#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.

; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

#Include RandomFunctions.ahk 
#Include AutoCorrect.ahk
#Include RandomNameGenerator.ahk

;;#Include Gdp_All.ahk
;;#Include tosga.ahk ;; Alt + home to toggle, may be inconvenient
;#Include vim-scripts.ahk ;; toggle with windows+v ;; wow that was annoying

;; PipSqueak = PrintScreen ;;

;; How to Use ;;

; To start: windows + pause + type "printscreen" (Assuming you have run it before and have it in a searchable location)

; Alt + p to edit this script
; Notepad Ctrl+S to save
; F8 to refresh the script.

::testt::; Control+F8 does them in one step but I barely ever use it. It does nothing if the script isn't already running. 

;; Ctrl + hjkl to move around instead of arrow keys ←↓↑→ ;;

;; standardgalactic ;;

::makecolors::ffmpeg -loop 1 -i ready-to-play.png -vf "hue=h='2*PI*t':s=1" -t 10 -r 10 output_color_wheel.gif

::getflashy::ffmpeg -loop 1 -i ready-to-play.png -vf "eq=contrast=1.5:brightness=0.1:saturation=1.5, hue='h=mod(4*PI*t,2*PI)':s=1" -t 10 -r 20 output_flashy.gif

::getwhisper::pip install git+https://github.com/openai/whisper.git 

::getsubs::find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec sh -c 'cd "{}" && whisper *' \;

!i::SendRaw, @@:w`n:n`n


::getadvice::wget -r --no-parent https://books.danielhofstetter.com/

::getcrypto::wget -r --no-parent https://cryptocriticscorner.com/

::getthinking::wget -r --no-parent https://thinkingwithnate.wordpress.com/

;; Flashcards ;;
::getflash::wget -r --no-parent https://community-courses.memrise.com/user/Flyxion/courses/teaching/

Say "A sower went out to sow some seed: and as he sowed, some fell by the wayside; and it was trodden down, and the fowls of the air devoured it. And some fell upon a rock; and as soon as it was sprung up, it withered away, because it lacked moisture. And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprang up with it, and choked it. And other fell on good ground, and sprang up, and bare fruit an hundredfold. 

::smalller::ffmpeg -loop 1 -i ready-to-play.png -vf "scale=iw/2:ih/2, eq=contrast=1.5:brightness=0.1:saturation=1.5, hue='h=mod(4*PI*t,2*PI)':s=1, drawtext=fontfile=/path/to/font.ttf: text='Todo Listo Para Jugar': fontcolor=white: fontsize=18: x=(w-text_w)/2: y=(h-text_h)/2" -t 10 -r 20 -compression_level 10 output_flashy_text_small.gif

::smallgif::ffmpeg -loop 1 -i ready-to-play.png -vf "scale=150:-1, eq=contrast=1.5:brightness=0.1:saturation=1.5, hue='h=mod(4*PI*t,2*PI)':s=1" -t 10 -r 20 output_small.gif

::darkcycle::ffmpeg -loop 1 -i ready-to-play.png -vf "scale=150:-1, eq=contrast=1.5:brightness='sin(2*PI*t)':saturation=1.5, hue='h=mod(4*PI*t,2*PI)':s=1" -t 10 -r 20 output_dark_light_cycle.gif

::re cap::
for file in * ; do
    echo "Checking $file";
    ollama run mistral "Summarize:" < "$file";

;; AutoHotkey script to Open, Restore or Minimize
;; any Apps using the hotkeys you want
;; -- by JuanmaMenendez --

;; Alt+`(backtick) to switch between windows of the same type, eg. chrome, notepad

#Include AutoHotkey-script-Open-Show-Apps.ahk
;#Include AutoHotkey-script-Switch-Windows-same-App.ahk

::justdir::ls -d */

::prettylog::git log --pretty=format:"%h %ad | %s%d [%an]" --graph --date=short

::oneline::git log --oneline --decorate --graph --all

;; remove pages

::rmpages::qpdf input.pdf --pages input.pdf 5-19 -- output.pdf

;; pytorch ;;

::whichtorch::python -c "import torch; print(torch.__version__)"

::gettransformers::pip install git+https://github.com/huggingface/transformers

; Toggle desktop icons visibility
; Using Ctrl+Alt+D as the hotkey

DesktopIcons( Show:=-1 )                  ; By SKAN for ahk/ah2
    Local hProgman := WinExist("ahk_class WorkerW", "FolderView") ? WinExist()
                   :  WinExist("ahk_class Progman", "FolderView")

    Local hShellDefView := DllCall("user32.dll\GetWindow", "ptr",hProgman,      "int",5, "ptr")
    Local hSysListView  := DllCall("user32.dll\GetWindow", "ptr",hShellDefView, "int",5, "ptr")

    If ( DllCall("user32.dll\IsWindowVisible", "ptr",hSysListView) != Show )
         DllCall("user32.dll\SendMessage", "ptr",hShellDefView, "ptr",0x111, "ptr",0x7402, "ptr",0)


;; frame reducer ;;

::foreshorten::ffmpeg -i peripatetic.mp4 -vf crop=in_w:in_h-20, pdecimate,setpts=N/FRAME_RATE/TB patetic.mp4 

::convertt::ffmpeg -i peripatetic.mkv -codec copy peripatetic.mp4

;; ::clipp::ffmpeg -i patetic.mp4 -t 30 -c:v copy -c:a copy peripatetitic-walking.mp4

::clipp::ffmpeg -i patetic.mkv -ss 00:00:05 -to 00:02:55 -c:v copy -c:a copy "Secret Message.mp4"

::from opus::ffmpeg -i output.mp4.opus -ab 320k Xenogenesis.mp3

;; Shutdown windows in 10 minutes ;;

::in10::Shutdown -s -t 600

;; image editor - IrfanView;;


SetBatchLines -1

; Variables

number := 0.0

; Hotkey
    SetFormat, float, 03.0
    number += 1.0
    Send % number

    number := 148.0

    Send ^y


;; disable mouse (block mouse);;

; This script toggles mouse movement on and off using Alt + H
; Shows a tray tip when mouse movement is disabled
; Press ESC to disable mouse movement if it's currently enabled

#Persistent  ; Keeps the script running

; Toggle variable
toggle := 0

; Alt+B hotkey
    toggle := !toggle  ; Switches the value of toggle between 0 and 1
    if (toggle = 1) {
        BlockInput MouseMove  ; Disable mouse movement
        TrayTip, Mouse disabled, Press [ESC] to enable mouse movement
    } else {
        BlockInput MouseMoveOff  ; Enable mouse movement

; ESC hotkey
    if (toggle = 1) {
        BlockInput MouseMoveOff  ; Enable mouse movement
        toggle := 0
        TrayTip, Mouse enabled

;; youtube downloader

;; https://www.youtube.com/@rmcelreath

::getbayes::yt-dlp -f best https://youtu.be/R1vcdhPBlXA?si=Ah7ZnTYM-n3oT76l  --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 0 --socket-timeout 5 --output "%(uploader)s/%(title)s.%(ext)s"

;; Protosociology ;; ;; https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcKyTzEkOa-jf5kKmmBkf5JZPXyrz63i7

::getcomplex::yt-dlp --sub-lang "en*" --write-auto-sub --skip-download --yes-playlist --no-overwrites "https://www.youtube.com/@DrJuanKlopper"

::getr::yt-dlp --cookies cookies.txt --write-auto-sub --skip-download --yes-playlist --no-overwrites "https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcKyTzEkOa-hFMouYj3EvBwNNahnFQBzs"

::geteco::yt-dlp --cookies cookies.txt --write-auto-sub --skip-download --yes-playlist --no-overwrites "https://www.youtube.com/@instituteofdavidgraeber2258"

::getevo::yt-dlp --write-auto-sub --skip-download --yes-playlist --no-overwrites "https://www.youtube.com/@evolutionunleashedai"

::getintel::yt-dlp --write-auto-sub --skip-download --yes-playlist --no-overwrites "https://www.youtube.com/@intelligence-ai"

::getplaylist::yt-dlp --write-auto-sub --skip-download --yes-playlist --no-overwrites https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcKyTzEkOa-gAPLAuYBITSmeMq3t78VfP

::getrob::yt-dlp --cookies cookies.txt --write-auto-sub --skip-download --yes-playlist --no-overwrites "https://www.youtube.com/@rwxrob"

::getdoom::yt-dlp --sub-lang "en*" --write-sub --skip-download --yes-playlist "https://www.youtube.com/@DoomDebates"

;; --sub-lang "en*"

::gettrivium::yt-dlp --cookies ./cookies.txt -f best https://www.youtube.com/@52LivingIdeas  --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 0 --socket-timeout 5 --output "%(uploader)s/%(title)s.%(ext)s"

::getstuff::yt-dlp --cookies ./cookies.txt -f bestaudio https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLND1JCRq8Vuh3f0P5qjrSdb5eC1ZfZwWJ --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 0 --output "%(uploader)s/%(title)s.%(ext)s"

::getproto::yt-dlp -f bestaudio https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcKyTzEkOa-jf5kKmmBkf5JZPXyrz63i7 --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 0 --output "%(uploader)s/%(title)s.%(ext)s"

;; Song of Summer 2017

::despacito::yt-dlp -f bestaudio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG8jxGmOpOg --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 0 --output "%(uploader)s/%(title)s.%(ext)s"

::truepath::yt-dlp -f bestaudio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sqq_iQisoK0 --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 0 --output "%(uploader)s/%(title)s.%(ext)s"

::chompsky::yt-dlp -f bestaudio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buHvDwkg8u0 --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 0 --output "%(uploader)s/%(title)s.%(ext)s"

::ponzi::yt-dlp -f bestaudio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PE6CLyCC_IA --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 0 --output "%(uploader)s/%(title)s.%(ext)s"

::eliza::yt-dlp -f bestaudio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WQAmmJJ34c --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 0 --output "%(uploader)s/%(title)s.%(ext)s"

::getsmart::yt-dlp -f bestaudio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1Xu3qLI3r0 --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 0 --output "%(uploader)s/%(title)s.%(ext)s"

::futureproof::yt-dlp -f bestaudio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WbZPRzrE4o --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 0 --output "%(uploader)s/%(title)s.%(ext)s"

;; https://www.youtube.com/@hume_ai

::gett::yt-dlp -f best https://www.youtube.com/@trajectoryai --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 0 --socket-timeout 5 --output "%(uploader)s/%(title)s.%(ext)s"

::getworthy::yt-dlp --cookies cookies.txt --write-auto-sub --skip-download --yes-playlist --no-overwrites "https://www.youtube.com/@trajectoryai"

::getmath::yt-dlp -f best https://www.youtube.com/@DrJuanKlopper  --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 0 --socket-timeout 5 --output "%(uploader)s/%(title)s.%(ext)s"

::getwatchlist::yt-dlp -f bestaudio --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 0 --socket-timeout 5 --output "%(uploader)s/%(title)s.%(ext)s" https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcKyTzEkOa-jf5kKmmBkf5JZPXyrz63i7&si=I6zhFkqe7AI7xOIy

::getvids::yt-dlp -f best https://www.youtube.com/@tetasao  --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 0 --socket-timeout 5 --output "%(uploader)s/%(title)s.%(ext)s"

::getchannel::yt-dlp --cookies ./cookies.txt -f best https://www.youtube.com/@galactromeda  --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 0 --socket-timeout 5 --output "%(uploader)s/%(title)s.%(ext)s"

::getvideo::yt-dlp --cookies ./cookies.txt --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 0 --output "%(title)s.%(ext)s" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McnNjFgQzyc

::updatey::python3 -m pip install -U --pre "yt-dlp[default]"

;; silence ;;

:*:shhh::[[slnc 1000]]

;; vim ;;

::noblink::set guicursor=a:blinkon0
::notools::set guioptions-=T
::nomenu::set guioptions-=m
::bluee::sima Eo{Down}
::hidec::highlight Cursor guifg=white guibg=blue


::nonul::vim -c '%s/null-wavefront.txt/input.txt/g' -c 'wq' speech-test.py

::nowrap::set nowrapscan
::yeswrap::set wrapscan

;; remove ALLCAPS

::smalll::%s/\u\+/\L&/g ;;small caps

::talll::%s/\(^\|[.!?] \)\zs\w/\u&/g  ;; capitalize first letter of each sentence

;; remap calculator key  to backspace;;


;; News Curator ;; Haplopraxis/IFM
::curate-news::awk 'NR==FNR { exclude[$0]; next } !($0 in exclude)' global-deletions.txt Overloaded-watchlist.txt > Wikipedia-watchlist.txt




;; no quotes, ls without quotes, from https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/258679/why-is-ls-suddenly-wrapping-items-with-spaces-in-single-quotes;;

::noq::ls() {`n# only way I can stop ls from escaping with backslashes`n    if [ -t 1 ]; then`n/bin/ls -C $@ |cat`n    else`n/bin/ls $@ |cat`n    fi`n}

::todec::let i=1 | while i<=18000 | execute 'normal! i' . printf("fr/fr_%05d.mp3", printf("%d", i)) | let i+=1 | endwhile

::nullwave::What is the purpose of a null-wavefront in Null Convention Logic?

;; vim convert to unicode ;;

:*:utff::set fileencoding=utf8


;; sudoku game ;; swap add (+)
;; and numlock on numpad

toggle := false  ; Initialize the toggle variable

; Check state of toggle and remap NumpadAdd accordingly
#If (toggle)

; Toggle the functionality with NumLock
    toggle := !toggle  ; Toggle the state
    if (toggle)
        SetNumLockState, AlwaysOff  ; Optionally, ensure NumLock is off when remapping is active
        SetNumLockState, AlwaysOn   ; Optionally, ensure NumLock is on when remapping is inactive

;; windows zed -> printscreen ;; ctrl windows zed - select printscreen
#z::Send, #{Vk2CSc137}
^#z::Send, {Vk2CSc137}

;; gpt ;;

A list of everything we've talked about so far.`n

;;;;;;; SROLL READER ;;;;;;;;

;; For reading Quadrivium ;;
;; https://github.com/standardgalactic/quadrivium ;;

::slowtype::pv -q -L 44 < 

::psy cin::pv -q -L 110 < psychocinema-summary.txt

::psycho cin::pv -q -L 110 < psychocinema-summary.txt

::re caps::
find . -type f -name "*.txt" | while IFS= read -r file
    echo "Checking $file"
    # Run the ollama command on the file and output the results to the terminal
    ollama run mistral "Summarize:" < "$file"

What is the purpose of a propagating null wave front in Null Convention Logic?

::spectro::ffmpeg -i architect-or-bee.mp3 -filter_complex "[0:a]showspectrum=s=854x480:mode=combined:slide=scroll:color=intensity:saturation=0.2:scale=log,format=yuv420p[v]" -map "[v]" -map 0:a -b:v 700k -b:a 360k architect-or-be.mp4

::add txt::
for file in *; do 
    if [[ -f "$file" && ! "$file" =~ \. ]]; then 
        mv -- "$file" "$file.txt"; 

for file in *; do 
    if [[ -f "$file" ]]; then 
        mv -- "$file" "${file// /-}"; 

for file in new_*.png; do mv "$file" "${file/new_/}"; done
::nosmall::for file in *-small*; do mv "$file" "${file%-small*}.${file##*.}"; done

::cropall::mogrify - crop 1080x1985+0+360 *.jpg

::ocrall::for file in *.pdf; do ocrmypdf "$file" "${file%.pdf}-ocr.pdf"; done

::compresspdf::convert wandering.pdf -compress jpeg -quality 40 wandering-creativity.pdf

::compressgif::convert animated.gif -fuzz 5% -layers Optimize -colors 64 -delay 20 -loop 0 randomizer.gif

::invrt::mogrify -negate *.png

for file in *.png; do
    convert "$file" -negate "new_$file"

program = client.messages.create(
         {"role": "user", "content": prompt}

;; !S::Send, Summarize:

:*:afs::A final summary.`n
:*:cbt::Connections between the topics.`n

::tchat::sudo docker run -it lwe_llm-workflow-engine /bin/bash


::summ::A summary of the themes and topics of this conversation.

::resu::Un resumen de los temas y tópicos de esta conversación.

;; dinkus ;;

:*:zzz::`n`n* * *`n`n
::whats::chatgpt what is

Loop 10,
Send, !q
Sleep, 2000
Send, `n

;; TODO December 2022;;
Make above function interruptable
maybe !r to stop

You can use Break and a variable to totally Terminate a Loop when you press a hotkey (or when something else changes the variable):

stop = 0
  If stop = 1
  ToolTip, %A_Index%
  Sleep, 500

If stop = 0
   stop = 1
If stop = 1
    stop = 0

from https://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/5991-how-to-interrupt-ahk-loop/


;; cognate cognatesh cognac cognacsh ;;

::runall::for FILE in *; do cognac $FILE -run ; done

::latest!::git checkout $(git describe --tags $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1))

;; forth forthsh ;;


::ghistory::vim ~/.gforth-history

;; generate random ;;

2463534242 (rnd) ! \ seed

: rnd ( -- n ) (rnd) @ dup 13 lshift xor dup 17 rshift xor dup dup 5 lshift xor (rnd) ! ;


;; ok? ok?sh ok oksh ;;


::add ok::alias ok="go run ~/projects/OK/ok/main.go"

;; unchanged
;; a >= b	a >= b

::refresher::a >= b, a <= b, a > b, a < b, a == b, a != b

;; fixer upper ;;
:*:a <= b::b >= a
:*:a > b::!(b >= a)
:*:a < b::!(a >= b)
:*:a == b::let x = a >= b; let y = b >= a; x && y
:*:a != b::let x = !(a >= b); let y = !(b >= a); x || y


;; windows tricks ;;
::blam::for i in {1..5}; do touch file$((i)); done
::blip::for i in {1..100}; do touch file$((i)); done
::blop::for i in {1..1000}; do touch file$((i)); done

;; temporary please deactivate immediately after use ;;

::no::rm *

;; remove prefix ;;

::noprefix::for file in PREFIX*; do mv "$file" "${file#PREFIX}"; done

;; Mouse clicks

;; Send a right click

#c::Click, left
NumpadEnter::Click, left

;; cut / paste in powershell terminal

#v::Click, right

;; Code to write code: Autohotkey script. ;; best command ever - alt-bash (alt-b)  <newline> !b::Send, {!}{!}bash`n ;; 
;; best command ever (control-b or alt-b)

;; For more information, see: 
;; Beginner Boost, Day 37: Prefer Shell Scripts Over Plugins in Vim [20210706230535]
;; https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxbqw7ZVfcBAxm8bG81oi3A5BdnDqmw0Py


;; for vim ;;

;^b::Send, {!}{!}bash`n
!b::Send, {!}{!}bash`n

;; from insert mode
Send, {Esc}
Send, {!}{!}bash`n

;; fix linefeeds ;;
::no^m::sudo sed -i -e 's/\r$//'

;; womb matrix mind ;; what i want to think about ;; i will "accidentally" stumble
;; upon more ;; write it on the doorposts ;; theory of loose parts ;;

;; math mathsh ;;

;; odd square numbers or centered octogonal numbers ;;
::oddsquare::function square { for i in {1..200000}; do echo $(( ($i*2 +1) **2 )); done; }

;; prolog prologsh ;;


;; :o:az::assertz
;; :o:ra::retractall

::goo::vim mortal.pl

mortal(X) :- man(X).



::hw::write('Hello, World'),nl,write('Welcome to Prolog'),nl.

;; maybe extremely inconvenient maybesh maybsh ;;
:*:maybee::Contiguous Rolling Context Mixed Initiative Dialog 

;; repeat after me book (ramb) ;; ramb sonnet ;; rambsh ;;

::mayb::Contiguous Rolling Context Mixed Initiative Dialog
::ramb::Contiguous Rolling Context Mixed Initiative Dialog
::rmb::Contiguous Rolling Context Mixed Initiative Dialog
::crc::Contiguous Rolling Context Mixed Initiative Dialog
::mixd::Contiguous Rolling Context Mixed Initiative Dialog
::minx::Contiguous Rolling Context Mixed Initiative Dialog
::mxnd::Contiguous Rolling Context Mixed Initiative Dialog
::mxid::Contiguous Rolling Context Mixed Initiative Dialog
::noo::Contiguous Rolling Context Mixed Initiative Dialog
::corc::Contiguous Rolling Context Mixed Initiative Dialog
::conc::Contiguous Rolling Context Mixed Initiative Dialog
::crd::Contiguous Rolling Context Mixed Initiative Dialog
::croll::Contiguous Rolling Context Mixed Initiative Dialog
;; ::md::Contiguous Rolling Context Mixed Initiative Dialog

;; not a counter countersh ;;


;; gimp ;; gimpsh ;;
::getgimp::sudo apt-get install gimp

;; speed  speedsh ;;

;; test for above ;;

::check::check one two
::another test::yeah, it really works 
::really?::yes it works 

;; this is annoying
NumpadEnter::Send, Bullshit

;; forth newline ;;
NumpadEnter::Send, cr . cr {Enter}


;;test;; cr . cr 

;; workspace ;;

;; ::workspace::

::lg::ls | grep

;; logic ;; logicsh ;; logicssh

;; proofs ;; proofsh ;; proofssh

::sd::Section Declaration.


::bbb::Send, negb





;; authentication
Send {F7}
Send ? ssh-`n
Send {Space}
Send `$

::fixssh::ssh-keyscan -H >> /c/Users/Mechachleopteryx/.ssh/known_hosts

;; spanish spanishsh

;; hasta
::ahta::# One of the most distinctive features of the Spanish variants is the pronunciation of /s/ when it is not aspirated to [h] or elided. In northern and central Spain, and in the Paisa Region of Colombia, as well as in some other, isolated dialects (e.g. some inland areas of Peru and Bolivia), the sibilant realization of /s/ is an apico-alveolar retracted fricative [s̺], a sound transitional between laminodental [s] and palatal [ʃ]. However, in most of Andalusia, in a few other areas in southern Spain, and in most of Latin America it is instead pronounced as a lamino-alveolar or dental sibilant. The phoneme /s/ is realized as [z] or [z̺] before voiced consonants when it is not aspirated to [h] or elided; [z̺] is a sound transitional between [z] and [ʒ]. Before voiced consonants, [z ~ z̺] is more common in natural and colloquial speech and oratorical pronunciation, [s ~ s̺] is mostly pronounced in emphatic and slower speech.

;; enxrypt ;; myaliases ;; sga aliases aliash

alias ='cd'
alias ='less'
alias ='ls'
alias ='mkdir'
alias ='echo $(moontop)'    
alias ='touch'   
alias ='vim'
alias ='alias'
 ='rm'
 ='cat'`n
 ='git add .`;git commit -m "" '
 ='git push'
 ='git status'
 ='git log'
 ='git rebase -i HEAD`~2'
 ='git push --force origin main'

aliases['']='echo $(moontop)'    

$PROMPT = "{me}{user}{g}@{hostname}{me}{cwd}> "`n

::dockrun::sudo docker run -ip mechachleopteryx/devenv

;; lua -- luash ;;
::luarr:: --[[ and       break     do        else      elseif    end       false     for       function  if    in        local     nil       not       or    repeat    return    then      true      until    while --]]
::luuaa::lua -i -e "_PROMPT='luuaa> '"

;; considered harmful ;;
;; ::goto::go to  ;; need it to program basic

;; hide ip addresses ;;

sed -E 's/[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}/###.###.###.###/g' -i

;; ahk experiments ;;

;; ConsoleWindowClass ;; open wsl terminal
;; type cwc space, or alt + w 

  ;; eXecute
  ; :X:mib::MsgBox  ;; just accidentally triggered this 2022-04-24

:X:cwc::run, C:\Windows\System32\wsl.exe, C:\Windows\System32  ;; let's see what happens
!w::run, C:\Windows\System32\wsl.exe, C:\Windows\System32  ;; let's see what happens

; :*:testtttttttttttttttttttttttt::testtttttttttttttttttttttttt    w  o   r   k  i   n  g  !!   tttttttttttttttttt
; ::test?::working!  


LAlt & n::AltTab
LAlt & m::ShiftAltTab
LAlt & b::Send, ^a

gravitoquarko electrolepto
fermiophoto gluomeso
bosoproto neutrobaryo
hadroato moleculounicellulo
crystolattisso micro megalobio gaiama
techniotella gaiaselena solara
perinebula vacuo oriocygnobrachio galacto
proximasystada virgo laniakeasuperclusto piscescetusfilamentocytosis

@reboot        Run once, at startup.                           │
@yearly        Run once a year, "0 0 1 1 *".                   │
@annually      (same as @yearly)                               │
@monthly       Run once a month, "0 0 1 * *".                  │
@weekly        Run once a week, "0 0 * * 0".                   │
@daily         Run once a day, "0 0 * * *".                    │
@midnight      (same as @daily)                                │
@hourly        Run once an hour, "0 * * * *".`n

# use /bin/bash to run commands, instead of the default /bin/sh       SHELL=/bin/bash                                                       │
# mail any output to `paul', no matter whose crontab this is
# run five minutes after midnight, every day  
5 0 * * *       $HOME/bin/daily.job >> $HOME/tmp/out 2>&1│
# run at 2:15pm on the first of every month — output mailed to paul 
15 14 1 * *     $HOME/bin/monthly   
# run at 10 pm on weekdays, annoy Joe 
0 22 * * 1-5    mail -s "It's 10pm" joe%Joe,%%Where are your kids?%
23 0-23/2 * * * echo "run 23 minutes after midn, 2am, 4am ..., everyday"
5 4 * * sun     echo "run at 5 after 4 every Sunday"
0 */4 1 * mon   echo "run every 4th hour on the 1st and on every Monday"
# Execute a program and run a notification every day at 10:00 am
0 10 * * *  $HOME/bin/program | DISPLAY=:0 notify-send "Program run" "$(cat)"

;; em dash ;;

::getpip::sudo apt install python3-pip

::getgpt::pip install git+https://github.com/llm-workflow-engine/llm-workflow-engine

;; xonsh ;; xonshs ;; xonshsh ;; python-like shell


;; control-c to advance to the next image

;; my cool program

for file in gp``*.*``:
    if file.exists():
        display @(file)`n`n    

::echolo::echo "hello" | @(lambda a, s=None: s.read().strip() + " world\n")
::makesome::for i in range(20):`n$[touch @('file%02d' % i)]`n`n
::helloworlds::eg = 'hello'; echo path/to/@(['hello', 'world]'])
::dosomething::echo @(['a', 'b']):@('x', 'y')
::border of the absurd::$[@$(which @($(echo ls).strip())) @('-' + $(printf 'l'))] ;; long listing

;; cprogramming c programming ;;
alignas (since C++11)
alignof (since C++11)
atomic_cancel (TM TS)
atomic_commit (TM TS)
atomic_noexcept (TM TS)
auto (1)
char8_t (since C++20)
char16_t (since C++11)
char32_t (since C++11)
class (1)
concept (since C++20)
consteval (since C++20)
constexpr (since C++11)
constinit (since C++20)
co_await (since C++20)
co_return (since C++20)
co_yield (since C++20)
decltype (since C++11)
default (1)
delete (1)
export (1) (3)
extern (1)
inline (1)
mutable (1)
noexcept (since C++11)
nullptr (since C++11)
reflexpr (reflection TS)
register (2)
requires (since C++20)
sizeof (1)
static_assert (since C++11)
struct (1)
synchronized (TM TS)
thread_local (since C++11)
using (1)
;; asahi -- asahish ;;

::new mirror::curl -s "https://archlinux.org/mirrorlist/?country=FR&country=GB&protocol=https&use_mirror_status=on" | sed -e 's/^#Server/Server/' -e '/^#/d' | rankmirrors -n 5 -

;; batch loop for bash ;;

::forsay::for i in {00..99} `;do say -o supersition$i.aiff -f x$i`;done

::fordo::for i in {00..99} `;do lame -m m supersition$i.aiff superstition$i.mp3 `; done

::pac install::pacman -Syu

;; Amazon AWS ;;

::beginn::ssh -i "Magnesium.pem" ec2-user@ec2-3-87-6-47.compute-1.amazonaws.com

;; linux -- linuxsh;;

::get ollama::curl -fsSL https://ollama.com/install.sh | sh

::gimme::for i in ``seq 1 10``; do   let result="$RANDOM % 300 + 200";   echo "A number: $result"; done

::addme::adduser -m flyxion
::undome::userdel -r flyxion

::re fresh::curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/reset -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"email": "nateguimondart@gmail.com"}'

:o:keyg::ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "standardgalactic@protonmail.com"

:o:getpid::eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"

:o:add2::ssh-add . ~/.ssh/id_rsa

::gita::git config --global user.name "standardgalactic"
::gitb::git config --global user.email "standardgalactic@protonmail.com"

::goto::git checkout main
::re set::git reset --hard 0478f98189ae613b533f4e4829799354549353e9
::do ne::git push --force origin main


::gtt::sudo apt-get install
::upd::sudo apt-get update
::upg::sudo apt-get upgrade
::updg::sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
::upr::sudo apt-get auto-remove

;; llast ;; last loop(?) ;; exit status ;; did it work?  -- 0 indicates success; 1 +, failure
::lastcommand::echo $?`n


; a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
; ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

::2sga::a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z = symbols(',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,')

;; bash bashsh ;;

::lasthour::find . -mmin -60 -print -exec tail -n 2 \{\} \;

;; remove by node (inode) ;;
::rmbyn::find . -inum 524769 -exec rm -i {} \;


::start ssh::sudo systemctl start sshd
::startssh::/etc/init.d/ssh start

::konfig::tmux new-session -d 'vi ~/.tmux.conf' \; split-window -d \; attach

;; install docker ;;

;; elm elmsh ;;
::?elm::# get, unzip, bop, move

;; install elm ;; 
::getit::curl -L -o elm.gz https://github.com/elm/compiler/releases/download/0.19.1/binary-for-linux-64-bit.gz
::unzipit::gunzip elm.gz
;; bopit
::moveit::sudo mv elm /usr/local/bin

::getsteps::# getup, getready, getkey, getrepo, getup (again), getdocker

::getup::apt-get update
::getready::apt-get install ca-certificates curl gnupg lsb-release
::getkey::curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg |  gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg
::getrepo::echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
::getdocker::apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io

::didntwork::curl -fsSL test.docker.com -o get-docker.sh && sh get-docker.sh

;; update node.js ;;
::nodesteps::# update node; clearcache, andthen, andthenn
::clearcache::sudo npm cache clean -f
::andthen::sudo npm install -g n
::andthenn::sudo n latest

;; install julia ;;
::getwget::apt install wget -y
::getjulia::wget https://julialang-s3.julialang.org/bin/linux/x64/1.7/julia-1.7.2-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
::untar::tar xvf julia-1.7.2
::whatnext::#sudo mv julia-version to /opt/julia , add "juliapath" to "bashrc" and then "sourcemy"
::juliapath::export PATH=$PATH:/opt/julia/bin

::archjulia::wget https://julialang-s3.julialang.org/bin/linux/aarch64/1.6/julia-1.6.0-linux-aarch64.tar.gz

;; unison language ;; unisonsh ;;

::howtu::# mu, getu, untu, gu

::mku::mkdir unisonlanguage

::getu::curl -L https://github.com/unisonweb/unison/releases/download/release%2FM3/ucm-linux.tar.gz --output unisonlanguage/ucm.tar.gz
::untu::tar -xzf unisonlanguage/ucm.tar.gz -C unisonlanguage

;; installing ubuntu on termux

Update termux: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
Install x:: apt-get install wget -y
Install proot:: apt-get install proot -y
Install git:: apt-get install git -y
Go to HOME folder: cd ~
Download script: git clone https://github.com/MFDGaming/ubuntu-in-termux.git
Go to script folder: cd ubuntu-in-termux
Give execution permission: chmod +x ubuntu.sh
Run the script: ./ubuntu.sh -y
Now just start ubuntu: ./startubuntu.sh

;; ubuntu in termux ;;

::get termux::git clone https://github.com/MFDGaming/ubuntu-in-termux.git

::into bashrc::>> ~/.bashrc

::rn::rename 's/$/\.tsv/' *

::pastebin::cat "filename" | curl -F 'f:1=<-' ix.io
:o:getback::curl http://ix.io/
::getix::curl http://ix.io/2F1r > /tmp/ix
::moveit::sudo mv /tmp/ix /bin
::bopit::sudo chmod +x

;; ls with most recent last ;;
::ls now::ls -latrh

::inv::ls -1 | wc -l

::noext::ls -1 | sed 's/\.[^.]*$//'

::usevi::sudo echo "export EDITOR=vim" >> ~/.bashrc

::add2bash::sudo echo "export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)" >> ~/.bashrc
::add2path::export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)

;; workspace ;;
::wrk::cd /home/Lynxspace/.local/bin/scripts/

::ubunturoot::ubuntu config --default-user root  ;;from powershell
::bitcoinprice:: curl -s --location --request GET https://api.coinstats.app/public/v1/coins/bitcoin\?currency\=USD

::mynumber::cat /etc/issue
::upgrayde::sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
::grock::grep -ri -C 10 "docker" .

::findm::find . -type f -exec grep -i -l 'michel' {} +

::editt::vim README.md

;; google cloud gcd ;;

::ver tex::
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv memex
source memex/bin/activate
memex/bin/pip install google-cloud-aiplatform


::loginn:: gcloud auth application-default login

::setquota::gcloud auth application-default set-quota-project archeopteryx

;; chromesh ;;

::installchrome::wget https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb;sudo apt install ./google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

::polly::sudo su - pollinate -s /bin/bash
::showpath::echo -e ${PATH//:/'\n'}
::lookhere::export PATH=".:$PATH"

::geekstuff::echo "Welcome To The Geek Stuff" | sed 's/\(\b[A-Z]\)/\(\1\)/g'
::randoms::for i in ``seq 50``; do echo $RANDOM; done
::snorttd::ls /bin /usr/bin | sort | uniq -d | less
::snortt::ls /bin /usr/bin | sort | uniq | less

:*:@k::㉿ ;; sends a double tab in kali linux

!k::Send,㉿ ;; sends a double tab in kali linux
^k::Send,kubectl ;; sends a double tab in kali linux

;; arrows to homerow ;;

^h::Send, {Left}
^j::Send, {Down}
^k::Send, {Up}
^l::Send, {Right}
^;::Send, {Enter}  ;; like control+m

;; hard h, hard home, alternative h, honorary backspace ;;
;; alt jump 
;; send o (k) (don't have to stretch the pinky so far)
;; leap by letter, letter separator    

!h::Send, {Backspace}
!j::Send, {Enter}
!k::Send, {Enter}
!l::Send, {Space}  

::emacs sucks::set -o vi
::noemacs:::set -o vi
::no emacs::set -o vi
::vimplease::set -o vi
::vim please::set -o vi
::vi please::set -o vi
::viplease::set -o vi
::setvi::set -o vi

::emacs please::set -o emacs
::emacsplease::set -o emacs

;; repeat last command ;;

while true; do !! `n
    sleep 5 `n
done `n

::pls::sudo !!
::huh:: man !!


curl \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{"contents":[{"parts":[{"text":"Explain how AI works"}]}]}' \
  -X POST 'https://generativelanguage.googleapis.com/v1beta/models/gemini-1.5-flash-latest:generateContent?key=AIzaSyDtcMdSuQH9WBq37hQuTQwmW5r2PZ_uqrM' > explain.txt

;; System and Environment Configuration ;;

::texty::curl txti.es/5rif8 > texty-test

; Fetches content from a specified URL and saves it to a file named 'texty-test'.

::swapmy::echo '/usr/bin/setxkbmap -option "caps:swapescape"' >> ~/.bashrc

; Appends a command to the end of the .bashrc file to swap the Caps Lock key with the Escape key.

::ee::export EDITOR=vi

; Sets the default editor to vi for command-line operations.

::sourcemy::exec bash -l

::sm::exec bash -l

; Reloads the bash shell, executing as a login shell.


; Opens the .bashrc file for editing.

::editmy::vim ~/.bashrc

; Opens the .bashrc file for editing in Vim.

;; Vim Specific ;;

::myvim::e $MYVIMRC

; Opens the Vim configuration file for editing.

::source ~::source $MYVIMRC

; Sources (reloads) the Vim configuration file.

;; System Queries and Operations ;;

::checkpack::ls /bin/b* | xargs /usr/bin/dpkg-query -S

; Lists packages associated with executables in /bin that start with 'b'.

::getindex::jq -r '.title + " by " + .uploader' *.info.json > partial-index.txt

::what load::watch `cat /proc/loadavg`

; Continuously displays the system load average.

::dunno::diff <(ls LearnVim) <(ls Learn-Vim)

; Compares the contents of two directories.

::howmanyseconds::echo There are $((60*60*24*365)) seconds in a non-leap year

; Calculates and displays the number of seconds in a non-leap year.

;; Software Installation and Configuration ;;

::preinstall::sudo apt-get install build-essential libatomic1 python gfortran perl wget m4 cmake pkg-config curl

; Installs various development tools and libraries.

::myjulia::cd ~; git clone https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia

; Clones the Julia programming language repository into the home directory.

::certifyme::sudo apt install ca-certificates

; Installs the CA certificates package.

::autorm::sudo apt autoremove

; Removes unnecessary packages from the system.

::sudoer::sudo usermod -aG sudo

; Adds the current user to the sudo group.

::kalilinux::sudo docker start -i vigorous_morse
::kalil::sudo docker start -i distracted_newton

; Starts a Kali Linux Docker container.

;; User Aliases ;;

::lnx::su Lynxspace

; Switches the current user to 'Lynxspace'.

::llrr::alias r=R
::littler::alias r=R
; Sets an alias 'r' for 'R' in the shell.

;; Linux Demo - uncomment to activate ;;

;; ::wow::cowsay "I can't believe that actually worked."

; When activated, this hotstring will execute the 'cowsay' command with a specified message in a Linux terminal. 'cowsay' is a program that generates ASCII pictures of a cow with a message.

;; Spanish Punctuation ;;

; Sets up hotstrings for typing the inverted question mark.


; Sets up hotstrings for typing the inverted exclamation mark.


; Sets up hotstrings for typing accented vowels and 'ü'.


; Sets up hotstrings for typing the 'ñ' character.


;; maclike ;;





;; The Rəd Pιll

::getpill::yt-dlp --cookies ./cookies.txt --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 0 --output "%(title)s.%(ext)s" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zduw75zB3Iw

::getpills::yt-dlp --cookies ./cookies.txt --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 0 --output "%(title)s.%(ext)s" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y82sMnvPYKU

;; audiobook ; audiobooks

::doit::say -o monicaspills.aiff -f mpills.txt
::thenn::lame -m m monicaspills.aiff pills.mp3

::tomp3::for file in *.aiff `; do lame -m m "$file" "${file%.*}.mp3"`; done

::sewit::ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i list.txt -c copy "Music of Hedonia.mp4"

::joinit::ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i list.txt -c copy "Theft of Fire.mp4"

::addimage::ffmpeg -loop 1 -i tof.png -i "Theft of Fire.mp4" -c:v libx264 -tune stillimage -c:a copy -shortest "Theft of Fire.mkv"

::soundonly::for f in *.mp4; do ffmpeg -i "$f" "${f%.mp4}.mp3"; done

ffmpeg \
-i '01 - The Abyss Within.mp4' \
-i '02 - Beyond Good and Evil.mp4' \
-i '03 - Deserted Island Blues.mp4' \
-i '04 - Visions of the Canvas.mp4' \
-i '05 - Amnesiac Love.mp4' \
-i '06 - Raccoon Ruckus.mp4' \
-i '07 - Free From Desire.mp4' \
-i '08 - Picture the Scene.mp4' \
-i '09 - Humanity Dethroned.mp4' \
-i '10 - In the Depths of Existence.mp4' \
-i '11 - Beyond Illusions.mp4' \
-i '12 - Code to the Beats.mp4' \
-i '13 - Guardians of Tomorrow.mp4' \
-i '14 - Bread-Quail Wisdom.mp4' \
-i '15 - Intersubjectivity Collapse.mp4' \
-i '16 - Cultural Shift.mp4' \
-i '17 - My Boots are Worn.mp4' \
-i '18 - Shattered Dreams.mp4' \
-i '19 - Genius Prodigy and Talent.mp4' \
-i '20 - Hack the Planet.mp4' \
-i '21 - Vertical Scaling.mp4' \
-i '22 - Carmen Scientiae.mp4' \
-i '23 - Regal Wind.mp4' \
-i '24 - I am in Need of Music.mp4' \
-filter_complex \
"[0:v][0:a][1:v][1:a][2:v][2:a][3:v][3:a][4:v][4:a][5:v][5:a][6:v][6:a][7:v][7:a][8:v][8:a][9:v][9:a][10:v][10:a][11:v][11:a][12:v][12:a][13:v][13:a][14:v][14:a][15:v][15:a][16:v][16:a][17:v][17:a][18:v][18:a][19:v][19:a][20:v][20:a][21:v][21:a][22:v][22:a][23:v][23:a]concat=n=24:v=1:a=1[v][a]" \
-map "[v]" -map "[a]" \
-c:v libx264 -crf 23 -preset veryfast \
-c:a aac -b:a 192k \
"Music of Hedonia.mp4"

::slowdown::ffmpeg -i bio-relational.mp3 -filter_complex "asetrate=44100*0.944,atempo=0.95,aresample=44100" -q:a 0 temporal-dimensionality.mp3

;; ffmpeg -i bio-relational.mp3 -filter_complex "asetrate=44100*0.44,atempo=0.88" -q:a 0   temporal-dimensionality.mp3

::getmp3::ffmpeg -i wolf_dialogue.wav -vn -ab 192k -ar 44100 -q:a 2 wolf-children.mp3

;; microsize video to mp3 ;;

::musize::ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -vn -ab 32k studio-5.mp3

::mush::ffmpeg -i economy-of-algorithms.mp4 -b 800k atrahasis.mp4
::togif::ffmpeg -i clock-prototype.mkv -vf "fps=10,scale=320:-1:flags=lanczos" -ss 00:00:10 -to 00:00:20 dactyl-clock.gif

::togif::ffmpeg -i spinning-cage.mkv -vf "fps=15,scale=480:-1:flags=lanczos" -ss 00:00:05 -to 00:00:25 spinning-cage.gif

::compressall::for file in *.mp3; do  ffmpeg -i "$file" -vn -ab 16k "${file%.mp3}-small.mp3"; done

::getaudio::for file in *.wmv; do ffmpeg -i "$file" -vn -ab 32k "${file%.wmv}.mp3"; done

::addzero::for file in *; do mv "$file" "0$file"; done

::joinn::pdftk *.pdf cat output economy-of-algorithms.pdf

touch file_list.txt

for i in {0..18}; do
    if (( i % 2 == 0 )); then
        echo "file 'even/sphere-$i'" 
        echo "file 'odd/sphere-$i'"

::supersplit::awk '{print > ("output/en_" sprintf("%05d.txt", NR)); close("output/en_" sprintf("%05d.txt", NR))}' english.txt

::foreach::for file in * `; do say -o "${file%.*}.aiff" -f "$file"`; done

;; antihotstrings antihotkeys ;;
;;                            ;;
;;  an oz. of prevention ;;   ;;
;;                            ;;
:*:sudo rm -rf /::No way, José
:*:sudo rm -rf *::No way, José
:*:rm * .::rm *.              ;;
:*:ls > less::ls | less       ;;
;;                            ;;

;; synonyms ;;

; ::boring::uninteresting

;; sanitizer ;;
:*:fsck::What the fuck are you trying to do? ;; WARNING!!!  The filesystem is mounted.   If you continue you ***WILL*** cause ***SEVERE*** filesystem damage.

	imagesearch, FoundX, FoundY, 0, 0, 4000, 1500, *5 C:\Path\ C:\Users\Mechachleopteryx\OneDrive\Pictures\baclk.png
		if errorlevel = 0 
		mouseclick, left, %FoundX%, %FoundY%
		imagesearch, FoundX, FoundY, 0, 0, 4000, 1500, *5 C:\Path\Image2.png
			if errorlevel = 0 
			mouseclick, left, %FoundX%, %FoundY%
			imagesearch, FoundX, FoundY, 0, 0, 4000, 1500, *5 C:\Path\Image3.png
				if errorlevel = 0 
				mouseclick, left, %FoundX%, %FoundY%
				msgbox, Could not find.

;;ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 40, 40, 300, 300, C:\Users\Mechachleopteryx\OneDrive\Pictures\baclk.png


;; program ;;
;::ones::       +       +    +=      
::1s::1000 + 100 + 10 + 1  =   1,111

::twos::        +       +      +=   
::2s::2000 + 200 + 20 +  2 = 2,222

::threes::        +       +      + =   
::3s::3000 + 300 + 30 + 3  = 3,333

::tq::The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

;; program ;;

;;  sga ;;
::sga example::sed 'y/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz//' <<< 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.'
:o:to-sga::sed 'y/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz//' <<< '
:o:from-sga::sed 'y//abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/' <<< '


;; Source this script ;;

!p::Run, notepad.exe "C:\Users\Mechachleopteryx\OneDrive\Desktop\Blank\Examples\PrintScreen.ahk" ; press Alt+p to open this file. (if OpenShowApps is running
; hit F8 to source this script.) ;; implemented in AutoHotkey-script-Open-Show-Apps.ahk-

;; Starting Task View — tested with Win10
;; same as Windows+Tab

^!l::Run, explorer shell:::{3080F90E-D7AD-11D9-BD98-0000947B0257}

; ::newhot::new hotstring ;; test string

;; Instructions. After making changes, save, then
;;run script PrintScreen.ahk in
;;to put in startup menu, first compile into an executable (.exe)
;;and then place in (startup) folder C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp
;; or make a executable script just runs printscreen.ahk;; it hasn't gotten
;; annoying yet, so I haven't tried this. 

;;  fill form

;; ruby ;; rubysh
a = 0
while a < 15
    print a, " "
    if a == 10 then
        print "made it to ten!!"
    a = a + 1
print "\n"

joe = [ 'eggs.', 'some', 'break', 'to', 'Have' ]
print(joe.pop, " ") while joe.size > 0
print "\n"

;; rust ;; rustsh ;;

::getbuild::sudo apt-get install build-essential

::getrust::sudo curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh

;; docker -- dockersh ;;
::fixdisplay::export DISPLAY=

;; openai - openaish ;;

:o:okey::export OPENAI_API_KEY="

::stor::cd ~/.local/share/chatgpt-wrapper/profiles/default/

;; java javash ;;



::kill jshell::kill -9 $(ps -a | grep "jshell" | awk '{print $1}')

::pv::public void
::pf::public final class

::xanadumode::/set mode xanadu normal -command

::setupp::/set prompt xanadu "\nxanadu$ " "   continue$ "
::setfeed::/set feedback xanadu

;; scheme schemesh ;;

::make square::(define (square x) (* x x) )

::sum of squares::
(define (sum-of-squares x y)
  (+ (square x) (square y) ) )

::f of a::
(define (f a)
   (sum-of-squares (+ a 1) (* a 2 )))

::define abs::
(define (abs x)
  (cond ((> x 0) x)
        ((= x 0) 0)
        ((< x 0) (- x))))

::define relu::
(define (relu x)
  (cond ((> x 0) x)
        ((= x 0) 0)
        ((< x 0) 0)))

::how do i install scheme::

Debian or Ubuntu or other derived distros:

sudo apt-get install chicken-bin

Fedora / RHEL / CentOS:

sudo yum install chicken-bin

Arch Linux:

sudo pacman -S chicken


sudo emerge -av dev-scheme/chicken

OS X with Homebrew:

brew install chicken


doas pkg_add -vi chicken

Microsoft Windows

     * Install MSYS2
     * Run the MSYS2 MinGW-w64 Shell
     * Install some prerequesites by running:
pacman -S mingw-w64-cross-toolchain base-devel mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc winpty wget

     * Download the latest release tarball by typing:
wget https://code.call-cc.org/releases/current/chicken.tar.gz

     * Extract the tarball by running tar xvf chicken.tar.gz
     * Enter the extracted directory, for example by typing cd chicken-4.11.0
     * Run make PLATFORM=mingw-msys install

   If you have trouble running csi , try instead running winpty csi

::chickenn::sudo apt-get install chicken-bin

;; clojure clojuresh ;;


Send, load-file " "
Send, {Left 2}
;; bracket (bubble) ;;
Send, ( )
Send, {Left 2}

;; open current directory in folder

^e::Send, explorer.exe .`n

;; end clojure ;;


  1 c    - C
  2 cc   - C++
  3   clj  - Clojure
  4 cs   - C# (mono)
  5   erl  - Erlang
  6   go   - Go
  7 hs   - Haskell (ghc)
  8   java - Java
  9 js   - Javascript (Node)
 10   lua  - Lua
 11   ly   - LilyPond
 12   m    - Objective C
 13 pas  - Pascal (gpc)
 14   php  - PHP
 15   pl   - Perl
 16   py   - Python
 17   rb   - Ruby
 18   rs   - Rust
 19 sh   - Shell (sh)'''
;; randomsh ;;


;; Transmogrify ;;

::howmuch::find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.jpg" -exec du -ch {} + | grep total$

;; Github githubsh ;;

::howmany::gh api users/standardgalactic | jq '.total_private_repos + .public_repos'

::justsources::gh api users/standardgalactic/repos --paginate | jq -r '.[] | select(.fork == false) | "\(.name): \(.description)"'

::justnames::gh api users/standardgalactic/repos --paginate | jq -r '.[] | select(.fork == false) | .name'

::get repos::gh repo list --limit 18000 > repo-list

;; what limit ;;

::whatl::curl -i -u USERNAME:TOKEN https://api.github.com/rate_limit

:o:git name::standardgalactic




:o:listmy::# sg, pf, gala, mt, s11e, hap, ph
:o:listmyfull::# standardgalactic, Playfloor, Galactromeda, mysterytrader, strategyguide, phewf

::pps::import pioupiou as pp

::dri::docker imager rm
::odcker::docker ;; daw (dcoekr) ker
::dcoekr::docker ;; daw (dco) ker
::dcoker::docker ;;
::doc ker::docker

;; dcoekr ;; dcoker ;; cdoer

;; byobu ;;

::bya::byobu attach


;; powershell ;;
::ignorepaste::set $global:multiLinePasteWarning=false,;; don't think this works

;; dosbox ;; Don't use elsewhere, should put a IfWinActive

::mountcd::MOUNT F F:\ -t cdrom

Sleep 100
Send, {bs 1}
Sleep 100
Send, KEYB
Sleep 100
Sleep 100
Send, dv103
Sleep 100
Send, {Enter}

;; In vim

;; Blender shortcuts ;; If WinActive("Blender") don't know/remember how to do this
;Sleep, 3
;Send, os.chdir()

;Sleep, 2
;Send, os.mkdir()

;;command line;;
Send, doskey ls=dir $*
Send, {Enter}
Send, doskey pwd=cd $*
Send, {Enter}

;::test::12345789 bytes free

;; windows windowsh windowssh;;

::go2sleep::rundll32.exe powrprof.dll, SetSuspendState Sleep

::r&r::doskey r=R $*

;; disable windows key ;;
;; LWin:: return
;; RWin:: return

;; disable windows key but not shortcuts ;;
;$lwin up::return
;$rwin up::return
;lwin & r::send #r
;rwin & r::send #r

::wist::wikipedia is toxic
::wint::wikipedia isn't toxic

;this is such 
;a::  ;; press a to start
;Send, #n
;Sleep, 100

;; mac shortcuts -- macsh ;;

;; superupdate ;;
::useforce::softwareupdate --all --install --force

;; voices ;; voicesh ;; voicessh ;;

::testvoices::say -v '?' | awk '{print $1}' | while read voice; do printf "using $voice...\n"; say -v $voice "hello, this is me using the $voice voice"; sleep 1; done

::slimvoices::say -v '?' | awk '{print $1}' | while read voice; do printf "using $voice...\n"; say -v $voice " Hi, my name is   Slim Shady"; sleep 1; done

::hellolee::say -v Lee '''Definitions are perhaps the most important component of ontologies, since it is through definitions that an ontology draws its ability to support consistent use across multiple communities and disciplines, and to support computational reasoning. Definitions also constrain the organization of the ontology. Simply put, every term in an ontology (with the exception of some very general terms) must be provided with a definition, and the definition should be formulated through the specification of how the instances of the universal represented by the relevant term are differentiated from other instances of the universal designated by its parent term.'''

::demobile::for file in *.mhtml; do mv "$file" "${file%.mhtml}.txt"; done

::notext::for file in *.txt; do mv "$file" "${file%.txt}"; done

::getnames::git diff --name-only HEAD~

;; github allow mixed file endings (turn off auto-convert) ;;

::allowmixed::git config --global core.autocrlf false

::ask me something::/Users/mecha/age_check

;; Pluto ;;
::powlevel::@bind power_level html"<input type='range'>"

::nomhtml:: python3 -m mhtmlconverter.cli.mhtml2html -i everlasting.mhtml -o everlasting-side-quests.html 

::makemovie::ffmpeg -framerate 4 -pattern_type glob -i "*.png" -vf "scale=trunc(iw/2)*2:trunc(ih/2)*2" -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p organic-soup.mp4

::makemovie::ffmpeg -framerate 4 -pattern_type glob -i "*.png" -vf "scale='if(gt(iw/ih,1920/1080),1920,-2)':'if(gt(iw/ih,1920/1080),-2,1080)',pad=1920:1080:(ow-iw)/2:(oh-ih)/2,setsar=1" -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p organic-soup.mp4

::addaudio::ffmpeg -i organic-soup.mp4 -i Pars-Tui-Mundi.mp3 -c:v copy -c:a aac -shortest oblicosm-paradox.mp4

;; concatenate pdf ;;

::howtopdf::step1, step2

::step1::convert *.jpg -auto-orient octoplect.pdf
::step2::ocrmypdf octoplect.pdf octoplexis.pdf

;; docker ;;

Send, sudo docker start -i elegant_mendel

::4keeps::git clone https://github.com/perkeep/perkeep.git perkeep.org
::getjs::go get github.com/go-goodies/go_jsoncfg

::getsand::git clone http://github.com/niemeyer/hsandbox.git
::pleese::sudo chmod +x hsandbox
::g0::./hsandbox go -c

::xyloid::sudo docker start -i suspicious_shirley

::busybox::sudo docker start -i silly_lederberg  ;; on aarch64

::keenx::sudo docker start -i keen_hawking

::whichl::cat /etc/*-release

::neurod::sudo docker start -i fervent_golick ;; neurodebian
::alpinel::sudo docker start -i awesome_poincare 
::archl::sudo docker start -i vigilant_mayer

::rwxsetup::sudo docker run -it rwxrob/workspace /bin/bash

::archlinux::sudo docker start -i confident_mirzakhani
::archbtw::sudo docker start -i confident_mirzakhani

::qwer::docker start -i kind_boyd
::hask::docker start -i kind_boyd

;; docker hub ;;

::whathub::docker search mechachleopteryx

::inspectr::sudo docker inspect -f "{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}" confident_euler

;;background change;;
try if ((pDesktopWallpaper := ComObjCreate("{C2CF3110-460E-4fc1-B9D0-8A1C0C9CC4BD}", "{B92B56A9-8B55-4E14-9A89-0199BBB6F93B}"))) {
	DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(pDesktopWallpaper+0)+16*A_PtrSize), "Ptr", pDesktopWallpaper, "Ptr", 0, "UInt", 0) ; IDesktopWallpaper::AdvanceSlideshow - https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/hh706947(v=vs.85).aspx

;; mistral ai ;;

::mistralplugin::pip install git+https://github.com/llm-workflow-engine/lwe-plugin-provider-chat-mistralai

::getcloud::!pip install --upgrade google-cloud-aiplatform

;; reminder ;;

;; edit vim macro macrosh ;;

; first type : (colon) to enter ex command mode
Send, let @q='
Send, ^{r} ;; {Cntrl} Never put control inside curly brackets ({ }).
Send, ^{r}
Send, q
Return  ;; now you have to edit and hit enter.

;; fake bandnames ;;

::cloth mother::C̷̣̝̲̜̈́ͅL͍͚̝͖̭͖̄̍̏O̦̝̬͛̍͗̓͌̊̏T̻͎̬̫̰̭̬̿H̸͎̥̘̘̐ ̜̻͖͎͇͒͑̚ͅ M͍̮̰͈͖̑͜O̟̳ͨ͋͋͐T̫̫ͦ̌̒ͮH͛ͤͣ́Ȇ̩̾ͨ̾ͮȐ̥̤̑ͅ‏‏

;; memrise mode ;;

;;didn't work

;; golang go gosh ;;

package main

import `(

func main() {

;; vim -- vimsh ;;

::add line numbers::%s/^/\=printf('%-4d', line('.'))

;; move Control-a (increment) to Control-s (C-x to decrement) ;;

::move inc::nnoremap <C-s> <C-a>h


::nowrap::set nowrap

::numb::set relativenumber


;; vim show linenumbers if the color is too faint ;;

::greyy::highlight LineNr ctermfg=grey

;; upwards - reverse lines ;;

::rmga::g/\v^(a|g)/:d  ;; remove lines starting with g or a ; global delete ;
::rm3:::g/\w$/normal $3X
::nofee:::%s/\v(fee)/\=@w/ ;; replace fee with whatever is in register "w

::makebox::!mkdir ~/sandbox
::addpath::set path+=~/sandbox 

;; no page numbers ;;


::no spaces::%s/^\s*//g
::no blanks::%g/^\s*$/d
::nonums::%s#\[\d*\]##g ;; remove [1],[2],[3], etc
::vim in title::ls -l | grep -i vim
::into100::split -d -l 100
::next4::0,4!column -t -s "|" 
;; ::setgui::set guifont=Fira_Mono_for_Powerline:h26  
::setgui::set guifont=Systada:h42 

::changefont::set guifont=*   ;; gvim

::re verse::g/^/m 0

::noscroll::set scrolloff=9999
::scrolloff::set scrolloff=9999
::scrollon::set scrolloff=0 ;;seems to work
::turn off mouse::set mouse-=a

;;sample program;;
;; python3 -c 'import os,sys;os.makedirs(sys.argv[1])' /test2/test_3

Send, python3 -c 'import os,sys;os.makedirs(sys.argv[1])' test; cd test;


;;Send, This is the alphabet.
;;Send, ^q
;;Send, The first letters are abc.

::fixshell::start "" "%PROGRAMFILES%\Git\bin\sh.exe"  --login -i -c "exec julia"

::getall::from sympy import *

Send, python3 -c 'import os,sys;os.makedirs(sys.argv[1])'
Send {Space}
Sleep 1000
Send, !{q}
Sleep 1000
Send, /
Sleep 1000
Send, !{q}
Sleep 1000
Send, /
Sleep 1000
Send, !{q}
Sleep 1000
Send, /
Sleep 500
Send, !{q}
Sleep 500
Send, `n

;; awk ;;
::line#::awk '{print FNR "\t" $0}'
::lineno::awk '{printf("%5d : %s\n", NR, $0)}'

;; choice theory / reality therapy;;
::what i'm doing::what I want

;; julia code -- juliash ;;


;; mildly annoying, to say the least ;;



::ordinaryleast::ols = lm(@formula(Y ~ X), t) ;; using GLM (I think)
::allbinary::foreach(s -> Base.isbinaryoperator(Symbol(Char(s))) && print(Char(s)), 0x20:0x2fff)
::addtj::add https://github.com/benlauwens/ThinkJulia.jl
::tj::using ThinkJulia

::remindme::function workspace();atexit() do; run(``$(Base.julia_cmd())``);end;exit();end

;; egsample example examplesh

;;  Julia # recipe
::add jump::add JuMP
::add egg::add GLPK

::activeate::activate . ;; virtual environment
::use jump::using JuMP
::use egg::using GLPK
::makemodel::model = Model(GLPK.Optimizer)
::makevector::@variable(model, x[1:3])
::makeobj::@objective(model, Max, sum(x) - x[2])
::con1::@constraint(model, x[1] + x[2] <= 3)
::con2::@constraint(model, x[2] + x[3] <= 3)
::con3::@constraint(model, x[2] >= 3)




::toshell::eval "$(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)"

;; Autohotkey Scripts

;; Bash shortcuts
::listfilenames::ls -l | awk '{print$9}'
::lsfilenames::ls -l | awk '{print$9}'

::sdo::su -

::noroot::su notroot

;;Windows shortcuts
::startf::C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp
::jprompt::set PROMPT=$P$G How can I help you?` ` 
::rprompt::set PROMPT=$P$G` `


::iuf::𝘐𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘤 𝘜𝘯𝘪𝘤𝘰𝘥𝘦 𝘍𝘰𝘯𝘵

;;Linux shortcuts

; fix pathname

;; example:  C:\Games\RFTS -> /mnt/c/Games/RFTS

^!s:: ; Sets the hotkey to Control+Alt+S
    clipboardText := ClipboardAll ; Backup the entire clipboard
    ClipWait, 1 ; Wait time for clipboard
    if ErrorLevel ; If there's no text in the clipboard, exit
        MsgBox, Clipboard is empty or not text.
    originalText := Clipboard ; Store clipboard text
    modifiedText := StrReplace(originalText, "C:", "/mnt/c") ; Replace C: with /mnt/c
    modifiedText := StrReplace(modifiedText, "Z:", "/mnt/z") ; Replace Z: with /mnt/z
    modifiedText := StrReplace(modifiedText, "\", "/") ; Replace backslashes with forward slashes
    modifiedText := StrReplace(modifiedText, " ", "\ ") ; Escape spaces
    modifiedText := StrReplace(modifiedText, "(", "\(") ; Escape parentheses
    modifiedText := StrReplace(modifiedText, ")", "\)") ;   "     "
    Clipboard := modifiedText ; Replace clipboard content
    ; MsgBox, Clipboard content replaced.
Click, right

::listt::print -raC16 {" "..~}

::skil::podman run -it --hostname skilstak --name skilstak -v shared://shared ghcr.io/rwxrob/ws-skilstak


::abra::cd /mnt/c/Users/Mechachleopteryx/OneDrive/Documents/GitHub/abraxas`n


::nopass::ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ;;server;;

::whatnow?::echo $PS1
::litrate::PS1="See Colon Backslash Rightarrow "
::cstyle::PS1="C:\> "
::C:\>::set PROMPT=C:\$G

::macprompt::PS1="%n@%m %1~ %# "

::normal prompt::PS1="\[\e[38;5;202m\]$(byobu_prompt_status)\[\e[38;5;245m\]\u\[\e[00m\]@\[\e[38;5;172m\]\h\[\e[00m\]:\[\e[38;5;5m\]\w\[\e[00m\]$(byobu_prompt_symbol) "
::mac prompt::PS1="%F{yellow}%n@%F{blue}%m %1~ %#"

::weird prompt::PS1="It is recommended not to use a '>' in your PS1 Command Prompt as if copy/pasted by accident that can cause a redirection and file overwrite. "

::howto::curl https://ss64.com/bash/syntax-prompt.html
;::howto::cat ~/formatted_html ;; only works in Lynxspace (rwxdocker)

::lynxdump::lynx -dump "https://ss64.com/bash/syntax-prompt.html"  > ~/formatted_html

::normal red::PS1="export PS1='\[\e[31m\]\u@\h:\w\[\e[0m\] ' "

::cstyle::PS1="C:\> "

::testwolf::wolframscript -api 251c4cb3-1de3-4da3-a417-8863b86464f4 -args n=5 -permissionskey thekey



::startgui::explorer.exe "c:\users\Mechachleopteryx\.ubuntu"
::startgraphical::powershell.exe -command "invoke-item c:\users\Mechachleopteryx\.ubuntu\ubuntu.lnk"

;; spelling mistake ;;

::cd /user/bin::cd /usr/bin


Send for i in 1 2 3 4 5;
Send do
Send, {Space}
Send        say "Hello World $i";
Send done
Send, {Enter}

::hellocount::while true; do for i in 1 2 3 4 5; say "Hello $i"; sleep 3; done

::goodbuy::Say "I can see you're having trouble. Good-bye"

::tell me a story::Say "A sower went out to sow some seed: and as he sowed, some fell by the wayside; and it was trodden down, and the fowls of the air devoured it.

 And some fell upon a rock; and as soon as it was sprung up, it withered away, because it lacked moisture.

 And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprang up with it, and choked it.

 And other fell on good ground, and sprang up, and bare fruit an hundredfold. And when he had said these things, he cried, He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.

 And his disciples asked him, saying, What might this parable be?

  And he said, Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand. Now the parable is this... The seed is the word of God... Those by the wayside are they that hear; then cometh the devil, and taketh away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved... They on the rock are they, which, when they hear, receive the word with joy; and these have no root, which for a while believe, and in time of temptation fall away... And that which fell among thorns are they, which, when they have heard, go forth, and are choked with cares and riches and pleasures of this life, and bring no fruit to perfection... But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience."

:*:normap::normal promp

;;  Programming Shortcuts
::clonemy::git clone https://github.com/standardgalactic/Haplopraxis
::ratelimit::curl -I https://api.github.com/users/standardgalactic

;;  Desktops
::phonemy::ssh Mechachleopteryx@ ;windows, choco
::archeo::ssh archeo@ 
::mixo::ssh mixo@
::kodak::ssh kodak@

::phewf::ssh phewf@

;; chess monkey
::ches::ssh good@
::monke::ssh monkey@

;; start ssh server
::strt::sudo service ssh restart

;; start local workspace for html
::srvr::python3 -m http.server 8000


;; start openssh server
::startl::sudo systemctl start ssh

;;  Laptops

::mymac::ssh mecha@ ;os/10 shell zsh, brew

::flyx::ssh flyxion@
::astro::ssh aardvark@
::moontop::ssh moontop@ ; ubuntu
::myoldlaptop::ssh eccehomo@ ;;; now ubuntu 
::eccehomo::ssh eccehomo@ ;;; now ubuntu 
::eh::ssh eccehomo@

::shorthand::ssh shorthand@  ;; shorthand@Optiplex
::multitech::ssh mixo@ ;; mixo@lydian

;; Smartphones
::myphone::ssh u0_a330@ -p 8022 ;linux ubuntu
::myoldphone::ssh u0_a502@ -p 8022 ;linux ubuntu

::ssh9::ssh admin@ -p 2222
::sshs::ssh admin@ -p 2222

;; Tablet(s)

::mytab::ssh u0_a368@ -p 8022

;;#o::	; Win+P hotkey (changed it to o (oh) because win+p handles the projector)
;;FileSelectFile, FilePath, S, %A_Desktop%, Save Screenshot, PNG (*.png)
;;if (ErrorLevel)		; The user pressed Cancel

;;SplitPath, FilePath, FileName,, FileExt, FileNameNoExt
;;if (FileExt != "png")		; Appends the .png file extension if it is not already present
;;	FilePath .= ".png", FileName .= ".png"
;;WinWaitClose, Save Screenshot
;;Sleep, 200
;;pToken := Gdip_Startup()
;;pBitmap := Gdip_BitmapFromScreen("0|0|" A_ScreenWidth "|" A_ScreenHeight)
;pBitmap := Gdip_BitmapFromHWND(WinActive("A"))
;;Gdip_SaveBitmapToFile(pBitmap, FilePath)

;;Clipboard := "example.com/$" FileName


;;^/:: ;ctrl forward slash
;;run Explorer "C:\Users\tom\Desktop\Screenshots"

;; '   ;;
;;!z:: ;alt z 
;;send {PrintScreen}
;;sleep, 2000
;;send ^d

;; interferes with Biomenace in windows 3.1 ;;

;;volume control;;;
^Up:: ;ctrl plus up arrow
sleep, 200
Send {Volume_Up}

^Down:: ;ctrl plus down arrow
sleep, 200
Send {Volume_Down}


::kindastrange::dͭoͪnͥˢ'tͥˢ ᵏyͥᶰoͩu ͦᶠtˢhͭiͬnͣᶰkᵍ

;; ahkward soundboard ;;
::truef::Say "The words true and false are built-in constants containing 1 and 0. "
::kalibrate::Say "Testing 1, 2, 3, 4 ...  assay      ... calibrate      ... calibration       ... check something out       ... check up on somebody       ... crucible       ... experimental       ... experimentally       ... experimentation       ... experimenter       ... factorial       ... put out feelers       ... put somebody or something through their paces       ... put something to the test       ... road test       ... screening       ... spot check       ... spy out the land       ... try something out "

;; Symbols ;;

; Science/engineering
; Resistances using Greek uppercase omega character, not 
; Unicode ohm sign (which only exists for backwards compatibility)
;:c1*:ohm::Ω ; 
;;::ohm::Ω ; not useful ;; just use "omega"

:*?:degC::°C ; degrees Celsius
:*?:degF::°F ; degrees Fahrenheit

:?*:+-::±		; plus-or-minus sign
:?:|-::−		; true minus sign
:?:|minus::−	; true minus sign
:?:|x::×		; true times sign
::divby::÷  ; division sign or obelus
::///::÷    ; any conflicts? -- yes. can't do cd ../.. it does cd .÷.

:?:|*::⋅		; "dot operator" (&sdot;), for multiplication, dot product

; sdot   ⋅ U+22C5 HTML symbol dot operator ('dot operator' is NOT the same character as U+00B7 'middle dot'.)

; Experimental: Multiply by

; "Unicode also includes a handful of vulgar fractions as compatibility characters, but discourages their use."

::|>=::≥   ; '>=' conflicts with usage in programming.  Alternatively, it could specify different rules for code windows.
::|!=::≠ ; not equal to
::|>>::≫ ; much greater than
::|<<::≪ ; much less than
::approx::≈ ; approximately equal to
::|propto::∝ ; proportional to
::|=-::≡     ; mathematical identity
::|propersubset::⊂    ;	SUBSET OF
::|propersuperset::⊃	;	SUPERSET OF
::|notsubset::⊄	;	NOT A SUBSET OF
::|subset::⊆	;	SUBSET OF OR EQUAL TO
::|superset::⊇	;	SUPERSET OF OR EQUAL TO 

; superscripts and subscripts from HTML entity names sup2 and sup3
; Examples: km² V₊ V₋ CuSO₄·5H₂O or ²³⁸U (hard to type, ugly, but actually used, according to Google)
; Alternate notation: x^2 → x², x_2 → x₂
; Of course, that would conflict with programming variable names like max_3
; There's also ⁼⁽⁾₌₍₎ᵃᵇᶜᵈᵉᶠᵍʰⁱʲᵏˡᵐⁿᵒᵖʳˢᵗᵘᵛʷˣʸᶻᴬᴮᴰᴱᴳᴴᴵᴶᴷᴸᴹᴺᴼᴾᴿᵀᵁⱽᵂₐₑₕᵢₖₗₘₙₒₚᵣₛₜᵤᵥₓᵅᵝᵞᵟᵋᶿᶥᶲᵠᵡᵦᵧᵨᵩᵪ

::special scripts::⁼⁽⁾₌₍₎ᵃᵇᶜᵈᵉᶠᵍʰⁱʲᵏˡᵐⁿᵒᵖʳˢᵗᵘᵛʷˣʸᶻᴬᴮᴰᴱᴳᴴᴵᴶᴷᴸᴹᴺᴼᴾᴿᵀᵁⱽᵂₐₑₕᵢₖₗₘₙₒₚᵣₛₜᵤᵥₓᵅᵝᵞᵟᵋᶿᶥᶲᵠᵡᵦᵧᵨᵩᵪ

:?:sup2::² ; common
:?:sup3::³ ; common


::square!::√ ; square root

;; α β γ δ ε ζ η θ ι κ λ μ ν ξ ο ψ χ ω

;; Emergency Greek ;;

; Greek characters for math, etc.


; Typography / symbols
::|c::©   ; copyright symbol
::|r::®   ; registered symbol
::|s::§   ; section symbol (paperclip, silcrow)
::|p::¶   ; paragraph symbol (pilcrow)
::(tm)::™ ; trademark symbol
;; ○ ● ● ○ ○ ● ● ○ circles
::a little black dot::• ; a bullet
::fcirc::● ; filled circle
::hcirc::○ ; hollow circle

; Arrows

; HTML shortcuts

;; htmlsh ;;

:*:sw::<a href="
Send, "> </a>
Send, {Esc}
Send, 4h

::htm plate::
        <title>Go, Forth, and Multiply</title>
                <a href="#">http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Forth_Lessons</a>

        <title>Site Map</title>
                <a href="index.html">Home</a>
                <a href="products/index.html">Products</a>
                <a href="about.html">About</a>

::restor::gsutil cp gs://ford-prefect/on-the-beach.srt

:*b0:|bq::{bs 3}<blockquote></blockquote>{left 13}
; :*:|bq::<blockquote>

:*b0:|qu::{bs 3}[QUOTE][/QUOTE]{left 8}

:*b0:<em>::</em>{left 5}

;; test this someday ;;

;t_str = 
;a test
;msgbox % t_str
; Insert timestamp 2021-12-30 07:44:19 PM - works
; Should be a keyboard shortcut or a phrase?
; Needs to be compatible with spreadsheet formats

;; 2022-02-18 09:30:26 AM still works
+!t:: ;Shift-Alt-D: Insert current date and time stamp
FormatTime, T, %A_Now%, yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt ; 2012-01-24 10:54:31 PM - works in LibreOffice, Google Spreadsheet, Excel
SendInput %T%

::thedate:: ;Insert current date
FormatTime, T, %A_Now%, yyyy-MM-dd ; 2011-07-25
SendInput %T%

::thetime:: ;Insert current time
FormatTime, T, %A_Now%, hh:mm:sstt ; 09:24:20AM
SendInput %T%

; Make windows transparent
DetectHiddenWindows, on
WinGet, curtrans, Transparent, A
if ! curtrans
	curtrans = 255
newtrans := curtrans - 16
if newtrans > 0
	WinSet, Transparent, %newtrans%, A

	WinSet, Transparent, 255, A
	WinSet, Transparent, OFF, A

#w:: ;; darken ??
DetectHiddenWindows, on
WinSet, TransColor, Black 128, A

#o:: ;; or control+0 with glas2k
WinSet, Transparent, 255, A
WinSet, Transparent, OFF, A

;; useful but I can't seem to make it go away afterward  ;;

;#g::  ; Press Win+G to show the current settings of the window under the mouse.
;MouseGetPos,,, MouseWin
;WinGet, Transparent, Transparent, ahk_id %MouseWin%
;WinGet, TransColor, TransColor, ahk_id %MouseWin%
;ToolTip Translucency:`t%Transparent%`nTransColor:`t%TransColor%
;WinGet, ActiveControlList, ControlList, A
; Loop, Parse, ActiveControlList, `n
;    MsgBox, 4,, Control #%A_Index% is "%A_LoopField%". Continue?
;    IfMsgBox, No
;        break

#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 2 ; Allows the hotkey to be interruptible.

#g::  ; Press Win+G to show the current settings of the window under the mouse.
If (ToolTipActive = 1)  ; If a tooltip is currently showing...
    SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, Off  ; Stop the timer.
    ToolTipActive := 0  ; Reset the state.
    ToolTip  ; Remove the tooltip.
MouseGetPos,,, MouseWin
WinGet, Transparent, Transparent, ahk_id %MouseWin%
WinGet, TransColor, TransColor, ahk_id %MouseWin%
WinGet, ProcessName, ProcessName, ahk_id %MouseWin%
WinGet, ProcessName, ProcessName, ahk_id %MouseWin%
WinGet, ControlList, ControlListHwnd, ahk_id %MouseWin%

ToolTip Translucency:`t%Transparent%`nTransColor:`t%TransColor% `nProcessName:`t%ProcessName%`nControlList:`t%ControlList%

ToolTipActive := 1  ; Signal that a tooltip is currently showing.
SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, -2500  ; Set a one-shot timer to remove the tooltip after 2.5 seconds.

ToolTip  ; Remove the tooltip.
ToolTipActive := 0  ; Reset the state.

;; notes on hotstring helper ;; hostringsh

::winh::Hotstring Helper

;; ahk parameters ;;

NumParams = %0%
Param1 = %1%
Param2 = %2%
Param3 = %3%
MsgBox NumParams = %0%
MsgBox Param1 = %1%
MsgBox Param2 = %2%
MsgBox Param3 = %3%

#NoTrayIcon              ;if you don't want a tray icon for this AutoHotkey program.
#NoEnv                   ;Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#SingleInstance force    ;Skips the dialog box and replaces the old instance automatically
;;SendMode Input           ;I discovered this causes MouseMove to jump as if Speed was 0. (was Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.)
SetKeyDelay, 90          ;Any number you want (milliseconds)
CoordMode,Mouse,Screen   ;Initial state is Relative
CoordMode,Pixel,Screen   ;Initial state is Relative. Frustration awaits if you set Mouse to Screen and then use GetPixelColor because you forgot this line. There are separate ones for: Mouse, Pixel, ToolTip, Menu, Caret
MouseGetPos, xpos, ypos  ;Save initial position of mouse
WinGet, SavedWinId, ID, A     ;Save our current active window

;Set Up a Log File:
SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%  ;Set default directory to where this script file is located. (Note %% because it's expecting an unquoted string)
LogFile := "MyLog.txt"
FileAppend,    ``n, %LogFile%  ;     ````. (Note %% because it's expecting an unquoted string)
;; Printscreen to random name ;;

    Send, #{Vk2CSc137}
    Sleep, 100
    Run, mspaint
    WinWait, Untitled - Paint
    Sleep, 500
    Send, ^v
    Send, ^q
    Sleep, 500
    Send, ^s
    Sleep, 1000
    Send, ^v
    Sleep, 500
    Send, {Enter}

;; Source for easy peasy
; added this from the command line, source -- internet -- A few functions comes out of the box to help us with Lists:head returns the first element and last the last one (be careful, it is not tail, tail will give you the whole list minus the first element). Then length  returns the number of elements in the list. Easy peasy.

;; enyay spanish ;;

::Anything below h::Anything below this point was added to the script by the user via the Win+H hotkey.
::ep::Easy peasy. 
:*:exit  ::exit()
::godda::got to
::hotsh::Hotstring Helper`rAndreas Borutta suggested the following script, which might be useful if you are a heavy user of hotstrings. By pressing Win+H (or another hotkey of your choice), the currently selected text can be turned into a hotstring. For example, if you have "by the way" selected in a word processor, pressing Win+H will prompt you for its abbreviation (e.g. btw) and then add the new hotstring to the script. It will then reload the script to activate the hotstring.