# Holo Alfa Jekyll theme [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/steinvc/holo-alfa.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/steinvc/holo-alfa) # >This project is no longer maintained. It will probably still work fine though. ![Screenshot](http://i.imgur.com/Gi46aag.jpg) Holo Alfa is a minimalist, mobile first Jekyll theme with focus on readability and content. Created for free and fun by Stijn. Also works great as a base to build your own theme on. See it in action: http://steinvc.github.io/holo-alfa/. ## Feature highlights ## * Mobile first design * Extensive content styling * Responsive video's (using [FitVids.JS](http://fitvidsjs.com/)) * Support for authors and guest authors * Read time on articles * Disqus comments * Language localization * Automatic [og metadata](http://ogp.me/) * Automatic archive page (without plugins) * Automatic sitemap en RSS feed * Contact page (with working email form) * A lot of (optional) customization options (all in `_config.yml`) And much more. ## Getting started ## If you're new to Jekyll, check out http://jekyllrb.com/ and read up on Jekyll. It's worth it. * [Another great resource to learn about Jekyll](http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2014/08/build-blog-jekyll-github-pages/) * [Github's guide to using Jekyll with Pages](https://help.github.com/articles/using-jekyll-with-pages/) ### Installing ## As simple as forking the repository, and then clone it so you can edit the files locally. ### Configuration ### Edit `_config.yml`! You can find `_config.yml` in your site's root directory. This configuration file contains some necessary settings and some optional customization settings. **All settings are explained in `_config.yml` itself.** Also make sure to use the developement configuration file (`_config_dev.yml`) for running your site locally. This way you don't get your URLs mixed up. There are some customizations that can't be done in `_config.yml`. These include: * Editing the About, Contact and Archive page. * Adding or removing pages from the navigation. This can be done in `\_includes\navigation.html`. * The "thanks" page after a message has been send through the contact page: `thanks.md` * The gradient on cover images: `\_includes\gradient.css` (this is explained in `_config.yml`). Also make sure to replace the placeholder favicons and the `\img\og-image.jpg` with your own. ### Start the Jekyll server ### You can learn how to do this by reading [this](https://help.github.com/articles/using-jekyll-with-pages/). > Tip: to run your site locally with `_config_dev.yml` as configuration file, use this command at the root of your site `bundle exec jekyll serve --config _config_dev.yml`. When everything is OK, your site should now be available at `http://localhost:4000`. That's it. --- [MIT license](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)