#!/bin/bash #Coin info version="" coinname=stakecubecoin coinnamed=sccd coinnamecli=scc-cli ticker=SCC coindir=scc sleeptimerinsec=120 binaries="https://github.com/stakecube/StakeCubeCoin/releases/download/v3.4.3.2/scc-" prereleasebinaries="https://github.com/stakecube/StakeCubeCoin/releases/download/v3.4.7.0/scc-" snapshot='https://stakecubecoin.net/bootstrap.zip' port=40000 rpcport=39999 discord='https://discord.gg/xxjZzJE' #pre-setup checks and dependencies installs checkforrunningapt=$(ps -e | grep apt) if [[ $checkforrunningapt == "" ]] then echo -e "Apt not currently running" echo -e "" else echo -e "${RED}Error:${NC} Apt is already running, aborting script" exit fi echo -e "Checking/installing/updating other script dependency's" apt -y -qq install curl zip unzip nano ufw software-properties-common pwgen p7zip-full p7zip-rar #setup variables for passwords pass=`pwgen 14 1 b` rpcuser=`pwgen 14 1 b` rpcpass=`pwgen 36 1 b` #color variables readonly GRAY='\e[1;30m' readonly DARKRED='\e[0;31m' readonly RED='\e[1;31m' readonly DARKGREEN='\e[0;32m' readonly GREEN='\e[1;32m' readonly DARKYELLOW='\e[0;33m' readonly YELLOW='\e[1;33m' readonly DARKBLUE='\e[0;34m' readonly BLUE='\e[1;34m' readonly DARKMAGENTA='\e[0;35m' readonly MAGENTA='\e[1;35m' readonly DARKCYAN='\e[0;36m' readonly CYAN='\e[1;36m' readonly UNDERLINE='\e[1;4m' readonly NC='\e[0m' readonly ERASEBACK='\e[1K' readonly BEGINLINE='\e[0G' clear sccmultitool_update=$(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stakecube/SCC-Multitool/master/sccmultitool.sh) if [[ $(cmp <(echo "$sccmultitool_update") ~/sccmultitool.sh) ]] && [[ $(diff <(echo "$sccmultitool_update") ~/sccmultitool.sh) ]] then updatesccmultitool=$([[ -f ~/sccmultitool.sh ]] && echo "1" || echo "0") else updatesccmultitool=0 fi function displayname() { cat << "EOF" _____ _ _ _____ _ / ____| | | | / ____| | | | (___ | |_ __ _| | _____| | _ _| |__ ___ \___ \| __/ _` | |/ / _ \ | | | | | '_ \ / _ \ ____) | || (_| | < __/ |___| |_| | |_) | __/ |_____/ \__\__,_|_|\_\___|\_____\__,_|_.__/ \___| EOF } displayname #Tool menu echo -e "" echo -e "${UNDERLINE}${CYAN}Welcome to the StakeCube Multitools ${version}${NC}" #echo -e '\e[4mWelcome to the StakeCube Multitools '${version}' \e[24m' echo -e "${YELLOW}Please enter a number from the list and press [ENTER] to start tool" echo -e "${YELLOW}1 - Newserver 8GB swap + IPv6 setup. REQUIRES RESTART ${MAGENTA}Contabo VPS only${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}2 - Setup/Resize/Delete swap space with X MB swap space" echo -e "${YELLOW}3 - Wallet update (all ${ticker} nodes)" echo -e "${YELLOW}4 - Masternode stop/start/restart (stop/start/restart all ${ticker} nodes)" echo -e "${YELLOW}5 - Remove MasterNode" echo -e "${YELLOW}6 - Remove Multiple Masternodes" echo -e "${YELLOW}7 - Masternode install" echo -e "${YELLOW}8 - Masternode install with optional sleep delay function" echo -e "${YELLOW}9 - Install New Node with manually specified IPv4/IPv6 Address" echo -e "${YELLOW}10 - Download/Update StakeCubeCoin local bootstrap file from stakecube" echo -e "${YELLOW}11 - Make/Update your StakeCubeCoin local bootstrap file from an existing SCC node" echo -e "${YELLOW}12 - Chain/PoSe maintenance tool (single ${ticker} node)" echo -e "${YELLOW}13 - Check block count status against explorer (all ${ticker} nodes)" echo -e "${YELLOW}14 - Check MN health status and optional repair (all ${ticker} nodes)" echo -e "${YELLOW}15 - Check block count and optional chain repair (all ${ticker} nodes)" echo -e "${YELLOW}16 - Output some system diagnostic info" echo -e "" echo -e "${CYAN}97 - Pre-Release Menu${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}98 - Maintenance Sub-Menu - extra functions" echo -e "${YELLOW}99 - Check for updated script from GitHub${NC}" echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}0 - Exit" echo -e "" echo -e "${MAGENTA}This script can now use an optional sleep delay of up to 5 minutes per node on startup${NC}" echo -e "${MAGENTA}This helps to prevent the VPS from being overloaded upon reboot when there are many nodes installed${NC}" echo -e "${MAGENTA}This can make the install/start/restart/repair node(s) look like it has stopped working${NC}" echo -e "${MAGENTA}This is just a side effect of the delay only(if it occurs)${NC}" echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}This is an ${RED}OPTIONAL${YELLOW} feature that you can use by selecting appropriate options${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}Please run the check install/update service files before installing nodes${NC}" echo -e "${RED}only IF${YELLOW} you want to use the sleep delay functionality, it only needs to be ran once${NC}" echo -e "${NC}" if [[ $updatesccmultitool == "1" ]] then echo -e "${CYAN}New version of ${GREEN}SCCMultitool${NC}${CYAN} available${NC}" echo -e "" fi read -p "> " start echo -e "" function displaypause() { local delaycount=$1 echo -e "${YELLOW}Press any key to abort countdown and continue${NC}" while [ $delaycount -ge 0 ] do echo -en "${GREEN}Countdown ${NC}$delaycount" sleep 1 echo -en "${ERASEBACK}${NC}${BEGINLINE}${NC}" read -n 1 -t 0.05 $anykey anykeystatus=$? if [[ $anykeystatus -le 127 ]] then echo -en "${ERASEBACK}${NC}${BEGINLINE}${NC}" return fi delaycount=$(($delaycount - 1)) done echo -e "" return } function checkprocess() { local processname=$1 processidentoutput=$(ps -U $processname -jh) processident=$(echo $processidentoutput | grep -c $processname -) processidentstatus=$? checkprocessname=$(echo $processidentoutput | grep -c sleep -) checkprocessstatus=$? if [[ $checkprocessstatus == 0 ]] then echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Process is in sleep mode waiting to start still${NC}" sleepcounter="$(echo $processidentoutput | grep 'sleep[ 0-9]' | awk '{print $NF}')" echo -e "${YELLOW}$sleepcounter" sleepcounter=$(( $sleepcounter + 15 )) echo -e "$sleepcounter" displaypause $sleepcounter fi # echo -e "" # echo -e "$processidentoutput" # echo -e "$processident" # echo -e "$processidentstatus" if [[ $processident == 0 ]] then return 1 else return 0 fi #always return false if it gets this far return 1 } function debugmodeonoffsub() { local alias=$1 local onoff=$2 local debugcmd=$3 local debugcount=$4 local grepcheckstatus=$5 if [[ $grepcheckstatus == 1 && $debugcount == 0 && $onoff == 1 ]] then echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Debug line not found, inserting turned on${NC}" echo 'debug=1' >> /home/$alias/.scc/stakecubecoin.conf echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Restarting node and pausing $sleeptimerinsec seconds${NC}" systemctl restart $alias --no-block displaypause $sleeptimerinsec return else if [[ $grepcheckstatus == 1 && $debugcount == 0 && $onoff == 0 ]] then echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Debug line not found, inserting turned off${NC}" echo 'debug=0' >> /home/$alias/.scc/stakecubecoin.conf echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Restarting node and pausing $sleeptimerinsec seconds${NC}" systemctl restart $alias --no-block displaypause $sleeptimerinsec return fi fi if [[ ${debugcmd,,} == "debug=0" && $onoff == "0" ]] then echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Debugging already disabled on node ${CYAN}$i${NC}" return fi if [[ ${debugcmd,,} == "debug=1" && $onoff == "1" ]] then echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Debugging already enabled on node ${CYAN}$i${NC}" return fi if [[ ${debugcmd,,} == "debug=0" && $onoff == "1" ]] then echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Enabling debugging on node ${CYAN}$i${NC}" sed -i 's/debug=0/debug=1/gi' /home/$alias/.scc/stakecubecoin.conf echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Restarting node and pausing $sleeptimerinsec seconds${NC}" systemctl restart $alias --no-block displaypause $sleeptimerinsec return fi if [[ ${debugcmd,,} == "debug=1" && $onoff == "0" ]] then echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Disabling debugging on node ${CYAN}$i${NC}" sed -i 's/debug=1/debug=0/gi' /home/$alias/.scc/stakecubecoin.conf echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Restarting node and pausing $sleeptimerinsec seconds${NC}" systemctl restart $alias --no-block displaypause $sleeptimerinsec return fi return } function checkifstart() { local alias=$1 local yesnostart="" echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Do you wish to try and start ${CYAN}$alias${YELLOW}?${NC}" echo -e "${CYAN}Please enter ${MAGENTA}yes${NC} ${CYAN}or${NC} ${MAGENTA}no${CYAN} only${NC}" read yesnostart checkyesno $yesnostart if [[ $yesnostart == "yes" ]] then echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}This will only attempt a start and will not verify it started${NC}" systemctl start $alias --no-block echo -e "${CYAN}Sent start command${NC}" else echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Not starting${NC}" fi return } function debugmodeonoff() { local alias=$1 local onoff=$2 local errorpid=0 foundone=0 echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Checking for $ticker MN's${NC}" echo -e "" if [[ $alias != 0 ]] then if ! checkprocess $alias then errorpid=1 echo -e "" echo -e "${RED}ERROR ${YELLOW}process for ${CYAN}$alias${YELLOW} not found${NC}" return fi debugcount=$(grep -cFi 'debug' /home/$alias/.scc/stakecubecoin.conf) debugcmd=$(grep -ix 'debug=[0-1]' /home/$alias/.scc/stakecubecoin.conf) grepcheckstatus=$? echo -e "found ${CYAN}$alias${NC}..." debugmodeonoffsub $alias $onoff $debugcmd $debugcount $grepcheckstatus return fi for i in $(ls /home/); do echo -e "" if [[ $i == *scc* ]] then foundone=1 errorpid=0 grepcheckstatus="" echo -e "found ${CYAN}$i${NC}..." debugcount=$(grep -cFi 'debug' /home/$i/.scc/stakecubecoin.conf) debugcmd=$(grep -ix 'debug=[0-1]' /home/$i/.scc/stakecubecoin.conf) grepcheckstatus=$? # echo -e "" # echo -e "$countdebug" # echo -e "$debugcmd" # echo -e "$grepcheckstatus" if ! checkprocess $i then errorpid=1 echo -e "" echo -e "${RED}ERROR ${YELLOW}process for ${CYAN}$i${YELLOW} not found${NC}" fi if [[ $errorpid == 0 ]] then if [[ $debugcmd == "" ]] then debugcmd=1 debugcount=0 fi debugmodeonoffsub $i $onoff $debugcmd $debugcount $grepcheckstatus fi fi if [[ $foundone == 0 ]] then echo -e "" echo -e "${CYAN}No $ticker nodes found${NC}" fi done } function is_number() { # Author: neo3587 # Source: https://github.com/neo3587/dupmn # <$1 = number> [[ "$1" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && echo "1" } function pad() { [ "$#" -gt 1 ] && [ -n "$2" ] && printf "%$2.${2#-}s" "$1"; } function checkyesno() { local yesno=$1 if [[ $yesno == "yes" ]] || [[ $yesno == "no" ]] then return else echo -e "${YELLOW}Please enter only${MAGENTA} yes${YELLOW} or${MAGENTA} no${NC}" echo -e "" echo -e "${RED}Aborting script${NC}" echo -e "" exit fi } function checkipv6file() { local netdone=0 netcfg=/etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml if [[ $netdone == 0 ]] then if [[ -f $netcfg ]] then netdone=1 else netcfg=/etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml netdone=0 fi fi #echo -e "$netdone" #echo -e "$netcfg" if [[ $netdone == 0 ]] then if [[ -f $netcfg ]] then netcfg=/etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml netdone=1 else netdone=0 fi fi #echo -e "$netdone" #echo -e "$netcfg" if [[ $netdone == 0 ]] then echo -e "" echo -e "${RED}Error - network config file not found (01-netcfg.yaml or 00-installer-config.yaml)${NC}" echo -e "" exit fi } function checkaliasvalidity() { local aliasname=$1 if [[ ! -f /home/$aliasname/.${coindir}/${coinname}.conf ]] then echo -e "" echo -e "${RED}Error node not found${NC}" echo -e "" exit fi } function sleeprandomfilecheck() { local sleepnumberfile=/usr/local/bin/sleeprandom if test -e "$sleepnumberfile" then echo -e "${CYAN}Sleep/delay file exists, not creating${NC}" echo -e "" else echo -e "${CYAN}Installing sleep/delay file${NC}" cd /usr/local/bin echo -e "#!/bin/bash" > $sleepnumberfile echo -e "MINWAIT=10" >> $sleepnumberfile echo -e "MAXWAIT=310" >> $sleepnumberfile echo -e 'sleep $((MINWAIT+RANDOM%(MAXWAIT-MINWAIT)))' >> $sleepnumberfile chmod +x $sleepnumberfile fi } function chain_repair() { local alias=$1 local bootstrapchoice=$2 local chaindownload=0 local nodeblock=0 if [[ $alias == "" ]] then echo -e "" echo -e "Checking home directory for masternode alias's" echo -e "" ls /home echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Above are the alias names for the installed masternodes${NC}" echo -e "${CYAN}Please enter the masternode alias name to repair${NC}" echo -e "" read alias checkaliasvalidity $alias fi echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Checking ${CYAN}$alias${YELLOW} block count against explorer" echo -e "" currentblock=$(curl -s https://www.coinexplorer.net/api/v1/SCC/getblockcount) nodeblock=$($alias getblockcount) nodestatus=$? if [[ $nodestatus == 0 ]] then if [[ $currentblock == $nodeblock ]] then echo -e "${CYAN}$i ${NC}sccnode: $nodeblock explorer: $currentblock ${CYAN}Same as explorer${NC}" echo -e "" echo -e "${MAGENTA}Chain Repair is not needed for this node" echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Do you wish to still do the chain repair?" echo -e "${CYAN}Please enter ${MAGENTA}yes${NC} ${CYAN}or${NC} ${MAGENTA}no${CYAN} only${NC}" read forcechainrepair checkyesno $forcechainrepair if [[ $forcechainrepair == "no" ]] then return fi else echo -e "${CYAN}$i ${NC}sccnode: $nodeblock explorer: $currentblock ${RED}Different block count from explorer${NC}" echo -e "" echo -e "${CYAN}Continuing with repair of node${NC}" echo -e "" fi else echo -e "${RED}Something is wrong with ${CYAN}$alias${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}Continuing repair${NC}" echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Do you wish to still chain repair?" echo -e "${CYAN}Please enter ${MAGENTA}yes${NC} ${CYAN}or${NC} ${MAGENTA}no${CYAN} only${NC}" read checkchainrepair2 checkyesno $checkchainrepair2 if [[ $checkchainrepair2 == "no" ]] then exit fi fi echo -e "" echo -e "Stopping ${MAGENTA}$alias${NC}" aliasvalid=$(systemctl stop $alias) aliasvalidstatus=$? if [[ $aliasvalidstatus != 0 ]] then echo -e "" echo -e "${RED}Error: ${CYAN}$alias ${MAGENTA} does not exist or has other errors${NC}" echo -e "" exit fi displaypause 10 if [[ $bootstrapchoice != "yes" ]] then echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Use offline bootstrap?${NC}" echo -e "${CYAN}Please enter ${MAGENTA}yes${NC} ${CYAN}or${NC} ${MAGENTA}no${CYAN} only${NC}" read bootstrapchoice checkyesno $bootstrapchoice else echo -e "${YELLOW}Using offline bootstrap file${NC}" fi echo -e "" cd /home/$alias find /home/$alias/.${coindir}/ -name ".lock" -delete find /home/$alias/.${coindir}/ -name ".walletlock" -delete find /home/$alias/.${coindir}/* ! -name "wallet.dat" ! -name "*.conf" -delete echo -e "${YELLOW}Downloading and/or Unzipping and replacing chain files for ${MAGENTA}$alias${NC}" if [[ $bootstrapchoice == yes ]] then sccfile=~/${coinname}.zip if test -e "$sccfile" then 7za x ~/${coinname}.zip echo -e "${YELLOW}$coinname local chain directory updated${NC}" else echo -e "" echo -e "${RED}File doesn't exist${NC}, ${YELLOW}downloading chain${NC}" wget -nv --show-progress ${snapshot} -O ~/${coinname}.zip 7za x ~/${coinname}.zip echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}$coinname chain directory updated${NC}" fi else echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Do you wish to download from the web (${CYAN}yes${YELLOW}) or full chain downlaod (${CYAN}no${YELLOW})${NC}" echo -e "${CYAN}Please enter ${MAGENTA}yes${NC} ${CYAN}or${NC} ${MAGENTA}no${CYAN} only${NC}" read chaindownload checkyesno $chaindownload fi if [[ $chaindownload == yes ]] then echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Downloading bootstrap for offline use as well${NC}" echo -e "" wget -nv --show-progress ${snapshot} -O ~/${coinname}.zip 7za x ~/${coinname}.zip echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}$coinname chain directory updated${NC}" fi chown -R $alias:$alias /home/${alias} echo -e "" echo -e "${CYAN}Starting $alias after repair${NC}" echo -e "" systemctl start --no-block ${alias}.service displaypause 10 echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Please wait for a moment.. and use ${CYAN}$alias masternode status${YELLOW} to check if $alais is ready for POSE unban or still showing READY${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}If $alias showing POSE banned you will need to run the protx update command to unban${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}Below is an example of the protx update command to use in your main wallets debug console${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}protx update_service proTxHash ipAndPort operatorKey (operatorPayoutAddress feeSourceAddress)${NC}" echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Example: protx update_service proTxHash ( or [2001:2000:2000:2000:0000:0000:0000:0052]:40000) (blsprivatekey) '""' (feeSourceAddress)${NC}" echo -e "${CYAN}Chain repair tool finished${NC}" } function install_mn() { local bypassipv6setup=$1 local bypassipv6addr=$2 local sleepdelay=$3 if [[ $bypassipv6setup == yes ]] then # test=$bypassipv6addr echo -e "${MAGENTA}Setting config file for IPV6 address $bypassipv6addr${NC}" echo -e "" ipchoice=yes # else # test=0 fi #get user input alias and bind set varible# echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Checking home directory for masternode alias's${NC}" echo -e "" ls /home echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Above are the alias names for the installed masternodes${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}Please enter MN alias. Example: ${CYAN}sccmn001${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}To use other tools you must include ${CYAN}$ticker${YELLOW} in the alias${NC}" read alias if [[ -f /home/$alias/.${coindir}/${coinname}.conf ]] then echo -e "" echo -e "${RED}Error duplicate node name${NC}" echo -e "" exit fi echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}${UNDERLINE}Enter the BLS secret key${NC}" read key echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}${UNDERLINE}Please enter a unique RPC port number. Default is ${CYAN}$rpcport${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}Examples: for ${CYAN}sccmn001 ${YELLOW}use ${CYAN}40010 ${YELLOW}and so on${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}So it's 4(node number)0 (40010 for sccmn001)${NC}" read rpcport if [[ $bypassipv6setup == no ]] then #IPv4/v6 choice and setup echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Would you like to setup with an IPv6 address?{$NC}" echo -e "${CYAN}Please enter ${MAGENTA}yes${NC} ${CYAN}or${NC} ${MAGENTA}no${CYAN} only${NC}" read ipchoice checkyesno $ipchoice # echo -e "Passed yes/no check" #script network config dependency echo -e "" echo -e "Checking/installing dependency for auto IP setup" if [[ $ipchoice == yes ]] then #set default IPv6 checkipv6file sed -i '1{/^$/d}' $netcfg netconfcount=$(grep -c "/64" $netcfg) linenumber1=$((grep -n "/64" $netcfg) | cut -d\: -f1 | head -n 1) linenumber2=$(( $linenumber1+$netconfcount )) # echo -e "$linenumber1" # echo -e "$linenumber2" dipv6=$(sed -n "$linenumber1"p $netcfg) spaces=$(echo -e "$dipv6" | tr -cd ' \t' | wc -c) spaces=$(( $spaces-2 )) ipv6test="$(echo $dipv6 | grep -E '.{0,4}\/64')" ipv6test2="$(echo $ipv6test | awk 'match($0,"/64"){print substr($0,RSTART-4,4)}')" ipv6test2="$(echo $ipv6test2 | cut -d\: -f3)" ipv6test2="$(echo $ipv6test2 | tr -d ':')" ipv6test3=$(( $ipv6test2 + $netconfcount + 50 )) # echo -e "ipv6test $ipv6test" # echo -e "ipv6test2 $ipv6test2" # echo -e "ipv6test3 $ipv6test3" # echo -e " 2 $dipv6" # echo -e " 3 $spaces" # echo -e "$netconfcount" cipv6=$(( $ipv6test3 )) # echo -e "$cipv6" ipv6="$(echo $dipv6 | sed "s/\:$ipv6test2/\:$cipv6/g")" echo -e "" echo -e "New IPv6 is $ipv6" finalconfigipv6="$(echo -e "$(pad " " $spaces) ${ipv6}")" # echo -e "$finalconfigipv6" # sed -i "${linenumber2}i\\${finalconfigipv6}" $netcfg # sed -i '1{/^$/d}' $netcfg # netconfcount=$(grep -c :0000:0000 $netcfg) # linenumber1=$((grep -n ":0000:0000" $netcfg) | cut -d\: -f1 | head -n 1) # echo -e "$linenumber1" # dipv6=$(sed -n "$linenumber1"p $netcfg) # echo -e " 2 $dipv6" # echo -e "$netconfcount" # cipv6=$(( $netconfcount+51 )) # echo -e "$cipv6" # ipv6="$(echo $dipv6 | sed "s/:0001/:$cipv6/g")" # echo -e "New IPv6 is $ipv6" # #Add IPv6 address to netcfg file # sed -i "/gateway6/i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ${ipv6}" $netcfg # netplan apply #tidy IP input for conf ipv6conf="$(echo $ipv6 | sed 's/.\{3\}$//')" ipv6conf="$(echo $ipv6conf | sed "s/- //g")" else #check ip set IP/bind variable echo -e "Finding IPv4 address" ipadd=$(curl http://ifconfig.me/ip) echo -e "Your IPv4 is $ipadd" echo -e "Auto IPv4 set" fi else ipadd=$bypassipv6addr fi echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Use offline bootstrap?${NC}" echo -e "${CYAN}Please enter ${MAGENTA}yes${NC} ${CYAN}or${NC} ${MAGENTA}no${CYAN} only${NC}" read bootstrapchoice checkyesno $bootstrapchoice if [[ $bootstrapchoice == no ]] then echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Do you wish to download from the web (${CYAN}yes${YELLOW}) or full chain downlaod (${CYAN}no${YELLOW})${NC}" echo -e "${CYAN}Please enter ${MAGENTA}yes${NC} ${CYAN}or${NC} ${MAGENTA}no${CYAN} only${NC}" read chaindownload checkyesno $chaindownload else chaindownload=0 fi if [[ $ipchoice == yes ]] then echo -e "" echo -e "${CYAN}Applying IP configuration${NC}" sed -i "${linenumber2}i\\${finalconfigipv6}" $netcfg netplan apply fi echo -e "" ufw allow ssh echo -e "${CYAN}Making sure your VPS is up to date before continuing install${NC}" apt update -y #setup user echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Setting up user ${CYAN}$alias${NC}" adduser "$alias" <> $alias echo -e "/usr/local/bin/$coinnamecli -conf=/home/$alias/.$coindir/$coinname.conf -datadir=/home/$alias/.$coindir \$@" >> $alias chmod +x $alias cd /etc/systemd/system echo -e "${CYAN}Node Intergration done${NC}" echo -e "" #Setup system service echo -e "${YELLOW}Setting up system service${NC}" echo -e "[Unit]" >> $alias.service echo -e "Description=$ticker service" >> $alias.service echo -e "After=network.target" >> $alias.service echo -e "" >> $alias.service echo -e "[Service]" >> $alias.service echo -e "User=$alias" >> $alias.service echo -e "Group=root" >> $alias.service echo -e "" >> $alias.service echo -e "Type=forking" >> $alias.service if [[ $sleepdelay == yes ]] then echo -e "ExecStartPre=/usr/local/bin/sleeprandom" >> $alias.service fi echo -e "ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/$coinnamed -daemon -conf=/home/$alias/.$coindir/$coinname.conf -datadir=/home/$alias/.$coindir">> $alias.service echo -e "ExecStop=-/usr/local/bin/$coinnamecli -conf=/home/$alias/.$coindir/$coinname.conf -datadir=/home/$alias/.$coindir stop" >> $alias.service echo -e "" >> $alias.service echo -e "Restart=always" >> $alias.service echo -e "PrivateTmp=true" >> $alias.service echo -e "TimeoutStopSec=6000s" >> $alias.service echo -e "TimeoutStartSec=3000s" >> $alias.service echo -e "StartLimitInterval=120s" >> $alias.service echo -e "StartLimitBurst=5" >> $alias.service echo -e "" >> $alias.service echo -e "[Install]" >> $alias.service echo -e "WantedBy=multi-user.target" >> $alias.service systemctl enable $alias echo -e "${CYAN}System service setup and enabled${NC}" #update/copy chain files or get snapshot# from web or fresh complete chain download echo -e "" cd /home/$alias find /home/$alias/.${coindir}/* ! -name "wallet.dat" ! -name "*.conf" -delete echo -e "${YELLOW}Downloading and/or Unzipping chain files for ${MAGENTA}$alias${NC}" echo -e "" mkdir /home/$alias/.${coindir} chown $alias:$alias /home/$alias/.${coindir} if [[ $bootstrapchoice == yes ]] && [[ $chaindownload == 0 ]] then sccfile=~/${coinname}.zip if test -e "$sccfile" then 7za x ~/${coinname}.zip echo -e "${YELLOW}$coinname local bootstrap directory updated${NC}" else echo -e "${RED}File doesn't exist${NC}, ${YELLOW}downloading chain${NC}" wget -nv --show-progress ${snapshot} -O ${coinname}.zip 7za x ${coinname}.zip echo -e "${YELLOW}$coinname chain directory updated${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}Removing downloaded temp file${NC}" rm /home/${alias}/${coinname}.zip fi else if [[ $chaindownload == yes ]] then wget -nv --show-progress ${snapshot} -O ${coinname}.zip 7za x ${coinname}.zip echo -e "${YELLOW}$coinname chain directory setup${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}Removing downloaded temp file${NC}" rm /home/${alias}/${coinname}.zip fi fi echo -e "" #make conf file echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Creating $coinname conf file${NC}" cd .$coindir echo -e "rpcuser="$rpcuser"" >> $coinname.conf echo -e "rpcpassword="$rpcpass"" >> $coinname.conf echo -e "rpcport=$rpcport" >> $coinname.conf echo -e "rpcallowip=" >> $coinname.conf echo -e "port=$port" >> $coinname.conf echo -e "listen=1" >> $coinname.conf echo -e "server=1" >> $coinname.conf echo -e "daemon=0" >> $coinname.conf echo -e "txindex=1" >> $coinname.conf echo -e "maxconnections=125" >> $coinname.conf #IPv6 check and edit if [[ $ipchoice == yes ]] then if [[ $bypassipv6setup != yes ]] then ipadd=$ipv6conf fi echo -e "bind=[$ipadd]" >> $coinname.conf echo -e "externalip=[$ipadd]:$port" >> $coinname.conf else echo -e "bind=$ipadd" >> $coinname.conf echo -e "externalip=$ipadd:$port" >> $coinname.conf fi echo -e "masternodeblsprivkey=$key" >> $coinname.conf echo -e "addnode=" >> $coinname.conf echo -e "addnode=" >> $coinname.conf echo -e "${CYAN}$coinname conf file created${NC}" echo -e "" #Set permisions and firewall rules echo -e "${YELLOW}Setting permissions and firewall rules${NC}" cd /home chown -R $alias $alias ufw allow $port/tcp comment "$alias port" ufw allow $rpcport/tcp comment "$alias RPC port" echo -e "${YELLOW}Permissions and firewall rules set${NC}" echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Starting Node${NC}" systemctl start --no-block $alias echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Please wait a moment and then read the following information${NC}" displaypause 15 echo -e "" echo -e "${CYAN}$ticker${YELLOW} MN setup completed${NC}" echo -e "" #Closeing/finish text echo -e "${UNDERLINE}Masternode setup complete for ${CYAN}$alias${NC}" echo -e "" echo -e "Alias name = $alias" echo -e "IP/Bind = $ipadd" echo -e "Port = $port" echo -e "rpcport = $rpcport" echo -e "BLS secret key = $key" echo -e "alias password = $pass" echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Please note that if you are installing multiple MNs you will need to setup swap space${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}Please wait for sync and then use ${CYAN}$alias -getinfo${NC} or ${CYAN}$alias masternode status ${YELLOW}to check on the node${NC}" echo -e "" echo -e "" echo -e "For more information or support please visit the ${CYAN}$ticker${NC} Discord server" echo -e "Support is provided via email: ${MAGENTA}${UNDERLINE}support@stakecube.zohodesk.com${NC}" echo -e "" echo -e "${CYAN}$discord${NC}" echo -e "" } function ipv6_setup() { #Enable IPv6 displaypause 2 sed -i "/net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6.*/d" /etc/sysctl.conf sysctl -q -p filefixed=0 netcfg=/etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml netcfg2=/etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml cloudinit=/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-disable-network-config.cfg if [[ -f $netcfg ]] then echo -e "${CYAN}Determined Auto Configuration in place.${NC}" echo -e "${CYAN}Do you wish to disable auto and setup static network configuration?${NC}" echo -e "${CYAN}Please enter ${MAGENTA}yes${NC} ${CYAN}or${NC} ${MAGENTA}no${CYAN} only${NC}" read autoconfigchoice checkyesno $autoconfigchoice if [[ $autoconfigchoice == yes ]] then mv $netcfg $netcfg2 filefixed=1 if [[ -f $cloudinit ]] then netdone=0 else echo "network: {config: disabled}" > $cloudinit fi else echo -e "${RED}Aborting due to configuration error.${NC}" exit fi fi checkipv6file echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/disable_ipv6 if [[ $filefixed == 0 ]] then sed -i "s/#//" $netcfg sed -i '1{/^$/d}' $netcfg fi netplan generate netplan apply displaypause 5 } function setup_swap() { # Author: neo3587 # Source: https://github.com/neo3587/dupmn # Adapted for use by Lifenaked(grigzy28) # <$1 = size_in_mbytes> echo -e "" if [[ ! $(is_number $1) ]]; then echo -e "${YELLOW}${NC} must be a number" return fi local avail_mb=$(df / --output=avail -m | grep [0-9]) local total_mb=$(df / --output=size -m | grep [0-9]) if [[ $1 -ge $avail_mb ]]; then echo -e "There's only $avail_mb MB available in the hard disk" return fi [[ -f /var/swapfile ]] && swapoff /var/swapfile &> /dev/null if [[ $1 -eq 0 ]]; then rm -rf /var/swapfile sed -i "/\/var\/swapfile/d" /etc/fstab echo -e "Swapfile deleted" else echo -e "Generating swapfile, this may take some time depending on the size..." echo -e "$(($1 * 1024 * 1024)) bytes swapfile" dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swapfile bs=1024 bs=1M count=$1 status=progress chmod 600 /var/swapfile &> /dev/null mkswap /var/swapfile &> /dev/null swapon /var/swapfile &> /dev/null /var/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0 &> /dev/null [[ ! $(cat /etc/fstab | grep "/var/swapfile") ]] && echo "/var/swapfile none swap 0 0" >> /etc/fstab echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Swapfile new size = ${GREEN}$1 MB${NC}" fi echo -e "" echo -e "Use ${YELLOW}swapon -s${NC} to see the changes of your swapfile and ${YELLOW}free -m${NC} to see the total available memory" } function offlinechainfilebuild() { echo -e "${YELLOW}Beginning creation of offline bootstrap file${NC}" echo -e "" ls /home echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Above are the alias names for the installed masternodes that you can create the bootstrap from${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}Please enter MN alias. Example: ${CYAN}sccmn001${NC}" read alias checkaliasvalidity $alias echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Stopping node ${CYAN}$alias${NC}" echo -e "" systemctl stop $alias.service displaypause 5 echo -e "${YELLOW}Starting the zip process${NC}" rm ~/stakecubecoin.zip cd /home/$alias 7za a -tzip -r '-xr!wallet.dat' '-xr!*.conf' '-xr!debug.log' -- ~/stakecubecoin.zip .scc/* echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Done creating offline boostrap file${NC}" echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Starting ${CYAN}$alias${NC}" systemctl start --no-block $alias.service return } function mn_uninstall() { echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Checking home directory for MN alias's${NC}" ls /home echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Above are the alias names for installed MN's${NC}" echo -e "${CYAN}Please enter MN alias name${NC}" echo -e "" read alias checkaliasvalidity $alias echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Stopping ${MAGENTA}$alias${NC}" systemctl stop $alias echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Pausing script to ensure ${MAGENTA}$alias${YELLOW} has stopped${NC}" displaypause 20 systemctl disable $alias rm /usr/local/bin/$alias rm /etc/systemd/system/$alias.service deluser $alias rm -r /home/$alias echo -e "" echo -e "${CYAN}$alias removed${NC}" } function prereleasemenu() { clear displayname #Tool pre-release menu echo -e "" echo -e "${UNDERLINE}${CYAN}Welcome to the StakeCube Multitools Pre-Releaes Menu${NC}" echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Please enter a number from the list and press [ENTER] to start maintenance tool" echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}991 - Download and Install pre-release version and restart all nodes${NC}" echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}0 - Exit" echo -e "" echo -e "${NC}" read -p "> " prerelease echo -e "" case $prerelease in 991) echo -e "${YELLOW}Starting Wallet update tool for ${CYAN}All ${ticker}${YELLOW} nodes with pre-release software${NC}" echo -e "" cd /usr/local/bin rm $coinnamecli $coinnamed wget -nv --show-progress ${prereleasebinaries} -O ${coinname}.zip 7za x ${coinname}.zip chmod +x ${coinnamecli} ${coinnamed} rm ${coinname}.zip cd /root displaypause 15 echo -e "How long between node (re)starts in seconds?" echo -e "Blank/Empty equals 120 seconds" read secondsdelay if [[ $secondsdelay != "" ]] then sleeptimerinsec=$secondsdelay fi for i in $(ls /home/); do echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Checking for ${CYAN}$ticker${YELLOW} MN's${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}found ${CYAN}$i${NC}..." echo -e "" if [[ $i == *scc* ]] then echo -e "${YELLOW}Restarting ${CYAN}$i${YELLOW}..${NC}" systemctl stop $i displaypause 3 systemctl start --no-block $i echo -e "${CYAN}$i${YELLOW} updated and restarted${NC}" echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Pausing for $sleeptimerinsec seconds to let ${CYAN}$i${YELLOW} settle${NC}" displaypause $sleeptimerinsec else echo -e "${YELLOW}No ${CYAN}$ticker${YELLOW} MN's found to update${NC}" fi done echo -e "${CYAN}Wallet update tool finished${NC}" exit ;; esac } function maintmenu() { clear displayname #Tool maintenance menu echo -e "" echo -e "${UNDERLINE}${CYAN}Welcome to the StakeCube Multitools ${version}${NC}" echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Maintenance menu${NC}" echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Please enter a number from the list and press [ENTER] to start maintenance tool" echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}91 - Check and install/update service files for ${MAGENTA}optional${YELLOW} sleep delay${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}92 - Output all ${ticker} nodes IP and Private Keys${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}93 - Change Debug mode for single ${ticker} node${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}94 - Change Debug mode for all ${ticker} nodes${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}95 - Check current debug status for all ${ticker} nodes${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}96 - Collect debug log for a single ${ticker} node${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}97 - Collect debug logs for all ${ticker} nodes${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}98 - Delete debug log and restart node(s), single or all${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}99 - Full chain repair by not using a bootstrap(not recommended)${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}100- Enable IPv6 ${MAGENTA}Contabo VPS ONLY${NC}" echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}0 - Exit" echo -e "" echo -e "${MAGENTA}This script can now use an optional sleep delay of up to 5 minutes per node on startup${NC}" echo -e "${MAGENTA}This helps to prevent the VPS from being overloaded upon reboot when there are many nodes installed${NC}" echo -e "${MAGENTA}This can make the install/start/restart/repair node(s) look like it has stopped working${NC}" echo -e "${MAGENTA}This is just a side effect of the delay only(if it occurs)${NC}" echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}This is an ${RED}OPTIONAL${YELLOW} feature that you can use by selecting appropriate options${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}Please run the check install/update service files before installing nodes${NC}" echo -e "${RED}only IF${YELLOW} you want to use the sleep delay functionality, it only needs to be ran once${NC}" echo -e "${NC}" read -p "> " maintstart echo -e "" case $maintstart in 91) echo -e "${YELLOW}Beginning Optional Sleep delay install/update tool${NC}" sleeprandomfilecheck echo -e "${YELLOW}Checking for ${CYAN}$ticker${YELLOW} MN service files${NC}" foundone=0 for i in $(ls /etc/systemd/system/) do if [[ $i == *scc* ]] then foundone=1 echo -e "${YELLOW}found ${CYAN}$i${YELLOW}...${NC}" echo -e "" echo -e "${CyAN}Checking file ${MAGENTA}$i${NC}" grepkcheck=$(grep -Fxq 'ExecStartPre=/usr/local/bin/sleeprandom' /etc/systemd/system/$i) grepcheckstatus=$? if [[ $grepcheckstatus == 0 ]] then echo -e "${CYAN}$i already updated${NC}" else sed -i '/^ExecStart=.*/i ExecStartPre=/usr/local/bin/sleeprandom' /etc/systemd/system/$i sed -i 's/TimeoutStartSec=.*/TimeoutStartSec=3000s/g' /etc/systemd/system/$i echo -e "${CYAN}Updated ${MAGENTA}$i${NC}" echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Reloading system config daemon files${NC}" echo -e "" systemctl daemon-reload fi fi done if [[ $foundone == 0 ]] then echo -e "${CYAN}Found no SCC nodes${NC}" fi exit ;; 92) echo -e "${YELLOW}Beginning Private Keys and IP for all nodes${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}Checking for ${CYAN}$ticker${YELLOW} IP/MN private keys${NC}" foundone=0 for i in $(ls /home/) do if [[ $i == *scc* ]] then foundone=1 privkey=$(grep -e 'masternodeblsprivkey' /home/$i/.scc/stakecubecoin.conf | cut -d\= -f2) grepcheckstatus=$? ip=$(grep -e 'bind' /home/$i/.scc/stakecubecoin.conf | cut -d\= -f2) echo -e "${YELLOW}found ${CYAN}$i${YELLOW}...${NC}" echo -e "${CYAN}IP: ${GREEN}$ip${NC}" echo -e "${CYAN}Private Key:${MAGENTA}$privkey${NC}" echo -e "" fi done if [[ $foundone == 0 ]] then echo -e "${CYAN}Found no SCC nodes${NC}" fi exit ;; 93) echo -e "${YELLOW}Beginning debug node tool - single node${NC}" echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Checking home directory for masternode alias's${NC}" echo -e "" ls /home echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Above are the alias names for the installed masternodes${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}Please enter MN alias. Example: ${CYAN}sccmn001${NC}" echo -e "" read alias checkaliasvalidity $alias echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Enable Debug Mode on Node?${NC}" echo -e "${CYAN}Please enter ${MAGENTA}yes${NC} ${CYAN}or${NC} ${MAGENTA}no${CYAN} only${NC}" read onoff checkyesno $onoff echo -e "" if [[ $onoff == "yes" ]] then onoff=1 else onoff=0 fi debugmodeonoff $alias $onoff exit ;; 94) echo -e "${YELLOW}Beginning debug node tool - all nodes${NC}" echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Enable Debug Mode on Nodes?${NC}" echo -e "${CYAN}Please enter ${MAGENTA}yes${NC} ${CYAN}or${NC} ${MAGENTA}no${CYAN} only${NC}" read onoff checkyesno $onoff echo -e "" if [[ $onoff == "yes" ]] then onoff=1 else onoff=0 fi alias=0 debugmodeonoff $alias $onoff exit ;; 95) echo -e "${YELLOW}Beginning check debug status tool on all ${ticker} nodes${NC}" for i in $(ls /home/); do debugcount="" debugcmd="" echo -e "" if [[ $i == *scc* ]] then foundone=1 errorpid=0 grepcheckstatus=2 echo -e "found ${CYAN}$i${NC}..." debugcount=$(grep -cFi 'debug' /home/$i/.scc/stakecubecoin.conf) debugcmd=$(grep -ix 'debug=[0-1]' /home/$i/.scc/stakecubecoin.conf) grepcheckstatus=$? # echo -e "" # echo -e "$countdebug" # echo -e "$debugcmd" # echo -e "$grepcheckstatus" if ! checkprocess $i then errorpid=1 echo -e "" echo -e "${RED}ERROR ${YELLOW}process for ${CYAN}$i${YELLOW} not found${NC}" fi if [[ $errorpid == 0 ]] then if [[ $debugcmd == "" ]] then debugcmd=1 debugcount=0 fi fi fi if [[ ${debugcmd,,} == "debug=0" ]] then echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Debugging is disabled on node ${CYAN}$i${NC}" fi if [[ ${debugcmd,,} == "debug=1" ]] then echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Debugging is enabled on node ${CYAN}$i${NC}" fi if [[ ${debugcmd,,} == 1 || $debugcount == 0 ]] then echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Debugging command not found in config file on node ${CYAN}$i${NC}" fi if [[ $foundone == 0 ]] then echo -e "" echo -e "${CYAN}No $ticker nodes found${NC}" fi done exit ;; 96) echo -e "${YELLOW}Beginning collect single node debug log tool${NC}" echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Checking home directory for masternode alias's${NC}" echo -e "" ls /home/ echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Above are the alias names for the installed masternodes${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}Please enter MN alias. Example: ${CYAN}sccmn001${NC}" echo -e "" read alias checkaliasvalidity $alias echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Collecting log for ${CYAN}$alias${NC}" echo -e "" debugzipfilename="${alias}_debug.zip" rm ~/${debugzipfilename} 7za a -tzip -spf -- ~/${debugzipfilename} /home/$alias/.scc/debug.log echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Completed file name is ${CYAN}${debugzipfilename}${YELLOW} in user roots folder${NC}" echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Tool Completed${NC}" exit ;; 97) echo -e "${YELLOW}Beginning collection of debug logs on all ${ticker} nodes${NC}" debugzipfilename="SCC_nodes_debug_logs.zip" debugfilelist="" echo -e "" for i in $(ls /home/); do if [[ $i == *scc* ]] then foundone=1 echo -e "found ${CYAN}$i${NC}..." if [[ $debugfilelist == "" ]] then debugfilelist="/home/${i}/.scc/debug.log " else debugfilelist="${debugfilelist} /home/${i}/.scc/debug.log " fi # echo -e "" # echo -e "${debugfilelist}" # echo -e "$debugcmd" # echo -e "$grepcheckstatus" fi done if [[ $foundone == 1 ]] then echo -e "" echo -e "${CYAN}Zipping all debug logs${NC}" rm ~/${debugzipfilename} 7za a -tzip -spf -- ~/$debugzipfilename $debugfilelist fi if [[ $foundone == 0 ]] then echo -e "" echo -e "${CYAN}No $ticker nodes found${NC}" fi exit ;; 98) echo -e "${YELLOW}Beginning deletion of debug log(s) for ${ticker} node(s)${NC}" echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Do you wish to erase all nodes debug logs?${NC}" echo -e "${CYAN}Please enter ${MAGENTA}yes${NC} ${CYAN}or${NC} ${MAGENTA}no${CYAN} only${NC}" echo -e "" read eraseallnodes checkyesno $eraseallnodes singlealias=0 if [[ $eraseallnodes == "no" ]] then echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Checking home directory for masternode alias's${NC}" echo -e "" ls /home/ echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Above are the alias names for the installed masternodes${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}Please enter MN alias. Example: ${CYAN}sccmn001${NC}" echo -e "" read singlealias checkaliasvalidity $singlealias fi if [[ $eraseallnodes == "yes" ]] then for i in $(ls /home/); do if [[ $i == *scc* ]] then echo -e "found ${CYAN}$i${NC}..." echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Erasing debug log file and restarting ${CYAN}$i${NC}" rm /home/$i/.scc/debug.log systemctl restart $i --no-block echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Restarted node and pausing $sleeptimerinsec seconds${NC}" displaypause $sleeptimerinsec fi # echo -e "" # echo -e "${debugfilelist}" # echo -e "$debugcmd" # echo -e "$grepcheckstatus" done else echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Erasing debug log file and restarting ${CYAN}$singlealias${NC}" rm /home/$singlealias/.scc/debug.log systemctl restart $singlealias --no-block echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Restarted node and pausing $sleeptimerinsec seconds${NC}" displaypause $sleeptimerinsec fi exit ;; 99) echo -e "${YELLOW}Starting full sync chain download repair tool${NC}" echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Checking home directory for masternode alias's${NC}" echo -e "" ls /home echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Above are the alias names for the installed masternodes${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}Please enter MN alias. Example: ${CYAN}sccmn001${NC}" echo -e "" read alias checkaliasvalidity $alias echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Stopping node ${CYAN}$alias${NC}" systemctl stop $alias.service echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Pausing for 30 seconds${NC}" displaypause 30 cd /home/$alias find /home/$alias/.${coindir}/ -name ".lock" -delete find /home/$alias/.${coindir}/ -name ".walletlock" -delete find /home/$alias/.${coindir}/* ! -name "wallet.dat" ! -name "*.conf" -delete echo -e "${RED}Chain files are deleted, restarting node ${CYAN}$alias${NC}" systemctl start --no-block $alias.service exit ;; 100) echo -e "Starting IPv6 setup tool..." ipv6_setup #Finish echo -e "IPv6 setup complete" exit ;; esac } case $start in #Tools 0) echo -e "Stopping and exiting script..." exit ;; 1) echo -e "${YELLOW}Starting 8GB swap space setup with added dependencies${NC}" setup_swap "8192" #Update linux apt-get update && apt-get -y upgrade apt -s dist-upgrade | grep "^Inst" | grep -i securi | awk -F " " {'print $2'} | xargs apt -y install #Allow SSH and enable firewall ufw allow 22/tcp comment "SSH" echo -e "y" | ufw enable ipv6_setup #Finish echo -e "${CYAN}New server setup complete${NC}" echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Please ${RED}reboot${YELLOW} before installing any nodes!${NC}" echo -e "" exit ;; 2) echo -e "${YELLOW}Resizing Swap space to X MB swap size${NC}" echo -e "" echo -e "${MAGENTA}Make sure all nodes are stopped first${NC}" echo -e "${MAGENTA}If not, please press control-c to cancel${NC}" echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Enter size of swap file to create in MB (2048 is 2GB, 8192 (8GB), 16384 (16GB), 32768 (32GB), 65536 (64GB))${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}Enter 0 to delete swapfile${NC}" read swapsize setup_swap "$swapsize" exit ;; 3) echo -e "${YELLOW}Starting Wallet update tool for ${CYAN}All ${ticker}${YELLOW} nodes${NC}" echo -e "" cd /usr/local/bin rm $coinnamecli $coinnamed wget -nv --show-progress ${binaries} -O ${coinname}.zip 7za x ${coinname}.zip chmod +x ${coinnamecli} ${coinnamed} rm ${coinname}.zip cd /root displaypause 15 echo -e "How long between node (re)starts in seconds?" echo -e "Blank/Empty equals 120 seconds" read secondsdelay if [[ $secondsdelay != "" ]] then sleeptimerinsec=$secondsdelay fi for i in $(ls /home/); do echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Checking for ${CYAN}$ticker${YELLOW} MN's${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}found ${CYAN}$i${NC}..." echo -e "" if [[ $i == *scc* ]] then echo -e "${YELLOW}Restarting ${CYAN}$i${YELLOW}..${NC}" systemctl stop $i displaypause 3 systemctl start --no-block $i echo -e "${CYAN}$i${YELLOW} updated and restarted${NC}" echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Pausing for $sleeptimerinsec seconds to let ${CYAN}$i${YELLOW} settle${NC}" displaypause $sleeptimerinsec else echo -e "${YELLOW}No ${CYAN}$ticker${YELLOW} MN's found to update${NC}" fi done echo -e "${CYAN}Wallet update tool finished${NC}" exit ;; 4) echo -e "Starting stop/start tool..." echo -e "Please enter ${CYAN}stop${NC} to stop all ${ticker} nodes" echo -e "Please enter ${CYAN}start${NC} to start all ${ticker} nodes" echo -e "Please enter ${CYAN}restart${NC} to restart all ${ticker} nodes" read stopstart echo -e "" if [[ $stopstart == stop ]] || [[ $stopstart == start ]] || [[ $stopstart == restart ]] then if [[ $stopstart == restart ]] || [[ $stopstart == start ]] then echo -e "How long between node (re)starts in seconds?" echo -e "Blank/Empty equals 120 seconds" read secondsdelay if [[ $secondsdelay != "" ]] then sleeptimerinsec=$secondsdelay fi fi echo -e "Starting ${CYAN}$stopstart${NC} tool" for i in $(ls /home/) do echo -e "${YELLOW}Checking for ${CYAN}$ticker${YELLOW} MN's" echo -e "${YELLOW}found ${CYAN}$i${YELLOW}...${NC}" if [[ $i == *scc* ]] then echo -e "${MAGENTA}${stopstart}ing ${CYAN}$i${MAGENTA}..${NC}" if [[ $stopstart == "restart" ]] then systemctl stop $i displaypause 5 systemctl start --no-block $i else systemctl $stopstart --no-block $i fi if [[ $stopstart == "stop" ]] then echo -e "${YELLOW}Pausing for 10 seconds${NC}" displaypause 10 echo -e "" else echo -e "Pausing for $sleeptimerinsec seconds to let ${CYAN}$i${NC} settle" displaypause $sleeptimerinsec echo -e "" fi else echo -e "${CYAN}${ticker}${NC} node not found" fi done else echo -e "${RED}Invalid entry${NC}" fi echo -e "Wallet tool finished" exit ;; 5) echo -e "${YELLOW}Starting Removal tool${NC}" mn_uninstall exit ;; 6) echo -e "${YELLOW}Beginning Multiple Nodes Uninstall Tool${NC}" echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Press ${CYAN}Control-C${YELLOW} to abort at alias selection to quit${NC}" echo -e "" for i in $(ls /home/) do if [[ $i == *scc* ]] then mn_uninstall fi done echo -e "${CYAN}Found no SCC node nodes${NC}" echo -e "" exit ;; 7) echo -e "${YELLOW}Starting $ticker MasterNode install${NC}" install_mn "no" "" "no" exit ;; 8) echo -e "${YELLOW}Starting $ticker MasterNode install with Sleep Delay functionality${NC}" install_mn "no" "" "yes" exit ;; 9) echo -e "${YELLOW}Beginning manual ip node install${NC}" echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Please specify a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}In x.x.x.x or [x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x] format${NC}" read manualipv6addr echo -e "" echo -e "${MAGENTA}Testing ip address${NC}" echo -e "${MAGENTA}Pinging Google${NC}" testipv6=$(ping google.com -c 5 -W 2 -I $manualipv6addr) testipv6status=$? if [[ $testipv6status == 0 ]] then echo -e "${CYAN}Passed${NC}" echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Do you wish to enable sleep delay?${NC}" echo -e "${CYAN}Please enter ${MAGENTA}yes${NC} ${CYAN}or${NC} ${MAGENTA}no${CYAN} only${NC}" read sleepquestion checkyesno $sleepquestion if [[ $sleepquestion == "no" ]] then install_mn "yes" "$manualipv6addr" "no" else install_mn "yes" "$manualipv6addr" "yes" fi else echo -e "${RED}Error: ${CYAN}IP is invalid${NC}" fi exit ;; 10) echo -e "${CYAN}Downloading updated bootstrap for offline install/repair from StakeCube${NC}" cd /root wget -nv --show-progress ${snapshot} -O ${coinname}.zip exit ;; 11) offlinechainfilebuild exit ;; 12) echo -e "${YELLOW}Starting chain repair/PoSe maintenance tool${NC}" chain_repair "" exit ;; 13) echo -e "Beginning Explorer comparison tool" foundone=0 for i in $(ls /home/); do if [[ $i == *scc* ]] then echo -e "${YELLOW}Checking for $ticker MN's${NC}" echo -e "found ${CYAN}$i${NC}..." # echo -e "" foundone=1 runnode=0 if ! checkprocess $i then runnode=1 echo -e "" echo -e "${RED}ERROR ${YELLOW}process for ${CYAN}$i${YELLOW} not found${NC}" checkifstart $i else runnode=0 fi if [[ $runnode == 0 ]] then currentblock=$(curl -s https://www.coinexplorer.net/api/v1/SCC/getblockcount) nodeblock=0 nodeblock=$($i getblockcount) nodestatus=$? else nodestation=1 fi if [[ $nodestatus == 0 ]] && [[ $runnode == 0 ]] then if [[ $currentblock == $nodeblock ]] then echo -e "${CYAN}$i ${NC}sccnode: $nodeblock explorer: $currentblock ${CYAN}Same as explorer${NC}" else echo -e "${CYAN}$i ${NC}sccnode: $nodeblock explorer: $currentblock ${RED}Different block count from explorer${NC}" fi else echo -e "${RED}Something is wrong with ${CYAN}$i${NC}" fi fi echo -e "" done if [[ $foundone == 0 ]] then echo -e "${CYAN}Found no $ticker nodes${NC}" fi exit ;; 14) echo -e "Beginning Status Checks of Nodes" foundone=0 updatechainfile=0 offlinerepairall=0 updateallnodes=0 blockcompare=0 echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Checking for $ticker MN's${NC}" echo -e "" for i in $(ls /home/); do # echo -e "" if [[ $i == *scc* ]] then foundone=1 processtestresult="" echo -e "found ${CYAN}$i${NC}..." updatechainfilelocal="" processtestresult="" mn_status="" if ! checkprocess $i then echo -e "" echo -e "${RED}ERROR ${YELLOW}process for ${CYAN}$i${YELLOW} node not found, node doesn't appear to be started${NC}" checkifstart $i mn_status_exitcode=1 mn_status_exitcode2=1 processtestresult=1 else mn_status=$($i masternode status) mn_status_exitcode=$? mn_status_exitcode2=0 processtestresult=0 fi # updatechainfilelocal="" # mn_status="" # mn_status=$($i masternode status) # mn_status_exitcode=$? # mn_status_exitcode2=0 # echo -e "$mn_status" # echo -e "" # echo -e "${CYAN}$i${NC}" grep -e 'state' <<< $mn_status grep -e 'status' <<< $mn_status if grep -iq 'BANNED' <<< $mn_status then mn_status_exitcode2=1 echo -e "Got here POSE_BANNED" fi if grep -iq 'ERROR' <<< $mn_status then mn_status_exitcode2=1 echo -e "Got here ERROR" fi # if grep -q 'WAITING' <<< $mn_status # then # mn_status_exitcode2=1 # echo -e "Got here Waiting" # fi # grep -e 'ERROR' <<< $mn_status > /dev/null # mn_status_exitcode2=$? echo -e "" if [[ $mn_status_exitcode != 0 ]] || [[ $mn_status_exitcode2 != 0 ]] || [[ $processtestresult != 0 ]] then mn_status_exitcode=1 else echo -e "${YELLOW}Appears to be in good shape${NC}" mn_status_exitcode=0 mn_status_exitcode2=0 fi if [[ $mn_status_exitcode != 0 ]] then echo -e "${RED}Something appears to be wrong with node ${CYAN}$i${NC}" echo -e "" if [[ $updateallnodes == 0 ]] then echo -e "${YELLOW}Do you wish to initiate repair of this node${NC}" echo -e "${CYAN}Please enter ${MAGENTA}yes${NC} ${CYAN}or${NC} ${MAGENTA}no${CYAN} only${NC}" read repairnode checkyesno $repairnode fi if [[ $repairnode == yes ]] then if [[ $updatechainfile == 0 ]] then echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Do you wish to update the offline chain file first?" echo -e "${CYAN}Please enter ${MAGENTA}yes${NC} ${CYAN}or${NC} ${MAGENTA}no${CYAN} only${NC}" read updatechainfile checkyesno $updatechainfile if [[ $updatechainfile == "yes" ]] then echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Update from local node or from the web?${NC}" echo -e "${CYAN}Yes ${YELLOW}for local copy or ${CYAN}No ${YELLOW}for Web download${NC}" echo -e "${CYAN}Please enter ${MAGENTA}yes${NC} ${CYAN}or${NC} ${MAGENTA}no${CYAN} only${NC}" read updatechainfilelocal checkyesno $updatechainfilelocal if [[ $updatechainfilelocal == "yes" ]] then offlinechainfilebuild else echo -e "${CYAN}Downloading updated bootstrap for offline install/repair${NC}" cd /root wget -nv --show-progress ${snapshot} -O ${coinname}.zip echo -e "" fi fi fi repairnode="yes" else echo -e "" echo -e "${RED}Not repairing node at this time${NC}" echo -e "" mn_status_exitcode=0 mn_status=0 mn_status_exitcode2=0 fi fi if [[ $mn_status_exitcode != 0 ]] || [[ $mn_status_exitcode2 != 0 ]] then if [[ $offlinerepairall == "no" ]] || [[ $offlinerepairall == 0 ]] then if [[ $offlinerepairall != "no" ]] then echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Do you wish to use offline bootstrap for all repairs?" echo -e "${CYAN}Please enter ${MAGENTA}yes${NC} ${CYAN}or${NC} ${MAGENTA}no${CYAN} only${NC}" read offlinerepairall checkyesno $offlinerepairall fi fi if [[ $updateallnodes != "yes" ]] then # echo -e "${YELLOW}Do you wish to chain repair this node?${NC}" # echo -e "${CYAN}Please enter ${MAGENTA}yes${NC} ${CYAN}or${NC} ${MAGENTA}no${CYAN} only${NC}" # read repairnode # checkyesno $repairnode # echo -e "" if [[ $repairnode == "yes" ]] then echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Do you wish to repair all nodes automatically?${NC}" echo -e "${CYAN}Please enter ${MAGENTA}yes${NC} ${CYAN}or${NC} ${MAGENTA}no${CYAN} only${NC}" read updateallnodes checkyesno $updateallnodes fi fi if [[ $offlinerepairall == "yes" ]] then if [[ $repairnode == "no" ]] then echo -e "${YELLOW}Skipping repair${NC}" else chain_repair $i "yes" fi else if [[ $repairnode == "yes" ]] then chain_repair $i "no" else echo -e "${YELLOW}Skipping repair${NC}" fi fi else if [[ $mn_status_exitcode != 0 ]] || [[ $mn_status_exitcode2 != 0 ]] then echo -e "" echo -e "${RED}Something is wrong with ${CYAN}$i${NC}" echo -e "" if [[ $updatechainfile == 0 ]] && [[ $mn_status != 0 ]] then echo -e "${YELLOW}Do you wish to update the offline chain file first?" echo -e "${CYAN}Please enter ${MAGENTA}yes${NC} ${CYAN}or${NC} ${MAGENTA}no${CYAN} only${NC}" read updatechainfile checkyesno $updatechainfile if [[ $updatechainfile == "yes" ]] then echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Update from local node or from the web?${NC}" echo -e "${CYAN}Yes ${YELLOW}for local copy or ${CYAN}No ${YELLOW}for Web download${NC}" echo -e "${CYAN}Please enter ${MAGENTA}yes${NC} ${CYAN}or${NC} ${MAGENTA}no${CYAN} only${NC}" read updatechainfilelocal checkyesno $updatechainfilelocal if [[ $updatechainfilelocal == "yes" ]] then offlinechainfilebuild else echo -e "${CYAN}Downloading updated bootstrap for offline install/repair${NC}" cd /root wget -nv --show-progress ${snapshot} -O ${coinname}.zip echo -e "" fi fi if [[ $offlinerepairall == 0 ]] then echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Do you wish to use offline bootstrap for all repairs?" echo -e "${CYAN}Please enter ${MAGENTA}yes${NC} ${CYAN}or${NC} ${MAGENTA}no${CYAN} only${NC}" read offlinerepairall checkyesno $offlinerepairall echo -e "" fi if [[ $updateallnodes == "yes" ]] then repairmode="yes" else if [[ $repairnode == "yes" ]] then echo -e "${YELLOW}Do you wish to repair all nodes automatically?${NC}" echo -e "${CYAN}Please enter ${MAGENTA}yes${NC} ${CYAN}or${NC} ${MAGENTA}no${CYAN} only${NC}" read updateallnodes checkyesno $updateallnodes echo -e "" fi fi if [[ $offlinerepairall == "yes" ]] then if [[ $repairnode == "no" ]] then echo -e "${YELLOW}Skipping repair${NC}" else chain_repair $i "yes" fi else if [[ $repairnode == "yes" ]] then chain_repair $i "no" else echo -e "${YELLOW}Skipping repair${NC}" fi fi fi fi fi fi echo -e "" done if [[ $foundone == 0 ]] then echo -e "${CYAN}Found no $ticker nodes${NC}" fi exit ;; 15) echo -e "Beginning Explorer comparison tool with optional repair" foundone=0 updatechainfile=0 updatechainfilelocal=0 offlinerepairall=0 updateallnodes=0 blockcompare=0 if [[ $blockcompare == 0 ]] then echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Compare how many block difference count, enter a number${NC}" read blockcompare echo -e "" fi for i in $(ls /home/); do if [[ $i == *scc* ]] then echo -e "${YELLOW}Checking for $ticker MN's${NC}" echo -e "found ${CYAN}$i${NC}..." # echo -e "" foundone=1 currentblock=$(curl -s https://www.coinexplorer.net/api/v1/SCC/getblockcount) currentblockstatus=$? if [[ $currentblockstatus == 1 ]] then echo -e "${YELLOW}Explorer not responding${NC}" exit fi nodeblock=0 nodeblock=$($i getblockcount) nodestatus=$? blockcount=($currentblock - $nodeblock) if [[ $nodestatus == 0 ]] then if [[ $currentblock == $nodeblock ]] then echo -e "${CYAN}$i ${NC}sccnode: $nodeblock explorer: $currentblock ${CYAN}Same as explorer${NC}" else if [[ $blockcount -gt $blockcompare ]] then echo -e "${CYAN}$i ${NC}sccnode: $nodeblock explorer: $currentblock ${RED}Different block count from explorer${NC}" echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Block count difference is greater than $blockcompare blocks${NC}" echo -e "" if [[ $updatechainfile == 0 ]] then echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Do you wish to update the offline chain file first?" echo -e "${CYAN}Please enter ${MAGENTA}yes${NC} ${CYAN}or${NC} ${MAGENTA}no${CYAN} only${NC}" read updatechainfile checkyesno $updatechainfile if [[ $updatechainfile == "yes" ]] then echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Update from local node or from the web?${NC}" echo -e "${CYAN}Yes ${YELLOW}for local copy or ${CYAN}No ${YELLOW}for Web download${NC}" echo -e "${CYAN}Please enter ${MAGENTA}yes${NC} ${CYAN}or${NC} ${MAGENTA}no${CYAN} only${NC}" read updatechainfilelocal checkyesno $updatechainfilelocal if [[ $updatechainfilelocal == "yes" ]] then offlinechainfilebuild else echo -e "${CYAN}Downloading updated bootstrap for offline install/repair${NC}" cd /root wget -nv --show-progress ${snapshot} -O ${coinname}.zip echo -e "" fi fi fi if [[ $offlinerepairall == "no" ]] || [[ $offlinerepairall == 0 ]] then echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Do you wish to use offline bootstrap for all repairs?" echo -e "${CYAN}Please enter ${MAGENTA}yes${NC} ${CYAN}or${NC} ${MAGENTA}no${CYAN} only${NC}" read offlinerepairall checkyesno $offlinerepairall fi if [[ $updateallnodes != "yes" ]] then echo -e "${YELLOW}Do you wish to chain repair this node?${NC}" echo -e "${CYAN}Please enter ${MAGENTA}yes${NC} ${CYAN}or${NC} ${MAGENTA}no${CYAN} only${NC}" read repairnode checkyesno $repairnode echo -e "" if [[ $repairnode == "yes" ]] then echo -e "${YELLOW}Do you wish to repair all nodes?${NC}" echo -e "${CYAN}Please enter ${MAGENTA}yes${NC} ${CYAN}or${NC} ${MAGENTA}no${CYAN} only${NC}" read updateallnodes checkyesno $updateallnodes echo -e "" fi fi if [[ $offlinerepairall == "yes" ]] then if [[ $repairnode == "no" ]] then echo -e "${YELLOW}Skipping repair${NC}" else chain_repair $i "yes" fi else if [[ $repairnode == "yes" ]] then chain_repair $i "no" else echo -e "${YELLOW}Skipping repair${NC}" fi fi fi fi else echo -e "${RED}Something is wrong with ${CYAN}$i${NC}" if [[ $updatechainfile == 0 ]] then echo -e "${YELLOW}Do you wish to update the offline chain file first?" echo -e "${CYAN}Please enter ${MAGENTA}yes${NC} ${CYAN}or${NC} ${MAGENTA}no${CYAN} only${NC}" read updatechainfile checkyesno $updatechainfile if [[ $updatechainfile == "yes" ]] then echo -e "${CYAN}Downloading updated bootstrap for offline install/repair${NC}" cd /root wget -nv --show-progress ${snapshot} -O ${coinname}.zip echo -e "" fi fi if [[ $offlinerepairall == "no" ]] || [[ $offlinerepairall == 0 ]] then echo -e "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Do you wish to use offline bootstrap for all repairs?" echo -e "${CYAN}Please enter ${MAGENTA}yes${NC} ${CYAN}or${NC} ${MAGENTA}no${CYAN} only${NC}" read offlinerepairall checkyesno $offlinerepairall fi if [[ $updateallnodes != "yes" ]] then echo -e "${YELLOW}Do you wish to chain repair this node?${NC}" echo -e "${CYAN}Please enter ${MAGENTA}yes${NC} ${CYAN}or${NC} ${MAGENTA}no${CYAN} only${NC}" read repairnode checkyesno $repairnode echo -e "" if [[ $repairnode == "yes" ]] then echo -e "${YELLOW}Do you wish to repair all nodes?${NC}" echo -e "${CYAN}Please enter ${MAGENTA}yes${NC} ${CYAN}or${NC} ${MAGENTA}no${CYAN} only${NC}" read updateallnodes checkyesno $updateallnodes echo -e "" fi fi if [[ $offlinerepairall == "yes" ]] then if [[ $repairnode == "no" ]] then echo -e "${YELLOW}Skipping repair${NC}" else chain_repair $i "yes" fi else if [[ $repairnode == "yes" ]] then chain_repair $i "no" else echo -e "${YELLOW}Skipping repair${NC}" fi fi fi fi echo -e "" done if [[ $foundone == 0 ]] then echo -e "${CYAN}Found no $ticker nodes${NC}" fi exit ;; 16) echo -e "${YELLOW}Available disk space is${CYAN}" df / -h echo -e "${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}Available memory (ram and swap) is${CYAN}" free -m -h echo -e "${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}Operating system version${CYAN}" cat /etc/os-release echo -e "${NC}" exit ;; 97) echo -e "" echo -e "${RED}Are you sure you wish to enter the pre-release menu?${NC}" echo -e "${CYAN}Please enter ${MAGENTA}yes${NC} ${CYAN}or${NC} ${MAGENTA}no${CYAN} only${NC}" read prereleaseyesno checkyesno $prereleaseyesno if [[ $prereleaseyesno == "yes" ]] then prereleasemenu else echo -e "${CYAN}Aborting${NC}" echo -e "" fi exit ;; 98) maintmenu exit ;; 99) echo -e "${MAGENTA}Beginning Update Checker Tool${NC}" echo -e "" sccmultitool_update=$(curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stakecube/SCC-Multitool/master/sccmultitool.sh) echo -e "" if [[ -f ~/sccmultitool.sh ]] then if [[ $(cmp <(echo "$sccmultitool_update") ~/sccmultitool.sh) ]] && [[ $(diff <(echo "$sccmultitool_update") ~/sccmultitool.sh) ]] then update=$([[ -f ~/sccmultitool.sh ]] && echo "1" || echo "0") echo "$sccmultitool_update" > ~/sccmultitool.sh chmod +x ~/sccmultitool.sh if [[ $update == "1" ]] then echo -e "${GREEN}SCCMultitool${NC} updated to the lastest version" echo -e "" fi echo -e "" else echo -e "${GREEN}SCCMultitool${NC} is already updated to the lastest version" echo -e "" exit fi else echo "$sccmultitool_update" > ~/sccmultitool.sh chmod +x ~/sccmultitool.sh echo -e "${GREEN}SCCmultitool${NC} installed" echo -e "" fi exit ;; esac