1.6 * Introduce check to ensure that generated dissemination copies are not of size 0. * Fix classpath problems from earlier releases 1.5 * Use newest version of item event framework. No functional changes for this module. * Do not depend on MFPAK events to trigger this component. * Configuration has been extended and changed and example config has been updated. Please update your configuration files. 1.4 * Added a reduce step which creates symlinks to all the dissemination files This change introduces two new config parameters: # Root directory where symlinks are created symlink.rootdir.path=/avis-show/symlinks # Depth of directory-nesting for symlinks symlink.depth=4 * Added a command line utility for creating symlinks per batch roundtrip for batches which have already been processed. See the script createSymlinks.sh . 1.3 * Update to batch event framework 1.9 and mfpak integration 1.9 to fix the 'does not find any work bug' 1.2 * Disabled speculative execution * Use MFPAK triggers * Replaced sample hadoop configs with those for the cloudera cluster * Updated to newspaper-parent 1.2 * Changed hadoop dependencies to Cloudera based 2.0.0-cdh4.5.0 * Update framework dependency to 1.7 1.1.1 * Updated framework dependency to 1.4.5 to enable maxResults 1.1 * Update to newspaper-batch-event-framework 1.4.2 * Remove System.out.println() calls in non-test code 1.0 Initial release - Works as a autonomous component - Programmatic job submission to the cluster