import { BlobEntry, Entry, FolderEntry } from ""; import { AutomatonBuilder, Automaton, ApiHandle } from ""; import { ServiceAccount } from ""; import { deployFirebaseSite } from ""; import { Marked } from ""; import Mustache from ''; type SiteFile = {path: string, body: Uint8Array}; async function publishFirebaseSite(siteId: string, credentialPath: string, files: Iterable) { const credential = await ServiceAccount.readFromFile(credentialPath); const token = await credential.issueToken(""); const release = await deployFirebaseSite(siteId, token.access_token, files); return; } const renderMustache = Mustache.render as unknown as (template: string, view: unknown) => string; interface ContentNode { path: string; title: string; section: Record | undefined; publishedAt: Date | null; innerHtml: string; raw: BlobEntry[]; publishDate?: string; isOutdated?: boolean; baseHref?: string; } class PublishBlogRuntime { config: ApiHandle; data: ApiHandle; constructor(automaton: Automaton) { this.config = automaton.getHandle(`/blog-config`); = automaton.getHandle(`/blog-data`); } async runNow() { const startTime =; console.log('Loading blog configuration...'); const config = await getChildrenOf(this.config.subPath`/prefs`, 3); const prefs = readStructure(config); const siteTitle = prefs.siteTitle || 'New Blog'; const siteSubtitle = prefs.siteSubtitle || 'Content goes here'; const sections = readMap((config.find(x => x.Name === 'sections') as FolderEntry).Children, readStructure); // console.log(siteTitle, siteSubtitle, sections); // load all the asset & layout files into a Map const assetsRaw = await getChildrenOf(`/assets`, 2); const assets = readMap(assetsRaw, x => x.find(y => y.Name === 'data') as BlobEntry); console.log('Loading pages and posts...'); function renderInnerHtml(blobs: BlobEntry[]) { const htmlBlob = blobs.find(x => x.Name === 'html'); const markdownBlob = blobs.find(x => x.Name === 'markdown'); if (htmlBlob) { return new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode(htmlBlob.asBytes()); } else if (markdownBlob) { const markdownText = new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode(markdownBlob.asBytes()); return Marked.parse(markdownText).content; } throw new Error("No innerHtml for content"); } async function loadContentNodes(path: ApiHandle): Promise { const nodesRaw = await getChildrenOf(path, 3); // console.log(nodesRaw); return => { if (raw.Type !== 'Folder') throw new Error(`BUG`); const data = readStructure(raw.Children); const blobs = raw.Children.flatMap(x => x.Type === 'Blob' ? [x] : []); return { path: `${raw.Name}.html`, title: data.title || raw.Name, section: sections.get(data.section), publishedAt: data.publishedAt ? new Date(data.publishedAt) : null, innerHtml: renderInnerHtml(blobs), raw: blobs, }; }).sort((a, b) => { if (!a.publishedAt) return 1; if (!b.publishedAt) return -1; return b.publishedAt.valueOf() - a.publishedAt.valueOf(); }); } const pages = await loadContentNodes(`/pages`); const posts = await loadContentNodes(`/posts`); // console.log(pages, posts); const photosPath =`/photos`; const photos = (await getChildrenOf(photosPath, 3)).map(raw => { if (raw.Type !== 'Folder') throw new Error(`BUG`); return {_id: raw.Name, ...readStructure(raw.Children)}; }); const outdatedCutoff = new Date().getUTCFullYear() - 5; const months = [ 'January', 'Febuary', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December', ]; // const dateFormat = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-US', {dateStyle: "long"}); posts.forEach(p => { if (p.publishedAt) { const publishedYear = p.publishedAt.getUTCFullYear(); p.publishDate = `${months[p.publishedAt.getUTCMonth()]} ${p.publishedAt.getUTCDate()}, ${publishedYear}`; // publishedAt.format('LL [at] LT'); p.isOutdated = publishedYear < outdatedCutoff; p.path = `posts/${publishedYear}/${p.path}`; } else { p.path = `posts/drafts/${p.path}`; } }); // posts.sort(function (a, b) { // return (b.publishedAt||'').localeCompare(a.publishedAt||''); // }); const publishedPosts = posts.filter(x => x.publishedAt); console.log('Generating blog files...'); // helper to pass a data object though one layout, then the site layout // special page? don't pass a layout, pass html as data.innerHtml instead function renderPage(data: {innerHtml?: string; baseHref?: string} | Record, layoutName: string) { var {innerHtml, baseHref} = data; const layoutBlob = assets.get(`/_layouts/${layoutName}.html`); if (layoutBlob) { const layoutText = new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode(layoutBlob.asBytes()); innerHtml = renderMustache(layoutText, data); } if (!innerHtml) throw new Error("No innerHtml for content"); const defaultBlob = assets.get(`/_layouts/${'default'}.html`); if (!defaultBlob) throw new Error( `Layout 'default' not found`); const defaultText = new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode(defaultBlob.asBytes()); const pageBody = renderMustache(defaultText, { siteTitle, siteSubtitle, pages, posts, photos, innerHtml, baseHref, }).replace(///g, '/') .replace(/=/g, '='); return new TextEncoder().encode(pageBody); } function reversePath(path: string) { if (path.includes('/')) { return path.split('/').slice(1).map(x => '..').join('/'); } else { return '.'; } } const htmlFiles = new Array(); htmlFiles.push({ path: '/health', body: new TextEncoder().encode('ok'), }); function renderContentNodes(list: ContentNode[], layout: string) { list.forEach(content => { content.baseHref = reversePath(content.path); htmlFiles.push({ path: '/'+content.path, body: renderPage(content, layout), }); }); } renderContentNodes(pages, 'page'); renderContentNodes(posts, 'post'); const yearAgo = - (365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); htmlFiles.push({ path: '/index.html', body: renderPage({ pages, photos, recentPosts: publishedPosts .slice(0, 5) .filter(x => x.publishedAt && x.publishedAt.valueOf() > yearAgo), }, 'home'), }); const newestYear = publishedPosts[0].publishedAt?.getUTCFullYear() ?? 2020; const oldestYear = publishedPosts.slice(-1)[0].publishedAt?.getUTCFullYear() ?? 2020; const postTimes = []; for (let year = newestYear; year >= oldestYear; year--) { for (let month = 11; month >= 0; month--) { const posts = publishedPosts.filter(x => x.publishedAt?.getUTCFullYear() === year && x.publishedAt?.getUTCMonth() === month); if (posts.length === 0) continue; const timeStr = `${months[month]} ${year}`; postTimes.push({ year, month, timeStr, posts }); } } htmlFiles.push({ path: '/posts/archive.html', body: renderPage({ baseHref: '..', postTimes, }, 'archive'), }); for (const [path, asset] of assets.entries()) { if (path.startsWith('/_layouts/')) continue; htmlFiles.push({ path, body: asset.asBytes(), }); } // console.log(htmlFiles); console.log('Uploading', htmlFiles.length, 'files to web hosting...'); await publishFirebaseSite('blog-bbudj4be', 'devmodecloud-7eb533117d28.json', htmlFiles); // htmlFiles.forEach(({path, body}) => { // hosting.callApi('putBlob', '/domain/public/web'+path, body, 'text/html; charset=utf-8').wait(); // }); // const assetKeys = Object.keys(config.assets); // console.log('Uploading', assetKeys.length, 'site assets...'); // assetKeys.forEach(asset => { // const body = config.assets[asset].load().wait(); // hosting.callApi('putBlob', '/domain/public/web'+'/'+asset, body, body.mime).wait(); // }); const endTime =; const elapsedSecs = Math.round((endTime - startTime) / 1000); console.log('Blog published in', elapsedSecs, 'seconds :)'); } } async function getChildrenOf(path: ApiHandle, depth: number) { const output = await path.enumerateToLiteral({Depth: depth}); if (output.Type !== 'Folder') throw new Error(`BUG`); return output.Children; } function readStructure(children: Entry[]) { const data: Record = {}; for (const child of children) { if (child.Type !== 'String') continue; data[child.Name.replace(/ [a-z]/g, x => x[1].toUpperCase())] = child.StringValue; } return data; } function readMap(children: Entry[], reader: (children: Entry[]) => T): Map { const data: Map = new Map; for (const child of children) { if (child.Type !== 'Folder') continue; data.set(child.Name, reader(child.Children)); } return data; } new AutomatonBuilder() .withMount('/blog-config', 'session:/config/blog') .withMount('/blog-data', 'session:/persist/blog') .withRuntimeConstructor(PublishBlogRuntime) .launch();