# Default values for configuration of a STARTX cluster # see values.yaml for explanation on each params context: &context scope: startx cluster: default environment: infra component: crunchy app: startx-crunchy loader: enabled: false list: - name: startx namespace: startx-crunchy command: | #!/bin/bash echo "write your workload generator script using psql ..." exit 0; cluster: enabled: false list: - name: startx-db enabled: true namespace: startx-crunchy postgresVersion: 14 storageClassName: gp3-csi storageInstanceSize: "2Gi" storageBackupSize: "2Gi" username: startx-user istioSidecarEnabled: false initScript: |- -- Create the "startx" database and "startx" user CREATE DATABASE "startx"; CREATE USER "startx" WITH PASSWORD 'Default123$'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE "startx" TO "startx"; -- Create the "startx" database and "startx" user CREATE DATABASE "startx"; \c startx CREATE TABLE startx_table ( field TEXT COLLATE "C" NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT field PRIMARY KEY (field) ); CREATE INDEX field_idx ON field (field); GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE "startx" TO "startx"; project: enabled: false context: <<: *context project: enabled: true hooked: false type: project name: "startx-crunchy" display_name: "Startx CrunchyDB" requester: startx description: CrunchyDB configured by STARTX rbac: enabled: false groups: [] users: [] serviceAccounts: enabled: false list: [] dockercfg: enabled: false list: [] networkpolicy: enabled: false rules: [] limits: enabled: false quotas: enabled: false # Configuration of the operator (see https://helm-repository.readthedocs.io/en/latest/charts/operator) operator: enabled: false context: <<: *context subscription: enabled: true hooked: false name: "crunchy-postgres-operator" namespace: "startx-crunchy" version: "v5.5.0" operator: channel: v5 name: crunchy-postgres-operator installPlanApproval: Automatic csv: postgresoperator source: name: certified-operators namespace: openshift-marketplace operatorGroup: enabled: true hooked: false name: "crunchy-operator" namespace: "startx-crunchy" providedAPIs: "PostgresCluster.v1beta1.postgres-operator.crunchydata.com"