# You may add multiple [[Gearman]] or [[Rabbitmq]] section. Each section will be one connection # to the specified URL/Hostname. [[Gearman]] URL = "" # The following configuration items activating the generation and queuing of events. # The format is Identifier = "NameOfQueueinGearmanOrRabbitmq" # If you define multiple Gearman or Rabbitmq sections with the same Identifier, the generated message will be sent # to every instance. HostStatus = "statusngin_hoststatus" HostCheck = "statusngin_hostchecks" ServiceStatus = "statusngin_servicestatus" ServiceCheck = "statusngin_servicechecks" ServicePerfData = "statusngin_service_perfdata" StateChange = "statusngin_statechanges" AcknowledgementData = "statusngin_acknowledgements" FlappingData = "statusngin_flappings" DowntimeData = "statusngin_downtimes" ContactNotificationMethodData = "statusngin_contactnotificationmethod" RestartData = "statusngin_core_restart" #OCHP = "statusngin_ochp" #OCSP = "statusngin_ocsp" # You can run external commands vis this queue. WorkerCommand = "statusngin_cmd" # The broker can directly process OCHP/OCSP from another naemon/nagios instance. If you have multiple #WorkerOCHP = "statusngin_ochp" #WorkerOCSP = "statusngin_ocsp" #SystemCommandData = "statusngin_systemcommands" #CommentData = "statusngin_comments" #ExternalCommandData = "statusngin_externalcommands" #NotificationData = "statusngin_notifications" #ProgramStatusData = "statusngin_programmstatus" #ContactStatusData = "statusngin_contactstatus" #ContactNotificationData = "statusngin_contactnotificationdata" #EventHandlerData = "statusngin_eventhandler" #ProcessData = "statusngin_processdata" #LogData = "statusngin_logentries" # You may specify multiple rabbitmq connections, by adding more [[Rabbitmq]] sections. #[[Rabbitmq]] #Hostname = "localhost" #Username = "statusengine" #Password = "statusengine" ##Vhost = "/" ##Timeout = 30 ##Exchange = "statusengine" ##DurableExchange = false ##DurableQueues = false ##SSL = false ##SSL_verify = true ##SSL_cacert = "" ##SSL_cert = "" ##SSL_key = "" # #HostStatus = "statusngin_hoststatus" #HostCheck = "statusngin_hostchecks" #ServiceStatus = "statusngin_servicestatus" #ServiceCheck = "statusngin_servicechecks" #ServicePerfData = "statusngin_service_perfdata" #StateChange = "statusngin_statechanges" #AcknowledgementData = "statusngin_acknowledgements" #FlappingData = "statusngin_flappings" #DowntimeData = "statusngin_downtimes" #ContactNotificationMethodData = "statusngin_contactnotificationmethod" #RestartData = "statusngin_core_restart" #OCHP = "statusngin_ochp" #OCSP = "statusngin_ocsp" #WorkerCommand = "statusngin_cmd" ##WorkerOCHP = "statusngin_ochp" ##WorkerOCSP = "statusngin_ocsp" # ##SystemCommandData = "statusngin_systemcommands" ##CommentData = "statusngin_comments" ##ExternalCommandData = "statusngin_externalcommands" ##NotificationData = "statusngin_notifications" ##ProgramStatusData = "statusngin_programmstatus" ##ContactStatusData = "statusngin_contactstatus" ##ContactNotificationData = "statusngin_contactnotificationdata" ##EventHandlerData = "statusngin_eventhandler" ##ProcessData = "statusngin_processdata" ##LogData = "statusngin_logentries" [Scheduler] # Used to fix a nasty scheduler behaviour in naemon when you often restart naemon # If next_schedule of a service or host is in the past during startup, we reschedule # the service/host within $StartupScheduleMax seconds instead of the check_intervall of the host/service. StartupScheduleMax = 30 [Bulk] ## Maximum number of messages in one bulk message #Maximum = 200 ## Flush Bulk messages every X seconds dispite number of cached messages #FlushInterval = 10 ## List of queue identifier which should be created as bulk message. This is a global option for all connections Queues = ["HostStatus", "HostCheck", "ServiceStatus", "ServiceCheck", "ServicePerfData", "StateChange", "OCHP", "OCSP", "LogData"] [Log] #Level = Warning ### Level = Info ### Level = Error