization of the -nokeys -nokeyf transformation which converts the music representation to the key of C inserting any accidentals to preserve the original key signature. Now you can force abc2abc to represent the music in any key signature. The -usekey parameter is followed by a number specifying the number of sharps (positive number) or number of flats (negative number) in the desired key signature. Implementation in toabc.c: if usekey parameter is set to a nonzero value, the nokey parameter is set so that event_note2 is used to process the note. Setup_sharp_flats adjusts the arrays flatsym and sharpsym to match the desired key signature. The function printpitch prints the notes using these two arrays. February 04 2005 Abc2midi: It has been proposed that a new option be introduced that would propagate dynamic indications (pp, ff, etc) from voice 1 to all other voices so that they need only be declared once in voice 1. This would provide another solution to the problem discussed in December 18 2004 resulting in the introduction of the -NFNP option. Introduction of this feature is deferred for the time being but here is a description of what is involved in implementing such a feature. When parseabc.c sees an instruction eg. !ff!, it calls event_instruction (in parser2.c) which calls split_string which calls event_handle_instruction (in store.c). Event_handle_instruction interprets the instruction and calls event_specific with a MIDI beat x x x x command. Event_specific passes the string to textfeature which adds an entry DYNAMIC to the feature array and a pointer to the string in the pitch array. Note the feature array is used to handle all the voices, and the list of voice features are separated by VOICE entries. The problem is that it is impossible to propagate the DYNAMIC instructions to the other voices because the other voices may not exist (in the case the voices are specified serially in the abc file). The function writetrack in genmidi.c separates the specific voice from the feature array and creates a separate MIDI track for each voice. To address this problem, we would leave the code in store.c and parseabc.c however we would need to change writetrack in genmidi. Writetrack would now have to keep track of the beat number when processing a voice. When a DYNAMIC feature is encountered in voice 1, the beat number where this has occurred would be stored in an array, along with a pointer to the dynamic indication string. For all other voices, the DYNAMIC feature would be ignored but instead the beat number would be compared with the beat number where the dynamic indication occurred and dodeferred would be called when the beat number equals or exceeds the numbers cached away for voice 1. Worked on this project is deferred for the present time. February 05 2005 Abc2midi tie bug: For the file X:1 T: tie bug M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: G [FA]-[FA] FA| abc2midi fails to tie the F# note. Fix: replaced the line 737 (in removefeature) in store.c pitchline[i] = pitch[i+1]; with pitchline[i] = pitchline[i+1]; February 12 2005 (also see June 13 2005) Michele reports the following bug in the function dotie in store.c. For the following tune, % X: 1 T: Tie bug M:C L:1/4 K:D [V: 1] | f/e/g/f/-f2 | [V: 2] | d3/2 d/-d2 | abc2midi returns the message Error in line 7 : Could not find note to be tied. The message is wrong, since abc2midi handles both ties correctly. Michele added the conditional break statements if(localvoiceno != voiceno) break; after case TIE: and after case CHORDON: which seems to fix the problem. Analysis: The function dotie is a real birds nest of code. Here is a description of how it works. Dotie is called by tiefix when a TIE feature is encountered. It has two parameters, j the index in the feature array where TIE was encountered and xinchord, a flag indicating whether the TIE is enclosed in a chord (eg [A-B] A). The reason for the complexity of the code is because the function dotie is controlled by three semaphores tietodo, done, and tied_denom. To start, dotie searches backwards for the note preceding the tie, and calls its address (in the feature space) tienote. It changes feature[tienote] from NOTE to TNOTE. It changes feature[j] from TIE to REST and sets the rest length to that of tienote (so they are both the same). Finally it sets the semaphores done = 0; tied_num = num[tienote]; tietodo = 1; which controls the stopping conditions of the following while loop that searches for the following note to be tied to tienote. Now the fun begins. To simplify things assume we do not have chords. The loop begins with the variable place set to j, the original position of the TIE now converted to a rest. So the first feature in the loop is guaranteed to be a REST. case REST: subtracts the length of the rest from tied_num so it is back to zero. Now the semaphores are done = 0; tietodo = 1; tied_num = 0; The loop variable place is incremented and now feature[place] probably points to a NOTE. Case NOTE: since tietodo is not zero the function compares the pitches (pitchline) of place and tienote. If they are equal, the tienote length is increased by the place note, the tied_num semaphore is also increased by the place note. Feature[place] is changed from a NOTE to a REST and to make things more confusing, if we are not in a chord the length of tied_num is now decremented by the place note so that it is back to zero. Finally the tietodo variable is also set to zero indicating that we have finally joined the two notes in the tie. The semaphores are now: done = 0; tietodo = 0; tied_num = 0; Unfortunately the while loop does not stop here and this is the reason for the spurious error message described above. In order for the while loop to stop, the variable done must be set to a nonzero value. This usually happens when the next NOTE or REST is found. In the above example, the next note is found in a different voice. The remedy is probably to end the while loop when tietodo is zero. However, since the code is working fine now I am rather reluctant to try it in case another bug surfaces. Feb 13 2005 Abcmidi /abcm2ps incompatibility problem for decorations applied to chords. It is perfectly normal to apply a fermata or a staccatto to a chord, eg H[C2E2G2] or .[CEG]; in fact abcm2ps prefers that you do it this way rather than [.C.E.G]. Abc2midi handles both notations correctly but it sends the following warning message if you use the former convention. Warning in line 6 : decorations applied to chord Nevertheless, abc2midi sends the chord decoration to each note in the chord and everything works fine provided you don't attempt to apply roll, trill or ornamentation to a chord. In the later case you receive an error message and the decoration is not applied. It is therefore preferable that parseabc does not produce this warning when abc2midi is running. Fix: it is convenient if parseabc.c knows which program is running (i.e. abc2midi, abc2abc or yaps). A new typedef programname which distinguishes ABC2MIDI, YAPS, and ABC2MIDI was added to abc.h. A programname variable called "program" was added as a global variable to store.c, yapstree.c and toabc.c and set to proper value. The program variable is linked to parseabc.c as an extern global. This variable is used to fine tune parseabc.c. Unfortunately not everything is well with yaps and abc2abc. Like abc2midi, the chord decoration is applied to every note in the chord. In the case of yaps, this does not produce an aesthetically pleasing result. Since yaps is not the preferred postscript converter and I am also not very knowledgeable of its internals, yaps shall remain as it is and the warnings serve a useful purpose. In the case of abc2abc, it is not desirable that it automatically converts H[A2C2E2] to [HA2HC2HE2] or something similar. A few more changes are necessary. It was necessary to introduce a new parameter (chorddecorators) into the function event_chordon. This entailed making changes to parseabc.h, parseabc.c, store.c, yapstree.c and toabc.c. In store.c and yapstree.c the new parameter is not used; however, in toabc.c extra code was added to event_chordon to print out any decorations applied to the chord. In parseabc.c the decorators were not inherited from the chorddecorators when parseabc.c was linked to toabc.c. Unfortunately event_chordon is also called by the function event_chord which handles the obsolete form of chords +CEG+. For store.c, yapstree.c and toabc.c, I introduced a global array dummydecorators[DECSIZE] which is initialized to zero's in event_init. This array is used in event_chord. February 14 2005 Abc2abc prints garbage in the V: field (reported by Hudson Lacerda). Given a normal file : X:1 T: abc2abc V: bug M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: C V: 1 CDE FGABC| def gab c'2| V: 2 C8|C8| abc2abc outputs X: 1 T:abc2abc V: bug M:4/4 L:1/8 K:C V:1 name=(LI CDE FGABC| def gab c'2| V:2 name=(LI C8|C8| Analysis: the local variable gotname in the function parsevoice in parseabc is never initialized to zero. The problem was fixed by adding gotname = 0; February 21 2005 Microtone note capability has been introduced into abc2midi. A _/ means lower the pitch of the following note by a half a semitone. A ^/ means raise the pitch of the following note by a half a semitone. The microtone notation does not propagate across a measure but applies to only the immediate note. For chords in the same channel (voice), the microtone will apply to both notes no matter how it has been notated. For example [C_/E] is the same as [_/C_/E]. Following the convention in abcm2ps, (see features.txt in abcm2ps distribution), _3/4C will depress C by 3/4 of a semitone. It is assumed that the pitch range of the MIDI synthesizer pitch wheel is + or - two semitones in compliance with the General MIDI specifications. The maximum permissible pitchbend is therefore 2 semitones. Implementation: added a new function ismicrotone() called by parsenote() in parseabc.c. I also introduced functions event_microtone() and event_normal_tone() in store.c, yapstree.c and toabc.c. There has been no change to the operation of yaps or abc2abc. February 26 2005 Finished microtone implementation and added microtone documentation in abcguide.txt. March 12 2005 Abc2midi: There is a loss of synchrony in multivoiced files when a fermata is applied to notes of unequal lengths. For example: X:1 T: Fermata M:2/4 L:1/4 K: G V:1 cdef|B2 Hc2|gabc| V:2 efga|DHe3|gabc| the fermata is applied to c2 and e3 for voices 1 and 2. The fermata doubles the length of the notes c2 and e3 and there is a loss of synchrony between the voices in the next bar. Solution: I introduced new MIDI commands which control how the fermata is applied. %%MIDI fermatafixed The fermata adds a unit lengths to the note so HC2 is played C3. %%MIDI fermataproportional (default) the unit length is doubled so HC2 is played C4. Implementation: added new global flag fermata_fixed and modified event_specific to set this flag. Modified FERMATA treatment in event_note and event_rest. March 18 2005 Microtones in abc2midi. It is not clear whether the microtone notation should be treated as an accidental or a decoration. The abc2midi software treats it as a decoration. Thus in the following: X:1 T:micro Q:60 K:C =C ^/C ^C _/D D _/D ^C ^/C =C the second to last note ^/C is played as ^^/C since the accidental in the previous note propagates across the measure. If you want =^/C you must specify it in this manner. If ^/ and _/ satisfy the rules of accidentals then, they would be interpreted the same way as double sharps and double flats. Thus if you wrote ^^F E ^F G: the first note would be played as G and the third note would be played as F#. (You would not write ^^F E ^=F G.) It is not clear from the abc standard, the meaning of the following: [K: G] ^/F D E G| Is the first note a F natural raised a quarter tone, or is it a F# (as indicated by the key signature) raised by a quarter tone? Presently abc2midi treats it as the latter. To treat the notation as accidentals would mean that the quarter tones would propagate across a measure like sharps and flats. This would require introducing more code into abc2midi. (Further there would be other issues relating to transposition in abc2abc.) March 19 2005 abc2midi optional guitar chord syntax. The function event_handle_gchord in store.c was modified to ignore the parentheses in the guitar chord. (eg. "(C)" CDEF etc. ) The optional guitar chord is played. March 25 2005 abc2midi: note tied to two notes. In the following sample the tied note is not played correctly in the repeat. X:1 T: note tied to two notes M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K:G %%MIDI program 73 |:G2D2|ABCD-|[1 D4 :|[2 D2 G2| Unfortunately this is a difficult problem to fix. Store.c creates a feature/pitch/num/denom arrays which tells writetrack in genmidi.c how to create the MIDI file. Repeat actions are encoded into the feature array using the instructions BAR_REP, REP_BAR, PLAY_ON_REP, etc, which instruct writetrack to backtrack in the feature array and repeat certain sections. In other words the repeats are not expanded until writetrack creates the MIDI track. Tied notes are handled by the function dotie in store.c that determines which notes are tied and combines the tied notes into one note instruction in the feature array. In the above example, the tied note D-D4 in the first repeat and D-D2 in the second repeat have different durations. Dotie can only assign the D tied note one duration so it will be wrong in one of the repeats. To make things worse the code in dotie is unmanageable (see comments February 12 2005). To fix the problem the joining of ties, it would need to be done at the time that the repeats are expanded in writetrack rather than in a separate pass performed by dotie in store.c. The handling of ties is messy because they can also be embedded in chords; they cross barlines introducing problems with accidentals in music notation; interleaving of voices breaks up ties; we want abc2midi to gracefully handle tie syntax errors provide useful error message. Multiple repeats (eg |...|[1...|[2,3...|[4... :|) introduce another headache. One way of avoiding this problem is to notate the above sample differently as shown below. X:1 T: better way of handling tied notes in repeats M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K:G %%MIDI program 73 |:G2D2|[1 ABCD-| D4 :|[2 ABCD-| D2 G2| There is now five bars instead of four, but it avoids the above problem. Abc2midi: an alternative method for embedding %%MIDI commands. The syntax for placing %%MIDI instructions in the abc file requires that each command occupies a separate line in the abc file. This makes the resulting file look messy when you want to do drumon, drumoff, gchordon, gchordoff, in the middle of a line. The problem gets worse when the abc file also has lyrics included using the w: field command. It has been suggested that there should be an option to place MIDI instructions in the information field: eg.[I: MIDI drumon]. Abc2midi does have provision to parse inline I: fields using the function event_info. However, the code expects the field satisfy a specific syntax of the form [I: key1 = value1 key2 = value2 etc.] Thus you specify as many keys as you wish in the I: field. So far I have modified the function event_info_key in store.c so that it will now forward any info field commands of the form [I:MIDI = stuff] to the function event_specific which handles all %%MIDI commands. Thus you can now do the following. X:1 T: event info used for MIDI M:4/4 L:1/4 K:G [I: MIDI = program 70] DDEE|[I:MIDI=program 42] GEFG| instead of X:1 T: event info used for MIDI M:4/4 L:1/4 K:G %%MIDI program 70 DDEE|\ %%MIDI program 42 GEFG| Any %%MIDI command described in abcguide.txt may be embedded in the I: field; however the '=' is very important. Otherwise abc2midi will assume this field is just for the user's interest and just ignore it. Here is another example: X:1 T: event info used for MIDI M:4/4 L:1/4 K:G [I: oboe MIDI = program 69 MIDI = gchord fzcz MIDI = chordprog 1] BAG2|\ "G" EC GG|[I:MIDI= bassprog 100] DDDD|[I: MIDI =gchord ffffffff] G4| March 28 2005 Acciaccatura grace note notation. Abcm2ps compatibility feature. Abc2mps accepts the notation {/b}a where the slash before the b tells it to display the grace note b as an acciaccatura. Parseabc.c does not understand this notation and returns an error message "Unrecognized character /". Fix: parseabc.c was modified to keep track whether it is inside a grace sequence using a new global variable ingrace. When the function parsemusic encounters a / that is not a note length indicator, it will call event_acciaccatura if ingrace flag is set. This function does nothing in abc2midi and yaps but it prints the / character in abc2abc. April 02 2005 Abc2midi does not handle microtones properly in multivoiced files. For example in, X:3 T:Miudezas C:Hudson Lacerda M:none Q:1/8=132 "ca." L:1/8 K:none clef=treble V:1 name="Clarineta em Sib" {=B}_/G {=B}^g | {=B}^F {_/e}=B {_/e}^/c' |\ {_/e}_/G {_/e}_/d' {=a}_/e | the first note B (grace note) was affected by the microtone which was intended to be applied on the second note G. Analysis: Multivoiced files (i.e. using V:1, V:2 etc.) place a header track (track 0) in the MIDI file where global DYNAMIC features such as %%MIDI program may be defined for all other voices.Since the microtone uses the %%MIDI pitchbend, it is also treated as a DYNAMIC feature. As a result the header track contains many pitchbends but no notes. This unfortunately handles all other notes in channel 0 in a random fashion. Fix: a new parameter, noteson, was introduced into the function dodeferred which handles all DYNAMIC features. Noteson is also a local variable controlled by writetrack to specify whether NOTE features are to be processed by writetrack. This flag is now also used by dodeferred to determine whether pitchbend MIDI commands are to be inserted. April 07 2005 Introduced a new feature to midi2abc. Midi2abc.exe -mftext will now produce a mftext output of a specified input MIDI file. It was preferable to build mftext into midi2abc since I changed the output format; also runabc already links to too many executables and I would not like to keep track of version numbers for another program. April 09 2005 I have modified toabc.c (abc2abc) so that it will no longer transpose voices assigned to the drum channel (%%MIDI channel 10). Implementation: added a new entry, drumchan, in the voicetype structure which indicates whether this voice is to played on drums. Also added a new global, drumchan which is linked to voice.drumchan for the currently active voice. The event_specific function has been extended to catch %%MIDI channel 10 and update drumchan. The function setvoice() initializes voice[].drumchan to 0 when a new voice is created. The functions event_note1 and event_note2 now check the drumchan flag before transposing the note. April 10 2005 Abc2abc - abcm2ps compatibility issue. Abc2abc does not recognize the sname= "...". Fix: introduced new function parsesname in parseabc.c added new parameters to event_voice in parseabc.c, store.c, yapstree.c and toabc.c. (See September 26 2004 in this file for more details.) April 15 2005 Midi2abc: fixed problem causing midi2abc to crash when the MIDI command indicating the time signature is missing from the file. April 22 2005 Abc2midi: pitchbend inside a tied note. In the following example, the third note is held too long. X:1 T: bends M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: G %%MIDI program 60 G4|G4|G2-_/G2|G4| Fix: in function dodeferred() (genmidi.c) for command == pitchbend, added tracklen = tracklen + delta_time; delta_time = 0L; after write_event(pitch_wheel, chan, data, 2); Also listen to the example 11 in demo.abc. April 23 2005 Abcmidi: introduced two more MIDI commands. %%MIDI portamento n turns on the portamento controller on the current channel and sets it to n. n is a 7 bit number which specifies the rate slides the pitch between two notes. (Unless you are composing 20 th century classical music, you may not wish to use this feature. Avoid slides between large pitch intervals.) %%MIDI noportamento turns off the portamento controller on the current channel. April 24 2005 Integration of abcmatch into abcmidi package. The main() function in parseabc.c was moved into store.c, yapstree.c, and toabc.c .The function parsetune was placed in parseabc.c. All makefiles were updated. (I cannot verify all of them; report any corrections to me.) The files abcstore.c and abcparse.c are no longer needed; delete them if they are lying around. April 29 2005 Cleaned up all the compilation errors that occur in Microsoft Visual C version 6.0. May 03 2005 Abc2midi abcm2ps compatability feature: add new %%MIDI command %%MIDI beatmod n where n is a positive or negative integer. The command will increment (decrement) the loudness of the on beat, off beat and other notes by the amount n. Introduced new instructions: !<(! or !<)! or !crescendo(! or !crescendo)! which act like %%MIDI beatmod 15 Also !>(! or !>)! or !diminuendo(! or !diminuendo)! act like %%MIDI beatmod -15 Thus a pair of !<(! and !<)! does two loudness increments. One at the beginning of the crescendo and one at the end of the crescendo. This is not a gradual change but it is better than doing nothing. If the default beatmod value (15 or -15) is not ideal, you can change it using %%MIDI deltaloudness n where n is a positive number. Sample test file below: X: 1 T: crescendo M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: G %%MIDI deltaloudness 20 !mf!cdef|edcB| !<(! cdef|!<)! edcB|AAAA| !>(! cdef|!>)! edcB|AAA| !crescendo(! cdef |!crescendo)!|edcB|AAA| !diminuendo(! cdef |!diminuendo)!|edcB|AAA| Implementation: updated dodeferred in genmidi.c, added global velocitychange in store.c and new code in event_specific and event_handle_instructions. abcguide.txt and abc2midi.1 documentation were updated. May 06 2005 It has been suggested that some abc2midi options could be global when they are used outside of a tune. For example: %%MIDI chordname %%MIDI ratio %%MIDI beat %%MIDI program It is rather difficult to add this feature since the handling of these options is not centralized but spread out in the store.c and genmidi.c code. Some of these options apply to specific voices which do not get instantiated until the voice is defined in the tune. This makes the full implementation rather formidable. I have introduced new code event_specific_in_header in store.c that attempts to handle some of the MIDI directives. Many of the MIDI directives send information to the feature[] array which does not exist prior to parsing the tune. I have not attempted to handle those directives. Presently, the only MIDI commands that will be recognized outside the tune are %%MIDI C %%MIDI nobarlines %%MIDI barlines %%MIDI fermatafixed %%MIDI fermataproportional %%MIDI ratio %%MIDI chordname %%MIDI deltaloudness All other MIDI commands outside the tune are ignored and will produce the warning "cannot handle this MIDI directive here". The following is a sample test file. %MIDI C 48 %%MIDI nobarlines %%MIDI ratio 5 1 %%MIDI chordname ugly 1 2 3 4 X: 1 T: test global settings M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: C "G"CDEF|"Gugly" D>EF>C|^ABDA|AAC2| May 08 2005 Abc2midi: voice splitting. In some pieces of music a voice splits in two or more voices only in some measures. The new abc standard (and abcm2ps) provides a syntax for splitting a voice in a bar using the & symbol. When placed within a measure, it splits the current voice and attributes the notes that follow to the second voice. Voice splits are handled by creating separate voices which are in turn converted into separate MIDI tracks. To implement this feature, new variables were introduced into the voice structure defined in store.c int nbars; /* counts number of bars processed in voice */ int tosplitno /* points to new voice to handle split */ int fromsplitno /* points to voice initiating the split */ Both tosplitno and fromsplitno are intialized to -1 implying that a split voice does not yet exit. In an event of a split, tosplitno points to the new voice to go to. If it is -1, a a new voice needs to be created, and fromsplitno in the new voice is set to the voice from which initiated the split. In order not to confuse the new voice number with a voice number generated by a V: field, the split voice numbers start from 32. Global variables in store.c were introduced. int numsplits; /* keeps track of the number of split voices generated */ int splitdepth; /* keeps track of the number of splits in a bar */ A new function event_split_voice in store.c is called by parsemusic in parseabc.c when a '&' is encountered in a music line. A new function resync_split_voice adds bars of rests into the split voice so that bar is in the right position. A new function complete_all_split_voices ensures all split voices are the right length in order to avoid annoying messages like: Warning in line 7 : Track 2 is 3840 units long not 4800 A new function recurse_back_to_original_voice is called to recover from a split when a new bar line is encountered (see event_bar). Sample test file: X: 1 T: testing voice split M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: G A4| G4 & e2g2|BGEE|CAEE & d2f2|F2G2| May 12 2005 Wrote a new function dumpfeat(n1,n2) in genmidi.c which prints out the contents of the feature,pitch,num,denom array between n1 and n2. The function is usually called in the debugger after stopping at a breakpoint in finishfile. May 13 2005 Abc2midi split voices: Problems occur when the music contains repeats. It is necessary to transfer the repeats to the split voice. The function event_bar checks for any repeat symbols. There are two cases. If we are already in a split voice then (eg. abcd & defg :|) we have to propagate the repeat back to the original voice while recursing back. If we are not in a split voice but we know that this voice does link to split voices, then we (eg abcd & defg |abcd :|) need to propagate the repeats downwards to the all the split voices. The function event_playonrep is also called by the parser and needs to check for split voices. May 14 2005 Now there is still another problem: the parser might encounter a repeat symbol before it knows that this voice splits. We must find a way of getting those repeat codes into the newly created split voice. Solution: a new function start_new_voice_and_sync is called when a split voice is first created. It scans the parent voice copying rests and various types of barlines and repeat codes into the feature array of the newly created voice. If it encounters a %%MIDI program, that is also copied. This way the new voice also inherits the same music instrument as its parent. If you wish to change the instrument of the split voice, you can do it this way. C2 EF & [I:MIDI= program 10] F2 D2| The new instrument will apply to all following bars of the split voice. Abc2abc was made split voice compliant. May 19 2005 Midicopy: will now return the playing time of the extracted segment. This only works when a segment is extracted using any combination of the -from and -to runtime parameters. Otherwise it returns 0.0. The program makes adjustments for any tempo changes that may occur inside this segment. May 21 2005 Corrected a bug in midi2abc. It was returning the time in seconds instead of beats when running with the -mftext option. May 22 2005 Midicopy: for some reason the meta command mf_write_tempo (which originated from midifile.c) alway writes delta_time 0. As a result all tempo meta commands are at the wrong time. When this was changed, tempo changes seem to be handled better. Midicopy now caches all tempo changes in a array of structures called tempo_array. This is used to update the current_tempo when other tracks (not containing tempo commands) are processed. The correct tempo is needed in order to get an accurate estimate of the playing time of the output file. A new function update_current_tempo is called each time Mf_currtime is updated. May 28 - 31 2005 June 04-06 2005 Midi2abc often produces a mess for piano music sequenced into a single track. There are many chords played by the left hand and the right hand usually has a different rhythm. Midi2abc tries to place all notes sounding at the same time into a single chord. To handle notes of different durations, some notes are tied to the next chord and others are not. The resulting output looks something like this. X: 1 T: Scarlatti, sonata 1 %***Missing time signature meta command in MIDI file M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 % Last note suggests Phrygian mode tune K:F % 1 flats % (C) John Sankey 1998 z/2d/2 (3efga/2-[a/2A/2] _d/2A/2[=d/2-D/2][d/2-E/2]\ [d/2-F/2]d/2-[d/2-G/2][d/2-A/2]| \ [d/2A,/2][e/2-_D/2][e/2A,/2][f/2=D/2-] [d/2D/2]z/2[g/2E/2-][e/2E/2]\ [a/2F/2-][f/2F/2][e/2G/2-][d/2G/2] [_dA]z/2[a/2-A/2-]| \ [a/2A/2][b/2A/2-][b/2a/2A/2] etc... Converting it to PostScript file produces something very difficult to read. Ideally the notes played by the different hands should be separated into two tracks. Chords should avoid internal tied noted. The abc standard contains the provision for splitting the notes in a single bar into separate voices. This should provide a means of simplifying the output. A new runtime parameter -splitbars was introduced, producing an output similar to below. X: 1 T: Scarlatti, sonata 1 %***Missing time signature meta command in MIDI file M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 % Last note suggests Phrygian mode tune K:F % 1 flats % (C) John Sankey 1998 z/2d/2 (3efga zd3- & \ z3A/2_d/2 A/2=D/2 (3EFGA/2A,/2 &\ d/2efgazd/2 z2| \ (3ef/2d/2z/2Ea/2f/2Gz2z/2 (3b/2a/2b/2 &\ EF GA A,_D/2A,/2 =Dz/2g/2& \ z3e f/2d/2z/2Ea/2f/2G/2-| b/2a/2b/2 etc.... Implementation: Separating the parts is complicated and incorporating these algorithms into midi2abc.c was even more difficult. The anote structure was extended to contain two new values. Posnum stores the position of the start of the note in xunit units. Splitnum assigns the note to one of several split voices. New functions label_split_voices and label_split scan the entire track and separate all the notes into separate parts when necessary. A note is assigned to an existing part if it follows the previous note or forms a chord matching the length of the previous note. Otherwise, label_split_voices searches for another active part satisfying this criterion. If there is no active part available, the note is put into a new part. Bar lines are ignored at this stage. Once all the notes are labeled into separate parts, the xnum value associated with the notes are updated so they indicate the number of units to the next note in the same part. A new version of printtrack called printtrack_with_splits was created from the printtrack code. In order to use as much of the original printtrack code, it make multiple passes through the same bar whenever the bar contains notes from different parts. In each pass a single part active in this bar is processed and printed. The code is barely working and is still experimental. It will probably not produce correct results for complicated MIDI files. Fortunately most MIDI files have proper chords and do not require this feature. June 04 2005 A problem with abcmatch.c causes it to return a bad xref number after processing the last tune in the file. This causes runabc.tcl to report an error similar to Error: can't read "tuneid(84)" :no such element in array. when running extras/grouper. The problem is that the notes variable in abcmatch.c does not get initialized to zero if parsetune() fails because it encounters an eof. To fix the problem, the function startfile() in matchsup.c is made global instead of static and it is called prior to calling parsetune() in abcmatch.c. June 10 2005 Midi2abc -splitbars: fixed segmentation error which occurs for tracks not containing any notes. June 13 2005 Abc2midi: "Time mismatch at tie" error when chord length declared outside of chord. X:1 T: multiple tie M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K:C [CE]/2-[CE]/2-[CE]|[CE]/2-[CE]/2-[CE]| K: G [C-E-]/2[CE]/2 [F2D2] [FD]| [C/2-E/2-][C/2E/2] [F2D2] [FD] | Abc2midi does not tie notes correctly in the above example. The chord extensions in November 4 2004 and December 12 2004 do not work correctly in combination. The problem occurs in the function dotie in the lines case CHORDOFF: case CHORDOFFEX: if(localvoiceno != voiceno) break; inchord = 0; /* subtract time from tied time */ addfract(&tied_num, &tied_denom, -num[place], denom[place]); break; after addfract subtracts num/denom from tied_num/tied_denom, tied_num should be zero. However, tied_num/tied_denom was not yet adjusted by fix_enclosed_note_length, so tied_num/tied_denom is not equal to num[place]/denom[place]. Since dotie finds tied_num to be non-zero in code /* tie in note */ if (tied_num != 0) { event_error("Time mismatch at tie"); }; it thinks that the notes inside the chord have unequal lengths and reports the time mismatch error. Furthermore, fix_enclosed_note_length is eventually called after the notes were tied making a further mess. Fix: Instead of calling fix_enclosed_note_length in a separate pass during tiefix, fix_enclosed_note_length is called during the parsing stage whenever a CHORDOFFEX feature is added (see event_chordoff). The variable nochordfix is now redundant and removed from the code. This guarantees that dotie sees the correct note lengths inside the chord. June 14 2005 Abc2midi: chord ties. In the following example, X:1 T: multiple ties M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K:C [CE]/2-[CE]/2-[CE]-|[CE]/2-[CE]/2-[CE]| The E notes are not joined. Fix: the function call patchup_chordtie was moved from tiefix to event_tie. In addtoQ (queues.c) a check for negative delay caused by apeggiate code Q[*ptr].delay = Q[*ptr].delay - wait -notedelay; if (Q[*ptr].delay < 0) Q[*ptr].delay = 0; was added. June 17 2005 Midi2abc: fixed bug in -splitbars causing program to go into an endless loop and various other bugs. June 25 2005 Midicopy: added line void WriteVarLen() in function mf_write_tempo to be compatible with the new gcc compiler. June 25 2005 Abc2midi: tieing repeated notes inside chords. Abc2midi returns a "Time mismatch at tie" error message for the following file. X: 1 T: tie M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: C [CC]-[CC]-[CC]z| Analysis. The line is converted to [C-C-][C-C-][CC]z| and the function dotie attempts to tie C to the next note it sees which is the next C inside the same chord. This changes the length of the note in the chord leading to the above error message. Fix: a new variable samechord is introduced. When it is set to 1 it signifies that we are in the same chord where the tie mark - was placed, we do not link the tienote to any notes in that same chord. The flag samechord is cleared whenever we leave the chord (CHORDOFF or CHORDOFFEX). It is set again whenever a tie mark occurs inside a chord is encountered. Please note: a tie only connects one note. Therefore C-[CC] will tie C to only the first C in the chord. June 26 2005 Abc2midi does not correctly handle more than one bar split. In the following example, X: 1 T: testing voice split M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: G %%MIDI program 24 A4 & c4 |G2F2 & BBDD & E,,4| E,,4 is played in the first bar coincident with A4 instead of the second bar. Analysis: various bugs caused abc2midi to fail with more than one split. locate_voice() must use voice indexno rather than voiceno. start_new_voice_and_sync must pass the voice indexno rather than voiceno to locate_voice(). June 27 2005 Midi2abc: changed name of parameter -usesplits to -splitbars. Added new parameter -splitvoices which eliminates non homophonic chords (ie. polyphonic) by splitting entire voices. Implementation: added new function printtrack_split_voice to midi2abc. June 28-30 2005 Midi2abc: fixed numerous bugs in printtrack_split_voice() and printtrack_with_splits(). July 02 2005 Abcmatch: upgraded the handling of chords and ties to be compatible with abc2midi. July 09 2005 Abcmatch: added an option to ignore simple bars. Midi2abc: withdrew -Midigram option and replaced it with -midigram. Note onset and offset time are now printed in MIDI time units rather than quarter notes units. July 14 2005 Abc2midi: voice split causes infinite loop when play on repeat (eg [1 or [2) specified. For the following file X:1 T:reproduce the bug in a smaller file C:H. C. L. Smith L:1/4 M:1/4 K:C D|:C|[1F:|[2F|E&C|| abc2midi emits the following error message in an endless loop. Error in line 8 : Bad variant list : reproduce the bug in a smaller file Warning in line 8 : Bar 2 has 2 units instead of 1 Error in line 8 : Bad variant list : reproduce the bug in a smaller file Warning in line 8 : Bar 2 has 2 units instead of 1 Error in line 8 :.... Analysis: when writing the voice split in bar E & C||, the function inlist (in genmidi.c) fails to get the repeat on repeat number (eg [2)) which was set for top level voice but not for the split voice. Fix: the problem was traced to the function start_new_voice_and_sync in store.c. It copies the repeat BAR feature (SINGLE_BAR, DOUBLE_BAR, etc..) to the split voice but for the PLAY_ON_REP feature it must also copy the pointer to the part number stored in denom[]. Now both feature[j] and denom[j] are both copied for all bar type features. July 15 2005 The above file exposes yet another problem leading to a loss of synchronization between the voices. The first indication that there is still something else wrong are the messages. Warning in line 8 : Bar 2 has 2 units instead of 1 Warning in line 8 : Bar 3 has 3 units instead of 1 in repeat Warning in line 8 : Track 2 is 4320 units long not 2880 When playing the output MIDI file, the note C in the split is played two bars late extending track 2. Analysis: A play on repeat symbol is always preceded by a bar or repeat bar (ie. | or :|). The function start_new_voice_and_sync treats the play on repeat symbol as another bar line and inserts a rest to complete the bar when in fact, it should just insert a PLAY_ON_REP. Since this bar is played twice, the C note comes two bars late. Treating PLAY_ON_REP as a separate case fixed the problem. July 17 2005 Abc2midi: voice split synchronization error when not all measures are equal in length. In the following file, the tune begins with an incomplete measure. X:1 T: anacrusis M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: F AG|Fc Fc| d2 e2 & B2 c2| Analysis: start_new_voice_and_sync unfortunately assumes that every measure contains 2 beats. Fix: the function now counts the number of beats in each bar it processes. Abc2midi: MIDI attributes inheritance. As discussed in May 14, 2005 split voices inherit the MIDI characteristics from their ancestor. The following file does not work as expected. X:1 T:inherit 1 M:4/4 L:1/16 Q:1/4 =20 K: C %%MIDI channel 2 %%MIDI program 2 50 B2G2A2B2 EDEF EGFA & z2E4 D2 C8|] The split voice z2E4 ... is played on the Acoustical Piano (program 0) instead of the synthetic strings. However the following file works correctly. X:2 T:inherit 2 M:4/4 L:1/16 Q:1/4 =20 K: C %%MIDI program 50 B2G2A2B2 EDEF EGFA & z2E4 D2 C8|] Analysis: Each split gets its own voice and each voice gets its own channel number unless it is changed explicitly. The above should be equivalent to X:1 T:inherit 1 M:4/4 L:1/16 V:1 %%MIDI channel 2 %%MIDI program 2 50 B2G2A2B2 EDEF EGFA| V:2 %%MIDI channel 2 %%MIDI program 2 50 z2E4 D2 C8 Unfortunately, the %%MIDI channel 2 did not propagate to the split voice. Voice 1 was assigned channel 2 but voice 2 still had channel 1 (writetrack automatically assigns the first channel which is not in use). The bug was fixed by ensuring the CHANNEL feature also propagates into the split voice. You may wonder why X:2 worked correctly. This is because the MIDI program command without the channel indication applies to whatever channel is currently active. July 23 2005. Fixed bug causing midi2abc.exe to produce a segmentation error when running with the -splitbars option. (Failed to save state when doing a split voice context switch due to encountering an end of track before an end of measure. As a result the restored chordhead would point to the wrong place.) Added more code around line 2480 in printtrack_with_splits in midi2abc.c. August 13 2005. Abc2midi.exe does not handle correctly chords of the form [CE]2 when embedded in a triplet. For example in the file, X:1 T: triplet M: 4/4 L: 1/4 K:C (3C2 D2 [CE]2 | abc2midi produces an error messages Warning in line 6 : Different length notes in tuple Warning in line 6 : Different length notes in tuple and the [CE] chord is the wrong length. Analysis: event_note processes the internal lengths of the notes in a chord before it encounters the end of chord marker (]) and it does not know that the internal lengths may be adjusted externally after the end of chord. It sees the wrong length, and sends a warning. Event_chordoff fails to make an adjustment for the triplet (tuple) so that the function fix_enclosed_note_lengths sets the lengths of the internal chord notes to the wrong length. Fix: event_note bypasses the tuple test (for triplets) if the notes are inside a chord. The tuple test was also added in event_chordoff. It adjusts the setting of the note lengths (chord_n, chord_m) if the chord is inside a tuple. If chord_n and chord_m are not 1,1 then fix_enclosed_note_lengths is called. August 13 2005 Abc2midi.exe has difficulty handling tied notes enclosed in a slur. For example for the tune X:1 T: slur 1 M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: G (GB-B) C|(DEF) B| the following messages appear Warning in line 6 : Slur in abc taken to mean a tie Error in line 6 : Bad tie: possibly two ties in a row Error in line 6 : Cannot find note before tie Surprisingly, the output MIDI file is still correct. Analysis and fix: Abc2midi does almost nothing when it encounters slurs. However, when it sees repeated notes inside a slur it tries to tie them together. For example for (G B B), abc2midi would try to tie the two B's together. This is the source of the above problem. I do not think this is a very useful feature so I have turned this feature off (in event_sluroff store.c). August 13 2005 The abc2-draft standard, http://abc.sourceforge.net/standard/abc2-draft.html has deprecated the !...! notation in favour of the +...+ notation. In order to comply with the change, abc2midi, abc2abc and yaps were modified to accept either convention. Thus you can use +trill+, +fermata+ +pp+ etc. as well as the deprecated notation (!trill! etc.). There is one conflict: in the early days of abc notation chords were notated as +CEG+ instead of [CEG]. There is probably very little music using this old convention. If you need to handle the old chord notation, you must now add the option -OCC to abc2midi, abc2abc or yaps. Sample file: X:1 T: decorations M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: G +<(+ [CE]4 +<)+ |[CE] +trill+ DEF| !<(! [CE]4 !<)! |[CE] !trill! DEF| Implementation: Introduced a new global, oldchordconvention into parseabc.c which is linked externally to store.c, toabc.c and yaps.c. If this global is unset (ie. 0), then parsemusic in parseabc.c treats + and ! in the same manner. August 17 2005 Added new run time parameters to midicopy -fromsec and -tosec allowing you to select a section in terms of time in seconds. September 13 2005 Midicopy using the -fromsec option to select the start of the output MIDI file causes the music to be delayed by the the same amount of seconds. Analysis, the first note on (or note off) of the track has a delta_time equal to the time of the first note in the selected section of the original file. TiMidity has no problem since it ignores this delay. Other MIDI players are less compliant. This is a hard bug to fix properly when the tempo varies across the MIDI file. For such files, it is recommended that you use the -from and -to parameters and express the times in MIDI tick (pulse) units. The program now computes the right delay using the first tempo specification in the MIDI file. I noticed that when midicopy truncates the beginning of a file, a track may begin with a MIDI off command of a note that has not been turned on. I don't think this causes a problem. September 19 2005 Incorporated changes suggested by Mikhail Teterin into parseabc.c and store.c to modernize the C code. This includes the replacing of the functions casecmp(s1,s2) and stringcmp(s1,s2) with functions built into the C compiler. If this causes any problems with your compiler please notify me as soon as possible. Other changes were added to make the code more efficient and eliminate some warning messages. September 19 - October 8 2005 Abc2midi: another bug related to split chords was found. In the following example X:1 T: split test file M: 2/4 L: 1/8 Q: 50 K: D CD |EF AB & CD FG| G2 | BD D2 & GB B2| The zero th and second bar are only one beat long. The fix described on June 17 th handles the zero'th bar correctly but it does not address the second bar since a different function resync_split_voice is called to maintain synchrony. This function assumes all bars are a fixed length as specified in the time signature. This was a difficult bug to fix since it required major changes to the code. A new function sync_voice replaces the code for start_new_voice_and_sync and resync_split_voice. A test file used to debug these changes, split.abc, is included in the programming directory. Hopefully, I will not need to return to this file many times. October 8 2005 Abc2midi, yaps, abc2abc : extraneous warning "Slur within slur". For the following example, X:1 T: 2 slurs M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: C V: 1 C2 (C2 |\ V: 2 (A2 G2) |\ V:1 D2) E2| V:2 G4| we get the warning Warning in line 9 : Slur within slur. Analysis, there are two overlapping slurs, but they are in separate voices so this should be no problem. Parseabc.c merely keeps a count of the number of open slurs with the variable slur and does not note that they are associated with specific voices. Fix: the warning message has been moved to store.c. October 9 2005 Abc2midi: grace notes are not applied correctly to a chord. In the following example, X:1 T: grace/chord M:2/4 L:1/8 K:G V:1 D4|{c'}[g3b3] c|z2 G2| V:2 F4|G3 e|z2 D2| The length of the host chord [g3b3] is not adjusted correctly. This results in a loss of synchronization between voice 1 and 2. Analysis: several bugs related to host chords were fixed in my new function applygrace_new() in store.c. The original code, applygrace_orig was also fixed. October 10 2005 Updated makefiles/unix.mak. Cleaned up some of the -Wall warning messages. November 6 2005 New abc2midi feature for supporting drum tracks. Notes played on MIDI channel 10 (counting from 1), are interpreted by the General MIDI instrument as one of 47 percussion instruments (see abcguide.txt for list). Unfortunately, notating the music in this manner is rather awkward if you wish to convert it to common music notation using abcm2ps. Usually, only a few percussion instruments are used. To allow for better drum notation, you can alter the mapping between notes and percussion instruments using the new %%MIDI drummap command. For example for the tune: X:1 T: illustrating drummap command M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: none %%MIDI channel 10 %%MIDI drummap E 36 %%MIDI drummap G 38 %%MIDI drummap _e 42 |: E2 GE zE z2 & z_e z_e z_e z_e :| would be played on the percussion instruments bass drum (36) acoustic snare (38) and closed hi-hat (42). Implementation: added new function parse_drummap() genmidi.c which handles the %%MIDI drummap command. parse_drummap() is called from the function dodeferred(). November 6 2005 Abc2midi: split voice does not propagate the octave shift command. eg. X:15 T: splits with octave=1 M: 4/4 L: 1/4 K: G octave=1 G A B C & E F G A| The notes E F G A are played an octave lower than intended. Fix: the v->octaveshift variable is passed to the split voice in the function event_split. December 08 2005 Abc2midi: the drummap feature illustrated on November 06 2005 produces an improper MIDI file. eg. X:1 T:unfinished M:2/4 L:1/16 K:F V:1 %%MIDI channel 10 %%MIDI drummap ^^g 72 % Long Whistle %%MIDI drummap _a 58 % Vibraslap ^^gz _a2-_a4 |] midi2abc.exe unfinished1.mid -mftext Header format=1 ntrks=2 division=480 Track 1 contains 40 bytes 0.00 Metatext tempo = 120.00 bpm 0.00 Metatext key signature F (-1/0) 0.00 Metatext time signature=2/4 0.00 Metatext (Seqnce/Track Name) unfinished Track 2 contains 35 bytes 0.00 Metatext (Seqnce/Track Name) unfinished 0.00 Note on 10 c5 105 0.25 Note off 10 a5 0 0.50 Note on 10 a#3 80 2.00 Note off 10 g#5 0 The note on's have the translated pitches but the note off's have the original pitches. As a result none of the MIDI note on's are properly terminated. For percussion instruments, this may not be noticeable since a decay is already built in. However, some midi players may complain. Fix: the function midi_noteoff in genmidi.c now checks for for channel 10. December 09 2005 Abcmidi: transposition should not be applied to the music in channel 10. In the following example X:1 T: drum transpose M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: G transpose=-3 V:1 FAFA|EFG2| V:2 %%MIDI channel 10 %%MIDI drummap g 72 % Long Whistle %%MIDI drummap a 58 % Vibraslap agag|agag| The transpose=-3 changes percussion instruments. Fix: a test for channel 10 is made before the call to noteon_data() in the function noteon() in genmidi.c. Also in writetrack, a similar test was applied before addtoQ in two places (NOTE: and TNOTE:). December 17 2005 Abc2midi new feature: certain instruments such as an organ have no greatly emphasized beat notes and sound unnatural when the beat algorithm accents the down and off beats. To turn this feature use %%MIDI nobeataccents To turn it back on %%MIDI beataccents By default beat accents are turned on for any new tune. Thanks to Mike Scott for contributing the code to genmidi.c Implementation: a new variable beataccents which acts as a flag was introduced. January 7 2006 I have started looking into the problem of adding the split voice feature into yaps. In order for yaps to handle split voices, it was necessary to introduce a new feature code SPLITVOICE into abc.h. This had minor impact on the debugging code for genmidi.c and matchsup.c. Event_split_voice in yapstree.c now needs to insert a SPLITVOICE feature. To avoid "unknown type" message originating from sizevoice (in drawtune.c) it was necessary to add a case statement for SPLITVOICE even though it does nothing. To assist in debugging, the code in the showline function was split into a new function showfeature in debug.c. The real work is done in the function advance(..) in the file position.c (see additions in programming/yaps.txt). In order to allow spacemultiline to process all the notes playing at the same time, major changes are necessary. We want advance() to check a measure for splitvoices, and if found process all the notes in the bar in the order that they would be played. This means extending the voice structure defined in structs.h so that it maintains status information for v->tuplefactor, v->inchord, v->place,v->time for all splitvoices and telling advance() to handle the splitvoices in parallel. This work is beyond me at the present time and no further work was done. January 13 2006 abc2midi fails to tie note correctly in chord with an augmented unison interval. In the following example X:1 T:A) Matching non-perfect primes M:C L:1/2 K:C [=D^D-] [=D^D] z [=D-^D] [^D=D] z the D- tie and ^D- are done improperly. Analysis: In order to tie notes across bar lines where the accidental is assumed, (e.g. A_B-|BD), the function dotie performs the tie based on the pitch line (in the staff) rather than the actual pitch. Unfortunately there are cases where we run into trouble such as above. Partial Fix: dotie() has a new flag called newbar, which is set to 1 whenever a nonprocessed tie is followed by barline. The pitchline[] test is now only activated when newbar is set. Unfortunately, this is not a complete fix. The same problem reappears with this file for the second and third lines. X:1 T:Matching non-perfect primes M:2/4 L:1/2 K:C [=D^D-]| [^D=D] | z2 | [=D^D-]| [=D^D] | z2 | [=D-^D]| [^D=D] | z2 | [=D-^D]| [=D^D] | z2 | The feature array does not record whether accidentals have been spelled out explicitly so further checks cannot be done when applying ties across bar lines. I recommend that one just changes the order of the notes in the chord in order to get it to work. Fortunately, this problem occurs rarely. January 14 2006 Abc2midi fails to tie microtonal notes correctly. In the following example: X:1 T: tied microtonal pitches M:C L:1/2 K:C C ^13/16C - ^13/16C ^13/16C ^13/16C ^13/16C - C The two notes on the second line are tied together, but the first note is in C rather than ^13/16C causing an audible pitchbend. The notes in the third line are correct pitches but not joined. The tied notes in the fourth line are both incorrect pitches. Analyses: looking at the mftext output from midi2abc reveals the problem. midi2abc.exe tmp/X1.mid -mftext Header format=0 ntrks=1 division=480 Track 1 contains 141 bytes 0.00 Metatext tempo = 227.00 bpm 0.00 Metatext key signature C (0/0) 0.00 Metatext time signature=4/4 0.00 Program 1 73 (Flute) 0.00 Metatext (Seqnce/Track Name) tied microtonal... 0.00 Note on 1 c4 127 2.00 Note off 1 c4 0 2.00 Pitchbnd 1 msb=0 lsb=90 2.00 Note on 1 c4 107 2.00 Pitchbnd 1 msb=0 lsb=64 4.00 Pitchbnd 1 msb=0 lsb=90 6.00 Note off 1 c4 0 6.00 Pitchbnd 1 msb=0 lsb=64 6.00 Pitchbnd 1 msb=0 lsb=90 6.00 Note on 1 c4 107 8.00 Note off 1 c4 0 8.00 Pitchbnd 1 msb=0 lsb=64 8.00 Pitchbnd 1 msb=0 lsb=90 8.00 Note on 1 c4 117 10.00 Note off 1 c4 0 10.00 Pitchbnd 1 msb=0 lsb=64 10.00 Pitchbnd 1 msb=0 lsb=90 10.00 Note on 1 c4 107 10.00 Pitchbnd 1 msb=0 lsb=64 14.00 Note off 1 c4 0 This is another example where the handling of tied notes in dotie() store.c and writetrack() in genmidi.c have gets in the way. (The code was written before microtones was introduced into abcmidi.) The parser encircles every microtonal note with an event_microtone and event_normal_tone. The function dotie changes the tied note from NOTE to TNOTE, the TIE to a REST, and the note being tied to a REST. The function writetrack() unfortunately applies the delay() function for the NOTE feature but not for TNOTE. As a result, the pitchbend is restored to normal before the note even starts playing. Modernizing the tienote function (see February 12 2005 comments) is not an option since there were too many cases to worry about and it would probably take a long time to get out all the bugs out. Fix: a small patch was added to tienote() in store.c. It removes the DYNAMIC feature restoring the pitchbend to normal if it finds one immediately following the TNOTE. January 15 2006 The contour matching algorithm in abcmatch.c has been changed to use pitch interval between adjacent notes. A new run time parameter, -qnt was added which quantizes the contour interval. Details in abcmatch.txt. January 16 2006 Added new feature to yaps that allows you to switch from black to red output using !red! or +red+ instruction command. To restore insert !black! or +black+ in the abc file. e.g. X: 356 T:Banks of the Nile M:4/4 L:1/4 K:Eb B/2-G/2| F E F G| c B G E| F E- C C| C3 C|!red! E E G B!black!| c2 e c/2c/2| B B E F| G3 E/2E/2| E E G B| c c e c/2c/2| B B E F| G3 B/2G/2| F E F G| c B G E| F- E C C| C3|| The notes in the 6 bar are printed in red for emphasis. Implementation: In structs.h added a new structure struct dynamic {char color;}; In yapstree.c, added code to event_handle_instruction to detect !red! and !black! and addfeature(DYNAMIC,psaction) where psaction is a *dynamic struct. In drawtune.c added code to printvoiceline() to take appropriate issue a postscript command to change the color when it detects a DYNAMIC: feature. January 29 2006 Abc2midi: improved the microtone pitch accuracy. Replaced the code event_microtone (in store.c) with the code contributed by Hudson Lacerda. Introduced some support for single note tuning change using the universal system exclusive messages. Added new function in midifile.c single_note_tuning_change(). In function dodeferred in genmidi.c added a %%MIDI snt k pitch command where snt stands for single note tuning, k is the MIDI pitch being retuned (a number between 0 to 127) and pitch is a floating point number representing the new pitch value. Sample file follows. X:1 T: single note tuning M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: G C \ %%MIDI snt 60 61.5 C cd| I have not yet updated abcguide.txt since this feature is provisional right now. Not all MIDI devices support this universal system exclusive message. February 05 2006 Abc2midi.exe eliminated the warning for microtones "divisor not a power of 2". Introduced a new copy of readlen (readlen_nocheck which is called by ismicrotone() and does not report this error.) March 14 2006 Abc2abc does not recognize "middle=XXX" in the V: field which is used by abcm2ps and silently drops it when transposing abc files. The fix was provided by Mike Scott who also cleaned up the parameter calling sequence to event_voice in parseabc.c. This also involved altering the code in store.c, yapstree.c, matchsup.c, and toabc.c. Thank you. Added #include to crack.c, mftext.c, pslib.c and queues.c which cleans up some of the compilation warnings.(Thanks to Martin Tarenskeen.) Apr 21 2006 (Mike Scott) The 'y' spacing character used by Barfly and abcm2ps was being silently dropped in parseabc.c. Added support for this (including a length specifier - is this used by anything?) to parseabc.c and abc2abc.c; stubs in the other modules including yaps mean they behave as before. June 7 2006 Midicopy: new runtime parameters -frombeat and -tobeat were introduced to copy a selection of a midi file. Midifile: new code was introduced to process an individual track in a multitrack MIDI file. June 25 2006 Abc2midi: added new feature to provide control over the articulation of the notes. The feature %%MIDI trim x/y introduces a gap between notes of duration x/y where x/y is the fraction of the unit note length defined by the L: field command. This gap is made by shortening every note by this amount whenever it is possible. If the note is too short, the gap is reduced. Slurs indicated by parentheses in the music body temporarily disable this feature. Implementation: added a new feature SETTRIM in abc.h. Added new globals variables trim,trim_num,trim_denom in genmidi.c. Added additional code in writetrack to initialize trim_num,trim_denom and to modify notes for switch conditions NOTE:, CHORDOFF:, and CHORDOFFEX. Added new switch state in writetrack to interpret feature SETTRIM. In store.c, added more code in event_specific to interpret the %%MIDI trim command. Abcguide.txt, abc2midi.1 and demo.abc were all updated. Thanks to Jacques Le Normand for the suggestion. July 28 2006 Midicopy still does not extract correctly a segment from some MIDI files when it is specified using the -fromsec and -tosec parameters. This occurs in multitrack MIDI files containing numerous tempo changes. Time units measured in seconds do not correspond between tracks. It was decided to completely change the method of handling segment extraction when time is specified in seconds. It is assumed that all tempo indications are placed in track 1 of the MIDI file. Tempo changes in other tracks are ignored. An initial pass is made through track 1 to extract all the tempo changes and store them in an array. This is used to map time in seconds to MIDI pulses or ticks. The -fromsec and -tosec parameters are converted to pulse units using this mapping. The program then extracts the MIDI information falling in this time interval. July 28 2006 Abc2midi returns the error message "First lyrics line must come after first music line" when processin abc files with lyrics and inline voice commands. For example X:1 T: inline voice M:5/8 L: 1/8 K:G [V:1] cdefg w: c d e f g [V:2] cdefg w: c d e f g I have little experience with lyrics in abc files. The problem is caused by the fact that the inline voice command starts up a new track which resets the variable thismline = -1. This indicates that a new music line was not yet encountered for this voice. If the notes cdefg were placed in a separate line, then the variable thismline was be set to the current line number and everything would be all right. Unfortunately, this is not the case and the abc2 draft standard excepts this syntax. See abc.sourceforge.net/standard/abc2-draft.html and in particular the canzonetta.abc file on that page. There is no easy way of detecting music information at this point other than updating the variable thismline every time a note is processed. Instead, I disabled the error message by commenting the line thismline = -1; in genmidi.c. Hopefully, this does not cause more damage. July 29 2006 Abc2midi: microtones (pitchbend) does not work correctly for tied notes enclosed in a slur. For example: X:1 T:bad pitchbend when tie + slur M:4/4 L:1/8 K:C "^Bad pitch bend when tie+slur" (^1/2C- ^1/2C =C) a- a4 | ^1/2C- ^1/2C =C a- a4 In the first bar, the tie does not work correctly and 3 notes are heard instead of two. Furthermore the first note does not have a pitchbend applied. In the second bar, the notes are played correctly. Analysis: running midi2abc with the -mftext option provides some indication of the problem. 0.00 Pitchbnd 1 msb=0 lsb=80 0.00 Note on 1 c4 105 0.00 Pitchbnd 1 msb=0 lsb=64 0.50 Pitchbnd 1 msb=0 lsb=80 1.00 Note off 1 c4 0 1.00 Pitchbnd 1 msb=0 lsb=64 1.00 Note on 1 c4 80 1.50 Note off 1 c4 0 The pitchbend is set prior to the note but is restored to normal immediately after the note is started (time 0.00). This is similar to the problem fixed on January 14 2006 (see this file). This suggests a problem with the function dotie(). Further analysis, revealed that the parser places a SLUR_TIE after every NOTE feature when the notes are enclosed inside a slur. The SLUR_TIE is not needed by abcmidi but it is used by yaps. Unfortunately, the function dotie() does not expect a SLUR_TIE to appear between the TNOTE and DYNAMIC so it fails to remove the DYNAMIC feature. Fix: A similar patch described in Janurary 14 2006 was added to dotie(). July 29 2006 Abc2midi: It is not commonly known that accidentals are not supposed to propagate across octaves. In the follow example, X:1 T: accidentals and octaves M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: G C_EDe|C_EDe-|e2^f2|-f2g2| Abc2midi normally also flattens the e; however, technically it should not be doing this. Accidentals only apply to a specific note and should not affect the same pitch class in other octaves. Fix: in store.c workmap and workmul are now doubly indexed arrays. The second index keeps track of the octave. July 30 2006 Abc2abc transposition always reverts to the major key signature when it does a transposition. Analysis: the code in toabc.c represents the key signature in terms of the number of sharps and flats and ignores the mode of the original key signature when it is doing a transposition. Fix: (1) In parseabc.c the index to the array mode[] is saved in the variable modeindex when a mode string is matched. (2) in order to pass modeindex to event_key, the function parameter minor was replaced with modeindex and the variable minor was turned into a local variable which is computed from modeindex. This was done in all files where event_key is defined -- store.c, yapstree.c, matchsup.c, and toabc.c. (In actual fact, the variable minor was only used in store.c to set the minor flag in the MIDI file.) (3) A new function called compute_keysignature() from the sharps/flat representation and modeindex was added to toabc.c. (4) event_key in toabc uses this function to compute the correct key signature. August 04 2006 abc2midi: The treatment of microtones and microtones with accidentals for key signatures other than C major (or A minor) has been changed. Prior to version 1.87, if the music was in the key of G major, ^1/2F would be interpreted as raising F# by a half a microtone. Now the underlying key signature is ignored and the microtone is treated as a pure accidental. Thus ^1/2F raised F and not F#. Hopefully this is more intuitive. Thus accidentals and microtones are assumed to be applied to the natural form of the note irrespective of the key signature or the status of previous notes in the measure. However, accidentals other than microtones can still propagate to notes which do not have accidentals. To illustrate consider the following in the key of C major. _E _1/2E E __1/2E E| The second E is treated as E natural flattend by 1/2 microtone because E is always assumed to be in its natural form when preceded by any accidentals. Since the assumed natural of the second E propagates, the third E is also E natural and not Eb. The last note is Eb reduced by half a semitone. The last E would be played as Eb. See abcguide.txt for another example. Implementation turned out to be easier than expected. A new global (int microtone) was added to store.c. It is set to 1 by event_microtone and reset to 0 by event_normal_tone. The function pitchof(), now does not apply the active flats or sharps (of the key signature) or accidentals when the microtone global is set. August 4 2006 Abcm2ps has introduced an extension of the w: field referenced by the s: field which accepts ~ as a decoration. Unfortunately, the parser in the abcmidi package does not recognize this field command and attempts to treat the line as a music line. As a result a file such as X:1 T: s K:C cd ef g4 | ag ab c'4 |] s: "C"~~~ "C/E" | "Dm/F"* "G7" "C" s: .. .. +tenuto+ | .. .. !fermata! s: "_5"***"_6" | "_6"* "_7"*"_5" s: "_3"***"_3" | "_3"* "_5;3"*"_3" produces many error messages Error in line 6 : Single colon in bar Error in line 6 : Malformed note : expecting a-g or A-G Error in line 6 : *'s in middle of line ignored Error in line 7 : Single colon in bar Error in line 7 : Malformed note : expecting a-g or A-G Error in line 7 : Malformed note : expecting a-g or A-G Warning in line 7 : instruction !tenuto! ignored Error in line 7 : Malformed note : expecting a-g or A-G Error in line 7 : Malformed note : expecting a-g or A-G Error in line 8 : Single colon in bar Error in line 8 : *'s in middle of line ignored Error in line 8 : *'s in middle of line ignored Error in line 8 : *'s in middle of line ignored Error in line 9 : Single colon in bar Error in line 9 : *'s in middle of line ignored Error in line 9 : *'s in middle of line ignored Error in line 9 : *'s in middle of line ignored Similar error messages occur for other abcmidi programs, for example yaps, abc2abc etc. Fix: in parseabc.c: for function parsefield add s to the strchr string if ((inbody) && (strchr("EIKLMPQTVdwW", key) == NULL)) { event_error("Field not allowed in tune body"); and also added the case in the switch statement case 's': break; finally in parseline() added s to the strchr string in if (strchr("ABCDEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTUVdwWXZ", *p) != NULL) { q = p + 1; August 05 2006 Note trimming introduced in June 25 2006 causes loss of synchronization between two voices when notes are contained in a grace sequence. Fix: introduced a variable graceflag into writetrack() in genmidi.c. The flag is set when GRACE feature is encountered and restored to zero when GRACEOFF feature is encountered. Note trimming is disabled inside a grace sequence. Also note trimming is shutoff for short notes. In order to separate two slurs in a row, trimming is restored for the last note in a slur. August 08 2006 Abc2midi: split voices. In the file X:1 T: also D sharp continues in next bar K:C M:4/4 L:1/4 C^DEF & C4 | CDEF | The D in the second bar is sharpened. Fix: added call to function copymap() in the function recurse_back_to_original_voice(). August 29 2006 Abc2abc: handling of rests in tuples causes an error message. The problem does not occur in abc2midi or yaps. For example X:1 T: tuple rests M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: C G4|(3z2A2B2|F4| abc2abc tuplerest.abc -t 3 X: 1 T:tuple rests M:2/4 L:1/8 K:C G4| %Error : Rest not allowed in tuple (3z2A2B2 %Error : Bar 1 is 7/12 not 2/4 |F4 %Error : Bar 2 is 1/3 not 2/4 | Fix: in the function event_rest in toabc.c, the error message was removed and the beat counter code was modified to consider tuples. September 09 2006 abc2abc: voice numbers not processed correctly. In the following example: X:1 T:voices M: 2/4 L:1/8 K:G V:1 ABCD|abcd| V:1I ABCD|abcd| V:1I was changed to V:1 producing an incorrect abc file. Analysis: the parsevoice() in parseabc decides whether the voice number is a number or a label based on the first character. Since the first character of 1I is a number it treats it as a number and ignores the I. This problem also persists for abc2midi and yaps. Fix: created a new function isnumberp(s) which determines whether the string s is a positive integer number and returns 0 for no and 1 for yes; replaced the original test with this function. September 11 2006 Abc2midi: handling of trilled notes for broken rhythms is not correct. In the following example, X:1 T: trill M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K:C %%MIDI ratio 3 1 TE>G TF3/A/| the length of notes E and G are not adjusted for broken rhythm and remain as equal values. Analysis: the handling of broken rhythms is fairly complicated in the file store.c. The location of E and G are maintained by variables v->thisstart, v->thisend and v->laststart, v->lastend by the functions marknotestart, marknoteend and marknote. (This also allows the handling of chords too.) When a > or < is encountered a number of flags (brokenpending, brokentype, brokenmult) are set by the function event_broken. The function marknotend checks these flags and calls brokenadjust to adjust the lengths of E and G using the stored variables v->thisstart, v->thisend etc. Trilling is handled by the function dotrill() which expands note E into a sequence of notes whose length depends upon the length of E and the tempo. In this example, the expansion is done prior to encountering the broken rhythm indicator >. After G is encountered, the lengths of the notes are adjusted for broken rhythm. Unfortunately, there is a bug in dotrill, and marknotestart was called for the last note in the trill sequence rather than the first note. The problem was fixed by changing this code. Note that in the above example, the number of notes in the trilled E and the trilled F are different. This is because E is not effectively expanded until after it was trilled. There is no easy fix to this problem other than avoiding mixing notations for broken rhythms. trilled F are different. than the first note September 22 2006 Midicopy.c: to avoid problems with some systems, the byte val for the runtime string -replace trk,loc,val is read as an integer (%d) instead of a char (%c). September 22 2006 Abc2abc, abc2midi etc. does not recognize "clef=G". In the following example, X:1 T: clef problem M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: Am clef=G "Am"ABCD|ABCD| The following message appears: %Warning : cannot recognize clef indication K:Am clef=G Fix: added checks for clef=g or clef=G in the function isclef() in parseabc.c September 23 2006 Abc2abc removes blank lines from abc files. (These blank lines are usually to encircle comments between tunes in a multitune file. Analysis: whenever parseline() (in parseabc.c) detects a blank line, it calls event_blankline(). In abc2abc, event_blankline() only emits a blank line if the flag newbreaks is set. Unfortunately, this parameter is used for another purpose (i.e. reformating an abc file with new linebreaks every X bars using the -n X runtime parameter). This has nothing to do with handling already existing blank lines. Since event_blankline is called only when there is a blank line, it appears that the condition on the flag newbreaks should not be present. Fix: the condition statement was removed. A blank line will always be issued. Note that event_blankline also closes the tune and parser for that tune as usual. September 25 2006 Abc2midi: some users have complained about the unnecessary warnings and error messages issued by abc2midi. For example standard music practice does not require a leading repeat mark |: to be placed at the beginning of the sheet music and it is commonly left out in many abc transcriptions. Abc2midi typically warns the user that it has been left out but does the correct thing. Furthermore, the placement of a fermata sign will likely cause a message that a bar has too many beats. Too placate the users, I have introduced a new runtime parameter -quiet which will suppress all these messages. Note abc2midi parses the abc file in two passes and may not always handle assumed repeats correctly. For example if the tune begins with an anacrusis, abc2midi does not attempt to figure out whether the |: should be placed before or after the anacrusis. (This depends upon the placement of the end repeat.) In multipart files, abc2midi fails to place a starting repeat sign. In the case of multivoiced files, loss of synchronization between voices can occur because of user mistakes or because abc2midi made the wrong assumption. (For example, search for the word fermata in this file.) Though attempts have been made to standardize the abc music notation language, it is a living language and various variants are introduced now and then. Abc files that have been notated many years ago are not updated to correct for the various problems that are introduced by these new features. There is a variety of software to process abc files, but many of the developers have moved to other things and fail to maintain their software. Though these messages are an inconvenience to users they are useful in diagnosing problems when the MIDI file does not sound correctly. September 26 2006 Abc2midi: now supports linear temperament scale using code contributed by Magnus Jonsson. New %%MIDI commands are introduced to change the temperament. %%MIDI temperamentlinear octave_cents fifth_cents where the variables specify the size of an octave and size of a perfect fifth in cents where one cent is 1/100 of a semitone or 1/1200 of an octave. %%MIDI temperamentlinear 1200.0 700.0 produces the equal tempered scale. %%MIDI temperamentlinear 1200.5 698 produces a slightly stretched octaves and narrowed fifths. Quoting the Help for the program Scala http://www.xs4all.nl/~huygensf/scala/ A linear temperament is a cycle or chain of one particular interval, called the generator or formal fifth. Whenever by doing so a pitch originates that is outside the range of one formal octave (interval of equivalence), it is "wrapped" back inside by subtracting the formal octave value. Examples of this kind of scale are the Pythagorean scale generated by a pure fifth, and regular meantone scales. Implementation: store.c : added new globals temperament, octave_size, fifth_size which are set by %%MIDI temperamentlinear. Created a new function pitchof_b() which is similar to function pitchof() but also returns a pointer pitchbend. Pitchof_b() would eventually replace all calls to pitchof(). The function pitchof_b() applies the linear temperament scale if the global variable temperament is set. It updates the pointer pitchbend unless it was already set by a microtone. To store the pitchbend value of every note a new array bentpitch was added to the other arrays (pitch, num, denom, feature). The function event_note transfers the pitchbend value to bentpitch, so it can be used by writetrack() in the second pass (in genmidi). Other functions that had to be updated were doroll, dotrill, makecut, and doornament. genmidi.c : Added global array current_pitchbend[], which maintains the current pitchbend for each channel. It is initialized to 8192 (neutral value) by starttrack. The pitchbend value is now transferred to the function midi_noteon(). It will issue a pitchwheel command anytime a new pitchbend value occurs for the specific channel. Other functions like noteon_data() and save_note() also carry the parameter pitchbend. Limitations: linear temperament is not applied to guitar gchords. October 3 2006 Abc2midi: in order that microtones are applied correctly to in voice chords such as [CEG], it is necessary that each note in the chord be played on a separate MIDI channel. A new MIDI command "makechordchannels n" has been introduced for allocating MIDI channels specifically for the handling of chords. The value of n specifies the number of channels to be allocated. It should be one less the maximum number of notes in the chord. Note that since you have only 16 channels in a MIDI file and once the channel has been allocated it is unavailable for any other use. You need to do a separate allocation for each voice containing such chords. Implementation: In genmidi.c, introduced a global array chordchannels[] which is used to store the channel numbers for handling chords. chordchannel[0] is the channel number normally used for handling notes for that voice. Introduced a global integer nchordchannels storing the number of channels in chordchannels[]. Created a new function makechordchannels() for assigning these channels to chordchannels[]. Makechordchannels also sets the channels program (musical instrument) to the current program for the voice. (If you need to know the channel numbers that have been assigned, run abc2midi with the -v option (verbosity)). Created another branch in the function dodeferred() for handling the MIDI command makechordchannels(). October 15 2006 The following file was not parsed correctly. X:1 T: 2 or 3 tracks M: 3/4 L: 1/8 K:G g2| g2 fe b2| V:2 A2 |[B4E4] G2| Analysis: a bug I introduced recently resulted in the voice number (2) not being read correctly. Fix: in the function parsevoice() in parseabc.c, I changed the statement if (isnumberp(&s)) { to if (isnumberp(&s) == 0) { apparently, this function returns 0 if the string contains a positive number and 1 otherwise. October 27 2006 Abc2midi: using the command %%MIDI drumon causes the error MIDI read/write error : error: MIDI channel greater than 16 and abc2midi fails. This is another bug I had introduced. Adding the pitchbend parameter 8192 to save_note in function dodrus() in genmidi fixes this problem. October 27 2006 Abc2abc transpose places spurious spaces between notes breaking up the beaming pattern. For example for, X: 1 T: beaming error L: 1/8 M: 4/4 K: Eb ^C,,2 z2 z^C,/D,/ =E,/^F,/G,/=A,/ | B,/=A,/G,/^F,/ G,/=E,/^C,/D,/ E,/F,/G,/A,/ B,/A,/G,/A,/ | abc2abc beaming.abc -t 1 produces X: 1 T:beaming error L:1/8 M:4/4 K:Emaj ^^C,,2 z2 z^^C,/2 D,/2 ^E,/2^^F,/2 G,/2^A,/2 | B,/2^A,/2G,/2^^F,/2 G,/2^E,/2^^C ,/2 D,/2 E,/2 F,/2 G,/2 A,/2 B,/2 A,/2 G,/2 A,/2 | (note all the spaces between the notes in the second line of the body). Analysis: the local variable mult in event_note1() in toabc.c is used before it is defined. Fix: event_note1() now sets it to zero in case it is not set elsewhere. November 3 2006 Abc2midi bug: pitches are incorrect for staccato notes. eg X:1 T: staccato bug M:3/2 L:1/2 Q:1/4=70 %%MIDI program 16 %%MIDI nobeataccents K:C =B=c=d | .=B.=c.=d | The pitches of the last three notes have been affected by a pitchbend. Analysis: This is a bug I recently introduced. The bentpitch[] feature was not set to 8192 for staccato notes. Fix: added the following line bentpitch[notes] = active_pitchbend; before addfeature(NOTE, ...); in event_note() in store.c. Also added it in doornament(). November 3 2006 Abc2midi bug: the following file causes the error message MIDI read/write error : error: MIDI channel greater than 16 to appear. X:1 T: makechord M:3/2 L:1/2 Q:1/4=70 V:1 %%MIDI nobeataccents %%MIDI program 16 %%MIDI makechordchannels 2 V:2 %%MIDI program 16 %%MIDI makechordchannels 2 V:3 %%MIDI program 16 %%MIDI makechordchannels 2 K:C % V:1 [c'_/e'g'] V:2 [c_/eg] V:3 [C_/EG] Analysis: there was a missing parameter (bentpitch) in the function call to noteon_data() when channel == 9. As a result the function noteon_data() received a meaningless channel number. However, since channel 9 is reserved for percussion, it should never have been assigned. To fix this problem, the global variable channels[9] was set to 1 in writetrack() (genmidi.c), so that findchannel() will not select this channel. December 9 2006 Abc2midi bug: the %%MIDI drone command returns an error MIDI channel > 16. Fix: missing parameter in function midi_noteon(), pitchbend, was added. December 12 2006 Abc2midi bug: split voices does not work correctly when it is embedded in a part (eg. P:B). For example: X: 1 T: bad merge M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: C P:A | C2 D2 E2 F2 | G2 A2 B2 c2 | P:B | C2 D2 E2 F2 & C,2 D,2 E,2 F,2 | G2 A2 B2 c2 | The split voice does not merge correctly in the above example. Analysis: not all voices may be indicated in a part. As a precaution, genmidi calls partbreak which fills in any missing voices. Unfortunately, split voices are automatically resynced which causes the voice to be filled in twice. Fix: a new global array dependent_voice[] was added in store.c and linked to genmidi.c. This array contains flags indicating where the particular voice was a natural voice created by a voice command (V:) or whether this is a split voice dependent on the natural voice. The function partbreak checks this flag and does nothing if is a dependent voice. December 21 2006 Voice bug (abc2midi, yaps): the fix described in September 9 2006 caused another bug. For the following example: X:1 T: noel M: 2/4 L: 1/4 K: C V: alpha C E|D F| V: beta A C| G B| The parser fails to handle nonnumeric voice numbers. Fix: in line 996 of parseabc.c isnumberp returns 1 if the character string is a positive number and 0 if it is not. The 0 was replaced with 1 as shown below. if (isnumberp(&s) == 1) { December 26 2006 Midi2abc bug. Some music notation programs automatically place short rests between notes and chords in order to improve the articulation. Midi2abc is able to ignore these rests using the -sr parameter as described in the midi2abc.1 documentation. Unfortunately, this feature does not work correctly when rests are placed in between chords. Analysis: the quantize() function decides whether to eliminate the rest based on the difference between the inter note interval (note->xnum) and the "on" time of the note (note->play). For some of the chordal notes, note->xnum is zero since all the notes in the chord start at the same time. This causes the program to produce erroneous results. Fix: a new function xnum_to_next_nonchordal_note() was introduced to look ahead past all the chordal notes and return the quantized note interval to the next nonchordal note. The quantize function uses this value when the -sr option is turned on. (I have a feeling this fix may not work correctly when the notes in the chord are not all equal length. In other words I do not recommend using the -sr option with -splitbars or -splitvoice.) January 02 2007 Abc2midi bug: %%MIDI trim does not work according to documentation. The trim command is used to control the articulation of notes. Like staccato it shortens the playing time of the note, leaving a silent period before the next note. According to the documentation the amount shortened should be the trim fraction time the unit note length. It turns out that the trim length was not adjusted for the unit note length so that the following example did not work. X:1 T: trim M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: C %%MIDI trim 1/2 CDEF| Fix: store.c was modified so that trim value set is a fraction of the unit note length as defined by the L: field command. Note, that if the unit note length is changed again, it is necessary to reissue another trim command, eg. X:1 T: trim M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: C %%MIDI trim 1/2 CDEF| L: 1/16 %%MIDI trim 1/2 CDEF CDEF CDEF CDEF| Otherwise the trim length will remain unchanged. January 06 2007 Abc2midi bug: wrong bar count when %%MIDI trim command mixed with chords. In the following example, X:1 T: Bad barcount M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: C %%MIDI trim 1/2 AB CD |AC DF |[A2c2] DF | [AB]2 [CD]2 | Abc2midi produces the following warnings: Warning in line 9 : Bar 2 has 7/4 units instead of 2 Warning in line 10 : Bar 3 has 3/2 units instead of 2 Furthermore, this may throw off the gchord accompaniment if it exists. Fix: in writetrack for case CHORDOFF: and CHORDOFFEX:, the function addunits() is called before trim adjustment instead of after. March 15 2007 Abc2midi ends a MIDI track immediately after the last note. On some MIDI synthesizers, this introduces a small artefact at the end of the MIDI file. Fix, a short delay of 25 MIDI pulses is inserted before the end of track. This was incorporated in the function clearQ() in queues.c. Midi2abc -mftext mode was modified to report end of track meta command. December 09 2007 New feature in abc2midi: the program now recognizes the command %%propagate-accidentals not as described in http://abc.sourceforge.net/standard/abc2-draft.html directive 11.3 This command suppresses propagation of accidentals across a bar. The commands %%propagate-accidentals pitch or %%propagate-accidentals octave restores propagation. Presently only octave method is used. For example: M:2/4 L:1/8 K:Eb %%propagate-accidentals not A =A A2| A2 is flattened since the natural sign does not propagate. January 04 2008 Running yaps with the -E option to produce encapsulated postscript file (.eps) causes the program to crash with the error message *** glibc detected *** yaps: double free or corruption (!prev): 0x08d5f390 Analysis: the program attempts to close the output file twice. close_output_file was called once by printtune() (when it encountered a blank line) and again by event_eof() when it encountered an eof. The operating system does not set the filehandle to NULL after the file was closed defeating the conditional test in close_output_file. Fix: after closing the file the file handler is set to NULL. March 09 2008 Midi2abc: added a new option -title for providing the title of the tune to insert in the abc file. June 07 2008 Abc2midi: introduced a warning for chords containing unequal notes (eg. [c2e] will cause a warning to be issued). The warning was added in writetrack in genmidi.c. In order to get a reasonable output, the incorrect chord will be played as [c2e2]. (The length of the first note dominates.) June 13 2008 Abc2midi: produces a warning "Different length notes in tuple" when one of the notes in the tuple is a chord. eg. X:1 T: triplet chord M: 2/4 L: 1/16 K: D [DF]4 (3[B2d2]c2d2 | Analysis: the problem was traced to a bug in the function event_chordoff in store.c which was introduced with the chord syntax extension described in November 4 2004. In computing the tuple adjusted note length, the function always uses chord_n and chord_m parameters even when they do not apply (equal to 1/1). Fix new local variables c_m and c_n are introduced which are set to chord_n,chord_m or num[chordstart] and denum[chordstart] depending on whether the chord syntax extension is used or not. The tuplet adjusted note length is computed from c_n and c_m. It was also necessary to change event_note so that tuples are processed for chords too. June 14 2008 Abc2midi: ornaments (eg ~G3) does not work correctly for default length other than 1/8 (L: 1/8). Analysis, doornament (in store.c) assumes L:1/8 for dotted quarter notes. This was fixed. June 24 2008 Abc2midi: new feature. The %%MIDI drum line can sound quite monotonous if it is repeated each bar. To circumvent this problem a new MIDI command %%MIDI drumbars n where n is a small number will spread out the drum string over n consecutive bars. By default drumbars is set to 1 maintaining compatibility with existing abc files. You should take care that the drumstring is evenly divisible between the drumbar bars. Also the time signature should not change between bars in a drumbar unit. Sample usage: X:1 T: splitting a drum string into two bars M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: G %%MIDI drum zdzdzdzd 39 59 50 60 %%MIDI drumon z4| z4| z4| z4| %%MIDI drumbars 2 %%MIDI drum zdzdzdzd 39 59 50 60 z4| z4| z4| z4| Implementation: All the changes were confined to genmidi.c Two new variables drumbars and drumbarcount are introduced. Drumbars modifies drum_denom in set_drums. (This changes the duration of a unit drum hit.) The function checkbar resets the drum_ptr every drumbars using the drumbarcount variable. July 2 2008 Regarding the drumbars implementation it is necessary to reset drumbarcount to 0 in writetrack after drumbars is initialized back to 1. July 17 2008 Abc2midi bug: the following sample causes abc2midi to issue a warning Warning in line 9 : Bar 0 has 10 units instead of 6 in repeat X:1 T: meter change M:5/8 L:1/8 K:C % |: [M:6/8] D6 &\ [M:6/8] E6 | [M:4/8] F4 :| Analysis: the warning is issued when writetrack is processing track 2 which is the split voice track during the repeat. The two [M:6/8] field commands ensure that the split voice track also sets the meter to 6/8 time. However the split voice track was not reset to [M:4/8] unless we do it explicitly with [M:4/8] F4 & [M:4/8] z4|. Store.c/sync_voices inserts a required rest z4 into bar 2 of the split voice but it does not include a time signature command which is needed to ensure that genmidi/checkbar will process the bar correctly. Fix: Added case TIME: addfeature(feature[j], pitch[j], num[j], denom[j]); /* copy feature */ break; /* [SS] 2008-07-17 */ into the code of sync_voices. July 17 2008 Abc2abc: removed the space between X: and the reference number. July 21 2008 Removed all static declarations in parseabc.c In parsekey(str) initialized the local string clefstr and modestr. July 21 2008 Abc2midi bug: key signature and accidental propagation applied to drum channel. In the following example, X:1 T: drum key M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: A V:1 Z|ABcd efga| V:2 %%MIDI channel 10 G,, ^F,, z1 F,, E,, ^D,, z2|G,, ^F,, z1 F,, E,, ^D,, z2| voice 2 is assigned to the drum channel so the notes G,, ^F reference individual drum instruments rather than pitches. Since the key signature is A major (F#, C# and G#), event_note automatically raises G and F one semitone and propagates ^F across the bar. This is not desired for the drum channel. Fix: in store.c, a new variable, int drumchannel was added to struct voicecontext. It is initialized to 0. When event_specific handles a %%MIDI channel 10, drumchannel is set to 1. For other channels it is set to 0. A new function barepitch() was created from the function pitchof_b. This function does not apply the key signature or note propagation. The function event_note now checks whether v->drumchannel is set and calls barepitch() instead of pitchof_b() in such circumstances. (See Cuckoo's Nest in demo.abc for a sample.) August 4 2008 Midi2abc: new feature. The -mftext prints the name of the drum patch for channel 10 and noteon commands. August 11 2008 Abc2midi bug: The following abc file cause abc2midi to halt with a segmentation error. X:1 T: trim problem M:3/4 L:1/4 %%MIDI trim 1/8 K:C ABC|DEF| Analysis: the error occurs in event_specific when the function addfeature(SETTRIM, 1, 4*a, b*v->default_length); is called. The voice structure does not exist causing a segmentation error when v->default_length is addressed. (v does not exist until the body of the abc file.) Fix: if v does not exist, addfeature(SETTRIM,...) get the default_length from global.default_length. Comment: event_refno creates the voice structure and then destroys it when it calls startfile(). This does not cause a problem but makes the code obscure. August 12 2008 Another abc2midi trim bug: the following warnings are Warning in line 9 : unequal notes in chord 7/8 versus 1/1 Warning in line 9 : unequal notes in chord 3/4 versus 1/1 are the produced from this file. X:1 T: trim problem M:3/4 L:1/4 K:C %%MIDI trim 1/8 %%MIDI makechordchannels 2 CD[ABc]| Analysis: the problem was traced to the function writetrack in genmidi.c. The note length is trimmed inside the switch case for NOTE:. The length of the trimmed note is saved and trimming is reapplied to this length for each note of the chord. This bug was probably introduced in June 7 2008 in order to make the the first note in a chord to dominate. Fix: new variables tnote_num and tnote_denom are introduced specifically for note trimming. August 12 2008 Still another abc2midi trim bug. For split voices, the notes are trimmed in only one voice. In the following example, the notes CDE are trimmed but not EFG. X:1 T: another trim problem M:3/4 L:1/4 %%MIDI trim 1/8 %%MIDI makechordchannels 2 %%MIDI program 20 K:C CDE & EFG| Fix: another case statement SETTRIM: was added to sync_voice() in store.c Note that %%MIDI trim command only applies to a single voice. September 17 2008 Abc2midi bug: wrong bass note when expanding guitar chord with inversion. The bass note should be the note after the / rather than the pitch of the chord. Thus "C/E" should be represented by E,,x [G,E,C,] rather than C,,x [G,E,C]. Fix: case 'f' in function dogchords() in genmidi.c no tests for an inversion. If an inversion is indicated, the bass note is changed. September 18 2008 Abc2midi new feature: added the run time option (-NCOM) to suppress some textual comments in the output midi file. September 24 2008 Abc2midi bug: for multitune abc files, the temperament is not automatically turned off at the start of the next tune. Fix: temperament is initialized to zero in startfile() in store.c September 24 2008 Abc2midi new behaviour: the 'strange note' in a gchord is no longer included in the chord. (i.e. F/G is now expanded as G,, [F,A,C] instead of G,, [G,,F,A,C]. (Suggested by H. Lacerda). Change made in configure_gchord() in genmidi.c September 28 2008 Abc2midi bug when selecting tune from collection. When the abc2midi is used to create a single MIDI file from an abc file containing a collection of tune which contains %%MIDI commands, abc2midi numerous warnings 'cannot handle this MIDI directive here' for the non-selected tunes. For example abc2midi balk2.abc 237 -v Reference X: 180 Warning in line 9 : cannot handle this MIDI directive here Reference X: 181 Warning in line 34 : cannot handle this MIDI directive here Warning in line 35 : cannot handle this MIDI directive here Warning in line 36 : cannot handle this MIDI directive here Warning in line 37 : cannot handle this MIDI directive here Reference X: 182 [snip] This obscures real warnings from the selected tune. Analysis: the messages are issued by event_specific_in_header() which was designed to process MIDI commands which appear before the first tune (X: refno), in the file. The function is called when dotune == 0, which is true for unselected tunes. This means that some of the directives in the nonselected tunes (e.g. nobarlines, fermatafixed, ...) can affect the selected tune. Furthermore, some other MIDI directives which are not recognized by the function cause the above warnings to occur. In the following example (headercommands.abc), %%MIDI nobarlines X:1 T: tune 1 M: 2/4 K:G %%MIDI barlines %%MIDI program 100 X:2 T: tune 2 M: 2/4 K: F etc. the directive %%MIDI nobarlines appearing before the first tune is to apply to all tunes in the abc file except where specifically overrided (in tune 1). When we run abc2midi headercommands 2 we are expecting %%MIDI nobarlines to apply to tune 2. However, this was changed in the nonselected tune 1 and the %%MIDI program 100 command causes the message 'cannot handle this MIDI directive here'. Fix: a new global variable started_parsing initialized to zero was introduced in store.c. When event_refno is invoked, the variable started_parsing is set to 1. The function event_specific_in_header is called only if started_parsing is still 0. February 20 2009 Yaps bug. The -E option (for encapsulated postscript) does not compute the boundingbox correctly if the abc file contains note fields (N:). eg. X:1 T:A test N:A note K:C AB cd ef ga | \ AB cd ef ga | \ AB cd ef ga | \ AB cd ef ga | AB cd ef ga | \ AB cd ef ga | \ AB cd ef ga | \ AB cd ef ga |] The bottom part of the last staff is cutoff. Analysis: the function tuneheight() in drawtune.c did not account for space used by the note fields. Fix: added several lines of code to the function to scan through the notefield list and adjust the page height. March 17 2009 Abc2midi new feature: a new command %%MIDI gchordbars n was introduced that acts in the same manner as %%MIDI drumbars (see June 14 2008). but applies to the gchord string instead. The command spreads the gchord string over n consecutive bars. In the following example: X:1 T: gchordbars M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: C %%MIDI gchordbars 2 %%MIDI gchord fzczIzHz "C" c2 "G" c2|"C" g4|"G"c4|g4| fzcz applies to bars 0 and 2 while IzHz applies to bars 1 and 3. For this function to work properly, it is important that the length of the gchord string be exactly divisible by n where n is the number of bars that the gchord string applies to. If gchordbars is not specified, it is assumed to be one bar. Implementation is similar to drumbars. New variables gchordbars and gchordbarcount were introduced in genmidi.c June 23 2009 Abc2midi does not attempt to fill in missing left repeats |: in multipart and multivoiced files. New code was introduced to solve this problem. The functions scan_for_missing_repeats(), add_missing_repeats(), clear_voice_repeat_arrays() was added to store.c. July 22 2009 Abc2midi produces irrelevant error messages %%MIDI drumon must occur after the first K: header when extracting a particular tune in a file containing a collection, eg. abc2midi balk1.abc 10 Fix: in event_specific() in store.c now check the flag dotune. if (strcmp(command,"drumon") == 0 && dotune) { addfeature(DRUMON, 0, 0, 0); etc. July 22 2009 Abc2midi produces the error message found another |: after a |: for the file X:1 T:title M:4/4 L:1/4 K:C A2 c2 :: d2 c2 :| Fix: set bar_rep_found[voicenum] = 1 after inserting missing BAR_REP. September 20 2009 Abc2midi bug: the following file produces a faulty midi file. X:1 T: bug M: 4/4 L: 1/4 K: G V:1 %%MIDI control 7 49 C4|\ %%MIDI control 7 48 C4|\ %%MIDI control 7 47 C4|\ %%MIDI control 7 46 C4| %%MIDI control 7 45 Analysis: As seen below track 1 which contains only control codes is 56 beats long while track 2 which contains the notes is only 16 notes. The control codes in track 1 are not placed at the correct times. ur@localhost abc]$ midi2abc err1.mid -mftext Header format=1 ntrks=2 division=480 Track 1 contains 57 bytes 0.00 Metatext tempo = 120.00 bpm 0.00 Metatext key signature G (1/0) 0.00 Metatext time signature=4/4 0.00 Metatext (Seqnce/Track Name) bug 0.00 CntlParm 1 Volume = 49 4.00 CntlParm 1 Volume = 48 12.00 CntlParm 1 Volume = 47 24.00 CntlParm 1 Volume = 46 40.00 CntlParm 1 Volume = 45 56.05 Meta event, end of track Track 2 contains 67 bytes 0.00 Metatext (Seqnce/Track Name) bug 0.00 CntlParm 1 Volume = 49 0.00 Note on 1 c4 105 4.00 Note off 1 c4 0 4.00 CntlParm 1 Volume = 48 4.00 Note on 1 c4 105 8.00 Note off 1 c4 0 8.00 CntlParm 1 Volume = 47 8.00 Note on 1 c4 105 12.00 Note off 1 c4 0 12.00 CntlParm 1 Volume = 46 12.01 Note on 1 c4 105 16.00 Note off 1 c4 0 16.01 CntlParm 1 Volume = 45 16.06 Meta event, end of track Explanation: when abc2midi produces a type 2 MIDI file (multitracks), track 1 only contains comments, time signature and control codes while the other tracks contain the actual note-on/note-off codes corresponding to the different voices. When abc2midi produces a type 1 MIDI file corresponding to the bare bones abc file (no voices or accompaniment), then there is only one track and all note-on/note-off commands are in the same track. For historic reasons, MIDI control codes are placed in both track 1 and track 2 for voice 1, and the control codes for the other voices are put into their own track. (I dare not change this since it could cause a problem somewhere else.) However, there appears to be a bug since the times of the control codes seem to be incorrect. Fix: I reset delta_time to 0 at the end of the function genmidi.c/dodeferred(). It seems to fix the problem. October 23 2009 Abc2midi bug: the function dograce fails to adjust the length of the host notes in a chord. In the following example X:1 T: grace chord problem M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: C A2 B2|{edc}[cg]2 d2| The chord [cg]2 is not shortened by the length of the grace note {edc}; however if the chord is expressed as [c2g2] the chord is shortened correctly. Analysis:the function applygrace_new() in store.c fails to recognize the CHORDOFFEX feature which is used to express chords of this type. Fix: the function now checks for that feature. December 12 2009 Abc2midi bug: dynamics (eg !pp!) deletes previous rest. In the following example: X:1 T: dynamic problem M:4/4 L:1/4 K:C |ABcd|Az3|!pp!dcBA|] The rest z3 is destroyed by the !pp! indication. Analysis: this bug was introduced on September 20 2009 when delta_time was reset to 0 in dodeferred(). Fix, a global variable rest_pending was added to indicate that a rest has not yet been instantiated in the MIDI file and not to reset delta_time. The variable rest_pending is set to zero for every NOTE, TNOTE or CHORDON feature but set to 1 for a REST feature. **note** this change was undone Feb 4 2010 December 18 2009 Abc2midi bug: split voices (also known as voice overlay) works incorrectly when there are in repeats. For example X:1 T: voice overlay in repeats M: 2/4 L: 1/4 K: G |:C D &b/c/d/e/| F G:| used to work but now does not repeat the voice overlay. (It does not matter whether an opening repeat |: is present.) However, if you put a V:1 after K:G as shown here X:1 T: voice overlay in repeats M: 2/4 L: 1/4 K: G V: 1 |:C D &b/c/d/e/| F G:| it then works correctly. Analysis: this is a new bug that was introduced after the changes on June 23 2009. The function scan_for_missing_repeats corrupts the feature arrays. Here is the feature arrays just before calling scan_for_missing_repeats. 0 LINENUM 2 0 0 0 1 TITLE 0 0 0 0 2 LINENUM 3 0 0 0 3 LINENUM 4 0 0 0 4 LINENUM 5 0 0 0 5 DOUBLE_BAR 0 0 0 0 6 LINENUM 6 0 0 0 7 MUSICLINE 0 0 0 0 8 BAR_REP 0 0 0 0 9 NOTE 60 8192 1 1 10 NOTE 62 8192 1 1 11 SINGLE_BAR 0 0 0 0 12 VOICE 2 0 0 0 13 DOUBLE_BAR 0 0 0 0 14 BAR_REP 0 0 0 0 15 NOTE 83 8192 1 2 16 NOTE 72 8192 1 2 17 NOTE 74 8192 1 2 18 NOTE 76 8192 1 2 19 SINGLE_BAR 0 0 0 0 20 VOICE 1 0 0 0 21 NOTE 66 8192 1 1 22 NOTE 67 8192 1 1 23 REP_BAR 0 0 0 0 24 VOICE 2 0 0 0 25 REST 0 0 2 1 26 REP_BAR 0 0 0 0 27 VOICE 1 0 0 0 28 MUSICSTOP 0 0 0 0 29 LINENUM 7 0 0 0 30 VOICE 2 0 0 0 31 SINGLE_BAR 0 0 0 0 Here is the feature array afterwards. 1 TITLE 0 0 0 0 2 LINENUM 3 0 0 0 3 LINENUM 4 0 0 0 4 LINENUM 5 0 0 0 5 DOUBLE_BAR 0 0 0 0 6 LINENUM 6 0 0 0 7 MUSICLINE 0 0 0 0 8 BAR_REP 0 0 0 0 9 NOTE 60 8192 1 1 10 NOTE 62 8192 1 1 11 SINGLE_BAR 0 0 0 0 12 VOICE 2 0 0 0 13 DOUBLE_BAR 0 0 0 0 14 BAR_REP 0 0 0 0 15 NOTE 83 8192 1 2 16 NOTE 72 8192 1 2 17 NOTE 74 8192 1 2 18 NOTE 76 8192 1 2 19 SINGLE_BAR 0 0 0 0 20 VOICE 1 0 0 0 21 NOTE 66 8192 1 1 22 NOTE 67 8192 1 1 23 BAR_REP 0 0 0 0 24 REP_BAR 0 0 0 0 25 VOICE 2 0 0 0 26 REST 0 0 2 1 27 REP_BAR 0 0 0 0 28 VOICE 1 0 0 0 29 MUSICSTOP 0 0 0 0 30 LINENUM 7 0 0 0 31 VOICE 2 0 0 0 32 SINGLE_BAR 0 0 0 0 Note that feature BAR_REP was placed at 23 immediately before REP_BAR. The problem is that the first VOICE 1 feature was found after the first bar was processed and a split voice (VOICE 2) was generated. scan_for_missing_repeats automatically places a BAR_REP 3 indices past (24) the VOICE 1 (20) command which it expects to be before the first note. This messes up the feature array. If the abc file has a V:1 after the K: then the BAR_REP is placed at the right place. Fix: Always place a VOICE 1 command after the first K: in the abc file. In event_key (store.c) addfeature(VOICE, ...) after getvoicecontext(1) if not inside body of abc file. (There may be a K: indication inside another voice and we do not want to automatically switch to VOICE 1.) ***This change was removed on December 21 ***. December 20 2009 abc2midi bug: X:1 T: embedded V: command and voice overlay %%MIDI program 2 41 K:C [V:1] | cde2 & egc'2 | C8 & z4 e'4 | c8 :| [V:2] |C,D,E,2 | C,,8 | C,8 :| the voice overlay gets garbled but if we write V:1 | cde2 & egc'2 | C8 & z4 e'4 | c8 :| V:2 |C,D,E,2 | C,,8 | C,8 :| it works fine. In scan_for_missing_repeats changed add_leftrepeat_at[num2add] = voicestart[voicenum]+3; to add_leftrepeat_at[num2add] = voicestart[voicenum]+2; December 21 2009 abc2midi bug: abc2midi fails to convert the simple file X:1 T: one track M: 2/4 L: 1/4 K: C CD|EF|GA|Bc| Fix: removed insertion of VOICE feature after the event_key. instead event_key remembers the location to place a VOICE feature in the variable v1index in case a event_split_voice is encountered and voicesused is 0. January 05 2010 abc2midi bug: loss of voice synchronization when stacatto, chords and dynamics mixed. In the following example, X:1 T:staccato and dynamics M:4/4 L:1/8 K:G V:1 C4 G4|A4 G4| V:2 [.D4.G4]!p!C2C2|D4F4| the chord [.D4.G4] is one beat two short causing a loss of synchronization between the two voices. However if abc2midi is run with the option -NFNP which causes abc2midi to ignore the dynamic indication !p!, the voices remain in synchronization. Analysis, the stacatto markings embedded in a chord causes a REST feature to be embedded in the chord. 21 CHORDON 0 0 0 0 22 REST 62 0 2 1 23 NOTE 62 8192 1 1 24 NOTE 67 8192 1 1 25 CHORDOFF 0 0 2 1 normally a stacatto places the rest after the shortened note but for chords it is done differently. (It is rather unusual to find stacatto markings inside a chord.) Nevertheless, the notes are still played with the rest following. (Another quirk of abc2midi.) Fix: in writetrack() (genmidi.c) rest_pending is no longer reset to 0 if the note is inside a chord. **note** this change was undone Feb 4 2010 January 06 2010 Abc2midi new feature: a missing Fermata in a multivoiced tune can cause a loss of synchrony between the voices. As an aid in detecting this problem, a new run parameter was introduced. -NFEM will cause abc2midi to ignore all fermata markings in the abc tune. Implementation: introduced a new global variable ignore_fermata which is normally set to 0 into store.c. If it is nonzero, then decorators[FERMATA] is ignored. January 10 2010 Abc2midi new feature: though abc2midi should shorten the notes preceded by a grace sequence in some circumstances it may fail to shorten it the right amount causing the voice track to lose synchrony with the other tracks. As an aid to detecting this problem, a new run parameter was introduced. -NGRA will cause abc2midi to ignore all notes in a grace sequence (enclosed in curly brackets {}). Implementation: a new global variable ignore_gracenotes (normally set to 0) was introduced in store.c. If both ignore_gracenotes and gracenotes are nonzero, then event_note ignores the current note. January 14 2010 Abc2midi bug: the -NGRA option messes up the output abc file for the following example. Track 2 is shorter than track 1. X:1 T:-NGRA option makes a mess L:1/2 M:2/2 K:C V:1 |: {d-}[de]f|ga :| V:2 |: {E-}[EF]G|AB :| Analysis: (You should review the operation of dotie and tiefix as described in this file at February 12 2005. Note the many other problems that were encountered with this code.) Before calling tiefix, the feature array looks as follows. (gdb) call dumpfeat(0,notes) 0 LINENUM 3 0 0 0 1 TITLE 0 0 0 0 2 LINENUM 4 0 0 0 3 LINENUM 5 0 0 0 4 LINENUM 6 0 0 0 5 DOUBLE_BAR 0 0 0 0 6 LINENUM 7 0 0 0 7 VOICE 1 0 0 0 8 LINENUM 8 0 0 0 9 MUSICLINE 0 0 0 0 10 BAR_REP 0 0 0 0 11 GRACEON 0 0 0 0 12 TIE 0 0 0 0 13 GRACEOFF 0 0 0 0 14 CHORDON 0 0 0 0 15 NOTE 74 8192 2 1 16 NOTE 76 8192 2 1 17 CHORDOFF 0 0 2 1 18 NOTE 77 8192 2 1 19 SINGLE_BAR 0 0 0 0 20 NOTE 79 8192 2 1 21 NOTE 81 8192 2 1 22 REP_BAR 0 0 0 0 23 MUSICSTOP 0 0 0 0 24 LINENUM 9 0 0 0 25 VOICE 2 0 0 0 26 LINENUM 10 0 0 0 27 MUSICLINE 0 0 0 0 28 BAR_REP 0 0 0 0 29 GRACEON 0 0 0 0 30 TIE 0 0 0 0 31 GRACEOFF 0 0 0 0 32 CHORDON 0 0 0 0 33 NOTE 64 8192 2 1 34 NOTE 65 8192 2 1 35 CHORDOFF 0 0 2 1 36 NOTE 67 8192 2 1 37 SINGLE_BAR 0 0 0 0 38 NOTE 69 8192 2 1 39 NOTE 71 8192 2 1 40 REP_BAR 0 0 0 0 41 MUSICSTOP 0 0 0 0 42 LINENUM 11 0 0 0 43 SINGLE_BAR 0 0 0 0 Note that that there is a TIE feature enclosed in the GRACEON and GRACEOF area but there is no NOTE or REST preceding. This is because we ran abc2midi with -NGRA which had removed all the notes enclosed by the grace complex. When dotie, attempts to process the TIE at 12 it fails to find a NOTE or REST and exits; however when dotie attempts to process the TIE as 30, it finds a NOTE in a different voice at position 21 and all hell breaks loose a big mess. Fix: to prevent dotie from searching for a NOTE or REST in a previous voice, we cause a break when feature[TIENOTE] == VOICE. while ((tienote > 0) && (feature[tienote] != NOTE) && (feature[tienote] != REST)) { tienote = tienote - 1; if (feature[tienote] == VOICE) break; /* [SS] 2010-01-15 */ }; to prevent a TIE from appearing in the first place in a grace complex when -NGRA was specified we add if (gracenotes && ignore_gracenotes) return; /* [SS] 2010-01-12 */ in the event_tie() function. January 23 2010 Code clean-up to remove the numerous warnings when compiling with the -Wall compilation flag. genmidi.c, mftext.c, midifile.c, midifile.h, and store.c were modified. There are still a few warnings to be checked out later. February 01 2010 Code clean-up. Removed unused functions -- slurtotie(), applybroken(), and delendrep() in store.c. February 01 2010 Abc2midi: support for multivoiced lyrics introduced. The following tune illustrates multivoiced lyrics. X:1 T:multivoiced lyrics M:2/4 L:1/16 K:C V:1 clef=treble V:2 clef=treble %%staves 1 2 V:1 C4 C4 | E4 G4 | c8 |] w: 1 2 3 4 5 V:2 C4 E4 | C4 B,4 | C8 |] w: 11 12 13 14 15 A warning "More than one voice with words in" appears. Though the MIDI file plays properly, the lyrics do not appear correctly in MIDI file players such as Melody Player. It was necessary to some significant changes to the way the information in the w: field is transferred to the MIDI file in order to ensure compatibility. This section describes how abc2midi treats the w: field in order to incorporate lyric text into a karoake style MIDI file. For multivoiced abc files, abc2midi only handles the lyrics in the first voice. There is interest in generalizing the program so that it can handle lyrics in multiple voices which are common in choir music. Parsing stage (store.c) ------------------------ All lyric text is copied into string array called words char** words; which is allocated by checkmalloc(maxwords*sizeof(char) where maxwords is set to INITWORDS 20. Each time a w: field is encountered, event_words() in store.c is invoked and places the string of text in the w: into words[wcount] where wcount is incremented. A new feature, WORDLINE is added to the feature array. The index wcount is saved in the pitch[] component of the feature arrays. If there is no continuation, of the w: command, then a WORDSTOP feature is added to signal the end of the w: field. In the event that the wcount index reaches maxwords, the function textextend() doubles the allocated space in words[] and doubles maxwords. event_words() also verifies that the lyrics originate from only one voice. Creation of the MIDI file (genmidi.c) ------------------------------------- Genmidi records the MIDI tracks using the function writetrack() which is called by mfwrite() in midifile.c. Mfwrite() was called by finishfile() in store.c There is no one to one correspondence between voices and MIDI tracks. Some voices may have two tracks. A voice containing lyrics is mapped into two tracks, one for the notes and another for the words. Two semaphores, wordson and noteson signal writetrack whether to record only the words, only the notes or both in the track. When writetrack scans through all the features in the feat array for the specific voice, the NOTE: and TNOTE: blocks inscribe the words or notes in the MIDI file depending on the status of the wordson and noteon semaphores. The gchord accompaniment is placed in a separate track, gchordtrack which was set by finishfile() in store.c. The voice containing the gchord indications is passed from store.c to genmidi.c by means of the variable gchordvoice. The same applies to drumtrack and dronetrack which rely on drumvoice and dronevoice to establish the synchronization. The voice structures used in store.c are not passed to genmidi.c. All the information for writing the MIDI tracks come from the above semaphores and the feature,pitch,num,denom arrays which were passed from store.c. Genmidi does not know whether it is writing a split voice track (voice overlay) or a regular voice track. They both look the same. Genmidi must know the number of tracks in the MIDI file since this is recorded in the header chunk of the MIDI file. The current design of writetrack() assumes that if a lyrics track exists it must be in track 2 (counting from zero). There can be only one lyric track. To allow more than one lyric track (or voice containing lyrics), to allow a track to have notes as well as words embedded requires passing more information to genmidi. For instance we need to know whether a particular track should record lyrics or notes, and which voice number is the source. Changes: ------- Created a new function dump_voicecontext() in store.c which prints out the descriptors of all the voice contexts. Created a new structure trackstructure in store.c struct trackstruct {enum {NOTES, WORDS, NOTEWORDS, GCHORDS, DRUMS, DRONE} tracktype; int voicenum; }; and a new array Created struct trackstruct trackdescriptor[40]; which will be shared with genmidi.c Created a new function setup_trackstructure() in store.c which modifies trackdescriptor[]. Modified writetrack() in genmidi.c so that it can write more than one lyric track. Introduced an option to write lyrics in either the same track as the notes or else in a separate track (-STFW). Added "int hasdrums" to voice structure in store.c. Added "int hasdrone" to voice structure in store.c Cleaned out dronevoice, drumvoice, dronetrack, drumtrack, gchordvoice, gchordtrack variables from store.c and genmidi.c Removed warning "More than one voice with guitar chords in" One of the benefits of the new organization is that now you can have drums and gchords in more than one voice as shown in the following examples X:1 T: double gchords M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: C V:1 %%MIDI chordprog 1 %%MIDI gchord fffff "G" z4|z4| V:2 %%MIDI chordprog 90 %%MIDI bassprog 90 %%MIDI gchord ghii "G" z4|z4| X:1 T: drums in two voices M: 2/4 L:1/8 K: C V:1 %%MIDI drum dddddddd 35 36 37 38 35 36 37 38 %%MIDI drumon |G4|G4| V:2 %%MIDI drum d2d2 40 41 %%MIDI drumon |C2D2|EFGA| February 04 2010 Abc2midi bug: the following tune is not converted correctly and the drone is not heard. X: 129 T: Drone Bug M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: Gdor Q:1/4=140 G\ %%MIDI drone 109 67 67 50 50 %%MIDI droneon %%MIDI program 41 | c2 c2 |(3cBA GB|c2 c2 |(3cBA GB | %%MIDI program 111 %%MIDI droneoff Analysis: this yet another bug introduced by the change in dodeferred (September 20 2009). (See also December 12 2009 and Jan 05 2010). Fix: in dodeferred replaced the lines /********* delta_time = 0L; [SS] 2009-09-20 [SS] 2009-12-12*/ if (!rest_pending) delta_time = 0L; /* [SS] 2009-12-12 */ with if(wordson+noteson+gchordson+drumson+droneon == 0) delta_time = 0L; This is a better fix to the bug addressed on September 20 2009. Removed the variable rest_pending and all references in genmidi.c February 07 2010 Abc2midi: segmentation errors when applying abc2midi on a large collection of tunes in an abc file. Analysis: two array index out of bounds problems were identified in store.c. The variable num2add was not reset to 0 in the function scan_for_missing_repeats() causing the array add_leftrepeat_at[100] to overrun when a large collection of tunes is processed. (Also many spurious BAR_REP's are inserted into the feature[] array.) A separate problem caused by insertion of BAR_REPs is that the part_start[] array no longer points to the correct location of the PART feature in the feature[] array. This causes fillvoice() to induce a segmentation error because partlabel contains bad data. Fix: (1) reset num2add to 0 in scan_for_missing_repeats(), (2) add_missing_repeats() also increments the addresses in part_start[] after each insert in the feature[] array. As a precaution, fillvoice() in genmidi() reports an error if variable partlabel is out of bounds. As a precaution v1index is also reset to -1 and splitdepth set to 0 in startfile(). February 09 2010 Abc2midi bug: drum voice fails to materialize in this tune. X: 30 T: Drum fails to materialize M: 8/4 L: 1/8 Q: 1/4=120 K: D octave=1 %%MIDI program 74 %%MIDI drum dzdzdzdzzzzzzdddd 41 43 41 43 45 45 45 45 |:z2g2e2c2 gagfe2c2|\ %%MIDI drumon z2g2e2c2 gagfe2c2| c2^d2e2ga g2^d2ccg2|\ c2^d2e2ga g2^d2ccc2:| Analysis: setup_trackstructure() sets the number of tracks to 1 if there is no drumvoice, gchordvoice, karaoke, or dronevoice. Unfortunately drumvoice was not set when %%MIDI drumon was encountered. Fix: drumvoice is set to v->indexno when %%MIDI drumon is found. February 23 2010 Abc2midi lyric bug: abc2midi does not treat the double hyphen in the w: line. In the following example X:1 T: lyric bug M: 5/4 L: 1/4 K: G cdefg w:one two--three four the word four should be under the g note not f. Analysis: the problem occurs in the function getword() in genmidi.c. After processing a syllable the second 'while loop' skips over all following control codes. It should increment syllcount when it encounters a hyphen so that another note will be skipped. February 23 2010 Abc2abc does not copy s: and d: (symbols and decoration lines) but instead puts a blank line. In the following example: X: 2 T:Aaron's (Rarefied) Air M:4/4 L:1/4 K:G D|"G"DG "D7"FA|"G"G2 DD|G3/2A/2 Bc|\ d3d|"C"e3/2d/2 ce|"G"d3/2c/2 Bd|"Am"cB AG|\ s: .. .... .... .... "D7"FG AD| abc2abc example.abc abc2abc aaron.abc -t 2 X:2 T:Aaron's (Rarefied) Air M:4/4 L:1/4 K:Amaj E|"A"EA "E7"GB|"A"A2 EE|A3/2B/2 cd|\ e3e|"D"f3/2e/2 df|"A"e3/2d/2 ce|"Bm"dc BA|\ "E7"GA BE| Fix: added event_field(key, place) to case 'd' and case 's' in parsefield(key,field) in parseabc.c. March 27 2010 - contributed by Bas Schoutsen abc2midi now reads w: lines starting with hyphens, example: X:1 K:C A w:la- BcdA w:---la X:2 K:C A w:la-- BcdA w:---- BcdA w:--la Fix: introduced new global variable hyphenstate in genmidi.c/getword(). April 08 2010 contribution by Bas Schoutsen Abc2midi lyric bug: tied notes at the end of the line shifts the lyrics one place further ahead in the following example. X:1 T: tie 2 M:4/4 L:1/4 K:C cdef-| w:c d e x- fgag w:-g a g Fix: in genmidi.c a new global variable onemorenote were introduced plus additional code in getword() and checksylables() to handle the situation. April 15 2010 Abc2midi: incompatibility with Melody Player, MidiNotate, NoteWorthy Player and other commercial products. In the following example, X:1 T:Zijn niet de tien gereinigd C:Willem Vogel M:C| K:C z4z2A2|[M:5/4]c4A2A2A2|[M:3/4]c4A2|[M:5/4]d4B2B2B2|[M:C|]e4A4|d4G4|c4B2A2|G6G2|A4E2E2|G4D4|E4F4|D8-|D8-|!fermata!D8|] the time signature 5/4 is placed at the beginning instead of the second measure. Analysis, the MIDI meta Text event Time signaturea= 5/4 is placed at MIDI Time = 1919 instead of MIDI Time = 1920. Apparently, when the MIDI Player performs the division 1919/480 (where 480 is the number of divisions per beat) the result is truncated instead of rounded. Fix, in set_meter(n,m) defined in genmidi.c, the last statement was changed to mf_write_meta_event(delta_time, time_signature, data, 4); (delta_time replaces 0L.) **Note** this change was retracted on July 07 2010 and a different fix was introduced. April 21 2010 Abc2midi bug: The fix described on April 15 2010 introduced a more serious bug. In the following example X: 15 T: Accompaniment starts at the wrong time M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: Am %%MIDI program 57 | CDEF|CDEF| CDEF|CDEF| M:2/4 %%MIDI drum dddz 35 48 60 %%MIDI drumon %%MIDI gchord fczz %%MIDI bassvol 40 %%MIDI chordvol 40 |"D" dcBd |d2B2 |cBAc |B2A2 |\ z2d2- |d2B2 |c4 |B2A2 | Both the drum and chordal accompaniment start 4 bars late. If the second M:2/4 indication is left out, the accompaniment starts at the correct time. Fix: in set_meter() the change if (noteson) /* [SS] 2010-04-21 */ mf_write_meta_event(delta_time, time_signature, data, 4); /* [SS] 2010-04-15 */ else mf_write_meta_event(0L, time_signature, data, 4); /* [SS] 2010-04-15 */ seems to fix the problem. **Note** this change was retracted on July 07 2010 and a different fix was introduced. May 08 2010 Abc2midi new feature: the abc draft standard 2.0 http://abc.sourceforge.net/standard/abc2-draft.html#K:%20-%20key allows one to explicitly define all accidentals of a key signature using the notation K: exp Thus K:DPhr ^f could also be notated as K:D exp _b _e ^f where exp is an abbreviation for explicit. The standard states that the notes should be in lower case; however, as a compatibility measure with abcm2ps upper case notes are also allowed with this feature. Fix: in parseabc.c (parsekey) checked for string "exp" and set a new variable explict to 1 if the string is present. Added the variable explict to the function event_key(..) which is defined in store.c, toabc.c, yapstree.c, matchsup.c, and parseabc.h. Note the applications abc2abc, yaps, abcmatch do not support this feature presently. May 20 2010 Abc2midi in compatibility. For the following example X: 1 T: Araber tants R: Terkish M: C L: 1/8 K: Dphr ^F D2 "A"\ | "D"FGA2 A2A2 | "Gm"B6 AG | "D"^FGA2 "Eb"BAGA | "D"GF3 z2D2 | abc2midi ignores ^F in the K: field command. The draft 2.0 standard states that modifiers should be in lower case. Thus the K: field should be written as K: Dphr ^f Since abcm2ps allows upper case modifiers too and distinguishes them, I now allow both upper and lower case modifiers. Fix: commented out if (expict) in parseabc/parsekey(). This also maintains compatibility with various Klezmer transcriptions. May 21 2010 Abc2midi bug: abc2midi crashes when the -c option (checking only) is selected. eg. abc2midi test.abc -c Floating point exception Analysis: division by zero occurs when set_meter(header_time_num, header_time_denom) because both input parameters are zero. These parameters are not set when the c option is selected. Fix: in finishfile() (store.c) set header_time_num and header_time_denom when check is set. if (check) { Mf_putc = nullputc; header_time_num = time_num; /* [SS] 2010-05-21 */ header_time_denom = time_denom; /* [SS] 2010-05-21 */ May 24 2010 Abc2midi compatibility bug: the key signature K:C^f^c is not parsed correctly. (Such indications occur in many Klezmer tunes.) Analysis: parsekey (in parseabc.c) expects a space separating the key signature modifiers ^f and ^c. Fix: readword() in parseabc.c was changed so that it splits a string when it encounters '^' and '_' as well as '='. May 26 2010 Abc2midi crashes with a segmentation error for file demo.abc (included with abcMIDI package) when run on any specific tune eg. [seymour@localhost abc]$ abc2midi demo.abc 2 writing MIDI file demo2.mid Segmentation fault Analysis: abc2midi scans the entire demo.abc file. When it encounters %%MIDI drumon in tune 7, it attempts to set v->drumon = 1. The v structure has not been allocated, so a null pointer is encountered. Fix: also tested the variable dotune in the following test if (strcmp(command,"drumon") == 0 && dotune) { /* [SS] 2010-05-26 */ in event_specific, in store.c. May 31 2010 Abc2midi does not process K: field when key is missing but sharps and flats are indicated explicitly. This typically occurs in some Klezmer tunes. In the following example X:1 T:explicit key M:2/4 L:1/8 K:^c^d^e CDEF|DEGA| abc2midi returns the messages Error in line 5 : First K: field must specify key signature Warning in line 6 : Ignoring text: CDEF|DEGA| Error in line 7 : No valid K: field found at start of tune and does not produce a MIDI file Analysis: the messages are produced when parsekey returns a zero value for the flag gotkey. Fix: if parsekey succeeds in parsing some information in the K: field (parse == 1), then gotkey is set to 1 and sf is set to 0 (i.e. C scale). June 26 2010 Abc2midi bug. Tempo command (eg Q:60) applied at the wrong place in a multivoiced abc file containing a change in dynamics. In the following example: X: 1 T: Branles M: 4/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=110 K:C V:1 CDEF GABc | CDEF !p!GA[Q:60]Bc | V:2 K:C |[C,G,]4 [G,,F,]4 | [C,G,]4 [G,,F,]4 | the Q:60 is applied after the second note (D). Analysis: the !p! command resets delta_time to zero in track 1 (where the TEMPO command is inserted) because of the line if(wordson+noteson+gchordson+drumson+droneon == 0) delta_time = 0L; at the conclusion of the function dodeferred (in genmidi.c). As a result when TEMPO is encountered, delta_time only reflects the next two notes GA after the !p!. Unfortunately, if we do not set delta_time to 0L, then another bug comes back (September 20 2009). Fix: it is necessary to introduce another global delta_time_track0 which is shared between genmidi.c and queues.c. delta_time_track0 is updated by queues.c but is only used by the TEMPO command in genmidi.c July 1 2010 Abc2midi does not recognize tabs in field commands K: and V: eg. X: 1 T:Danse M: 4/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=110 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% V:1 nm=Oboe snm=Ob V:2 nm=Basse snm=Bs %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% V:1 % Oboe %%MIDI channel 1 %%MIDI program 68 K:Gm GABc def2|edcd BcA2 | GABc def2|ec[Q:100]B[Q:90]d[Q:80] A[Q:70]F[Q:60]G2|] V:2 % Basse %%MIDI channel 2 %%MIDI program 46 K:Gm [G,,D,]4 [G,,D,]4 |[G,,D,]4 [G,,D,]4 |[G,,D,]4 [G,,D,]4 |[G,,D,]4 [G,,D,]4 |] %%% Analyses: tabs instead of spaces occur after V:1 and V:2. Abc2midi processes 1\tnm=Oboe as a single word etc. As a result abc2midi identifies four voices instead of 2. Fix: in readword() (parseabc.c) added (*p != '\t') in the while predicate. July 07 2010 Abc2midi bug occurs when a rest is followed by a time signature. In the following example: X:1 T: time signature M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: C V:1 E2D2|[M:2/4] D2F2| V:2 z4|[M:2/4] f2e2| the rest z4 is held too long causing a loss of synchrony between the two voices. If the following meter change is removed in the two voices, the problem disappears. The rest is also held too long in the single voiced tune (no V: command). Analysis: this bug was introduced with the April 15 - April 21 2010 changes to write_meter() in genmidi.c (see above). Fix, I restored write_meter() to its original state reintroducing the incompatibility with Melody Player and several other players. To fix the incompatibility, delta_time was initialized to 1 instead of 0 in writetrack() (genmidi.c). July 11 2010 Abc2midi: new feature. Added warning "no default gchord string for this meter". The message appears once if no gchord string could be set and a guitar chord appears in the music. Implementation: the gchord string is set to 'x' by default. If dogchords finds 'x' it outputs the message one time. July 27 2010 Abc2midi: possible bug. No voice command assumed. In the following sample: X:1 T: voices M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: G GABc|BAGF| V:2 FGAB|defg| tht V: field occurs past body; will include this body with this voice."); 1 voice command is missing after the K: G. abcm2ps understands that there are two voices; however, abc2midi appends the second voice to the first voice. Analysis: in order to handle named voices parsevoice in parseabc.c assigns a sequential number starting from 1 to the first voice it encounters. This gets confused with the body which also has the same voice number. I did not see any clean way of fixing this problems; however, there is now a warning in event_voice (store.c) when this potential problem occurs. {event_warning("First V: field occurs past body; will combine this body with this voice."); In order to detect this problem, it was necessary to introduce the flag bodystarted. July 29 2010 Abc2midi bug: in the following tune X:1 T: K: bug M: 4/4 L: 1/4 K: E V:1 K: treble EFGA|Bcde| the E major scale was not set up. Analysis: this bug was introduced in May 31 2010. In the second K: command, parsekey (in parseabc.c) sets sf to 0 and gotkey to 1. This forces event_key to change the key signature to the C major scale. Fix: in order to handle key signature mods, we introduced a new flag modnotes which is set when it encounters a ^, _ or == in the K: command. If gotkey is zero and modnotes is set, then explct is set to 1 so that event_key will process the key signature modifications. August 12 2010 Abc2midi bug: delayed start of drum pattern for second voice. In the following example: X:1 T: drumbug M:4/4 L:1/1 K:C % V:1 %%MIDI drumon %%MIDI drum d2zd 35 38 120 50 %| x|x| % V:2 %%MIDI drumon %%MIDI drum dzdz 67 68 100 80 %| x|x| the drum generator for the second voice begins one bar late. If you remove the comment before the single bar in second to last line, the second voice starts on time. Analysis: dodrums() in genmidi.c is called by progress_sequence in queues.c provided the Q structure is not empty (Qhead not -1). In the case of the first voice, the Q structure is setup by checkbar() in genmidi.c because it was called by softcheckbar() when the DOUBLE_BAR feature was encountered. For the second voice, no DOUBLE_BAR feature was encountered, so the Q structure was not set up for the drum track. If the voice starts with a single bar, checkbar() is called and everything is properly initialized. Fix: added to starttrack() in genmidi.c if (drumson) { /* [SS] 2010-08-12 */ drum_ptr = 0; addtoQ(0, drum_denom, -1, drum_ptr, 0); } This seems to fix the problem. August 28 2010 abc2midi bug: voice splits does not work when the unit length is not the default value 1/8. In the example X:1 T: split voice bug. K:C L:1/2 |:cd |1 c2 & e2 :|2 C2 & G2 |] The split voice was transformed with the wrong unit length. If L: is set to 1/8 the MIDI file is correct. Analysis: v->default_length has the wrong value for the split voice. Fix: in event_split_voice (store.c) v->default_length is transferred to the split voice. August 31 2010 abc2midi bug: rests inserts after [Q:1/4=100]. In the following example X:1 T: Rallentando M: 4/4 L: 1/4 Q:1/4=120 K: C C C C C | C C C C | C C C C | C C [Q:1/4=100]C [Q:1/4=80]C | C1 |] there is a large silent period inserted after the Q:1/4=100 command. Inserting a V:1 after K: C fixes this problem. Analysis: this bug was introduced on June 26 2010 in effort to fix a related problem. Unfortunately, for single track MIDI files this caused another problem. Fix: if the MIDI file has only one track, the program reverts to the old code. September 28 2010 abc2midi bug: multiple repeats does not work correctly. In the following example, X:1 T: repeats M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: C |:G2A2|[1,3 B2f2:|[2,4 B2c2:| G2A2 is played again after the last repeat. Analysis: in genmidi.c maxrepeats was incremented to 5. Fix: limited maxrepeats to 4 or less. (Note [1,3,5 does not work because inlist() in genmidi.c does not check beyond two numbers.) November 21 2010 abc2midi bug: when the path name to the abc file contains embedded periods, eg. "C:\Documents and Settings\midi.stadsmuur.INTERN.018\Local Settings\Temp\temp.abc" abc2midi places the output midi file in the wrong folder eg. "C:\Documents and Settings\midi Analysis: the problem is in the code *filename = argv[1]; outbase = addstring(argv[1]); for (j = 0; j< (int) strlen(outbase); j++) { if (outbase[j] == '.') outbase[j] = '\0'; }; }; in the function event_init() in store.c. Fix, the loop should go backwards and stop at the first period. outbase = addstring(argv[1]); /* [RM] 2010-11-20 */ for (j = (int) strlen(outbase); j>0 ; j--) { if (outbase[j] == '.') { outbase[j] = '\0'; break; } }; Thank you Reinier Maliepaard for identifying the bug and proposing a solution. December 07 2010 abc2midi: New feature: tempo indication compatibility with abc standard 2.0. The standard allows the following syntax for the Q: command; X:1 T:tempo M:2/4 L:1/4 K:G Q: "Adagio" CD|EF| Q: "Adagio" 1/4=40 GA|Bc| Explanation: "Adagio" translates into 1/4=59. In the second Q: command, 1/4=40 overrides the default tempo for "Adagio". See abcguide.txt for other tempo directives. Please note that the double quotes are mandatory. Implementation: in store.c, translation tables temponame[] and temporate[] were added; also the function get_tempo_from_name() was introduced. December 10 2010 Abc2midi bug: abc2midi crashes if the above tempo descriptor is not enclosed in double quotes. See example below. X:1 T:tempo causes crash M:2/4 L:1/4 K:G Q: Adagio CD|EF| Analysis: the segmentation error occurs in the new function get_tempo_from_name(s) in store.c. The string s is empty nad causes the program to crash when strcasecmp() is called. Fix: added the test if (s == NULL) return 0; /* [SS] 2010-12-10 */ in get_tempo_from_name(s). Now the program returns Error in line 6 : malformed Q: field ignored December 12 2010 yaps: bug. The following file crashes yaps. X:1 T:yaps segmentation error Q:1/4=60 M:2/4 L:1/16 K:Bb Q:1/4=60 "F"F2FF AFAc |"Bb" B2 z2 B2 \ z2 | z4 | %%printtempo 0 "Bb"((3_b2a2g2) f2d2 | B2BB dBdf | "F"F2FF AFAc | "Bb"B2z2 "D"A2z2 | P:Accelerando --------------------------->---------------->----------------------- [Q:1/4=65] "Gm"G2B2 G2B2 |[Q:1/4=70] "D"A2 D4 D2 |[Q:1/4=80] "Gm"G2B2 G2B2 |[Q:1/4=90] "D"d2z2 d4 | Analysis: yaps does not expect such a long label in the P: field. Fix: in event_parts(s), in yapstree.c, changed char label[20] to char label[200]. January 1 2011 abc2midi irrelevant messages when running on a collection of tunes in a file. (eg. "voice mapping ..." and "First V: field occurs past body..."). Analysis: the variable voicecode in parseabc.c was not reset to 0 when the next tune was processed. Also the variable bodystarted in store.c was not reset to 0 when the next tune was processed. Fix: in parseabc.c, call init_voicecode() after event_ref() called; in store.c, set bodystarted to 0 in event_ref(). February 21 2011 abc2abc : the program now attempts to transpose the key modifications in the key signature. For example: K: Dphr^F will be transposed to EPhr^G (for abc2abc -t 2). Explicit key modifications are also supported. These key signatures are used a lot in Klezmer music. Unfortunately, the algorithm does not always work correctly. Perhaps someone can help me. All the new code is in toabc.c before the function event_key(). I have given up in treating double sharps and double flat modifications. April 14 2011 abc2abc bug: when using the voice extraction feature -V n, the program still reports errors occurring in other voices causing some confusion. In the following example, voice 1 has 5 beats instead of 4 in bar 1 (we count from zero). X:1 T: confusing error message M: 4/4 L: 1/4 K: C V:1 ABcg|dcABE| V:2 Acde|feFE| When extracting voice 2: abc2abc xabc.abc -V 2 X:1 T:invisible note problem M:4/4 L:1/4 K:C %Error : Bar 1 is 5/4 not 4/4 V:2 Acde|feFE| The error message applies to a problem in voice 1 even though the program is extracting voice 2. Analysis, abc2abc processes the entire file but merely suppresses all voices except the one requested. Error messages in other voices are not suppressed. Fix: the flag output_on in toabc.c is used to suppress output of the unwanted voices. The functions event_error(s) and event_warning(s) now check both flags echeck and output_on before printing. April 14 2011 abc2abc bug: when extracting a particular voice, abc2abc fails to print the part field command P:. In the following example, X:1 T: abc2abc missing part M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: G P: Intro V:1 V:2 V:3 P:A V:1 V:2 V:3 abc2abc pabc.abc -V 1 X:1 T:abc2abc missing part M:2/4 L:1/8 K:G P:Intro V:1 V:1 P:A is missing in the output, however abc2abc pabc.abc -V 3 X:1 T:abc2abc missing part M:2/4 L:1/8 K:G P:Intro V:3 P:A V:3 P:A is present when the last voice is requested. Analysis: P:A is considered to be part of voice 3, so it was suppressed when any other voice was extracted. Fix: the P: command should be treated as the start of a new section so that the control flag output_on should be set to 1 whenenver this command is encountered. This occurs in the function event_part() in toabc.c. April 17 2011 abc2abc new feature: normally abc2abc converts all instructions (decorations) like !ppp! to +ppp+ in order to comply with the abc standard 2.0 which has deprecated the former convention. A new option -noplus, causes abc2abc to use the deprecated convention to represent all instructions and decorations. Implementation: a new global integer noplus was introduced in toabc.c code. April 17 2011 abc2abc bug: abc2abc fails to recognize clef=perc, eg. X:1 T: clef= error M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: G V:drum clef=perc !f! CDEF| causes abc2abc to issue a warning %Warning : cannot recognize clef indication Fix: added to isclef() in parseabc.c if (strncmp(s, "perc",1) == 0 && strict==0) { gotclef = 1; } /* [SS] 2011-04-17 */ April 18 2011 abc2abc bug: fails to transfer all voice parameters. In the following example X:1 T: missing stafflines parameter M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: G V:drum clef=perc stafflines=1 CDEF| abc2abc fails to copy 'stafflines=1' to stdout. Analysis: parsevoice in parseabc.c ignores anything it does not recognize. stafflines=1 is a parameter used by abcm2ps. Fix: added to voice_params in parseabc.h int gotother; char other[V_STRLEN]; added to parsevoice(s) in parseabc.c vparams.gotother = 0; vparams.other[0] = '\0'; if (!parsed) parsed = parseother()... introduced a new function in parseabc.c parseother(); added to event_voice() in toabc.c if( vp->gotother ) { sprintf(output, " %s", vp->other); emit_string(output);} April 19 2011 parseother() in parseabc.c added check for break caused by '='. April 19 2011 Abc2midi: By popular demand the message "missing BAR_REP for voice inserted for voice ... " has been suppressed. The BAR_REP |: is still inserted back when it is expected. (It could be inserted in the wrong place.) April 29 2011 Abc2midi: Jurgen Schwietering has contributed the roll ornament for the harp described here. The operation is quite simple, instead of generating a grace the ~ ornament on harp is a roll with the same 3 notes (always) which can be quite accurately transcribed as ~n2 := n/n/n (BTW played always with fingers 4 3 2 [a m i]) ~n3 := n/n/n2 (for dotted, execution same as previous) It is NOT a movement done before the beat like graces. It is very common among folk harpists. A new MIDI command %%MIDI harpmode 1 changes the ornament to harp mode. To switch back to regular mode, use %%MIDI harpmode 0 Alternatively, you can specify the harp mode in the command line to abc2midi, eg. abc2midi inputfile.abc -HARP Implementation: a new global variable harpmode was introduced which is modified by the MIDI command or set in event_init() in store.c. The function doornament() checks the harpmode flag and calls the new functions makeharproll3() or makeharproll() in store.c. Here is a sample file to test this feature. X:61 T:The Glass of Beer C:Reel, Trad. Irish C:Arr. Gráinne Hambly M:4/4 L:1/8 K:D Q:1/4=130 %%MIDI program 1 46 %%MIDI harpmode 1 ~B3 ~B4 B| ~B2 B/B/B ~B4| %%MIDI harpmode 0 ~B2 B/B/B ~B3 B| ~B2 B/B/B ~B4| June 6 2011 Abc2midi bug: For the following file, X:1 T:part not found M:3/8 L:1/16 P:B K:Dphr^f %MIDI gchord fzz P:A "G"cdefga:| P:B M:2/4 |:d4e4:| (Comment: a common trick in transcribing music to abc is to temporary split it into parts so that you do not have listen to the beginning each time you are checking it out. The following problem occurs when you attempt to skip the beginning.) abc2midi returns the error message genmidi.c:fillvoice partlabel -55 out of range genmidi.c:fillvoice partlabel -55 out of range and the resulting MIDI file does not contain any music. Analysis: The function findpart (in genmidi.c) looks for P:B in the feature[24] which was its original location, unfortunately it has been moved to feature[25] by add_missing_repeats() (store.c) but part_start was not updated correctly. The problem is with the loop, for (j=0;jD B,>D G>TB | GA Bc dc | GA Bc dc | [V:2] B,>A, G,>A, B,>D | G,A, B,C DC | G,A, B,C DC | The problem also appears when trills are combined with grace notes as illustrated here. X:1 L:1/8 M:3/4 K:Am Q:1/4=60 V:1 c2 {d}TcB/c/ d>B | BA Ac e>d | V:2 A2{B}A^G/A/ B>G |^GE EA c>B | Analysis: The trilled or rolled notes are expanded into a sequence of notes as soon as they are detected. As a result, the grace or broken rhythm is applied to the first note of this sequence. To fix this problem it is necessary to expand trills and rolls after broken rhythms and grace notes are treated rather than as soon as they are detected. Fix: (2012-05-29 to 2012-06-03) a new function expand_ornaments () is called by finishfile() that converts trilled and rolled notes into a sequence of notes. The defunct function dotrill() was split into dotrill_setup() (called by event_note) and dotrill_output() called by expand_ornaments(). Similarly, doroll() was split into doroll_setup() and doroll_output(). Notes to treated by expand_ornaments() were flagged using a new feature array called decotype[] which was checkmalloc'd like stressvelocity, and pitchline. If the note was flagged it is treated by either dotrill_output() or doroll_output() depending on its type. The implementation was complicated by the problem, that the internal representation of the music in the feature arrays does not preserve the key signature information which is needed to decide whether to ascend (descend) a tone or semitone in the trill or roll. Therefore it was still necessary to analyze the context of the trill or roll at the time of detection using the .._setup() functions and save the generation parameters for .._output() in a specifically designed struct called notestruct. These structures are generated as needed, but a pointer array noteaddr[1000], (assuming not more than 999 trills or rolls occur in a particular tune) is used to find the struct. The notestruct struct thus acts as a bridge between the setup and output functions. Treatment of microtones added another complications and at this point I have not verified whether the new code is correct with regard to microtones. There is still a synchronization problem when broken rhythms are combined with ornaments as illustrated below. X:1 T: ornament test M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: G V:1 D2 >~B2 |c2 G2| V:2 F2 >D2| e2 D2| Ornaments are handled in a different fashion. If harpmode is set, then ornaments are expanded into a sequence of notes like trills and rolls. If harpmode is not set, then a grace note is inserted prior to the note and graceon() is called to make the final adjustments. Furthermore if the note is dotted, then two grace notes are added. For the present time you should avoid combining ornaments with broken rhythms in multivoiced tunes. August 08 2012 Abc2midi, yaps, abc2abc: The time signature C| or c| is now interpreted as 2/2 instead of 4/4. Implementation: added another test in void readsig() in parseabc.c October 03 2012 Chinese character support in lyrics was added to abc2midi by Bow Yi Jang . Changes were restricted to the function getword(.) in genmidi.c November 03 2012 Abc2midi multirest bug. In the following example, X:1 T: multirest problem M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: G Z|G4|\ M:3/4 L:1/8 Z|D6| The second multirest preceding D6 is held for two beats instead of three and the warning Warning in line 9 : Bar 2 has 2 units instead of 3 appears. Analysis: the function event_mrest (store.c) uses the initial time signature 2/4 stored in time_num/time_denom which does not get updated by event_timesig() once the parser is in the body. abc2midi must keep track of two time signatures: time_num/time_denom which is declared in the initial field commands and mtime_num/mtime_denom which may be updated in the middle of the body. The initial time signature, is important for multivoiced tunes where the initial declaration is carried to the start of all the voices. The active time signature mtime_num/mtime_denom is only updated in the second stage in set_meter() when genmidi is processing the feature[] array and writing the MIDI tracks. However, the active time signature is also needed when event_mrest is called to write multiple bars of rests. Unfortunately, the active time signature was not maintained during the initial parsing stage (first stage). Fix: the variables mtime_num and mtime_num are now also used during the first pass and maintained in event_timesig(). event_mrest() uses the active time signature mtime_num/mtime_denom rather than the initial time signature time_num/time_denom. November 08 2012 Abc2midi: multirest bug part 2. The problem with meter change and multirests persists in multivoiced tunes. In the following example, X:1 T: Multirest bug part 2 M:C L:1/4 K:F V: 1 V: 2 %%MIDI program 1 73 %%MIDI program 2 40 %%staves [{ 1 2 }] [V: 1] F A z c| z4 | [M:3/8][L:1/8] F/>G/ FA|B/>c/ BA | G/>A/ GF|C3|] [V: 2] A F3 | Z | [M:3/8][L:1/8] Z | G/>A/ GA | B/>c/ BA | G3|] The first multirest Z in voice 2 is held for 3/8 instead of of 1/4. Analysis: voice 1 changes mtime_num/mtime_denom to 3/8 and it remains in that state at the start of voice 2. Fix: new variables int active_meter_num, active_meter_denom are introduced into the voicecontext struct. They are used to maintain the values of mtime_num and mtime_denom over voice switches. November 15 2012 Abc2midi extension: abc2midi treats Xn the same way as Zn, to be compatible with the new version of abcm2ps. Fix in parseabc.c added case 'X': /* [SS] 2012-11-15 */ after case 'Z': November 21 2012 Abc2midi: verbose option provides more detail if set to 4 or 5 for tracking segmentation errors. November 22 2012 The fixes for the following two problems were provided by Philippe De Muyter. The input line size in parseabc.c was increased from 256 to 512 to accommodate abc files that are automatically generated (eg midi2abc). char inputline[512]; Abc2abc truncates the voice ids when it encounters the first invalid character without giving any warning. eg. X:1 T: invalid voice M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: G V: A_1 abcd| V: A_2 DEFG| only one voice is detected. Fix: In interpret_voicestring() in parseabc.c the following code was added after c = readword(code,s); if (*c != '\0' && *c != ' ' && *c != ']') { sprintf(msg, "invalid character `%c' in Voice ID", *c); event_error(msg); } Now abc2abc and abc2midi complain that they encountered an invalid character. November 23 2012 abc2midi bug: unable to trill or roll tied notes. In the following example X:1 T:trill-issue M:2/4 L:1/8 K:F V: 1 z4|z3d| V: 2 %%MIDI program 1 73 %%MIDI program 2 40 TF2 Tc2-| c Tf2-f| The tied notes c2-c and f2-f do not get trilled. Analysis: this bug was introduced on July 03 2012 in the attempt to fix other problems associated with trills. The function expand_ornaments() only processes NOTE features and ignores TNOTE features used to designate tied notes. Fix: The solution is to change TNOTE to a NOTE. However, writetrack() in genmidi.c processes TNOTE features in a special way in order that checkbar() will work when a tied note extends over a measure. The TNOTE invokes a midi on command but a midi off command is deduced from the following REST(s) which are associated with the tied note. Therefore, if we change TNOTE to a NOTE we also need to eliminate the REST(s) which are part of the TNOTE sequence. This is done by a new function, convert_tnote_to_note(). Unfortunately, this is not a clean fix. Checkbar() will give a misleading message when the tied note extends over a measure. Also, lyrics may not align correctly with tied and trilled notes. It gets messy to make expand_ornaments() to split up a trill across a measure. November 25 2012 Abc2midi: the compiler on Windows PC does not initialize arrays to zero when they are allocated. As a protection the arrays the bentpitch and decotype are now initialized to 0 when they are allocated. Some array pointers are now checked for valid values. December 01 2012 -- submitted by Philippe de Muyter abc2abc truncates a line to 512 characters without warning in the -P mode. (This is the continuation of the changes November 22 2012.) Analysis event_error is muted during the output so it is necessary to simulate it with a plain printf in the function print_inputline_nolinefeed() in the file parseabc.c. December 11 2012 abc2midi: bend note, new feature. Placing the instruction !bend! slides the pitch of the following note up. For examples: X:1 T: pitchbend M: 6/8 L: 1/8 K: Gdor %%MIDI program 78 whistle %%MIDI transpose 12 DEF G3|DEF !bend!G3| the second G is slid up. Implementation: added a new function note_effect to queues.c which is called by timestep(). Note effect inserts a sequence of pitch bend events prior to sending a MIDI note off. Added a new integer member, effect, to struct Qitem. The flag, effect, determines whether note_effect is invoked. An additional parameter, effect, was added to the function addtoQ which is also defined in queues.c. The function addtoQ is called in many places in genmidi.c. In abc.h added a new feature called EFFECT. The feature is inserted before a note when the instruction !bend! is encountered -- see event_handle_instruction() in store.c. In genmidi.c added a global flag, effecton, which is usually set to zero except when the EFFECT feature is encountered. The NOTE: handler in writetrack returns effecton in one of the addtoQ function calls. December 12 2012 abc2midi: bend configuration. Introduced two variables bendvelocity and bendacceleration into note_effect. Note_effect inserts 8 MIDI pitchbends equally spaced inside a note. The pitchbend is initialized to the neutral value of 8192. During the loop repeated 8 times, pitchbend and bandvelocity are incremented as follows. pitchbend = pitchbend + bendvelocity bendvelocity = bendvelocity + bendacceleration. The pitchbend is limited between 0 and 16383 usually corresponding to a negative and positive shift of two semitones on most General MIDI instruments. The variables bendvelocity and bendacceration can be set by the following %%MIDI command. %%MIDI bendvelocity n1 n2 where the integers n1 and n2 are the velocities and acceleration respectively. By default, n1 and n2 are initialized to 100 and 200. December 25 2012 Abc2midi part/trill bug. Introducing trills or ornaments in a multipart abc file causes erratic behaviour. For example, X:1 T:parts M:2/4 L:1/8 P:B K:C P:A CDEF|TGABc| P:B cBAG|FEDC| Part B is not played when the trill is present in part A. Analysis, abc2midi stores the start position of each part in the array part_start during the parsing stage. Unfortunately, things may move around during the later stages. The function expand_ornaments() inserts additional notes in the feature arrays when it does its expansion. This shifts the position of the parts and the information in the part_start array is no longer valid. Fix: created a new function fix_part_start() in store.c which is called after expand_ornaments() in finishfile(). Jan 27 2013 Abc2midi: the abc2midi allows but does not recommend the tempo command to just specify a number. eg. Q:320. abc2midi automatically assumes that this number refers to a quarter note; however, the abc standard 2.0 specifies that it should refer to the unit length specified by the L: command prior to the body. Fix: in parseabc.c changed a=1 to a=0 in the function parse_tempo(). The existing code in tempunits() in store.c does all the rest. Jan 28 2013 Abc2midi: the above change was withdrawn since there is disagreement between abc standard 1.7.6 and abc standard 2.0. February 25 2013 Abcmatch: introduced -wpitch_hist runtime parameter for computing the pitch histogram weighted by the note length. Some minor clean-up of the output. February 26 2013 Abcmatch: negative array index fixed in abcmatch.c (compute_note_histogram). Problem is exposed on Windows operating system. March 08 2013 -- patch submitted by Philippe De Muyter Abc2abc: the -V and -P options have been generalized so that more than one voice can be selected using a comma separated list. Implementation: The long global variable selected_voices represents the selected voice in a bit map. Each bit in the word corresponds to a specific voice number. Two new functions are introduced. parse_voices_selection parses the voices_string in the -P or -V command and converts it into the bitmap in the selected_voices variable. must_emit_voice(n) examines the n'th bit of the selected_voices and indicates whether it is on or off. The other change is the replacement of the control - if ((selected_voice != -1) && (n != selected_voice)) { with + if (!must_emit_voice(n)) { /* [PHDM] 2013-03-08 */ March 10 2013 -- also submitted by Philippe De Muyter abc2abc: fix chord's tuple length calculation Up to now, bar length was increased at first note of chord, and tuple status was lost at first note of last chord. When a chord in a tuple had a length modifier, the resulting bar length was wrong, which caused wrong error messages. With X:1 T:wrongbarlengtherror M:4/4 L:1/8 K:C z8 | z6 (3 [fd]/ [fd]3/ [fd] | z6 (3 [f/d/] [f3/d3/] [fd] | abc2abc gave a wrong message : %Error : Bar 1 is 13/12 not 4/4 Fix that, by incrementing bar length and decrementing `tuplenotes' at chordoff time, not at first chord note. Move also the tuple-implied length conversion in `addunits', to avoid code duplication. Because there are two ways to specify a chord length, [c2e2g2] and [ceg]2 in the first case, we must now memorize the note length to be able to retrieve it at chordoff time; this is done in the new `chordfactor' variable. Additionnaly, as 'addunits' is only called when we know the exact length of a note or chord, `repudiate_lastaddunits' is now useless and removed. March 14 2013 Abc2midi: part/repeat bug. In the following example X:1 T: Part - repeat bug Q:1/2=120 M:2/2 L:1/4 K:D %%vskip 0 P:Intro |: "Em"e4 || P:A || "D"d4 :| abc2midi returns the following messages: Error in line 12 : found another |: after a |: Warning in line 12 : Assuming repeat Warning in line 12 : replacing with double repeat (::) writing MIDI file temp21.mid Furthermore, the e4 in the Intro is repeated and then the D4 in part A is repeated. Since the P: are only labels here (there is no P: command preceding K:), it was expected that the entire the tune would be played as |: "Em" e4 | "D" d4 :| Analysis: the function scan_for_missing_repeats() which was introduced in June 23 2009 is the source of the problem. The function assumes that the tune is actually in two parts and inserts a |: in the beginning of part A. When fixreps() is called it discovers that two |: occur without an intervening :|, so it decides to replace the second |: with a double repeat ::. (Note that fixreps() would not be called if the parts were real and not just annotations.) Fix: The useless conditional statement if (J == PART || j == VOICE || j == BAR_REP etc. was commented out since it does nothing. In the following statement, an additional check parts != -1 was added. If parts == -1, this implies that the part indications are merely annotations and do imply a real part as abc2midi is concerned. Therefore bar_rep_found[] and voicestart[] are not cleared again, implying that a |: may need to be introduced at the beginning of the part if the part ends with a :|. March 20 2013 Abc2midi: invisible and visible multirest confusion with field commands. Z and X are used both as field declarations (X: reference number and Z: transcription source) and as multirests in the body. In unusual cases where the multirest is followed by a repeat sign and happens to be at the beginning of a line, it can cause confusion. For example, X:1 T: rests M:3/4 K:C c6|e6|^g6|\ X ::\ C6|e'6|^G6|\ Z :|\ [CE^G]6|] X:2 T:rests M:3/4 K:C c6|e6|^g6|\ X1::\ C6|e'6|^G6|\ Z1:|\ [CE^G]6|] are two examples which abc2midi fails to interpret correctly. parseline() in parseabc.c attempts to treat X :: and Z :| as field commands even though they are malformed. Abc2abc also does not produce correct output. Fortunately parseline issues warnings Warning in line 8 : whitespace in field declaration Warning in line 8 : potentially ambiguous line Error in line 8 : Missing Number and the transcriber is urged to reformat the line to avoid this problem. Fix: I am not sure whether I should fix this problem. In any case, I have put a small patch in parseline() so that the above examples are treated correctly. March 21 2013 abcmatch: several bug fixes and a new feature -pitch_table. Given a file containing a collection of tunes eg. Modes.abc, abcmatch Modes.abc -pitch_table will output the interval weighted pitch histogram for each tune. If the output is stored in a separate file, eg. Modes.tab, this table could be used for searching for the tune having the closest matching pitch histogram (a feature to be introduced in runabc). March 26 2013 abc2midi bug: if a chord is preceded by a Roll or Trill indication, abc2midi fails to encode the chord in the MIDI file. For example: X:1 T: chordtrill M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K:C V:1 %%MIDI program 16 T[ceg]4 [AEc]4 :| V:2 %%MIDI channel 10 GA GA GA GA :| A warning is issued that trills and rolls are not implemented for chords, but [ceg]4 is not encoded in the MIDI file. Fix: in event_note, in store.c added the lines pitchline[notes] = pitch_noacc; /* [SS] 2013-03-26 */ bentpitch[notes] = active_pitchbend; /* [SS] 2013-03-26 */ addfeature(NOTE, pitch, num*4, denom*2*(v->default_length)); /* [SS] */ following the statement event_error("Rolls and trills not supported in chords"); April 10 2013 Abc2midi: new feature. Added a new runtime option -CSM . This option allows one to customize the BarFly stress models by providing an external file. Background: the 32 stress models are presently built-in the source code in the file stresspat.c. This has the advantage that executables can be distributed without an auxiliary data file containing the models. However, the user does not have much leeway to alter the models or add additional stress models. The -CSM feature addresses this limitation by allowing the user to add more models for other rhythm designators (eg lesnoto), and to alter one or more of the existing models. There is room to add up to 16 additional models. The feature requires the user to specify a text file which contains these models. Description of the external file and how it works is given in abcguide.txt and a sample of such a file is given in the pt folder (customstress.txt). Implementation: a new function read_custom_stress_file() was introduced in the file stresspat.c. Assuming the file conforms exactly with the expected format, the function reads all the models provided. For each model, if the rhythm designator and meter conflict with one of the existing standard models, the function will update the characteristics of that model. Otherwise the function will append the model to the current list. April 11 2013 Corrected a minor error in init_stresspat() (Tango) in stresspat.c. As a convenience, I have produced default_stress.txt in the format that read_custom_stress_file() accepts. Default_stress.txt contains the built in models to abc2midi. You can find the file in the pt (Phil Taylor) folder. April 17 2013 Abcmatch: numerous bugs fixed. Introduced a new matching -norhythm. The matching algorithm ignores the length of the notes and only matches the sequence of pitches in a bar. The file abcmatch.txt was updated. More internal documentation was added in abcmatch.c April 20 2013 Abc2midi bug: combination of chords and broken rhythm. In the following example, X:1 T: broken rhythms M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: F [DF]2 > [CE]2| The second chord [CE]2 begins before the end of chord [DF]2. Analysis: the function brokenadjust() (store.c) is called to adjust the lengths of the notes to effect the broken rhythm. It adjusts the notes inside the chord but fails to adjust the length associated with the CHORD (CHORDOFFEX feature). This causes timestep() in queues.c to be called too early, causing the second chord to start to early. Fix: in the function lenmul() added another condition, || (feature[n] == CHORDOFFEX)) /* [SS] 2013-04-20 */ April 21 2013 Fixed: a potential memory overflow in parsing the repeat string. In getrep() (parseabc.c) ensured the array index for playonrep_list does not exceed 50. April 24 2013 Suppressed warning in abc2midi. For the following example, X:1 T:TEST TUPLES M:2/2 L:1/4 Q:1/2=80 K:G [F,A,D] (3[df]/[eg]/[^e^g]/ [fa][CF] | [F,A,D] (3[d/f/][e/g/][^e/^g/] [fa][CF] | abc2midi issues the following warnings. Warning in line 7 : Different length notes in tuple for chord Warning in line 7 : Different length notes in tuple for chord Warning in line 7 : Different length notes in tuple for chord Analysis: the message is issued when closing each of the tuple chords in the first line. The length of the note in the tuple is stored in the variables tnote_num, tnote_denom when the first tuple note is encountered. Unfortunately when the chord note duration is applied (here one half), the note length no longer matches the stored values tnote_num and tnote_denom and a warning is sent. The output midi file nevertheless correct. Fix: abc2midi stores the note length of the tuple in tnote_num, and tnote_denom. A chordoff feature can modify the value of a tuple note (i.e. chord) if its length is indicated outside the chord (eg. [CE]3/2. If the modified chord length does not match the stored value tnote_num, tnote_denom set by event_note, a warning is issued. It is getting too complicated to keep track of a tuple note inside and outside a chord, so I have decided to just suppress the error message for tuples of chords. (i.e. I would have to make extensive changes to the logic of the program to get it working properly.) May 07 2013 Abcmatch: introducing -fixed runtime parameter. It allows matching to go across a bar line. See doc/abcmatch.txt for more information. May 10 2013 Midicopy: bug in extracting a segment of a MIDI file. When the segment starts in the middle of a note playing, it causes a loss of synchronization between the tracks. Analysis: there was an attempt to write a negative MIDI time increment when Mf_currcopytime exceeds Mf_currtime. Fix: set negative values to zero in the function WriteVarLen(value). June 06 2013 Abc2midi: potential segmentation error when applying stress model. The following tune contains stray text which abc2midi assumes to be part of the body of the tune. X: 157 T: Cliffs of Moher N: page 51 R: jig M: 6/8 K: Ador "Am"eaa bag| (4efaf "G"ged| "Am"c2A BAG| "Em"EFG ABc|\ "Am"eaa bag| (4efaf "G"ged| "Am"cAA BAG| "Em"EFG "Am"A3 :| "Am"efe dBA| efe dBA| "G"G2d dBA| GAB dBd|\ "Am"efe dBA| efe dBA| "G"GAB dBG| "Em"EFG "Am"A3| ~e3 dBA|~e3 dBA|"G"~G3 dBA|GAB dBd|\ "Am"efe dee|cee Bee|"G"EFG BAG|EDB, "Am" A,3| This abc file is used to generate the MIDI files and pdf file for volume 2 of the music collection used by the Ottawa Slow (Celtic) Jam. The file is derived from http://www.ceolas.org/pub/tunes/abc.tunes/sessionTunes.abc When the stray text is processed in the Barfly mode (-BF), the array index to the variable fdursum exceeds the allocated memory 32 which can cause a segmentation error on some systems. Fix: in the function fdursum_at_segment in genmidi.c, replaced inx0 = inx0 - nseg; with inx0 = inx0 % nseg; /* [SS] 2013-06-07 */ which is executed if inx0 > nseg. June 09 2013 Abcmatch: in -br mode the program returns both the number of matching bars in the tune and template. September 04 2013 Midicopy: new feature. Introduced the run time option -tempo n (beats/min). When this option is included all tempo messages in the midi file are replaced with the specified value. Implementation: in metaevent() when a tempo message is encountered, if newtempo is greater than zero, write the newtempo value instead of the value in the source midifile. The value of newtempo is set by the -tempo run time option. September 06 2013 Midicopy: new feature. Introduced the run time option -speed f (multiplier). When this option is included all tempo messages in the midi file are are multiplied by the factor f where f is a floating point number between 0.05 and 10.0. This speeds up or slows the music by this factor. September 07 2013 Midicopy: new feature. Introduced the run time option -drumfocus n m where n is the pitch code of the selected drum line and m is the velocity value to be applied to all other drum lines. The feature, highlights the selected drum line by attenuating all other drum lines by playing them at level m (m varies from 0 to 127). Implementation: the velocities of the other drum lines are set to m in function chanmessage() prior to sending a 'note on' message. September 08 2013 Midicopy: fixed function tick_to_seconds so it returns the correct time when the tempo is changed by -tempo or -speed. September 10 2013 Midi2abc, midicopy: bug fix. Midi2abc or midicopy may fail for some midi files which use the running status. A few midi files attempt to save a few bytes by not transmitting the status byte for a channel message when status byte has not changed. For clarification, the status byte contains the channel message like "note on channel 10". The status byte is followed by one or two data bytes specifying the particular note it applies to and the velocity value. Since data bytes are restricted to 6 bits and status bytes always contain a value exceeding 6 bits, it is easy to tell when a status byte is missing. The running status, saves a few bytes when several notes in a chord are turned on (or off) at the same time. The bug occurred when a metatext message is inserted inside a running status complex (eg. note on channel 10, metatext, note on channel 10). Midi2abc and midicopy abort with the message "unexpected byte 0x..". Analysis: the bug was traced to the code writetrack() in midifile.c and also midicopy.c. It is necessary to store the last status byte that occurred in the last channel message. Note a metatext message is not a channel message. A new local variable, laststatus, was introduced in the code. September 15 2013 Midicopy: new feature. Added an option -mutenodrum [level] to mute all channels to velocity level if the channel is not 9 (drum channel). If level is not provided, it is set to zero. Ocotober 1 2013 Midicopy: new feature. Added the option -setdrumloudness n m where n is the drum number between 35 and 81 inclusive and m is the new velocity between 0 and 127, All instances of the selected drum are assigned the given loudness (velocity). October 15 2013 Abcmatch: new feature. Added options -interval_hist and -interval_table to analyze the pitch intervals between adjacent notes. The program produces a histogram of the note intervals in MIDI (semitone) units. October 22 2013 Abcmatch: new feature. Added the option to accept a certain number of insertion, deletion, and substitution errors using the Levenshtein distance measure. October 28 2013 Midicopy: new feature: added the option to list the tracks to exclude from copying. eg. -xtrks 4,5 indicates to copy all tracks except 4 and 5. October 30 2013 Abc2midi: bug fix. A key change in the middle of a tune does not propagate to the split voice. In the following example, X:1 T:Test L:1/4 M:2/2 Q:1/2=110 K:C V:1 C4 | [K:Bb]B4 & B,4 | B,4 was not flattened. Analysis: the key change [K;Bb] was not propagated to the split voice. Fix: in event_split_voice() in store.c, the active basemap and basemul arrays for the voice was saved in a temporary area and transferred to the split voice. October 31 2013 abc2midi and yaps bug: for the following example, X:1 T: :|] ending M:C N:Portland p.19 R:march K:D |:"G" b2a2 "A"g2e2| "D"d4 d4 :|] abc2midi returns the error Error in line 10 : Chord already finished and yaps returns the error Error in line 7: no chord to close Analysis: these are extraneous error messages. Parsemusic() in parseabc.c detects the THIN_THICK bar line |] but does not detect it when it is preceded with ':'. Fix: check for ']' in this case and skip over. November 02 2013 Abc2midi: some instructions which are meaningful to abcm2ps are meaningless to abc2midi and cause a warning. In the following example, abc2midi cannot interpret !4! and !0!. X:1 T: instructions M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: A "E"FEF(G "A" A2) !4!!0! [A2A2]| Warning in line 6 : instruction !4! ignored Warning in line 6 : instruction !0! ignored Analysis: event_handle_instructions(s) in store.c issues this warning when it cannot interpret this message. Fix: the message is suppressed if -quiet is included in the runtime parameters. November 2 2013 abc2midi indicates the wrong line number in a warning. In the following example, X:1 T: Slurs M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: F z(GFE |:DE) FG| AB (3cBA:| abc2midi returns the message Error in line 8 : Unexpected end of slur found The end of slur is actually in line 7. Analysis: on the second repeat, no slur was started so an end of slur is not expected - but the line number in the error message is wrong. The repeat :| causes writetrack (in genmidi.c) to backtrack it restores the state variables to the condition where the opening repeat sign |: occurs but the state variables do not include the line number used by the warning or error message. Fix: expanded the functions save_state() and restore_state() so that the line number can also be saved. November 4 2013 abc2midi bug: A bug was detected when abc2midi is run with the Barfly stress model (-BF 1). For the following file t.abc X: 1 T: Barfly implementation bug R: jig M: 6/8 L: 1/8 K: G |: "C"c3 "G/B"B3 | "D7/A"AGF "G"GBd :| abc2midi t.abc -BF 1 the note c3 or B3 may be inaudible in some instances. Analysis: the local variable vel in the function noteon() may end up being undefined. In certain cases stress_factors() called by noteon() may not set the variable vel, in which case we expect note_beat() to be called. Unfortunately, if vel was initially nonzero note_beat is note called and vel has a random value. Fix: initialize vel to 0 in noteon(). November 04 2013 yaps fix: On January 16 2006 an option to display the notes in red was introduced. This code did not work well because the other musical components were also colored red. The problem was fixed by maintaining the color in black and temporarily switching the color to red when a note, beam or rest is drawn. A new variable redcolor was introduced in drawtune.c and set by the !red! command and reset to zero by !black!. The functions drawnote(), drawrest, and drawbeam() test this variable and switch the color to red on a temporary basis in order to draw the object. November 12 2013 abcmatch.c improvement. When running in absolute versus contour mode, abcmatch frequently transposes in the wrong direction when the key signatures differ since it does not know which direction to go. abcmatch now transposes in the direction of minimum distance between keys. For cut time C| abcmatch translates it to 4/4 rather than 2/2 so it can find more matches. Both changes are in abcmatch.c November 17 2013 abcmatch.c. Bug fixes so the matched bars have correct bar numbers. November 26 2013 abcmatch.c -br threshold applies to the number of matched bars in template instead of matched tune. December 2 2013 abc2midi bug - split voices and repeats. The following tune is not converted correctly. X:1 T: test split file 13 M: 1/4 L: 1/4 K: G |:G & E |1 D:|2 F & A| On conversion: writing MIDI file s11.mid Error in line 8 : Need || |: :| or :: to mark end of variant ending Warning in line 8 : Track 2 is 1946 units long not 2426 The program produces to MIDI tracks of unequal length. Track one contains G D G D F and track two contains E z E A. In other words track 1 plays both section one and two in the repeat instead of just section two. Surprisingly if we replace |1 and |2 with |[1 and |[2 respectively, the conversion is done correctly and there are no errors or warnings. Analysis: in the first pass the feature PLAY_ON_REP belonging to voice 1 was placed in voice 2 and two PLAY_ON_REP features appear consecutively in voice 2 resulting in the error, "Need || |: :| or :: ..." message. When the [1 and [2 are used, the internal representation contained in the feature arrays is correct. The problem was traced to the code in event_bar in store.c. When the [1 and [2 is used, the PLAY_ON_REP is handled correctly by event_playonrep() which is called directly by parsemusic in parseabc.c. When |1 or |2 is used, parsemusic does not catch these codes and they are handled (mishandled) by event_bar when a split voice is present. Fix: event_bar() was reorganized so that bar commands are sent to the original voice rather than the child split voices. When the child split voices are sync'd the bar commands are copied to the child voices. This seems to work better. The function recurse_back_and_change_bar() is no longer in use. The test tune was added to split.abc in the doc/programming/ folder. December 14 2013 abc2midi: The warning "track x is xxxx units long instead of ..." was changed to "track x is .... quarter notes long instead of ..." The change is was made in writetrack() in genmidi.c. December 25 2013 abc2midi bug: abc2midi does not read customstress files correctly using the -CSM option. The following file containing Lesnoto 7/8 7 7 110 1.3 90 1.0 80 0.7 100 1.2 90 0.8 100 1.2 90 0.8 is not read correctly. Neither the name Lesnoto or the meter is stored in the stresspat structure. Analysis: in the function read_custom_stress_file() in stresspat.c the lines stresspat[index].name = name; stresspat[index].meter = meter; copy the address instead of the contents of string arrays name and meter. The lines should read strcpy(stresspat[index].name,name); /* [RZ] 2013-12-25 */ strcpy(stresspat[index].meter, meter); /* [RZ] 2013-12-25 */ also gain and expand are not copied into the structures. add stresspat[index].vel[i] = gain; /* [RZ] 2013-12-25 */ stresspat[index].expcoef[i] = expand; /* [RZ] 2013-12-25 */ I am grateful to roman.zimmermann@gmx.at for identifying the bug and providing the fix. January 01 2014 Abcmatch: fixed matchsup.c so it catches only the first title of a tune in case that it has alternate titles. January 05 2014 Midiabc: bug the msb and lsb values were interchanged in mftext_pitchbend. mftext_pitchbend now also returns the value of bend in MIDI units. January 06-09 2014 abc2midi new feaure: introducing an option to provide microtone tuning in the key signature for example K:F ^1/2D besides flattening B also flattens D's by a half a semitone. Implementation includes changes to parsekey in parseabc.c which now has to check for microtones in the list of notes following the key signature. A new parameter modmicrotone is introduced in the function event_key() which is found in parseabc.c, store.c, yapstree.c, toabc.c and matchsup.c. A new struct 'fraction' was added in parseabc.h. In store.c altermap() has a new parameter struct modmic[7], which is used to transfer the key signature microtone specifications from modmicrotone in event_key to a new struct in the voice struct called basmic[7]. v->basmic stores the key signature microtone specs if present. Function newvoice in store.c transfers global->basemic to v->basemic. Function pitchof_b in store.c checks v->basemic to see if the note has a microtone defined in the key signature. parsenote in parseabc.c resets microtone to 0 (through event_normal_tone()) if the note is not a microtone. This is a lot of changes. I hope, I have not introduced new bugs. If a microtone is detected by parsenote(), its parameters are stored in the struct fraction setmicrotone. This struct is automatically reset to 0,0 if no microtone is detected. January 12 2014 abc2midi new feature: Makam style music (Turkish) uses a more complex music scale (as opposed to the equal temperament scale). The comma53 scale divides an octave into 53 microtones. To use this scale put "%%MIDI tuningsystem comma53" in your abc file. Implementation: added to new functions in store.c init_p48toc53 initializes the array pt48toc[]. convert_to_comma53() changes midipitch and midibend values. Added a new command, %%MIDI tuningsystem comma53 January 14 2014 corrections to convert_to_comma53(). Some debugging #defs. January 16 2014 some fixes to pitchof_b and parsekey. January 20 2014 abc2midi: microtones now propagate across a bar just like accidentals. Major modifications to pitchof_b and other minor fixes (in store.c) were made. January 26 2014 abc2midi: more microtone bug fixes. Each octave can hold its own microtones. i.e. v->workmic is now a two dimensional array just like workmap and workmul. February 05 2014 abc2midi: the following file causes abc2midi (and other programs) to behave erratically. X:9 T:Have you ever wondered? L:1/8 M:4/4 Q:1/2=90 K:G V:1 CDEF | W:| Have you ever | wondered why the | girls do | skipping, and the W:| boys play | football and the | grans do | knitting? W:| Who made the | rules that the | people all o- | bey? And W:| What's with the | "girls' thing", | "boys' thing" | anyway? X:10 T:Warm-up 1 L:1/4 M:2/2 Q:1/2=80 K:Bb |[B,DFB]2z2 | abc2midi returns the message Warning in line 9 : Potentially ambiguous line. Warning in line 9 : Ignoring reserved character W Error in line 9 : Unrecognized character: o Error in line 9 : Malformed note : expecting a-g or A-G Error in line 9 : Unrecognized character: r Error in line 9 : Unrecognized character: w Error in line 9 : Unrecognized character: o Error in line 9 : Unrecognized character: n and many more messages Analysis: abc2midi sees :| after the W and assumes it is an end repeat in the body. It tries to treat the rest of the line like music. Fix: I have improved the warning in parseabc.c so it is more meaningful. It is now Warning in line 9 : Potentially ambiguous line - either a :| repeat or a field command -- cannot distinguish. This applies to all programs, yaps, abc2abc etc but it is too much trouble to give them new version numbers. April 03 2014 Abc2midi bug: tied note at end of bar combined with Barfly stress model. In the following example: X:1 T: Stress model bug L:1/8 M:2/4 K:Gmin %%MIDI ptstress 4 100 1.10 100 1.10 100 1.0 100 0.8 |Gc BA-|AG FG| Abc2midi returns the following error message writing MIDI file stress1.mid Warning in line 7 : Bar 1 has 21/10 units instead of 2 Analysis: the problem is with the tied note A which crosses a measure. The tied notes A-|A are tied together into a single note by the function tiefix() in store.c and the stress model is applied to the combined note. This becomes obvious when running abc2midi with -v 2 option.r 2 pitch 67 from = 0/1 (0/1) to 1/2 (1/1) becomes 0/1 11/20 - 11/20 pitch 72 from = 1/2 (1/1) to 1/1 (2/1) becomes 11/20 11/10 - 11/20 pitch 70 from = 1/1 (2/1) to 3/2 (3/1) becomes 11/10 8/5 - 1/2 pitch 69 from = 3/2 (3/1) to 5/2 (5/1) becomes 8/5 51/20 - 19/20 bar 3 pitch 67 from = 0/1 (0/1) to 1/2 (1/1) becomes 0/1 11/20 - 11/20 pitch 65 from = 1/2 (1/1) to 1/1 (2/1) becomes 11/20 11/10 - 11/20 pitch 67 from = 1/1 (2/1) to 3/2 (3/1) becomes 11/10 8/5 - 1/2 bar 4 writing MIDI file stress The fix is to apply the stress model prior to combining the tied notes. The fix was applied to the function finishfile() in store.c April 10 2014 Abc2midi bug: The P: field was introduced to allow repeating parts of the tune in complex patterns such as P:ABCBD; however it is frequently used just to annotate a section of the music. When it is used as annotation, you often get annoying warnings such as. Error in line 10 : Part must be one of A-Z In some situations, this annotation may cause the music to play incorrectly. For example in this tune, X:1 T: part annotationmistaken M: 3/4 K: G V:1 B3c BA|B3c BA|B4e2|B3d ef| g4 g2|f4 e2|f3 gf2|B6| V:2 G3A GF|G3A GF|E4B2|G4E2| P: section B B4 B2|^d4 ^c2|^d3 e d2|F6| the last line in V:2 is played twice. Fix: in event_part() in store.c we check whether a valid P: command like P:A2BC was detected in the header. If none was found, abc2midi ignores any P: commands after the header. April 24 2014 abc2midi: slur bug Abc2midi sometimes reports unbalanced slurs when they are actually correct. For example X:1 T: Slur error messages L:1/8 M:2/2 Q:1/2=110 K:Dm P:A |: "Dm"a2ag a2ag | "^/"agfe dcAF | "Gm"GABA B^cdc | "^/"d^cBA BAGB | "A"A=B^cB cded | "^/"efgf eA=B^c | "^/"d(^ga)(e f)(^cd)(A |1 "^/"B)AFE GAdf :|2 "^/"B)AFE DCB,A, | P:B |: "Gm"G,BBB BcBB | "^/"B,BBB BcBB | "Dm"FAAA Adde | "^/"fedc AFED | "Gm"DBBB BcBB | "A"EAAA A=B^cA | "^/"d(^ga)(e f)(^cd)(A |1 "^/"B)AFE DCB,A,:|2 "^/"B)AFE "Dm"D4 | The following messages were returned. Warning in line 9 : No slur to close Warning in line 12 : No slur to close writing MIDI file colin1.mid Error in line 12 : Unexpected start of slur found Error in line 12 : Unexpected start of slur found Error in line 12 : Unexpected start of slur found analysis: abc2midi could not match the slurs when they cross into a part section (eg :[2 "^/" B) ...). fix: slur indications do not affect the output midi file so the messages are somewhat irrelevant. The warnings and error messages have been suppressed. August 11 2014 Introduced a new variable abcversion and parse the comment %%abc-version 2.0 or %%abc-version 2.1 if present. August 14 2014 Bug: line continuation of a lyric field w: does not work. In the following example, X:1 T: vocal M: 4/4 L: 1/4 K: G G A G B|\ E A G B| w: ga ba la ba |\ fa ma da ka| GGGB| w: la ma fa da| the line fa ma da ka is not processed as part of the previous w: field. Apparently there was an attempt in preparse_words(s) (in parseabc.c) to handle continuations of the w: field, however, the implementation was not complete. (There is no signal, telling parseline() to treat the continuation of the w: field.) Therefore this feature never worked in all of the abcmidi programs (abc2midi, abc2abc and yaps). I have decided not to support this feature and instead plan to introduce an alternative using the +: command defined in the 2.1 abc standard. The following warning message is now being issued when this situation is detected. Warning in line 8 : \n continuation no longer supported in w: line August 15 2014 New feature: the abc-version 2.1 standard introduces a new method for continuing the w; using the +: for lyrics. It also discourages the use of the backslash continuation. To handle the +: line, it was necessary to keep track of the last field command. A new global char lastfieldcmd was introduced in parseabc. The variable is modified at the end of function parsefield in parseabc.c. Presently it only signals a w: field command. For all other field commands it is set to a blank. A new case statement for +: was also introduced in parsefield(). It calls a new function, append_fieldcmd() if lastfieldcmd == 'w'. The function parseline() was extended to recoginize +: as a valid field command. The function parsefield() was modified to allow the +: command to appear in the body of the tune. August 16 2014 Continuing from above: introduced a new function concatenatestrings() in parseabc.c. In store.c, yapstree.c, toabc.c and matchsup.c introduced a new function called appendfield(). Appendfield() was only implemented in store.c where it calls a new function called append_words. In the files, appendfield() merely returns a message that it is not implemented yet. September 07 2014 Continuing from above: the function appendfield() in toabc.c was replaced so abc2abc will also handle the +: command. Note that abc2abc the -n X option which reformats with a new linebreak every X bars will probably not work correctly when the tune contains lyrics. September 09 2014 Abc2midi fix: the !bend! action does not apply correctly to microtones. In the following example: X:1 T: bend about microtone M: 4/4 L: 1/4 K: G !bend!_1/4D2 z2|!bend!D2 z2| !bend!^1/4D2 z2|!bend!D2 z2| All the bends start from D natural. Analysis: queues.c always initializes pitchbend to 8192 rather than the value set by the microtone. Fix: it was necessary to introduce another global variable, int bendstate, to be shared between genmidi.c and queues.c. The variable bendstate stores the pitchbend value when midi_noteon is called (in genmidi.c). In note_effect() in queues.c, pitchbend is set to bendstate rather than 8192. September 10 2014 September 11 2014 Abc2midi: introducing %%MIDI bendstring n1 n2 n3 ... This is a more general way of specifying the pitchbend track for a note. The command is followed by a series of integers n1, n2 etc. which specify the change to pitchbend following each time increment. Method: In genmidi.c introduced the array benddata[16] which holds the series of integers and bendnvals the number of these integers. Benddata and bendvals is passed to genmidi through an extern declaration. In dodeferred() in genmidi.c added a test for %%MIDI bendstring. In queues.c added a new function, note_effect2() which increments the pitchbend variable by benddata[i], and produces a %%MIDI pitchbend command at regular time intervals. In genmidi.c introduced a variable bendtype and set it to 1. The %%MIDI bendstring command sets bendtype to 2 to signal that the function note_effect2() should be called instead of note_effect(). September 22 2014 September 23 2014 September 24 2014 Abc2midi: when only one integer follows the %%MIDI bendstring command, the !bend! command now applies the pitchbend to the entire note. This provides another method for shifting the pitch of the note instead of preceding it with a microtone accidental. At the end of the note, the pitch of the note is restored to its original value. Implementation: in dodeferred() in genmidi.c we check for just one value following the bendstring command and set the bendtype variable to 3 so that queues.c calls the new function note_effect3(). September 28 2014 Extended the maximum bendstring length to 50. October 16 2014 Abc2midi: in some applications it may be desirable to suppresses all messages. A new option -silent was introduced to suppress the the other warnings and messages not handled by the -quiet option. eg. abc2midi nottingham.abc -silent -quiet produces almost not output except for the MIDI files. October 29 2014 ... Abc2midi: more work was done with the bar repeat code in store.c Abc2midi returns the incorrect line number when it detects a problem with bar length on repeat. Analysis: there are two functions which attempt to detect and fix problems with repeats in store.c -- scan_for_missing_repeats() and fixreps() each trying to fix different problems. When the abc tune does not have voices or parts, it was discovered that voicestart[0] is still initialized to zero and does not indicate the position of the start of the music line further the inserted DOUBLE_BAR code was placed in the wrong place by the function headerprocess(). The function scan_for_missing_repeasts() was modified to search for the first instance of MUSICLINE and to insert a DOUBLE_BAR feature immediately after. The voicestart[0] variable was set to this position. November 02 2014 Incorporated changes to the makefile and manpages suggested by Ross Gammon who does Debian Quality Assurance. November 02 2014 Abc2midi bug: the b code in the gchord string does not work correctly when there are inversions. eg. X:1 T: gchord M: 4/4 L: 1/4 K: C %%MIDI gchord fb "C" z4|"C/E" z4| The second bar is played at E,,4 [C4G,4E,4C,,4] instead of E,,4 [C4G,4E,4E,,4] Fix: In dogchords() (genmidi.c) case 'b' was changed so that it is identical to case 'f' except that there is no break ending that case (it progresses to case 'c'). November 9 2014 Abc2midi grace bug: in the following example, the grace notes cause a loss of synchronization between the two voices. X:1 T:Grace problem M: 2/4 L: 1/4 K: G Q:1/4 =60 V:1 {cde}f/|ed|cB| V:2 z|CD|CD| According to the documentation the grace notes are given a length of 1/8 or half of the unit length specified in the L: field. The three grace notes cde add up to be longer than the home note f, so it is impossible to trim f in order to accommodate the grace sequence. According to the documentation, abc2midi should cut out the grace sequence in order to avoid loss of synchronization. Instead abc2midi does not affect the grace sequence and the two voices are out of synchronization. Analysis: the function applygrace_new() in store.c computes the difference between the length of the grace sequence and the home note, but the test should read if (adjusted_num <= 0.0) /* not long enough */ instead of if (adjusted_den <= 0.0) I would guess this bug has been around since 2004. In addition I added a warning that the grace sequence is too long. The code to change the length of the grace notes to zero did not work correctly for some reason that I have not tried to figure out -- (mf_write_midi_event tries to record a delta_time = -1). Instead I just removed all the grace notes from the feature representation. November 18 2014 Abc2midi fermata bug: the !fermata! instruction applied to a rest also applies to the following chord. In the following example, X:1 T: fermata rest bug. L: 1/8 M: 6/8 K:D !fermata!z6 |[A,DF]2G [CDFA]GF |C D2 C D2| Both z6 and [A,DF]2 are doubled in length. Incidentally if we substituted Hz6 for !fermata!z6, the program works correctly. Analysis: as evident in this file, this is not the first !fermata! bug. Apparently in this case, decorators[FERMATA] flag was not reset to 0 after the event_rest() in parseabc.c. The fix was to add the statement decorators[FERMATA] = 0 after the event_rest() call in parseabc.c. Note it is not correct to apply a fermata to a multirest. i.e. Z3| means three bars of rests. HZ3 does not mean three bars of fermata rests and the same applies to !fermata!Z3. In addition, I have improved the bar length warning to include the track number where it was applied. The track number is related to the voice number in some way. December 25 2014 Abc2midi new feature: the error and warning messages now provide both the line and character position location in the abc tune where the message was issued. Implementation: the character position is stored in the variable lineposition in parseabc.c. This variable is linked as an extern to store.c and genmidi.c. A new array charloc[] in store.c was introduced to record the character position when addfeature() is called. When writetrack is executed in genmidi.c, lineposition is updated for each feature element processed. lineposition and linenum are now both printed by event_error() and event_warning() in store.c. February 22 2015 bugs.debian.org reported that abc2abc, abcmatch, yaps, and midi2abc crash with certain malformed input parameters. Fixes were applied to toabc.c, abcmatch.c, yapstree.c and midi2abc.c. March 11 2015 Abc2midi multirest bug. It is common to list the voices before the time signature and unit length declaration. X:1 T: correct test file V:1 name="1_Requinta_Eb" sname="1Re_Eb" %config, program 1 72 /control 7 80 /transpose +3 V:2 name="1_Clarineta_Bb" sname="1Cl_Bb" %config, program 2 71 /control 7 80 /transpose -2 V:3 name="1_Saxofone_Eb" sname="1Sx_Eb" %config, program 3 65 /control 7 80 /transpose +3 V:4 name="1_Corneta_Bb" sname="1Cr_Bb" %config, program 4 59 /control 7 80 /transpose -2 M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: G V: 1 C4| C4| C4| C4| V:2 z4| z4| z4| z4| V:3 Z| Z| Z| Z| V:4 Z4| In this example abc2midi does not get the correct time signature and unit length for voices 1 to 3. Fix: Added a new function meter_voice_update(n,m) which sets the meter for all declared voices if not past the header. March 16 2015 Abc2midi - new feature. In theory there should not be any limit on the number of tracks that is produced provided that the user takes care of assigning the right channels to the voices. I have extended the voicecode array in parseabc.c so that 24 voices can be handled without overruning the array. In genmidi.c I have merely changed the name of the array channels[] to channel_in_use[] so its purpose is better understood. The use of more than 16 tracks will lead to some warnings issued but the program should still produce a useful MIDI file. March 23 2015 Abc2midi - improvements. In order to support extended voice overlay, introduced two new functions event_start_extended_overlay() and event_stop_extended_overlay which are called from parsemusic() in parseabc.c when (& or &) are detected in the abc file. The two functions are defined in store.c, toabc.c, yapstree.c and matchsup.c. The functions turn on and turn off the state variable extended_overlay_running. In event_specific() in store.c we verify that channel in %%MIDI channel command lies between 1 and 16 inclusive. If not it is set to 1 and an error message is issued. A new state variable no_more_free_channels is introduced in store.c and set to zero in finishfile(). When findchannel() in genmidi.c cannot find a free channel a message "All 16 MIDI channels used up" is issued and the variable no_more_free_channels is set to 1. March 24 2015 Abc2midi - improvements. Abc2midi in the past did not keep track of the channel assignments. If we allow inheriting channel assignments for split voices, now called voice overlays, we need to know the MIDI channel assigned to the voice. I added midichannel to the voicestruct in store.c to store the MIDI channel when a %%MIDI channel is encountered. So far %%MIDI channel also calls addfeature() to add a channel feature in the feature array. (This is how the channel number has been passed to writetrack in the past.) The function findchannel() in genmidi.c does not know that a channel number was already assigned to the track (if that was the case). The voicestruct is not passed to genmidi.c from store.c but trackdescriptor is passed as an external. I therefore added midichannel to trackstruct in genmidi.h and set trackdescriptor.midichannel in the function setup_trackstructure() in store.c. Added an argument tracknum to starttrack() in genmidi.c so it can grab the midichannel number from trackdescriptor[]. The function event_split_voice() now passes the midi channel number assigned to the voice to the new voice that it creates. The behaviour of the split voice now depends on whether a channel number has been assigned to the original voice. If no channel number has been assigned, then both the original and child voice will have a midichannel of -1. If the value is -1, then a new and distinct channel number is assigned to each voice. Otherwise the original and child voices will assume to the same channel number that was given when the voice was created. March 25 2015 March 26 2015 Adding code to support extended split voices. In event_bar (store.c) do not recurse back to the original voice if inside an extended_overlay. In stop_extended_overlay(), recurse back to the original voice. The following is an example of the extended voice overlay. X:1 T: extended voice overlay M:2/4 L:1/4 K:C GA|(&Bc|de|de&FG|FG|FG|&)|DE| GA|(&Bc|de|de&FG|FG|FG|&)|DE| April 08 2015 The parsing of the key signature when it contains modifiers with double flats or double sharps does not work correctly. For example: X:1 T: double flat M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: Ab _F__B_/2C F2 B2|C2D2| The double flat preceding B in the key signature was interpreted as a single flat and B2 in the first bar was converted to Bb instead of A. Fix: the logic in readword() in parseabc.c was changed so that a break does not occur on the second flat or sharp. April 13 2015 Abc2midi, abc2abc, yaps : minor bug. The tune X:1 T: single colon M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: F [|: ABcd|ABDF:|] returns a message 'Single colon in bar', otherwise the output is correct. Analysis: this is a problem with parsemusic() in parseabc.c. When the parser encounters | it check for a : following and treats them both as BAR_REP. On the other hand if the parser encounters [| it neglects to check for a following : and the : is not associated with anything. Fix: added a check for ':' in case '['. April 17 2015 Abc2midi staccato chord bug. %abc-2.1 X:1 T: staccato problem M:2/4 L:1/4 Q:1/4=116 K:D % V:K % % Case 1: works if isolated: % F A/ .[DF]/ | % % Case 2: works: % F A/ [.D/.F/] | E E & Cx | % % Case 3: works: % F A/ [DF]/ | E E & Cx | % % Case 4: doesn't work: F A/ .[DF]/ | E E & Cx | % % Case 5: doesn't work: F A/ [.D.F]/ | E E & Cx | Both cases 4 and 5 return an error message Warning in line-char 26-28 : Track 2 is 4.554167 quarter notes long not 4.054167 and the note C# in the voice overlay comes 1/2 beat late. Analysis, the staccato introduces a REST in the internal representation of the chord. When the length of the chord is specified at the end of the abc chord representation, eg. [CEG]n/m), abc2midi calls the function fix_enclosed_note_lengths which changes the lengths of all the enclosed notes to n/m. Unfortunately, the REST in the chord was not expected and was not modified. The representation of the underlying voice is incorrect and as a result the overlain voice does not get synchronized at the right place. Fix: now test for NOTE, TNOTE and REST in the chord in the function fix_enclosed_note_lengths in store.c. April 28 2015 Abc2midi: dotted slur The abc standard recognizes dotted slurs which abcm2ps displays as a slur with a dotted curve. The dotted slur is indicated with parenthesis preceded by a period as shown below. X:1 T: DottedSlur M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: A .(ABcd)|(ABcd)|ABcd| Currently abc2midi reports the error. Error in line-char 6-0 : Malformed note : expecting a-g or A-G Analysis: parsemusic() in parseabc.c assumes '.' is a staccato decoration and expects a note to follow. Instead it sees a '(' and reports an error. Since abc2midi does not treat slurs differently, the resulting MIDI file is correct. Fix: If a '.' is encountered, parsemusic checks for a following '('. The fix also affects abc2abc, yaps, and abcmatch. April 29 2015 Abc2midi always prints its version number when it runs. May 11 2015 Abc2midi does not recognize the inline command [r: some remark]. X:1 T:Remark not allowed C:JWDJ M:4/4 L:1/4 K:C [K:D] A2 B2| [r:!fermata!]G4 |] Analysis: the 2.1 standard allows users to enter a remark inside a line using the [r: ...] inline field. This command should be treated the same way as a comment indicated with a '%' in the first column of the text line (eg.) % comment Abc2midi does not recognize r: inside an inline field command and reports an error. Error in line-char 7-13 : Field not allowed in tune body Fix: In parsefield() in parseabc.c, added r to the string EIKLMPQTVdswW+ . Thus if ((inbody) && (strchr ("EIKLMPQTVdrswW+", key) == NULL)) /* [SS] 2015-05-11 */ The following switch statement falls into case default: which treats the field as plain text. Note: Though the standard probably allows the remark to extend over several lines, eg. X:1 T:Long remark not allowed C:JWDJ M:4/4 L:1/4 K:C [K:D] A2 B2| [r: some long remark]G4 |] this is not supported in the abcmidi package. (It would require more extensive modification.) The user should use '%' to insert multiline comments. May 13 2015 abc2midi, abc2abc, yaps voice transpose bug. In the following sample, X:1 T: octave problem M: 4/4 L: 1/4 V:1 clef=treble octave=-1 V:2 clef=treble octave=-1 K:G V:1 ABCD|EFGA| V:2 abcd|ABCD| Applying abc2abc to the tune returns X:1 T:octave problem M:4/4 L:1/4 V:1 clef=treble octave=0 V:2 clef=treble octave=0 K:G V:1 ABCD|EFGA| V:2 abcd|ABCD| octave was changed to zero and abc2midi applied on the same tune does not shift down the pitch by an octave. If we change V:1 and V:2 to V:1 octave=-1 V:2 octave=-1 the programs work correctly. Analysis: This is an issue with the code parsevoice() in parseabc. The clef=treble also specifies the octave and sets the flag cgotoctave to 1. This flag indicates that the octave is also set by the clef command. If you wanted octave=-1 you should say clef=treble-8. To avoid further confusion, in the future, I modified parsevoice so that it allows octave= following the clef= property to override the octave value set by the clef= property. The parsevoice() code is rather brittle and expects all the voice parameters to be in a specific order. The code looks for the following properties in this order. clef= transpose= octave= name= sname= middle= If the properties are not in this order, they may be missed. The function parsevoice scans the V: string looking for the properties in the specific order using the 'while (*s != '\0). Each time a property is found the pointer *s is advanced past that property by one of the functions parsetranspose(), parseoctave(), parsename(), and etc and the while loop goes back to the beginning. parseclef() is called repeatedly and even though it does not find clef=, it still returns the variable 'word' which is used for matching by the above mentioned functions. If I am rewriting the code, I would replace casecmp() with strcmp() and use a switch (word) control to call one of the functions parsetranspose(), parseoctave(), and etc. This involves changing all of those functions too. Note parsetranspose() and parseoctave() are also called when the K: field is scanned. May 17 2015 abc2midi: %%MIDI makechordchannels bug The makechordchannels command was introduced in October 3 2006 for handling chords consisting of notes consisting of microtones. When the command appears after a V: declaration, too many chord channels are created which may cause the 15 channel limit (one channel is used for percussion), to be exceeded. For example, X:1 T: too many chord channels M: 2/4 L: 1/4 K:G V:1 %%MIDI beataccents %%MIDI makechordchannels 7 G2| V:2 %%MIDI program 42 %%MIDI nobeataccents E2| V:3 %%MIDI program 43 C2| The following errors are reported. Error in line-char 10-2 : All 16 MIDI channels used up. Error in line-char 15-2 : Channel limit exceeded Analysis: During the creation of track 0 (the header track in a type 1 MIDI file), the entire tune is scanned and some of the MIDI commands are activated. Unfortunately, the makechordchannels is activated twice; once for track 0 and once for track 1. The chord channels created in track 0 are never used. An abc tune that creates at type 0 MIDI file, (i.e. no voices, guitar chords, percussion etc.) would not pose a problem for this implementation. Fix: Added a test in the function makechordchannels (in genmidi.c) to prevent the creation of chord channels in track 0 for multitrack MIDI files. May 19 2015 Abc2midi temperament support was extended by Hudson F.M. Lacerda. Microtone accidentals can be used along with temperamentlinear. In that case, the accidental ratio is based on the new chromatic semitone size, defined as 7 fifths minus 4 octaves. (Run abc2midi with the verbose option (-v) to see the temperament values.) As an exception, the microtonal deviation in cents can be represented by using denominator=100 in the accidentals. For example:
T:\%\%MIDI temperamentlinear - microtone accidentals in cents
%%postscript /ft5475{M -3 3 RM 6 -6 RL 2 SLW stroke}def
%%postscript /ft35939{2 copy ft0 M -7.5 -3 RM 12 F3 (7) show}def
%%scale 1.3
%%MIDI program 17
%%MIDI temperamentlinear 1200 702 %% Pythagorian tunings
%%MIDI makechordchannels 3
[C_22/100EG]8 y |\
[CEG]8 y ||\
[C_22/100EG_141/100B]8 y |\
[CEG_B]8 y ||

A new command %%temperamentequal was introduced.
%%MIDI temperamentequal [octave_cents] [fifth_steps] [sharp_steps] This command sets a tempered scale defined by 'ndiv' equal divisions of 'octave_cents' (default is the octave = 1200 cents). The optional parameter 'fifth_steps', if provided, is an integer that defines the size of the fifth in steps of the temperament. This sets where is the note G in the temperament. When 'fifth_steps' is omitted or 0 (zero), the program computes it as an approximation of the frequency ratio 3/1, minus the (possibly tempered) octave. The optional 'sharp_steps' defines the meaning of the accidentals. 'sharp_steps' is the number of steps between a natural note and a sharpened note (e.g. between =C and ^C). By default, the size of a sharp/flat deviation is based on the size of the chromatic semitone in the specified temperament: 7 fifths minus 4 octaves. The values in use in the temperament can be viewed by running abc2midi with the command-line option -v (verbose). With temperamentequal (as with temperamentlinear), microtone accidentals are interpreted as fractions of the sharp size in the specified temperament, except if they use denominator=100, which defines microtonal deviations in cents. The conventional temperament can be reset with the command temperamentnormal. See also: temperamentlinear, temperamentnormal, makechordchannels Implementation: Changes in store.c are marked with [HL] 2015-05-15 New global variable 'sharp_size' It is the the size, in pitchbend units, of the chromatic step between (e.g.) =C and ^C. (This is computed from octave and fifth sizes when using temperamentlinear or temperamentequal.) event_specific() Function changed to modify the command temperamentlinear and to add the command temperamentequal. temperamentlinear: Compute 'sharp_size'; Print information when -v (verbose option); Fix the command name in the error message. temperamentequal (new command): Compute octave_size, fifth_size, sharp_size; Temperament information when -v (Verbose option). pitchof_b() Function changed to handle microtones in user-defined temperaments. Global variable 'sharp_size' is used for that. event_microtone() Rounding instead truncation as slight improvement of precision. (MIDI bend is rough for tuning.) May 21 2015 Abc2midi drone bug: The %%MIDI drone command is ineffective. In the following example, X: 1 T:Banks and Braes M:6/8 L:1/8 S:Slow March K:HP %%MIDI program 109 %%MIDI gracedivider 4 %%MIDI drone 67 44 45 90 90 %%MIDI droneon {Gdc}d2{g}d{g}ede|\ {g}faf{gef}e2{g}d/2e/2| the %%MIDI drone 67 44 45 90 90 does not change the drone characteristics. Analysis: The drone is put in a separate MIDI track. The %%MIDI drone command is processed in the first track, and updates the elements of the drone structure. When the drone track is written starttrack() in genmidi.c, initializes the drone structure destroying any information that was recorded. Fix: initialization of the drone structure is done during compilation time. Note, if the tune has more than one %%MIDI drone command, only the last one is effective. June 01 2015 Abc2midi new feature: introducing new commands %%MIDIdef and %%MIDIx. %%MIDIdef code line links code a unique string less than 7 letters to a line of strings that normally occurs in a MIDI command. For example %%MIDIdef bnd1 bendstring 400 400 300 100 -100 300 400 400 400 link the string bnd1 to " bendstring 400 400 300 100 -100 300 400 400 400" Now you can call up the MIDI command %%MIDI bendstring 400 400 300 100 -100 300 400 400 400 using a shorthand %%MIDIx bnd1. Example: X:1 %%MIDIdef type1 bendstring 0 0 600 600 600 600 0 -600 -600 -600 -600 -600 -120 0 %%MIDIdef type2 bendstring 0 0 0 0 0 0 400 800 800 -800 -800 -400 -400 -400 %%MIDIdef inst program 67 %%MIDIdef t3 bendstring 0 0 0 0 0 500 500 600 600 -600 -600 -500 -500 T: MIDI M:2/4 L:1/2 K: D %%MIDIx inst %%MIDIx type1 !bend!A|B|\ %%MIDIx type2 !bend!C|D| This is useful when you have several different bendstrings and you wish to call them up in different places in the tune using a code. There is a limit of 20 distinct MIDIdef's in your tune. Implementation: in parseabc.c added a new function readaln which is like readstr but scans for the next word (that may contain numerics) in the input string. (The words are separated by spaces or tabs.) In store.c, added two new functions parse_mididefs(s) and expand_midix(s) for handling the %%MIDIdef and %%MIDIx commands. These functions are called in the function event_specific(). June 02 2015 continuation: added strcmp(key, "MIDIx") in event_info_key() in store.c June 07 2015 Abc2midi bug: the !bend! command does not work inside a slur. In the following example, X:1 T: slur and bend M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: F %%MIDI bendstring 500 500 500 0 -500 -500 -500 %%MIDI program 73 !bend! D4|(!bend! F4| D4| a bend is not applied on F4. Analysis: writetrack() in genmidi.c tests whether a note is inside a slur. If it is inside a slur, both note triming and note bending were suppressed. Fix, writetrack() was modified to allow note bending inside a slur. The MIDIdef, MIDIx code word was allowed to contain up to 31 characters. All characters except white spaces are allowed inside the code word. June 08 2015 Abc2midi bug: !bend! causes tracklenth to be too small. Fix: in timestep() in queues.c, update tracklen before note_effect is called instead as after. June 16 2015 Abc2midi new feature: introducing %%MIDI expand m/n. This acts like %%MIDI trim m/n except it expands the note by this amount. Implementation: added feature EXPAND to featuretype in abc.h. In event_specific() in store.c, test for %%MIDI command 'expand' and addfeature(EXPAND,...) if found. In genmidi.c introduce new globals (expand, expand_num, and expand_denom) which are set in writetrack when feature EXPAND is detected. If the flag expand is set, then the active note is expanded. Here is a test tune. X:1 T: note expansion M: 4/4 L: 1/2 K: G %%MIDI program 52 CD|GA| %%MIDI expand 1/2 de|fe|BA| June 16 2015 Abc2midi new feature: added track identification annotation to midi file so we know whether it is a gchord, note, lyric, drum, etc track. June 30 2015 Abc2midi split voice bug: change of unit length defined by L: does not propagate to the voice overlay. eg. X:1 T: split voice bug - unit length M: 4/4 L:1/8 K: G C8 & E8|\ L:1/4 cdAB & GAEF|G4 & D4:| causes loss of synchronization starting from the second measure. Analysis: the L:1/4 does not change the unit length in the split voice and the notes GAEF and D4 are too short. Fix: in event_split_voice() in store.c set the unit length to the same length as the parent voice. July 02 2015 Abc2abc bug: the fix introduced in May 13 2015 introduced another problem. In the example X:1 T: Octave M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: G V:1 clef=treble+8 CDEF|ABcd| Applying abc2abc returns X:1 T:Octave M:2/4 L:1/8 K:G V:1 clef=treble+8 octave=1 CDEF|ABcd| Unfortunately the added parameter octave=1 causes abcm2ps to also display the notes one octave higher. Analysis: the parameter octave=1 is useful to abc2midi as it tells the program to shift the notes up one octave when it creates the midi file; however, this is not desired when running abcm2ps. Abcm2ps uses clef=treble+8 to place an 8 above the treble clef and that is sufficient. The problems occurs in the function isclef() in parseabc.c. The function changes gotoctave to 1 when it sees treble+8. The fix on May 13 2015 forces event_voice to issue an octave=1 when it sees cgotoctave = 1. Fix: in isclef() a conditional block {} was created for all if (fileprogram == ABC2MIDI && *gotoctave != 1 && *octave != 1) statements, and *gotoctave = 1 was moved inside this block. July 08 2015 abc2midi feature: added sus4 to the list of chord names recognized. Added hint to message 'Unrecognized chord name ...". July 15 2015 abc2midi bug: abc2midi crashes (segmentation error) on %%MIDIx. In the following example: X:1 T: segmentation error M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: G %%MIDIx crash ABCD| abc2midi fails. Analysis: abc2midi fails to detect that there is no corresponding %%MIDIdef for the code word 'crash'. Fix: the function expand_midix() now checks for this case. July 24-28 2015 abc2midi: new feature !shape! and %%MIDI controlstring. Introduced a new midi command %%MIDI controlstring n m1 m2 m3 ... where n, m1, m2, and etc are numbers between 0 and 127. %%MIDI controlstring n m1 is equivalent to the %%MIDI control command. When more than one data value m1 and etc. follow, then this defines how to shape the note following the !shape! instruction. The following example illustrates shaping the note F4 by varying the mod wheel. X:1 T: control string M: 4/4 L: 1/4 K: G %%MIDI controlstring 1 125 80 40 0 %%MIDI program 60 !shape! F4| D4|F2G2| The midi file produced will look like Header format=0 ntrks=1 division=480 Track 1 contains 115 bytes 0.00 Metatext (Text Event) note track 0.00 Metatext tempo = 120.00 bpm 0.00 Metatext key signature G (1/0) 0.00 Metatext time signature=4/4 0.00 Metatext (Seqnce/Track Name) control string 0.00 Program 1 60 (French Horn) 0.00 Note on 1 f#4 105 1.00 CntlParm 1 Modulation Wheel = 125 2.00 CntlParm 1 Modulation Wheel = 80 3.00 CntlParm 1 Modulation Wheel = 40 3.99 CntlParm 1 Modulation Wheel = 0 4.00 Note off 1 f#4 0 4.00 Note on 1 d4 105 8.00 Note off 1 d4 0 8.00 Note on 1 f#4 105 10.00 Note off 1 f#4 0 10.00 Note on 1 g4 95 12.00 Note off 1 g4 0 12.05 Meta event, end of track The whole note F# is modified in 4 equal segments. Note the !shape! does not work in combination with the !bend! command presently. Implementation: created the new function note_effect4() in queues.c The maximum number of codenames for %%MIDIdef has been increased to 200. The codename can now be as long as 31 letters. July 27 2015 - August 3 2015 abc2midi: extension of !shape! for combining %%MIDI controlstring and %%MIDI bendstring. Implementation: added a new struct eventstruct and a struct array eventlist[200]. Created new procedures note_effect5(), output_eventlist(), and compare_events(). August 4 2015 abc2midi: channel bug. The following tune plays incorrectly. X: 1 T: channel problem M: 6/8 L: 1/8 K: G %%MIDI channel 1 %%MIDI bassprog 68 %%MIDI chordprog 20 D | "G"G3 GAB | "D"ABA ABd | The melody should be played on the Acoustic Piano; instead it is played on the oboe (MIDI program 68). Analysis: The %%MIDI channel setting is redundant and causes the problem. Both the melody and the bass accompaniment use the same channel. The command %%MIDI bassprog 68 causes the melody to be played by program 68 (the oboe). The bug was introduced in March 16 2015. The variable channel_in_use[channel] was not set to 1 correctly in starttrack() in genmidi.c. August 06 2015 Fixed compile issue on Mac OS 10.10.4 in genmidi.c August 10 2015 - August 11 2015 abc2midi new feature: %%MIDI controlstring restores the controller back to its default after the shaped note is played. The default can be changed with a regular %%MIDI control command. Implementation: added a new array controldefaults[] in genmidi.c which is linked to queue.c. Updated abcguide.txt. August 18 2015 abc2midi: Support for the directive %%propagate-accidentals not | octave | pitch was extended to include the three choices described in http://abcnotation.com/wiki/abc:standard:v2.1#accidental_directives Furthermore, the default was changed to 'pitch' in compliance with the standard. Implementation: All the changes were limited to the source code store.c. The flag retain_accidentals was eliminated and the switch nopropagate_accidentals was changed to propagate_accidentals in store.c. In event_specific(), the switch propagate_accidentals is set on the basis of the directive %%propagate-accidentals, to 0, 1, or 2. In pitchof_b(), the code for propagating accidentals (including microtones) was reworked. Here is a simple test file. X:1 T:accidental M:2/4 L:1/8 K:C %%propagate-accidentals pitch ^C2c2| %%propagate-accidentals not ^C2c2|\ %%propagate-accidentals octave ^C2c2|\ %%propagate-accidentals no The c2 note is affected by only the pitch directive (default). The last %%propagate_accidentals returns an error message. August 19 2015 Abc2midi: complex time signature extension. Abc2midi now interprets M: 2+3+2/8 as M:7/8. Implementation: a small loop was added in the function readsig() in parseabc.c August 20 2015 Abc2midi new feature: introducing %%MIDI controlcombo. This allows combining two controlstrings into 1. Here is an example: X:1 T: control string combo M: 4/4 L: 1/4 K: F Q: 1/4 = 60 %%MIDI program 123 # bird tweets %expression %%MIDI controlstring 11 110 90 60 40 60 60 90 110 %%MIDI controlcombo %panning %%MIDI controlstring 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 127 127 !shape! c4 | controlstring 11 varies the expression and controlstring pans the output from the left to right speaker. The %%MIDI controlcombo command tells abc2midi that the panning controlstring should be included with the expression controlstring. Implementation: in genmidi.c, the controldata array has been converted into a two dimensional array and controlvals has been converted from a scalar to a single dimensional array. A flag controlcombo indicates whether to replace or combine the new control string. Each one dimensional component of controldata stores one of the control strings into a 'layer'. In queues.c, the function note_effect4 scans all layers for data and appends it to the eventlist[]. August 20 2015 Abc2midi new feature: If two controlstring are referenced in the %%MIDIx they will combined in the manner described above. Here is a sample file. X:1 T: control string combo M: 4/4 L: 1/4 K: F Q: 1/4 = 60 %%MIDI program 123 # bird tweets %expression %%MIDIdef expr controlstring 11 110 90 60 40 60 60 90 110 %%MIDIdef pan controlstring 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 127 127 %%MIDIx expr pan !shape! c4 |C4| Implementation: expand_midix was renamed to process_midix and the code was reworked so that it would loop through all the code words and call event_midi() to process all the %%MIDI commands that were generated. August 24 2015 abc2midi bug: the following tune was not processed correctly. X:1 T: control string bug M: 4/4 L: 1/4 K: F Q: 1/4 = 60 %%MIDI program 2 %%MIDI controlstring 11 110 !shape! c4 | %%MIDI controlstring 11 60 !shape!E4|D4| All three notes c4,E4 and D4 are played at the same time. Analysis: in note_effect5() the conditional if (j > 1) should only apply to the qsort function. August 25 2015 abc2midi bugs: the following tune was not processed correctly. X:1 T: controlstring and bendstring problems M: 4/4 L: 1/4 K: F Q: 1/4 = 120 %%MIDI program 60 # French Horn %%MIDIdef expr110 controlstring 11 110 %%MIDIdef expr60 controlstring 11 60 %%MIDI bendstring 0 2000 2000 %%MIDIx expr60 !shape! c2 c2 | The resulting midi file had two problems. The first c2 was extended in length and the pitch of the second c2 was effected by the !shape! command. Fixes: the pitchwheel was restored to its initial value at the end of the altered note. When restoring the controller to the initial state we checked whether a bend string was also processed. August 28 2015 abc2midi bug: The following file produces an artefact at the end of note. X:1 %%MIDIdef voloff100 controlstring 11 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 %%MIDIdef no-bend bendstring T:? C: ? M: 4/4 L: 1/4 Q:1/4=130 K: none %%propagate-accidentals not %%MIDI beat 100 95 80 1 %%MIDIdef petasth bendstring 0 0 900 900 0 -900 -900 0 -400 V:1 %%MIDI program 60 % french horn [M:3/4][I: MIDIx= petasth]!shape!A[I: MIDIx=no-bend voloff100]!shape!E2 Analysis note_effect5 restores the controller defaults before the note ends causing a transient at the end of the note. Fix: the restoration is done after the note. August 30 2015 abc2midi bug: in the following tune, X:1 %%MIDIdef voloff100 controlstring 11 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 %%MIDIdef no-bend bendstring T: controlstring state not initialized at start of track M: 4/4 L: 1/4 K: C %%MIDIdef petasth bendstring 0 0 900 900 0 -900 -900 0 -400 V:1 %%MIDI program 60 % french horn [I: MIDIx= petasth]!shape!A2[I: MIDIx=no-bend voloff100]!shape!E2 the voloff100 is applied to A2 despite the fact the command occurs after A2 Analysis: abc2midi creates a two track file. While it is creating the header track, controlnvals[0] was set to a nonzero value after MIDIx=no_bend voloff100 was processed and controldata[] contained appropriate data to perform the voloff100. Unfortunately, when the next track written controlnvals[0] was not reset. Fix: reset controlnvals[] August 31 2015 abc2midi bug: in the following file X: 1 %%MIDIdef slur2 bendstring 0 0 0 0 0 1000 T: last bendstring not picked up M: 4/4 L: 1/4 K: G Q: 1/4=80 %%MIDI program 42 % french horn V:1 G[I: MIDIx= slur2]!bend!A the bendstring value 1000 is not picked up Fix: in do deferred() (genmidi.c) the statement if (p* == 0) break; was moved after i = i +1; September 07 2015 Abc2midi new feature: in genmidi.c, the %%MIDI bendstring command can now accept up to 100 increments to accommodate long notes (benddata[100]); and the %%MIDI controlstring command can now accept up to 100 values to accommodate long notes (controldata[3][100]). In queues.c eventlist array was extended to 500 to handle the additional complexity. September 08 2015 Abc2midi: new commands %%MIDI vol n and %%MIDI volinc m introduced where n is a number between 0 and 127 and m is a positive or negative integer. The purpose of these commands is to provide to set the velocity of the note immediately following. All remaining notes are unaffected. The commands override the effects of %%MIDI beat, %%MIDI beatstring, %%MIDI beataccents, %%MIDI beatmod, %%MIDI nobeataccents, %%MIDI stressmodel, !ppp!, !pp!, !p!, !mp!, !mf!, !f!, !ff!, !fff!, !crescendo) for the particular note that is affected. %%MIDI vol n sets the velocity of the next note to n. %%MIDI volinc m increments (or decrements) the velocity of the next note by m, automatically ensuring that the velocity is in the range 0 to 127. For example: X: 1 T: Velocity alteration M: 4/4 L: 1/4 K: F CDEF|C\ %%MIDI volinc -30 D E [I: MIDI = vol 100] F| CDEF| By default the velocities of the notes CDEF are 105, 80, 95 and 80. (You can use the %%MIDI beat command to change these values.) The %%MIDI volinc -30, decrements the default velocity of D by 30 so its velocity is 50 instead of 80. The MIDI vol 100 command embedded in the info field, sets the velocity of F to 100. The velocities of the remaining notes in the last bar retain their defaults 105,80,95 and 80. Implementation: Introduced two global integer variables single_velocity_inc and single_velocity which are set to the default values 0 and -1 in the writetrack() in genmidi.c. These default values indicate that no alterations are to be made to the following note. Introduced new functions apply_velocity_increment_for_one_note() and set_velocity_for_one_note() which is called by noteon() in genmidi.c. The function dodeferred() in genmidi.c acts on the new %%MIDI commands and changes the default values of single_velocity_inc and single_velocity. September 08 2015 Abc2midi new feature: a different syntax can be used for changing the velocity of a single note as illustrated below. X: 1 T: Velocity alteration -different syntax M: 4/4 L: 1/4 K: F CDEF|C\ I: volinc = -30 D E [I: vol = 100] F| CDEF| The behaviour is identical to the above example. Implementation: the function event_info_key() in store.c was updated to recognize the key words vol or volinc, generate the respective %%MIDI commands, and send these commands to event_specific() for processing. September 08 2015 Abc2midi: new feature. The I: info command required to have an '=' sign following the key word, so that it could handle a group of commands such as I: MIDI = program 20 MIDI = drum d2dd 76 75 75 The purpose of the '=' sign was to allow the parser to distinguish the key word(s) (here MIDI) from the value when more than one key words appear. When only one command is embedded it should be unnecessary to include the '=' sign. The following sample illustrates the more lenient syntax that is now permitted. X:1 T: Generalized info syntax M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: F I:vol= 60 % equal sign is optional if only key word is included % in I: field. C2 E2 | [I:vol 20] D2 F2| E2 [I:volinc = 50] C2|D2 [I:volinc -50]C2| C2 E2 |\ %%MIDI vol 20 D2 F2|E2 \ % equal sign is required if more than one key word is present I: MIDI= drum d2dd 75 76 76 MIDI = program 20 %%MIDI volinc 50 C2| C2 E2| [I:MIDI= vol 20] D2 F2| Implementation: the function event_info() in parser2.abc was updated. October 04 2015 The #ifdef _MSC_VER block was changed from #define snprintf _snprintf_s to #define sprintf _snprintf in both parseabc.c and store.c (The function _snprintf_s expects additional parameters and prevents compilation on some systems.) October 04 2015 Some problems with Makefile.in were fixed. In addition an uninstall option was introduced. October 03 2015 Abc2midi: increased the size of benddata[100] to benddata[256], controldata[MAXLAYERS][100] to controldata[MAXLAYERS][256], %%MIDI bendstring will read up to 256 values in dodeferred (genmidi.c). %%MIDI controlstring will read up to 256 values in doferred (genmidi.c) eventlist struct was increased to eventlist[1000]. October 08 2015 Edited abcmatch.c genmidi.c midi2abc.c parseabc.c store.c toabc.c in order to eliminate warnings from Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. makefiles/makefile.w32 was updated to make dynamically linked executables (instead of static). October 18 2015 Edited abcmatch.c, genmidi.c, matchsup.c, mftext.c, midi2abc.c, midicopy.c, midifile.c, parseabc.c, queues.c, store.c, stresspat.c and toabc.c to clean up all the implicit int warning messages reported by the Debian compiler. November 05 2015 abc2abc: keep 'M:C' and 'M:C|'; i.e. don't automatically change them to 'M:4/4' and 'M:2/2' % sample4.abc - this file is part of abcm2ps X:1 %%abc-version 2.0 T:testing 'common time' and 'split common time' signatures T: These should be preseved when transposing % use abc2abc generated from source including fixes from 'abcMIDI-2015.11.5_LM'. % try command: 'abc2abc common_time_sigs.abc -t 2'; % check that e.g. 'C' hasn't become '4/4'. M:C L:1/4 K:C CDEF |[M:4/4] GABc|] M:2/2 CDEF |[M:C|] GABc|] November 15 2015 Addressed the following Debian compiler warning messages reported in https://qa.debian.org/bls/packages/a/abcmidi.html I pointer-cast-size-mismatch midicopy.c:371 (alpha, arm64, kfreebsd-amd64, mips64el, ppc64, ppc64el, s390x, sparc64) I pointer-cast-size-mismatch yapstree.c:1338 (alpha, arm64, kfreebsd-amd64, mips64el, ppc64, ppc64el, s390x, sparc64) I pointer-cast-size-mismatch yapstree.c:1352 (alpha, arm64, kfreebsd-amd64, mips64el, ppc64, ppc64el, s390x, sparc64) I pointer-cast-size-mismatch yapstree.c:1513 (alpha, arm64, kfreebsd-amd64, mips64el, ppc64, ppc64el, s390x, sparc64) I pointer-cast-size-mismatch yapstree.c:2176 (alpha, arm64, kfreebsd-amd64, mips64el, ppc64, ppc64el, s390x, sparc64) W implicit-declaration abcmatch.c:1274 (alpha, arm64, armel, armhf, hppa, hurd-i386, i386, kfreebsd-amd64, kfreebsd-i386, mips, mips64el, mipsel, powerpc, ppc64, ppc64el, s390x, sh4, sparc64, x32) In yapstree.c changed (void*) to (int *) to the calls to addfeature. In midicopy.c changed the call arguments of metaseqnum from (int seq) to (char c1, char c2). In abcmatch.c added #include December 19 2015 Abc2midi: bug fix - calculation of equal temperament scale was changed on October 08 2015. It has now been restored in store.c thanks to Hudson Lacerda. December 31 2015 Abc2midi bug: The following tune causes abc2midi to crash when running with -BF parameter. X:1 T: Missing R: field M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: G %%MIDI stressmodel 2 CDEF|ABcd| abc2midi crash.abc -BF 2 3.84 December 19 2015 abc2midi Floating point exception Fix: startfile() in store.c initializes rhythmdesignator to an empty string. apply_bf_stressfactors() in store.c ensures that rhythmdesignator is set before allowing the function to continue. The function load_stress_parameters() in stresspat.c now has an error return and reports an unidentified rhythmdesignator to apply_bf_stressfactors(). January 02 2016 Abc2midi > and < action: In the past broken notes indicated by A>B and AB A G, h --> B, and i --> D %%MIDI gchord ghighi "G" G6|G6|\ % "G5" expands to G,D so g--> G, and h --> D but i --> does not map "G5" G6|G6| i does not map producing a gap in the Alberti Bass Fix: dogchords() in genmidi.c was modified to map to the last note in the gchord chord in this situation to prevent a gap. In the above example i would also map into D. February 08 2016 Abc2midi: changed dim9[5] to {0,3.6,9,13}, added sus2 and 7sus2 (in store.c). March 03 2016 Abc2abc: K: none sets all following occurrences of K: field to K: none even when they occur in separate tunes. Analysis: the global variable nokey gets set by K: none, but is never reset. This is fine if you are using the -nokeyf or -nokeys runtime parameter which applies to all tunes but not what you want if you are dealing with a tune containing a K: none command. Fix: introduced a new global nokeysig initialized to 0 into parseabc.c and toabc.c which responds to the abc2abc runtime parameters -nokeys and -nokeyf. In parsekey() in parseabc.c, the control variable nokey is initialized to nokeysig. March 15 2016 Fixed an assortment of spelling mistakes in the documentation in this file. (Also readme.txt, abcguide.txt, genmidi.c, toabc.c, abc2midi.1, crack.c, midi2abc.1, history.txt, coding.txt). Thank you Ross Gammon. May 05 2016 Abc2abc: transposition of key modifier bug. The following example illustrates a problem with the code to transpose the key modifiers. X: 25 T: C Natural, with a D sharp added to the key signature M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: C ^d | cdef | gabc | Transposing this up by one tone (-t 2), this becomes X:25 T:C Natural, with a D sharp added to the key signature M:2/4 L:1/8 K:Dmaj =F | defg | abc'd | The key modifier was transposed to F natural instead of e sharp (chromatically identical notes) but as a result e was not upgraded to e# and the f# became f natural. The fix was a completely replacement of the code written in February 21 2011 (see above) in toabc.c. 130 lines of code was eliminated and a new function transpose_note() was introduced. The new function borrowed the transposition code from event_note, so that key modifiers were transposed the same way the notes in the music body are modified. July 20 2016 Midi2abc: note grouping for 3/4 time is incorrect. For 3/4 meter midi2abc groups the notes as EFG AGF instead of EF GA GF in a bar. Fix: in printtrack_with_splits(), printtrack_split_voice(), and printtrack(), also check for waltz time (asig == 3) before grouping notes as compound rhythm. September 20 2016 and September 25 2016 Abc2midi: only handles user defined symbols between 'H' and 'Z'. Fix: allow user defined symbols between 'A' and 'z'. Also applies to abc2abc and yaps. Parseabc.c was upgraded. January 01 2017 Midi2abc: There are times when you may wish to suppress broken rhythms but still allow triplets. For example, X:1 T:A Tune For Paddy: A Pint Of Guiness And One For The Goat M:6/8 K:Emin edB AGF | GEE E3 | edB AGF | GEE E3 | Applying abc2midi and midi2abc results in the second and forth bar appearing as GEE2D you need to use -nb. February 01 2017 abc2midi: %%MIDI gchordbars bug. The gchordbars factor does not start working until after the first bar. For the following example, X:1 T: gchordbars M: 6/8 L: 1/8 K: C %%MIDI gchordbars 2 %%MIDI gchord fffhhh "G" G6|D6|G6|D6|G6|D6| The gchord accompaniment is not expanded until after the first bar. Analysis: The variable gchordbarcount needs to be reset to 0 after each call to set_gchords(). checkbars() will set gchordbarcount to gchordbars if it is 0. Simarly drumbarcount should also be reset after each call to set_drums(). The code is still temperamental, so ensure that the MIDI gchordbars statement occurs prior to the MIDI gchord declaration and precedes the bar line where it will be applied. April 10 2017 Abc2midi bug: abc2midi fails to create a midi file for X:1 T: Microtone M: 4/4 L: 1/4 K: G staffscale =1.2 G F G =F| staffscale = is a specification for abcm2ps which is not recognized by abc2midi. parsekey is attempting to treat =1.2 as a specification of a microtone in the key signature. sscanf() returns only one parameter instead of 3. if (j > 7) j = (int) c - 'a'; if (j > 7 || j < 0) {printf("invalid j = %d\n",j); exit(-1);} j is not a valid value because the variable c is 0. Fix: changed success = sscanf (&word[1], "%d/%d%c", &a, &b, &c); if (success > 0) to success = sscanf (&word[1], "%d/%d%c", &a, &b, &c); if (success == 3) April 12 2017 Abc2midi,Abc2abc,Yaps new feature: Abcm2ps has many features for creating a nice document. Abc2midi and other programs in the abcmidi package may get confused when it sees certain lines. I have introduced two new commands %%MidiOff and %%MidiOn which tell abc2midi and other programs to not parse the lines in between. For example: X:1 T: Booth Shot Lincoln C: Traditional C: Arr. Pete Showman R: Reel Q: 1/2=90 M: 2/2 L: 1/8 K:A || y20 "A"ce2c e2ee | "D"fa2f a2fe- | \ "A"eBcB AcBA | "D"F3F F2FF | %%MidiOff %%begintext The next lines will not be played %%endtext %%MidiOn The commands %%MidiOff and %%MidiOn, delineate a block of text that we do not want the parser to process. Otherwise, all the e's, b, a and d in the line "The next lines..." be treated as notes to be played in the output midi file. Implementation: Introduced a new global in parseabc.c, int ignore_line, which is either 0 or 1. When it is set to 1, parseline() in parseabc.c will ignore that line. ignore_line is automatically initialized to 0 any time a new X: command is encountered. April 16 2017 Fixed a bug I introduced in parseabc.c on April 12 2017. Had changed parse_precomment (s) char *s; to parse_precomment (s) char **s; in order to eliminate a compiler warning; however, this caused abc2midi to treat %%MIDI as a text comment. April 19 2017 Abc2abc invisible rest bug: the invisible multirest X gets transposed to Z. When transposing the following tune, X:1 T: Invisible rests M: 4/4 L: 1/4 K: G ABcx|X2| X is changed to Z Analysis: parsemusic() in parseabc.c treats the multirests X and Z the same way in event_mrest(). Fix: added a char parameter to event_mrest() so it knows whether it is a X or a Z. This effects store.c, toabc.c, yapstree.c and matchsup.c. June 02 2017 Abc2midi: Some of the documentation which comes with abc2midi states that the MIDI program number should range between 1 and 128; however, as far back as 2003, abc2midi expects the range to be between 0 and 127 following the MIDI standard. The documentation abcguide.txt and the man page abc2midi.1 have been corrected. Unfortunately, the Abc standard was based on the old documentation. It is too late to change abc2midi to comply with the abc standard since there are too many abc existing files using the current convention. As a temporary compromise, I have added a new command %%MIDI programbase. The current default is (so you do not need this line). %%MIDI programbase 0 To change to the abc standard use %%MIDI programbase 1 Implementation: added global int programbase = 0; to store.s which can be modified by the %%MIDI programbase command. Genmidi.c links to programbase using an extern statement and in the function write_program() I added the lines. p = p - programbase; /* [SS] 2017-06-02 */ if (p <0) p = 0; /* [SS] 2017-06-02 */ Test file: %%MIDI programbase 1 X:1 T: timpani % The timpani has MIDI program number 47 if you count from 0 % or 48 if you count from 1. M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: C %%MIDI program 48 CCDD|EEFF|CDEF|CDEF| June 10 2017 Abcmidi: !shape! bug In the following example: X: 1 %%MIDIdef peta bendstring 0 0 900 900 0 -900 -900 0 -400 %%MIDIdef volon125 controlstring 11 125 T: shape bug C: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/4 Q:1/4=130 K: C %%MIDI program 64 AGGF|\ [I: MIDIx= peta]!bend!F[I: MIDIx=volon125]!shape!GAB| The note G in the second bar following !shape! is held too long. Analysis: note_effect5 ends a note with midi_noteoff(delta, Q[Qhead].pitch, Q[Qhead].chan); however the delta does not account of the numerous pitchbend commands which has shifted the time base to the end of the note. Fix: computed last_delta = delta - eventlist[j-1].time; /* [SS] 2017-06-10 */ and used that to end the note. midi_noteoff(last_delta, Q[Qhead].pitch, Q[Qhead].chan); July 10 2017 Abc2abc: new feature Added runtime reference -xref n which will only output the tune with reference number n. Implementation: in toabc.c add global integer xmatch which is set to n when the -xref parameter is found. Otherwise it is set to -1. The function event_refno(n) turns the parser on or off. We needed to add 'extern parsing' in order to handle blank lines in event_blankline(). All % abcm2ps directives unfortunately must be printed since they may not be embedded in the particular tune. July 11 2017 Abc2midi infinite loop. The following tune causes abc2midi to become unresponsive and go into an infinite loop. X:1 T: abc2midi infinite loop P:A-B M: 4/4 L: 1/4 K:C P:A DDDD| P:B EEEE| The loop occurs in the function read_spec() in store.c which processes the line P:A-B. Fix: added a line to increment the character pointer when it encounters the character - or +. August 9 2017 - September 19 2017 Midi2abc - added new option (-stats) to gather and print statistics of a midifile. (eg. number of notes for a particular channel in a particular track). This will be used by a new application called midiexplorer. (The output is not documented and it is work in progress.) August 30 2017 Midi2abc - The metatext string is not terminated with a 0 and as a result can contain random junk, in particular on the Windows operating system. Fix in midifile.c, the Msgbuff is initialized to 0 when it is allocated. September 12 2017 Midicopy - two fixes to cover some unusual situations. September 18 2017 Midicopy - another fix October 9 2017 Abc2abc bug: the program crashes when it tries to parse the line V: V1 clef=treble2 middle=B nm="" snm="" merge stem=auto gstem=auto dyn=auto lyrics=auto gchord=auto scale=1 staffscale=1 stafflines=5 Fix: the buffer output[32] was expanded to output[128] to handle long lines in event_voice in toabc.c October 11 2017 Abc2abc bug: V: V1 clef=treble2 middle=B nm="" snm="" merge stem=auto gstem=auto dyn=auto lyrics=auto gchord=auto scale=1 staffscale=1 stafflines=5 parameters chopped short. Fix: in parseabc.h increased V_STRLEN to 256. Probably effects abc2midi too. October 18 2017 Abc2midi: the complex guitar chords which extend over one octave, were converted from closed form to open form in store.c. For example: /* static int list_11[6] = {0, 4, 7, 10, 2, 5}; */ static int list_11[6] = {0, 4, 7, 10, 14, 17}; October 22 2017 Midicopy: cleaned up the code somewhat. Midicopy no longer outputs tracks that are not needed. October 23 2017 abc2midi and yaps: The parser normally reports a warning Potentially ambiguous line - either a :| repeat or a field command -- cannot distinguish. when it sees a line like A:|cdef|A4| or B:|cdef|A4| (The A: or B: could be interpreted as field commands.) By default the line is treated as a music line, and in most cases everything works fine. However, for a line like w:| A____le-lu-ia | A____le-lu-ia a-le-lu-| we would prefer that it is treated as a w: command or lyric line. Fix: parseabc.c was modified to make a special exception for the w: line and call preparse_words(). November 01 2017 November 08 2017 November 10 2017 November 19 2017 Midi2abc: minor enhancement for -stats function. November 27 2017 Midicopy: introducing new options -focusontracks n1,n2,... and -focusonchannel n1,n2.... This attenuates the velocity values of the notes in all tracks (channels) except except n1,n2,... by the attenuation (default 70) units. The attenuation can be specified by -attenuation n. December 06 2017 Midicopy: added an option -xchns to exclude specific channels. December 10 2017 Abc2midi: abc2midi now implements the command %%abc-include per.abc where per.abc is typically a header file which defines various global parameters. For example, the file could remap the channel pitches to particular percussion instruments using the %%MIDI drummap command. Implementation: in genmidi.c the function parse_drummap() is no longer static so it can be called in store.c. In store.c, the command %%MIDI drummap is recoginized in the function event_specific_in_header(). The function init_drummap, is no longer activated in the function finishfile(), but only once in the main() function. This means that, the %%MIDI drummap command will apply to all the tunes in the file, irrespective of whether it is in the header (global) area. Finally, parsefile() in parseabc.c has been extended to recognize the abc-include file. All the contents of this include file are parsed as if the lines were included in the open abc file, except that the line counters do not count the lines in the include file. The extension to parseabc.c also impacts abc2abc, yaps, and abcmatch. December 15 2017 Midicopy: added -nobends option. December 20 2017 Midi2abc bug: When midi2abc.c is compiled without the debugger on Debian Linux, it fails with the message **buffer overflow** On compilation there are frequent warnings: n function 'strncpy', inlined from 'setupkey' at midi2abc.c:3209:3: /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/string3.h:126:10: warning: call to __builtin___strncpy_chk will always overflow destination buffer return __builtin___strncpy_chk (__dest, __src, __len, __bos (__dest)); Analysis: strncpy was attempting to copy 16 characters from a 12 character string into a 12 character string. Fix: changed strncpy to memcpy and limited the copy to 12 characters. January 02 2018 January 24 2018 February 07 2018 February 22 2018 March 06 2018 Midi2abc -stats (detecting key signature and time signature meta commands) Midi2abc -stats returns pitchentropy Midi2abc -stats returns drumhits, progs, progsact Midi2abc -stats check for program number between 0 and 127 February 22 2018 Abc2abc does not handle correctly the %%MidiIOff and %%MidiOn which was introduced on April 12 2017 as seen below. X:1 T:Booth Shot Lincoln C:Traditional C:Arr. Pete Showman R:Reel Q:1/2=90 M:2/2 L:1/8 K:A || y20 "A"ce2c e2ee | "D"fa2f a2fe- | \ "A"eBcB AcBA | "D"F3F F2FF | ignore_line = 1 ignore_line = 0 %%MidiOn Janus Meuris (jmeuris@gmail.com) has contributed several fixes and minor improvements to parseabc.c, toabc.c and store.c. In parseabc.c, the printf("ignore_line ...") was removed from handle_abc2midi_parser(). The error message "Single colon in bar" was removed since it is perfectly legal in music notation. In parseline() flushes out the blocked lines enclosed by MidiOff and MidiOn in the case that abc2abc is running. The abc2abc output now looks like: X:1 T:Booth Shot Lincoln C:Traditional C:Arr. Pete Showman R:Reel Q:1/2=90 M:2/2 L:1/8 K:A || y20 "A"ce2c e2ee | "D"fa2f a2fe- | \ "A"eBcB AcBA | "D"F3F F2FF | %%MidiOff %%begintext The next lines will not be played %%endtext %%MidiOn In toabc.c, in printlen(a, b) , an option to print a/2 and a/4 as a/ and a// was introduced. In store.c, more warnings were suppressed. A guitar chord beginning with a space is also ignored -- eg. " A major" March 08 2018 abc2abc bug: abc2abc deletes the leading space in the string following the w: field command. For example X:1 T:foo M:4/4 L:1/4 K:C c d e f | c d e f | w: | he-llo wor-ld | There is a space following w: to prevent parseline from seeing :|. Unfortunately, abc2abc produces w:| he-llo wor-ld | which poses a problem to abc2midi. abc2midi out.abc 4.02 February 22 2017 abc2midi Warning in line-char 7-18 : Potentially ambiguous line - either a :| repeat or a field command -- cannot distinguish. Analysis: the leading blank was already removed by parseline() in parseabc.c by the time that preparse_words() sees the text. Rather than messing around with parseabc.c, I modified event_field() in toabc.c so that it will automatically place a space between : and | whether or not it is missing. March 21 2018 abc2midi bug: The only the A part is rendered by abc2midi and there is no error message. X:1 T: parts M: 6/8 L: 1/8 P: A BB CC K: G P:A DCB BAG| P:B GGB CBG| P:C GF2 G3| Analysis: the P: command should be written as ABBCC without the spaces. When this is done, the tune is rendered correctly. The code for deciphering the P: command (read_spec() in store.c) has been unmodified since I have taken over the support of abc2midi. For some reason, the P: specification allows the user to use a dot '.' to control the spacing of the command; so A.BB.CC would be legal; however, the use of spaces causes the command to fail. The P: command has served two purposes in the past. When the abc notated tune is rendered to sheet music, the P: command has also been used to label the different sections of the tune. As a result, if the P: command does not follow the exact syntax, abc2midi assumes it is not being used for controlling repeats and ignores the command. When P: is used for controlling repeats only the characters A-Z, 0-9,-,+,(,), and . are allowed. If a different character, say lower case letters are encountered, read_spec() immediately ignores the rest of the specification without any error message. Fix: the code read_spec() was upgraded so that it now reports an error in the event that the P: command in the header does not follow the correct syntax. This can lead to a lot of error messages if the P: command was used for adding comments to the title. Fortunately, the user can use the -silent option to suppress these messages. Furthermore, if read_spec encounters this error, it restores the state of abc2midi so that all the parts are still played (in the same order that they are presented and with no repeats). Finally, I do not see any reason why read_spec() should fail when it encounters spaces, so I have modified the code so that spaces can be used to improve the clarity of the command. April 01 2018 abc2midi reports an error when it encounters a within body I: which does not contain one of the keys octave, MIDI, MIDIx, vol, or volinc. For example, for the file X: 1 T: Test 2 - I:leftmargin, I:rightmargin T: abcm2ps sets the page margins L: 1/4 M: 4/4 K: C % I:leftmargin 3cm I:rightmargin 3cm CCCC|DDDD|EEEE|FFFF|GGGG| abc2midi normally returns: Error in line-char 8-0 : I: key ' leftmargin' not recognized Error in line-char 9-0 : I: key ' rightmargin' not recognized writing MIDI file test21.mid The error messages can now be suppressed by running abc2midi with either the -quiet or -silent run time option. April 14 2018 abc2midi bug: the following file X:1 %%MIDI ptstress 3 100 1.5 100 0.75 100 0.75 T: Barfly stress test L:1/4 M:3/4 K:C gGg | GgG | gGg | GgG | gGg | GgG does not apply the Barfly stress model when abc2midi is called with the -BF option, but it works correctly when the -BF option is not included in the runtime parameters. This can be a confusing issue when abc2midi is called from a user interface such as EasyAbc. Analysis: when the -BF option is included, abc2midi is looking for a R: designator and attempts to match the rhythm designation with one of the rhythms in the library. If it fails then the stress model is turned off despite the fact that the stress pattern has been specified explicitly by a %%MIDI ptstress command. Fix: parse_stress_model (in genmidi.c) is called when a %%MIDI ptstress command is encountered. If the command is valid, parse_stress_model sets beatmodel to 2 enabling the Barfly stress model. April 15 2018 abc2midi bug: If the -BF runtime parameter is not followed by 1 or 2 (as it occurs in EasyAbc), the stress model should default to 2, the Barfly model instead of 1. This has been fixed in store.c. April 16 2018 abc2midi bugs: more issues with the %%MIDI ptstress command. The %%MIDI ptstress command was working for the Barfly model 1, but was never working for Barfly model 2. Model 2 is applied as a separate pass to the abc file by the function apply_bf_stress_factors() in store.c. It essentially changes all the note length values prior to creating the midi file. The %%MIDI ptstress command is processed by dodeferred() in genmidi.c during the last pass when the midi file is being written. This is already too late. In order to fix this issue the processing of the %%MIDI ptstress command was moved to the function event_midi() in store.c. There is also a conflict on how the stress factors are determined. If no %%MIDI ptstress command is present, abc2midi normally uses the builtin stress factors which are selected by the rhythm designation in the R: command. It is necessary to disengage this mode when the %%MIDI ptstress command is present. A new variable, stress_pattern_loaded was used to signal that the stress factors were set by %%MIDI ptstress. Please note that the abc tune should have not more than one %%MIDI ptstress command. If more than one is present, only the last one is effective. The %%MIDI ptstress command requires knowing the meter of the music, so it should be placed after the M: time signature specification. By default, the ptstress command assumes model 2; however, if you wish to use model 1, you can include %%MIDI stressmodel 1 command. Here is a sample use of the ptstress command. X:1 T: another Barfly test M:3/4 %%MIDI ptstress 3 120 1.6 60 0.8 40 0.6 L:1/4 R: Waltz K:C cc/d/e | d2g | e/d/ cB | c3 :| The R: designation is unnecessary and will be ignored. Furthermore, you do not need the -BF runtime parameter unless you want to select model 1. April 24 2018 Midi2abc -stats: some midi files do not define the channel to program assignments until we reach the last track number. This results in erroneous data in the progs and progcolor output. Fortunately we also compute the chanactivity. We can fix this problem by transfering the chnactivity to the progactivity. May 02 2018 Abc2midi - deprecated !ped-end! and introduced !ped-up! in store.c June 13 2018 Midi2abc - catches negative time increment in midi file. Check made in readtrack() in midifile.c June 23 2018 Abc2midi bug: the %%MIDI gchordbars n command is very idiosyncratic and only works correctly unless the abc is formatted exactly like this. X: 1 T: gchord M:4/4 L:1/4 K: G %%MIDI gchord ghih "G" z4 %%MIDI gchordbars 4 %%MIDI gchord ghih | z4| z4| z4| z4| it will not run correctly if the input looks like X: 1 T: gchord M:4/4 L:1/4 K: G %%MIDI gchord ghih "G" z4 | %%MIDI gchordbars 4 %%MIDI gchord ghih "G" z4| "G" z4|"G" z4| "G" z4| (Bar line appears just before %%MIDI gchordbars rather than after.) Fix: the variable gchordbarcount was eliminated since it was not useful and the cause of some problems in the function checkbar(). In dogchords(), we check that g_ptr does not exceed or equal the length of the gchord string. In dodeferred(), we reset g_ptr to 0 when we encounter a %%MIDI gchordbars command. Abc2midi bug: the %%MIDI drumbars n command is also idiosyncratic in a similar fashion. Fix: the drumbars feature was implemented in the same way as the gchordbars, so all of the above applies. October 25 2018 midi2abc: introduced option mftextpulses which will output in pulse units instead of beat units. December 01 2018 abc2abc bug: for multivoiced files where the voices are interleaved, abc2abc produces error messages regarding repeat symbols. For example, seymour@corsair:~/abc$ cat repeats.abc X:1 T: abc2abc repeats in multivoice M:4/4 L:1/4 K:G [V: S] gfed|: abcd | [V: A] edcB|: ABCD | [V: H] GFED|: ABCD | [V: S] abcd :| [V: A] ABCD :| [V: H] ABCD :| abc2abc repeats.abc X:1 T:abc2abc repeats in multivoice M:4/4 L:1/4 K:G [V:S] gfed|: abcd | [V:A] edcB %Error : Expecting repeat, found |: |: ABCD | [V:H] GFED %Error : Expecting repeat, found |: |: ABCD | [V:S] abcd :| [V:A] ABCD %Warning : No repeat expected, found :| :| [V:H] ABCD %Warning : No repeat expected, found :| :| Analysis: in event_bar in toabc.c, the variable expect_repeat determines whether the error message is emitted. This works well as long as each voice is processed in sequence but when the voices are interleaved, it is nececessary to maintain the expect_variable for each voice. The expect_repeat variable was moved to the voice struct. Unfortunately event_bar (which is used in abc2midi, yaps, and abcmatch) does not pass the voice struct, so it was necessary to reference the voice struct as a global variable. December 17 2018 abc2midi: does not recognize the abcm2ps options when embedded in a inline information command. For example, K: G clef=bass F [I:setbarnb 1]| appears in one of the abc files. [I:setbarnb 1] tells abcm2ps to start counting bar numbers here from 1. However, abc2midi does not recognize this command and outputs the message: Error in line-char 269-2 : I: key ' setbarnb' not recognized There are numerous abcm2ps options that can be embedded in an abc file. I am not too sure how to handle this situation. I can give abc2midi the most common messages and tell it to ignore these. In store.c I introduced the function is_abcm2ps_option(). Presently I only check for setbarnb. December 21 2018 abc2midi: does not recognize THICK_THIN bar line. In the following example, X: 1 T: THICK_THIN bar line M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: D EDFD|FGD2]| abc2midi reports the error Error in line-char 6-9 : Chord already finished Analysis: ]| is a type of bar line, however abc2midi assumes that ] is ending a chord. Fix: in the function parsemusic() in parseabc.c we now check that whether we are in a chord before calling event_chordoff. We introduce a new function event_ignore() in store.c, yapstree.c, toabc.c, and matchsup.c to handle such situations. December 28 2018 toabc.c The gcc compiler produces numerous warnings like toabc.c:1223:45: warning: '%s' directive writing up to 256 bytes into a region of size 250 [-Wformat-overflow=] if (vp->gotclef) {sprintf(output," clef=%s", vp->clefname); fix: changed output[250] to output[300] in event_voice. January 01 2019 abc2midi: warnings from time signature change. Abc2midi processes this file without warnings. X:1 T: time signature placed at the beginning of the bar M: 3/4 L: 1/8 K: G C2 C2 C2 |[M:2/4] C2 C2 |[M:3/4] D2 D2 D2 | [M:2/4] E2 E2| However, abc2midi produces several warnings when the time signature is placed before the next bar line. X:1 T: meter change M: 1/4 L: 1/4 K: G C [M:2/4] | C C [M:3/4] | D D D [M:4/4]| E E E E [M:1/4]| C| Warning in line-char 6-24 : Track 0 Bar 1 has 2 units instead of 3 Warning in line-char 6-39 : Track 0 Bar 2 has 3 units instead of 4 Warning in line-char 6-56 : Track 0 Bar 3 has 4 units instead of 1 Analysis: Note that measures count from zero. Though both forms are musically correct, the latter form confuses abc2midi. Abc2midi applies the time signature to the bar in which it is embedded. To fix this issue, I introduced the function check_for_timesig_preceding_bar_line () in genmidi.c It scans the entire feature[] representation of the tune and switches TIMESIG with SINGLE_BAR any time TIME_SIG is immediately followed by SINGLE_BAR. This function is applied prior to writing the tracks in the midi file. January 20 2019 abc2midi: suppressing the warning "clef= is overriding octave= setting" when the clef is specified in the K: or V: command. Parseabc.c was modified. It probably effects abc2abc, yaps, and abcmatch. January 31 2019 abc2midi: offering the option to suppress the messages 4.11 January 01 2019 abc2midi Warning in line-char 20-11 : Different length notes in tuple Warning in line-char 20-13 : Different length notes in tuple Warning in line-char 21-4 : Different length notes in tuple Warning in line-char 21-6 : Different length notes in tuple .... using the -quiet option (A lot of early baroque music may contain tuplets of different length like: [M:2/1](3F6E2D4 | (3C6D2E4 | (3D6E2F4 | (3:2:4G6F2D2E2 | (3F6E2C4 | Abc2midi should be able to handle tuplets with notes of different lengths. February 08 2019 abc2midi: does not recognize dotted bar lines. In the example, X:1 T: Dotted bar lines M: 2/4 L: 1/4 K: D GA : BD|EF : CF| D2 : D2| abc2midi returns the message Warning in line-char 17-13 : Track 0 Bar 1 has 4 units instead of 2 Warning in line-char 17-22 : Track 0 Bar 2 has 4 units instead of 2 Fix: in abc.h introduced DOTTED_BAR in featuretype. In parsemusic() in parseabc.c call event_bar(DOTTED_BAR,"") if a ':" occurs by itself. In event_bar() in store.c the DOTTED_BAR is treated the same as the DOUBLE_BAR. March 14 2019 abc2midi: warnings and error messages reference the wrong line number. For example for the tune X:1 T: warnings M: 4/4 L: 1/4 K: G [V:1]A| [V:2] A| [V:1]Bcd| [V:2]EFGA| [V:1]DAxD| [V:2]Bcd| [V:1]EFGA| [V:2]DAxD| abc2midi reports that bar 1 (Bcd) has 3 beats instead of 4 in line 7. Line numbers start from line 1, so bar 1 is in line 8 and not line 7. Analysis: writetrack() in genmidi did not see feature(LINENUM) because it bypasses the features whose voice is not the actual voice (track) being written. Fix: the function findvoice() in genmidi.c now ensures that the global variable lineno is always updated. Mar 18 2019 -- Mar 22 2019 abc2midi new feature: if one is not careful, it is easy for one or more voices to get out of synchronization with the other voices. When the abc music score is displayed, the barlines do not align. Abc2midi checks whether the number of beats in a bar matches the time signature. However, it does not check whether the beats in the corresponding bars in the different voices, match. This is rather difficult to do, since abc2midi writes out each track sequentially. As an experiment, abc2midi counts the number of beats played up to each bar line, and as an option (-c) will output these numbers in a file called barloc.txt for each voice. The numbers should match for all voices. Recall that the -c option processes the entire abc file (which may contain numerous tunes) and only returns warnings and error messages without producing any midi files. In this implementation barloc.txt only applies to the first tune in the file. (This feature is still experimental.) Implementation: introduced the integer array, barloc[1024] in genmidi.c which can handle up to 1024 measures in the tune. This array is reused for each voice. In checkbar() in genmidi.c, barloc[barno] stores the current track length (in midi pulses). A new function, dump_barloc() is introduced in genmidi.c that writes the barloc data in barloc.txt file. In store.c, introduced a new file handler diaghandle for creating the output file barloc.txt. dump_barloc() is called from finishfile() in store.c when abc2midi is running with the -c option (check flag is nonzero). The number of measures in each voice may be different, (one voice could end prematurely), but it is fairly easy to determine during the first pass when the feature array is filled. The number of measures in the output midi file can be much larger since all repeats are expanded. A new variable, nbars, was introduced in the voicecontext structure in store.c. Mar 23 2019 abc2midi bug. abc2midi can be used for just checking the abc file for errors using the -c option. No midi files are created. Unfortunately, abc2midi running in this mode may halt when processing a big file with the message, eputc: aborting because of file runaway (infinite loop) This is a check introduced in October 15 2004 in case abc2midi gets into an infinite loop and produces a midi file of unbounded size. The output midi file is prevented from growing over 500,000 bytes. /* if ((back[trans[p]] != p) || (key[po] == 1)) { [SS] 2010-05-07 */ if (back[trans[p]] != p ) { /* [SS] 2019-05-07 */ /* if ((back[trans[p]] != p) || (key[po] == 1)) { [SS] 2010-05-07 */ if (back[trans[p]] != p ) { /* [SS] 2019-05-07 */ The check occurs in midifile.c by monitoring the variable, Mf_numbyteswritten. Since abc2midi with the -c option does not actually create any midi files, it is not desirable to do this check. Analysis: the function finishfile() in store.c calls writetrack() directly when it is run with the -c option; however when it is run without this option, writetrack() is called from mfwrite() in midifile.c. mfwrite() takes care of initializing Mf_numbyteswritten for each tune. In order to initialize Mf_numbyteswritten when abc2midi is run with the -c option, we need to link it to store.c by declaring it as an extern. April 13 2019 midi2abc bug: midi2abc crashes with a message "out of memory cannot malloc" on Windows 10. Analysis: in the function addstring checkmalloc allocates strlen(s)+1, but strncpy can copy up to strlen(s)+2 characters. Fix: increased checkmalloc to allocate strlen(s)+2 characters. April 22 2019 midi2abc bug: midi2abc insists on making all rests invisible (x). Temporary fix: printchord() was modified so that it always prints a visible rest (z). May 08 2019 midi2abc bug: accidentals fail to propagate resulting in X: 1 T: from accid1.mid M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K:G % 1 sharps % note track % accidentals ^C2 ^C2 ^C2 ^C2| Fix: in function printpitch(), removed (key[po] == 1) in the conditional, if ((back[trans[p]] != p) || (key[po] == 1)) (I could not figure out the purpose of key[po].) Introduced barback[] array which is used to reinitialize the back[] array after each bar line. May 12 2019 midiabc bug: -splitvoices and -splitbars is handled by the functions printtrack_split_voice and printtrack_with_splits which are rather complex and buggy. Preceding rests in the midi file corresponding to the following file X:1 T: anacrusis M: 4/4 L: 1/4 K: G Z2|z2AB|zdef| are handled correctly without the -splitbars -splitvoices options but are missing with either options. The gap variable was not set properly in the code. May 15 2019 midi2abc issue. By default abcm2ps chooses the clef (bass or treble) automatically on the basis of the pitch of the following note. For some tracks, the pitch range falls in both the the treble and bass ranges resulting that the clef may oscillate between treble and bass. If the clef is specified in the voice corresponding to the track (or channel), then it is locked in. To avoid this oscillation the pitch histogram is determined for each channel, and a decision is made whether to lock in the clef. A new function pitch_percentiles() was introduced in the code to accomplish this action. May 29 2019 midi2abc issue: midi2abc makes a mess of type 0 midi files because it does not separate the music in the different channels. Fix: for type 0 midi files, the different channels are treated as if they are put into separate tracks. New functions txt_trackstart_type0, txt_noteon_type0, txt_program_type0, addnote_type0, and addtext_type0 which copy the channel command to to track[chn] instead of track[0]. June 06 2019 abc2abc bug: the fix to recognize the THICK_THIN bar line ]| introduced a new problem. In the following example, X: 1 T: bar line chord interference M: 4/4 L: 1/4 Q:1/4=142 K:F# % 6 sharps z [gdGG,] z[gdGG,]|z [gdGG,] z [gdGG,]| z [gdGG,] z[gdGG,]|z [gdGG,] z [gdGG,]| applying abc2abc to this file with the -e option returns X:1 T:bar line chord interference M:4/4 L:1/4 Q:1/4=142 % Last note suggests minor mode tune K:F# % 6 sharps z [gdGG,] z[gdGG,|z [gdGG,] z [gdGG,| z [gdGG,] z[gdGG,|z [gdGG,] z [gdGG,| The even numbered chords are not ended properly resulting in nested chords. Fix: the code in parsemusic() in parseabc.c for handling the closing of chords was corrected. Parseabc.c is part of abc2midi, abc2abc, yaps, and abcmatch. June 13 2019 Major changes were made to midi2abc.c The conditional code separated by #if defined SPLITCODE and #endif is now permanently included in midi2abc. The conditionals have been removed. The option -splitbars (which produces splitbars with & separators) is now gone including the function printtrack_with_splits. The code was unreliable and I cannot support it. Instead you should use -splitvoices which was improved. The function printtrack_split_voice() was separated into two functions; the first with the same name and the second called printtrack_split(). Printtrack_split_voice assigns splits to each of the notes using the function label_split_voices(). Label_split_voices returns nsplits, the number of splits that were needed, and printtrack_split is called for each of the splits. Printtrack_split creates a new voice for each of the splits. June 14 2019 Midi2abc: to prevent printing blank lines, newline_flag global variable was introduced. June 17 2019: Midi2abc: added initialization of chordhead and chordtail in printtrack_split(). June 20 2019: abc2midi crashes with the message .20 March 30 2019 abc2midi *** buffer overflow detected ***: abc2midi terminated Aborted (core dumped) for some abc files. Analysis: the crash occurs in sync_voice() in store.c when attempting to print a message with more than 80 characters (case PLAY_ON_REP). Fix: char message[128]; June 26 2019 abc2midi bug: trill - tie problem. The trill-tie combination disrupts the chordal accompaniment in the following example. %abc-2.1 X:6 T:trill-tie problem M:3/4 L:1/4 %%MIDI chordname m7b5 0 3 6 10 %0 _3 _5 _7 I:MIDI=program 110 MIDI=chordprog 24 MIDI=bassprog 32 K:A "Am"A/^G/ B/A/ c/B/|d/c/ e/d/ f/e/|"Bm7b5"Te3-|"E"e3| "Am"A/^G/ B/A/ c/B/|d/c/ e/d/ f/e/|"Bm7b5"e3-|"E"e3|| Unfortunately, there is no easy fix. In order to apply the trill to the tied note, the tied note is converted into a long note. This is an example where two features clash with each other. June 26 2019 midi2abc -splitvoices: fixing more problems in printtrack_split() function. Introducing firstgap[] and function set_first_gaps(trackno). Test file: X:1 T: polyphonic chords M: 4/4 L: 1/4 K: C zC-[C-E-][CEG]|\ zC-[C-E-][CEG]|\ [DF-A-][FA-]Az|\ [DF-A-][FA-]Az| More information was added to file programming/midi2abc.txt. June 29 2019 midicopy requires that you specify the start and end times (or start and end beats) even when you are copying the entire midi file. midicopy returns the wrong number of seconds copied when -fromsec and -endsec are specified and are beyond the range of the midi file. Fixes: functions cut_beginning() and cut_ending() check global flags use_seconds and use_ticks. If neither are set then the midi file is not trimmed. These flags are set in main() depending on the options provided. We keep track of the current time (currentseconds) adjusting for tempo changes. July 05 2019 Midicopy aborts with the message "trackdata overflow" Analysis: the input midi file contained more than 20 tracks containing no data. Each of those tracks contained 10 bytes. Midicopy while adding extra bytes for compatibility with the winamp program, caused the failure when the number of written bytes exceeded the track_size. Fix: in the function append_to_string in midicopy.c, a margin of 6 extra bytes was introduced in the check for overflow. Also midicopy was modified to allow up to 64 tracks. A check is made to ensure this is not exceeded. July 12 2019 Midi2abc. The handling of lyric text is currently a problem with midi2abc. For the present time I have added a new option -noly which suppresses lyric output. Introduced a new flag noly in midi2abc.c. August 02 2019 Midi2abc -stats returns incorrect count of notes in chord. (This problem only affects midiexplorer.tcl.) Analysis: chords are identified in stats_noteon by comparing the Mf_currtime with the last_tick time. last_tick is also used to compute the note length and is also updated in stats_noteoff. Fix: introduced last_on_tick array which is only updated by stats_noteon. August 11 2019 Abc2midi - valgrind detected a memory leak coming from store.c. Analysis: event_refno in store.c creates a voice struct, but it is destroyed without freeing up the the memory in startfile(). Fix: it is not necessary to create the voice in event_refno, since the function getvoicecontext(1) in event_key() will create the voice the voice struct automatically if it does not exist. The function clearvoicecontext() frees up all the voice structs properly. Abc2midi - valgrind detected that the variable chord_num was used in a conditional prior to being set in tiefix(). The variable is now initialized. Both of these bugs were reported by James Cowgill to Debian Bug Report log 890250 (https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=890250 ) yaps - valgrind detected that i was not set in the conditional if ((n->beaming == endbeam)||(i==64)) { in beamline() in drawtune.c when called from finalsizeline(). https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=890250 fix: initialized i to 0 in beamline(). midi2abc - Integer overflow leading to heap buffer overflow in addstring(). https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=924947 Fix: limited the checkmalloc to 1024 sized string. October 13 2019 abc2midi: trill broken rhythm interference. Abc2midi returns the following message when applied to this file. X: 1 T: trill M: 4/4 L: 1/4 K: C A3A|Te>dc2| Warning in line-char 6-10 : Track 0 Bar 1 has 7/2 units instead of 4 In actual fact the broken rhythm is applied to the second A and e instead of e and d. When the trill is removed, the program runs normally. Fix: in event_note in store.c all call to marknote() was added at the end of the conditional block beginning with if ((decorators[ROLL]) || (decorators[ORNAMENT]) || (decorators[TRILL])) { to ensure that the start and end of the broken rhythm sequence is correct. November 06 2019 November 13 2019 midi2abc: modified output for -midigram output. The header record now returns miditype ntrks and ppqn. The program line returns the current time in ticks. The changes were introduces to support the function show_prog_structure in runabc.tcl. December 09 2019 abc2midi: some abc files use the $ character to indicate a linebreak in the score. For example, I:linebreak $ The score contains numerous $ characters and abc2midi complains that it does not recognize the character $. Fix, added the lines else if (fileprogram == ABC2MIDI && *p == '$') ; /* ignore [SS] 2019-12-9 */ /* $ sometimes used as a score linebreak character */ in parsemusic() in parseabc.c December 09 2019 abc2midi: new feature. Double quotes are supposed to be used to indicate chord symbols (guitar chords) which abc2midi uses to create an accompaniment. Unfortunately, the double quotes notation is frequently misused to display other information that can cause a problem. Added the option -NGUI to ignore any guitar chords in the body of file. December 22 2019 December 25 2019 midicopy: introduced new options for handling the percussion track. December 30 2019 midi2abc: fix handling text messages (including %%MIDI and lyrics). January 03 2020 abc2midi, abc2abc, yaps -- compatibility with abcm2ps. The %%begintext and %%endtext enclose text which should not be processed by abc2midi or abc2abc. The flag ignore_line is set to 1 when parseline() encounters "%%begintext" and is reset to 0 when %%endtext" is encountered. If ignore_line is 1, the rest of the code in parseline() is ignored when abc2midi is running. January 05 2020 midicopy: when copying a region in the middle of a midi file, it may encounter and copy a midi noteoff message without a corresponding midi noteon message. midi2abc complains when it attempts to create an abc file. Fix: the close_note() function in midicopy.c checks whether the specified note is still playing. If it is not playing, close_note() returns -1 and a noteoff channel message is not issued by copy_noteoff(). In addition, it was necessary to fix writechanmsg_at_0 called by winamp_compatibility_measure(). To make a proper noteon message the velocity has to be nonzero. The velocity of value 1 at pitch 0 should be nonaudible. January 06 2020 midi2abc: chords such as [A3/2C3/2E3/2G3/2] are now expressed more compactly as [ACEG]3/2. The patch was inserted in printchord() in midiabc.c. January 14 2020 abc2midi: addressing ticket #25 on sourceforge. abc2midi hangs on some systems for this example. X:1 L:1/4 K:C 2c/2fac'/c'/c'/c'/c'////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Fix: add a test for zero denominator in genmidi.c if (tnote_denom <= 0) { event_error("note length denominator is zero or less"); /* [SS] 2020-01-14 to prevent infinite loop on some systems */ exit(1); } in function writetrack(). January 22 2020 abc2abc: added -useclef option, to specify the clef to use. It is useful if you are trying to learn to read the bass clef and you are transposing the music down an octave. February 12 2020 abc2midi: minor changes suggested by Timm Reasbeck to the default gchord patterns for various meters were incorporated in setbeat() in store.c. March 25 2020 abc2midi: after the changes to parseabc.c on January 03 2020, abc2midi no longer sees the %%MidiOn command. For example: X:1 T:Tune with Repeat Text, MidiOff and MidiOn M:4/4 L:1/8 K:C C4 D4 | E4 F4 | \ %%MidiOff ["Repeat" \ %%MidiOn G4 A4 | B4 c4 |] only the first 4 notes are recorded in the midi file. Fix: in parseline() in parseabc.c, switched the order of the lines handle_abc2midi_parser (line); /* [SS] 2020-03-25 */ if (ignore_line == 1 && fileprogram == ABC2MIDI) return; April 30 2020 abc2midi: reports warnings Warning in line-char 6-0 : Ignoring reserved character S Warning in line-char 6-3 : Ignoring reserved character P Warning in line-char 6-7 : Ignoring reserved character O when it encounters the characters S, P, and O in the music body. X:1 T: decorations M: 4/4 L: 1/4 K: G SDBPAD|OBDEF| The abc standard defines S as segno, P as uppermordent, and O as coda, so these are completely valid. Fix: add characters O,P and S to the decorations string in parseabc.c. It is now char decorations[] = ".MLRH~TuvOPS"; In addition, DECSIZE in abc.h was increased to 13 and I added #define CODA 10 #define UPPERMORDENT 11 #define SEGNO 12 May 06 2020 abc2midi: bug The command clef=treble+8 or clef=treble-8 fails to have any effect. This bug was probably introduced on December 19 2011 and was just reported recently. Analysis: the bug was traced to the code in the function isclef() in parseabc.c. The code was modified on December 19 2011 to fix another bug. The modification contains the line if (fileprogram == ABC2MIDI && *gotoctave != 1 && *octave != 1) which causes the problem. Prior to this test, the input string was matched to 'treble' and *gotoctave was set to 1. The string also matched 'treble+8', but *octave could not be reset to 1 on account of the above modification. I see no purpose in the test *gotoctave != 1 or *octave != 1 in the above test, so I changed it to simply to if (fileprogram == ABC2MIDI) wherever it occurred. This enabled the code for clef=treble+8 and clef=treble-8. It was found that it was still possible to switch back from clef=treble+8 to clef=treble. Unfortunately, the clef=treble+8, affects other designations such as clef=tenor. It was therefore necessary to reset *octave = 0. For all these situations and similar. June 02 2020 Peter Sutton (petersutton2009@gmail.com) who packages abcmidi for Arch Linux reported a linkage error /usr/bin/ld: toabc.o:(.bss+0xd7c): multiple definition of ingrace'; parseabc.o:(.bss+0x788): first defined here /usr/bin/ld: drawtune.o:(.bss+0x168): multiple definition ofingrace'; parseabc.o:(.bss+0x788): first defined here My suspicion is that the changeover to gcc ver. 10 (2020-05-08) is causing these problems Fix: in parseabc.c changed int ingrace = 0; to static int ingrace = 0; /* [SS] 2020-06-02 */ June 03 2020 gcc-10: Stuart D Gathman (stuart@gathman.org) detected numerous potential problems in the C code. eg variables used for they are initialized, variables declared and not used, missing defaults in switch statements, indenting in if statements not matching blocks, possible missing nulls in strings, ... Suggested changes were inserted without changing the logic of the code. Changes were marked with [SDG] 2020-06-03 in case bugs are discovered later. June 20 2020 In order to improve the handling of the SymbTr Turkish Makam database https://compmusic.upf.edu/node/287 which was converted to abc format in https://ifdo.ca/~seymour/runabc/makams/index.html , the abc representation of the note pitches has been changed. The collection of abc notated files will be replaced shortly and will work with both abc2svg and abcm2ps thanks to the help of Jef Moine and Hudson Lacerda. Hudson has contributed patches to the abcmidi package which have been incorporated into parseabc.c and store.c. June 22 2020 A minor change was made to midi2abc so that the pitchbend values are presented in units of cents. June 23 2020 parseabc: renamed readlen_nocheck() to read_microtone_value(). If the microtone value is an integer instead of a fraction, (i.e. no / is present), then b (the denominator) is set to 0 to signal that it is an integer. An integer microtone such as ^n or _n, implies that its pitch shift is given by n octave divisions where the number of divisions ndiv is specified in the command. %%MIDI temperamentequal [octave_cents] [fifth_steps] [sharp_steps] For a detailed description of the temperamentequal command, see the May 19 2015 insert in this document. The nonfraction microtones will be used to represent the accidentals for the pitches in the Turkish Makam database mentioned previously. June 25 2020 parseabc: parsekey now accepts integer microtones when %%MIDI temperamentequal is set. The temperament flag is declared in parseabc.c and linked to store.c with an extern statement, so that the parser knows whether %%MIDI temperamentequal statement was included in the abc file. June 27 2020 abc2midi: in pitchof_b() in store.c (which implements various temperaments), the Hudson Lacerda modified the pitchbends so that the key of A is still 440.0. /* [HL] 2020-06-27 Adjust for A=440.0 with zero pitchbend */ pitch4096 += (9*SEMISIZE) - (3*fifth_size-octave_size); July 03 2020 abcmidi: %%temperament command has been implemented by Hudson Lacerda (in store.c) July 05 2020 parseabc.c updated to reflect that the temperament integer flag can take various values. You can find a test file detune.abc in the samples folder. July 14 2020 yaps: cleaned up numerous gcc warnings such as drawtune.c:3245:16: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast] lineno = (int)(ft->item); changed lineno = (long)(ft->item); etc. July 17 2020 store.c: in order to improve the accuracy of the MIDI temperamentequal and MIDI temperamentlinear representation, the calculations were performed in floating point rather than integer arithmetic. The constant SEMISIZE = 4096 was eliminated, and the global variables octave_size, fifth_size, sharp_size, and microstep_size were turned into floating point variables. A new function compute_fifth_size () was introduced, which computes the perfect fifth interval quantized into the ndiv comma units. The result is returned in units of cents where one standard octave is 1200 cents. If you run abc2midi with -v 1 (verbose level 1), the size of the fifth interval and other variables is printed. This is a significant change affecting the code in the functions event_midi() and pitchof_b(). July 24 2020 store.c Hudson Lacerda corrected the algorithm in compute_fifth_size() and fixed a bug that I had introduced. July 28 2020 store.c Minor correction in store.c when the microtone denominator is equal to 100 (in pitchof_b()). August 09 2020 genmidi.c: introducing %%MIDI bendstringex. It is similar to %%MIDI bendstring except that it linearly interpolates the pitchbends, causing smoother transitions. Method: created a new function expand_array() which expands an array {20, -20, ...} to {5, 5, 5, 5, -5, -5, -5 ,5} or something like that depending upon the parameter factor. The expanded array of benddatata is now treated like in %%MIDI bendstring in the queues.c file. Presently, I am using a factor of 4 (not configurable). Bendstringex limited to 64 or less increments. September 30 2020 James Allwright has reported several problems with the abcMIDI code and proposed some fixes and improvements. There is a bug in parsekey resulting in an extraneous warning for the following file. X: 1 T: parsekey() test M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=127 K: D phr ^f | =C^C =D^D =E =F ^F =G | abc2midi parsekey.abc 4.41 August 09 2020 abc2midi Warning in line-char 6-0 : Ignoring string '^f' in K: field writing MIDI file parsekey1.mid Despite the warning the output file is still correct. abc2abc and other applications depending on parseabc.c also produce similar warnings. Analysis: the problem originates in the function parsekey() in parseabc.c. The fix consists two small changes shown here. /* shortcuts such as ^/4G instead of ^1/4G not allowed here */ /* parsed =0; [SS] 2020-09-30 */ /* if (parsed ==1) { [SS] 2020-09-30 */ if (success > 0) { /* [SS] 2020-09-30 */ drawtune.c in read_boolean increased dimension of char p[] to allow for null termination. -- suggested by James Allwright. stresspat.c in custom_stress_file() added fclose(inhandle) to close the open input file. -- suggested by James Allwright. matchsup.c, yapstree.c, and toabc.c: event_temperament declared as event_temperament(*line) instead of event_temperament(**line). parsekey() was split into two functions, parsekey() and process_microtones(). October 06 2020 abc2abc bug: abc2abc hangs when it is applied to a multivoiced file with the -n option. The following file hangs abc2abc X: 1 T: hangs abc2abc M: 4/4 L: 1/4 K: C V:1 C4|E4|D4|E4| F4|G4|A4|B4| V:2 D4|F4|G4|A4|B4|c4| C4|B,4| eg abc2abc hanger.abc -n 3 X:1 T:hangs abc2abc M:4/4 L:1/4 K:C V:1 C4|E4|D4| E4|F4|G4|A4| (Hangs when it encounters the V:2.) Analysis: The program hangs in a infinite loop 331 while (v->bars_complete > v->bars_remaining) { in the function complete_bars in toabc.c v->bars_complete is 2, v->bars_remaining is -1 and bars_done is always 0. If you insert a comment before V:2, the program runs normally. Fix: insert the line close_newabc(); /* [SS] 2020-10-06 */ in the function event_voice(). Explanation: v->bars_complete, v->bars_remaining are elements of a voice structure which has room for up to 30 voices. When V:2 is encountered, the program automatically calls event_voice and switches to a new voice; however, the program has not finished with voice 1 and the voice structure gets corrupted during the switch. Event_voice was modified so that any remaining data in voice 1 is released before the switch. October 7 2020 James Allwright has introduced event_score_linebreak in parseabc.c, yapstree.c, etc. which replaces the change made on December 09 2019. Except for yapstree.c, event_score_linebreak does nothing. October 10 2020 midicopy new feature: -zerochannels will set all channel numbers in the midi file to zero. Some midi files (http://scarlatti.antikytherapubs.com/ ) adjust the tuning by assigning each pitch class to a separate channel and applying an appropriate pitchbend to each of these channels. This may pose a problem for some software which attempts to render the midi file in music notation. October 12 2020 James Allwright has made significant improvements to parseabc.c, toabc.c, and yapstree.c related to repeat checking. In parseabc.c, new functions were introduced: init_voice_contexts, reset_parser_status, interpret_voice_label, check_bar_repeats, and check_and_call_bar(). The functions isnumberp(), init_voicecode(), and interpret_voicestring() have been retired. Reset_parser_status() is called each time a new X: reference field command is encountered. Check_bar_repeats() replaces a lot of the code that appears in event_bar() defined in toabc.c and yapstree.c. parsemusic() calls event_bar indirectly through the function check_and_call_bar(). Minor changes were made to toabc.c, store.c and yapstree.c to accommodate the changes to parseabc. In particular, a new flag repcheck is introduced and connected to parseabc.c as an extern (in parseabc.h). In addition a new struct (voice_context) has been introduced in parseabc.h. October 19 2020 James Allwright has implement the abc draft standard 2.2 clef parameters. This specifies the clef by letter and line number on which it sits. See http://abcnotation.com/wiki/abc:standard:v2.2#clefs . An example is given below. X:1 T: clef test M: 4/4 L: 1/4 K: D clef=G2 "Treble" DEFG|AGFE|ABcd| K: D clef=G1 "French violin" DEFG|AGFE|ABcd| K: D clef=F5 "Sub-bass" DEFG|AGFE|ABcd| K: D clef=F3 "Baritone" DEFG|AGFE|ABcd| The implementation involved major changes to parseabc.c and the creation of new files music_utils.c and music_utils.h. The function isclef() in parseabc.c has been revised and now calls get_standard_clef() or get_extended_clef_details() that are defined in music_utils.c. The clef is represent by a new structure cleftype_t. parseclef() and event_key() defined in parseabc.c have a new parameter, a structure newclef. Minor changes were made to store.c, toabc.c, matchsup.c. and debug.c. Significant changes were made to yapstree.c and drawtune.c. The makefiles folder has been moved to legacy_code. October 27 2020 James Allwright cleaned up the yaps source code, (uninitialized variables) and memory leaks detected by valgrind. In particular, one of the elements in the struct feature (item) was changed to a union of a void pointer and a number. This change propagated to the other files position.c, debug.c, yaprstree.c and drawtune.c. There are too many changes in yapstree.c and drawtune.c to list. November 01 2020 Yaps: James Allwright fixed a bug introduced recently that caused yaps to shift the notes down two ledger lines when the clef is not declared (parseabc.c). More security checks were introduced to prevent yaps and midi2abc to produce lines greater than 256 characters (drawtune.c, drawtune.h, yapstree.c and midi2abc.c). November 07 2020 Yaps: a missing voidptr prevented the compilation of drawtune.c on MacOS. Lines 3006-3011 was replaced with if (v->place->type == LEFT_TEXT) { printtext(left, v->place->item.voidptr, &textfont); }; if (v->place->type == CENTRE_TEXT) { printtext(centre, v->place->item.voidptr, &textfont); }; December 10 2020 James Allwright has upgraded the parser so it can now interpret complex time signatures as shown in this example. X:1 T: Example 1 using complex time signature M:(3+2+2)/8 L:1/8 K:G abc de fg|GGG aa bb|gfe GG FF| In addition the handling of the L: field was improved. This impacts abc2midi, yaps, abc2abc, and abcmatch. The implementation of these changes involved creating a new typedef structure (timesig_details) in abc.h, and numerous new functions or upgrades in parseabc.c (check_power_of_two, read_complex_has_timesig, read_L_unitlen, copy_timesig, interpret_voice_label, ... Lots of changes to parseabc.h. Minor changes to store.c, toabc.c yapstree.c to link to the new functions in parseabc.c January 21 2021 Abc2midi bug: the following tune exposes several problems. X:1 T: voice repeats M: 4/4 L: 1/4 K:C [V:1] C2E2 | [V:2] C,4 | [V:1] D2F2 & f4| [V:2] D,4 | [V:1] E2G2 :: [V:2] E,4 :: [V:1]d2B2 | [V:2]B,4 | [V:1] c2A2| [V:2] A,4 | [V:1] B2G2 :|] [V:2] G,4 :|] Running abc2midi produces the following messages. voice mapping: 1 2 writing MIDI file repeats1.mid Error in line-char 8-10 : Expected end repeat not found at |: Error in line-char 8-10 : Expected end repeat not found at |: Warning in line-char 18-10 : Track 2 is 48.054165 quarter notes long not 40.054165 Error in line-char 10-13 : Found unexpected :: Warning in line-char 18-11 : Track 3 is 36.054165 quarter notes long not 40.054165 The first two error messages do not make sense since it points to line [V:1] D2F2 & f4| which does not contain a left repeat |: . Furthermore the double repeat E2G2 :: is ignored and that section is not repeated causing a loss of synchronization between the two voices and unequal tracks. Analysis: If we remove the split voice &f4, abc2midi runs without errors. If instead we put opening repeats |: in the first measure, [V:1] |: C2E2 | [V:2] |: C,4 | abc2midi again runs without errors. The problem is caused by a bug in the function add_missing_repeats (store.c) which is called by scan_for_missing_repeats. After, the first call to insertfeature, the locations in the array add_leftrepeat_at[] no longer point directly to the VOICE features but before. (The insertion shifts everything to the right.) It is necessary to adjust this position by looking ahead. January 24 2021 Abc2midi: in some abc files the grace note sequence occurs after the host note just before a barline. The grace sequence does not steal time from a note eventually causing a synchronization problem between the voices. Fix: the grace sequence is removed from the internal representation using a new function cleargracenotes() in store.c if a bar line is encountered during the search for the host note. Hooks to new instructions !accent! !mordent!, !sfz!, !wedge! were added to the function event_handle_instruction() in store.c. February 21 2021 Abc2midi bug: unfortunately the fix applied to add_missing_repeats applied on January 21 2021 caused a new problem for single voice files. For example: X: 1 T: repeat bug R: jig M: 6/8 L: 1/8 K: G D |"G" ~G3 GAB |"D"ABA ABd | "G"edd gdB | "D"AGF "G"G2 :: A | "G"BAB dBd| "Em"ege "G"dBd | gfg "D"aga | "G"bgf g2 :| Those files do not contain a VOICE feature, so that the fix results in the leftrepeat being misplaced. The problem was repaired by testing the varieable voicesused before searching for the VOICE feature. March 10 2021 Abc2midi segmentation error: the following tune causes abc2midi to crash. X:6 T:TEMP L:1/4 M:2/2 Q:1/4=112 %%MIDI drum d2dd 39 39 39 %%MIDI drumon K:G G4 Fix: in event_midi check that the v structure is not NULL before setting v->hasdrums to 1. If it is NULL send an error message that %%MIDI drumon must occur after the first K: header. March 27 2021 abcmatch.c bug fix reported by umbraticus. 277: if (nbars >0 ... should be if (*nbars >0 ... March 30 2021 abc2midi bug: though grace notes only contain notes, the syntax allows you to substitute chords for grace notes. For example, X:1 T:acc M:4/4 L:1/4 K:G [DF]|E {[bc]}B cd|D4| The function applygrace_new (in store.c) was modified so that the two notes in the chord [bc] are treated as if they were one note. Otherwise the measure would be too short (B is shrunk to make room for b and c) and there could be a loss of synchronization between the voices. April 26 2021 abc2midi: bar line alignment. The feature introduced in Mar 18 2019, had a few issues. If the bar ends with a rest, the number of beats is incorrect because there is no MIDI message to indicate a rest other than a gap between a NOTEOFF and the following NOTEON and barlines do not exist in midi files. Using a cumulative beat count does not detect the possibility that the bar lines can realign because of two errors cancelling out. As an experiment, I save only the bar size. May 09 2020 abc2midi, abc2abc, yaps -- compatibility with abcm2ps. The %%beginps and %%endps enclose text which should not be processed by abc2midi or abc2abc. The flag ignore_line is set to 1 when parseline() encounters "%%beginps" and is reset to 0 when %%endps" is encountered. If ignore_line is 1, the rest of the code in parseline() is ignored when abc2midi is running. May 10 2020 abc2midi: the following file causes a core dump. X:1 T:Autumn Ale C:Chance Thomas, Stephen DiGregorio, Geoff Scott and/or Brad Spear R:Jig S:The Lord of the Rings Online Soundtrack O:Turbine's Middle Earth Z:Northman N:This is not intended for percussion instruments. Q:333 M:6/8 L:1/8 K:D AGA BA/3B/3A/3G | FE/3F/3E/3D EFG | abc2midi notpowerof2.abc 4.53 May 09 2021 abc2midi Error in line-char 13-5 : 3 b is not a power of 2 Error in line-char 13-8 : 3 b is not a power of 2 Floating point exception (core dumped) Analysis: the crash occurs in the function reduce (0) which cannot handle a division by zero. The function check_power_of_two(3) in parseabc.c returns 0 when the argument is not a power of 2. Fix: changed the return to -1. The program does not crash but the midi file is not created correctly. May 19 2020 abc2midi: the following file causes abc2midi to hang. X:1 T: Hangs abc2midi L:1/4 K:C 2c/2fac'/c'/c'/c'/c'/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// James Allwright intoduced a fix in readlen() in parseabc.c May 22 2021 abc2midi: treble-8 not applied in K: or V: commands after October 19 2020 update. For example, X:1 T: transposition L:1/2 M:C K:none clef=treble-8 V:1 cz V:2 zc The note c should be played with midi pitch 60 instead of 72. James Allwright made minor fixes to parseabc.c and store.c, in order to get these options working again. May 25 2021 James Allwright added more security checks to stop the parser from reading numbers beyond the largest integer. Changes were made to parserabc.c and midi2abc.c The abc2abc -s spacing function was modified to ignore certain time signatures like M: none or M:7/8. The code for dealing with 3/2, 3/4, 3/8 ... time signatures was improved. June 24 2021 abc2midi bug: in the following sample X:1 T: octave M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: none octave=1 V:1 C4| V:2 C4| The octave=1 applies only to voice 1 and does not act as global variable applying to both voices. Analysis: event_octave either sets global.octaveshift or v.octaveshift depending upon the variable pastheader. Pastheader was set to 1 by headerprocess() in event_key() prior to calling event_octave which prevented global.octaveshift from being set. Fix: moved headerprocess(), getvoicecontext(), etc to after calling event_octave(). June 27 2021 midi2abc: bug For some midi files midi2abc returns something like this X: 1 T: from gchordbreakdown1.mid M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K:C % 0 sharps V:1 K:E % 16 sharps =c=d e=g e4| \ Analysis, in the function handletext(), the local variable sf is declared as an integer but not initialized. The function sscanf(str,"%d %d",&sf,&mi); attempts to read sf and mi from str, but str does not contain any integers, and sf is not changed. Temporary fix: initialized sf to 0. June 27 2021 abc2midi: %%MIDI gchordoff produces garbage. In the following file X:1 T: gchord breakdown M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K:C %%MIDI gchord ghi2ihi2 %%MIDI gchordoff "C" cd eg e4 |"Am" ag ag e4 | %%MIDI gchordon "Dm" defe d4 | "G7" g6z2 | The output in track 2 as seen by midi2abc looks like this. X: 1 T: from gchordbreakdown1.mid M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K:C % 0 sharps V:1 cd eg e4| \ ag ag e4| \ de fe d4| \ g6 V:2 F,,,,F,,,, F,,,,2 F,,,,F,,,, F,,,,2| \ F,,,,F,,,, F,,,,2 F,,,,F,,,, F,,,,2| \ D,F, A,2 A,F, A,2| \ G,B, D2 DB, D2| instead of X: 1 T: from gchordbreakdown1.mid M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K:C % 0 sharps V:1 cd eg e4| \ ag ag e4| \ de fe d4| \ g6 V:2 z8| \ z8| \ D,F, A,2 A,F, A,2| \ G,B, D2 DB, D2| Analysis: abc2midi works correctly without the %%MIDI gchord ghi2ihi2 declaration. The problem occurs in the function dogchords(). This function was expanded to handle alberti starting from May 1 2004. Unfortunately, the fix introduced in 2016-01-03 introduced this problem when %%MIDI gchordoff sets gchords to 0. The else branch outputs gchordnotes[gchordnotes_size] when in fact, no note should be queued out. Fix: prefixed the switch(action) statement with the line if (gchords) /* [SS] 2021-06-27 */ preventing any note output when gchords is 0. In addition, the case 'b' was missing a break, allowing the switch statement to continue to case 'c' and causing a different problem when %%MIDI gchord ffbb September 15 2021 abc2midi bug: The last fix in June 27 2021 inserting a break introduced a new bug. The chord associated with the 'b' gchord code was missing. b and f codes were indistinguishable. Fix: removed the break in the switch statement for case b: October 11 2021 abc2midi new feature: In compliance with the ABC draft standard 2.2, I introduced additional K: and V: options for transposition. You can now indicate the number of semitones to transpose by giving the original note and the corresponding transposed note in the K: or V: field using either shift = note1note2 sound = note1note2 instrument = note1/note2 The number of semitones is determined by the difference note2 - note1. Abcm2ps and abc2svg recognize this command, but abc2abc, yaps, and abcmatch ignore this new option. http://abcnotation.com/wiki/abc:standard:v2.2#transposition Here is a test sample: X:1 T: standard 2.2 transposition M: 4/4 L: 1/4 K: C V:1 Bcde|Bcde| V:2 Bcde|Bcde| V:1 shift = Bc Bcde|Bcde| V:2 Bcde|Bcde| V:1 sound = dc Bcde|Bcde| V:2 Bcde|Bcde| V:1 instrument = c/^D Bcde|Bcde| V:2 Bcde|Bcde| V:1 transpose = 0 Bcde|Bcde| V:2 shift=DE, Bcde|Bcde| October 15 2021 Abc2abc -P bug X:1 T: P bug M:4/4 L:1/4 V:1 clef=treble V:2 clef=bass %%staves [1 2] K:C V:1 C2 D2 | C4 | V:2 C,2 G,2 | C,4| The command abc2abc t.abc -t 3 -P 1 fails to transpose voice 1 This bug has been around since this option was introduced in June 7 2011. Fortunately, it has not bothered anyone until recently. If you add another K:c after the first V:1 command in the body as shown below. X:1 T: P bug M:4/4 L:1/4 V:1 clef=treble V:2 clef=bass %%staves [1 2] K:C V:1 K:C C2 D2 | C4 | V:2 C,2 G,2 | C,4| then voice 1 will be transposed correctly. Unfortunately, there is no easy fix. When the -P option is present, abc2abc ignores the first K: field command. (In toabc.c line 1643 event_key aborts prior to setting up the arrays for a key transpose. Commenting out this return statement introduces another problem.) The main issue is that abc2abc only does one pass through the input file. It does not know whether there is a K: field command following V:1. If it assumes that there is none and forces a call to event_key in event_voice, there may be another problem when a different K: field command is found eventually. I have decided to suspend support to the -P option because it would be too complicated to fix this. November 25 2021 abcmatch bug. The fix on 2021-03-27 made abcmatch non-operable. The number of bars *nbars is never incremented. The line was replaced with if (*nnotes > 0) { /* [SS] 2021-11-25 */ in the function make_note_representation(...) December 05 2021 abc2midi new feature. Abc2midi did not recognize double flats or double sharps in the gchord. For example X:1 T: Double flat gchord M: 4/4 L: 1/4 K: C "Dbb" C4| C4 | returns the error message Error in line-char 6-0 : Unrecognized chord name "b" (Hint: use %MIDI chordname to define it. eg %MIDI chordname sus4 0 4 7). Fix: in event_handle_gchord in store.c, now check for a double accidental. December 10 2021 abc2midi: introduced gchord elements k and K. A gchord string can contain and of the letters in zcfbghijkGHIJKx. Note that the chord elements j,J,k,K are only defined for gchords with 4 or 5 notes like M9 or M11. Here is a test example. X:1 T: Gchord string M: 4/4 L: 1/4 K: C %%MIDI chordname x 0 3 5 7 9 %%MIDI gchord fGHIJK "C11" C4 | C4 | "Cx" C4 | C4| "C11/E" C4 | C4| "C11/G" C4 | C4| "C11/B" C4 | C4| December 12 2021 abcmidi: changed bar length warning as suggested by James Allwright. January 13 2022 abc2midi: stack overflow bugs reported by Kolja Grassmann static int getword(place,w) in genmidi.c check that the syllable[200] array is not overrun in the while loop ((syllastus != postword)...) add && (i<199) static void karaokestarttrack in genmidi.c replace strcpy(atitle+2,atext[pitch[j]]) with strncpy(atitle+2,atext[pitch[j]], 197) to prevent overflowing the atitle[200] array in three places. static int inlist(place, passno) in genmidi.c To prevent stack overflow in msg[100]; use snprintf instead of sprintf snprintf(msg, 100, "Bad variant list : %s", atext[pitch[place]]); void event_handle_instruction(s) in store.c To prevent overrunning the array buff[MAXLINE] used snprintf instead of sprintf snprintf(buff, MAXLINE, "instruction !%s! ignored", s); void event_info_key(key, value) in store.c To prevent overrunning the array errmsg[80] used snprintf instead of sprintf snprintf(errmsg, 80, "I: key \' %s\' not recognized", key); January 27 2022 abcmidi: new feature %%MIDI pitchbendrange semi maps the pitchwheel 0 to 16383 to semi semitones. By default semi is set to 2. If you change it to 4, then the pitchwheel maps into +/-4 semitones. This effects all microtones in the active channel when semi is not 2. %%MIDI temperament commands may not work correctly. Here is an example. X:1 T: pitch bend with RPN M: 4/4 L: 1/4 K: G %%MIDI program 70 G2 B2 |\ %%MIDI bendstring 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 !bend! G4 |\ %%MIDI pitchbendrange 7 !bend! G4 | February 12 2022 Midi2abc -mftext: adjusted the pitchbend sensitivity bend2cents when a RPN control command is received (in function mftxt_parameter). February 13 2022 abc2midi: added an optional third parameter to %%MIDI bendvelocity which specifies the number of MIDI pitchbend messages to create. If this parameter is missing, the default is 8 as before. February 18 2022 abc2midi bug: the K: and V: score option transposes the music in the wrong direction. eg X:1 T: transpose M: 4/4 L: 1/4 K: G sound = DC CDEF|GABc| CDEF... converted to BbCDE.. instead of DEF#G... Fix: swapped p2 and p1 in *transpose = p2 - p1; in parsesound() in parseabc.c February 21 2022 abc2abc mangles text. eg input: X:1 T: Text mangled by abc2abc Q:1/2=120 M:4/4 L:1/8 K:G bass octave=-2 %%begintext center this text is mangled %%endtext %% !f! g2 z d g2 z d | gdgb d'2 z2 | c'2 z a c'2 z a | cafa d2 z2 | gggg gggg | [I:repeat] | abc2abc text.abc -t 2 >output.abc output: X:1 T:Text mangled by abc2abc Q:1/2=120 M:4/4 L:1/8 K:Amaj clef=bass octave=-2 %%begintext center this tfxt is mbnalfe %%endtext %% !f! a2 z e a2 z e | aeac' e'2 z2 | d'2 z b d'2 z b | dbgb e2 z2 | aaaa aaaa | [I:repeat] | Analysis: Parseline (line) in parseabc.c checks the line for %%begintext using strcmp. Unfortunately, it does not find a match because the line also contains the word 'center'. Fix: replaced if (strcmp(line,"%%begintext") == 0) { with if (strstr(line,"%%begintext") != NULL) { which returns the pointer to %%begintext in the line. March 20 2022 abc2midi bug: I could not demonstrate this bug on my own system. When abc2midi is compiled on a Debian linux system using the -O2 compilation flag (by default), it produces a faulty midi file for abc files containing gchords. Here is a sample file. %abc-2.2 X:1 T:Test M:C L:1/4 Q:1/4=135 V:S clef=treble V:s clef=treble K:C %%score (s S) % [V:s] "C" x2 "a" x2 | [V:S] C C A A | The problem occurs with the bass accompaniment generated by "a". The bass accompaniment creates a long string of A,, notes. This problem disappears when abc2midi is compiled without the -O2 optimizer. Analysis: the bug was traced to the code gchord_configure in genmidi.c. The limit of the loops for (j=0; jg ag/2f/2 | "g ag/2f/2 | "G" gG B/2c/2d | "C" ee "G"dg/2g/2 | "D" af "G" g2 :| % X: 2 T: Tempo example M: 4/4 L: 1/4 Q: 1/4=90 "c\"ah\"o\"ots" K: G abcd|efga James Allwright added new functions to do the umlaut handling: umlaut_get_buffer() umlaut_build_string() and parsename/parsesname were combined into one function. June 14 2022 James Allwright has added support to the w:+ and +: lyric fields as defined in the 2.3 abc standard. The following examples tests the new feature. X:1 T: Strange w: field example from abc 2.2 standard N: This example appears in section 3.3 of the standard, which says : N: The following is a legal continuation of the w: field, N: although the usage not recommended M: 4/4 L:1/4 K:G abcd|efgz| %%vocalfont Times-Roman 14 w:nor-mal % legal, but not recommended %%vocalfont Times-Italic * +:i-ta-lic %%vocalfont Times-Roman * +:nor-mal X:2 T: Continuation Example M:4/4 L:1/8 K:G % legacy style continuation B3A | "G"G2D2 B,2D2 | G4 z2G2 | "D7"A2A2 A2A2 | A4 || w: Oh, the Grand Old Duke of York, \ w: he had ten thou-sand men. % + field style continuation B3A | "G"G2D2 B,2D2 | G4 z2G2 | "D7"A2A2 A2A2 | A4 || w: Oh, the Grand Old Duke of York, +: he had ten thou-sand men. % w: + style continuation B3A | "G"G2D2 B,2D2 | G4 z2G2 | "D7"A2A2 A2A2 | A4 z2 || w: Oh, the Grand Old Duke of York, w: + he had ten thou-sand men. There are numerous small changes. In abc.h, added WORDEXTEND feature type. In parseabc.h defined W_PLUS_FIELD and PLUS_FIELD and added a new integer parameter 'append' to the function event_word In structs.h added lyrics_end In parseabc.c preparse_words() has been split into two new functions preparse2_words() and preparse1_words() new input parameter in the function event_words() In store.c, toabc.c, matchsup.c, and yapstree.c, modified the function event_words. In genmidi.c introduced function check_wordextend() In drawtune.c added the case WORDEXTEND in functions sizevoice() and printvoiceline(). July 31 2022 The abcmidi package creates a new voice when it sees V: T clef=tab where tab indicates tablature. As a result abc2midi creates a separate track for this voice which can cause some problems. Fix: parseabc.c and music_utils.c was modified to ignore the clef=tab indication. August 1 2022 Fixed the abc parser so it does not report a malformed note when it encounters a dotted bar line .| -- (in parsemusic() in parseabc.c). The dotted bar line is treated as a regular bar line. August 23 2022, September 01 2022 midi2abc -midistats introducing quietTime. December 5 2022 Midi2abc has been getting too big and it is time to split it into separate applications. Midistats is a new application that will replace the midi2abc -midistats option. December 9 2022 Cleaning out -stats code in midi2abc. December 21 2022 abc2midi: Wnen equals in the instrument=/ directive, note2 should be treated as c (midi pitch 72). Fix: parsesound in parseabc.c was modified to return a midi pitch of 72 when the two notes are equal. test file: X:1 T: transpose M: 4/4 L: 1/4 K: C instrument=F/F FGAB|cdef| produces a midi file which looks like X: 1 T: from h1.mid M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K:C % 0 sharps V:1 c2 d2 e2 ^f2| \ g2 a2 b2 c'2| when it was translated back to abc using midi2abc. Note that this change also applies to sound= and shift= even though this may not be specified in the standard http://abcnotation.com/wiki/abc:standard:v2.2#transposing_instrument_examples December 22 2022 abcmidi: segementation fault. The following file produced a segmentation fault. X:1 T: transpose M: 4/4 L: 1/4 K: C instrument=F FGAB|cdef| Analysis: there is an invisible space following F in the line K: C instrument=F . As a result the function note2midi called pitch2midi with an invalid note (a space). The line p = (int) ((long) strchr(anoctave, note) - (long) anoctave); returned a bad index into the scale array. Fix: tested that p is in the range 0 to 7. December 27 2022 abcmidi: The instrument=/ is defined as a shorthand for score= sound=c. For instrument=, indicates the key of the instrument and is either c or C. The sound= directive specifies the note and how it is played. For example, sound=c_B indicates that the note c is played as _B on the instrument. Every note is transposed down by two semitones. The problem is that, the notes in the instrument directive are in the opposite order of the sound= and score= directives. The function parsesound() in parseabc.c treats takes care of the directives sound =, shift = and instrument =. Unfortunately, all these directives are treated in the same manner causing the instrument= directive to transpose in the wrong direction. Fix: for the special case, instrument=, transpose is set to p1 - p2 instead of p2 - p1. The '/' is only part of the instrument= syntax. Note2midi has an extra parameter, word, indicating the type of directive. It will issue a warning if it detects a '/' in the sound= or shift= directives. December 30 2022 abcmidi: The instrument=*/c is a special directive that suppresses a transpose. For example: X:2 T: transpose using instrument=_B/c T: clarinet coded in concert pitch, displayed in Bb (as in player part) M: 4/4 L: 1/4 K: C V:1 nm="Flute" CDEF|GABc|cBAG|FEDC| V:2 instrument=_B/c nm="Clarinet\nin Bb" CDEF|GABc|cBAG|FEDC| The notes in V:2 are displayed up using score=_Bc, but they are still played as written (sound=cc does nothing). Fix: the code in the block if (casecmp(word,"instrument") == 0 { ... } in parsesound() (parseabc.c) was rewritten. January 05 2023 abc2midi: instrument =F/D transposes cdec up by 3 semitones instead of down by 10 semitones in the following example. X:5 T: wrong octave M: 4/4 K:C V:1 instrument=F/D cdec z4 V:2 z4 c4 Fix: Hudson Lacerda supplied me with pseudo-code (doc/hudsonshift.txt) which describes how all the transpose directives should work. This code was implemented in parseSoundScore() which now replaces parseSound(). It also fixes yaps. January 06 2023 abcmidi ignores sound=cD in the following example. X:2 T: sound + score M: 4/4 K:C V:1 sound=cD score=FD cdec z4 V:2 z4 c4 Analysis: *transpose is set to -10 by parseSoundScore when it processes sound=CD but when parseSoundScore is called again with score=FD it sets *transpose to 0, the initialized value of transp_sound. The last value of *transpose is used by event_voice. Fix: if parseSoundScore is called by the abc2midi executable, then *transpose is not set to transp_sound when the score= directive is processed. There is a similar issue when parseSoundScore is called by yaps. We do not want to set *transpose to transp_score when the sound= is processed. January 08 2023 abc2abc should replicate the score=, shift=, sound=, and instrument= directives but otherwise ignore them. Fix: parseSoundScore() in parseabc.c does nothing if it is called from abc2abc and return 0. The function parseother(), which is called from parsevoice() or parsekey(), will output all other directives in the K: or V: command. January 10 2023 abcmidi: in event_handle_instruction(s), added code to recognize !ped(! and !ped)! in addition to !ped! and !ped-up! January 20 2023 abc2midi: as remarked around June 04-06 2005, split bars and parts were never fully working. For example, %%quiet X:1 T: split-part M:5/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=132 P:A6 K:none %%MIDI channel 10 P:A CDCDC CDCDC & [I:MIDI channel 10] z2E3 E5 | does not convert correctly to a midi file. Fix: the code in partbreak() seems to have been at fault. The program returns the wrong position of the voice in the feature array, causing the wrong notes to be sent to the active midi track. Permanently eliminating the function fillvoice and always calling findvoice, fixed one of the problems. The second fix was to replace findpart() with findvoice() when the PART feature is encountered. Findvoice() automatically calls findpart(). The external integer array, dependent_voice(), is no longer used and is also eliminated. (See this file December 12 2006.) These changes also appear to fix the bug addressed at the same date. February 07 2023 abc2abc: in toabc.c, James Allwright has introduced a new option -c which replaces /2 with /. He also fixed the -h output in event_init() so that all options are listed. February 08 2023 midi2abc, mftext, midistats: modified midifile.c so that it indicates where it encounters an unexpected byte in the input midi file. March 24 2023 More functions for the percussion track was added to midistats.c to support some future analysis. June 25 2023 Midistats runs incorrectly if the midi file has no program channel commands. When a program channel command is missing, the program should be the acoutic piano (0) by default. If more than one channel with the same program color, they should be added together. August 22 2023 Midistats improved the calculation of the number of rhythm patterns in a channel (barChn[chan].rhythmPattern) by allowing for dithering of note onset. Introduced dithermargin variable in function stats_noteon(). In function, output_track_summary(), suppressed notemeanpitch for percussion channel. October 25 2023 Midistats returns track activity (note on/off) for every track. November 1 2023 Midistats returns the control volume settings for every track, identifies midi files whose note timings are not quantized. November 2 2023 abc2midi bug: In the following example, not all notes are tied correctly. X:1 T: tied note M: 2/4 L: 1/4 K: C D2-|:D2 |[1CD-:|[2CD| No fix is available. November 8 2023 midistats: extended the size of arrays (midievents and pulsecounter) to handle certain midi files. The function stats_interpret_pulseCounter() can detect midi files containing triplets and nonquantized notes. midicopy: extended to handle midi files with up to 150 tracks. December 17 2023 midicopy: The midi program number is not set properly for a few the midi files where the channel program numbers are set in a separate track. Midicopy processes and copies the tracks sequentially, and by the time it sees the channel program numbers in the separate track it is already too late. It would be necessary to rewrite midicopy so that it stores the entire midi file in memory prior to copying it to disk. midistats: Introducing a new option -nseqfor n where is a channel number. See drums.txt for a description. December 23 2023 abc2midi: gchord bug The following example produces some strange artefacts on starting the midi file for some players. X:1 T:Test L:1/8 Q:1/2=30 M:2/2 %%MIDI gchord GHIc K:C GAB | "C"c4 C4 | Explanation: the output midi file plays a note with midi pitch 0 in the accompaniment channel. The problem originates in the dogchords() function for switch case 'G': in genmidi.c. Since g_started is 0, the second branch of the if statement is executed, but the pitch value in gchordnotes[gchordnotes_size] contains 0. Fix: the switch statement should not be executed since g_started is 0 (i.e. the gchord accompaniment does not start till "C" is encountered). The switch statement is now bypassed when either g_started or gchords is 0. The tests for gchords and g_started in all the case statements were removed since they are unnecessary. December 28 2023 abc2midi: tuplet bug The following example produces the error Warning in line-char 7-8 : Different length notes in tuple X:1 T:Test L:1/4 Q:1/4=90 M:3/4 K:D (3[ac']/d'/[ac']/ [ac']/z/ | Analysis: though it is legal to have different length notes (and rests) in a tuple, this is clearly a bug. The message occurs in the function event_note() in store.c. tnote_num and tnote_denom should contain the expected length of the note in the tuple based on the first note encountered in the tuple. The value of tnote_denom was not adjusted by event_chordoff to compensate by the length value specified at the end of the [ac'] chord, resulting in the problem. January 15 2024 abc2midi bug: the following example produces a warning, but the the output midi file is correct. Warning in line-char 7-23 : Track 1 Bar 1 has 1 time units while the time signature has 2 X:1 T:Test trill L:1/4 M:2/2 Q:1/2=60 K:Dm !trill!"C"g4- | g2^c2 | Analysis: this warning is produced by checkbar() in genmidi.c. This problem was reported in this file on November 23 2012. The code for handling tied notes is quite intricate and I do not understand it. I am hesitant in tampering with the code. February 14 2024 abc2midi: repeat bug For the following example: X:1 T: Repeat bug M: 1/4 L: 1/4 P:A K:C P:A A | B & C :| Abc2midi produces a midi file which looks like this V:1 A | B | V:2 Z | C | Z | C| the second voice is repeated by the first voice is not. Removing the P:A prior to K:C fixes the problem. Alternatively, inserting the missing left repeat |: (eg) |: A | B & C :| also resolves the problem. Apparently, abc2midi does not insert the left repeat in the correct position. Analysis: abc2midi produces an internal representation of the music using the feature[] array. Since this tune uses split voices using the & character, the internal representation now contains two voices. abc2midi then calls scan_for_missing_repeats() and add_missing_repeats() in store.c in order to insert the missing left repeats in the internal representation. Unfortunately, scan_for_missing_repeats puts the left repeat in the wrong place where it is ineffective. The code in scan_for_missing_repeats is quite complicated because it has to work for either voices or parts. It searches for either VOICE or PART code in the feature array and inserts the left repeat immediately following this code. If both VOICE and PART are present, VOICE should immediately follow PART in order that scan_for_missing_repeats works correctly. Unfortunately, they occur in the opposite order. The function event_split_voice() inserts the VOICE code in the wrong position, mainly because the v1index address is incorrect. Fix: event_part() in store.c, I added the line v1index = notes; /* [SS] 2024-02-14 */ following addfeature(PART, (int)*p, 0, 0); This appears to resolve this issue. abc2midi: another related repeat bug For the following example: X:1 T: A related repeat bug P:A M:3/4 L:1/4 K:D P:X Z | zzz & b'b'b' :| P:A CCC | DDD :| abc2midi produces incorrect output for this file. It does not insert the left repeats in the right place in its internal representation. Fix: for the present time you need to put the left repeats in the file like this. |:Z | zzz & b'b'b' :| P:A |:CCC | DDD :| February 19 2024 abc2midi bug and fix submitted by James Allwright. The parser recognizes |: but not |:: In the following example, X:1 T: ||: bug M: 2/4 L: 1/4 K: G G||:AB|[1cz:||[2ed| the repeat goes back to 0th bar (containing G) instead of bar 1 (containing AB). Fix: in parsemusic() in parseabc.c, the following lines were added. if (*(p+1) == ':') { /* handle ||: as a variant of |: [JA] 2024-02-19 */ check_and_call_bar (BAR_REP, ""); p = p + 2; The change also has impact on yaps, abc2abc, and abcmatch. February 22 2024 abc2midi bug Adding snm=something after a clef= declaration removes the offset from the clef. In the following example, X:1 T: with snm M:4/4 L:1/4 V:1 clef=treble-8 V:2 clef=treble-8 snm=anything K:C [V:1] z z C z | [V:2] z z z C | C in voice 1 is shifted down an octave but C in voice 2 is untouched. Analysis: parsevoice attempts to parse each token (clef=, octave=, transpose=, sound=, name= and etc.) by calling various functions parseclef(), parsetranspose(), parseoctave(), and etc.) until it succeeds. parseclef is thus called on every token and returns either 1 or 0 depending whether it was successful or not. parseclef calls the function isclef() to do the work. Unfortunately, isclef() zeros the variable new_clef->octave_offset whether or not a clef is declared in the token. Therefore the token snm=... causes new_clef->octave_offset to be zeroed. The next function which follows, get_extended_clef_details does set the octave_offset, but it is only called if the token was a clef. Fix: commented out the line in isclef() which zeros the octave_offset. February 25 2024 abc2midi note: Besides clef=treble-8, the abcmidi 2.2 standard also recognizes clef=treble_8, clef=treble^8 and etc. These clefs do not transpose the notes in the midi file but merely put the appropriate symbol on the clef. Abc2midi presently ignores these endings in the function get_clef_octave_offset() in music_utils.c. When it is necessary for the parseclef to see these endings the following fix is necessary. Fix: readword() called by parseclef breaks the clef string when it encounters either a ^ or _ in order to handle sharps and flats in the K: declaration. (See note above April 8 2015.) It is necessary to use the new function, readword_with_() which does not break the string on encountering either the underscore _ or caret ^. March 02 2024 abc2midi deviance from abc standard 2.2 The clef=, octave=, and transpose= in the V: command are expected to be persistant and independent of each other. They are changed independently any time a new clef=, octave=, or transpose= appears. These are stored in 3 variables. And the pitch of a note is assigned the sum of these values. Analysis: event_note computes the midi pitch from note (one of a,b,c,d,e,f,g), the xoctave, clef, accidental, and mult which are all input parameters to that function. In addition it accesses the global voice structure v of the active voice to get the octaveshift for that voice. The function computes the local variable octave from xoctave, clef->octave_offset and v->octaveshift. Prior to this fix and since May 21 2021, the local variable octave was either assigned to the value of clef->octave_offset + xoctave or to v->octaveshift + xoctave when v->octaveshift is nonzero. In addition, event_voice also changes v->octaveshift when it encounters a new clef=. Fix: In order to comply with this standard, the code in event_voice was modified to prevent clef= from modifying v->octaveshift. In addition event_note now computes octave as below. octave = clef->octave_offset + v->octaveshift + xoctave; /*[SS] 2024-03-02*/ Note this is a significant change as it could break some abc files. For example, if the user put clef=treble+8 and also octave=+1, just to be safe, then the resulting octave would be higher than expected. Fortunately, octave= is still rarely used. Here is the test file for verifying this fix. X:1 T:Test for octave shifts in sound M:4/4 K:C % The following seven notes should have equal sound V:1 clef=treble d8 |\ [V:1 clef=treble+8] D8 |\ [V:1 octave=-1] d8 |\ [V:1 transpose=12] D8 |\ [V:1 clef=treble] d8 |\ [V:1 octave=0] D8 |\ [V:1 transpose=0] d8 |] April 30 2024 According to the abc standards 2.1 and 2.2 the %% (pseudo comment) and the I: (stylesheet directive) should access the same functionality in the same way. Thus if %%MIDI program 10 should appear in an I: command as I:MIDI program 10 and not as I:MIDI= program 10. James Allwright has updated abcMIDI C code to comply with the standards. If you need to run some of the older abc files that do not obey this standard and you do not want to edit these files, then you should use an older version of the abcMIDI package. The following files were updated: matchsup.c, parseabc.h, pareseabc.c parser2.c, store.c, toabc.c. and yapstree.c. Look for the comments [JA] 2024-04-30. June 11 2024 abc2midi: corrected the sus4 chord in store.c August 11 2024 midicopy: introduced -transpose option August 13 2024 abcmidi: in event_handle_gchord() in store.c increased the size of variable name to char name[10] to avoid potential buffer overflow.