# @param {string} Use it to Overwrite the helm-chart name #nameOverride: sxapi # # Use it to Overwrite the helm-chart version #versionOverride: "0.0.1" # Application deployment context context: # Name of the global scope for this application (organisational tenant) scope: myscope # Name of the cluster running this application (plateform tenant) cluster: localhost # Name of the environement for this application (ex: dev, factory, preprod or prod) environment: myenv # Component name of this application (logical tenant) component: sxapi # Application name (functionnal tenant, default use Chart name) app: default-sxapi # Version name of this application (default use Chart appVersion) version: "0.0.1" # Configuration of the sxapi application sxapi: # configuration of the service service: # Enable service for this application enabled: true # configuration of the expose service expose: # Enable exposition for this application enabled: false # Kind of backend used for exposing application (choose between route, ingress, NodePort or LoadBalancer) kind: "route" # Sxapi image version to run version: "0.3.63" # Profile to run inside the container profile: "prod:start" # Enable debuging of the container debug: false # Define the number of replicas for this sxapi instance replicas: 1 # Files to load into the application data: | sxapi.yml: |- name: default description: Description of the default sxapi helm chart instance (defined in values.yaml) version: "0.0.1" debug: false resources: serviceinfo-sample: _class: serviceinfo log: filters: level: '0,1,2,3,4' type: debug,info,error,warn server: port: '8077' endpoints: - path: "/" desc: Display welcome message (HTML) body: |- Example application (default values)

SXAPI is live ! (helm chart's managed by default values.yaml)

This example is deployed using the default values file of the sxapi chart available in the startx helm repository.

You could check the following endpoints :

- path: "/health" resource: serviceinfo-sample endpoint: health - path: "/info" resource: serviceinfo-sample endpoint: info - path: "/ping" desc: Ping the application. Return a sample message in json code: '200' body: pong