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We will get back to you at the earliest possible opportunity.", "author_rewards": "Author rewards", "curation_rewards": "Curation rewards", "sorry_your_reddit_account_doesnt_have_enough_karma": "Sorry, your Reddit account doesn't have enough Reddit Karma to qualify for a free sign up. 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You will probably lose control of the associated account and all its funds.", "warning": "Legitimate users, including employees of Steemit Inc., will never ask you for a private key or master password.", "checkbox": "I understand" }, "tiezi": "Posts", "replies_to": "Replies", "user": "Users", "sort_by_time": "Sort by time", "sort_by_reward": "Sort by payouts", "one_follower": "%(count)s Follower", "one_post": "%(count)s Post", "many_followers": "%(count)s Followers", "many_posts": "%(count)s Posts", "search_history": "History", "announcement": "Announcements" }, "navigation": { "about": "About Steemit, Inc.", "explore": "Explore", "APP_NAME_whitepaper": "%(APP_NAME)s Whitepaper", "third_party_exchanges": "Third-party exchanges:", "buy_LIQUID_TOKEN": "Buy %(LIQUID_TOKEN)s", "sell_LIQUID_TOKEN": "Sell %(LIQUID_TOKEN)s", "currency_market": "Currency Market", "stolen_account_recovery": "Stolen Accounts Recovery", "change_account_password": "Change Account Password", "vote_for_witnesses": "Vote for Witnesses", "advertise": "Advertise", "media_kit": "Media Kit", "privacy_policy": "Privacy Policy", "terms_of_service": "Terms of Service", "sign_up": "Sign up", "learn_more": "Learn more", "welcome": "Welcome", "faq": "FAQ", "chat": "Steem Chat", "app_center": "Apps Built on Steem", "business_center": "Businesses Accepting Steem", "api_docs": "Developer Portal", "bluepaper": "Steem Bluepaper", "smt_whitepaper": "SMT Whitepaper", "whitepaper": "Steem Whitepaper", "intro_tagline": "Your voice is worth something", "intro_paragraph": "Get paid for good content. 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Please use only 5 in your post and category line.", "are_you_sure_you_want_to_clear_this_form": "Are you sure you want to exit the comment editor?", "uploading": "Uploading...", "draft_saved": "Draft saved.", "editor": "Editor", "insert_images_by_dragging_dropping": "Insert images by dragging & dropping, ", "pasting_from_the_clipboard": "pasting from the clipboard, ", "selecting_them": "selecting them", "image_upload": "Image upload", "power_up_100": "Power Up 100%%", "default_50_50": "50%% SBD / 50%% SP", "decline_payout": "Decline Payout", "check_this_to_auto_upvote_your_post": "Check this to auto-upvote your post", "markdown_styling_guide": "Markdown Styling Guide", "or_by": "or by", "title": "Title", "update_post": "Update Post", "markdown_not_supported": "Markdown is not supported here", "advanced_settings": "Advanced settings", "beneficiaries_set": "%(count)s set", "draft": "Load Draft", "draft_save": "Save Draft", "draft_update": "Update Draft", "draft_save_message": "Draft saved successfully. To view your saved drafts, simply click the Load Draft button.", "template": "Template", "tag": "#tag", "tips": "Please enter the title, content and tags." }, "beneficiary_selector_jsx": { "header": "Who should receive any rewards?", "add": "Add account", "exceeds_max_beneficiaries": "Can have at most 8 beneficiaries", "beneficiary_cannot_be_self": "Cannot specify self as beneficiary", "beneficiary_cannot_be_duplicate": "Beneficiary cannot be duplicate", "beneficiary_percent_invalid": "Beneficiary percentage must be from 1-100", "beneficiary_percent_total_invalid": "Beneficiary total percentage must be less than 100" }, "category_selector_jsx": { "tag_your_story": "Tag (up to 8 tags), the first tag is your main category.", "select_a_tag": "Select a tag", "maximum_tag_length_is_24_characters": "Maximum tag length is 24 characters", "use_limited_amount_of_categories": "Please use only %(amount)s tags", "use_only_lowercase_letters": "Use only lowercase letters", "use_one_dash": "Use only one dash", "use_spaces_to_separate_tags": "Use spaces to separate tags", "use_only_allowed_characters": "Use only lowercase letters, digits and one dash", "must_start_with_a_letter": "Must start with a letter", "must_end_with_a_letter_or_number": "Must end with a letter or number", "must_not_include_hivemind_community_owner": "Post already has %(hive)s tag by default, please do not include another 'hive-' tag." }, "post_advanced_settings_jsx": { "payout_option_header": "Author rewards", "payout_option_description": "What type of tokens do you want as rewards from this post?", "current_default": "Default", "update_default_in_settings": "Update" }, "postfull_jsx": { "this_post_is_not_available_due_to_a_copyright_claim": "This post is not available due to a copyright claim.", "share_on_facebook": "Share on Facebook", "share_on_twitter": "Share on Twitter", "share_on_reddit": "Share on Reddit", "share_on_linkedin": "Share on Linkedin", "recent_password": "Recent Password", "in_week_convert_DEBT_TOKEN_to_LIQUID_TOKEN": "In 3.5 days, convert %(amount)s %(DEBT_TOKEN)s into %(LIQUID_TOKEN)s", "view_the_full_context": "View the full context", "view_the_direct_parent": "View the direct parent", "you_are_viewing_a_single_comments_thread_from": "You are viewing a single comment's thread from" }, "recoveraccountstep1_jsx": { "recover_account_intro": "From time to time, a Steemian's owner key may be compromised. Stolen Account Recovery gives the rightful account owner 30 days to recover their account from the moment the thief changed their owner key. Stolen Account Recovery can only be used on %(APP_URL)s if the account owner had previously listed '%(APP_NAME)s' as their account trustee and complied with %(APP_NAME)s's Terms of Service." }, "user_profile": { "unknown_account": "Unknown Account", "user_hasnt_made_any_posts_yet": "Looks like %(name)s hasn't made any posts yet!", "user_hasnt_started_bloggin_yet": "Looks like %(name)s hasn't started blogging yet!", "user_hasnt_followed_anything_yet": "Looks like %(name)s might not be following anyone yet! 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It should be different from the active and owner keys.", "the_active_key_is_used_to_make_transfers_and_place_orders": "The active key is used to make transfers and place orders in the internal market.", "the_owner_key_is_required_to_change_other_keys": "The owner key is the master key for the account and is required to change the other keys.", "the_private_key_or_password_should_be_kept_offline": "The private key or password for the owner key should be kept offline as much as possible.", "the_memo_key_is_used_to_create_and_read_memos": "The memo key is used to create and read memos." }, "suggestpassword_jsx": { "APP_NAME_cannot_recover_passwords_keep_this_page_in_a_secure_location": "%(APP_NAME)s cannot recover passwords. Keep this page in a secure location, such as a fireproof safe or safety deposit box.", "APP_NAME_password_backup": "%(APP_NAME)s Password Backup", "APP_NAME_password_backup_required": "%(APP_NAME)s Password Backup (required)", "after_printing_write_down_your_user_name": "After printing, write down your user name" }, "converttosteem_jsx": { "your_existing_DEBT_TOKEN_are_liquid_and_transferable": "Your existing %(DEBT_TOKEN)s are liquid and transferable. Instead you may wish to trade %(DEBT_TOKEN)s directly in this site under %(link)s or transfer to an external market.", "this_is_a_price_feed_conversion": "This is a price feed conversion. The 3.5 day delay is necessary to prevent abuse from gaming the price feed average.", "convert_to_LIQUID_TOKEN": "Convert to %(LIQUID_TOKEN)s", "DEBT_TOKEN_will_be_unavailable": "This action will take place 3.5 days from now and can not be canceled. These %(DEBT_TOKEN)s will immediately become unavailable." }, "tips_js": { "liquid_token": "Tradeable tokens that may be transferred anywhere at anytime.
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Your delegation amount can fluctuate." }, "promote_post_jsx": { "promote_post": "Promote Post", "spend_your_DEBT_TOKEN_to_advertise_this_post": "Spend your %(DEBT_TOKEN)s's to advertise this post in the promoted content section", "you_successfully_promoted_this_post": "You successfully promoted this post", "this_post_was_hidden_due_to_low_ratings": "This post was hidden due to low ratings" }, "about_jsx": { "about_app": "About %(APP_NAME)s", "about_app_details": "%(APP_NAME)s is a social media platform where everyone gets paid for creating and curating content. It leverages a robust digital points system, called Steem, that supports real value for digital rewards through market price discovery and liquidity.", "learn_more_at_app_url": "Learn more at %(APP_URL)s", "resources": "Resources" }, "markdownviewer_jsx": { "images_were_hidden_due_to_low_ratings": "Images were hidden due to low ratings." }, "postsummary_jsx": { "resteemed": "resteemed", "resteemed_by": "Resteemed by", "reveal_it": "Reveal this post", "adjust_your": "adjust your", "display_preferences": "display preferences", "create_an_account": "create an account", "to_save_your_preferences": "to save your preferences" }, "posts_index": { "empty_feed_1": "Looks like you haven't followed anything yet", "empty_feed_2": "If you recently added new users to follow, your personalized feed will populate once new content is available", "empty_feed_3": "Explore Trending Articles", "empty_feed_4": "Read The Quick Start Guide", "empty_feed_5": "Browse The FAQ", "my_feed": "My Feed", "accountnames_feed": "%(account_name)s's Feed" }, "explorepost_jsx": { "copied": "Copied Successfully", "copy": "COPY", "alternative_sources": "Alternative Sources" }, "header_jsx": { "home": "home", "create_a_post": "Create a post", "change_account_password": "Change Account Password", "create_account": "Create Account", "stolen_account_recovery": "Stolen Account Recovery", "people_following": "People following %(username)s", "people_followed_by": "People followed by %(username)s", "curation_rewards_by": "Curation rewards by %(username)s", "author_rewards_by": "Author rewards by %(username)s", "replies_to": "Replies to %(username)s", "posts_by": "Posts by %(username)s", "comments_by": "Comments by %(username)s" }, "loginform_jsx": { "you_need_a_private_password_or_key": "You need a private password or key (not a public key)", "cryptography_test_failed": "Cryptography test failed", "unable_to_log_you_in": "We will be unable to log you in with this browser.", "the_latest_versions_of": "The latest versions of ", "are_well_tested_and_known_to_work_with": "are well tested and known to work with %(APP_URL)s.", "due_to_server_maintenance": "Due to server maintenance we are running in read only mode. We are sorry for the inconvenience.", "login_to_vote": "Login to Vote", "login_to_post": "Login to Post", "login_to_comment": "Login to Comment", "login_to_follow_users": "Login to Follow Users", "login_to_reblog": "Login to Reblog", "posting": "Posting", "active_or_owner": "Active or Owner", "this_password_is_bound_to_your_account_owner_key": "This password is bound to your account's owner key and can not be used to login to this site.", "however_you_can_use_it_to": "However, you can use it to ", "update_your_password": "update your password", "to_obtain_a_more_secure_set_of_keys": "to obtain a more secure set of keys.", "this_password_is_bound_to_your_account_active_key": "This password is bound to your account's active key and can not be used to login to this page.", "you_may_use_this_active_key_on_other_more": "You may use this active key on other more secure pages like the Wallet or Market pages.", "you_account_has_been_successfully_created": "You account has been successfully created!", "you_account_has_been_successfully_recovered": "You account has been successfully recovered!", "password_update_succes": "The password for %(accountName)s was successfully updated", "password_info": "This password or private key was entered incorrectly. There is probably a handwriting or data-entry error. Hint: A password or private key generated by Steemit will never contain 0 (zero), O (capital o), I (capital i) and l (lower case L) characters.", "enter_your_username": "Enter your username", "password_or_wif": "Password or WIF", "this_operation_requires_your_key_or_master_password": "This operation requires your %(authType)s key or Master password.", "keep_me_logged_in": "Keep me logged in", "amazing_community": "amazing community", "to_comment_and_reward_others": " to comment and reward others.", "signup_button": "Sign up now to earn ", "signup_button_emphasis": "FREE STEEM!", "sign_up_get_steem": "Sign up. Get STEEM!", "returning_users": "Returning Users: ", "login_warning_title": "Logging in with non-posting key", "login_warning_body": "You are attempting to use a key with more permissions than required for everyday Steemit.com use. Since keys and passwords are more likely to get compromised the more they are used, it is strongly recommended to only use your Posting Key to log in.", "continue_anyway": "Continue Anyway", "login_warning_link_text": "Open my Steemit Wallet to access and view my posting key", "join_our": "Join our", "sign_transfer": "Sign to complete transfer", "use_keychain": "Use keychain extension", "not_a_steemit_user": "Not a Steemit User?", "free_register": "Free to register", "there_is_no_private_key_in_browser_cache": "There is no private key in browser cache." }, "chainvalidation_js": { "account_name_should_not_be_empty": "Account name should not be empty.", "account_name_should_be_longer": "Account name should be longer.", "account_name_should_be_shorter": "Account name should be shorter.", "each_account_segment_should_start_with_a_letter": "Each account segment should start with a letter.", "each_account_segment_should_have_only_letters_digits_or_dashes": "Each account segment should have only letters, digits, or dashes.", "each_account_segment_should_have_only_one_dash_in_a_row": "Each account segment should have only one dash in a row.", "each_account_segment_should_end_with_a_letter_or_digit": "Each account segment should end with a letter or digit.", "each_account_segment_should_be_longer": "Each account segment should be longer.", "verified_exchange_no_memo": "You must include a memo for your exchange transfer.", "badactor": "Use caution sending to this account. Please double check your spelling for possible phishing.", "memo_has_privatekey": "Please do not include what appears to be a private key or password.", "memo_is_privatekey": "Do not use private keys in memos.", "memo_is_password": "Do not use passwords in memos." }, "settings_jsx": { "invalid_url": "Invalid URL", "name_is_too_long": "Name is too long", "name_must_not_begin_with": "Name must not begin with @", "about_is_too_long": "About is too long", "location_is_too_long": "Location is too long", "website_url_is_too_long": "Website URL is too long", "public_profile_settings": "Public Profile Settings", "preferences": "Preferences", "not_safe_for_work_nsfw_content": "Not safe for work (NSFW) content", "always_hide": "Always hide", "always_warn": "Always warn", "always_show": "Always show", "choose_default_blog_payout": "Blog post rewards", "choose_default_comment_payout": "Comment post rewards", "muted_users": "Muted Users", "update": "Update", "upload_image": "Upload an image", "uploading_image": "Uploading image", "profile_image_url": "Profile picture url", "cover_image_url": "Cover image url", "profile_name": "Display Name", "profile_about": "About", "profile_location": "Location", "profile_website": "Website", "saved": "Saved!", "rpc_title": "RPC Node List", "rpc_select": "Select RPC Node", "selected_rpc": "Selected RPC Node : %(rpc)s" }, "transfer_jsx": { "amount_is_in_form": "Amount is in the form 99999.999", "insufficient_funds": "Insufficient funds", "use_only_3_digits_of_precison": "Use only 3 digits of precison", "send_to_account": "Send to account", "asset": "Asset", "this_memo_is_private": "This memo is private", "this_memo_is_public": "This memo is public", "convert_to_VESTING_TOKEN": "Convert to %(VESTING_TOKEN)s", "balance_subject_to_3_day_withdraw_waiting_period": "Balances subject to 3 day withdraw waiting period.", "move_funds_to_another_account": "Move funds to another Steem account.", "protect_funds_by_requiring_a_3_day_withdraw_waiting_period": "Protect funds by requiring a 3 day withdraw waiting period.", "withdraw_funds_after_the_required_3_day_waiting_period": "Withdraw funds after the required 3 day waiting period.", "from": "From", "to": "To", "asset_currently_collecting": "%(asset)s currently collecting %(interest)s%% APR.", "beware_of_spam_and_phishing_links": "Beware of spam and phishing links in transfer memos. Do not open links from users you do not trust. Do not provide your private keys to any third party websites.", "transactions_make_take_a_few_minutes": "Transactions will not show until they are confirmed on the blockchain, which may take a few minutes.", "autocomplete_previous_transfers": "previous transfers", "autocomplete_user_following": "following", "confirm_transfer": "Transfer %(amount)s from %(from)s to %(to)s?" }, "userwallet_jsx": { "transfer": "Transfer", "conversion_complete_tip": "Will complete on %(date)s", "in_conversion": "%(amount)s in conversion", "transfer_to_savings": "Transfer to Savings", "power_up": "Power Up", "power_down": "Power Down", "market": "Market", "convert_to_LIQUID_TOKEN": "Convert to %(LIQUID_TOKEN)s", "withdraw_LIQUID_TOKEN": "Withdraw %(LIQUID_TOKEN)s", "withdraw_DEBT_TOKENS": "Withdraw %(DEBT_TOKENS)s", "tokens_worth_about_1_of_LIQUID_TICKER": "Tokens worth about $1.00 of %(LIQUID_TICKER)s, currently collecting %(sbdInterest)s%% APR.", "tradeable_tokens_transferred": "Tradeable tokens that may be transferred anywhere at anytime.", "savings": "SAVINGS", "estimated_account_value": "Estimated Account Value", "next_power_down_is_scheduled_to_happen": "The next power down is scheduled to happen", "transfers_are_temporary_disabled": "Transfers are temporary disabled.", "history": "HISTORY", "redeem_rewards": "Redeem Rewards (Transfer to Balance)", "buy_steem_or_steem_power": "Buy STEEM or STEEM POWER" }, "checkloginowner_jsx": { "your_password_permissions_were_reduced": "Your password permissions were reduced", "if_you_did_not_make_this_change": "If you did not make this change please", "ownership_changed_on": "Ownership Changed On ", "deadline_for_recovery_is": "Deadline for recovery is", "i_understand_dont_show_again": "I understand, don't show me again" }, "termsagree_jsx": { "please_review": "Please review our terms to continue", "hi_user": "Hi %(username)s,", "blurb": "Our Terms of Service set the rules and guidelines that you must accept and follow in order to use Steemit and our Privacy Policy explains the type of information we collect and what we do with it. Don't worry, we don't sell your data to anyone. We do use it to meet legal requirements and to learn how to make Steemit better.", "i_agree_to_steemits": "I agree to Steemit's", "terms_of_service": "Terms of Service", "privacy_policy": "Privacy Policy", "continue": "Continue", "cancel": "Cancel" }, "confirmtransactionform_jsx": { "confirm": "Confirm %(transactionType)s" }, "modals_jsx": { "your_transaction_failed": "Your transaction failed to process", "out_of_bandwidth_title": "Why? You've run out of Resource Credits", "out_of_bandwidth_reason": "Actions such as posting and voting use computing resources, placing a real cost on the community members who run the Steem blockchain for everyone.", "out_of_bandwidth_reason_2": "To keep things free, Steem intelligently allocates Resource Credits to each user based on their Steem Power holdings, which can be used to submit a limited number of feeless transactions. When a user runs low on Resource Credits, they will either need to wait for them to recharge, or purchase additional Steem Power. This system prioritizes actions by good community members while limiting spam.", "out_of_bandwidth_option_title": "To keep interacting on Steemit:", "out_of_bandwidth_option_1": "Buy and hold more Steem Power", "out_of_bandwidth_option_2": "Wait until your Resource Credits recharge", "out_of_bandwidth_option_3": "Wait until the network usage decreases", "out_of_bandwidth_option_4": "Power up more Steem" }, "sanitizedlink_jsx": { "phishylink_caution": "Link hidden; phishing attempt", "phishylink_reveal": "show link" }, "notificationslist_jsx": { "mark_all_as_read": "Mark all as read", "load_more": "Load more...", "all": "All", "replies": "Replies", "follows": "Follows", "resteems": "Resteems", "upvotes": "Upvotes", "mentions": "Mentions" }, "tron_jsx": { "content0": "Using TRx vote for tron node and joining in construction of TRON ECOSYSTEM, where you can receive at most eight percentage benefit rate", "content1": "Freeze TRX before voting in order to gain right to vote.", "content2": "Do Following:", "step1": "Step1: click \"Vote\" button , which redirect to Tron scan vote page", "step2": "Step2: click \"link wallet\",chose \"import\"", "step3": "Step3: Click \"Sign in\" button once finish input TRON private key ", "step4": "Step4: click \"Vote\" button and follow the instruction", "vote_button": "go vote", "step": "step", "tron_tx_history": "TRON transaction history >", "update_tron_account": "UPDATE TRON ACCOUNT", "update_tron_content": "To update TRON account, please confirm following information so as to avoid potential risk. \n Save TRON private key locally or import this TRON account into other wallet supporting TRON. or transfer tron asset into other tron account. ", "update_button": "UPDATE AND DOWNLOAD", "update_success": "UPDATE SUCCESS", "update_success_content": " You successfully update your TRON account. If fail to download, please", "update_success_click": "click download", "update_success_content2": "Please keep it safe, otherwise we cannot recover it for you.Please do not share the file with anyone else.", "safe_save_button": "PDF securely saved", "create_tron_account": "Create a TRON account and claim rewards", "create_tron_account_content": "Steemit will distribute extra TRX to you as rewards. This account is for receiving such rewards.", "create_tron_account_content1": "The system will automatically create a TRON account for you for free.", "create_tron_account_content2": "Do you agree to create a TRON account and download the PDF with your TRON public and private keys?", "create_tron_agree": "Agree", "create_tron_success": "Your account has been created", "create_tron_success_content": "You have created a TRON account.", "create_tron_success_content2": "If the file wasn't downloaded, ", "create_tron_success_content3": " to download the PDF with your TRON public and private keys." }, "tron_err_msg": { "data_is_invalid": "Data is invalid. Please check if you are using the correct private key." } }