#!/bin/bash ################################################################################ # # Install the latest version of OpenPanel ✌️ # https://openpanel.com/install # # Supported OS: Ubuntu, Debian, AlmaLinux, RockyLinux, CentOS # # Usage: bash <(curl -sSL https://openpanel.org) # Author: Stefan Pejcic # Created: 11.07.2023 # Last Modified: 16.02.2025 # ################################################################################ # ====================================================================== # Constants GREEN='\033[0;32m' YELLOW='\033[0;33m' RED='\033[0;31m' RESET='\033[0m' export TERM=xterm-256color # bug fix: tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive # ====================================================================== # Defaults for environment variables CUSTOM_VERSION=false # default version is latest INSTALL_TIMEOUT=600 # after 10min, consider the install failed DEBUG=false # verbose output for debugging failed install SKIP_APT_UPDATE=false # they are auto-pulled on account creation REPAIR=false LOCALES=true # only en NO_SSH=false # deny port 22 SET_HOSTNAME_NOW=false # must be a FQDN SETUP_SWAP_ANYWAY=false CORAZA=true # install CorazaWAF, unless user provices --no-waf flag SWAP_FILE="1" # calculated based on ram SEND_EMAIL_AFTER_INSTALL=false SET_PREMIUM=false # added in 0.2.1 UFW_SETUP=false # previous default on <0.2.3 CSF_SETUP=true # default since >0.2.2 SET_ADMIN_USERNAME=false # random SET_ADMIN_PASSWORD=false # random SCREENSHOTS_API_URL="http://screenshots-api.openpanel.com/screenshot" # default since 0.2.1 post_install_path="" # not to run # ====================================================================== # PATHs used throughout the script ETC_DIR="/etc/openpanel/" # https://github.com/stefanpejcic/openpanel-configuration LOG_FILE="openpanel_install.log" # install log # install running SERVICES_DIR="/etc/systemd/system/" # used for admin, sentinel and floatingip services CONFIG_FILE="${ETC_DIR}openpanel/conf/openpanel.config" # main config file for openpanel exec > >(tee -a "$LOG_FILE") 2>&1 # ====================================================================== # Helper functions that are not mandatory and should not be modified setup_terminal() { TPUT_RESET="" TPUT_WHITE="" TPUT_BGRED="" TPUT_BGGREEN="" TPUT_BOLD="" TPUT_DIM="" test -t 2 || return 1 if command -v tput > /dev/null 2>&1; then if num_colors=$(tput colors 2> /dev/null) && [ "${num_colors:-0}" -ge 8 ]; then TPUT_RESET="$(tput sgr 0)" TPUT_WHITE="$(tput setaf 7)" TPUT_BGRED="$(tput setab 1)" TPUT_BGGREEN="$(tput setab 2)" TPUT_BOLD="$(tput bold)" TPUT_DIM="$(tput dim)" fi fi echo "${TPUT_RESET}" return 0 } # logo print_header() { printf '%*s\n' "${COLUMNS:-$(tput cols)}" '' | tr ' ' - echo -e " ____ _____ _ " echo -e " / __ \ | __ \ | | " echo -e " | | | | _ __ ___ _ __ | |__) | __ _ _ __ ___ | | " echo -e " | | | || '_ \ / _ \| '_ \ | ___/ / _\" || '_ \ / _ \| | " echo -e " | |__| || |_) || __/| | | | | | | (_| || | | || __/| | " echo -e " \____/ | .__/ \___||_| |_| |_| \__,_||_| |_| \___||_| " echo -e " | | " echo -e " |_| version: ${GREEN}$PANEL_VERSION${RESET} " printf '%*s\n' "${COLUMNS:-$(tput cols)}" '' | tr ' ' - } install_started_message(){ echo -e "\nStarting the installation of OpenPanel. This process will take approximately 3-5 minutes." echo -e "During this time, we will:" if [ "$CSF_SETUP" = true ]; then echo -e "- Install necessary services and tools: CSF, Docker, MySQL, SQLite, Python3, PIP.. " elif [ "$UFW_SETUP" = true ]; then echo -e "- Install necessary services and tools: UFW, Docker, MySQL, SQLite, Python3, PIP.. " else echo -e "- Install necessary services and tools: Docker, MySQL, SQLite, Python3, PIP.. " fi if [ "$SET_ADMIN_USERNAME" = true ]; then if [ "$SET_ADMIN_PASSWORD" = true ]; then echo -e "- Create an admin account $custom_username with password $custom_password for you." else echo -e "- Create an admin account $custom_username with a strong random password for you." fi else echo -e "- Create an admin account with random username and strong password for you." fi if [ "$CSF_SETUP" = true ]; then echo -e "- Set up ConfigServer Firewall for enhanced security." elif [ "$UFW_SETUP" = true ]; then echo -e "- Set up Uncomplicated Firewall for enhanced security." fi if [ "$SET_PREMIUM" = true ]; then echo -e "- Set up 4 hosting plans (Nginx with MySQL, Nginx with MariaDB, Apache with MySQL, Apache with MariaDB) so you can start right away." else echo -e "- Set up 2 hosting plans (Nginx and Apache) so you can start right away." fi echo -e "\nThank you for your patience. We're setting everything up for your seamless OpenPanel experience!\n" printf '%*s\n' "${COLUMNS:-$(tput cols)}" '' | tr ' ' - echo -e "" } # Display error and exit radovan() { printf >&2 "%s\n\n" "${TPUT_BGRED}${TPUT_WHITE}${TPUT_BOLD} FAILED ${TPUT_RESET}" echo -e "Error: $2$" >&2 exit 1 } debug_log() { local timestamp timestamp=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if [ "$DEBUG" = true ]; then # Show both on terminal and log file echo "[$timestamp] $message" | tee -a "$LOG_FILE" "$@" 2>&1 | tee -a "$LOG_FILE" else # No terminal output, only log file echo "[$timestamp] COMMAND: $@" >> "$LOG_FILE" "$@" > /dev/null 2>&1 fi } # Check if a package is already installed is_package_installed() { if [ "$DEBUG" = false ]; then $PACKAGE_MANAGER -qq list "$1" 2>/dev/null | grep -qE "^ii" else $PACKAGE_MANAGER -qq list "$1" | grep -qE "^ii" echo "Updating $PACKAGE_MANAGER package manager.." fi } get_server_ipv4(){ # Get server ipv4 # list of ip servers for checks IP_SERVER_1="https://ip.openpanel.com" IP_SERVER_2="https://ipv4.openpanel.com" IP_SERVER_3="https://ifconfig.me" current_ip=$(curl --silent --max-time 2 -4 $IP_SERVER_1 || \ wget --timeout=2 -qO- $IP_SERVER_2 || \ curl --silent --max-time 2 -4 $IP_SERVER_3) # If no site is available, get the ipv4 from the hostname -I if [ -z "$current_ip" ]; then # ip addr command is more reliable then hostname - to avoid getting private ip current_ip=$(ip addr|grep 'inet '|grep global|head -n1|awk '{print $2}'|cut -f1 -d/) fi is_valid_ipv4() { local ip=$1 # is it ip [[ $ip =~ ^([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$ ]] && \ # is it private ! [[ $ip =~ ^10\. ]] && \ ! [[ $ip =~ ^172\.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])\. ]] && \ ! [[ $ip =~ ^192\.168\. ]] } if ! is_valid_ipv4 "$current_ip"; then echo "Invalid or private IPv4 address: $current_ip. OpenPanel requires a public IPv4 address to bind Nginx configuration files." fi } set_version_to_install(){ if [ "$CUSTOM_VERSION" = false ]; then PANEL_VERSION="1.0.0" fi } # prints fullwidth line print_space_and_line() { echo " " printf '%*s\n' "${COLUMNS:-$(tput cols)}" '' | tr ' ' - echo " " } setup_progress_bar_script(){ # Progress bar script PROGRESS_BAR_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pollev/bash_progress_bar/master/progress_bar.sh" PROGRESS_BAR_FILE="progress_bar.sh" # Check if wget is available if command -v wget &> /dev/null; then wget "$PROGRESS_BAR_URL" -O "$PROGRESS_BAR_FILE" > /dev/null 2>&1 # If wget is not available, check if curl is available *(fallback for fedora) elif command -v curl &> /dev/null; then curl -s "$PROGRESS_BAR_URL" -o "$PROGRESS_BAR_FILE" > /dev/null 2>&1 else echo "Neither wget nor curl is available. Please install one of them to proceed." exit 1 fi if [ ! -f "$PROGRESS_BAR_FILE" ]; then echo "ERROR: Failed to download progress_bar.sh - Github is not reachable by your server: https://raw.githubusercontent.com" exit 1 fi } display_what_will_be_installed(){ echo -e "[ OK ] DETECTED OPERATING SYSTEM: ${GREEN} ${NAME^^} $VERSION_ID ${RESET}" if [ -z "$SKIP_REQUIREMENTS" ]; then if [ "$architecture" == "x86_64" ]; then echo -e "[ OK ] CPU ARCHITECTURE: ${GREEN} ${architecture^^} ${RESET}" elif [ "$architecture" == "aarch64" ]; then echo -e "[PASS] CPU ARCHITECTURE: ${YELLOW} ${architecture^^} ${RESET}" else echo -e "[PASS] CPU ARCHITECTURE: ${YELLOW} ${architecture^^} ${RESET}" fi fi echo -e "[ OK ] PACKAGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: ${GREEN} ${PACKAGE_MANAGER^^} ${RESET}" echo -e "[ OK ] PUBLIC IPV4 ADDRESS: ${GREEN} ${current_ip} ${RESET}" echo "" } # ====================================================================== # Core program logic setup_progress_bar_script source "$PROGRESS_BAR_FILE" # Source the progress bar script FUNCTIONS=( detect_os_and_package_manager # detect os and package manager display_what_will_be_installed # display os, version, ip install_python312 update_package_manager # update dnf/yum/apt-get install_packages # install docker, csf/ufw, sqlite, etc. download_skeleton_directory_from_github # download configuration to /etc/openpanel/ edit_fstab # enable quotas setup_bind # must run after -configuration install_openadmin # set admin interface opencli_setup # set terminal commands setup_redis_service # for redis container create_rdnc # generate rdnc key for managing domains panel_customize # customizations docker_compose_up # must be after configure_nginx docker_cpu_limiting # https://docs.docker.com/engine/security/rootless/#limiting-resources set_premium_features # must be after docker_compose_up configure_coraza # download corazawaf coreruleset or change docker image set_custom_hostname # set hostname if provided generate_and_set_ssl_for_panels # if FQDN then lets setup https setup_firewall_service # setup firewall set_system_cronjob # setup crons, must be after csf set_logrotate # setup logrotate, ignored on fedora tweak_ssh # basic ssh log_dirs # for almalinux setup_swap # swap space clean_apt_and_dnf_cache # clear verify_license # ping our server ) TOTAL_STEPS=${#FUNCTIONS[@]} CURRENT_STEP=0 update_progress() { CURRENT_STEP=$((CURRENT_STEP + 1)) PERCENTAGE=$(($CURRENT_STEP * 100 / $TOTAL_STEPS)) draw_progress_bar $PERCENTAGE } main() { enable_trapping # clean on CTRL+C setup_scroll_area # load progress bar for func in "${FUNCTIONS[@]}" do $func # Execute each function update_progress # update progress after each done destroy_scroll_area } check_requirements() { if [ -z "$SKIP_REQUIREMENTS" ]; then architecture=$(lscpu | grep Architecture | awk '{print $2}') if [ "$architecture" == "aarch64" ]; then # https://github.com/stefanpejcic/openpanel/issues/63 echo -e "${RED}ERROR: ARM CPU architecture is not yet supported! Feature request: https://github.com/stefanpejcic/openpanel/issues/63 ${RESET}" exit 1 fi # check if the current user is root if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then echo -e "${RED}Error: you must be root to execute this script.${RESET}" >&2 exit 1 # check if OS is MacOS elif [ "$(uname)" = "Darwin" ]; then echo -e "${RED}Error: MacOS is not currently supported.${RESET}" >&2 exit 1 # check if running inside a container elif [[ -f /.dockerenv || $(grep -sq 'docker\|lxc' /proc/1/cgroup) ]]; then echo -e "${RED}Error: running openpanel inside a container is not supported.${RESET}" >&2 exit 1 fi fi } parse_args() { # ====================================================================== # Usage info show_help() { echo "Available options:" echo " --key= Set the license key for OpenPanel Enterprise edition." echo " --domain= Set the server hostname and domain for accessing panel." echo " --username= Set Admin username - random generated if not provided." echo " --password= Set Admin Password - random generated if not provided." echo " --version= Set a custom OpenPanel version to be installed." echo " --email= Set email address to receive email with admin credentials and future notifications." echo " --skip-requirements Skip the requirements check." echo " --skip-panel-check Skip checking if existing panels are installed." echo " --skip-apt-update Skip the APT update." echo " --skip-firewall Skip installing UFW or CSF - Only do this if you will set another external firewall!" echo " --csf Install and setup ConfigServer Firewall (default from >0.2.3)" echo " --ufw Install and setup Uncomplicated Firewall (was default in <0.2.3)" echo " --skip-ssl Skip SSL setup." echo " --no-waf Do not configure CorazaWAF with OWASP Coreruleset." echo " --no-ssh Disable port 22 and whitelist the IP address of user installing the panel." echo " --post_install= Specify the post install script path." echo " --screenshots= Set the screenshots API URL." echo " --swap=<2> Set space in GB to be allocated for SWAP." echo " --docker-space=<2> Set space in GB to be allocated for Docker containers (default 50% of available storage)." echo " --debug Display debug information during installation." echo " --repair OR --retry Retry and overwrite everything." echo " -h, --help Show this help message and exit." } # ====================================================================== # Change defaults while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case $1 in --key=*) SET_PREMIUM=true license_key="${1#*=}" ;; --domain=*) SET_HOSTNAME_NOW=true new_hostname="${1#*=}" ;; --username=*) SET_ADMIN_USERNAME=true custom_username="${1#*=}" ;; --password=*) SET_ADMIN_PASSWORD=true custom_password="${1#*=}" ;; --skip-requirements) SKIP_REQUIREMENTS=true ;; --skip-panel-check) SKIP_PANEL_CHECK=true ;; --skip-apt-update) SKIP_APT_UPDATE=true ;; --skip-firewall) SKIP_FIREWALL=true ;; --csf) UFW_SETUP=false CSF_SETUP=true ;; --ufw) UFW_SETUP=true CSF_SETUP=false ;; --skip-ssl) SKIP_SSL=true ;; --no-waf) CORAZA=false ;; --debug) DEBUG=true ;; --no-ssh) NO_SSH=true ;; --post_install=*) post_install_path="${1#*=}" ;; --screenshots=*) SCREENSHOTS_API_URL="${1#*=}" ;; --version=*) CUSTOM_VERSION=true PANEL_VERSION="${1#*=}" ;; --swap=*) SETUP_SWAP_ANYWAY=true SWAP="${1#*=}" ;; --email=*) SEND_EMAIL_AFTER_INSTALL=true EMAIL="${1#*=}" ;; --repair) REPAIR=true SKIP_PANEL_CHECK=true SKIP_APT_UPDATE=true #SKIP_REQUIREMENTS=true ;; --retry) REPAIR=true SKIP_PANEL_CHECK=true SKIP_APT_UPDATE=true #SKIP_REQUIREMENTS=true ;; -h|--help) show_help exit 0 ;; *) echo "Unknown option: $1" show_help exit 1 ;; esac shift done } detect_installed_panels() { if [ -z "$SKIP_PANEL_CHECK" ]; then # Define an associative array with key as the directory path and value as the error message declare -A paths=( ["/usr/local/admin/"]="You already have OpenPanel installed. ${RESET}\nInstead, did you want to update? Run ${GREEN}'opencli update --force' to update OpenPanel." ["/usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr"]="cPanel WHM is installed. OpenPanel only supports servers without any hosting control panel installed." ["/opt/psa/version"]="Plesk is installed. OpenPanel only supports servers without any hosting control panel installed." ["/usr/local/psa/version"]="Plesk is installed. OpenPanel only supports servers without any hosting control panel installed." ["/usr/local/CyberPanel"]="CyberPanel is installed. OpenPanel only supports servers without any hosting control panel installed." ["/usr/local/directadmin"]="DirectAdmin is installed. OpenPanel only supports servers without any hosting control panel installed." ["/usr/local/cwpsrv"]="CentOS Web Panel (CWP) is installed. OpenPanel only supports servers without any hosting control panel installed." ["/usr/local/httpd"]="Apache WebServer is already installed. OpenPanel only supports servers without any webservers installed." ["/usr/local/apache2"]="Apache WebServer is already installed. OpenPanel only supports servers without any webservers installed." ["/usr/sbin/httpd"]="Apache WebServer is already installed. OpenPanel only supports servers without any webservers installed." ["/usr/lib/nginx"]="Nginx WebServer is already installed. OpenPanel only supports servers without any webservers installed." ) for path in "${!paths[@]}"; do if [ -d "$path" ] || [ -e "$path" ]; then radovan 1 "${paths[$path]}" fi done echo -e "${GREEN}No currently installed hosting control panels or webservers found. Starting the installation process.${RESET}" fi } detect_os_and_package_manager() { if [ -f "/etc/os-release" ]; then . /etc/os-release case $ID in ubuntu) PACKAGE_MANAGER="apt-get" ;; debian) PACKAGE_MANAGER="apt-get" ;; fedora) PACKAGE_MANAGER="dnf" ;; rocky) PACKAGE_MANAGER="dnf" ;; centos) PACKAGE_MANAGER="yum" ;; almalinux|alma) PACKAGE_MANAGER="dnf" ;; *) echo -e "${RED}Unsupported Operating System: $ID. Exiting.${RESET}" echo -e "${RED}INSTALL FAILED${RESET}" exit 1 ;; esac else echo -e "${RED}Could not detect Linux distribution from /etc/os-release${RESET}" echo -e "${RED}INSTALL FAILED${RESET}" exit 1 fi } docker_compose_up(){ echo "Setting docker-compose.." # install docker compose on dnf DOCKER_CONFIG=${DOCKER_CONFIG:-$HOME/.docker} mkdir -p $DOCKER_CONFIG/cli-plugins curl -SL https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/v2.27.1/docker-compose-linux-x86_64 -o $DOCKER_CONFIG/cli-plugins/docker-compose > /dev/null 2>&1 debug_log chmod +x $DOCKER_CONFIG/cli-plugins/docker-compose architecture=$(lscpu | grep Architecture | awk '{print $2}') if [ "$architecture" == "aarch64" ]; then # need to download compose and add it as alias debug_log curl -L "https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/v2.30.3/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose debug_log mv /usr/local/bin/docker-compose /usr/bin/docker-compose debug_log chmod +x /usr/bin/docker-compose function_to_insert='docker() { if [[ $1 == "compose" ]]; then /usr/local/bin/docker-compose "${@:2}" else command docker "$@" fi }' # Check which shell configuration file to edit if [ -f "$HOME/.bashrc" ]; then config_file="$HOME/.bashrc" elif [ -f "$HOME/.zshrc" ]; then config_file="$HOME/.zshrc" else radovan 1 "ERROR: Neither .bashrc nor .zshrc file found. Exiting." fi # Check if the function already exists in the config file if grep -q "docker() {" "$config_file"; then : else # Add the function to the configuration file echo "$function_to_insert" >> "$config_file" debug_log "Function 'docker' has been added to $config_file." source "$config_file" fi fi if [ "$SET_PREMIUM" = true ]; then cp /etc/openpanel/mysql/initialize/1.0/mariadb_plans.sql /root/initialize.sql > /dev/null 2>&1 else cp /etc/openpanel/mysql/initialize/1.0/mysql_plans.sql /root/initialize.sql > /dev/null 2>&1 fi # compose doesnt alllow / cd /root rm -rf /etc/my.cnf .env > /dev/null 2>&1 # on centos we get default my.cnf, and on repair we already have symlink and .env cp /etc/openpanel/docker/compose/docker-compose.yml /root/docker-compose.yml > /dev/null 2>&1 cp /etc/openpanel/docker/compose/.env /root/.env > /dev/null 2>&1 # generate random password for mysql MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -base64 -hex 9) sed -i 's/MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=.*/MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD='"${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD}"'/g' /root/.env > /dev/null 2>&1 #echo "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD = $MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" # save it to /etc/my.cnf ln -s /etc/openpanel/mysql/db.cnf /etc/my.cnf > /dev/null 2>&1 sed -i 's/password = .*/password = '"${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD}"'/g' ${ETC_DIR}mysql/db.cnf > /dev/null 2>&1 # added in 0.2.9 # fix for bug with mysql-server image on Almalinux 9.2 os_name=$(grep ^ID= /etc/os-release | cut -d'=' -f2 | tr -d '"') if [ "$os_name" == "almalinux" ]; then sed -i 's/mysql\/mysql-server/mysql/g' /root/docker-compose.yml echo "mysql/mysql-server docker image has known issues on AlmaLinux - editing docker compose to use the mysql:latest instead" elif [ "$os_name" == "debian" ]; then echo "Setting AppArmor profiles for Debian" apt install apparmor -y > /dev/null 2>&1 fi if [ "$REPAIR" = true ]; then echo "Deleting all existing MySQL data in volume root_openadmin_mysql due to the '--repair' flag." cd /root && docker compose down > /dev/null 2>&1 # in case mysql was running docker volume rm root_openadmin_mysql > /dev/null 2>&1 # delete database fi # from 0.2.5 we only start mysql by default cd /root && docker compose up -d openpanel_mysql > /dev/null 2>&1 # check if compose started the mysql container, and if is currently running mysql_container=$(docker compose ps -q openpanel_mysql) if [ -z `docker ps -q --no-trunc | grep "$mysql_container"` ]; then radovan 1 "ERROR: MySQL container is not running. Please retry installation with '--repair' flag." else echo -e "[${GREEN} OK ${RESET}] MySQL service started successfuly" fi # needed from 1.0.0 for docker contexts to work both inside openpanel ui contianer nad host os ln -s / /hostfs } clean_apt_and_dnf_cache(){ if [ "$PACKAGE_MANAGER" == "dnf" ]; then dnf clean > /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 elif [ "$PACKAGE_MANAGER" == "apt-get" ]; then # clear /var/cache/apt/archives/ # TODO: cover https://github.com/debuerreotype/debuerreotype/issues/95 apt-get clean > /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 fi } tweak_ssh(){ echo "Tweaking SSH service.." sed -i "s/[#]LoginGraceTime [[:digit:]]m/LoginGraceTime 1m/g" /etc/ssh/sshd_config if [ "$PACKAGE_MANAGER" == "apt-get" ]; then if [ -z "$(grep "^DebianBanner no" /etc/ssh/sshd_config)" ]; then sed -i '/^[#]Banner .*/a DebianBanner no' /etc/ssh/sshd_config if [ -z "$(grep "^DebianBanner no" /etc/ssh/sshd_config)" ]; then echo '' >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config # fallback echo 'DebianBanner no' >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config fi fi fi # ssh on debian, sshd on rhel if [ "$PACKAGE_MANAGER" == "dnf" ] || [ "$PACKAGE_MANAGER" == "yum" ]; then systemctl restart sshd > /dev/null 2>&1 else systemctl restart ssh > /dev/null 2>&1 fi } setup_firewall_service() { if [ -z "$SKIP_FIREWALL" ]; then echo "Setting up the firewall.." if [ "$CSF_SETUP" = true ]; then echo "Installing ConfigServer Firewall.." install_csf() { wget https://download.configserver.com/csf.tgz > /dev/null 2>&1 debug_log tar -xzf csf.tgz rm csf.tgz cd csf sh install.sh > /dev/null 2>&1 cd .. rm -rf csf #perl /usr/local/csf/bin/csftest.pl echo "Setting CSF auto-login from OpenAdmin interface.." if [ "$PACKAGE_MANAGER" == "dnf" ]; then debug_log dnf install -y wget curl yum-utils policycoreutils-python-utils libwww-perl # fixes bug when starting csf: Can't locate locale.pm in @INC (you may need to install the locale module) if [ -f /etc/fedora-release ]; then debug_log yum --allowerasing install perl -y fi elif [ "$PACKAGE_MANAGER" == "apt-get" ]; then debug_log apt-get install -y perl libwww-perl libgd-dev libgd-perl libgd-graph-perl fi # autologin from openpanel ln -s /etc/csf/ui/images/ /usr/local/admin/static/configservercsf chmod +x /usr/local/admin/modules/security/csf.pl # play nice with docker git clone https://github.com/stefanpejcic/csfpost-docker.sh > /dev/null 2>&1 mv csfpost-docker.sh/csfpost.sh /usr/local/csf/bin/csfpost.sh chmod +x /usr/local/csf/bin/csfpost.sh rm -rf csfpost-docker.sh } function open_port_csf() { local port=$1 local csf_conf="/etc/csf/csf.conf" # Check if port is already open port_opened=$(grep "TCP_IN = .*${port}" "$csf_conf") if [ -z "$port_opened" ]; then # Open port sed -i "s/TCP_IN = \"\(.*\)\"/TCP_IN = \"\1,${port}\"/" "$csf_conf" echo -e "Port ${GREEN} ${port} ${RESET} is now open." ports_opened=1 else echo -e "Port ${GREEN} ${port} ${RESET} is already open." fi } function open_tcpout_csf() { local port=$1 local csf_conf="/etc/csf/csf.conf" # Check if port is already open port_opened=$(grep "TCP_OUT = .*${port}" "$csf_conf") if [ -z "$port_opened" ]; then # Open port sed -i "s/TCP_OUT = \"\(.*\)\"/TCP_OUT = \"\1,${port}\"/" "$csf_conf" echo -e "Outgoing Port ${GREEN} ${port} ${RESET} is now open." ports_opened=1 else echo -e "Port ${GREEN} ${port} ${RESET} is already open." fi } edit_csf_conf() { echo "Tweaking /etc/csf/csf.conf" sed -i 's/TESTING = "1"/TESTING = "0"/' /etc/csf/csf.conf sed -i 's/RESTRICT_SYSLOG = "0"/RESTRICT_SYSLOG = "3"/' /etc/csf/csf.conf sed -i 's/ETH_DEVICE_SKIP = ""/ETH_DEVICE_SKIP = "docker0"/' /etc/csf/csf.conf sed -i 's/DOCKER = "0"/DOCKER = "1"/' /etc/csf/csf.conf echo "Blocking known TOR and PROXY blacklists" blocklist_exists() { local section_name=$1 grep -qF "Name: $section_name" /etc/csf/csf.blocklists } # Check if the sections exist, add them if missing if ! blocklist_exists "PROXYSPY"; then echo -e "# Name: PROXYSPY\n# Information: Open proxies (updated hourly)\nPROXYSPY|86400|0|http://txt.proxyspy.net/proxy.txt\n" >> /etc/csf/csf.blocklists fi if ! blocklist_exists "PROXYLISTS"; then echo -e "# Name: PROXYLISTS\n# Information: Open proxies (this list is composed using an RSS feed)\nPROXYLISTS|86400|0|http://www.proxylists.net/proxylists.xml\n" >> /etc/csf/csf.blocklists fi if ! blocklist_exists "TOR Exit nodes"; then echo -e "# Name: TOR Exit nodes\n# Information: Blocks known TOR exit notes\nTOR|86400|0|https://www.dan.me.uk/torlist/\n" >> /etc/csf/csf.blocklists fi } set_csf_email_address() { email_address=$(grep -E "^e-mail=" $CONFIG_FILE | cut -d "=" -f2) if [[ -n "$email_address" ]]; then sed -i "s/LF_ALERT_TO = \"\"/LF_ALERT_TO = \"$email_address\"/" /etc/csf/csf.conf fi } function extract_port_from_file() { local file_path=$1 local pattern=$2 local port=$(grep -Po "(?<=${pattern}[ =])\d+" "$file_path") echo "$port" } install_csf edit_csf_conf open_tcpout_csf 3306 # mysql tcp_out only open_tcpout_csf 465 # for emails open_port_csf 22 # ssh open_port_csf 53 # dns open_port_csf 80 # http open_port_csf 443 # https open_port_csf 2083 # user open_port_csf 2087 # admin open_port_csf $(extract_port_from_file "/etc/ssh/sshd_config" "Port") # ssh open_port_csf 32768:60999 # docker open_port_csf 21 # ftp open_port_csf 21000:21010 # passive ftp set_csf_email_address csf -r > /dev/null 2>&1 echo "Restarting CSF service" systemctl restart docker # not sure why systemctl enable csf service csf restart # also restarts docker at csfpost.sh if command -v csf > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo -e "[${GREEN} OK ${RESET}] ConfigServer Firewall is installed and configured." else echo -e "[${RED} X ${RESET}] ConfigServer Firewall is not installed properly." fi elif [ "$UFW_SETUP" = true ]; then echo "Setting up UncomplicatedFirewall.." if [ "$PACKAGE_MANAGER" == "dnf" ]; then dnf makecache --refresh > /dev/null 2>&1 dnf install -y ufw > /dev/null 2>&1 elif [ "$PACKAGE_MANAGER" == "apt-get" ]; then apt-get install -y ufw > /dev/null 2>&1 fi # set ufw to be monitored instead of csf sed -i 's/csf/ufw/g' "${ETC_DIR}openadmin/config/notifications.ini" > /dev/null 2>&1 sed -i 's/ConfigServer Firewall/Uncomplicated Firewall/g' "${ETC_DIR}openadmin/config/services.json" > /dev/null 2>&1 sed -i 's/csf/ufw/g' "${ETC_DIR}openadmin/config/services.json" > /dev/null 2>&1 # set ufw logs instead of csf sed -i 's/"CSF Deny Log"/"UFW Logs"/' "${ETC_DIR}openadmin/config/log_paths.json" > /dev/null 2>&1 sed -i 's/\/etc\/csf\/csf.deny/\/var\/log\/ufw.log/' "${ETC_DIR}openadmin/config/log_paths.json" > /dev/null 2>&1 debug_log wget -qO /usr/local/bin/ufw-docker https://github.com/chaifeng/ufw-docker/raw/master/ufw-docker > /dev/null 2>&1 && debug_log chmod +x /usr/local/bin/ufw-docker # block all docker ports so we can manually open only what is needed debug_log ufw-docker install debug_log ufw allow 80/tcp # http debug_log ufw allow 53 # dns debug_log ufw allow 443/tcp # https debug_log ufw allow 465/tcp # email debug_log ufw allow 2083/tcp # openpanel debug_log ufw allow 2087/tcp # openadmin debug_log ufw allow 21/tcp # ftp debug_log ufw allow 21000:21010/tcp # passive ftp debug_log "yes | ufw enable" if [ "$NO_SSH" = false ]; then # whitelist user running the script ip_of_user_running_the_script=$(w -h | grep -m1 -oP '\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+') debug_log ufw allow from $ip_of_user_running_the_script # close port 22 debug_log ufw allow 22 #ssh fi debug_log ufw --force enable debug_log ufw reload debug_log service ufw restart if command -v ufw > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo -e "[${GREEN} OK ${RESET}] UncomplicatedFirewall (UFW) is installed and configured." else echo -e "[${RED} X ${RESET}] Uncomplicated Firewall (UFW) is not installed properly." fi fi fi } update_package_manager() { if [ "$SKIP_APT_UPDATE" = false ]; then echo "Updating $PACKAGE_MANAGER package manager.." debug_log $PACKAGE_MANAGER update -y fi } create_rdnc() { echo "Setting DNS service.." mkdir -p /etc/bind/ chmod 777 /etc/bind/ cp -r /etc/openpanel/bind9/* /etc/bind/ # Only on Ubuntu and Debian 12, systemd-resolved is installed if [ -f /etc/os-release ] && grep -qE "Ubuntu|Debian" /etc/os-release; then echo "DNSStubListener=no" >> /etc/systemd/resolved.conf systemctl restart systemd-resolved fi RNDC_KEY_PATH="/etc/bind/rndc.key" if [ -f "$RNDC_KEY_PATH" ]; then echo "rndc.key already exists." chmod 0777 -R /etc/bind return 0 fi echo "Generating rndc.key for DNS zone management." timeout 30 docker run --rm \ -v /etc/bind/:/etc/bind/ \ --entrypoint=/bin/sh \ ubuntu/bind9:latest \ -c 'rndc-confgen -a -A hmac-sha256 -b 256 -c /etc/bind/rndc.key' # Check if rndc.key was successfully generated if [ -f "$RNDC_KEY_PATH" ]; then echo "rndc.key successfully generated." else echo "Warning: Unable to generate rndc.key." echo "RNDC is required for managing the named service. Without it, you won’t be able to reload DNS zones." echo "That is OK if you don’t plan on using custom nameservers or DNS Clustering on this server." fi chmod 0777 -R /etc/bind } set_logrotate(){ echo "Setting Logrotate for Nginx.." opencli server-logrotate echo "Setting Logrotate for OpenPanel logs.." cat < "/etc/logrotate.d/openpanel" /var/log/openpanel/**/*.log { su root adm size 50M rotate 5 missingok notifempty compress delaycompress copytruncate create 640 root adm postrotate endscript } EOF logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.d/openpanel echo "Setting Logrotate for Syslogs.." cat < "/etc/logrotate.d/syslog" /var/log/syslog { su root adm weekly rotate 4 missingok notifempty compress delaycompress postrotate /usr/bin/systemctl reload rsyslog > /dev/null 2>&1 || true endscript } EOF logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.d/syslog } install_packages() { echo "Installing required services.." if [ "$PACKAGE_MANAGER" == "apt-get" ]; then if [ -f /etc/os-release ] && grep -q "Ubuntu" /etc/os-release; then packages=("curl" "git" "gnupg" "dbus-user-session" "systemd" "dbus" "systemd-container" "quota" "quotatool" "uidmap" "docker.io" "linux-generic" "default-mysql-client" "jc" "sqlite3" "geoip-bin") else # debian has linux-image-amd64 instead of generic packages=("curl" "git" "gnupg" "dbus-user-session" "systemd" "dbus" "systemd-container" "quota" "quotatool" "uidmap" "docker.io" "linux-image-amd64" "default-mysql-client" "jc" "sqlite3" "geoip-bin") fi # https://www.faqforge.com/linux/fixed-ubuntu-apt-get-upgrade-auto-restart-services/ debug_log sed -i 's/#$nrconf{restart} = '"'"'i'"'"';/$nrconf{restart} = '"'"'a'"'"';/g' /etc/needrestart/needrestart.conf debug_log $PACKAGE_MANAGER -qq install apt-transport-https ca-certificates -y # configure apt to retry downloading on error if [ ! -f /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/80-retries ]; then echo "APT::Acquire::Retries \"3\";" > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/80-retries fi echo "Updating certificates.." debug_log update-ca-certificates echo -e "Installing services.." for package in "${packages[@]}"; do echo -e "Installing ${GREEN}$package${RESET}" debug_log $PACKAGE_MANAGER -qq install "$package" -y done for package in "${packages[@]}"; do if is_package_installed "$package"; then echo -e "${GREEN}$package is already installed. Skipping.${RESET}" else debug_log $PACKAGE_MANAGER -qq install "$package" -y if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Error: Installation of $package failed. Retrying.." $PACKAGE_MANAGER -qq install "$package" -y if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then radovan 1 "ERROR: Installation failed. Please retry installation with '--repair' flag." exit 1 fi fi fi done elif [ "$PACKAGE_MANAGER" == "yum" ]; then # otherwise we get podman.. dnf config-manager --add-repo=https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo packages=("wget" "git" "gnupg" "dbus-user-session" "systemd" "dbus" "systemd-container" "quota" "quotatool" "uidmap" "docker-ce" "mysql" "pip" "jc" "sqlite" "geoip" "perl-Math-BigInt") #sqlite for almalinux and perl-Math-BigInt is needed for csf for package in "${packages[@]}"; do echo -e "Installing ${GREEN}$package${RESET}" debug_log $PACKAGE_MANAGER install "$package" -y done elif [ "$PACKAGE_MANAGER" == "dnf" ]; then # otherwise we get podman.. dnf config-manager --add-repo=https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo # special case for fedora, if [ -f /etc/fedora-release ]; then packages=("git" "wget" "gnupg" "dbus-user-session" "systemd" "dbus" "systemd-container" "quota" "quotatool" "uidmap" "docker" "docker-compose" "mysql" "docker-compose-plugin" "sqlite" "sqlite-devel" "perl-Math-BigInt") else packages=("git" "wget" "gnupg" "dbus-user-session" "systemd" "dbus" "systemd-container" "quota" "quotatool" "uidmap" "docker-ce" "docker-compose" "docker-ce-cli" "mysql" "containerd.io" "docker-compose-plugin" "sqlite" "sqlite-devel" "geoip" "perl-Math-BigInt") fi debug_log dnf install yum-utils -y debug_log yum-config-manager --add-repo https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo -y # need confirm on alma, rocky and centos # needed for csf debug_log dnf --allowerasing install perl -y # needed for ufw and gunicorn debug_log dnf install epel-release -y # needed for admin panel debug_log dnf install python3-pip python3-devel gcc -y for package in "${packages[@]}"; do echo -e "Installing ${GREEN}$package${RESET}" debug_log $PACKAGE_MANAGER install "$package" -y debug_log $PACKAGE_MANAGER -y install "$package" done fi } docker_cpu_limiting() { # https://docs.docker.com/engine/security/rootless/#limiting-resources mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/user@.service.d cat > /etc/systemd/system/user@.service.d/delegate.conf << EOF [Service] Delegate=cpu cpuset io memory pids EOF debug_log systemctl daemon-reload } edit_fstab() { echo "Setting quotas for disk limits of user files" fstab_file="/etc/fstab" root_entry=$(grep -E '^\S+\s+/.*' "$fstab_file") if [[ "$root_entry" =~ "usrquota" && "$root_entry" =~ "grpquota" ]]; then echo "Success, usrquota and grpquota are already set for /" else # Add usrquota and grpquota to the fstab entry (only for the root entry) sudo sed -i -E '/\s+\/\s+/s/(\S+)(\s+\/\s+\S+\s+\S+)(\s+[0-9]+\s+[0-9]+)$/\1\2,usrquota,grpquota\3/' "$fstab_file" fi systemctl daemon-reload >/dev/null 2>&1 quotaoff -a >/dev/null 2>&1 mount -o remount,usrquota,grpquota / >/dev/null 2>&1 mount /dev/vda1 /mnt >/dev/null 2>&1 cd /mnt >/dev/null 2>&1 chmod 600 aquota.user aquota.group >/dev/null 2>&1 quotacheck -cum / -f >/dev/null 2>&1 quotaon -a >/dev/null 2>&1 repquota / >/dev/null 2>&1 quota -v >/dev/null 2>&1 debug_log "Testing quotas.." repquota -u / > /etc/openpanel/openpanel/core/users/repquota 2>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "[${GREEN} OK ${RESET}] Quotas are now enabled for users." else echo -e "[${RED} FAIL ${RESET}] Quota check failed." fi } set_system_cronjob(){ echo "Setting cronjobs.." mv ${ETC_DIR}cron /etc/cron.d/openpanel chown root:root /etc/cron.d/openpanel chmod 0600 /etc/cron.d/openpanel if [ "$PACKAGE_MANAGER" == "dnf" ] || [ "$PACKAGE_MANAGER" == "yum" ]; then # extra steps for SELinux restorecon -R /etc/cron.d/ > /dev/null 2>&1 restorecon -R /etc/cron.d/openpanel > /dev/null 2>&1 systemctl restart crond.service > /dev/null 2>&1 fi } set_custom_hostname(){ if [ "$SET_HOSTNAME_NOW" = true ]; then # Check if the provided hostname is a valid domain if [[ $new_hostname =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$ ]]; then sed -i "s/example\.net/$new_hostname/g" /etc/openpanel/caddy/Caddyfile else echo "Hostname provided: $new_hostname is not a valid FQDN, OpenPanel will use IP address $current_ip for access." fi fi } opencli_setup(){ echo "Downloading OpenCLI and adding to path.." cd /usr/local git clone https://github.com/stefanpejcic/opencli chmod +x -R /usr/local/opencli ln -s /usr/local/opencli/opencli /usr/local/bin/opencli echo "# opencli aliases ALIASES_FILE=\"$/usr/local/opencli/aliases.txt\" generate_autocomplete() { awk '{print \$NF}' \"\$ALIASES_FILE\" } complete -W \"\$(generate_autocomplete)\" opencli" >> ~/.bashrc # Fix for: The command could not be located because '/usr/local/bin' is not included in the PATH environment variable. export PATH="/usr/bin:$PATH" source ~/.bashrc echo "Testing 'opencli' commands:" if [ -x "/usr/local/bin/opencli" ]; then echo -e "[${GREEN} OK ${RESET}] opencli commands are available." else radovan 1 "'opencli --version' command failed." fi } set_premium_features(){ if [ "$SET_PREMIUM" = true ]; then LICENSE="Enterprise" echo "Setting OpenPanel enterprise version license key $license_key" opencli config update key "$license_key" #added in 0.2.5 https://community.openpanel.org/d/91-email-support-for-openpanel-enterprise-edition echo "Setting mailserver.." opencli email-server install echo "Enabling Roundcube webmail.." opencli email-webmail roundcube else LICENSE="Community" fi } log_dirs() { local error_dir="/var/log/openpanel/" # https://dev.openpanel.com/logs.html mkdir -p ${error_dir} ${error_dir}user ${error_dir}admin chmod -R 755 $error_dir } set_email_address_and_email_admin_logins(){ if [ "$SEND_EMAIL_AFTER_INSTALL" = true ]; then # Check if the provided email is valid if [[ $EMAIL =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$ ]]; then echo "Setting email address $EMAIL for notifications" opencli config update email "$EMAIL" # Send an email alert generate_random_token_one_time_only() { local config_file="${CONFIG_FILE}" TOKEN_ONE_TIME="$(tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' < /dev/urandom | head -c 64)" local new_value="mail_security_token=$TOKEN_ONE_TIME" sed -i "s|^mail_security_token=.*$|$new_value|" "${CONFIG_FILE}" } email_notification() { local title="$1" local message="$2" generate_random_token_one_time_only TRANSIENT=$(awk -F'=' '/^mail_security_token/ {print $2}' "${CONFIG_FILE}") SSL=$(awk -F'=' '/^ssl/ {print $2}' "${CONFIG_FILE}") # Determine protocol based on SSL configuration if [ "$SSL" = "yes" ]; then PROTOCOL="https" else PROTOCOL="http" fi # Send email using appropriate protocol curl -k -X POST "$PROTOCOL://" -F "transient=$TRANSIENT" -F "recipient=$EMAIL" -F "subject=$title" -F "body=$message" } server_hostname=$(hostname) email_notification "OpenPanel successfully installed" "OpenAdmin URL: http://$server_hostname:2087/ | username: $new_username | password: $new_password" else echo "Address provided: $EMAIL is not a valid email address. Admin login credentials and future notifications will not be sent." fi fi } generate_and_set_ssl_for_panels() { if [ -z "$SKIP_SSL" ]; then echo "Checking if SSL can be generated for the server hostname.." CADDYFILE="/etc/openpanel/caddy/Caddyfile" HOSTNAME=$(awk '/# START HOSTNAME DOMAIN #/{flag=1; next} /# END HOSTNAME DOMAIN #/{flag=0} flag' "$CADDYFILE" | awk 'NF {print $1; exit}') if [[ -n "$HOSTNAME" && "$HOSTNAME" != "example.net" ]]; then debug_log "Detected Hostname Domain: $HOSTNAME" cd /root && docker compose up -d caddy # start and generate ssl debug_log curl https://$HOSTNAME:2087 # let caddy genetate ssl # todo: check if ssl files exist, then restatt admin panel debug_log service admin restart # will start with domain and ssl automatically fi fi } setup_redis_service() { mkdir -p /tmp/redis chmod 777 /tmp/redis } run_custom_postinstall_script() { if [ -n "$post_install_path" ]; then # run the custom script echo " " echo "Running post install script.." debug_log "https://dev.openpanel.com/customize.html#After-installation" debug_log bash $post_install_path fi } verify_license() { debug_log "echo Current time: $(date +%T)" server_hostname=$(hostname) license_data='{"hostname": "'"$server_hostname"'", "public_ip": "'"$current_ip"'"}' response=$(curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$license_data" https://api.openpanel.co/license-check) debug_log "echo Checking OpenPanel license for IP address: $current_ip" debug_log "echo Response: $response" } download_skeleton_directory_from_github(){ echo "Downloading configuration files to ${ETC_DIR}" # Retry variables MAX_RETRIES=5 RETRY_DELAY=5 ATTEMPT=1 while [ $ATTEMPT -le $MAX_RETRIES ]; do git clone https://github.com/stefanpejcic/openpanel-configuration ${ETC_DIR} > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ -f "${CONFIG_FILE}" ]; then echo -e "[${GREEN} OK ${RESET}] Configuration created successfully." break else echo "Attempt $ATTEMPT of $MAX_RETRIES failed. Retrying in $RETRY_DELAY seconds..." ((ATTEMPT++)) sleep $RETRY_DELAY fi done if [ ! -f "${CONFIG_FILE}" ]; then radovan 1 "Downloading configuration files from GitHub failed after $MAX_RETRIES attempts, main conf file ${CONFIG_FILE} is missing." fi # for 1.0.0 only! cp /etc/openpanel/openadmin/config/1.0.0/services.json /etc/openpanel/openadmin/config/services.json # added in 0.2.9 chmod +x /etc/openpanel/ftp/start_vsftpd.sh # added in 0.2.6 cp -fr /etc/openpanel/services/floatingip.service ${SERVICES_DIR}floatingip.service > /dev/null 2>&1 systemctl daemon-reload > /dev/null 2>&1 service floatingip start > /dev/null 2>&1 systemctl enable floatingip > /dev/null 2>&1 } setup_bind(){ echo "Setting DNS service.." mkdir -p /etc/bind/ chmod 777 /etc/bind/ cp -r /etc/openpanel/bind9/* /etc/bind/ # only on ubuntu systemd-resolved is installed if [ -f /etc/os-release ] && grep -q "Ubuntu" /etc/os-release; then echo " DNSStubListener=no" >> /etc/systemd/resolved.conf && systemctl restart systemd-resolved # debian12 also! elif [ -f /etc/os-release ] && grep -q "Debian" /etc/os-release; then echo " DNSStubListener=no" >> /etc/systemd/resolved.conf && systemctl restart systemd-resolved fi chmod 0777 -R /etc/bind } send_install_log(){ # Restore normal output to the terminal, so we dont save generated admin password in log file! exec > /dev/tty exec 2>&1 opencli report --public >> "$LOG_FILE" curl -F "file=@/root/$LOG_FILE" https://support.openpanel.org/install_logs.php # Redirect again stdout and stderr to the log file exec > >(tee -a "$LOG_FILE") exec 2>&1 } rm_helpers(){ rm -rf $PROGRESS_BAR_FILE } setup_swap(){ # Function to create swap file create_swap() { fallocate -l ${SWAP_FILE}G /swapfile > /dev/null 2>&1 chmod 600 /swapfile mkswap /swapfile swapon /swapfile echo "/swapfile none swap sw 0 0" >> /etc/fstab } # Check if swap space already exists if [ -n "$(swapon -s)" ]; then echo "ERROR: Skipping creating swap space as there already exists a swap partition." return fi # Check if we should set up swap anyway if [ "$SETUP_SWAP_ANYWAY" = true ]; then create_swap else # Only create swap if RAM is less than 8GB memory_kb=$(grep 'MemTotal' /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}') memory_gb=$(awk "BEGIN {print $memory_kb/1024/1024}") if [ $(awk "BEGIN {print ($memory_gb < 8)}") -eq 1 ]; then create_swap else echo "Total available memory is ${memory_gb}GB, skipping creating swap file." fi fi } support_message() { DISCORD_INVITE_URL="https://discord.openpanel.com/" FORUMS_LINK="https://community.openpanel.org/" DOCS_LINK="https://openpanel.com/docs/admin/intro/" DOCS_GET_STARTED_LINK="https://openpanel.com/docs/admin/intro/#post-install-steps" GITHUB_LINK="https://github.com/stefanpejcic/OpenPanel/" TICKETS_URL="https://my.openpanel.com/submitticket.php?step=2&deptid=2" support_message_for_enterprise() { echo "" echo "πŸŽ‰ Welcome aboard and thank you for choosing OpenPanel Enterprise edition! πŸŽ‰" echo "" echo "Need assistance or looking to learn more? We've got you covered:" echo " - Check the Admin Docs: $DOCS_LINK" echo " - Open Support Ticket: $TICKETS_URL" echo " - Chat with us on Discord: $DISCORD_INVITE_URL" echo "" } support_message_for_community() { echo "" echo "πŸŽ‰ Welcome aboard and thank you for choosing OpenPanel! πŸŽ‰" echo "" echo "To get started, check out our Post Install Steps:" echo "πŸ‘‰ $DOCS_GET_STARTED_LINK" echo "" echo "Join our community and connect with us on:" echo " - Github: $GITHUB_LINK" echo " - Discord: $DISCORD_INVITE_URL" echo " - Our community forums: $FORUMS_LINK" echo "" } if [[ "$LICENSE" == "Enterprise" ]]; then support_message_for_enterprise else support_message_for_community fi } panel_customize(){ if [ "$SCREENSHOTS_API_URL" == "local" ]; then echo "Setting the local API service for website screenshots.. (additional 1GB of disk space will be used for the self-hosted Playwright service)" debug_log playwright install debug_log playwright install-deps sed -i 's#screenshots=.*#screenshots=''#' "${CONFIG_FILE}" # must use '#' as delimiter else echo "Setting the remote API service '$SCREENSHOTS_API_URL' for website screenshots.." sed -i 's#screenshots=.*#screenshots='"$SCREENSHOTS_API_URL"'#' "${CONFIG_FILE}" # must use '#' as delimiter fi } install_python312() { OS=$(grep '^ID=' /etc/os-release | cut -d= -f2 | tr -d '"') if command -v python3.12 &> /dev/null; then echo "Python 3.12 is already installed, installing python3.12-venv.." # install venv only! debug_log $PACKAGE_MANAGER install -y software-properties-common if [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then debug_log add-apt-repository -y ppa:deadsnakes/ppa elif [ "$OS" == "debian" ]; then echo "Debian detected, adding backports repository." wget -qO- https://pascalroeleven.nl/deb-pascalroeleven.gpg | sudo tee /etc/apt/keyrings/deb-pascalroeleven.gpg &> /dev/null cat < /dev/null cat < /dev/null debug_log $PACKAGE_MANAGER update -y debug_log $PACKAGE_MANAGER install -y python3.12 # venv is included! fi if python3.12 --version &> /dev/null; then : else radovan 1 "Python 3.12 installation failed." fi fi } configure_coraza() { if [ "$CORAZA" = true ]; then echo "Installing CorazaWAF and setting OWASP core ruleset.." debug_log mkdir -p /etc/openpanel/caddy/ debug_log wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/corazawaf/coraza/v3/dev/coraza.conf-recommended -O /etc/openpanel/caddy/coraza_rules.conf debug_log git clone https://github.com/coreruleset/coreruleset /etc/openpanel/caddy/coreruleset/ else echo "Disabling CorazaWAF: setting caddy:latest docker image instead of openpanel/caddy-coraza" sed -i 's|image: .*caddy.*|image: caddy:latest|' /root/docker-compose.yml fi } install_openadmin(){ # OpenAdmin # # https://openpanel.com/docs/admin/intro/ # echo "Setting up OpenAdmin panel.." local openadmin_dir="/usr/local/admin/" if [ "$REPAIR" = true ]; then rm -rf $openadmin_dir fi mkdir -p $openadmin_dir debug_log echo "Downloading OpenAdmin files" git clone -b 100 --single-branch https://github.com/stefanpejcic/openadmin $openadmin_dir cd $openadmin_dir python3.12 -m venv ${openadmin_dir}venv source ${openadmin_dir}venv/bin/activate pip install --default-timeout=3600 --force-reinstall --ignore-installed -r requirements.txt > /dev/null 2>&1 || pip install --default-timeout=3600 --force-reinstall --ignore-installed -r requirements.txt --break-system-packages > /dev/null 2>&1 # on debian12 yaml is also needed to read conf files! if [ -f /etc/os-release ] && grep -q "Debian" /etc/os-release; then apt install python3-yaml -y > /dev/null 2>&1 fi cp -fr /etc/openpanel/openadmin/service/openadmin.service ${SERVICES_DIR}admin.service > /dev/null 2>&1 cp -fr /usr/local/admin/service/watcher.service ${SERVICES_DIR}watcher.service > /dev/null 2>&1 systemctl daemon-reload > /dev/null 2>&1 service admin start > /dev/null 2>&1 systemctl enable admin > /dev/null 2>&1 # added in 0.2.8 for reloading bind9 zones fom withon certbot container - needed for dns validation and wildcard ssl chmod +x /usr/local/admin/service/watcher.sh service watcher start > /dev/null 2>&1 systemctl enable watcher > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$architecture" == "x86_64" ]; then echo "Testing if OpenAdmin service is available on default port '2087':" if ss -tuln | grep ':2087' >/dev/null; then echo -e "[${GREEN} OK ${RESET}] OpenAdmin service is running." else radovan 1 "OpenAdmin service is NOT listening on port 2087." fi else echo "WARNING: OpenAdmin might not work on your CPU architecture! please use x86_64 instead." fi } create_admin_and_show_logins_success_message() { #motd ln -s ${ETC_DIR}ssh/admin_welcome.sh /etc/profile.d/welcome.sh chmod +x /etc/profile.d/welcome.sh echo -e "${GREEN}OpenPanel ${LICENSE} $PANEL_VERSION installation complete.${RESET}" echo "" # added in 0.2.3 # option to specify logins if [ "$SET_ADMIN_USERNAME" = true ]; then new_username=($custom_username) else wget -O /tmp/generate.sh https://gist.githubusercontent.com/stefanpejcic/905b7880d342438e9a2d2ffed799c8c6/raw/a1cdd0d2f7b28f4e9c3198e14539c4ebb9249910/random_username_generator_docker.sh > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ -f "/tmp/generate.sh" ]; then source /tmp/generate.sh new_username=($random_name) else new_username="admin" fi fi if [ "$SET_ADMIN_PASSWORD" = true ]; then new_password=($custom_password) else new_password=$(head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 16) fi display_admin_status_and_logins() { # Restore normal output to the terminal, so we dont save generated admin password in log file! exec > /dev/tty exec 2>&1 opencli admin echo -e "- Username: ${GREEN} ${new_username} ${RESET}" echo -e "- Password: ${GREEN} ${new_password} ${RESET}" echo " " print_space_and_line set_email_address_and_email_admin_logins # Redirect again stdout and stderr to the log file exec > >(tee -a "$LOG_FILE") exec 2>&1 } sqlite3 /etc/openpanel/openadmin/users.db "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS user (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, username TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL, password_hash TEXT NOT NULL, role TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'user', is_active BOOLEAN DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL);" > /dev/null 2>&1 && opencli admin new "$new_username" "$new_password" > /dev/null 2>&1 && # Check if the user exists in the SQLite database user_exists=$(sqlite3 /etc/openpanel/openadmin/users.db "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM user WHERE username = '$new_username';") if [ "$user_exists" -gt 0 ]; then echo "User $new_username has been successfully added." display_admin_status_and_logins else echo "WARNING: Admin user $new_username was not created using opencli. Trying to insert user manually to SQLite database.." password_hash=$(/usr/local/admin/venv/bin/python3 /usr/local/admin/core/users/hash $new_password) create_table_sql="CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS user (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, username TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL, password_hash TEXT NOT NULL, role TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'user', is_active BOOLEAN DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL);" insert_user_sql="INSERT INTO user (username, password_hash) VALUES ('$new_username', '$password_hash');" output=$(sqlite3 "$db_file_path" "$create_table_sql" "$insert_user_sql" 2>&1) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "WARNING: Admin user was not created: $output" else display_admin_status_and_logins fi fi } # ====================================================================== # Main program # touch /root/openpanel_install.lock ( flock -n 200 || { echo "Error: Another instance of the install script is already running. Exiting."; exit 1; } setup_terminal || echo > /dev/null # shellcheck disable=SC2068 parse_args "$@" get_server_ipv4 set_version_to_install print_header check_requirements detect_installed_panels install_started_message main rm_helpers print_space_and_line support_message print_space_and_line # temp off! send_install_log create_admin_and_show_logins_success_message run_custom_postinstall_script )200>/root/openpanel_install.lock