; Semi-colon comment [network] mac = 01:23:45:67:89:AB # hash comment, leading spaces below gateway = # extraneous spaces before and after key and value ip = hosts allow = example.com # A similarly-named section [network2] mac = ee:ee:ee:ee:ee:ee subnet mask= ; Test extra whitespace in keys and value hosts allow = sloppy.example.com [misc] string = 123456789012345678901234567890123456789001234567890 string2 = a string with spaces in it ; ini file for WwwServerExample [mime types] default = text/plain htm = text/html bin = application/octet-stream pdf = application/pdf [/] ; no access to root of SD filesystem handler = default error document 403 = /errordoc/403.htm [/www.ini] handler = default [/data] handler = default [/data/private] ; Block access to this directory handler = prohibit error document 403 = /data/private/403.htm [/data/noaccess.txt] ; Block access to this file handler = prohibit [/status] ; built-in status handler handler = status [/cgi] ; User-defined handler handler = cgi [/src] ; A redirect handler = temporary redirect location = http://github.com/stevemarple/WwwServer [/upload] allow put = true