/* * Hubitat Import URL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stephack/Hubitat/master/apps/Advanced%20Button%20Controller%20(ABC)/Advanced_Button_Controller.groovy * * * Advanced Button Controller (Parent/Child Version) * * Author: Stephan Hackett * * * 01/14/19 - added url to Raw code at the top of the parent/child apps * - adjusted logging * - update checking code is now done through json file (Thanks to @Cobra for his guidance) * * 07/03/18 - added pictures and Update check * */ def version(){"v0.2.190114"} definition( name: "Advanced Button Controller", namespace: "stephack", singleInstance: true, author: "Stephan Hackett", description: "Configure devices with buttons like the Aeon Labs Minimote and Lutron Pico Remotes.", category: "My Apps", iconUrl: "https://cdn.rawgit.com/stephack/ABC/master/resources/images/abc2.png", iconX2Url: "https://cdn.rawgit.com/stephack/ABC/master/resources/images/abc2.png", iconX3Url: "https://cdn.rawgit.com/stephack/ABC/master/resources/images/abc2.png", ) preferences { page(name: "mainPage") page(name: "aboutPage", nextPage: "mainPage") } def mainPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "mainPage", title: "", install: true, uninstall: true) { if(!state.abcInstalled) { section("Hit Done to install ABC App!") { } } else { def childApps = getAllChildApps() def childVer = "Initial Setup - Version Unknown" if(childApps.size() > 0) { childVer = childApps.first().version() } section(){ def appHead = " \n${checkForUpdate()}" paragraph "
" } section("Create a new button device mapping.") { app(name: "childApps", appName: "ABC Button Mapping", namespace: "stephack", title: " New Button Device Mapping", multiple: true) } section("") { href (name: "aboutPage", title: "User's Guide", description: "", page: "aboutPage" ) } } } } def installed() { state.abcInstalled = true initialize() } def updated() { unsubscribe() initialize() } def initialize() { } def checkForUpdate(){ def params = [uri: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stephack/Hubitat/master/apps/Advanced%20Button%20Controller%20(ABC)/parent.json", contentType: "application/json"] try { httpGet(params) { response -> def results = response.data def appStatus if(version() == results.currVersion){ appStatus = "Parent ${version()}
${results.noUpdateImg}" } else { appStatus = "Parent ${version()}
${results.updateImg}${results.changeLog}" log.warn "ABC Parent App does not appear to be the latest version: Please update." } return appStatus } } catch (e) { log.error "Error: $e" } } def aboutPage() { dynamicPage(name: "aboutPage", title: none){ textHelp() } } private def textHelp() { def text = section(" User's Guide - Advanced Button Controller") { paragraph "This smartapp allows you to use a device with buttons including, but not limited to:\n\n Aeon Labs Minimotes\n"+ " HomeSeer HS-WD100+ switches**\n HomeSeer HS-WS100+ switches\n Lutron Picos***\n\n"+ "It is a heavily modified version of @dalec's 'Button Controller Plus' which is in turn"+ " a version of @bravenel's 'Button Controller+'." } section("Some of the included changes are:"){ paragraph "A complete revamp of the configuration flow. You can now tell at a glance, what has been configured for each button."+ "The button configuration page has been collapsed by default for easier navigation." paragraph "The original apps were hardcoded to allow configuring 4 or 6 button devices."+ " This app will automatically detect the number of buttons on your device or allow you to manually"+ " specify (only needed if device does not report on its own)." paragraph "Allows you to give your buton device full speaker control including: Play/Pause, NextTrack, Mute, VolumeUp/Down."+ "(***Standard Pico remotes can be converted to Audio Picos)\n\nThe additional control options have been highlighted below." } section("Available Control Options are:"){ paragraph " Switches - Turn On \n"+ " Switches - Turn Off \n"+ " Switches - Toggle \n\n"+ " Dimmers - Set Level (Group 1) \n"+ " Dimmers - Set Level (Group 2) \n"+ " Dimmers - Inc Level \n"+ " Dimmers - Dec Level \n"+ " Dimmers - Toggle on to Level \n"+ " Dimmers - Ramp Up/Down (Smooth Dimming) \n\n"+ " Color Lights - Set Temperature \n"+ " Color Lights - Set Color \n\n"+ " Speaker - Toggle Play/Pause \n"+ " Speaker - Increment Volume \n"+ " Speaker - Decrement Volume \n"+ " Speaker - Next Track \n"+ " Speaker - Mute/Unmute \n"+ " Speaker - Cycle Preset \n\n"+ " Fans - Set Speed \n"+ " Fans - Cycle Speed \n"+ " Fans - Legacy Cycle (Low, Medium, High, Off) \n\n"+ " Modes - Set Mode \n"+ " Modes - Set HSM \n\n"+ " Rules - Run, Stop, Pause, Resume, Evaluate, Set Boolean \n\n"+ " Locks - Unlock Only \n"+ " Scenes - Cycle Scenes \n"+ " Shades - Up, Down, or Stop \n"+ " Sirens - Toggle \n"+ " Speech Notifications \n"+ " SMS Notifications" } section ("** Quirk for HS-WD100+ on Button 5 & 6:"){ paragraph "Because a dimmer switch already uses Press&Hold to manually set the dimming level"+ " please be aware of this operational behavior. If you only want to manually change"+ " the dim level to the lights that are wired to the switch, you will automatically"+ " trigger the 5/6 button event as well. And the same is true in reverse. If you"+ " only want to trigger a 5/6 button event action with Press&Hold, you will be manually"+ " changing the dim level of the switch simultaneously as well.\n"+ "This quirk doesn't exist of course with the HS-HS100+ since it is not a dimmer." } section("*** Lutron Pico:"){ paragraph "There are 2 types of Pico configurations in HE:\n 1. The Standard Picos - with pushed events and held events (followed by released events).\n"+ " 2. The Fast Picos - with pushed events followed by released events (no held events)." } }