/* BSD 2-Clause License - see OPAL/LICENSE for details. */ package org.opalj package ai package domain /** * Provides default implementations for a `Domain`'s return methods that always throw * an `IllegalMonitorStateExceptoin`. * * You can mix in this trait if you are not interested in a method's return values or if * you need some default implementations. * * @author Michael Eichberg */ trait DefaultHandlingForReturnInstructions extends ReturnInstructionsDomain { domain: ValuesDomain with ExceptionsFactory with Configuration => /*base impl.*/ def areturn(pc: Int, value: DomainValue): Computation[Nothing, ExceptionValue] = { handleReturn(pc) } /*base impl.*/ def dreturn(pc: Int, value: DomainValue): Computation[Nothing, ExceptionValue] = { handleReturn(pc) } /*base impl.*/ def freturn(pc: Int, value: DomainValue): Computation[Nothing, ExceptionValue] = { handleReturn(pc) } /*base impl.*/ def ireturn(pc: Int, value: DomainValue): Computation[Nothing, ExceptionValue] = { handleReturn(pc) } /*base impl.*/ def lreturn(pc: Int, value: DomainValue): Computation[Nothing, ExceptionValue] = { handleReturn(pc) } }