strip_attr = function(x) { attributes(x) = NULL x } crps_test = function(post,obs,n_pts = 1e6) { F_post = ecdf(post) F_obs = ecdf(obs) d = c(obs,post) s = seq(min(d),max(d),len=n_pts) sum( (F_post(s) - F_obs(s))^2 ) * (max(d)-min(d)) / n_pts } calc_crps = function(post, obs) { obs = unique(obs) stopifnot(length(obs) == 1) if ( { return(NA) } x = sort(post) n = length(x) i = which(x > obs)[1] - 1 if ( i = n Fx = ecdf(x)(x) widths = x[-1]-x[-n] if (i == 0) { # obs to the left of all post samples widths = c(x[1]-obs,widths,0) Fx = c(0,Fx) crps = sum(widths * (1-Fx)^2) } else if (i==n) { # obs to the right of all post samples widths = c(widths, obs-x[n]) crps = sum(widths * Fx^2) } else { # otherwise Fx = Fx[-n] below = which(1:(n-1) < i) above = which(1:(n-1) > i) crps = ( sum(widths[below] * Fx[below]^2) + sum(widths[above] * (1-Fx[above])^2) + (obs-x[i]) * Fx[i]^2 + (x[i+1]-obs) * (1-Fx[i])^2 ) } return(crps) }