[node] # working_dir = "/dir/to/save/chainstate" # defaults to: /tmp/stacks-node-[0-9]* rpc_bind = "" p2p_bind = "" bootstrap_node = "029266faff4c8e0ca4f934f34996a96af481df94a89b0c9bd515f3536a95682ddc@seed.testnet.hiro.so:30444" prometheus_bind = "" [burnchain] mode = "krypton" peer_host = "" username = "" password = "" rpc_port = 12345 # Bitcoin RPC port peer_port = 6789 # Bitcoin P2P port pox_prepare_length = 100 pox_reward_length = 900 # Maximum amount (in sats) of "burn commitment" to broadcast for the next block's leader election burn_fee_cap = 20000 # Amount (in sats) per byte - Used to calculate the transaction fees satoshis_per_byte = 25 # Amount of sats to add when RBF'ing bitcoin tx (default: 5) rbf_fee_increment = 5 # Maximum percentage to RBF bitcoin tx (default: 150% of satsv/B) max_rbf = 150 [[ustx_balance]] address = "ST2QKZ4FKHAH1NQKYKYAYZPY440FEPK7GZ1R5HBP2" amount = 10000000000000000 [[ustx_balance]] address = "ST319CF5WV77KYR1H3GT0GZ7B8Q4AQPY42ETP1VPF" amount = 10000000000000000 [[ustx_balance]] address = "ST221Z6TDTC5E0BYR2V624Q2ST6R0Q71T78WTAX6H" amount = 10000000000000000 [[ustx_balance]] address = "ST2TFVBMRPS5SSNP98DQKQ5JNB2B6NZM91C4K3P7B" amount = 10000000000000000 [[burnchain.epochs]] epoch_name = "1.0" start_height = 0 [[burnchain.epochs]] epoch_name = "2.0" start_height = 0 [[burnchain.epochs]] epoch_name = "2.05" start_height = 1 [[burnchain.epochs]] epoch_name = "2.1" start_height = 2 [[burnchain.epochs]] epoch_name = "2.2" start_height = 3 [[burnchain.epochs]] epoch_name = "2.3" start_height = 4 [[burnchain.epochs]] epoch_name = "2.4" start_height = 5 [[burnchain.epochs]] epoch_name = "2.5" start_height = 6 [[burnchain.epochs]] epoch_name = "3.0" start_height = 56_457