# v0.0.3 [Feature] 1. Directory checks were added [Bugfix] 1. Multiple enumeration of IEnumerable were fixed # v0.0.2 [Features] 1. Contexts for ensure checks were added [Issue 11](https://github.com/stardreamer/Ensure.Core/issues/11) 1. Checks for collections were added in their own context [Issue 1](https://github.com/stardreamer/Ensure.Core/issues/1) 1. Checks for the emptiness of the files were added in File context [Issue 2](https://github.com/stardreamer/Ensure.Core/issues/2) 1. It is now became possible to inject user exceptions in user's checks [Issue 13](https://github.com/stardreamer/Ensure.Core/issues/13) # v0.0.2-alpha3 [Fix] 1. Fixed wrong condition for IsNonPositive check. Zero value was not passing old check [Misc] 1. More test examples were added # v0.0.2-alpha2 [Features] 1. Following validation checks were added: * `SatisfiesCondition` - checks if the input value does satisfy the specified condition # v0.0.2-alpha1 [Features] 1. The ability to pass custom error messages to ensure checks was added 1. Following validation checks were added: * `IsEmpty` - cheks if the input collection is empty * `IsNotEmpty` - checks if the input colletion is not empty # v0.0.1-alpha1 [Feature] Following validation checks were added: * `IsPositive` - checks if the input value is positive * `IsNegative` - checks if the input value is negative * `IsNonNegative` - checks if the input value is non negative * `IsNonPositive` - checks if the input value is non positive * `IsNotNullOrEmpty` - checks if the input string is not null or empty * `FileExists` - ensure that input file exists * `IsNotNull` - ensure that input object is not null