// Copyright © 2019–2020, Stewart Smith. See LICENSE for details. const Q = function(){ // Did we send arguments of the form // ( bandwidth, timewidth )? if( arguments.length === 2 && Array.from( arguments ).every( function( argument ){ return Q.isUsefulInteger( argument ) })){ return new Q.Circuit( arguments[ 0 ], arguments[ 1 ]) } // Otherwise assume we are creating a circuit // from a text block. return Q.Circuit.fromText( arguments[ 0 ]) } Object.assign( Q, { verbosity: 0.5, log: function( verbosityThreshold, ...remainingArguments ){ if( Q.verbosity >= verbosityThreshold ) console.log( ...remainingArguments ) return '(log)' }, warn: function(){ console.warn( ...arguments ) return '(warn)' }, error: function(){ console.error( ...arguments ) return '(error)' }, extractDocumentation: function( f ){ ` I wanted a way to document code that was cleaner, more legible, and more elegant than the bullshit we put up with today. Also wanted it to print nicely in the console. ` f = f.toString() const begin = f.indexOf( '`' ) + 1, end = f.indexOf( '`', begin ), lines = f.substring( begin, end ).split( '\n' ) function countPrefixTabs( text ){ // Is counting tabs “manually” // actually more performant than regex? let count = index = 0 while( text.charAt( index ++ ) === '\t' ) count ++ return count } //------------------- TO DO! // we should check that there is ONLY whitespace between the function opening and the tick mark! // otherwise it’s not documentation. let tabs = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER lines.forEach( function( line ){ if( line ){ const lineTabs = countPrefixTabs( line ) if( tabs > lineTabs ) tabs = lineTabs } }) lines.forEach( function( line, i ){ if( line.trim() === '' ) line = '\n\n' lines[ i ] = line.substring( tabs ).replace( / {2}$/, '\n' ) }) return lines.join( '' ) }, help: function( f ){ if( f === undefined ) f = Q return Q.extractDocumentation( f ) }, constants: {}, createConstant: function( key, value ){ //Object.freeze( value ) this[ key ] = value // Object.defineProperty( this, key, { // value, // writable: false // }) // Object.defineProperty( this.constants, key, { // value, // writable: false // }) this.constants[ key ] = this[ key ] Object.freeze( this[ key ]) }, createConstants: function(){ if( arguments.length % 2 !== 0 ){ return Q.error( 'Q attempted to create constants with invalid (KEY, VALUE) pairs.' ) } for( let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i += 2 ){ this.createConstant( arguments[ i ], arguments[ i + 1 ]) } }, isUsefulNumber: function( n ){ return isNaN( n ) === false && ( typeof n === 'number' || n instanceof Number ) && n !== Infinity && n !== -Infinity }, isUsefulInteger: function( n ){ return Q.isUsefulNumber( n ) && Number.isInteger( n ) }, loop: function(){}, hypotenuse: function( x, y ){ let a = Math.abs( x ), b = Math.abs( y ) if( a < 2048 && b < 2048 ){ return Math.sqrt( a * a + b * b ) } if( a < b ){ a = b b = x / y } else b = y / x return a * Math.sqrt( 1 + b * b ) }, logHypotenuse: function( x, y ){ const a = Math.abs( x ), b = Math.abs( y ) if( x === 0 ) return Math.log( b ) if( y === 0 ) return Math.log( a ) if( a < 2048 && b < 2048 ){ return Math.log( x * x + y * y ) / 2 } return Math.log( x / Math.cos( Math.atan2( y, x ))) }, hyperbolicSine: function( n ){ return ( Math.exp( n ) - Math.exp( -n )) / 2 }, hyperbolicCosine: function( n ){ return ( Math.exp( n ) + Math.exp( -n )) / 2 }, round: function( n, d ){ if( typeof d !== 'number' ) d = 0 const f = Math.pow( 10, d ) return Math.round( n * f ) / f }, toTitleCase: function( text ){ text = text.replace( /_/g, ' ' ) return text.toLowerCase().split( ' ' ).map( function( word ){ return word.replace( word[ 0 ], word[ 0 ].toUpperCase() ) }).join(' ') }, centerText: function( text, length, filler ){ if( length > text.length ){ if( typeof filler !== 'string' ) filler = ' ' const padLengthLeft = Math.floor(( length - text.length ) / 2 ), padLengthRight = length - text.length - padLengthLeft return text .padStart( padLengthLeft + text.length, filler ) .padEnd( length, filler ) } else return text }, namesIndex: 0, shuffledNames: [], shuffleNames$: function(){ let m = [] for( let c = 0; c < Q.COLORS.length; c ++ ){ for( let a = 0; a < Q.ANIMALS.length; a ++ ){ m.push([ c, a, Math.random() ]) } } Q.shuffledNames = m.sort( function( a, b ){ return a[ 2 ] - b[ 2 ] }) }, getRandomName$: function(){ if( Q.shuffledNames.length === 0 ) Q.shuffleNames$() const pair = Q.shuffledNames[ Q.namesIndex ], name = Q.COLORS[ pair[ 0 ]] +' '+ Q.ANIMALS[ pair[ 1 ]] Q.namesIndex = ( Q.namesIndex + 1 ) % Q.shuffledNames.length return name }, hueToColorName: function( hue ){ hue = hue % 360 hue = Math.floor( hue / 10 ) return Q.COLORS[ hue ] }, colorIndexToHue: function( i ){ return i * 10 } }) Q.createConstants( 'REVISION', 19, // Yeah... F’ing floating point numbers, Man! // Here’s the issue: // var a = new Q.ComplexNumber( 1, 2 ) // a.multiply(a).isEqualTo( a.power( new Q.ComplexNumber( 2, 0 ))) // That’s only true if Q.EPSILON >= Number.EPSILON * 6 'EPSILON', Number.EPSILON * 6, 'RADIANS_TO_DEGREES', 180 / Math.PI, 'ANIMALS', [ 'Aardvark', 'Albatross', 'Alligator', 'Alpaca', 'Ant', 'Anteater', 'Antelope', 'Ape', 'Armadillo', 'Baboon', 'Badger', 'Barracuda', 'Bat', 'Bear', 'Beaver', 'Bee', 'Bison', 'Boar', 'Buffalo', 'Butterfly', 'Camel', 'Caribou', 'Cat', 'Caterpillar', 'Cattle', 'Chamois', 'Cheetah', 'Chicken', 'Chimpanzee', 'Chinchilla', 'Chough', 'Clam', 'Cobra', 'Cod', 'Cormorant', 'Coyote', 'Crab', 'Crane', 'Crocodile', 'Crow', 'Curlew', 'Deer', 'Dinosaur', 'Dog', 'Dogfish', 'Dolphin', 'Donkey', 'Dotterel', 'Dove', 'Dragonfly', 'Duck', 'Dugong', 'Dunlin', 'Eagle', 'Echidna', 'Eel', 'Eland', 'Elephant', 'Elephant seal', 'Elk', 'Emu', 'Falcon', 'Ferret', 'Finch', 'Fish', 'Flamingo', 'Fly', 'Fox', 'Frog', 'Galago', 'Gaur', 'Gazelle', 'Gerbil', 'Giant Panda', 'Giraffe', 'Gnat', 'Gnu', 'Goat', 'Goose', 'Goldfinch', 'Goldfish', 'Gorilla', 'Goshawk', 'Grasshopper', 'Grouse', 'Guanaco', 'Guinea fowl', 'Guinea pig', 'Gull', 'Guppy', 'Hamster', 'Hare', 'Hawk', 'Hedgehog', 'Hen', 'Heron', 'Herring', 'Hippopotamus', 'Hornet', 'Horse', 'Human', 'Hummingbird', 'Hyena', 'Ide', 'Jackal', 'Jaguar', 'Jay', 'Jellyfish', 'Kangaroo', 'Koala', 'Koi', 'Komodo dragon', 'Kouprey', 'Kudu', 'Lapwing', 'Lark', 'Lemur', 'Leopard', 'Lion', 'Llama', 'Lobster', 'Locust', 'Loris', 'Louse', 'Lyrebird', 'Magpie', 'Mallard', 'Manatee', 'Marten', 'Meerkat', 'Mink', 'Mole', 'Monkey', 'Moose', 'Mouse', 'Mosquito', 'Mule', 'Narwhal', 'Newt', 'Nightingale', 'Octopus', 'Okapi', 'Opossum', 'Oryx', 'Ostrich', 'Otter', 'Owl', 'Ox', 'Oyster', 'Panther', 'Parrot', 'Partridge', 'Peafowl', 'Pelican', 'Penguin', 'Pheasant', 'Pig', 'Pigeon', 'Pony', 'Porcupine', 'Porpoise', 'Prairie Dog', 'Quail', 'Quelea', 'Rabbit', 'Raccoon', 'Rail', 'Ram', 'Raven', 'Reindeer', 'Rhinoceros', 'Rook', 'Ruff', 'Salamander', 'Salmon', 'Sand Dollar', 'Sandpiper', 'Sardine', 'Scorpion', 'Sea lion', 'Sea Urchin', 'Seahorse', 'Seal', 'Shark', 'Sheep', 'Shrew', 'Shrimp', 'Skunk', 'Snail', 'Snake', 'Sow', 'Spider', 'Squid', 'Squirrel', 'Starling', 'Stingray', 'Stinkbug', 'Stork', 'Swallow', 'Swan', 'Tapir', 'Tarsier', 'Termite', 'Tiger', 'Toad', 'Trout', 'Tui', 'Turkey', 'Turtle', // U 'Vicuña', 'Viper', 'Vulture', 'Wallaby', 'Walrus', 'Wasp', 'Water buffalo', 'Weasel', 'Whale', 'Wolf', 'Wolverine', 'Wombat', 'Woodcock', 'Woodpecker', 'Worm', 'Wren', // X 'Yak', 'Zebra' ], 'ANIMALS3', [ 'ape', 'bee', 'cat', 'dog', 'elk', 'fox', 'gup', 'hen', 'ide', 'jay', 'koi', 'leo', 'moo', 'nit', 'owl', 'pig', // Q ? 'ram', 'sow', 'tui', // U ? // V ? // W ? // X ? 'yak', 'zeb' ], 'COLORS', [ 'Red', // 0 RED 'Scarlet', // 10 'Tawny', // 20 'Carrot', // 30 'Pumpkin', // 40 'Mustard', // 50 'Lemon', // 60 Yellow 'Lime', // 70 'Spring bud', // 80 'Spring grass',// 90 'Pear', // 100 'Kelly', // 110 'Green', // 120 GREEN 'Malachite', // 130 'Sea green', // 140 'Sea foam', // 150 'Aquamarine', // 160 'Turquoise', // 170 'Cyan', // 180 Cyan 'Pacific blue',// 190 'Baby blue', // 200 'Ocean blue', // 210 'Sapphire', // 220 'Azure', // 230 'Blue', // 240 BLUE 'Cobalt', // 250 'Indigo', // 260 'Violet', // 270 'Lavender', // 280 'Purple', // 290 'Magenta', // 300 Magenta 'Hot pink', // 310 'Fuschia', // 320 'Ruby', // 330 'Crimson', // 340 'Carmine' // 350 ] ) console.log( ` QQQQQQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQQQ ${Q.REVISION} https://quantumjavascript.app ` ) // Copyright © 2019–2020, Stewart Smith. See LICENSE for details. Q.ComplexNumber = function( real, imaginary ){ ` The set of “real numbers” (ℝ) contains any number that can be expressed along an infinite timeline. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real_number … -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 … ┄───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴─┬─┴──┬┴┬──┄ √2 𝒆 π Meanwhile, “imaginary numbers” (𝕀) consist of a real (ℝ) multiplier and the symbol 𝒊, which is the impossible solution to the equation 𝒙² = −1. Note that no number when multiplied by itself can ever result in a negative product, but the concept of 𝒊 gives us a way to reason around this imaginary scenario nonetheless. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imaginary_number … -3𝒊 -2𝒊 -1𝒊 0𝒊 +1𝒊 +2𝒊 +3𝒊 … ┄───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┄ A “complex number“ (ℂ) is a number that can be expressed in the form 𝒂 + 𝒃𝒊, where 𝒂 is the real component (ℝ) and 𝒃𝒊 is the imaginary component (𝕀). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complex_number Operation functions on Q.ComplexNumber instances generally accept as arguments both sibling instances and pure Number instances, though the value returned is always an instance of Q.ComplexNumber. ` if( real instanceof Q.ComplexNumber ){ imaginary = real.imaginary real = real.real Q.warn( 'Q.ComplexNumber tried to create a new instance with an argument that is already a Q.ComplexNumber — and that’s weird!' ) } else if( real === undefined ) real = 0 if( imaginary === undefined ) imaginary = 0 if(( Q.ComplexNumber.isNumberLike( real ) !== true && isNaN( real ) !== true ) || ( Q.ComplexNumber.isNumberLike( imaginary ) !== true && isNaN( imaginary ) !== true )) return Q.error( 'Q.ComplexNumber attempted to create a new instance but the arguments provided were not actual numbers.' ) this.real = real this.imaginary = imaginary this.index = Q.ComplexNumber.index ++ } Object.assign( Q.ComplexNumber, { index: 0, help: function(){ return Q.help( this )}, constants: {}, createConstant: Q.createConstant, createConstants: Q.createConstants, isNumberLike: function( n ){ return isNaN( n ) === false && ( typeof n === 'number' || n instanceof Number ) }, isNaN: function( n ){ return isNaN( n.real ) || isNaN( n.imaginary ) }, isZero: function( n ){ return ( n.real === 0 || n.real === -0 ) && ( n.imaginary === 0 || n.imaginary === -0 ) }, isFinite: function( n ){ return isFinite( n.real ) && isFinite( n.imaginary ) }, isInfinite: function( n ){ return !( this.isNaN( n ) || this.isFinite( n )) }, areEqual: function( a, b ){ return Q.ComplexNumber.operate( 'areEqual', a, b, function( a, b ){ return Math.abs( a - b ) < Q.EPSILON }, function( a, b ){ return ( Math.abs( a - b.real ) < Q.EPSILON && Math.abs( b.imaginary ) < Q.EPSILON ) }, function( a, b ){ return ( Math.abs( a.real - b ) < Q.EPSILON && Math.abs( a.imaginary ) < Q.EPSILON ) }, function( a, b ){ return ( Math.abs( a.real - b.real ) < Q.EPSILON && Math.abs( a.imaginary - b.imaginary ) < Q.EPSILON ) } ) }, absolute: function( n ){ return Q.hypotenuse( n.real, n.imaginary ) }, conjugate: function( n ){ return new Q.ComplexNumber( n.real, n.imaginary * -1 ) }, operate: function( name, a, b, numberAndNumber, numberAndComplex, complexAndNumber, complexAndComplex ){ if( Q.ComplexNumber.isNumberLike( a )){ if( Q.ComplexNumber.isNumberLike( b )) return numberAndNumber( a, b ) else if( b instanceof Q.ComplexNumber ) return numberAndComplex( a, b ) else return Q.error( 'Q.ComplexNumber attempted to', name, 'with the number', a, 'and something that is neither a Number or Q.ComplexNumber:', b ) } else if( a instanceof Q.ComplexNumber ){ if( Q.ComplexNumber.isNumberLike( b )) return complexAndNumber( a, b ) else if( b instanceof Q.ComplexNumber ) return complexAndComplex( a, b ) else return Q.error( 'Q.ComplexNumber attempted to', name, 'with the complex number', a, 'and something that is neither a Number or Q.ComplexNumber:', b ) } else return Q.error( 'Q.ComplexNumber attempted to', name, 'with something that is neither a Number or Q.ComplexNumber:', a ) }, sine: function( n ){ const a = n.real, b = n.imaginary return new Q.ComplexNumber( Math.sin( a ) * Q.hyperbolicCosine( b ), Math.cos( a ) * Q.hyperbolicSine( b ) ) }, cosine: function( n ){ const a = n.real, b = n.imaginary return new Q.ComplexNumber( Math.cos( a ) * Q.hyperbolicCosine( b ), -Math.sin( a ) * Q.hyperbolicSine( b ) ) }, arcCosine: function( n ){ const a = n.real, b = n.imaginary, t1 = Q.ComplexNumber.squareRoot( new Q.ComplexNumber( b * b - a * a + 1, a * b * -2 )), t2 = Q.ComplexNumber.log( new Q.ComplexNumber( t1.real - b, t1.imaginary + a )) return new Q.ComplexNumber( Math.PI / 2 - t2.imaginary, t2.real ) }, arcTangent: function( n ){ const a = n.real, b = n.imaginary if( a === 0 ){ if( b === 1 ) return new Q.ComplexNumber( 0, Infinity ) if( b === -1 ) return new Q.ComplexNumber( 0, -Infinity ) } const d = a * a + ( 1 - b ) * ( 1 - b ), t = Q.ComplexNumber.log( new Q.ComplexNumber( ( 1 - b * b - a * a ) / d, a / d * -2 )) return new Q.ComplexNumber( t.imaginary / 2, t.real / 2 ) }, power: function( a, b ){ if( Q.ComplexNumber.isNumberLike( a )) a = new Q.ComplexNumber( a ) if( Q.ComplexNumber.isNumberLike( b )) b = new Q.ComplexNumber( b ) // Anything raised to the Zero power is 1. if( b.isZero() ) return Q.ComplexNumber.ONE // Zero raised to any power is 0. // Note: What happens if b.real is zero or negative? // What happens if b.imaginary is negative? // Do we really need those conditionals?? if( a.isZero() && b.real > 0 && b.imaginary >= 0 ){ return Q.ComplexNumber.ZERO } // If our exponent is Real (has no Imaginary component) // then we’re really just raising to a power. if( b.imaginary === 0 ){ if( a.real >= 0 && a.imaginary === 0 ){ return new Q.ComplexNumber( Math.pow( a.real, b.real ), 0 ) } else if( a.real === 0 ){// If our base is Imaginary (has no Real component). switch(( b.real % 4 + 4 ) % 4 ){ case 0: return new Q.ComplexNumber( Math.pow( a.imaginary, b.real ), 0 ) case 1: return new Q.ComplexNumber( 0, Math.pow( a.imaginary, b.real )) case 2: return new Q.ComplexNumber( -Math.pow( a.imaginary, b.real ), 0 ) case 3: return new Q.ComplexNumber( 0, -Math.pow( a.imaginary, b.real )) } } } const arctangent2 = Math.atan2( a.imaginary, a.real ), logHypotenuse = Q.logHypotenuse( a.real, a.imaginary ), x = Math.exp( b.real * logHypotenuse - b.imaginary * arctangent2 ), y = b.imaginary * logHypotenuse + b.real * arctangent2 return new Q.ComplexNumber( x * Math.cos( y ), x * Math.sin( y ) ) }, squareRoot: function( a ){ const result = new Q.ComplexNumber( 0, 0 ), absolute = Q.ComplexNumber.absolute( a ) if( a.real >= 0 ){ if( a.imaginary === 0 ){ result.real = Math.sqrt( a.real )// and imaginary already equals 0. } else { result.real = Math.sqrt( 2 * ( absolute + a.real )) / 2 } } else { result.real = Math.abs( a.imaginary ) / Math.sqrt( 2 * ( absolute - a.real )) } if( a.real <= 0 ){ result.imaginary = Math.sqrt( 2 * ( absolute - a.real )) / 2 } else { result.imaginary = Math.abs( a.imaginary ) / Math.sqrt( 2 * ( absolute + a.real )) } if( a.imaginary < 0 ) result.imaginary *= -1 return result }, log: function( a ){ return new Q.ComplexNumber( Q.logHypotenuse( a.real, a.imaginary ), Math.atan2( a.imaginary, a.real ) ) }, multiply: function( a, b ){ return Q.ComplexNumber.operate( 'multiply', a, b, function( a, b ){ return new Q.ComplexNumber( a * b ) }, function( a, b ){ return new Q.ComplexNumber( a * b.real, a * b.imaginary ) }, function( a, b ){ return new Q.ComplexNumber( a.real * b, a.imaginary * b ) }, function( a, b ){ // FOIL Method that shit. // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FOIL_method const firsts = a.real * b.real, outers = a.real * b.imaginary, inners = a.imaginary * b.real, lasts = a.imaginary * b.imaginary * -1// Because i² = -1. return new Q.ComplexNumber( firsts + lasts, outers + inners ) } ) }, divide: function( a, b ){ return Q.ComplexNumber.operate( 'divide', a, b, function( a, b ){ return new Q.ComplexNumber( a / b ) }, function( a, b ){ return new Q.ComplexNumber( a ).divide( b ) }, function( a, b ){ return new Q.ComplexNumber( a.real / b, a.imaginary / b ) }, function( a, b ){ // Ermergerd I had to look this up because it’s been so long. // https://www.khanacademy.org/math/precalculus/imaginary-and-complex-numbers/complex-conjugates-and-dividing-complex-numbers/a/dividing-complex-numbers-review const conjugate = b.conjugate(), numerator = a.multiply( conjugate ), // The .imaginary will be ZERO for sure, // so this forces a ComplexNumber.divide( Number ) ;) denominator = b.multiply( conjugate ).real return numerator.divide( denominator ) } ) }, add: function( a, b ){ return Q.ComplexNumber.operate( 'add', a, b, function( a, b ){ return new Q.ComplexNumber( a + b ) }, function( a, b ){ return new Q.ComplexNumber( b.real + a, b.imaginary ) }, function( a, b ){ return new Q.ComplexNumber( a.real + b, a.imaginary ) }, function( a, b ){ return new Q.ComplexNumber( a.real + b.real, a.imaginary + b.imaginary ) } ) }, subtract: function( a, b ){ return Q.ComplexNumber.operate( 'subtract', a, b, function( a, b ){ return new Q.ComplexNumber( a - b ) }, function( a, b ){ return new Q.ComplexNumber( b.real - a, b.imaginary ) }, function( a, b ){ return new Q.ComplexNumber( a.real - b, a.imaginary ) }, function( a, b ){ return new Q.ComplexNumber( a.real - b.real, a.imaginary - b.imaginary ) } ) } }) Q.ComplexNumber.createConstants( 'ZERO', new Q.ComplexNumber( 0, 0 ), 'ONE', new Q.ComplexNumber( 1, 0 ), 'E', new Q.ComplexNumber( Math.E, 0 ), 'PI', new Q.ComplexNumber( Math.PI, 0 ), 'I', new Q.ComplexNumber( 0, 1 ), 'EPSILON', new Q.ComplexNumber( Q.EPSILON, Q.EPSILON ), 'INFINITY', new Q.ComplexNumber( Infinity, Infinity ), 'NAN', new Q.ComplexNumber( NaN, NaN ) ) Object.assign( Q.ComplexNumber.prototype, { // NON-destructive operations. clone: function(){ return new Q.ComplexNumber( this.real, this.imaginary ) }, reduce: function(){ // Note: this *might* kill function chaining. if( this.imaginary === 0 ) return this.real return this }, isNaN: function( n ){ return Q.ComplexNumber.isNaN( this )// Returned boolean will kill function chaining. }, isZero: function( n ){ return Q.ComplexNumber.isZero( this )// Returned boolean will kill function chaining. }, isFinite: function( n ){ return Q.ComplexNumber.isFinite( this )// Returned boolean will kill function chaining. }, isInfinite: function( n ){ return Q.ComplexNumber.isInfinite( this )// Returned boolean will kill function chaining. }, isEqualTo: function( b ){ return Q.ComplexNumber.areEqual( this, b )// Returned boolean will kill function chaining. }, absolute: function(){ return Q.ComplexNumber.absolute( this )// Returned number will kill function chaining. }, conjugate: function(){ return Q.ComplexNumber.conjugate( this ) }, power: function( b ){ return Q.ComplexNumber.power( this, b ) }, squareRoot: function(){ return Q.ComplexNumber.squareRoot( this ) }, log: function(){ return Q.ComplexNumber.log( this ) }, multiply: function( b ){ return Q.ComplexNumber.multiply( this, b ) }, divide: function( b ){ return Q.ComplexNumber.divide( this, b ) }, add: function( b ){ return Q.ComplexNumber.add( this, b ) }, subtract: function( b ){ return Q.ComplexNumber.subtract( this, b ) }, toText: function( roundToDecimal, padPositive ){ // Convert padPositive // from a potential Boolean // to a String. // If we don’t receive a FALSE // then we’ll pad the positive numbers. padPositive = padPositive === false ? '' : ' ' // Right. Let’s copy over the actual numbers. let rNumber = this.real, iNumber = this.imaginary // Should we round these numbers? // Our default is yes: to 3 digits. // Otherwise round to specified decimal. if( typeof roundToDecimal !== 'number' ) roundToDecimal = 3 const factor = Math.pow( 10, roundToDecimal ) rNumber = Math.round( rNumber * factor ) / factor iNumber = Math.round( iNumber * factor ) / factor // We need the absolute values of each. let rAbsolute = Math.abs( rNumber ), iAbsolute = Math.abs( iNumber ) // And an absolute value string. let rText = rAbsolute.toString(), iText = iAbsolute.toString() // Is this an IMAGINARY-ONLY number? // Don’t worry: -0 === 0. if( rNumber === 0 ){ if( iNumber === Infinity ) return padPositive +'∞i' if( iNumber === -Infinity ) return '-∞i' if( iNumber === 0 ) return padPositive +'0' if( iNumber === -1 ) return '-i' if( iNumber === 1 ) return padPositive +'i' if( iNumber >= 0 ) return padPositive + iText +'i' if( iNumber < 0 ) return '-'+ iText +'i' return iText +'i'// NaN } // This number contains a real component // and may also contain an imaginary one as well. if( rNumber === Infinity ) rText = padPositive +'∞' else if( rNumber === -Infinity ) rText = '-∞' else if( rNumber >= 0 ) rText = padPositive + rText else if( rNumber < 0 ) rText = '-'+ rText if( iNumber === Infinity ) return rText +' + ∞i' if( iNumber === -Infinity ) return rText +' - ∞i' if( iNumber === 0 ) return rText if( iNumber === -1 ) return rText +' - i' if( iNumber === 1 ) return rText +' + i' if( iNumber > 0 ) return rText +' + '+ iText +'i' if( iNumber < 0 ) return rText +' - '+ iText +'i' return rText +' + '+ iText +'i'// NaN }, // DESTRUCTIVE operations. copy$: function( b ){ if( b instanceof Q.ComplexNumber !== true ) return Q.error( `Q.ComplexNumber attempted to copy something that was not a complex number in to this complex number #${this.index}.`, this ) this.real = b.real this.imaginary = b.imaginary return this }, conjugate$: function(){ return this.copy$( this.conjugate() ) }, power$: function( b ){ return this.copy$( this.power( b )) }, squareRoot$: function(){ return this.copy$( this.squareRoot() ) }, log$: function(){ return this.copy$( this.log() ) }, multiply$: function( b ){ return this.copy$( this.multiply( b )) }, divide$: function( b ){ return this.copy$( this.divide( b )) }, add$: function( b ){ return this.copy$( this.add( b )) }, subtract$: function( b ){ return this.copy$( this.subtract( b )) } }) // Copyright © 2019–2020, Stewart Smith. See LICENSE for details. Q.Matrix = function(){ // We’re keeping track of how many matrices are // actually being generated. Just curiosity. this.index = Q.Matrix.index ++ let matrixWidth = null // Has Matrix been called with two numerical arguments? // If so, we need to create an empty Matrix // with dimensions of those values. if( arguments.length == 1 && Q.ComplexNumber.isNumberLike( arguments[ 0 ])){ matrixWidth = arguments[ 0 ] this.rows = new Array( matrixWidth ).fill( 0 ).map( function(){ return new Array( matrixWidth ).fill( 0 ) }) } else if( arguments.length == 2 && Q.ComplexNumber.isNumberLike( arguments[ 0 ]) && Q.ComplexNumber.isNumberLike( arguments[ 1 ])){ matrixWidth = arguments[ 0 ] this.rows = new Array( arguments[ 1 ]).fill( 0 ).map( function(){ return new Array( matrixWidth ).fill( 0 ) }) } else { // Matrices’ primary organization is by rows, // which is more congruent with our written langauge; // primarily organizated by horizontally juxtaposed glyphs. // That means it’s easier to write an instance invocation in code // and easier to read when inspecting properties in the console. let matrixWidthIsBroken = false this.rows = Array.from( arguments ) this.rows.forEach( function( row ){ if( row instanceof Array !== true ) row = [ row ] if( matrixWidth === null ) matrixWidth = row.length else if( matrixWidth !== row.length ) matrixWidthIsBroken = true }) if( matrixWidthIsBroken ) return Q.error( `Q.Matrix found upon initialization that matrix#${this.index} row lengths were not equal. You are going to have a bad time.`, this ) } // But for convenience we can also organize by columns. // Note this represents the transposed version of itself! const matrix = this this.columns = [] for( let x = 0; x < matrixWidth; x ++ ){ const column = [] for( let y = 0; y < this.rows.length; y ++ ){ // Since we’re combing through here // this is a good time to convert Number to ComplexNumber! const value = matrix.rows[ y ][ x ] if( typeof value === 'number' ){ // console.log('Created a complex number!') matrix.rows[ y ][ x ] = new Q.ComplexNumber( value ) } else if( value instanceof Q.ComplexNumber === false ){ return Q.error( `Q.Matrix found upon initialization that matrix#${this.index} contained non-quantitative values. A+ for creativity, but F for functionality.`, this ) } // console.log( x, y, matrix.rows[ y ][ x ]) Object.defineProperty( column, y, { get: function(){ return matrix.rows[ y ][ x ]}, set: function( n ){ matrix.rows[ y ][ x ] = n } }) } this.columns.push( column ) } } /////////////////////////// // // // Static properties // // // /////////////////////////// Object.assign( Q.Matrix, { index: 0, help: function(){ return Q.help( this )}, constants: {},// Only holds references; an easy way to look up what constants exist. createConstant: Q.createConstant, createConstants: Q.createConstants, isMatrixLike: function( obj ){ //return obj instanceof Q.Matrix || Q.Matrix.prototype.isPrototypeOf( obj ) return obj instanceof this || this.prototype.isPrototypeOf( obj ) }, isWithinRange: function( n, minimum, maximum ){ return typeof n === 'number' && n >= minimum && n <= maximum && n == parseInt( n ) }, getWidth: function( matrix ){ return matrix.columns.length }, getHeight: function( matrix ){ return matrix.rows.length }, haveEqualDimensions: function( matrix0, matrix1 ){ return ( matrix0.rows.length === matrix1.rows.length && matrix0.columns.length === matrix1.columns.length ) }, areEqual: function( matrix0, matrix1 ){ if( matrix0 instanceof Q.Matrix !== true ) return false if( matrix1 instanceof Q.Matrix !== true ) return false if( Q.Matrix.haveEqualDimensions( matrix0, matrix1 ) !== true ) return false return matrix0.rows.reduce( function( state, row, r ){ return state && row.reduce( function( state, cellValue, c ){ return state && cellValue.isEqualTo( matrix1.rows[ r ][ c ]) }, true ) }, true ) }, createSquare: function( size, f ){ if( typeof size !== 'number' ) size = 2 if( typeof f !== 'function' ) f = function(){ return 0 } const data = [] for( let y = 0; y < size; y ++ ){ const row = [] for( let x = 0; x < size; x ++ ){ row.push( f( x, y )) } data.push( row ) } return new Q.Matrix( ...data ) }, createZero: function( size ){ return new Q.Matrix.createSquare( size ) }, createOne: function( size ){ return new Q.Matrix.createSquare( size, function(){ return 1 }) }, createIdentity: function( size ){ return new Q.Matrix.createSquare( size, function( x, y ){ return x === y ? 1 : 0 }) }, // Import FROM a format. from: function( format ){ if( typeof format !== 'string' ) format = 'Array' const f = Q.Matrix[ 'from'+ format ] format = format.toLowerCase() if( typeof f !== 'function' ) return Q.error( `Q.Matrix could not find an importer for “${format}” data.` ) return f }, fromArray: function( array ){ return new Q.Matrix( ...array ) }, fromXsv: function( input, rowSeparator, valueSeparator ){ ` Ingest string data organized by row, then by column where rows are separated by one token (default: \n) and column values are separated by another token (default: \t). ` if( typeof rowSeparator !== 'string' ) rowSeparator = '\n' if( typeof valueSeparator !== 'string' ) valueSeparator = '\t' const inputRows = input.split( rowSeparator ), outputRows = [] inputRows.forEach( function( inputRow ){ inputRow = inputRow.trim() if( inputRow === '' ) return const outputRow = [] inputRow.split( valueSeparator ).forEach( function( cellValue ){ outputRow.push( parseFloat( cellValue )) }) outputRows.push( outputRow ) }) return new Q.Matrix( ...outputRows ) }, fromCsv: function( csv ){ return Q.Matrix.fromXsv( csv.replace( /\r/g, '\n' ), '\n', ',' ) }, fromTsv: function( tsv ){ return Q.Matrix.fromXsv( tsv, '\n', '\t' ) }, fromHtml: function( html ){ return Q.Matrix.fromXsv( html .replace( /\r?\n|\r||/g, '' ) .replace( /<\/td>(\s*)<\/tr>/g, '' ) .match( /(.*)<\/table>/i )[ 1 ], '', '' ) }, // Export TO a format. toXsv: function( matrix, rowSeparator, valueSeparator ){ return matrix.rows.reduce( function( xsv, row ){ return xsv + rowSeparator + row.reduce( function( xsv, cell, c ){ return xsv + ( c > 0 ? valueSeparator : '' ) + cell.toText() }, '' ) }, '' ) }, toCsv: function( matrix ){ return Q.Matrix.toXsv( matrix, '\n', ',' ) }, toTsv: function( matrix ){ return Q.Matrix.toXsv( matrix, '\n', '\t' ) }, // Operate NON-destructive. add: function( matrix0, matrix1 ){ if( Q.Matrix.isMatrixLike( matrix0 ) !== true || Q.Matrix.isMatrixLike( matrix1 ) !== true ){ return Q.error( `Q.Matrix attempted to add something that was not a matrix.` ) } if( Q.Matrix.haveEqualDimensions( matrix0, matrix1 ) !== true ) return Q.error( `Q.Matrix cannot add matrix#${matrix0.index} of dimensions ${matrix0.columns.length}x${matrix0.rows.length} to matrix#${matrix1.index} of dimensions ${matrix1.columns.length}x${matrix1.rows.length}.`) return new Q.Matrix( ...matrix0.rows.reduce( function( resultMatrixRow, row, r ){ resultMatrixRow.push( row.reduce( function( resultMatrixColumn, cellValue, c ){ // resultMatrixColumn.push( cellValue + matrix1.rows[ r ][ c ]) resultMatrixColumn.push( cellValue.add( matrix1.rows[ r ][ c ])) return resultMatrixColumn }, [] )) return resultMatrixRow }, [] )) }, multiplyScalar: function( matrix, scalar ){ if( Q.Matrix.isMatrixLike( matrix ) !== true ){ return Q.error( `Q.Matrix attempted to scale something that was not a matrix.` ) } if( typeof scalar !== 'number' ){ return Q.error( `Q.Matrix attempted to scale this matrix#${matrix.index} by an invalid scalar: ${scalar}.` ) } return new Q.Matrix( ...matrix.rows.reduce( function( resultMatrixRow, row ){ resultMatrixRow.push( row.reduce( function( resultMatrixColumn, cellValue ){ // resultMatrixColumn.push( cellValue * scalar ) resultMatrixColumn.push( cellValue.multiply( scalar )) return resultMatrixColumn }, [] )) return resultMatrixRow }, [] )) }, multiply: function( matrix0, matrix1 ){ ` Two matrices can be multiplied only when the number of columns in the first matrix equals the number of rows in the second matrix. Reminder: Matrix multiplication is not commutative so the order in which you multiply matters. SEE ALSO https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matrix_multiplication ` if( Q.Matrix.isMatrixLike( matrix0 ) !== true || Q.Matrix.isMatrixLike( matrix1 ) !== true ){ return Q.error( `Q.Matrix attempted to multiply something that was not a matrix.` ) } if( matrix0.columns.length !== matrix1.rows.length ){ return Q.error( `Q.Matrix attempted to multiply Matrix#${matrix0.index}(cols==${matrix0.columns.length}) by Matrix#${matrix1.index}(rows==${matrix1.rows.length}) but their dimensions were not compatible for this.` ) } const resultMatrix = [] matrix0.rows.forEach( function( matrix0Row ){// Each row of THIS matrix const resultMatrixRow = [] matrix1.columns.forEach( function( matrix1Column ){// Each column of OTHER matrix const sum = new Q.ComplexNumber() matrix1Column.forEach( function( matrix1CellValue, index ){// Work down the column of OTHER matrix sum.add$( matrix0Row[ index ].multiply( matrix1CellValue )) }) resultMatrixRow.push( sum ) }) resultMatrix.push( resultMatrixRow ) }) //return new Q.Matrix( ...resultMatrix ) return new this( ...resultMatrix ) }, multiplyTensor: function( matrix0, matrix1 ){ ` https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kronecker_product https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tensor_product ` if( Q.Matrix.isMatrixLike( matrix0 ) !== true || Q.Matrix.isMatrixLike( matrix1 ) !== true ){ return Q.error( `Q.Matrix attempted to tensor something that was not a matrix.` ) } const resultMatrix = [], resultMatrixWidth = matrix0.columns.length * matrix1.columns.length, resultMatrixHeight = matrix0.rows.length * matrix1.rows.length for( let y = 0; y < resultMatrixHeight; y ++ ){ const resultMatrixRow = [] for( let x = 0; x < resultMatrixWidth; x ++ ){ const matrix0X = Math.floor( x / matrix0.columns.length ), matrix0Y = Math.floor( y / matrix0.rows.length ), matrix1X = x % matrix1.columns.length, matrix1Y = y % matrix1.rows.length resultMatrixRow.push( //matrix0.rows[ matrix0Y ][ matrix0X ] * matrix1.rows[ matrix1Y ][ matrix1X ] matrix0.rows[ matrix0Y ][ matrix0X ].multiply( matrix1.rows[ matrix1Y ][ matrix1X ]) ) } resultMatrix.push( resultMatrixRow ) } return new Q.Matrix( ...resultMatrix ) } }) ////////////////////////////// // // // Prototype properties // // // ////////////////////////////// Object.assign( Q.Matrix.prototype, { isValidRow: function( r ){ return Q.Matrix.isWithinRange( r, 0, this.rows.length - 1 ) }, isValidColumn: function( c ){ return Q.Matrix.isWithinRange( c, 0, this.columns.length - 1 ) }, isValidAddress: function( x, y ){ return this.isValidRow( y ) && this.isValidColumn( x ) }, getWidth: function(){ return Q.Matrix.getWidth( this ) }, getHeight: function(){ return Q.Matrix.getHeight( this ) }, // Read NON-destructive by nature. (Except quantum reads of course! ROFL!!) read: function( x, y ){ ` Equivalent to this.columns[ x ][ y ] or this.rows[ y ][ x ] but with safety checks. ` if( this.isValidAddress( x, y )) return this.rows[ y ][ x ] return Q.error( `Q.Matrix could not read from cell address (x=${x}, y=${y}) in matrix#${this.index}.`, this ) }, clone: function(){ return new Q.Matrix( ...this.rows ) }, isEqualTo: function( otherMatrix ){ return Q.Matrix.areEqual( this, otherMatrix ) }, toArray: function(){ return this.rows }, toXsv: function( rowSeparator, valueSeparator ){ return Q.Matrix.toXsv( this, rowSeparator, valueSeparator ) }, toCsv: function(){ return Q.Matrix.toXsv( this, '\n', ',' ) }, toTsv: function(){ return Q.Matrix.toXsv( this, '\n', '\t' ) }, toHtml: function(){ return this.rows.reduce( function( html, row ){ return html + row.reduce( function( html, cell ){ return html +'\n\t\t' }, '\n\t' ) + '\n\t' }, '\n
'+ cell.toText() +'
' ) +'\n
' }, // Write is DESTRUCTIVE by nature. Not cuz I hate ya. write$: function( x, y, n ){ ` Equivalent to this.columns[ x ][ y ] = n or this.rows[ y ][ x ] = n but with safety checks. ` if( this.isValidAddress( x, y )){ if( Q.ComplexNumber.isNumberLike( n )) n = new Q.ComplexNumber( n ) if( n instanceof Q.ComplexNumber !== true ) return Q.error( `Attempted to write an invalid value (${n}) to matrix#${this.index} at x=${x}, y=${y}`, this ) this.rows[ y ][ x ] = n return this } return Q.error( `Invalid cell address for Matrix#${this.index}: x=${x}, y=${y}`, this ) }, copy$: function( matrix ){ if( Q.Matrix.isMatrixLike( matrix ) !== true ) return Q.error( `Q.Matrix attempted to copy something that was not a matrix in to this matrix#${matrix.index}.`, this ) if( Q.Matrix.haveEqualDimensions( matrix, this ) !== true ) return Q.error( `Q.Matrix cannot copy matrix#${matrix.index} of dimensions ${matrix.columns.length}x${matrix.rows.length} in to this matrix#${this.index} of dimensions ${this.columns.length}x${this.rows.length} because their dimensions do not match.`, this ) const that = this matrix.rows.forEach( function( row, r ){ row.forEach( function( n, c ){ that.rows[ r ][ c ] = n }) }) return this }, fromArray$: function( array ){ return this.copy$( Q.Matrix.fromArray( array )) }, fromCsv$: function( csv ){ return this.copy$( Q.Matrix.fromCsv( csv )) }, fromTsv$: function( tsv ){ return this.copy$( Q.Matrix.fromTsv( tsv )) }, fromHtml$: function( html ){ return this.copy$( Q.Matrix.fromHtml( html )) }, // Operate NON-destructive. add: function( otherMatrix ){ return Q.Matrix.add( this, otherMatrix ) }, multiplyScalar: function( scalar ){ return Q.Matrix.multiplyScalar( this, scalar ) }, multiply: function( otherMatrix ){ return Q.Matrix.multiply( this, otherMatrix ) }, multiplyTensor: function( otherMatrix ){ return Q.Matrix.multiplyTensor( this, otherMatrix ) }, // Operate DESTRUCTIVE. add$: function( otherMatrix ){ return this.copy$( this.add( otherMatrix )) }, multiplyScalar$: function( scalar ){ return this.copy$( this.multiplyScalar( scalar )) } }) ////////////////////////// // // // Static constants // // // ////////////////////////// Q.Matrix.createConstants( 'IDENTITY_2X2', Q.Matrix.createIdentity( 2 ), 'IDENTITY_3X3', Q.Matrix.createIdentity( 3 ), 'IDENTITY_4X4', Q.Matrix.createIdentity( 4 ), 'CONSTANT0_2X2', new Q.Matrix( [ 1, 1 ], [ 0, 0 ]), 'CONSTANT1_2X2', new Q.Matrix( [ 0, 0 ], [ 1, 1 ]), 'NEGATION_2X2', new Q.Matrix( [ 0, 1 ], [ 1, 0 ]), 'TEST_MAP_9X9', new Q.Matrix( [ 11, 21, 31, 41, 51, 61, 71, 81, 91 ], [ 12, 22, 32, 42, 52, 62, 72, 82, 92 ], [ 13, 23, 33, 43, 53, 63, 73, 83, 93 ], [ 14, 24, 34, 44, 54, 64, 74, 84, 94 ], [ 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 85, 95 ], [ 16, 26, 36, 46, 56, 66, 76, 86, 96 ], [ 17, 27, 37, 47, 57, 67, 77, 87, 97 ], [ 18, 28, 38, 48, 58, 68, 78, 88, 98 ], [ 19, 29, 39, 49, 59, 69, 79, 89, 99 ]) ) // Copyright © 2019–2020, Stewart Smith. See LICENSE for details. Q.Qubit = function( a, b, label, name ){ // If we’ve received an instance of Q.Matrix as our first argument // then we’ll assume there are no further arguments // and just use that matrix as our new Q.Qubit instance. if( Q.Matrix.isMatrixLike( a ) && b === undefined ){ b = a.rows[ 1 ][ 0 ] a = a.rows[ 0 ][ 0 ] } else { // All of our internal math now uses complex numbers // rather than Number literals // so we’d better convert! if( typeof a === 'number' ) a = new Q.ComplexNumber( a, 0 ) if( typeof b === 'number' ) b = new Q.ComplexNumber( b, 0 ) // If we receive undefined (or garbage inputs) // let’s try to make it useable. // This way we can always call Q.Qubit with no arguments // to make a new qubit available for computing with. if( a instanceof Q.ComplexNumber !== true ) a = new Q.ComplexNumber( 1, 0 ) if( b instanceof Q.ComplexNumber !== true ){ // 1 - |𝒂|² = |𝒃|² // So this does NOT account for if 𝒃 ought to be imaginary or not. // Perhaps for completeness we could randomly decide // to flip the real and imaginary components of 𝒃 after this line? b = Q.ComplexNumber.ONE.subtract( Math.pow( a.absolute(), 2 )).squareRoot() } } // Sanity check! // Does this constraint hold true? |𝒂|² + |𝒃|² = 1 if( Math.pow( a.absolute(), 2 ) + Math.pow( b.absolute(), 2 ) - 1 > Q.EPSILON ) return Q.error( `Q.Qubit could not accept the initialization values of a=${a} and b=${b} because their squares do not add up to 1.` ) Q.Matrix.call( this, [ a ],[ b ]) this.index = Q.Qubit.index ++ // Convenience getters and setters for this qubit’s // controll bit and target bit. Object.defineProperty( this, 'alpha', { get: function(){ return this.rows[ 0 ][ 0 ]}, set: function( n ){ this.rows[ 0 ][ 0 ] = n } }) Object.defineProperty( this, 'beta', { get: function(){ return this.rows[ 1 ][ 0 ]}, set: function( n ){ this.rows[ 1 ][ 0 ] = n } }) // Used for Dirac notation: |?⟩ if( typeof label === 'string' ) this.label = label if( typeof name === 'string' ) this.name = name if( this.label === undefined || this.name === undefined ){ const found = Object.values( Q.Qubit.constants ).find( function( qubit ){ return ( a.isEqualTo( qubit.alpha ) && b.isEqualTo( qubit.beta ) ) }) if( found === undefined ){ this.label = '?' this.name = 'Unnamed' } else { if( this.label === undefined ) this.label = found.label if( this.name === undefined ) this.name = found.name } } } Q.Qubit.prototype = Object.create( Q.Matrix.prototype ) Q.Qubit.prototype.constructor = Q.Qubit Object.assign( Q.Qubit, { index: 0, help: function(){ return Q.help( this )}, constants: {}, createConstant: Q.createConstant, createConstants: Q.createConstants, findBy: function( key, value ){ return ( Object .values( Q.Qubit.constants ) .find( function( item ){ if( typeof value === 'string' && typeof item[ key ] === 'string' ){ return value.toLowerCase() === item[ key ].toLowerCase() } return value === item[ key ] }) ) }, findBySymbol: function( symbol ){ return Q.Qubit.findBy( 'symbol', symbol ) }, findByName: function( name ){ return Q.Qubit.findBy( 'name', name ) }, findByBeta: function( beta ){ if( beta instanceof Q.ComplexNumber === false ){ beta = new Q.ComplexNumber( beta ) } return Object.values( Q.Qubit.constants ).find( function( qubit ){ return qubit.beta.isEqualTo( beta ) }) }, areEqual: function( qubit0, qubit1 ){ return ( qubit0.alpha.isEqualTo( qubit1.alpha ) && qubit0.beta.isEqualTo( qubit1.beta ) ) }, collapse: function( qubit ){ const alpha2 = Math.pow( qubit.alpha.absolute(), 2 ), beta2 = Math.pow( qubit.beta.absolute(), 2 ), randomNumberRange = Math.pow( 2, 32 ) - 1, randomNumber = new Uint32Array( 1 ) // console.log( 'alpha^2', alpha2 ) // console.log( 'beta^2', beta2 ) window.crypto.getRandomValues( randomNumber ) const randomNumberNormalized = randomNumber / randomNumberRange if( randomNumberNormalized <= alpha2 ){ return new Q.Qubit( 1, 0 ) } else return new Q.Qubit( 0, 1 ) }, applyGate: function( qubit, gate, ...args ){ ` This is means of inverting what comes first: the Gate or the Qubit? If the Gate only operates on a single qubit, then it doesn’t matter and we can do this: ` if( gate instanceof Q.Gate === false ) return Q.error( `Q.Qubit attempted to apply something that was not a gate to this qubit #${ qubit.index }.` ) else return gate.applyToQubit( qubit, ...args ) }, toText: function( qubit ){ //return `|${qubit.beta.toText()}⟩` return qubit.alpha.toText() +'\n'+ qubit.beta.toText() }, toStateVectorText: function( qubit ){ return `|${ qubit.beta.toText() }⟩` }, toStateVectorHtml: function( qubit ){ return `${ qubit.beta.toText() }` }, // This code was a pain in the ass to figure out. // I’m not fluent in trigonometry // and none of the quantum primers actually lay out // how to convert arbitrary qubit states // to Bloch Sphere representation. // Oh, they provide equivalencies for specific states, sure. // I hope this is useful to you // unless you are porting this to a terrible language // like C# or Java or something ;) toBlochSphere: function( qubit ){ ` Based on this qubit’s state return the Polar angle θ (theta), azimuth angle ϕ (phi), Bloch vector, corrected surface coordinate. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloch_sphere ` // Polar angle θ (theta). const theta = Q.ComplexNumber.arcCosine( qubit.alpha ).multiply( 2 ) if( isNaN( theta.real )) theta.real = 0 if( isNaN( theta.imaginary )) theta.imaginary = 0 // Azimuth angle ϕ (phi). const phi = Q.ComplexNumber.log( qubit.beta.divide( Q.ComplexNumber.sine( theta.divide( 2 ))) ) .divide( Q.ComplexNumber.I ) if( isNaN( phi.real )) phi.real = 0 if( isNaN( phi.imaginary )) phi.imaginary = 0 // Bloch vector. const vector = { x: Q.ComplexNumber.sine( theta ).multiply( Q.ComplexNumber.cosine( phi )).real, y: Q.ComplexNumber.sine( theta ).multiply( Q.ComplexNumber.sine( phi )).real, z: Q.ComplexNumber.cosine( theta ).real } // Bloch vector’s axes are wonked. // Let’s “correct” them for use with Three.js, etc. const position = { x: vector.y, y: vector.z, z: vector.x } return { // Ummm... I’m only returnig the REAL portions. Please forgive me! theta: theta.real, phi: phi.real, vector, // Wonked YZX vector for maths because maths. position// Un-wonked XYZ for use by actual 3D engines. } }, fromBlochVector: function( x, y, z ){ //basically from a Pauli Rotation } }) Q.Qubit.createConstants( // Opposing pairs: // |H⟩ and |V⟩ // |D⟩ and |A⟩ // |R⟩ and |L⟩ 'HORIZONTAL', new Q.Qubit( 1, 0, 'H', 'Horizontal' ),// ZERO. 'VERTICAL', new Q.Qubit( 0, 1, 'V', 'Vertical' ),// ONE. 'DIAGONAL', new Q.Qubit( Math.SQRT1_2, Math.SQRT1_2, 'D', 'Diagonal' ), 'ANTI_DIAGONAL', new Q.Qubit( Math.SQRT1_2, -Math.SQRT1_2, 'A', 'Anti-diagonal' ), 'RIGHT_HAND_CIRCULAR_POLARIZED', new Q.Qubit( Math.SQRT1_2, new Q.ComplexNumber( 0, -Math.SQRT1_2 ), 'R', 'Right-hand Circular Polarized' ),// RHCP 'LEFT_HAND_CIRCULAR_POLARIZED', new Q.Qubit( Math.SQRT1_2, new Q.ComplexNumber( 0, Math.SQRT1_2 ), 'L', 'Left-hand Circular Polarized' ) // LHCP ) Object.assign( Q.Qubit.prototype, { copy$: function( matrix ){ if( Q.Matrix.isMatrixLike( matrix ) !== true ) return Q.error( `Q.Qubit attempted to copy something that was not a matrix in this qubit #${qubit.index}.`, this ) if( Q.Matrix.haveEqualDimensions( matrix, this ) !== true ) return Q.error( `Q.Qubit cannot copy matrix#${matrix.index} of dimensions ${matrix.columns.length}x${matrix.rows.length} in to this qubit #${this.index} of dimensions ${this.columns.length}x${this.rows.length} because their dimensions do not match.`, this ) const that = this matrix.rows.forEach( function( row, r ){ row.forEach( function( n, c ){ that.rows[ r ][ c ] = n }) }) this.dirac = matrix.dirac return this }, clone: function(){ return new Q.Qubit( this.alpha, this.beta ) }, isEqualTo: function( otherQubit ){ return Q.Qubit.areEqual( this, otherQubit )// Returns a Boolean, breaks function chaining! }, collapse: function(){ return Q.Qubit.collapse( this ) }, applyGate: function( gate, ...args ){ return Q.Qubit.applyGate( this, gate, ...args ) }, toText: function(){ return Q.Qubit.toText( this )// Returns a String, breaks function chaining! }, toStateVectorText: function(){ return Q.Qubit.toStateVectorText( this )// Returns a String, breaks function chaining! }, toStateVectorHtml: function(){ return Q.Qubit.toStateVectorHtml( this )// Returns a String, breaks function chaining! }, toBlochSphere: function(){ return Q.Qubit.toBlochSphere( this )// Returns an Object, breaks function chaining! }, collapse$: function(){ return this.copy$( Q.Qubit.collapse( this )) }, applyGate$: function( gate ){ return this.copy$( Q.Qubit.applyGate( this, gate )) }, }) // Copyright © 2019–2020, Stewart Smith. See LICENSE for details. Q.Gate = function( params ){ Object.assign( this, params ) this.index = Q.Gate.index ++ if( typeof this.symbol !== 'string' ) this.symbol = '?' if( typeof this.symbolAmazonBraket !== 'string' ) this.symbolAmazonBraket = this.symbol.toLowerCase() // We use symbols as unique identifiers // among gate CONSTANTS // so if you use the same symbol for a non-constant // that’s not a deal breaker // but it is good to know. const scope = this, foundConstant = Object .values( Q.Gate.constants ) .find( function( gate ){ return gate.symbol === scope.symbol }) if( foundConstant ){ Q.warn( `Q.Gate is creating a new instance, #${ this.index }, that uses the same symbol as a pre-existing Gate constant:`, foundConstant ) } if( typeof this.name !== 'string' ) this.name = 'Unknown' if( typeof this.nameCss !== 'string' ) this.nameCss = 'unknown' // If our gate’s matrix is to be // dynamically created or updated // then we ouoght to do that now. if( typeof this.updateMatrix$ === 'function' ) this.updateMatrix$() // Every gate must have an applyToQubit method. // If it doesn’t exist we’ll create one // based on whether a matrix property exists or not. if( typeof this.applyToQubit !== 'function' ){ if( this.matrix instanceof Q.Matrix === true ){ this.applyToQubit = function( qubit ){ return new Q.Qubit( this.matrix.multiply( qubit )) } } else { this.applyToQubit = function( qubit ){ return qubit } } } } Object.assign( Q.Gate, { index: 0, constants: {}, createConstant: Q.createConstant, createConstants: Q.createConstants, findBy: function( key, value ){ return ( Object .values( Q.Gate.constants ) .find( function( item ){ if( typeof value === 'string' && typeof item[ key ] === 'string' ){ return value.toLowerCase() === item[ key ].toLowerCase() } return value === item[ key ] }) ) }, findBySymbol: function( symbol ){ return Q.Gate.findBy( 'symbol', symbol ) }, findByName: function( name ){ return Q.Gate.findBy( 'name', name ) } }) Object.assign( Q.Gate.prototype, { clone: function( params ){ return new Q.Gate( Object.assign( {}, this, params )) }, applyToQubits: function(){ return Array.from( arguments ).map( this.applyToQubit.bind( this )) }, set$: function( key, value ){ this[ key ] = value return this }, setSymbol$: function( value ){ return this.set$( 'symbol', value ) } }) Q.Gate.createConstants( // Operate on a single qubit. 'IDENTITY', new Q.Gate({ symbol: 'I', symbolAmazonBraket: 'i', symbolSvg: '', name: 'Identity', nameCss: 'identity', matrix: Q.Matrix.IDENTITY_2X2 }), 'CURSOR', new Q.Gate({ symbol: '*', symbolAmazonBraket: 'i', symbolSvg: '', name: 'Identity', nameCss: 'identity', matrix: Q.Matrix.IDENTITY_2X2 }), 'MEASURE', new Q.Gate({ symbol: 'M', symbolAmazonBraket: 'm', symbolSvg: '', name: 'Measure', nameCss: 'measure', matrix: Q.Matrix.IDENTITY_2X2, applyToQubit: function( state ){} }), 'HADAMARD', new Q.Gate({ symbol: 'H', symbolAmazonBraket: 'h', symbolSvg: '', name: 'Hadamard', nameCss: 'hadamard', matrix: new Q.Matrix( [ Math.SQRT1_2, Math.SQRT1_2 ], [ Math.SQRT1_2, -Math.SQRT1_2 ]) }), 'PAULI_X', new Q.Gate({ symbol: 'X', symbolAmazonBraket: 'x', symbolSvg: '', name: 'Pauli X', nameCss: 'pauli-x', matrix: new Q.Matrix( [ 0, 1 ], [ 1, 0 ]) }), 'PAULI_Y', new Q.Gate({ symbol: 'Y', symbolAmazonBraket: 'y', symbolSvg: '', name: 'Pauli Y', nameCss: 'pauli-y', matrix: new Q.Matrix( [ 0, new Q.ComplexNumber( 0, -1 )], [ new Q.ComplexNumber( 0, 1 ), 0 ]) }), 'PAULI_Z', new Q.Gate({ symbol: 'Z', symbolAmazonBraket: 'z', symbolSvg: '', name: 'Pauli Z', nameCss: 'pauli-z', matrix: new Q.Matrix( [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, -1 ]) }), 'PHASE', new Q.Gate({ symbol: 'P', symbolAmazonBraket: 'p',// !!! Double check this !!! symbolSvg: '', name: 'Phase', nameCss: 'phase', phi: 1, updateMatrix$: function( phi ){ if( Q.isUsefulNumber( phi ) === true ) this.phi = phi this.matrix = new Q.Matrix( [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, Q.ComplexNumber.E.power( new Q.ComplexNumber( 0, this.phi ))]) return this }, applyToQubit: function( qubit, phi ){ if( Q.isUsefulNumber( phi ) !== true ) phi = this.phi const matrix = new Q.Matrix( [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, Q.ComplexNumber.E.power( new Q.ComplexNumber( 0, phi ))]) return new Q.Qubit( matrix.multiply( qubit )) } }), 'PI_8', new Q.Gate({ symbol: 'T', symbolAmazonBraket: 't',// !!! Double check this !!! symbolSvg: '', name: 'π ÷ 8', nameCss: 'pi8', matrix: new Q.Matrix( [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, Q.ComplexNumber.E.power( new Q.ComplexNumber( 0, Math.PI / 4 )) ]) }), 'BLOCH', new Q.Gate({ symbol: 'B', //symbolAmazonBraket: Does not exist. symbolSvg: '', name: 'Bloch sphere', nameCss: 'bloch', applyToQubit: function( qubit ){ // Create Bloch sphere visualizer instance. } }), // Operate on 2 qubits. 'SWAP', new Q.Gate({ symbol: 'S', symbolAmazonBraket: 's',// !!! Double check this !!! symbolSvg: '', name: 'Swap', nameCss: 'swap', matrix: new Q.Matrix( [ 1, 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 1, 0 ], [ 0, 1, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]) }), 'SWAP1_2', new Q.Gate({ symbol: '√S', //symbolAmazonBraket: !!! UNKNOWN !!! symbolSvg: '', name: '√Swap', nameCss: 'swap1-2', matrix: new Q.Matrix( [ 1, 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, new Q.ComplexNumber( 0.5, 0.5 ), new Q.ComplexNumber( 0.5, -0.5 ), 0 ], [ 0, new Q.ComplexNumber( 0.5, -0.5 ), new Q.ComplexNumber( 0.5, 0.5 ), 0 ], [ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]) }) /* All further gates, such as Toffoli (CCNOT) or Fredkin (CSWAP) can be easily constructed from the above gates using Q conveniences. */ ) // Copyright © 2019–2020, Stewart Smith. See LICENSE for details. Q.History = function( instance ){ this.instance = instance this.entries = [[{ redo: {}, undo: [{}] }]] this.index = 0 this.isRecording = true } Object.assign( Q.History.prototype, { assess: function(){ const instance = this.instance if( this.index > 0 ){ window.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent( 'Q.History undo is capable', { detail: { instance }} )) } else { window.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent( 'Q.History undo is depleted', { detail: { instance }} )) } if( this.index + 1 < this.entries.length ){ window.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent( 'Q.History redo is capable', { detail: { instance }} )) } else { window.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent( 'Q.History redo is depleted', { detail: { instance }} )) } return this }, createEntry$: function(){ this.entries.splice( this.index + 1 ) this.entries.push([]) this.index = this.entries.length - 1 }, record$: function( entry ){ // Are we recording this history? // Usually, yes. // But if our history state is “playback” // then we will NOT record this. if( this.isRecording ){ this.entries[ this.index ].push( entry ) this.index = this.entries.length - 1 this.assess() } return this }, step$: function( direction ){ // If we are stepping backward (undo) // we cannot go back further than index === 0 // which we would happen if index is already 0 // before we subtract 1. // Similarly, if stepping forward (redo) // we cannot go further than index === entries.length - 1 // which would happen if the index is already entries.length // before we add 1. if( ( direction < 0 && this.index < 1 ) || ( direction > 0 && this.index > this.entries.length - 2 ) ) return false // Before we step backward (undo) or forward (redo) // we need to turn OFF history recording. this.isRecording = false const instance = this.instance, command = direction < 0 ? 'undo' : 'redo' // If we are stepping forward (redo) // then we need to advance the history index // BEFORE we execute. if( direction > 0 ) this.index ++ // Take this history entry, which itself is an Array. // It may contain several tasks. // Put my thing down, flip and reverse it. // .ti esrever dna pilf ,nwod gniht ym tuP const entry = direction > 0 ? Array.from( this.entries[ this.index ]) : Array.from( this.entries[ this.index ]).reverse() entry .reduce( function( tasks, subentry, s ){ return tasks.concat( subentry[ command ]) }, [] ) .forEach( function( task, i ){ if( typeof task.func === 'function' ){ task.func.apply( instance, task.args ) } }) // If we are stepping backward (undo) // then we decrement the history index // AFTER the execution above. if( direction < 0 ) this.index -- // It’s now safe to turn recording back on. this.isRecording = true // Emit an event so the GUI or anyone else listening // can know if we have available undo or redo commands // based on where or index is. this.assess() return true }, undo$: function(){ return this.step$( -1 )}, redo$: function(){ return this.step$( 1 )}, report: function(){ const argsParse = function( output, entry, i ){ if( i > 0 ) output += ', ' return output + ( typeof entry === 'object' && entry.name ? entry.name : entry ) } return this.entries.reduce( function( output, entry, i ){ output += '\n\n'+ i + ' ════════════════════════════════════════'+ entry.reduce( function( output, entry, i ){ output += '\n\n '+ i +' ────────────────────────────────────────\n' if( entry.redo ){ output += '\n ⟳ Redo ── '+ entry.redo.name +' ' if( entry.redo.args ) output += entry.redo.args.reduce( argsParse, '' ) } output += entry.undo.reduce( function( output, entry, i ){ output += '\n ⟲ Undo '+ i +' ── '+ entry.name +' ' if( entry.args ) output += entry.args.reduce( argsParse, '' ) return output }, '' ) return output }, '' ) return output }, 'History entry cursor: '+ this.index ) } }) // Copyright © 2019–2020, Stewart Smith. See LICENSE for details. Q.Circuit = function( bandwidth, timewidth ){ // What number Circuit is this // that we’re attempting to make here? this.index = Q.Circuit.index ++ // How many qubits (registers) shall we use? if( !Q.isUsefulInteger( bandwidth )) bandwidth = 3 this.bandwidth = bandwidth // How many operations can we perform on each qubit? // Each operation counts as one moment; one clock tick. if( !Q.isUsefulInteger( timewidth )) timewidth = 5 this.timewidth = timewidth // We’ll start with Horizontal qubits (zeros) as inputs // but we can of course modify this after initialization. this.qubits = new Array( bandwidth ).fill( Q.Qubit.HORIZONTAL ) // What operations will we perform on our qubits? this.operations = [] // Does our circuit need evaluation? // Certainly, yes! // (And will again each time it is modified.) this.needsEvaluation = true // When our circuit is evaluated // we store those results in this array. this.results = [] this.matrix = null // Undo / Redo history. this.history = new Q.History( this ) } Object.assign( Q.Circuit, { index: 0, help: function(){ return Q.help( this )}, constants: {}, createConstant: Q.createConstant, createConstants: Q.createConstants, fromText: function( text ){ // This is a quick way to enable `fromText()` // to return a default new Q.Circuit(). if( text === undefined ) return new Q.Circuit() // Is this a String Template -- as opposed to a regular String? // If so, let’s convert it to a regular String. // Yes, this maintains the line breaks. if( text.raw !== undefined ) text = ''+text.raw return Q.Circuit.fromTableTransposed( text .trim() .split( /\r?\n/ ) .filter( function( item ){ return item.length }) .map( function( item, r ){ return item .trim() .split( /[-+\s+=+]/ ) .filter( function( item ){ return item.length }) .map( function( item, m ){ //const matches = item.match( /(^\w+)(#(\w+))*(\.(\d+))*/ ) const matches = item.match( /(^\w+)(\.(\w+))*(#(\d+))*/ ) return { gateSymbol: matches[ 1 ], operationMomentId: matches[ 3 ], mappingIndex: +matches[ 5 ] } }) }) ) }, //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ // Working out a new syntax here... Patience please! fromText2: function( text ){ text = ` H C C I C1 C1 I X1 S1 I X1 S1` // This is a quick way to enable `fromText()` // to return a default new Q.Circuit(). if( text === undefined ) return new Q.Circuit() // Is this a String Template -- as opposed to a regular String? // If so, let’s convert it to a regular String. // Yes, this maintains the line breaks. if( text.raw !== undefined ) text = ''+text.raw text .trim() .split( /\r?\n/ ) .filter( function( item ){ return item.length }) .map( function( item, r ){ return item .trim() .split( /[-+\s+=+]/ ) .filter( function( item ){ return item.length }) .map( function( item, m ){ // +++++++++++++++++++++++ // need to map LETTER[] optional NUMBER ] const matches = item.match( /(^\w+)(\.(\w+))*(#(\d+))*/ ) //const matches = item.match( /(^\w+)(#(\w+))*(\.(\d+))*/ ) // const matches = item.match( /(^\w+)(\.(\w+))*(#(\d+))*/ ) // return { // gateSymbol: matches[ 1 ], // operationMomentId: matches[ 3 ], // mappingIndex: +matches[ 5 ] // } }) }) }, //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ fromTableTransposed: function( table ){ const bandwidth = table.length, timewidth = table.reduce( function( max, moments ){ return Math.max( max, moments.length ) }, 0 ), circuit = new Q.Circuit( bandwidth, timewidth ) circuit.bandwidth = bandwidth circuit.timewidth = timewidth for( let r = 0; r < bandwidth; r ++ ){ const registerIndex = r + 1 for( let m = 0; m < timewidth; m ++ ){ const momentIndex = m + 1, operation = table[ r ][ m ] let siblingHasBeenFound = false for( let s = 0; s < r; s ++ ){ const sibling = table[ s ][ m ] if( operation.gateSymbol === sibling.gateSymbol && operation.operationMomentId === sibling.operationMomentId && Q.isUsefulInteger( operation.mappingIndex ) && Q.isUsefulInteger( sibling.mappingIndex ) && operation.mappingIndex !== sibling.mappingIndex ){ // We’ve found a sibling ! const operationsIndex = circuit.operations.findIndex( function( operation ){ return ( operation.momentIndex === momentIndex && operation.registerIndices.includes( s + 1 ) ) }) // console.log( 'operationsIndex?', operationsIndex ) circuit.operations[ operationsIndex ].registerIndices[ operation.mappingIndex ] = registerIndex circuit.operations[ operationsIndex ].isControlled = operation.gateSymbol != '*'// Q.Gate.SWAP. siblingHasBeenFound = true } } if( siblingHasBeenFound === false && operation.gateSymbol !== 'I' ){ const gate = Q.Gate.findBySymbol( operation.gateSymbol ), registerIndices = [] if( Q.isUsefulInteger( operation.mappingIndex )){ registerIndices[ operation.mappingIndex ] = registerIndex } else registerIndices[ 0 ] = registerIndex circuit.operations.push({ gate, momentIndex, registerIndices, isControlled: false, operationMomentId: operation.operationMomentId }) } } } circuit.sort$() return circuit }, controlled: function( U ){ // we should really just replace this with a nice Matrix.copy({}) command!!!! // console.log( 'U?', U ) const size = U.getWidth(), result = Q.Matrix.createIdentity( size * 2 ) // console.log( 'U', U.toTsv() ) // console.log( 'size', size ) // console.log( 'result', result.toTsv() ) for( let x = 0; x < size; x ++ ){ for( let y = 0; y < size; y ++ ){ const v = U.read( x, y ) // console.log( `value at ${x}, ${y}`, v ) result.write$( x + size, y + size, v ) } } return result }, // Return transformation over entire nqubit register that applies U to // specified qubits (in order given). // Algorithm from Lee Spector's "Automatic Quantum Computer Programming" // Page 21 in the 2004 PDF? // expandMatrix: function( circuitBandwidth, U, qubitIndices ){ // console.log( 'EXPANDING THE MATRIX...' ) // console.log( 'this one: U', U.toTsv()) const _qubits = [] const n = Math.pow( 2, circuitBandwidth ) // console.log( 'qubitIndices used by this operation:', qubitIndices ) // console.log( 'qubits before slice', qubitIndices ) // qubitIndices = qubitIndices.slice( 0 ) // console.log( 'qubits AFTER slice', qubitIndices ) for( let i = 0; i < qubitIndices.length; i ++ ){ //qubitIndices[ i ] = ( circuitBandwidth - 1 ) - qubitIndices[ i ] qubitIndices[ i ] = ( circuitBandwidth - 0 ) - qubitIndices[ i ] } // console.log( 'qubits AFTER manipulation', qubitIndices ) qubitIndices.reverse() for( let i = 0; i < circuitBandwidth; i ++ ){ if( qubitIndices.indexOf( i ) == -1 ){ _qubits.push( i ) } } // console.log( 'qubitIndices vs _qubits:' ) // console.log( 'qubitIndices', qubitIndices ) // console.log( '_qubits', _qubits ) const result = new Q.Matrix.createZero( n ) // const X = numeric.rep([n, n], 0); // const Y = numeric.rep([n, n], 0); let i = n while( i -- ){ let j = n while( j -- ){ let bitsEqual = true, k = _qubits.length while( k -- ){ if(( i & ( 1 << _qubits[ k ])) != ( j & ( 1 << _qubits[ k ]))){ bitsEqual = false break } } if( bitsEqual ){ // console.log( 'bits ARE equal' ) let istar = 0, jstar = 0, k = qubitIndices.length while( k -- ){ const q = qubitIndices[ k ] istar |= (( i & ( 1 << q )) >> q ) << k jstar |= (( j & ( 1 << q )) >> q ) << k } //console.log( 'U.read( istar, jstar )', U.read( istar, jstar ).toText() ) // console.log( 'before write$', result.toTsv()) // console.log( 'U.read at ', istar, jstar, '=', U.read( istar, jstar ).toText()) result.write$( i, j, U.read( istar, jstar )) // console.log( 'after write$', result.toTsv()) // X[i][j] = U.x[ istar ][ jstar ] // Y[i][j] = U.y[ istar ][ jstar ] } // else console.log('bits NOT equal') } } //return new numeric.T(X, Y); // console.log( 'expanded matrix to:', result.toTsv() ) return result }, evaluate: function( circuit ){ // console.log( circuit.toDiagram() ) window.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent( 'Q.Circuit.evaluate began', { detail: { circuit } } )) // Our circuit’s operations must be in the correct order // before we attempt to step through them! circuit.sort$() // Create a new matrix (or more precisely, a vector) // that is a 1 followed by all zeros. // // ┌ ┐ // │ 1 │ // │ 0 │ // │ 0 │ // │ . │ // │ . │ // │ . │ // └ ┘ const state = new Q.Matrix( 1, Math.pow( 2, circuit.bandwidth )) state.write$( 0, 0, 1 ) // Create a state matrix from this circuit’s input qubits. // const state2 = circuit.qubits.reduce( function( state, qubit, i ){ // if( i > 0 ) return state.multiplyTensor( qubit ) // else return state // }, circuit.qubits[ 0 ]) // console.log( 'Initial state', state2.toTsv() ) // console.log( 'multiplied', state2.multiplyTensor( state ).toTsv() ) const operationsTotal = circuit.operations.length let operationsCompleted = 0 let matrix = circuit.operations.reduce( function( state, operation, i ){ let U if( operation.registerIndices.length < Infinity ){ if( operation.isControlled ){ //if( operation.registerIndices.length > 1 ){ // operation.gate = Q.Gate.PAULI_X // why the F was this hardcoded in there?? what was i thinking?! // OH I KNOW ! // that was from back when i represented this as "C" -- its own gate // rather than an X with multiple registers. // so now no need for this "if" block at all. // will remove in a few cycles. } U = operation.gate.matrix } else { // This is for Quantum Fourier Transforms (QFT). // Will have to come back to this at a later date! } // console.log( operation.gate.name, U.toTsv() ) // Yikes. May need to separate registerIndices in to controls[] and targets[] ?? // Works for now tho..... for( let j = 0; j < operation.registerIndices.length - 1; j ++ ){ U = Q.Circuit.controlled( U ) // console.log( 'qubitIndex #', j, 'U = Q.Circuit.controlled( U )', U.toTsv() ) } // We need to send a COPY of the registerIndices Array // to .expandMatrix() // otherwise it *may* modify the actual registerIndices Array // and wow -- tracking down that bug was painful! const registerIndices = operation.registerIndices.slice() state = Q.Circuit.expandMatrix( circuit.bandwidth, U, registerIndices ).multiply( state ) operationsCompleted ++ const progress = operationsCompleted / operationsTotal window.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent( 'Q.Circuit.evaluate progressed', { detail: { circuit, progress, operationsCompleted, operationsTotal, momentIndex: operation.momentIndex, registerIndices: operation.registerIndices, gate: operation.gate.name, state }})) // console.log( `\n\nProgress ... ${ Math.round( operationsCompleted / operationsTotal * 100 )}%`) // console.log( 'Moment .....', operation.momentIndex ) // console.log( 'Registers ..', JSON.stringify( operation.registerIndices )) // console.log( 'Gate .......', operation.gate.name ) // console.log( 'Intermediate result:', state.toTsv() ) // console.log( '\n' ) return state }, state ) // console.log( 'result matrix', matrix.toTsv() ) const outcomes = matrix.rows.reduce( function( outcomes, row, i ){ outcomes.push({ state: '|'+ parseInt( i, 10 ).toString( 2 ).padStart( circuit.bandwidth, '0' ) +'⟩', probability: Math.pow( row[ 0 ].absolute(), 2 ) }) return outcomes }, [] ) circuit.needsEvaluation = false circuit.matrix = matrix circuit.results = outcomes window.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent( 'Q.Circuit.evaluate completed', { detail: { // circuit.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent( 'evaluation complete', { detail: { circuit, results: outcomes }})) return matrix } }) Object.assign( Q.Circuit.prototype, { clone: function(){ const original = this, clone = original.copy() clone.qubits = original.qubits.slice() clone.results = original.results.slice() clone.needsEvaluation = original.needsEvaluation return clone }, evaluate$: function(){ Q.Circuit.evaluate( this ) return this }, report$: function( length ){ if( this.needsEvaluation ) this.evaluate$() if( !Q.isUsefulInteger( length )) length = 20 const circuit = this, text = this.results.reduce( function( text, outcome, i ){ const probabilityPositive = Math.round( outcome.probability * length ), probabilityNegative = length - probabilityPositive return text +'\n' + ( i + 1 ).toString().padStart( Math.ceil( Math.log10( Math.pow( 2, circuit.qubits.length ))), ' ' ) +' ' + outcome.state +' ' + ''.padStart( probabilityPositive, '█' ) + ''.padStart( probabilityNegative, '░' ) + Q.round( Math.round( 100 * outcome.probability ), 8 ).toString().padStart( 4, ' ' ) +'% chance' }, '' ) + '\n' return text }, try$: function(){ if( this.needsEvaluation ) this.evaluate$() // We need to “stack” our probabilities from 0..1. const outcomesStacked = new Array( this.results.length ) this.results.reduce( function( sum, outcome, i ){ sum += outcome.probability outcomesStacked[ i ] = sum return sum }, 0 ) // Now we can pick a random number // and return the first outcome // with a probability equal to or greater than // that random number. const randomNumber = Math.random(), randomIndex = outcomesStacked.findIndex( function( index ){ return randomNumber <= index }) // Output that to the console // but return the random index // so we can pipe that to something else // should we want to :) // console.log( this.outcomes[ randomIndex ].state ) return randomIndex }, //////////////// // // // Output // // // //////////////// // This is absolutely required by toTable. sort$: function(){ // Sort this circuit’s operations // primarily by momentIndex, // then by the first registerIndex. this.operations.sort( function( a, b ){ if( a.momentIndex === b.momentIndex ){ // Note that we are NOT sorting registerIndices here! // We are merely asking which set of indices contain // the lowest register index. // If we instead sorted the registerIndices // we could confuse which qubit is the controller // and which is the controlled! return Math.min( ...a.registerIndices ) - Math.min( b.registerIndices ) } else { return a.momentIndex - b.momentIndex } }) return this }, /////////////////// // // // Exporters // // // /////////////////// // Many export functions rely on toTable // and toTable itself absolutely relies on // a circuit’s operations to be SORTED correctly. // We could force circuit.sort$() here, // but then toTable would become toTable$ // and every exporter that relies on it would // also become destructive. toTable: function(){ const table = new Array( this.timewidth ), circuit = this // Sure, this is equal to table.length // but isn’t legibility and convenience everything? table.timewidth = this.timewidth // Similarly, this should be equal to table[ 0 ].length // or really table[ i >= 0; i < table.length ].length, // but again, lowest cognitive hurdle is key ;) table.bandwidth = this.bandwidth // First, let’s establish a “blank” table // that contains an identity operation // for each register during each moment. table.fill( 0 ).forEach( function( element, index, array ){ const operations = new Array( circuit.bandwidth ) operations.fill( 0 ).forEach( function( element, index, array ){ array[ index ] = { symbol: 'I', symbolDisplay: 'I', name: 'Identity', nameCss: 'identity', gateInputIndex: 0, bandwidth: 0, thisGateAmongMultiQubitGatesIndex: 0, aSiblingIsAbove: false, aSiblingIsBelow: false } }) array[ index ] = operations }) // Now iterate through the circuit’s operations list // and note those operations in our table. // NOTE: This relies on operations being pre-sorted with .sort$() // prior to the .toTable() call. let momentIndex = 1, multiRegisterOperationIndex = 0, gateTypesUsedThisMoment = {} this.operations.forEach( function( operation, operationIndex, operations ){ // We need to keep track of // how many multi-register operations // occur during this moment. if( momentIndex !== operation.momentIndex ){ table[ momentIndex ].gateTypesUsedThisMoment = gateTypesUsedThisMoment momentIndex = operation.momentIndex multiRegisterOperationIndex = 0 gateTypesUsedThisMoment = {} } if( operation.registerIndices.length > 1 ){ table[ momentIndex - 1 ].multiRegisterOperationIndex = multiRegisterOperationIndex multiRegisterOperationIndex ++ } if( gateTypesUsedThisMoment[ operation.gate.symbol ] === undefined ){ gateTypesUsedThisMoment[ operation.gate.symbol ] = 1 } else gateTypesUsedThisMoment[ operation.gate.symbol ] ++ // By default, an operation’s CSS name // is its regular name, all lowercase, // with all spaces replaced by hyphens. let nameCss = operation.gate.name.toLowerCase().replace( /\s+/g, '-' ) operation.registerIndices.forEach( function( registerIndex, indexAmongSiblings ){ let isMultiRegisterOperation = false if( operation.registerIndices.length > 1 ){ isMultiRegisterOperation = true if( indexAmongSiblings === operation.registerIndices.length - 1 ){ nameCss = 'target' } else { nameCss = 'control' } // May need to re-visit the code above in consideration of SWAPs. } table[ operation.momentIndex - 1 ][ registerIndex - 1 ] = { symbol: operation.gate.symbol, symbolDisplay: operation.gate.symbol, name: operation.gate.name, nameCss, operationIndex, momentIndex: operation.momentIndex, registerIndex, isMultiRegisterOperation, multiRegisterOperationIndex, gatesOfThisTypeNow: gateTypesUsedThisMoment[ operation.gate.symbol ], indexAmongSiblings, siblingExistsAbove: Math.min( ...operation.registerIndices ) < registerIndex, siblingExistsBelow: Math.max( ...operation.registerIndices ) > registerIndex } }) /* ++++++++++++++++++++++ Non-fatal problem to solve here: Previously we were concerned with “gates of this type used this moment” when we were thinking about CNOT as its own special gate. But now that we treat CNOT as just connected X gates, we now have situations where a moment can have one “CNOT” but also a stand-alone X gate and toTable will symbol the “CNOT” as X.0 (never X.1, because it’s the only multi-register gate that moment) but still uses the symbol X.0 instead of just X because there’s another stand-alone X there tripping the logic!!! */ // if( operationIndex === operations.length - 1 ){ table[ momentIndex - 1 ].gateTypesUsedThisMoment = gateTypesUsedThisMoment // } }) table.forEach( function( moment, m ){ moment.forEach( function( operation, o ){ if( operation.isMultiRegisterOperation ){ if( moment.gateTypesUsedThisMoment[ operation.symbol ] > 1 ){ operation.symbolDisplay = operation.symbol +'.'+ ( operation.gatesOfThisTypeNow - 1 ) } operation.symbolDisplay += '#'+ operation.indexAmongSiblings } }) }) // Now we can easily read down each moment // and establish the moment’s character width. // Very useful for text-based diagrams ;) table.forEach( function( moment ){ const maximumWidth = moment.reduce( function( maximumWidth, operation ){ return Math.max( maximumWidth, operation.symbolDisplay.length ) }, 1 ) moment.maximumCharacterWidth = maximumWidth }) // We can also do this for the table as a whole. table.maximumCharacterWidth = table.reduce( function( maximumWidth, moment ){ return Math.max( maximumWidth, moment.maximumCharacterWidth ) }, 1 ) // I think we’re done here. return table }, toText: function( makeAllMomentsEqualWidth ){ ` Create a text representation of this circuit using only common characters, ie. no fancy box-drawing characters. This is the complement of Circuit.fromText() ` const table = this.toTable(), output = new Array( table.bandwidth ).fill( '' ) for( let x = 0; x < table.timewidth; x ++ ){ for( let y = 0; y < table.bandwidth; y ++ ){ let cellString = table[ x ][ y ].symbolDisplay.padEnd( table[ x ].maximumCharacterWidth, '-' ) if( makeAllMomentsEqualWidth && x < table.timewidth - 1 ){ cellString = table[ x ][ y ].symbolDisplay.padEnd( table.maximumCharacterWidth, '-' ) } if( x > 0 ) cellString = '-'+ cellString output[ y ] += cellString } } return '\n'+ output.join( '\n' ) // return output.join( '\n' ) }, toDiagram: function( makeAllMomentsEqualWidth ){ ` Create a text representation of this circuit using fancy box-drawing characters. ` const scope = this, table = this.toTable(), output = new Array( table.bandwidth * 3 + 1 ).fill( '' ) output[ 0 ] = ' ' scope.qubits.forEach( function( qubit, q ){ const y3 = q * 3 output[ y3 + 1 ] += ' ' output[ y3 + 2 ] += 'r'+ ( q + 1 ) +' |'+ qubit.beta.toText().trim() +'⟩─' output[ y3 + 3 ] += ' ' }) for( let x = 0; x < table.timewidth; x ++ ){ const padToLength = makeAllMomentsEqualWidth ? table.maximumCharacterWidth : table[ x ].maximumCharacterWidth output[ 0 ] += Q.centerText( 'm'+ ( x + 1 ), padToLength + 4 ) for( let y = 0; y < table.bandwidth; y ++ ){ let operation = table[ x ][ y ], first = '', second = '', third = '' if( operation.symbol === 'I' ){ first += ' ' second += '──' third += ' ' first += ' '.padEnd( padToLength ) second += Q.centerText( '○', padToLength, '─' ) third += ' '.padEnd( padToLength ) first += ' ' if( x < table.timewidth - 1 ) second += '──' else second += ' ' third += ' ' } else { if( operation.isMultiRegisterOperation ){ first += '╭─' third += '╰─' } else { first += '┌─' third += '└─' } second += '┤ ' first += '─'.padEnd( padToLength, '─' ) second += Q.centerText( operation.symbolDisplay, padToLength ) third += '─'.padEnd( padToLength, '─' ) if( operation.isMultiRegisterOperation ){ first += '─╮' third += '─╯' } else { first += '─┐' third += '─┘' } second += x < table.timewidth - 1 ? ' ├' : ' │' if( operation.isMultiRegisterOperation ){ let n = ( operation.multiRegisterOperationIndex * 2 ) % ( table[ x ].maximumCharacterWidth + 1 ) + 1 if( operation.siblingExistsAbove ){ first = first.substring( 0, n ) +'┴'+ first.substring( n + 1 ) } if( operation.siblingExistsBelow ){ third = third.substring( 0, n ) +'┬'+ third.substring( n + 1 ) } } } const y3 = y * 3 output[ y3 + 1 ] += first output[ y3 + 2 ] += second output[ y3 + 3 ] += third } } return '\n'+ output.join( '\n' ) }, // Oh yes my friends... WebGL is coming! toShader: function(){ }, toGoogleCirq: function(){ /* cirq.GridQubit(4,5) https://cirq.readthedocs.io/en/stable/tutorial.html */ const header = `import cirq` return headers }, toAmazonBraket: function(){ const header = `import boto3 from braket.aws import AwsQuantumSimulator, AwsQuantumSimulatorArns from braket.circuits import Circuit aws_account_id = boto3.client("sts").get_caller_identity()["Account"] device = AwsQuantumSimulator(AwsQuantumSimulatorArns.QS1) s3_folder = (f"braket-output-{aws_account_id}", "folder-name") ` //`qjs_circuit = Circuit().h(0).cnot(0,1)` let circuit = this.operations.reduce( function( string, operation ){ let awsGate = operation.gate.AmazonBraketName !== undefined ? operation.gate.AmazonBraketName : operation.gate.symbol.substr( 0, 1 ).toLowerCase() if( operation.gate.symbol === 'X' && operation.registerIndices.length > 1 ){ awsGate = 'cnot' } if( operation.gate.symbol === '*' ){ awsGate = 'i' } return string +'.'+ awsGate +'(' + operation.registerIndices.reduce( function( string, registerIndex, r ){ return string + (( r > 0 ) ? ',' : '' ) + ( registerIndex - 1 ) }, '' ) + ')' }, 'qjs_circuit = Circuit()' ) if( this.operations.length === 0 ) circuit += '.i(0)'// Quick fix to avoid an error here! const footer = `\n\ntask = device.run(qjs_circuit, s3_folder, shots=100) print(task.result().measurement_counts)` return header + circuit + footer }, toLatex: function(){ /* \Qcircuit @C=1em @R=.7em { & \ctrl{2} & \targ & \gate{U} & \qw \\ & \qw & \ctrl{-1} & \qw & \qw \\ & \targ & \ctrl{-1} & \ctrl{-2} & \qw \\ & \qw & \ctrl{-1} & \qw & \qw } No "&"" means it’s an input. So could also do this: \Qcircuit @C=1.4em @R=1.2em { a & i \\ 1 & x } */ return '\\Qcircuit @C=1.0em @R=0.7em {\n' + this.toTable() .reduce( function( array, moment, m ){ moment.forEach( function( operation, o, operations ){ let command = 'qw' if( operation.symbol !== 'I' ){ if( operation.isMultiRegisterOperation ){ if( operation.indexAmongSiblings === 0 ){ if( operation.symbol === 'X' ) command = 'targ' else command = operation.symbol.toLowerCase() } else if( operation.indexAmongSiblings > 0 ) command = 'ctrl{?}' } else command = operation.symbol.toLowerCase() } operations[ o ].latexCommand = command }) const maximumCharacterWidth = moment.reduce( function( maximumCharacterWidth, operation ){ return Math.max( maximumCharacterWidth, operation.latexCommand.length ) }, 0 ) moment.forEach( function( operation, o ){ array[ o ] += '& \\'+ operation.latexCommand.padEnd( maximumCharacterWidth ) +' ' }) return array }, new Array( this.bandwidth ).fill( '\n\t' )) .join( '\\\\' ) + '\n}' }, ////////////// // // // Edit // // // ////////////// get: function( momentIndex, registerIndex ){ return this.operations.find( function( op ){ return op.momentIndex === momentIndex && op.registerIndices.includes( registerIndex ) }) }, clear$: function( momentIndex, registerIndices ){ const circuit = this // Validate our arguments. if( arguments.length !== 2 ) Q.warn( `Q.Circuit.clear$ expected 2 arguments but received ${ arguments.length }.` ) if( Q.isUsefulInteger( momentIndex ) !== true ) return Q.error( `Q.Circuit attempted to clear an input on Circuit #${ circuit.index } using an invalid moment index:`, momentIndex ) if( Q.isUsefulInteger( registerIndices )) registerIndices = [ registerIndices ] if( registerIndices instanceof Array !== true ) return Q.error( `Q.Circuit attempted to clear an input on Circuit #${ circuit.index } using an invalid register indices array:`, registerIndices ) // Let’s find any operations // with a footprint at this moment index and one of these register indices // and collect not only their content, but their index in the operations array. // (We’ll need that index to splice the operations array later.) const foundOperations = circuit.operations.reduce( function( filtered, operation, o ){ if( operation.momentIndex === momentIndex && operation.registerIndices.some( function( registerIndex ){ return registerIndices.includes( registerIndex ) }) ) filtered.push({ index: o, momentIndex: operation.momentIndex, registerIndices: operation.registerIndices, gate: operation.gate }) return filtered }, [] ) // Because we held on to each found operation’s index // within the circuit’s operations array // we can now easily splice them out of the array. foundOperations.reduce( function( deletionsSoFar, operation ){ circuit.operations.splice( operation.index - deletionsSoFar, 1 ) return deletionsSoFar + 1 }, 0 ) // IMPORTANT! // Operations must be sorted properly // for toTable to work reliably with // multi-register operations!! this.sort$() // Let’s make history. if( foundOperations.length ){ this.history.record$({ redo: { name: 'clear$', func: circuit.clear$, args: Array.from( arguments ) }, undo: foundOperations.reduce( function( undos, operation ){ undos.push({ name: 'set$', func: circuit.set$, args: [ operation.gate, operation.momentIndex, operation.registerIndices ] }) return undos }, [] ) }) // Let anyone listening, // including any circuit editor interfaces, // know about what we’ve just completed here. foundOperations.forEach( function( operation ){ window.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent( 'Q.Circuit.clear$', { detail: { circuit, momentIndex, registerIndices: operation.registerIndices }} )) }) } // Enable that “fluent interface” method chaining :) return circuit }, setProperty$: function( key, value ){ this[ key ] = value return this }, setName$: function( name ){ if( typeof name === 'function' ) name = name() return this.setProperty$( 'name', name ) }, set$: function( gate, momentIndex, registerIndices ){ const circuit = this // Is this a valid gate? if( typeof gate === 'string' ) gate = Q.Gate.findBySymbol( gate ) if( gate instanceof Q.Gate !== true ) return Q.error( `Q.Circuit attempted to add a gate to circuit #${ this.index } at moment #${ momentIndex } that is not a gate:`, gate ) // Is this a valid moment index? if( Q.isUsefulNumber( momentIndex ) !== true || Number.isInteger( momentIndex ) !== true || momentIndex < 1 || momentIndex > this.timewidth ){ return Q.error( `Q.Circuit attempted to add a gate to circuit #${ this.index } at a moment index that is not valid:`, momentIndex ) } // Are these valid register indices? if( typeof registerIndices === 'number' ) registerIndices = [ registerIndices ] if( registerIndices instanceof Array !== true ) return Q.error( `Q.Circuit attempted to add a gate to circuit #${ this.index } at moment #${ momentIndex } with an invalid register indices array:`, registerIndices ) if( registerIndices.length === 0 ) return Q.error( `Q.Circuit attempted to add a gate to circuit #${ this.index } at moment #${ momentIndex } with an empty register indices array:`, registerIndices ) if( registerIndices.reduce( function( accumulator, registerIndex ){ // console.log(accumulator && // registerIndex > 0 && // registerIndex <= circuit.bandwidth) return ( accumulator && registerIndex > 0 && registerIndex <= circuit.bandwidth ) }, false )){ return Q.warn( `Q.Circuit attempted to add a gate to circuit #${ this.index } at moment #${ momentIndex } with some out of range qubit indices:`, registerIndices ) } // Ok, now we can check if this set$ command // is redundant. const isRedundant = !!circuit.operations.find( function( operation ){ return ( momentIndex === operation.momentIndex && gate === operation.gate && registerIndices.length === operation.registerIndices.length && registerIndices.every( val => operation.registerIndices.includes( val )) ) }) // If it’s NOT redundant // then we’re clear to proceed. if( isRedundant !== true ){ // If there’s already an operation here, // we’d better get rid of it! // This will also entirely remove any multi-register operations // that happen to have a component at this moment / register. this.clear$( momentIndex, registerIndices ) // Finally. // Finally we can actually set this operation. // Aren’t you glad we handle all this for you? const isControlled = registerIndices.length > 1 && gate !== Q.Gate.SWAP, operation = { gate, momentIndex, registerIndices, isControlled } this.operations.push( operation ) // IMPORTANT! // Operations must be sorted properly // for toTable to work reliably with // multi-register operations!! this.sort$() // Let’s make history. this.history.record$({ redo: { name: 'set$', func: circuit.set$, args: Array.from( arguments ) }, undo: [{ name: 'clear$', func: circuit.clear$, args: [ momentIndex, registerIndices ] }] }) // Emit an event that we have set an operation // on this circuit. window.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent( 'Q.Circuit.set$', { detail: { circuit, operation }} )) } return circuit }, determineRanges: function( options ){ if( options === undefined ) options = {} let { qubitFirstIndex, qubitRange, qubitLastIndex, momentFirstIndex, momentRange, momentLastIndex } = options if( typeof qubitFirstIndex !== 'number' ) qubitFirstIndex = 0 if( typeof qubitLastIndex !== 'number' && typeof qubitRange !== 'number' ) qubitLastIndex = this.bandwidth if( typeof qubitLastIndex !== 'number' && typeof qubitRange === 'number' ) qubitLastIndex = qubitFirstIndex + qubitRange else if( typeof qubitLastIndex === 'number' && typeof qubitRange !== 'number' ) qubitRange = qubitLastIndex - qubitFirstIndex else return Q.error( `Q.Circuit attempted to copy a circuit but could not understand what qubits to copy.` ) if( typeof momentFirstIndex !== 'number' ) momentFirstIndex = 0 if( typeof momentLastIndex !== 'number' && typeof momentRange !== 'number' ) momentLastIndex = this.timewidth if( typeof momentLastIndex !== 'number' && typeof momentRange === 'number' ) momentLastIndex = momentFirstIndex + momentRange else if( typeof momentLastIndex === 'number' && typeof momentRange !== 'number' ) momentRange = momentLastIndex - momentFirstIndex else return Q.error( `Q.Circuit attempted to copy a circuit but could not understand what moments to copy.` ) Q.log( 0.8, '\nQ.Circuit copy operation:', '\n\n qubitFirstIndex', qubitFirstIndex, '\n qubitLastIndex ', qubitLastIndex, '\n qubitRange ', qubitRange, '\n\n momentFirstIndex', momentFirstIndex, '\n momentLastIndex ', momentLastIndex, '\n momentRange ', momentRange, '\n\n' ) return { qubitFirstIndex, qubitRange, qubitLastIndex, momentFirstIndex, momentRange, momentLastIndex } }, copy: function( options, isACutOperation ){ const original = this let { registerFirstIndex, registerRange, registerLastIndex, momentFirstIndex, momentRange, momentLastIndex } = this.determineRanges( options ) const copy = new Q.Circuit( registerRange, momentRange ) original.operations .filter( function( operation ){ return ( operation.registerIndices.every( function( registerIndex ){ return ( operation.momentIndex >= momentFirstIndex && operation.momentIndex < momentLastIndex && operation.registerIndex >= registerFirstIndex && operation.registerIndex < registerLastIndex ) })) }) .forEach( function( operation ){ const adjustedRegisterIndices = operation.registerIndices.map( function( registerIndex ){ return registerIndex - registerFirstIndex }) copy.set$( operation.gate, 1 + m - momentFirstIndex, adjustedRegisterIndices ) }) // The cut$() operation just calls copy() // with the following boolean set to true. // If this is a cut we need to // replace all gates in this area with identity gates. // UPDATE !!!! // will come back to fix!! // with new style it's now just a matter of // splicing out these out of circuit.operations if( isACutOperation === true ){ /* for( let m = momentFirstIndex; m < momentLastIndex; m ++ ){ original.moments[ m ] = new Array( original.bandwidth ) .fill( 0 ) .map( function( qubit, q ){ return { gate: Q.Gate.IDENTITY, registerIndices: [ q ] } }) }*/ } return copy }, cut$: function( options ){ return this.copy( options, true ) }, /* If covers all moments for 1 or more qubits then 1. go through each moment and remove those qubits 2. remove hanging operations. (right?? don’t want them?) */ spliceCut$: function( options ){ let { qubitFirstIndex, qubitRange, qubitLastIndex, momentFirstIndex, momentRange, momentLastIndex } = this.determineRanges( options ) // Only three options are valid: // 1. Selection area covers ALL qubits for a series of moments. // 2. Selection area covers ALL moments for a seriies of qubits. // 3. Both of the above (splice the entire circuit). if( qubitRange !== this.bandwidth && momentRange !== this.timewidth ){ return Q.error( `Q.Circuit attempted to splice circuit #${this.index} by an area that did not include all qubits _or_ all moments.` ) } // If the selection area covers all qubits for 1 or more moments // then splice the moments array. if( qubitRange === this.bandwidth ){ // We cannot use Array.prototype.splice() for this // because we need a DEEP copy of the array // and splice() will only make a shallow copy. this.moments = this.moments.reduce( function( accumulator, moment, m ){ if( m < momentFirstIndex - 1 || m >= momentLastIndex - 1 ) accumulator.push( moment ) return accumulator }, []) this.timewidth -= momentRange //@@ And how do we implement splicePaste$() here? } // If the selection area covers all moments for 1 or more qubits // then iterate over each moment and remove those qubits. if( momentRange === this.timewidth ){ // First, let’s splice the inputs array. this.inputs.splice( qubitFirstIndex, qubitRange ) //@@ this.inputs.splice( qubitFirstIndex, qubitRange, qubitsToPaste?? ) // Now we can make the proper adjustments // to each of our moments. this.moments = this.moments.map( function( operations ){ // Remove operations that pertain to the removed qubits. // Renumber the remaining operations’ qubitIndices. return operations.reduce( function( accumulator, operation ){ if( operation.qubitIndices.every( function( index ){ return index < qubitFirstIndex || index >= qubitLastIndex })) accumulator.push( operation ) return accumulator }, []) .map( function( operation ){ operation.qubitIndices = operation.qubitIndices.map( function( index ){ return index >= qubitLastIndex ? index - qubitRange : index }) return operation }) }) this.bandwidth -= qubitRange } // Final clean up. this.removeHangingOperations$() this.fillEmptyOperations$() return this// Or should we return the cut area?! }, splicePaste$: function(){ }, // This is where “hanging operations” get interesting! // when you paste one circuit in to another // and that clipboard circuit has hanging operations // those can find a home in the circuit its being pasted in to! paste$: function( other, atMoment = 0, atQubit = 0, shouldClean = true ){ const scope = this this.timewidth = Math.max( this.timewidth, atMoment + other.timewidth ) this.bandwidth = Math.max( this.bandwidth, atQubit + other.bandwidth ) this.ensureMomentsAreReady$() this.fillEmptyOperations$() other.moments.forEach( function( moment, m ){ moment.forEach( function( operation ){ //console.log( 'past over w this:', m + atMoment, operation ) scope.set$( operation.gate, m + atMoment + 1, operation.qubitIndices.map( function( qubitIndex ){ return qubitIndex + atQubit }) ) }) }) if( shouldClean ) this.removeHangingOperations$() this.fillEmptyOperations$() return this }, pasteInsert$: function( other, atMoment, atQubit ){ // if( other.alphandwidth !== this.bandwidth && // other.timewidth !== this.timewidth ) return Q.error( 'Q.Circuit attempted to pasteInsert Circuit A', other, 'in to circuit B', this, 'but neither their bandwidth or timewidth matches.' ) if( shouldClean ) this.removeHangingOperations$() this.fillEmptyOperations$() return this }, expand$: function(){ // expand either bandwidth or timewidth, fill w identity this.fillEmptyOperations$() return thiis }, trim$: function( options ){ ` Edit this circuit by trimming off moments, qubits, or both. We could have implemented trim$() as a wrapper around copy$(), similar to how cut$ is a wrapper around copy$(). But this operates on the existing circuit instead of returning a new one and returning that. ` let { qubitFirstIndex, qubitRange, qubitLastIndex, momentFirstIndex, momentRange, momentLastIndex } = this.determineRanges( options ) // First, trim the moments down to desired size. this.moments = this.moments.slice( momentFirstIndex, momentLastIndex ) this.timewidth = momentRange // Then, trim the bandwidth down. this.inputs = this.inputs.slice( qubitFirstIndex, qubitLastIndex ) this.bandwidth = qubitRange // Finally, remove all gates where // gate’s qubit indices contain an index < qubitFirstIndex, // gate’s qubit indices contain an index > qubitLastIndex, // and fill those holes with Identity gates. this.removeHangingOperations$() this.fillEmptyOperations$() return this } }) // Against my predilection for verbose clarity... // I offer you super short convenience methods // that do NOT use the $ suffix to delcare they are destructive. // Don’t shoot your foot off. Object.entries( Q.Gate.constants ).forEach( function( entry ){ const gateConstantName = entry[ 0 ], gate = entry[ 1 ], set$ = function( momentIndex, registerIndexOrIndices ){ this.set$( gate, momentIndex, registerIndexOrIndices ) return this } Q.Circuit.prototype[ gateConstantName ] = set$ Q.Circuit.prototype[ gate.symbol ] = set$ Q.Circuit.prototype[ gate.symbol.toLowerCase() ] = set$ }) /* const bells = [ // Verbose without shortcuts. new Q.Circuit( 2, 2 ) .set$( Q.Gate.HADAMARD, 1, [ 1 ]) .set$( Q.Gate.PAULI_X, 2, [ 1 , 2 ]), new Q.Circuit( 2, 2 ) .set$( Q.Gate.HADAMARD, 1, 1 ) .set$( Q.Gate.PAULI_X, 2, [ 1 , 2 ]), // Uses Q.Gate.findBySymbol() to lookup gates. new Q.Circuit( 2, 2 ) .set$( 'H', 1, [ 1 ]) .set$( 'X', 2, [ 1 , 2 ]), new Q.Circuit( 2, 2 ) .set$( 'H', 1, 1 ) .set$( 'X', 2, [ 1 , 2 ]), // Convenience gate functions -- constant name. new Q.Circuit( 2, 2 ) .HADAMARD( 1, [ 1 ]) .PAULI_X( 2, [ 1, 2 ]), new Q.Circuit( 2, 2 ) .HADAMARD( 1, 1 ) .PAULI_X( 2, [ 1, 2 ]), // Convenience gate functions -- uppercase symbol. new Q.Circuit( 2, 2 ) .H( 1, [ 1 ]) .X( 2, [ 1, 2 ]), new Q.Circuit( 2, 2 ) .H( 1, 1 ) .X( 2, [ 1, 2 ]), // Convenience gate functions -- lowercase symbol. new Q.Circuit( 2, 2 ) .h( 1, [ 1 ]) .x( 2, [ 1, 2 ]), new Q.Circuit( 2, 2 )// Perhaps the closest to Braket style. .h( 1, 1 ) .x( 2, [ 1, 2 ]), // Q function -- bandwidth / timewidth arguments. Q( 2, 2 ) .h( 1, [ 1 ]) .x( 2, [ 1, 2 ]), Q( 2, 2 ) .h( 1, 1 ) .x( 2, [ 1, 2 ]), // Q function -- text block argument // with operation symbols // and operation component IDs. Q` H-X.0#0 I-X.0#1`, // Q function -- text block argument // using only component IDs // (ie. no operation symbols) // because the operation that the // components should belong to is NOT ambiguous. Q` H-X#0 I-X#1`, // Q function -- text block argument // as above, but using only whitespace // to partition between moments. Q` H X#0 I X#1` ], bellsAreEqual = !!bells.reduce( function( a, b ){ return a.toText() === b.toText() ? a : NaN }) if( bellsAreEqual ){ console.log( `\n\nYES. All of ${ bells.length } our “Bell” circuits are equal.\n\n`, bells ) } */ Q.Circuit.createConstants( 'BELL', Q` H X#0 I X#1 `, // 'GROVER', Q` // H X *#0 X#0 I X#0 I I I X#0 I I I X#0 I X H X I *#0 // H X I X#1 *#0 X#1 *#0 X#0 I I I X#0 X I H X I I I I // H X I I I I I X#1 *#0 X#1 *#0 X#1 *#0 X#1 I *#0 X H X I // H X *#1 I *#1 I *#1 I *#1 I *#1 I *#1 I I *#1 X H X *#1 // ` //https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/quantum/concepts/circuits?view=qsharp-preview // 'TELEPORT', Q.(` // I-I--H-M---v // H-C0-I-M-v-v // I-C1-I-I-X-Z- // `) ) // Copyright © 2019–2020, Stewart Smith. See LICENSE for details. Q.Circuit.Editor = function( circuit, targetEl ){ // First order of business, // we require a valid circuit. if( circuit instanceof Q.Circuit !== true ) circuit = new Q.Circuit() this.circuit = circuit this.index = Q.Circuit.Editor.index ++ // Q.Circuit.Editor is all about the DOM // so we’re going to get some use out of this // stupid (but convenient) shorthand here. const createDiv = function(){ return document.createElement( 'div' ) } // We want to “name” our circuit editor instance // but more importantly we want to give it a unique DOM ID. // Keep in mind we can have MULTIPLE editors // for the SAME circuit! // This is a verbose way to do it, // but each step is clear and I needed clarity today! ;) this.name = typeof circuit.name === 'string' ? circuit.name : 'Q Editor '+ this.index // If we’ve been passed a target DOM element // we should use that as our circuit element. if( typeof targetEl === 'string' ) targetEl = document.getElementById( targetEl ) const circuitEl = targetEl instanceof HTMLElement ? targetEl : createDiv() circuitEl.classList.add( 'Q-circuit' ) // If the target element already has an ID // then we want to use that as our domID. if( typeof circuitEl.getAttribute( 'id' ) === 'string' ){ this.domId = circuitEl.getAttribute( 'id' ) } // Otherwise let’s transform our name value // into a usable domId. else { let domIdBase = this.name .replace( /^[^a-z]+|[^\w:.-]+/gi, '-' ), domId = domIdBase, domIdAttempt = 1 while( document.getElementById( domId ) !== null ){ domIdAttempt ++ domId = domIdBase +'-'+ domIdAttempt } this.domId = domId circuitEl.setAttribute( 'id', this.domId ) } // We want a way to easily get to the circuit // from this interface’s DOM element. // (But we don’t need a way to reference this DOM element // from the circuit. A circuit can have many DOM elements!) // And we also want an easy way to reference this DOM element // from this Editor instance. circuitEl.circuit = circuit this.domElement = circuitEl // Create a toolbar for containing buttons. const toolbarEl = createDiv() circuitEl.appendChild( toolbarEl ) toolbarEl.classList.add( 'Q-circuit-toolbar' ) // Create a toggle switch for locking the circuit. const lockToggle = createDiv() toolbarEl.appendChild( lockToggle ) lockToggle.classList.add( 'Q-circuit-button', 'Q-circuit-toggle', 'Q-circuit-toggle-lock' ) lockToggle.setAttribute( 'title', 'Lock / unlock' ) lockToggle.innerText = '🔓' // Create an “Undo” button // that enables and disables // based on available undo history. const undoButton = createDiv() toolbarEl.appendChild( undoButton ) undoButton.classList.add( 'Q-circuit-button', 'Q-circuit-button-undo' ) undoButton.setAttribute( 'title', 'Undo' ) undoButton.setAttribute( 'Q-disabled', 'Q-disabled' ) undoButton.innerHTML = '⟲' window.addEventListener( 'Q.History undo is depleted', function( event ){ if( event.detail.instance === circuit ) undoButton.setAttribute( 'Q-disabled', 'Q-disabled' ) }) window.addEventListener( 'Q.History undo is capable', function( event ){ if( event.detail.instance === circuit ) undoButton.removeAttribute( 'Q-disabled' ) }) // Create an “Redo” button // that enables and disables // based on available redo history. const redoButton = createDiv() toolbarEl.appendChild( redoButton ) redoButton.classList.add( 'Q-circuit-button', 'Q-circuit-button-redo' ) redoButton.setAttribute( 'title', 'Redo' ) redoButton.setAttribute( 'Q-disabled', 'Q-disabled' ) redoButton.innerHTML = '⟳' window.addEventListener( 'Q.History redo is depleted', function( event ){ if( event.detail.instance === circuit ) redoButton.setAttribute( 'Q-disabled', 'Q-disabled' ) }) window.addEventListener( 'Q.History redo is capable', function( event ){ if( event.detail.instance === circuit ) redoButton.removeAttribute( 'Q-disabled' ) }) // Create a button for joining // an “identity cursor” // and one or more same-gate operations // into a controlled operation. // (Will be enabled / disabled from elsewhere.) const controlButton = createDiv() toolbarEl.appendChild( controlButton ) controlButton.classList.add( 'Q-circuit-button', 'Q-circuit-toggle', 'Q-circuit-toggle-control' ) controlButton.setAttribute( 'title', 'Create controlled operation' ) controlButton.setAttribute( 'Q-disabled', 'Q-disabled' ) controlButton.innerText = 'C' // Create a button for joining // two “identity cursors” // into a swap operation. // (Will be enabled / disabled from elsewhere.) const swapButton = createDiv() toolbarEl.appendChild( swapButton ) swapButton.classList.add( 'Q-circuit-button', 'Q-circuit-toggle-swap' ) swapButton.setAttribute( 'title', 'Create swap operation' ) swapButton.setAttribute( 'Q-disabled', 'Q-disabled' ) swapButton.innerText = 'S' // Create a circuit board container // so we can house a scrollable circuit board. const boardContainerEl = createDiv() circuitEl.appendChild( boardContainerEl ) boardContainerEl.classList.add( 'Q-circuit-board-container' ) //boardContainerEl.addEventListener( 'touchstart', Q.Circuit.Editor.onPointerPress ) boardContainerEl.addEventListener( 'mouseleave', function(){ Q.Circuit.Editor.unhighlightAll( circuitEl ) }) const boardEl = createDiv() boardContainerEl.appendChild( boardEl ) boardEl.classList.add( 'Q-circuit-board' ) const backgroundEl = createDiv() boardEl.appendChild( backgroundEl ) backgroundEl.classList.add( 'Q-circuit-board-background' ) // Create background highlight bars // for each row. for( let i = 0; i < circuit.bandwidth; i ++ ){ const rowEl = createDiv() backgroundEl.appendChild( rowEl ) rowEl.style.position = 'relative' rowEl.style.gridRowStart = i + 2 rowEl.style.gridColumnStart = 1 rowEl.style.gridColumnEnd = Q.Circuit.Editor.momentIndexToGridColumn( circuit.timewidth ) + 1 rowEl.setAttribute( 'register-index', i + 1 ) const wireEl = createDiv() rowEl.appendChild( wireEl ) wireEl.classList.add( 'Q-circuit-register-wire' ) } // Create background highlight bars // for each column. for( let i = 0; i < circuit.timewidth; i ++ ){ const columnEl = createDiv() backgroundEl.appendChild( columnEl ) columnEl.style.gridRowStart = 2 columnEl.style.gridRowEnd = Q.Circuit.Editor.registerIndexToGridRow( circuit.bandwidth ) + 1 columnEl.style.gridColumnStart = i + 3 columnEl.setAttribute( 'moment-index', i + 1 ) } // Create the circuit board foreground // for all interactive elements. const foregroundEl = createDiv() boardEl.appendChild( foregroundEl ) foregroundEl.classList.add( 'Q-circuit-board-foreground' ) // Add “Select All” toggle button to upper-left corner. const selectallEl = createDiv() foregroundEl.appendChild( selectallEl ) selectallEl.classList.add( 'Q-circuit-header', 'Q-circuit-selectall' ) selectallEl.setAttribute( 'title', 'Select all' ) selectallEl.setAttribute( 'moment-index', '0' ) selectallEl.setAttribute( 'register-index', '0' ) selectallEl.innerHTML = '↘' // Add register index symbols to left-hand column. for( let i = 0; i < circuit.bandwidth; i ++ ){ const registerIndex = i + 1, registersymbolEl = createDiv() foregroundEl.appendChild( registersymbolEl ) registersymbolEl.classList.add( 'Q-circuit-header', 'Q-circuit-register-label' ) registersymbolEl.setAttribute( 'title', 'Register '+ registerIndex +' of '+ circuit.bandwidth ) registersymbolEl.setAttribute( 'register-index', registerIndex ) registersymbolEl.style.gridRowStart = Q.Circuit.Editor.registerIndexToGridRow( registerIndex ) registersymbolEl.innerText = registerIndex } // Add “Add register” button. const addRegisterEl = createDiv() foregroundEl.appendChild( addRegisterEl ) addRegisterEl.classList.add( 'Q-circuit-header', 'Q-circuit-register-add' ) addRegisterEl.setAttribute( 'title', 'Add register' ) addRegisterEl.style.gridRowStart = Q.Circuit.Editor.registerIndexToGridRow( circuit.bandwidth + 1 ) addRegisterEl.innerText = '+' // Add moment index symbols to top row. for( let i = 0; i < circuit.timewidth; i ++ ){ const momentIndex = i + 1, momentsymbolEl = createDiv() foregroundEl.appendChild( momentsymbolEl ) momentsymbolEl.classList.add( 'Q-circuit-header', 'Q-circuit-moment-label' ) momentsymbolEl.setAttribute( 'title', 'Moment '+ momentIndex +' of '+ circuit.timewidth ) momentsymbolEl.setAttribute( 'moment-index', momentIndex ) momentsymbolEl.style.gridColumnStart = Q.Circuit.Editor.momentIndexToGridColumn( momentIndex ) momentsymbolEl.innerText = momentIndex } // Add “Add moment” button. const addMomentEl = createDiv() foregroundEl.appendChild( addMomentEl ) addMomentEl.classList.add( 'Q-circuit-header', 'Q-circuit-moment-add' ) addMomentEl.setAttribute( 'title', 'Add moment' ) addMomentEl.style.gridColumnStart = Q.Circuit.Editor.momentIndexToGridColumn( circuit.timewidth + 1 ) addMomentEl.innerText = '+' // Add input values. circuit.qubits.forEach( function( qubit, i ){ const rowIndex = i + 1, inputEl = createDiv() inputEl.classList.add( 'Q-circuit-header', 'Q-circuit-input' ) inputEl.setAttribute( 'title', `Qubit #${ rowIndex } starting value` ) inputEl.setAttribute( 'register-index', rowIndex ) inputEl.style.gridRowStart = Q.Circuit.Editor.registerIndexToGridRow( rowIndex ) inputEl.innerText = qubit.beta.toText() foregroundEl.appendChild( inputEl ) }) // Add operations. circuit.operations.forEach( function( operation ){ Q.Circuit.Editor.set( circuitEl, operation ) }) // Add event listeners. circuitEl.addEventListener( 'mousedown', Q.Circuit.Editor.onPointerPress ) circuitEl.addEventListener( 'touchstart', Q.Circuit.Editor.onPointerPress ) window.addEventListener( 'Q.Circuit.set$', Q.Circuit.Editor.prototype.onExternalSet.bind( this ) ) window.addEventListener( 'Q.Circuit.clear$', Q.Circuit.Editor.prototype.onExternalClear.bind( this ) ) // How can we interact with this circuit // through code? (How cool is this?!) const referenceEl = document.createElement( 'p' ) circuitEl.appendChild( referenceEl ) referenceEl.innerHTML = ` This circuit is accessible in your JavaScript console as document.getElementById('${ this.domId }').circuit` //document.getElementById('Q-Editor-0').circuit //$('#${ this.domId }') // Put a note in the JavaScript console // that includes how to reference the circuit via code // and an ASCII diagram for reference. Q.log( 0.5, `\n\nCreated a DOM interface for $('#${ this.domId }').circuit\n\n`, circuit.toDiagram(), '\n\n\n' ) } // Augment Q.Circuit to have this functionality. Q.Circuit.toDom = function( circuit, targetEl ){ return new Q.Circuit.Editor( circuit, targetEl ).domElement } Q.Circuit.prototype.toDom = function( targetEl ){ return new Q.Circuit.Editor( this, targetEl ).domElement } Object.assign( Q.Circuit.Editor, { index: 0, help: function(){ return Q.help( this )}, dragEl: null, gridColumnToMomentIndex: function( gridColumn ){ return +gridColumn - 2 }, momentIndexToGridColumn: function( momentIndex ){ return momentIndex + 2 }, gridRowToRegisterIndex: function( gridRow ){ return +gridRow - 1 }, registerIndexToGridRow: function( registerIndex ){ return registerIndex + 1 }, gridSize: 4,// CSS: grid-auto-columns = grid-auto-rows = 4rem. pointToGrid: function( p ){ // Take a 1-dimensional point value // (so either an X or a Y but not both) // and return what CSS grid cell contains it // based on our 4rem × 4rem grid setup. const rem = parseFloat( getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).fontSize ) return 1 + Math.floor( p / ( rem * Q.Circuit.Editor.gridSize )) }, gridToPoint: function( g ){ // Take a 1-dimensional grid cell value // (so either a row or a column but not both) // and return the minimum point value it contains. const rem = parseFloat( getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).fontSize ) return rem * Q.Circuit.Editor.gridSize * ( g - 1 ) }, getInteractionCoordinates: function( event, pageOrClient ){ if( typeof pageOrClient !== 'string' ) pageOrClient = 'client'//page if( event.changedTouches && event.changedTouches.length ) return { x: event.changedTouches[ 0 ][ pageOrClient +'X' ], y: event.changedTouches[ 0 ][ pageOrClient +'Y' ] } return { x: event[ pageOrClient +'X' ], y: event[ pageOrClient +'Y' ] } }, createPalette: function( targetEl ){ if( typeof targetEl === 'string' ) targetEl = document.getElementById( targetEl ) const paletteEl = targetEl instanceof HTMLElement ? targetEl : document.createElement( 'div' ), randomRangeAndSign = function( min, max ){ const r = min + Math.random() * ( max - min ) return Math.floor( Math.random() * 2 ) ? r : -r } paletteEl.classList.add( 'Q-circuit-palette' ) 'HXYZPT*' .split( '' ) .forEach( function( symbol ){ const gate = Q.Gate.findBySymbol( symbol ) const operationEl = document.createElement( 'div' ) paletteEl.appendChild( operationEl ) operationEl.classList.add( 'Q-circuit-operation' ) operationEl.classList.add( 'Q-circuit-operation-'+ gate.nameCss ) operationEl.setAttribute( 'gate-symbol', symbol ) operationEl.setAttribute( 'title', gate.name ) const tileEl = document.createElement( 'div' ) operationEl.appendChild( tileEl ) tileEl.classList.add( 'Q-circuit-operation-tile' ) if( symbol !== Q.Gate.CURSOR.symbol ) tileEl.innerText = symbol ;[ 'before', 'after' ].forEach( function( layer ){ tileEl.style.setProperty( '--Q-'+ layer +'-rotation', randomRangeAndSign( 0.5, 4 ) +'deg' ) tileEl.style.setProperty( '--Q-'+ layer +'-x', randomRangeAndSign( 1, 4 ) +'px' ) tileEl.style.setProperty( '--Q-'+ layer +'-y', randomRangeAndSign( 1, 3 ) +'px' ) }) }) paletteEl.addEventListener( 'mousedown', Q.Circuit.Editor.onPointerPress ) paletteEl.addEventListener( 'touchstart', Q.Circuit.Editor.onPointerPress ) return paletteEl } }) ///////////////////////// // // // Operation CLEAR // // // ///////////////////////// Q.Circuit.Editor.prototype.onExternalClear = function( event ){ if( event.detail.circuit === this.circuit ){ Q.Circuit.Editor.clear( this.domElement, { momentIndex: event.detail.momentIndex, registerIndices: event.detail.registerIndices }) } } Q.Circuit.Editor.clear = function( circuitEl, operation ){ const momentIndex = operation.momentIndex operation.registerIndices.forEach( function( registerIndex ){ Array .from( circuitEl.querySelectorAll( `[moment-index="${ momentIndex }"]`+ `[register-index="${ registerIndex }"]` )) .forEach( function( op ){ op.parentNode.removeChild( op ) }) }) } /////////////////////// // // // Operation SET // // // /////////////////////// Q.Circuit.Editor.prototype.onExternalSet = function( event ){ if( event.detail.circuit === this.circuit ){ Q.Circuit.Editor.set( this.domElement, event.detail.operation ) } } Q.Circuit.Editor.set = function( circuitEl, operation ){ const backgroundEl = circuitEl.querySelector( '.Q-circuit-board-background' ), foregroundEl = circuitEl.querySelector( '.Q-circuit-board-foreground' ), circuit = circuitEl.circuit, operationIndex = circuitEl.circuit.operations.indexOf( operation ) operation.registerIndices.forEach( function( registerIndex, i ){ const operationEl = document.createElement( 'div' ) foregroundEl.appendChild( operationEl ) operationEl.classList.add( 'Q-circuit-operation', 'Q-circuit-operation-'+ operation.gate.nameCss ) // operationEl.setAttribute( 'operation-index', operationIndex ) operationEl.setAttribute( 'gate-symbol', operation.gate.symbol ) operationEl.setAttribute( 'gate-index', operation.gate.index )// Used as an application-wide unique ID! operationEl.setAttribute( 'moment-index', operation.momentIndex ) operationEl.setAttribute( 'register-index', registerIndex ) operationEl.setAttribute( 'register-array-index', i )// Where within the registerIndices array is this operations fragment located? operationEl.setAttribute( 'is-controlled', operation.isControlled ) operationEl.setAttribute( 'title', operation.gate.name ) operationEl.style.gridColumnStart = Q.Circuit.Editor.momentIndexToGridColumn( operation.momentIndex ) operationEl.style.gridRowStart = Q.Circuit.Editor.registerIndexToGridRow( registerIndex ) const tileEl = document.createElement( 'div' ) operationEl.appendChild( tileEl ) tileEl.classList.add( 'Q-circuit-operation-tile' ) if( operation.gate.symbol !== Q.Gate.CURSOR.symbol ) tileEl.innerText = operation.gate.symbol // Add operation link wires // for multi-qubit operations. if( operation.registerIndices.length > 1 ){ operationEl.setAttribute( 'register-indices', operation.registerIndices ) operationEl.setAttribute( 'register-indices-index', i ) operationEl.setAttribute( 'sibling-indices', operation.registerIndices .filter( function( siblingRegisterIndex ){ return registerIndex !== siblingRegisterIndex }) ) operation.registerIndices.forEach( function( registerIndex, i ){ if( i < operation.registerIndices.length - 1 ){ const siblingRegisterIndex = operation.registerIndices[ i + 1 ], registerDelta = Math.abs( siblingRegisterIndex - registerIndex ), start = Math.min( registerIndex, siblingRegisterIndex ), end = Math.max( registerIndex, siblingRegisterIndex ), containerEl = document.createElement( 'div' ), linkEl = document.createElement( 'div' ) backgroundEl.appendChild( containerEl ) containerEl.setAttribute( 'moment-index', operation.momentIndex ) containerEl.setAttribute( 'register-index', registerIndex ) containerEl.classList.add( 'Q-circuit-operation-link-container' ) containerEl.style.gridRowStart = Q.Circuit.Editor.registerIndexToGridRow( start ) containerEl.style.gridRowEnd = Q.Circuit.Editor.registerIndexToGridRow( end + 1 ) containerEl.style.gridColumn = Q.Circuit.Editor.momentIndexToGridColumn( operation.momentIndex ) containerEl.appendChild( linkEl ) linkEl.classList.add( 'Q-circuit-operation-link' ) if( registerDelta > 1 ) linkEl.classList.add( 'Q-circuit-operation-link-curved' ) } }) if( operation.isControlled && i === 0 ){ operationEl.classList.add( 'Q-circuit-operation-control' ) operationEl.setAttribute( 'title', 'Control' ) tileEl.innerText = '' } else operationEl.classList.add( 'Q-circuit-operation-target' ) } }) } Q.Circuit.Editor.isValidControlCandidate = function( circuitEl ){ const selectedOperations = Array .from( circuitEl.querySelectorAll( '.Q-circuit-cell-selected' )) // We must have at least two operations selected, // hopefully a control and something else, // in order to attempt a join. if( selectedOperations.length < 2 ) return false // Note the different moment indices present // among the selected operations. const moments = selectedOperations.reduce( function( moments, operationEl ){ moments[ operationEl.getAttribute( 'moment-index' )] = true return moments }, {} ) // All selected operations must be in the same moment. if( Object.keys( moments ).length > 1 ) return false // If there are multi-register operations present, // regardless of whether those are controls or swaps, // all siblings must be present // in order to join a new gate to this selection. // I’m sure we can make this whole routine much more efficient // but its results are correct and boy am I tired ;) const allSiblingsPresent = selectedOperations .reduce( function( status, operationEl ){ const registerIndicesString = operationEl.getAttribute( 'register-indices' ) // If it’s a single-register operation // there’s no need to search further. if( !registerIndicesString ) return status // How many registers are in use // by this operation? const registerIndicesLength = registerIndicesString .split( ',' ) .map( function( registerIndex ){ return +registerIndex }) .length, // How many of this operation’s siblings // (including itself) can we find? allSiblingsLength = selectedOperations .reduce( function( siblings, operationEl ){ if( operationEl.getAttribute( 'register-indices' ) === registerIndicesString ){ siblings.push( operationEl ) } return siblings }, []) .length // Did we find all of the siblings for this operation? // Square that with previous searches. return status && allSiblingsLength === registerIndicesLength }, true ) // If we’re missing some siblings // then we cannot modify whatever we have selected here. if( allSiblingsPresent !== true ) return false // Note the different gate types present // among the selected operations. const gates = selectedOperations.reduce( function( gates, operationEl ){ const gateSymbol = operationEl.getAttribute( 'gate-symbol' ) if( !Q.isUsefulInteger( gates[ gateSymbol ])) gates[ gateSymbol ] = 1 else gates[ gateSymbol ] ++ return gates }, {} ) // Note if each operation is already controlled or not. const { totalControlled, totalNotControlled } = selectedOperations .reduce( function( stats, operationEl ){ if( operationEl.getAttribute( 'is-controlled' ) === 'true' ) stats.totalControlled ++ else stats.totalNotControlled ++ return stats }, { totalControlled: 0, totalNotControlled: 0 }) // This could be ONE “identity cursor” // and one or more of a regular single gate // that is NOT already controlled. if( gates[ Q.Gate.CURSOR.symbol ] === 1 && Object.keys( gates ).length === 2 && totalNotControlled === selectedOperations.length ){ return true } // There’s NO “identity cursor” // but there is one or more of specific gate type // and at least one of those is already controlled. if( gates[ Q.Gate.CURSOR.symbol ] === undefined && Object.keys( gates ).length === 1 && totalControlled > 0 && totalNotControlled > 0 ){ return true } // Any other combination allowed? Nope! return false } Q.Circuit.Editor.createControl = function( circuitEl ){ if( Q.Circuit.Editor.isValidControlCandidate( circuitEl ) !== true ) return this const circuit = circuitEl.circuit, selectedOperations = Array .from( circuitEl.querySelectorAll( '.Q-circuit-cell-selected' )), // Are any of these controlled operations?? // If so, we need to find its control component // and re-use it. existingControlEl = selectedOperations.find( function( operationEl ){ return ( operationEl.getAttribute( 'is-controlled' ) === 'true' && operationEl.getAttribute( 'register-array-index' ) === '0' ) }), // One control. One or more targets. control = existingControlEl || selectedOperations .find( function( el ){ return el.getAttribute( 'gate-symbol' ) === Q.Gate.CURSOR.symbol }), targets = selectedOperations .reduce( function( targets, el ){ //if( el.getAttribute( 'gate-symbol' ) !== '!' ) targets.push( el ) if( el !== control ) targets.push( el ) return targets }, [] ) // Ready to roll. circuit.history.createEntry$() selectedOperations.forEach( function( operationEl ){ circuit.clear$( +operationEl.getAttribute( 'moment-index' ), +operationEl.getAttribute( 'register-index' ) ) }) circuit.set$( targets[ 0 ].getAttribute( 'gate-symbol' ), +control.getAttribute( 'moment-index' ), [ +control.getAttribute( 'register-index' )].concat( targets.reduce( function( registers, operationEl ){ registers.push( +operationEl.getAttribute( 'register-index' )) return registers }, [] ) ) ) // Update our toolbar button states. Q.Circuit.Editor.onSelectionChanged( circuitEl ) Q.Circuit.Editor.onCircuitChanged( circuitEl ) return this } Q.Circuit.Editor.isValidSwapCandidate = function( circuitEl ){ const selectedOperations = Array .from( circuitEl.querySelectorAll( '.Q-circuit-cell-selected' )) // We can only swap between two registers. // No crazy rotation-swap bullshit. (Yet.) if( selectedOperations.length !== 2 ) return false // Both operations must be “identity cursors.” // If so, we are good to go. areBothCursors = selectedOperations.every( function( operationEl ){ return operationEl.getAttribute( 'gate-symbol' ) === Q.Gate.CURSOR.symbol }) if( areBothCursors ) return true // Otherwise this is not a valid swap candidate. return false } Q.Circuit.Editor.createSwap = function( circuitEl ){ if( Q.Circuit.Editor.isValidSwapCandidate( circuitEl ) !== true ) return this const selectedOperations = Array .from( circuitEl.querySelectorAll( '.Q-circuit-cell-selected' )), momentIndex = +selectedOperations[ 0 ].getAttribute( 'moment-index' ) registerIndices = selectedOperations .reduce( function( registerIndices, operationEl ){ registerIndices.push( +operationEl.getAttribute( 'register-index' )) return registerIndices }, [] ), circuit = circuitEl.circuit // Create the swap operation. circuit.history.createEntry$() selectedOperations.forEach( function( operation ){ circuit.clear$( +operation.getAttribute( 'moment-index' ), +operation.getAttribute( 'register-index' ) ) }) circuit.set$( Q.Gate.SWAP, momentIndex, registerIndices ) // Update our toolbar button states. Q.Circuit.Editor.onSelectionChanged( circuitEl ) Q.Circuit.Editor.onCircuitChanged( circuitEl ) return this } Q.Circuit.Editor.onSelectionChanged = function( circuitEl ){ const controlButtonEl = circuitEl.querySelector( '.Q-circuit-toggle-control' ) if( Q.Circuit.Editor.isValidControlCandidate( circuitEl )){ controlButtonEl.removeAttribute( 'Q-disabled' ) } else controlButtonEl.setAttribute( 'Q-disabled', true ) const swapButtonEl = circuitEl.querySelector( '.Q-circuit-toggle-swap' ) if( Q.Circuit.Editor.isValidSwapCandidate( circuitEl )){ swapButtonEl.removeAttribute( 'Q-disabled' ) } else swapButtonEl.setAttribute( 'Q-disabled', true ) } Q.Circuit.Editor.onCircuitChanged = function( circuitEl ){ const circuit = circuitEl.circuit window.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent( 'Q gui altered circuit', { detail: { circuit: circuit }} )) // Should we trigger a circuit.evaluate$() here? // Particularly when we move all that to a new thread?? // console.log( originCircuit.report$() ) ?? } Q.Circuit.Editor.unhighlightAll = function( circuitEl ){ Array.from( circuitEl.querySelectorAll( '.Q-circuit-board-background > div,'+ '.Q-circuit-board-foreground > div' )) .forEach( function( el ){ el.classList.remove( 'Q-circuit-cell-highlighted' ) }) } ////////////////////// // // // Pointer MOVE // // // ////////////////////// Q.Circuit.Editor.onPointerMove = function( event ){ // We need our cursor coordinates straight away. // We’ll use that both for dragging (immediately below) // and for hover highlighting (further below). // Let’s also hold on to a list of all DOM elements // that contain this X, Y point // and also see if one of those is a circuit board container. const { x, y } = Q.Circuit.Editor.getInteractionCoordinates( event ), foundEls = document.elementsFromPoint( x, y ), boardContainerEl = foundEls.find( function( el ){ return el.classList.contains( 'Q-circuit-board-container' ) }) // Are we in the middle of a circuit clipboard drag? // If so we need to move that thing! if( Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl !== null ){ // ex. Don’t scroll on touch devices! event.preventDefault() // This was a very useful resource // for a reality check on DOM coordinates: // https://javascript.info/coordinates Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl.style.left = ( x + window.pageXOffset + Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl.offsetX ) +'px' Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl.style.top = ( y + window.pageYOffset + Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl.offsetY ) +'px' if( !boardContainerEl && Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl.circuitEl ) Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl.classList.add( 'Q-circuit-clipboard-danger' ) else Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl.classList.remove( 'Q-circuit-clipboard-danger' ) } // If we’re not over a circuit board container // then there’s no highlighting work to do // so let’s bail now. if( !boardContainerEl ) return // Now we know we have a circuit board // so we must have a circuit // and if that’s locked then highlighting changes allowed! const circuitEl = boardContainerEl.closest( '.Q-circuit' ) if( circuitEl.classList.contains( 'Q-circuit-locked' )) return // Ok, we’ve found a circuit board. // First, un-highlight everything. Array.from( boardContainerEl.querySelectorAll(` .Q-circuit-board-background > div, .Q-circuit-board-foreground > div `)).forEach( function( el ){ el.classList.remove( 'Q-circuit-cell-highlighted' ) }) // Let’s prioritize any element that is “sticky” // which means it can appear OVER another grid cell. const cellEl = foundEls.find( function( el ){ const style = window.getComputedStyle( el ) return ( style.position === 'sticky' && ( el.getAttribute( 'moment-index' ) !== null || el.getAttribute( 'register-index' ) !== null ) ) }), highlightByQuery = function( query ){ Array.from( boardContainerEl.querySelectorAll( query )) .forEach( function( el ){ el.classList.add( 'Q-circuit-cell-highlighted' ) }) } // If we’ve found one of these “sticky” cells // let’s use its moment and/or register data // to highlight moments or registers (or all). if( cellEl ){ const momentIndex = cellEl.getAttribute( 'moment-index' ), registerIndex = cellEl.getAttribute( 'register-index' ) if( momentIndex === null ){ highlightByQuery( `div[register-index="${ registerIndex }"]` ) return } if( registerIndex === null ){ highlightByQuery( `div[moment-index="${ momentIndex }"]` ) return } highlightByQuery(` .Q-circuit-board-background > div[moment-index], .Q-circuit-board-foreground > .Q-circuit-operation `) return } // Ok, we know we’re hovering over the circuit board // but we’re not on a “sticky” cell. // We might be over an operation, but we might not. // No matter -- we’ll infer the moment and register indices // from the cursor position. const boardElBounds = boardContainerEl.getBoundingClientRect(), xLocal = x - boardElBounds.left + boardContainerEl.scrollLeft + 1, yLocal = y - boardElBounds.top + boardContainerEl.scrollTop + 1, columnIndex = Q.Circuit.Editor.pointToGrid( xLocal ), rowIndex = Q.Circuit.Editor.pointToGrid( yLocal ), momentIndex = Q.Circuit.Editor.gridColumnToMomentIndex( columnIndex ), registerIndex = Q.Circuit.Editor.gridRowToRegisterIndex( rowIndex ) // If this hover is “out of bounds” // ie. on the same row or column as an “Add register” or “Add moment” button // then let’s not highlight anything. if( momentIndex > circuitEl.circuit.timewidth || registerIndex > circuitEl.circuit.bandwidth ) return // If we’re at 0, 0 or below that either means // we’re over the “Select all” button (already taken care of above) // or over the lock toggle button. // Either way, it’s time to bail. if( momentIndex < 1 || registerIndex < 1 ) return // If we’ve made it this far that means // we have valid moment and register indices. // Highlight them! highlightByQuery(` div[moment-index="${ momentIndex }"], div[register-index="${ registerIndex }"] `) return } /////////////////////// // // // Pointer PRESS // // // /////////////////////// Q.Circuit.Editor.onPointerPress = function( event ){ // This is just a safety net // in case something terrible has ocurred. // (ex. Did the user click and then their mouse ran // outside the window but browser didn’t catch it?) if( Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl !== null ){ Q.Circuit.Editor.onPointerRelease( event ) return } const targetEl = event.target, circuitEl = targetEl.closest( '.Q-circuit' ), paletteEl = targetEl.closest( '.Q-circuit-palette' ) // If we can’t find a circuit that’s a really bad sign // considering this event should be fired when a circuit // is clicked on. So... bail! if( !circuitEl && !paletteEl ) return // This is a bit of a gamble. // There’s a possibility we’re not going to drag anything, // but we’ll prep these variables here anyway // because both branches of if( circuitEl ) and if( paletteEl ) // below will have access to this scope. dragEl = document.createElement( 'div' ) dragEl.classList.add( 'Q-circuit-clipboard' ) const { x, y } = Q.Circuit.Editor.getInteractionCoordinates( event ) // Are we dealing with a circuit interface? // ie. NOT a palette interface. if( circuitEl ){ // Shall we toggle the circuit lock? const circuit = circuitEl.circuit, circuitIsLocked = circuitEl.classList.contains( 'Q-circuit-locked' ), lockEl = targetEl.closest( '.Q-circuit-toggle-lock' ) if( lockEl ){ // const toolbarEl = Array.from( circuitEl.querySelectorAll( '.Q-circuit-button' )) if( circuitIsLocked ){ circuitEl.classList.remove( 'Q-circuit-locked' ) lockEl.innerText = '🔓' } else { circuitEl.classList.add( 'Q-circuit-locked' ) lockEl.innerText = '🔒' Q.Circuit.Editor.unhighlightAll( circuitEl ) } // We’ve toggled the circuit lock button // so we should prevent further propagation // before proceeding further. // That includes running all this code again // if it was originally fired by a mouse event // and about to be fired by a touch event! event.preventDefault() event.stopPropagation() return } // If our circuit is already “locked” // then there’s nothing more to do here. if( circuitIsLocked ) { Q.warn( `User attempted to interact with a circuit editor but it was locked.` ) return } const cellEl = targetEl.closest(` .Q-circuit-board-foreground > div, .Q-circuit-palette > div `), undoEl = targetEl.closest( '.Q-circuit-button-undo' ), redoEl = targetEl.closest( '.Q-circuit-button-redo' ), controlEl = targetEl.closest( '.Q-circuit-toggle-control' ), swapEl = targetEl.closest( '.Q-circuit-toggle-swap' ), addMomentEl = targetEl.closest( '.Q-circuit-moment-add' ), addRegisterEl = targetEl.closest( '.Q-circuit-register-add' ) if( !cellEl && !undoEl && !redoEl && !controlEl && !swapEl && !addMomentEl && !addRegisterEl ) return // By this point we know that the circuit is unlocked // and that we’ll activate a button / drag event / etc. // So we need to hault futher event propagation // including running this exact code again if this was // fired by a touch event and about to again by mouse. // This may SEEM redundant because we did this above // within the lock-toggle button code // but we needed to NOT stop propagation if the circuit // was already locked -- for scrolling and such. event.preventDefault() event.stopPropagation() if( undoEl && circuit.history.undo$() ){ Q.Circuit.Editor.onSelectionChanged( circuitEl ) Q.Circuit.Editor.onCircuitChanged( circuitEl ) } if( redoEl && circuit.history.redo$() ){ Q.Circuit.Editor.onSelectionChanged( circuitEl ) Q.Circuit.Editor.onCircuitChanged( circuitEl ) } if( controlEl ) Q.Circuit.Editor.createControl( circuitEl ) if( swapEl ) Q.Circuit.Editor.createSwap( circuitEl ) if( addMomentEl ) console.log( '→ Add moment' ) if( addRegisterEl ) console.log( '→ Add register' ) // We’re done dealing with external buttons. // So if we can’t find a circuit CELL // then there’s nothing more to do here. if( !cellEl ) return // Once we know what cell we’ve pressed on // we can get the momentIndex and registerIndex // from its pre-defined attributes. // NOTE that we are getting CSS grid column and row // from our own conversion function and NOT from // asking its styles. Why? Because browsers convert // grid commands to a shorthand less easily parsable // and therefore makes our code and reasoning // more prone to quirks / errors. Trust me! const momentIndex = +cellEl.getAttribute( 'moment-index' ), registerIndex = +cellEl.getAttribute( 'register-index' ), columnIndex = Q.Circuit.Editor.momentIndexToGridColumn( momentIndex ), rowIndex = Q.Circuit.Editor.registerIndexToGridRow( registerIndex ) // Looks like our circuit is NOT locked // and we have a valid circuit CELL // so let’s find everything else we could need. const selectallEl = targetEl.closest( '.Q-circuit-selectall' ), registersymbolEl = targetEl.closest( '.Q-circuit-register-label' ), momentsymbolEl = targetEl.closest( '.Q-circuit-moment-label' ), inputEl = targetEl.closest( '.Q-circuit-input' ), operationEl = targetEl.closest( '.Q-circuit-operation' ) // +++++++++++++++ // We’ll have to add some input editing capability later... // Of course you can already do this in code! // For now though most quantum code assumes all qubits // begin with a value of zero so this is mostly ok ;) if( inputEl ){ console.log( '→ Edit input Qubit value at', registerIndex ) return } // Let’s inspect a group of items via a CSS query. // If any of them are NOT “selected” (highlighted) // then select them all. // But if ALL of them are already selected // then UNSELECT them all. function toggleSelection( query ){ const operations = Array.from( circuitEl.querySelectorAll( query )), operationsSelectedLength = operations.reduce( function( sum, element ){ sum += +element.classList.contains( 'Q-circuit-cell-selected' ) return sum }, 0 ) if( operationsSelectedLength === operations.length ){ operations.forEach( function( el ){ el.classList.remove( 'Q-circuit-cell-selected' ) }) } else { operations.forEach( function( el ){ el.classList.add( 'Q-circuit-cell-selected' ) }) } Q.Circuit.Editor.onSelectionChanged( circuitEl ) } // Clicking on the “selectAll” button // or any of the Moment symbols / Register symbols // causes a selection toggle. // In the future we may want to add // dragging of entire Moment columns / Register rows // to splice them out / insert them elsewhere // when a user clicks and drags them. if( selectallEl ){ toggleSelection( '.Q-circuit-operation' ) return } if( momentsymbolEl ){ toggleSelection( `.Q-circuit-operation[moment-index="${ momentIndex }"]` ) return } if( registersymbolEl ){ toggleSelection( `.Q-circuit-operation[register-index="${ registerIndex }"]` ) return } // Right here we can made a big decision: // If you’re not pressing on an operation // then GO HOME. if( !operationEl ) return // Ok now we know we are dealing with an operation. // This preserved selection state information // will be useful for when onPointerRelease is fired. if( operationEl.classList.contains( 'Q-circuit-cell-selected' )){ operationEl.wasSelected = true } else operationEl.wasSelected = false // And now we can proceed knowing that // we need to select this operation // and possibly drag it // as well as any other selected operations. operationEl.classList.add( 'Q-circuit-cell-selected' ) const selectedOperations = Array.from( circuitEl.querySelectorAll( '.Q-circuit-cell-selected' )) dragEl.circuitEl = circuitEl dragEl.originEl = circuitEl.querySelector( '.Q-circuit-board-foreground' ) // These are the default values; // will be used if we’re only dragging one operation around. // But if dragging more than one operation // and we’re dragging the clipboard by an operation // that is NOT in the upper-left corner of the clipboard // then we need to know what the offset is. // (Will be calculated below.) dragEl.columnIndexOffset = 1 dragEl.rowIndexOffset = 1 // Now collect all of the selected operations, // rip them from the circuit board’s foreground layer // and place them on the clipboard. let columnIndexMin = Infinity, rowIndexMin = Infinity selectedOperations.forEach( function( el ){ // WORTH REPEATING: // Once we know what cell we’ve pressed on // we can get the momentIndex and registerIndex // from its pre-defined attributes. // NOTE that we are getting CSS grid column and row // from our own conversion function and NOT from // asking its styles. Why? Because browsers convert // grid commands to a shorthand less easily parsable // and therefore makes our code and reasoning // more prone to quirks / errors. Trust me! const momentIndex = +el.getAttribute( 'moment-index' ), registerIndex = +el.getAttribute( 'register-index' ), columnIndex = Q.Circuit.Editor.momentIndexToGridColumn( momentIndex ), rowIndex = Q.Circuit.Editor.registerIndexToGridRow( registerIndex ) columnIndexMin = Math.min( columnIndexMin, columnIndex ) rowIndexMin = Math.min( rowIndexMin, rowIndex ) el.classList.remove( 'Q-circuit-cell-selected' ) el.origin = { momentIndex, registerIndex, columnIndex, rowIndex } dragEl.appendChild( el ) }) selectedOperations.forEach( function( el ){ const columnIndexForClipboard = 1 + el.origin.columnIndex - columnIndexMin, rowIndexForClipboard = 1 + el.origin.rowIndex - rowIndexMin el.style.gridColumn = columnIndexForClipboard el.style.gridRow = rowIndexForClipboard // If this operation element is the one we grabbed // (mostly relevant if we’re moving multiple operations at once) // we need to know what the “offset” so everything can be // placed correctly relative to this drag-and-dropped item. if( el.origin.columnIndex === columnIndex && el.origin.rowIndex === rowIndex ){ dragEl.columnIndexOffset = columnIndexForClipboard dragEl.rowIndexOffset = rowIndexForClipboard } }) // We need an XY offset that describes the difference // between the mouse / finger press position // and the clipboard’s intended upper-left position. // To do that we need to know the press position (obviously!), // the upper-left bounds of the circuit board’s foreground, // and the intended upper-left bound of clipboard. const boardEl = circuitEl.querySelector( '.Q-circuit-board-foreground' ), bounds = boardEl.getBoundingClientRect(), minX = Q.Circuit.Editor.gridToPoint( columnIndexMin ), minY = Q.Circuit.Editor.gridToPoint( rowIndexMin ) dragEl.offsetX = bounds.left + minX - x dragEl.offsetY = bounds.top + minY - y dragEl.momentIndex = momentIndex dragEl.registerIndex = registerIndex } else if( paletteEl ){ const operationEl = targetEl.closest( '.Q-circuit-operation' ) if( !operationEl ) return const bounds = operationEl.getBoundingClientRect(), { x, y } = Q.Circuit.Editor.getInteractionCoordinates( event ) dragEl.appendChild( operationEl.cloneNode( true )) dragEl.originEl = paletteEl dragEl.offsetX = bounds.left - x dragEl.offsetY = bounds.top - y } dragEl.timestamp = Date.now() // Append the clipboard to the document, // establish a global reference to it, // and trigger a draw of it in the correct spot. document.body.appendChild( dragEl ) Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl = dragEl Q.Circuit.Editor.onPointerMove( event ) } ///////////////////////// // // // Pointer RELEASE // // // ///////////////////////// Q.Circuit.Editor.onPointerRelease = function( event ){ // If there’s no dragEl then bail immediately. if( Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl === null ) return // Looks like we’re moving forward with this plan, // so we’ll take control of the input now. event.preventDefault() event.stopPropagation() // We can’t get the drop target from the event. // Think about it: What was under the mouse / finger // when this drop event was fired? THE CLIPBOARD ! // So instead we need to peek at what elements are // under the mouse / finger, skipping element [0] // because that will be the clipboard. const { x, y } = Q.Circuit.Editor.getInteractionCoordinates( event ), boardContainerEl = document.elementsFromPoint( x, y ) .find( function( el ){ return el.classList.contains( 'Q-circuit-board-container' ) }), returnToOrigin = function(){ // We can only do a “true” return to origin // if we were dragging from a circuit. // If we were dragging from a palette // we can just stop dragging. if( Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl.circuitEl ){ Array.from( Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl.children ).forEach( function( el ){ Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl.originEl.appendChild( el ) el.style.gridColumn = el.origin.columnIndex el.style.gridRow = el.origin.rowIndex if( el.wasSelected === true ) el.classList.remove( 'Q-circuit-cell-selected' ) else el.classList.add( 'Q-circuit-cell-selected' ) }) Q.Circuit.Editor.onSelectionChanged( Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl.circuitEl ) } document.body.removeChild( Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl ) Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl = null } // If we have not dragged on to a circuit board // then we’re throwing away this operation. if( !boardContainerEl ){ if( Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl.circuitEl ){ const originCircuitEl = Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl.circuitEl originCircuit = originCircuitEl.circuit originCircuit.history.createEntry$() Array .from( Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl.children ) .forEach( function( child ){ originCircuit.clear$( child.origin.momentIndex, child.origin.registerIndex ) }) Q.Circuit.Editor.onSelectionChanged( originCircuitEl ) Q.Circuit.Editor.onCircuitChanged( originCircuitEl ) } // TIME TO DIE. // Let’s keep a private reference to // the current clipboard. let clipboardToDestroy = Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl // Now we can remove our dragging reference. Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl = null // Add our CSS animation routine // which will run for 1 second. // If we were SUPER AWESOME // we would have also calculated drag momentum // and we’d let this glide away! clipboardToDestroy.classList.add( 'Q-circuit-clipboard-destroy' ) // And around the time that animation is completing // we can go ahead and remove our clipboard from the DOM // and kill the reference. setTimeout( function(){ document.body.removeChild( clipboardToDestroy ) clipboardToDestroy = null }, 500 ) // No more to do here. Goodbye. return } // If we couldn’t determine a circuitEl // from the drop target, // or if there is a target circuit but it’s locked, // then we need to return these dragged items // to their original circuit. const circuitEl = boardContainerEl.closest( '.Q-circuit' ) if( circuitEl.classList.contains( 'Q-circuit-locked' )){ returnToOrigin() return } // Time to get serious. // Where exactly are we dropping on to this circuit?? const circuit = circuitEl.circuit, bounds = boardContainerEl.getBoundingClientRect(), droppedAtX = x - bounds.left + boardContainerEl.scrollLeft, droppedAtY = y - bounds.top + boardContainerEl.scrollTop, droppedAtMomentIndex = Q.Circuit.Editor.gridColumnToMomentIndex( Q.Circuit.Editor.pointToGrid( droppedAtX ) ), droppedAtRegisterIndex = Q.Circuit.Editor.gridRowToRegisterIndex( Q.Circuit.Editor.pointToGrid( droppedAtY ) ), foregroundEl = circuitEl.querySelector( '.Q-circuit-board-foreground' ) // If this is a self-drop // we can also just return to origin and bail. if( Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl.circuitEl === circuitEl && Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl.momentIndex === droppedAtMomentIndex && Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl.registerIndex === droppedAtRegisterIndex ){ returnToOrigin() return } // Is this a valid drop target within this circuit? if( droppedAtMomentIndex < 1 || droppedAtMomentIndex > circuit.timewidth || droppedAtRegisterIndex < 1 || droppedAtRegisterIndex > circuit.bandwidth ){ returnToOrigin() return } // Finally! Work is about to be done! // All we need to do is tell the circuit itself // where we need to place these dragged items. // It will do all the validation for us // and then fire events that will place new elements // where they need to go! const draggedOperations = Array.from( Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl.children ), draggedMomentDelta = droppedAtMomentIndex - Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl.momentIndex, draggedRegisterDelta = droppedAtRegisterIndex - Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl.registerIndex, setCommands = [] // Whatever the next action is that we perform on the circuit, // this was user-initiated via the graphic user interface (GUI). circuit.history.createEntry$() // Now let’s work our way through each of the dragged operations. // If some of these are components of a multi-register operation // the sibling components will get spliced out of the array // to avoid processing any specific operation more than once. draggedOperations.forEach( function( childEl, i ){ let momentIndexTarget = droppedAtMomentIndex, registerIndexTarget = droppedAtRegisterIndex if( Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl.circuitEl ){ momentIndexTarget += childEl.origin.momentIndex - Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl.momentIndex registerIndexTarget += childEl.origin.registerIndex - Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl.registerIndex } // Is this a multi-register operation? // If so, this is also a from-circuit drop // rather than a from-palette drop. const registerIndicesString = childEl.getAttribute( 'register-indices' ) if( registerIndicesString ){ // What are ALL of the registerIndices // associated with this multi-register operation? // (We may use them later as a checklist.) const registerIndices = registerIndicesString .split( ',' ) .map( function( str ){ return +str }), // Lets look for ALL of the sibling components of this operation. // Later we’ll check and see if the length of this array // is equal to the total number of components for this operation. // If they’re equal then we know we’re dragging the WHOLE thing. // Otherwise we need to determine if it needs to break apart // and if so, what that nature of that break might be. foundComponents = Array.from( Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl.querySelectorAll( `[moment-index="${ childEl.origin.momentIndex }"]`+ `[register-indices="${ registerIndicesString }"]` ) ) .sort( function( a, b ){ const aRegisterIndicesIndex = +a.getAttribute( 'register-indices-index' ), bRegisterIndicesIndex = +b.getAttribute( 'register-indices-index' ) return aRegisterIndicesIndex - bRegisterIndicesIndex }), allComponents = Array.from( Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl.circuitEl.querySelectorAll( `[moment-index="${ childEl.origin.momentIndex }"]`+ `[register-indices="${ registerIndicesString }"]` )), remainingComponents = allComponents.filter( function( componentEl, i ){ return !foundComponents.includes( componentEl ) }), // We can’t pick the gate symbol // off the 0th gate in the register indices array // because that will be an identity / control / null gate. // We need to look at slot 1. component1 = Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl.querySelector( `[moment-index="${ childEl.origin.momentIndex }"]`+ `[register-index="${ registerIndices[ 1 ] }"]` ), gatesymbol = component1 ? component1.getAttribute( 'gate-symbol' ) : childEl.getAttribute( 'gate-symbol' ) // We needed to grab the above gatesymbol information // before we sent any clear$ commands // which would in turn delete those componentEls. // We’ve just completed that, // so now’s the time to send a clear$ command // before we do any set$ commands. draggedOperations.forEach( function( childEl ){ Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl.circuitEl.circuit.clear$( childEl.origin.momentIndex, childEl.origin.registerIndex ) }) // FULL MULTI-REGISTER DRAG (TO ANY POSITION ON ANY CIRCUIT). // If we are dragging all of the components // of a multi-register operation // then we are good to go. if( registerIndices.length === foundComponents.length ){ //circuit.set$( setCommands.push([ gatesymbol, momentIndexTarget, // We need to remap EACH register index here // according to the drop position. // Let’s let set$ do all the validation on this. registerIndices.map( function( registerIndex ){ const siblingDelta = registerIndex - childEl.origin.registerIndex registerIndexTarget = droppedAtRegisterIndex if( Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl.circuitEl ){ registerIndexTarget += childEl.origin.registerIndex - Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl.registerIndex + siblingDelta } return registerIndexTarget }) // ) ]) } // IN-MOMENT (IN-CIRCUIT) PARTIAL MULTI-REGISTER DRAG. // It appears we are NOT dragging all components // of a multi-register operation. // But if we’re dragging within the same circuit // and we’re staying within the same moment index // that might be ok! else if( Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl.circuitEl === circuitEl && momentIndexTarget === childEl.origin.momentIndex ){ // We must ensure that only one component // can sit at each register index. // This copies registerIndices, // but inverts the key : property relationship. const registerMap = registerIndices .reduce( function( registerMap, registerIndex, r ){ registerMap[ registerIndex ] = r return registerMap }, {} ) // First, we must remove each dragged component // from the register it was sitting at. foundComponents.forEach( function( component ){ const componentRegisterIndex = +component.getAttribute( 'register-index' ) // Remove this component from // where this component used to be. delete registerMap[ componentRegisterIndex ] }) // Now we can seat it at its new position. // Note: This may OVERWRITE one of its siblings! // And that’s ok. foundComponents.forEach( function( component ){ const componentRegisterIndex = +component.getAttribute( 'register-index' ), registerGrabDelta = componentRegisterIndex - Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl.registerIndex // Now put it where it wants to go, // possibly overwriting a sibling component! registerMap[ componentRegisterIndex + draggedRegisterDelta ] = +component.getAttribute( 'register-indices-index' ) }) // Now let’s flip that registerMap // back into an array of register indices. const fixedRegistersIndices = Object.entries( registerMap ) .reduce( function( registers, entry, i ){ registers[ +entry[ 1 ]] = +entry[ 0 ] return registers }, [] ) // This will remove any blank entries in the array // ie. if a dragged sibling overwrote a seated one. .filter( function( entry ){ return Q.isUsefulInteger( entry ) }) // Finally, we’re ready to set. // circuit.set$( setCommands.push([ childEl.getAttribute( 'gate-symbol' ), momentIndexTarget, fixedRegistersIndices // ) ]) } else { remainingComponents.forEach( function( componentEl, i ){ //circuit.set$( setCommands.push([ +componentEl.getAttribute( 'register-indices-index' ) ? gatesymbol : Q.Gate.NOOP, +componentEl.getAttribute( 'moment-index' ), +componentEl.getAttribute( 'register-index' ) // ) ]) }) // Finally, let’s separate and update // all the components that were part of the drag. foundComponents.forEach( function( componentEl ){ // circuit.set$( setCommands.push([ +componentEl.getAttribute( 'register-indices-index' ) ? gatesymbol : Q.Gate.NOOP, +componentEl.getAttribute( 'moment-index' ) + draggedMomentDelta, +componentEl.getAttribute( 'register-index' ) + draggedRegisterDelta, // ) ]) }) } // We’ve just completed the movement // of a multi-register operation. // But all of the sibling components // will also trigger this process // unless we remove them // from the draggd operations array. let j = i + 1 while( j < draggedOperations.length ){ const possibleSibling = draggedOperations[ j ] if( possibleSibling.getAttribute( 'gate-symbol' ) === gatesymbol && possibleSibling.getAttribute( 'register-indices' ) === registerIndicesString ){ draggedOperations.splice( j, 1 ) } else j ++ } } // This is just a single-register operation. // How simple this looks // compared to all the gibberish above. else { // First, if this operation comes from a circuit // (and not a circuit palette) // make sure the old positions are cleared away. if( Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl.circuitEl ){ draggedOperations.forEach( function( childEl ){ Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl.circuitEl.circuit.clear$( childEl.origin.momentIndex, childEl.origin.registerIndex ) }) } // And now set$ the operation // in its new home. // circuit.set$( setCommands.push([ childEl.getAttribute( 'gate-symbol' ), momentIndexTarget, [ registerIndexTarget ] // ) ]) } }) // DO IT DO IT DO IT setCommands.forEach( function( setCommand ){ circuit.set$.apply( circuit, setCommand ) }) // Are we capable of making controls? Swaps? Q.Circuit.Editor.onSelectionChanged( circuitEl ) Q.Circuit.Editor.onCircuitChanged( circuitEl ) // If the original circuit and destination circuit // are not the same thing // then we need to also eval the original circuit. if( Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl.circuitEl && Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl.circuitEl !== circuitEl ){ const originCircuitEl = Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl.circuitEl Q.Circuit.Editor.onSelectionChanged( originCircuitEl ) Q.Circuit.Editor.onCircuitChanged( originCircuitEl ) } // We’re finally done here. // Clean up and go home. // It’s been a long journey. // I love you all. document.body.removeChild( Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl ) Q.Circuit.Editor.dragEl = null } /////////////////// // // // Listeners // // // /////////////////// // These listeners must be applied // to the entire WINDOW (and not just document.body!) window.addEventListener( 'mousemove', Q.Circuit.Editor.onPointerMove ) window.addEventListener( 'touchmove', Q.Circuit.Editor.onPointerMove ) window.addEventListener( 'mouseup', Q.Circuit.Editor.onPointerRelease ) window.addEventListener( 'touchend', Q.Circuit.Editor.onPointerRelease )