# Default values for configuration of a STARTX cluster # see values.yaml for explanation on each params context: &context scope: startx cluster: default environment: infra component: mustgather app: openshift-mustgather redhatCreds: enabled: false name: "startx-rhsupport-creds" namespace: "openshift-startx-mustgather" username: startx_info_mco password: mypassword report: enabled: false caseID: "02527285" rhnCreds: "startx-rhsupport-creds" serviceAccount: "mustgather-admin" audit: true # mustGatherImages: |- # - quay.io/kubevirt/must-gather:latest # - quay.io/ocs-dev/ocs-must-gather # Configuration of the project (see https://helm-repository.readthedocs.io/en/latest/charts/project) project: enabled: false context: <<: *context project: enabled: true hooked: false type: project name: "openshift-startx-mustgather" display_name: "Startx MustGather" requester: startx description: Startx Must Gather area rbac: enabled: true groups: - id: devops-view name: devops role: view - id: ops-admin name: ops role: admin sa: - id: mustgather-admin name: mustgather-admin role: cluster-admin serviceAccounts: enabled: true list: - name: mustgather-admin # Configuration of the operator (see https://helm-repository.readthedocs.io/en/latest/charts/operator) operator: enabled: false context: <<: *context subscription: enabled: true hooked: false name: "must-gather-operator" namespace: "openshift-startx-mustgather" version: "v1.1.2" operator: channel: "alpha" name: must-gather-operator installPlanApproval: Automatic # csv: must-gather-operator source: name: community-operators namespace: openshift-marketplace operatorGroup: enabled: true hooked: false target: "all-ns" name: "must-gather-operator" namespace: "openshift-startx-mustgather" providedAPIs: "MustGather.v1alpha1.redhatcop.redhat.io"