[+ 12/01/2016] Stackrecord CLI Halis Duraki Stackrecord 15/01/2016 (Version 200-OK) [+] Added: Function to manipulate with calls internally [+] Fixed: HTTPS URI errors [+] Fixed: Crash on --change OPS (change has whitespace) [+] Deprecated: API calls on http://-URIs 13/01/2016 (Thiz looks good) [+] Added: A new way to manipulate with commands and operators [+] Added: SET and UNSET working repository [+] Added: SET and UNSET working version [+] Added: Delete a repository [+] Added: List repository information [+] Added: Add a new change in a version [+] Fixed: Crash on exit [+] Fixed: Crash when repository has no releases [+] Fixed: Return changes of particular version 13/01/2016 (The day after tomorrow) [+] Added: Create new repository [+] Added: Create new release [+] Added: Create new change using arbitary tags [+] Fixed: API token authentication 12/01/2016 (A fresh start) [+] Added: Defined pro-variables [+] Added: Help menu [+] Added: Login availability [+] Added: Logout [+] Added: Create local user [+] Added: Get repository list [+] Added: Get repository info [+] Added: Get repository releases [+] Added: Get release info