# Default values for configuration of a test demo # see values.yaml for explanation on each params nameOverride: sxapi-test versionOverride: "0.0.1" context: scope: startx cluster: default environment: demo component: sxapi app: default-sxapi-test version: "0.0.1-testing" sxapi: service: enabled: true expose: enabled: false version: "testing" profile: "prod:start" debug: true replicas: 1 data: | sxapi.yml: |- name: test description: Description of the test sxapi helm chart instance (defined in values-test.yaml) version: "0.0.1-testing" debug: true resources: serviceinfo-sample: _class: serviceinfo log: filters: level: '0,1,2,3,4' type: debug,info,error,warn server: port: '8077' endpoints: - path: "/" desc: Display welcome message (HTML) body: |- Test application (test values)

SXAPI is live ! (helm chart's managed by default values-test.yaml)

This test environment is deployed using the test values file of the sxapi chart available in the startx helm repository.

You could check the following endpoints :

- path: "/health" resource: serviceinfo-sample endpoint: health - path: "/info" resource: serviceinfo-sample endpoint: info - path: "/ping" desc: Ping the application. Return a sample message in json code: '200' body: pong bot: lib: "/conf/mylib" cron: - id: test-cront-task name: Execute test cron task schedule: "*/1 * * * *" task: myCronFunction mylib.js: |- /* global $log, module */ //'use strict'; var mylib = { myCronFunction: function (config) { var moment = require('moment'); $log.info("cron task " + config.id + " executed at " + moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')); } }; module.exports = mylib;