### 1.3.0 - Add the rest of the query parameters to query builder - Implement continueSearch operation - Improve function comments ### 1.2.2 - Add static ToString method for QueryDetails to pretty print query details - Add function to make default configs using QueryDetails.ToString function ### 1.2.1 - Add more properties to index and indexer CEs. - Add validate support for index and its indexers. ### 1.2.0 - Add CEs for Index and Indexer to make creating indices and indexers easier - Add functions to create resources based on Index and Indexer CEs ### 1.1.0 - Add helper functions to create Azure Search clients - Add synchronous search functions - Update dependencies, since Ply has been updated with multiple versions - *BREAKING CHANGE*: Change query log function to take QueryDetails record instead of all the items separately ### 1.0.0 - *BUG FIX*: Geography point in Azure search EDM.GeographyPoint uses "lon lat" ordering instead of "lat lon" so change the ordering used in evaluation - *BREAKING CHANGE*: Change Unary filter operator from ! to !! to avoid issues with name collisions with computation expressions - *BREAKING CHANGE*: Release Polygon model to be a sequence of Coordinates instead of hard set 4 Coordinates since Azure Search allows that - Replace TaskBuilder.fs dependency with Ply to get better performance and to get better stacks on errors - Implement integration index setup, data insert function, and teardown for each test - Change test project record property casings to CamelCase - Rename test project .fs files to be categorize tests between unit test and integration test - Lose -beta versioning now that we have at least some integration tests ### 0.1.2-beta - *BREAKING CHANGE*: Remove Infinite, NegativeInfinite and NaN custom values and replace them with F# native infinity, -infinity and nan. - Added unit tests for OData evaluation - Added setup for integration tests - Tweaks to project file