/* eslint-disable func-names */ /* eslint-disable no-console */ /* eslint-disable no-restricted-syntax */ // IMPORTANT: Please note that this template uses Dispay Directives, // Display Interface for your skill should be enabled through the Amazon developer console // See this screenshot - https://alexa.design/enabledisplay const Alexa = require('ask-sdk-core'); /* INTENT HANDLERS */ const LaunchRequestHandler = { canHandle(handlerInput) { return handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.type === `LaunchRequest`; }, handle(handlerInput) { return handlerInput.responseBuilder .speak(welcomeMessage) .reprompt(helpMessage) .getResponse(); }, }; const QuizHandler = { canHandle(handlerInput) { const request = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request; console.log("Inside QuizHandler"); console.log(JSON.stringify(request)); return request.type === "IntentRequest" && (request.intent.name === "QuizIntent" || request.intent.name === "AMAZON.StartOverIntent"); }, handle(handlerInput) { console.log("Inside QuizHandler - handle"); const attributes = handlerInput.attributesManager.getSessionAttributes(); const response = handlerInput.responseBuilder; attributes.state = states.QUIZ; attributes.counter = 0; attributes.quizScore = 0; var question = askQuestion(handlerInput); var speakOutput = startQuizMessage + question; var repromptOutput = question; const item = attributes.quizItem; const property = attributes.quizProperty; if (supportsDisplay(handlerInput)) { const title = `Question #${attributes.counter}`; const primaryText = new Alexa.RichTextContentHelper().withPrimaryText(getQuestionWithoutOrdinal(property, item)).getTextContent(); const backgroundImage = new Alexa.ImageHelper().addImageInstance(getBackgroundImage()); const itemList = []; getAndShuffleMultipleChoiceAnswers(attributes.selectedItemIndex, item, property).forEach((x, i) => { itemList.push( { "token" : x, "textContent" : new Alexa.PlainTextContentHelper().withPrimaryText(x).getTextContent(), } ); }); response.addRenderTemplateDirective({ type : 'ListTemplate1', token : 'Question', backButton : 'hidden', backgroundImage, title, listItems : itemList, }); } return response.speak(speakOutput) .reprompt(repromptOutput) .getResponse(); }, }; const DefinitionHandler = { canHandle(handlerInput) { console.log("Inside DefinitionHandler"); const attributes = handlerInput.attributesManager.getSessionAttributes(); const request = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request; return attributes.state !== states.QUIZ && request.type === 'IntentRequest' && request.intent.name === 'AnswerIntent'; }, handle(handlerInput) { console.log("Inside DefinitionHandler - handle"); //GRABBING ALL SLOT VALUES AND RETURNING THE MATCHING DATA OBJECT. const item = getItem(handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.intent.slots); const response = handlerInput.responseBuilder; //IF THE DATA WAS FOUND if (item && item[Object.getOwnPropertyNames(data[0])[0]] !== undefined) { if (useCardsFlag) { response.withStandardCard( getCardTitle(item), getTextDescription(item), getSmallImage(), getLargeImage()) } if(supportsDisplay(handlerInput)) { const image = new Alexa.ImageHelper().addImageInstance(getBackgroundImage()); const title = getCardTitle(item); const primaryText = new Alexa.RichTextContentHelper().withPrimaryText(getTextDescription(item, "<br/>")).getTextContent(); response.addRenderTemplateDirective({ type: 'BodyTemplate2', backButton: 'visible', image, title, textContent: primaryText, }); } return response.speak(getSpeechDescription(item)) .reprompt(repromptSpeech) .getResponse(); } //IF THE DATA WAS NOT FOUND else { return response.speak(getBadAnswer(item)) .reprompt(getBadAnswer(item)) .getResponse(); } } }; const QuizAnswerHandler = { canHandle(handlerInput) { console.log("Inside QuizAnswerHandler"); const attributes = handlerInput.attributesManager.getSessionAttributes(); const request = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request; return attributes.state === states.QUIZ && request.type === 'IntentRequest' && request.intent.name === 'AnswerIntent'; }, handle(handlerInput) { console.log("Inside QuizAnswerHandler - handle"); const attributes = handlerInput.attributesManager.getSessionAttributes(); const response = handlerInput.responseBuilder; var speakOutput = ``; var repromptOutput = ``; const item = attributes.quizItem; const property = attributes.quizProperty; const isCorrect = compareSlots(handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.intent.slots, item[property]); if (isCorrect) { speakOutput = getSpeechCon(true); attributes.quizScore += 1; handlerInput.attributesManager.setSessionAttributes(attributes); } else { speakOutput = getSpeechCon(false); } speakOutput += getAnswer(property, item); var question = ``; //IF YOUR QUESTION COUNT IS LESS THAN 10, WE NEED TO ASK ANOTHER QUESTION. if (attributes.counter < 10) { speakOutput += getCurrentScore(attributes.quizScore, attributes.counter); question = askQuestion(handlerInput); speakOutput += question; repromptOutput = question; if (supportsDisplay(handlerInput)) { const title = `Question #${attributes.counter}`; const primaryText = new Alexa.RichTextContentHelper().withPrimaryText(getQuestionWithoutOrdinal(attributes.quizProperty, attributes.quizItem)).getTextContent(); const backgroundImage = new Alexa.ImageHelper().addImageInstance(getBackgroundImage()); const itemList = []; getAndShuffleMultipleChoiceAnswers(attributes.selectedItemIndex, attributes.quizItem, attributes.quizProperty).forEach((x, i) => { itemList.push( { "token" : x, "textContent" : new Alexa.PlainTextContentHelper().withPrimaryText(x).getTextContent(), } ); }); response.addRenderTemplateDirective({ type : 'ListTemplate1', token : 'Question', backButton : 'hidden', backgroundImage, title, listItems : itemList, }); } return response.speak(speakOutput) .reprompt(repromptOutput) .getResponse(); } else { speakOutput += getFinalScore(attributes.quizScore, attributes.counter) + attributes.quizScore > 7 ? perfectScoreMessage + exitSkillMessage : exitSkillMessage; if(supportsDisplay(handlerInput)) { const title = 'Thank you for playing the Stackery re:Invent Quiz Game! Please come back whenever you need a break from watching re:Invent sessions!'; const primaryText = new Alexa.RichTextContentHelper().withPrimaryText(getFinalScore(attributes.quizScore, attributes.counter)).getTextContent(); response.addRenderTemplateDirective({ type : 'BodyTemplate1', backButton: 'hidden', title, textContent: primaryText, }); } return response.speak(speakOutput).getResponse(); } }, }; const RepeatHandler = { canHandle(handlerInput) { console.log("Inside RepeatHandler"); const attributes = handlerInput.attributesManager.getSessionAttributes(); const request = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request; return attributes.state === states.QUIZ && request.type === 'IntentRequest' && request.intent.name === 'AMAZON.RepeatHandler'; }, handle(handlerInput) { console.log("Inside RepeatHandler - handle"); const attributes = handlerInput.attributesManager.getSessionAttributes(); const question = getQuestion(attributes.counter, attributes.quizproperty, attributes.quizitem); return handlerInput.responseBuilder .speak(question) .reprompt(question) .getResponse(); }, }; const HelpHandler = { canHandle(handlerInput) { console.log("Inside HelpHandler"); const request = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request; return request.type === 'IntentRequest' && request.intent.name === 'AMAZON.HelpHandler'; }, handle(handlerInput) { console.log("Inside HelpHandler - handle"); return handlerInput.responseBuilder .speak(helpMessage) .reprompt(helpMessage) .getResponse(); }, }; const ExitHandler = { canHandle(handlerInput) { console.log("Inside ExitHandler"); const attributes = handlerInput.attributesManager.getSessionAttributes(); const request = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request; return request.type === `IntentRequest` && ( request.intent.name === 'AMAZON.StopIntent' || request.intent.name === 'AMAZON.PauseIntent' || request.intent.name === 'AMAZON.CancelIntent' ); }, handle(handlerInput) { return handlerInput.responseBuilder .speak(exitSkillMessage) .getResponse(); }, }; const SessionEndedRequestHandler = { canHandle(handlerInput) { console.log("Inside SessionEndedRequestHandler"); return handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.type === 'SessionEndedRequest'; }, handle(handlerInput) { console.log(`Session ended with reason: ${JSON.stringify(handlerInput.requestEnvelope)}`); return handlerInput.responseBuilder.getResponse(); }, }; const ErrorHandler = { canHandle() { console.log("Inside ErrorHandler"); return true; }, handle(handlerInput, error) { console.log("Inside ErrorHandler - handle"); console.log(`Error handled: ${JSON.stringify(error)}`); console.log(`Handler Input: ${JSON.stringify(handlerInput)}`); return handlerInput.responseBuilder .speak(helpMessage) .reprompt(helpMessage) .getResponse(); }, }; /* CONSTANTS */ const skillBuilder = Alexa.SkillBuilders.custom(); const speechConsCorrect = ['Booya', 'All righty', 'Bam', 'Bazinga', 'Bingo', 'Boom', 'Bravo', 'Cha Ching', 'Cheers', 'Cowabunga', 'Ding, ding, ding', 'Dynomite', 'High five', 'Hip hip hooray', 'Hurrah', 'Hurray', 'Huzzah', 'Oh dear. Just kidding. Hurray', 'Kaboom', 'Kaching', 'Most excellent', 'Oh snap', 'Phew', 'Righto', 'Way to go', 'We have a winner', 'Well done', 'Whee', 'Woo hoo', 'Yay', 'Wowza', 'Yowsa']; const speechConsWrong = ['Argh', 'Aw man', 'Blarg', 'Blast', 'Boo', 'Bummer', 'Crashed and burned', 'Darn', "D'oh", 'Dun dun dun', 'Eek', 'Honk', 'Le sigh', 'Mamma mia', 'Negatory', 'Oh boy', 'Oh dear', 'Oof', 'Ouch', 'Ruh roh', 'Say what?', 'Shucks', 'Uh oh', 'Wah wah', 'Whoops a daisy', 'Yikes']; // Huge thanks to Jerry Hartgrove for the following data https://www.awsgeek.com/AWS-History/ const data = [ {ServiceName: 'Simple Storage Service', ServiceType: 'Storage', LaunchDate: '2006-03', Abbreviation: 'S3'}, {ServiceName: 'Simple Queue Service', ServiceType: 'Application Integration', LaunchDate: '2006-07', Abbreviation: 'SQS'}, {ServiceName: 'Simpledb', ServiceType: 'Database', LaunchDate: '2007-12', Abbreviation: 'None'}, {ServiceName: 'Elastic Block Store', ServiceType: 'Compute', LaunchDate: '2008-08', Abbreviation: 'EBS'}, {ServiceName: 'Elastic Compute Cloud', ServiceType: 'Storage', LaunchDate: '2008-10', Abbreviation: 'EC2'}, {ServiceName: 'Elastic Map Reduce', ServiceType: 'Analytics', LaunchDate: '2009-04', Abbreviation: 'EMR'}, {ServiceName: 'Cloudwatch', ServiceType: 'Management and Governance', LaunchDate: '2009-05', Abbreviation: 'None'}, {ServiceName: 'Elastic Load Balancing', ServiceType: 'Networking and Content Delivery', LaunchDate: '2009-05', Abbreviation: 'ELB'}, {ServiceName: 'Simple Notification Service', ServiceType: 'Application Integration', LaunchDate: '2010-04', Abbreviation: 'SNS'}, {ServiceName: 'Cloudfront', ServiceType: 'Networking and Content Delivery', LaunchDate: '2010-11', Abbreviation: 'None'}, {ServiceName: 'Route 53', ServiceType: 'Networking and Content Delivery', LaunchDate: '2010-12', Abbreviation: 'None'}, {ServiceName: 'Elastic Beanstalk', ServiceType: 'Compute', LaunchDate: '2011-01', Abbreviation: 'None'}, {ServiceName: 'Simple Email Service', ServiceType: 'Application Integration', LaunchDate: '2011-01', Abbreviation: 'SES'}, {ServiceName: 'Cloudformation', ServiceType: 'Management and Governance', LaunchDate: '2011-02', Abbreviation: 'None'}, {ServiceName: 'Identity And Access Management', ServiceType: 'Security Identity and Compliance', LaunchDate: '2011-05', Abbreviation: 'None'}, {ServiceName: 'Virtual Public Cloud', ServiceType: 'Networking and Content Delivery', LaunchDate: '2011-08', Abbreviation: 'VPC'}, {ServiceName: 'Direct Connect', ServiceType: 'Networking and Content Delivery', LaunchDate: '2011-08', Abbreviation: 'None'}, {ServiceName: 'Elasticache', ServiceType: 'Database', LaunchDate: '2011-08', Abbreviation: 'None'}, {ServiceName: 'Dynamodb', ServiceType: 'Database', LaunchDate: '2012-01', Abbreviation: 'None'}, {ServiceName: 'Cloudsearch', ServiceType: 'Analytics', LaunchDate: '2012-04', Abbreviation: 'None'}, {ServiceName: 'Redshift', ServiceType: 'Database', LaunchDate: '2012-11', Abbreviation: 'None'}, {ServiceName: 'Relational Database', ServiceType: 'Database', LaunchDate: '2013-06', Abbreviation: 'RDS'}, {ServiceName: 'Cloudtrail', ServiceType: 'Management and Governance', LaunchDate: '2013-11', Abbreviation: 'None'}, {ServiceName: 'Kinesis', ServiceType: 'Analytics', LaunchDate: '2013-12', Abbreviation: 'None'}, {ServiceName: 'Cognito', ServiceType: 'Security Identity and Compliance', LaunchDate: '2014-07', Abbreviation: 'IAM'}, {ServiceName: 'Lambda', ServiceType: 'Compute', LaunchDate: '2015-04', Abbreviation: 'None'}, {ServiceName: 'Elastic Container Service', ServiceType: 'Compute', LaunchDate: '2015-04', Abbreviation: 'ECS'}, {ServiceName: 'Api Gateway', ServiceType: 'Networking and Content Delivery', LaunchDate: '2015-07', Abbreviation: 'None'}, {ServiceName: 'Elasticsearch Service', ServiceType: 'Analytics', LaunchDate: '2015-10', Abbreviation: 'None'}, {ServiceName: 'Web Application Firewall', ServiceType: 'Security Identity and Compliance', LaunchDate: '2015-10', Abbreviation: 'WAF'}, {ServiceName: 'Elastic Container Registry', ServiceType: 'Compute', LaunchDate: '2015-12', Abbreviation: 'ECR'}, {ServiceName: 'Elastic File System', ServiceType: 'Compute', LaunchDate: '2015-12', Abbreviation: 'EFS'}, {ServiceName: 'Rekognition', ServiceType: 'Machine Learning', LaunchDate: '2016-11', Abbreviation: 'None'}, {ServiceName: 'Lightsail', ServiceType: 'Compute', LaunchDate: '2016-11', Abbreviation: 'None'}, {ServiceName: 'Codebuild', ServiceType: 'Developer Tools', LaunchDate: '2016-12', Abbreviation: 'None'}, {ServiceName: 'Step Functions', ServiceType: 'Application Integration', LaunchDate: '2016-12', Abbreviation: 'None'}, {ServiceName: 'Amplify', ServiceType: 'Mobile', LaunchDate: '2017-11', Abbreviation: 'None'}, {ServiceName: 'Serverless Application Repository', ServiceType: 'Compute', LaunchDate: '2018-02', Abbreviation: 'SAR'}, {ServiceName: 'Secrets Manager', ServiceType: 'Security Identity and Compliance', LaunchDate: '2018-04', Abbreviation: 'None'}, {ServiceName: 'Appsync', ServiceType: 'Mobile', LaunchDate: '2018-04', Abbreviation: 'None'}, {ServiceName: 'Neptune', ServiceType: 'Database', LaunchDate: '2018-05', Abbreviation: 'None'}, {ServiceName: 'Elastic Kubernetes Service', ServiceType: 'Compute', LaunchDate: '2018-06', Abbreviation: 'EKS'}, {ServiceName: 'Event Bridge', ServiceType: 'Application Integration', LaunchDate: '2019-07', Abbreviation: 'None'}, {ServiceName: 'Timestream', ServiceType: 'Database', LaunchDate: '2020-09', Abbreviation: 'None'}, {ServiceName: 'reinvent', ServiceType: 'Conference', LaunchDate: '2012-03', Abbreviation: 'None'} ]; const funFacts = { SimpleStorageService: "S3 was the first AWS service released, isn't that something!", SimpleQueueService: "SQS was the first AWS service announced, but the second released.", Simpledb: "Oh hey, yet another simple service thats not so simple.", ElasticBlockStore: "EBS has been trying to catch up to S3 from the start.", ElasticComputeCloud: "Oh look, another elastic service. What are the odds?", ElasticMapReduce: "Oh look, another elastic service. What are the odds?", Cloudwatch: "No abbreviation, because the CW is a TV network, not an AWS service", ElasticLoadBalancing: "Oh look, another elastic service. What are the odds?", SimpleNotificationService: "Oh hey, yet another simple service thats not so simple.", Cloudfront: "Yet another service that starts with cloud", Route53: "It's like Route 66, but with more traffic", ElasticBeanstalk: "Not the beanstalk Jack climbed", SimpleEmailService: "This simple service actually is pretty simple", Cloudformation: "Yet another service that starts with cloud", IdentityAndAccessManagement: "I am so happy IAM exists", VirtualPublicCloud: "VPCs. Also known as AWS's money makers.", DirectConnect: "Who doesn't like a direct connection?", Elasticache: "Oh look, another elastic service. What are the odds?", Dynamodb: "Amazingly this service does not include the words cloud or elastic", Cloudsearch: "Yet another service that starts with cloud", Redshift: "Amazingly this service does not include the words cloud or elastic", RelationalDatabase: "When no sequel just won't do.", Cloudtrail: "Yet another service that starts with cloud", Kinesis: "It's a service that doesn't start with the word simple, who knew?", Cognito: "There's no need to go incognito with Cognito", Lambda: "Oh hey, it's the little function that started it all", ElasticContainerService: "Oh look, another elastic service. What are the odds?", ApiGateway: "Actually, I suppose API is an abbreviation", ElasticsearchService: "Oh look, another elastic service. What are the odds?", WebApplicationFirewall: "The security guard of the internet", ElasticContainerRegistry: "Oh look, another elastic service. What are the odds?", ElasticFileSystem: "Oh look, another elastic service. What are the odds?", Rekognition: "Amazingly this service does not include the words cloud or elastic", Lightsail: "Amazingly this service does not include the words cloud or elastic", Codebuild: "Amazingly this service does not include the words cloud or elastic", StepFunctions: "Amazingly this service does not include the words cloud or elastic", Amplify: "Amazingly this service does not include the words cloud or elastic", ServerlessApplicationRepository: "This is the only serverless service that actually contains the word serverless!", SecretsManager: "Amazingly this service does not include the words cloud or elastic", Appsync: "Amazingly this service does not include the words cloud or elastic", Neptune: "Amazingly this service does not include the words cloud or elastic", ElasticKubernetesService: "Oh look, another elastic service. What are the odds?", EventBridge: "Amazingly this service does not include the words cloud or elastic", Timestream: "Amazingly this service does not include the words cloud or elastic", reinvent: "Did you know that the first re:Invent only had 6,000 attendees, while the last one had 60,000. Talk about ten ex-ing!" }; const states = { START: `_START`, QUIZ: `_QUIZ`, }; const welcomeMessage = `Welcome to the Stackery re:Invent Quiz Game! You can ask me to tell you about a specific service, or you can ask me to start a quiz. What would you like to do?`; const startQuizMessage = `OK. I will ask you 10 questions about AWS services. `; const exitSkillMessage = `Thank you for playing the Stackery re:Invent Quiz Game! Please come back whenever you need a break from watching re:Invent sessions!`; const perfectScoreMessage = `<say-as interpret-as='interjection'>What a great score! Is your name Werner?</say-as><break strength='strong'/> `; const repromptSpeech = `Which AWS service would you like to know about?`; const helpMessage = `I know lots of things about AWS. They are my parents, after all! You can ask me to tell you about an AWS service, and I'll tell you what I know. You can also test your knowledge by asking me to start a quiz. What would you like to do?`; const useCardsFlag = true; /* HELPER FUNCTIONS */ // returns true if the skill is running on a device with a display (show|spot) function supportsDisplay(handlerInput) { var hasDisplay = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.context && handlerInput.requestEnvelope.context.System && handlerInput.requestEnvelope.context.System.device && handlerInput.requestEnvelope.context.System.device.supportedInterfaces && handlerInput.requestEnvelope.context.System.device.supportedInterfaces.Display return hasDisplay; } function getBadAnswer(item) { return `I'm sorry. ${item} is not something I know very much about in this skill. ${helpMessage}`; } function getCurrentScore(score, counter) { return `Your current score is ${score} out of ${counter}. `; } function getFinalScore(score, counter) { return `Your final score is ${score} out of ${counter}. `; } function getCardTitle(item) { return item.ServiceName; } function getSmallImage() { return 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stackery/alexa-reinvent-quiz/master/src/img/alexa-reinvent-small.png'; } function getLargeImage() { return 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stackery/alexa-reinvent-quiz/master/src/img/alexa-reinvent-large.png'; } function convertDate(date) { const fixedDate = (date.split('-')[0] + ' ' + parseInt(date.split('-')[1],10)).toString(); const newDate = new Date(fixedDate); return newDate.toLocaleString('en-us', { month: "long" }) + ' ' + newDate.getFullYear(); } function getBackgroundImage() { const imageObject = { image: { contentDescription: 'Stackery re:Invent Quiz background image', sources: [ { url: getLargeImage(), size: 'LARGE' }, { url: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stackery/alexa-reinvent-quiz/master/src/img/alexa-reinvent-medium.png', size: 'MEDIUM', }, { url: getSmallImage(), size: 'SMALL', } ] } } return imageObject; } function getSpeechDescription(item) { if (item.Abbreviation === 'None') { return `${item.ServiceName} is a ${item.ServiceType} service, first launched in ${convertDate(item.LaunchDate)}. ${funFacts[item.ServiceName.replace(/\s/g, '')]}. I've added ${item.ServiceName} to your Alexa app. Which other service would you like to know about?`; } else { return `${item.ServiceName} is a ${item.ServiceType} service, first launched in ${convertDate(item.LaunchDate)}. Its abbreviation is <say-as interpret-as='spell-out'>${item.Abbreviation}</say-as>. ${funFacts[item.ServiceName.replace(/\s/g, '')]}. I've added ${item.ServiceName} to your Alexa app. Which other service would you like to know about?`; } } function formatCasing(key) { return key.split(/(?=[A-Z])/).join(' '); } function getQuestion(counter, property, item) { return `Here is your ${counter}th question. What is the ${formatCasing(property)} of ${item.ServiceName}?`; } // getQuestionWithoutOrdinal returns the question without the ordinal and is // used for the echo show. function getQuestionWithoutOrdinal(property, item) { return "What is the " + formatCasing(property).toLowerCase() + " of " + item.ServiceName + "?"; } function getAnswer(property, item) { switch (property) { case 'Abbreviation': if (item[property] === 'None') { return `${item.ServiceName} does not have an abbreviation. `; } else { return `The ${formatCasing(property)} of ${item.ServiceName} is <say-as interpret-as='spell-out'>${item[property]}</say-as>. `; } case 'LaunchDate': return `The ${formatCasing(property)} of ${item.ServiceName} is ${convertDate(item[property])}. `; default: return `The ${formatCasing(property)} of ${item.ServiceName} is ${item[property]}. `; } } function getRandom(min, max) { return Math.floor((Math.random() * ((max - min) + 1)) + min); } function askQuestion(handlerInput) { console.log("I am in askQuestion()"); //GENERATING THE RANDOM QUESTION FROM DATA const random = getRandom(0, data.length - 1); const item = data[random]; const propertyArray = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(item); const property = propertyArray[getRandom(1, propertyArray.length - 1)]; //GET SESSION ATTRIBUTES const attributes = handlerInput.attributesManager.getSessionAttributes(); //SET QUESTION DATA TO ATTRIBUTES attributes.selectedItemIndex = random; attributes.quizItem = item; attributes.quizProperty = property; attributes.counter += 1; //SAVE ATTRIBUTES handlerInput.attributesManager.setSessionAttributes(attributes); const question = getQuestion(attributes.counter, property, item); return question; } function compareSlots(slots, value) { for (const slot in slots) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(slots, slot) && slots[slot].value !== undefined) { if (slots[slot].value.toString().toLowerCase() === value.toString().toLowerCase()) { return true; } } } return false; } function getItem(slots) { const propertyArray = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(data[0]); let slotValue; for (const slot in slots) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(slots, slot) && slots[slot].value !== undefined) { slotValue = slots[slot].value; for (const property in propertyArray) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(propertyArray, property)) { const item = data.filter(x => x[propertyArray[property]] .toString().toLowerCase() === slots[slot].value.toString().toLowerCase()); if (item.length > 0) { return item[0]; } } } } } return slotValue; } function getSpeechCon(type) { if (type) return `<say-as interpret-as='interjection'>${speechConsCorrect[getRandom(0, speechConsCorrect.length - 1)]}! </say-as><break strength='strong'/>`; return `<say-as interpret-as='interjection'>${speechConsWrong[getRandom(0, speechConsWrong.length - 1)]} </say-as><break strength='strong'/>`; } function getTextDescription(item) { let text = ''; for (const key in item) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(item, key)) { text += `${formatCasing(key)}: ${item[key]}\n`; } } return text; } function getAndShuffleMultipleChoiceAnswers(currentIndex, item, property) { return shuffle(getMultipleChoiceAnswers(currentIndex, item, property)); } // This function randomly chooses 3 answers 2 incorrect and 1 correct answer to // display on the screen using the ListTemplate. It ensures that the list is unique. function getMultipleChoiceAnswers(currentIndex, item, property) { // insert the correct answer first let answerList = [item[property]]; // There's a possibility that we might get duplicate answers // to prevent duplicates we need avoid index collisions and take a sample of // 8 + 4 + 1 = 13 answers (it's not 8+4+3 because later we take the unique // we only need the minimum.) let count = 0 let upperBound = 12 let seen = new Array(); seen[currentIndex] = 1; while (count < upperBound) { let random = getRandom(0, data.length - 1); // only add if we haven't seen this index if ( seen[random] === undefined ) { answerList.push(data[random][property]); count++; } } // remove duplicates from the list. answerList = answerList.filter((v, i, a) => a.indexOf(v) === i) // take the first three items from the list. answerList = answerList.slice(0, 3); return answerList; } // This function takes the contents of an array and randomly shuffles it. function shuffle(array) { let currentIndex = array.length, temporaryValue, randomIndex; while ( 0 !== currentIndex ) { randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex); currentIndex--; temporaryValue = array[currentIndex]; array[currentIndex] = array[randomIndex]; array[randomIndex] = temporaryValue; } return array; } /* LAMBDA SETUP */ exports.handler = skillBuilder .addRequestHandlers( LaunchRequestHandler, QuizHandler, DefinitionHandler, QuizAnswerHandler, RepeatHandler, HelpHandler, ExitHandler, SessionEndedRequestHandler ) .addErrorHandlers(ErrorHandler) .lambda();