# MIT License # # Copyright © 2022 Steve Sinchak # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated # documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation # the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, # and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial # portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED # TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, # TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ############################################################## ### NetCheck Version .1 ### ### Public Repo: https://github.com/stevesinchak/NetCheck/ ### ############################################################## # Script Variables $CurrentPath=$PSScriptRoot $RemoteHostTest="google.com" $RemoteHostTestQty=10 $RemoteHostTestDelay=1 # Measured in Seconds $LocalGatewayTestQty=10 $LocalGatewayTestDelay=1 # Measured in Seconds $WriteLogToFile=$true $LogFilePath="$CurrentPath\log.txt" $SpeedTestDownloadURL="https://install.speedtest.net/app/cli/ookla-speedtest-1.1.1-win64.zip" # Minimum Acceptable Criteria $SpeedTestDownloadMinimum=50 # Measured in Mbps $SpeedTestUploadMinimum=5 # Measured in Mbps $AcceptableLocalPacketLoss=0 # Measured in % $AcceptableLocalLatency=5 # Measured in milliseconds $AcceptableLocalJitter=5 # Measured in milliseconds $AcceptableRemotePacketLoss=0 # Measured in % $AcceptableRemoteLatency=35 # Measured in milliseconds $AcceptableRemoteJitter=10 # Measured in milliseconds # Do not modify - Internal variable to tracks if any minimum acceptable criteria is not met $HealthyConnection=$true ########################################################################################################### ### Logging helper function (Log-Item "message" "Green") ### ### Parameters: ### ### $message = Mandatory, what you want displayed on screen and in file if file logging is enabled ### ### $Color = Defaults to "White", but a PowerShell color can be passed to alter text display on screen ### ########################################################################################################### function Log-Item { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Message, $Color = "White" ) $DateTime=Get-Date if ($Message -eq '-') { $Message="~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" Write-Host "$Message" -ForegroundColor Blue } else { Write-Host "$DateTime - " -ForegroundColor "White" -NoNewLine Write-Host "$Message" -ForegroundColor $Color } # Optional write log to file if ($WriteLogToFile) { "$DateTime - $Message" | Out-File -FilePath $LogFilePath -Append } } ######################### ### Main Script Start ### ######################### Log-Item "-" Log-Item "Starting up NetCheck" "Yellow" Log-Item "-" # Get local client IP $LocalIP=Get-Netipaddress -AddressFamily IPv4 -InterfaceAlias Ethernet* | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "IPAddress" # Get default gateway $LocalGatewayIP=Get-NetRoute -DestinationPrefix "" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "NextHop" Log-Item "Client Local IP address: $LocalIP" Log-Item "Client Local Gateway: $LocalGatewayIP" Log-Item "-" ################################################################ ### Test client to local router to find local network issues ### ################################################################ $TestDuration=$LocalGatewayTestQty*$LocalGatewayTestDelay Log-Item "Testing client to local router connection (this test will take about $TestDuration seconds)..." "Yellow" Log-Item "[PC]<-----Local Network----->[Router]" "Cyan" $LocalLatencyTestResult=Test-Connection $LocalGatewayIP -Count $LocalGatewayTestQty -Delay $LocalGatewayTestDelay $LocalLatencyTestResultCalculations=$LocalLatencyTestResult | Measure-Object -Property ResponseTime -Minimum -Maximum -Average $LocalLatencyAverage=$LocalLatencyTestResultCalculations | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "Average" $LocalLatencyMinimum=$LocalLatencyTestResultCalculations | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "Minimum" $LocalLatencyMaximum=$LocalLatencyTestResultCalculations | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "Maximum" $LocalPacketLossPercentage=100-(($LocalLatencyTestResult.ResponseTime.Count/$LocalGatewayTestQty)*100) # Calculating jitter (deviation between pings) for additional quality measure $LatencyDifferenceTotal=0 for ($x=0;$x -lt $LocalLatencyTestResult.ResponseTime.Count-1;$x++) { $L1=$LocalLatencyTestResult[$x].ResponseTime $L2=$LocalLatencyTestResult[$x+1].ResponseTime $CalculatedDifference=0 if (($null -ne $L1) -or ($null -ne $L2)) { $CalculatedDifference=[Math]::Abs($L1-$L2) } $LatencyDifferenceTotal += $CalculatedDifference } $LocalJitter=$LatencyDifferenceTotal/$LocalLatencyTestResult.ResponseTime.Count Log-Item "Local Average Latency: $LocalLatencyAverage ms" Log-Item "Local Minimum Latency: $LocalLatencyMinimum ms" Log-Item "Local Maximum Latency: $LocalLatencyMaximum ms" Log-Item "Local Packet Loss: $LocalPacketLossPercentage %" Log-Item "Local Jitter: $LocalJitter ms" # Check for maximum threshold violations if ($LocalLatencyAverage -gt $AcceptableLocalLatency) { Log-Item "LOCAL NETWORK ISSUE - Average Latency is too high indicating poor network condition!" "Red" $HealthyConnection=$false } if ($LocalLatencyMinimum -gt $AcceptableLocalLatency) { Log-Item "LOCAL NETWORK ISSUE - Minimum Latency is too high indicating poor network condition!" "Red" $HealthyConnection=$false } if ($LocalLatencyMaximum -gt $AcceptableLocalLatency) { Log-Item "LOCAL NETWORK ISSUE - Maximum Latency is too high indicating poor network condition!" "Red" $HealthyConnection=$false } if ($LocalPacketLossPercentage -gt $AcceptableLocalPacketLoss) { Log-Item "LOCAL NETWORK ISSUE - Packet loss is detected indicating poor network condition!" "Red" $HealthyConnection=$false } if ($LocalJitter -gt $AcceptableLocalJitter) { Log-Item "LOCAL NETWORK ISSUE - Network jitter is too high indicating poor network condition!" "Red" $HealthyConnection=$false } Log-Item "-" ############################################################################## ### Test client to local router and out to the Internet to find ISP issues ### ############################################################################## $TestDuration=$RemoteHostTestQty*$RemoteHostTestDelay Log-Item "Testing client to local router and out to the remote Internet host (this test will take about $TestDuration seconds)..." "Yellow" Log-Item "[PC]<-----Local Network----->[Router]<-----Internet Network----->[Remote Host]" "Cyan" $RemoteLatencyTestResult=Test-Connection $RemoteHostTest -Count $RemoteHostTestQty -Delay $RemoteHostTestDelay $RemoteLatencyTestResultCalculations=$RemoteLatencyTestResult | Measure-Object -Property ResponseTime -Minimum -Maximum -Average $RemoteLatencyAverage=$RemoteLatencyTestResultCalculations | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "Average" $RemoteLatencyMinimum=$RemoteLatencyTestResultCalculations | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "Minimum" $RemoteLatencyMaximum=$RemoteLatencyTestResultCalculations | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "Maximum" $RemotePacketLossPercentage=100-(($RemoteLatencyTestResult.ResponseTime.Count/$RemoteHostTestQty)*100) # Calculating jitter (deviation between pings) for additional quality measure $LatencyDifferenceTotal=0 for ($x=0;$x -lt $RemoteLatencyTestResult.ResponseTime.Count-1;$x++) { $L1=$RemoteLatencyTestResult[$x].ResponseTime $L2=$RemoteLatencyTestResult[$x+1].ResponseTime $CalculatedDifference=0 if (($null -ne $L1) -or ($null -ne $L2)) { $CalculatedDifference=[Math]::Abs($L1-$L2) } $LatencyDifferenceTotal += $CalculatedDifference } $RemoteJitter=$LatencyDifferenceTotal/$RemoteLatencyTestResult.ResponseTime.Count Log-Item "Remote Average Latency: $RemoteLatencyAverage ms" Log-Item "Remote Minimum Latency: $RemoteLatencyMinimum ms" Log-Item "Remote Maximum Latency: $RemoteLatencyMaximum ms" Log-Item "Remote Packet Loss: $RemotePacketLossPercentage %" Log-Item "Remote Jitter: $RemoteJitter ms" # Check for maximum threshold violations if ($RemoteLatencyAverage -gt $AcceptableRemoteLatency) { Log-Item "INTERNET CONNECTION ISSUE - Average Latency is too high indicating poor network condition!" "Red" $HealthyConnection=$false } if ($RemoteLatencyMinimum -gt $AcceptableRemoteLatency) { Log-Item "INTERNET CONNECTION ISSUE - Minimum Latency is too high indicating poor network condition!" "Red" $HealthyConnection=$false } if ($RemoteLatencyMaximum -gt $AcceptableRemoteLatency) { Log-Item "INTERNET CONNECTION ISSUE - Maximum Latency is too high indicating poor network condition!" "Red" $HealthyConnection=$false } if ($RemotePacketLossPercentage -gt $AcceptableRemotePacketLoss) { Log-Item "INTERNET CONNECTION ISSUE - Packet loss is detected indicating poor network condition!" "Red" $HealthyConnection=$false } if ($RemoteJitter -gt $AcceptableRemoteJitter) { Log-Item "INTERNET CONNECTION ISSUE - Network jitter is too high indicating poor network condition!" "Red" $HealthyConnection=$false } Log-Item "-" ##################################################################################### ### Grab trace route to remote test host for advanced ISP routing troubleshooting ### ##################################################################################### Log-Item "Running trace route to remote test host... (this can take more than 30 seconds)" "Yellow" $TraceRoute = &TRACERT.EXE $RemoteHostTest foreach($Route in $TraceRoute) { Log-Item "$Route " } ###################################################################### ### Run Internet speed test and check against minimum requirements ### ###################################################################### Log-Item "-" Log-Item "Running Speedtest.net Bandwidth Test... (this usually takes around 30 seconds)" "Yellow" # Download and extract SpeedTest.Net CLI Tool if it does not already exist in PWD if (-Not (Test-Path -Path $CurrentPath\speedtest.exe -PathType Leaf)) { Log-Item "Downloading and extracting Speedtest.net CLI tool because it does not already exist" Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $SpeedTestDownloadURL -OutFile $CurrentPath\speedtest_temp.zip Expand-Archive -Path speedtest_temp.zip -DestinationPath $CurrentPath Remove-Item $CurrentPath\speedtest_temp.zip # Clean up temp download zip } # Run speedtest cli and export results in json. Then convert output to powershell object so we can analyze $SpeedTestResults = &$CurrentPath\speedtest.exe --accept-license --format=json-pretty | ConvertFrom-Json Log-Item "Calculating Results..." "Cyan" $ISPName=$SpeedTestResults.isp $ISPDownload=[Math]::round((($SpeedTestResults.download | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "bandwidth")/1000000)*8,2) $ISPUpload=[Math]::round((($SpeedTestResults.upload | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "bandwidth")/1000000)*8,2) $ISPResultURL=$SpeedTestResults.result | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "url" Log-Item "ISP: $ISPName" Log-Item "Download Speed: $ISPDownload Mbps" Log-Item "Upload Speed: $ISPUpload Mbps" Log-Item "Speed Test Review URL: $ISPResultURL" Log-Item "-" # Check Download and upload speed meet minimum requirements if ($ISPDownload -gt $SpeedTestDownloadMinimum) { Log-Item "Internet download speed meets requirements (minimum speed of $SpeedTestDownloadMinimum Mbps)" "Green" } else { Log-Item "INTERNET DOWNLOAD SPEED DOES NOT MEET REQUIREMENT OF $SpeedTestDownloadMinimum Mbps!" "Red" $HealthyConnection=$false } if ($ISPUpload -gt $SpeedTestUploadMinimum) { Log-Item "Internet upload speed meets requirements (minimum speed of $SpeedTestUploadMinimum Mbps)" "Green" } else { Log-Item "INTERNET UPLOAD SPEED DOES NOT MEET REQUIREMENT OF $SpeedTestUploadMinimum Mbps!" "Red" $HealthyConnection=$false } ############################################################ ### Check if there were any acceptable criteria failures ### ############################################################ Log-Item "-" if ($HealthyConnection) { Log-Item "Connection Health Checks have passed successfully!" "Green" } else { Log-Item "Health checks have FAILED - Network issues are present, review log file for details!" "Red" } Log-Item "-" ################ ### All Done ### ################ Log-Item "NetCheck Shutting Down" "Yellow"