/* BSD 2-Clause License - see OPAL/LICENSE for details. */ package org.opalj package ai package domain import scala.annotation.switch import scala.annotation.tailrec import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream import java.io.PrintStream import scala.xml.Node import org.opalj.graphs.DefaultMutableNode import org.opalj.control.foreachNonNullValue import org.opalj.collection.immutable.IntArraySet import org.opalj.collection.immutable.IntRefPair import org.opalj.collection.immutable.IntTrieSet import org.opalj.collection.immutable.IntTrieSet1 import org.opalj.collection.mutable.{Locals => Registers} import org.opalj.bytecode.BytecodeProcessingFailedException import org.opalj.br.Code import org.opalj.br.ComputationalTypeCategory import org.opalj.br.ObjectType import org.opalj.br.PC import org.opalj.br.analyses.AnalysisException import org.opalj.br.instructions._ import org.opalj.ai.util.XHTML import scala.collection.mutable /** * Collects the definition/use information based on the abstract interpretation time cfg. * I.e., makes the information available which value is accessed where/where a used * value is defined. * In general, all local variables are identified using `Int`s where the `Int` identifies * the expression (by means of it's pc) which evaluated to the respective value. * In case of a parameter the `Int` value is `-parametersIndex corrected by computational type * category` (see below for details). * * '''In case of exception values the `Int` value identifies the instruction which ex-/implicitly * raised the exception.''' * * @note A checkcast is considered a use-site, but not a def-site, even if the shape changes/ * the assumed type is narrowed. Otherwise, if the cast is useless, we could not replace it * by a NOP. * * ==General Usage== * This trait collects the def/use information '''after the abstract interpretation has * successfully completed''' and the control-flow graph is available. * The information is automatically made available, when this plug-in is mixed in. * * ==Special Values== * * ===Parameters=== * The ex-/implicit parameters given to a method have negative `int` values (the first * parameter has the value -1, the second -2 if the first one is a value of computational * type category one and -3 if the first value is of computational type category two and so forth). * I.e., in case of a method `def (d : Double, i : Int)`, the second parameter will have the index * -3. * * ==Core Properties== * * ===Reusability=== * An instance of this domain can be reused to successively perform abstract * interpretations of different methods. * The domain's inherited `initProperties` method – which is always called by the AI * framework – resets the entire state related to the method. * * @author Michael Eichberg */ trait RecordDefUse extends RecordCFG { defUseDomain: Domain with TheCode => // IDEA: // EACH LOCAL VARIABLE IS BASICALLY NAMED USING THE PC OF THE INSTRUCTION THAT INITIALIZES IT. // // EXAMPLE (AFTER COMPUTING THE DEF/USE INFORMATION) // PC: 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: // INSTRUCTION a_load0 getfield invokestatic a_store0 getstatic return // STACK empty [ -1 ] [ 1 ] [ 2 ] empty [ 4 ] // REGISTERS 0: -1 0: -1 0: -1 0: -1 0: 2 0: 1 // USED(BY) "-1":{1} "0": N/A "1":{2} "2":{3} "3": N/A "4": {5} "5": N/A @inline final def ValueOrigins(vo: Int): ValueOrigins = IntTrieSet1(vo) // Stores the information where the value defined by an instruction is used. // The used array basically mirrors the instructions array, but has additional // space for storing the information about the usage of the parameters. The size // of this additional space is `parametersOffset` large and is prepended to // the array that mirrors the instructions array. private[this] var used: Array[ValueOrigins] = _ // initialized by initProperties private[this] var usedExternalExceptions: Array[ValueOrigins] = _ // initialized by initProperties protected[this] var parametersOffset: Int = _ // initialized by initProperties // This array contains the information where each operand value found at a // specific instruction was defined. private[this] var defOps: Array[List[ValueOrigins]] = _ // initialized by initProperties // This array contains the information where each local is defined; // negative values indicate that the values are parameters. private[this] var defLocals: Array[Registers[ValueOrigins]] = _ // initialized by initProperties abstract override def initProperties(code: Code, cfJoins: IntTrieSet, locals: Locals): Unit = { val codeSize = code.codeSize val defOps = new Array[List[ValueOrigins]](codeSize) defOps(0) = List.empty // the operand stack is empty... this.defOps = defOps // Initialize initial def-use information based on the parameters: val defLocals = new Array[Registers[ValueOrigins]](codeSize) var parameterIndex = 0 defLocals(0) = locals map { v => // We always decrement parameterIndex to get the same offsets as used by the AI. parameterIndex -= 1 if (v ne null) { ValueOrigins(parameterIndex) } else { null } } this.defLocals = defLocals this.parametersOffset = -parameterIndex // <= definitively large enough - in general a bit too large this.used = new Array(codeSize + parametersOffset) this.usedExternalExceptions = new Array(codeSize) super.initProperties(code, cfJoins, locals) } protected[this] def thisProperty(pc: Int): Option[String] = { Option(usedBy(pc)).map(_.mkString("UsedBy={", ",", "}")) } /** * Prints out the information by which values the current values are used. * * @inheritdoc */ abstract override def properties(pc: Int, propertyToString: AnyRef => String): Option[String] = { super.properties(pc, propertyToString) match { case superProperty @ Some(description) => thisProperty(pc) map (_+"; "+description) orElse superProperty case None => thisProperty(pc) } } /** * Returns the instruction(s) which defined the value used by the instruction with the * given `pc` and which is stored at the stack position with the given stackIndex. * The first/top value on the stack has index 0 and the second value - if it exists - * has index two; independent of the computational category of the values. */ def operandOrigin(pc: PC, stackIndex: Int): ValueOrigins = defOps(pc)(stackIndex) /** * Returns the instruction(s) which define(s) the value found in the register variable with * index `registerIndex` and the program counter `pc`. */ def localOrigin(pc: PC, registerIndex: Int): ValueOrigins = defLocals(pc)(registerIndex) /** * Returns the instructions which use the value or the external exception identified by * the given value origin. In case of external exceptions thrown by an instruction, * the pc of the value origin pc is `ai.underlyingPC(valueOrigin)` */ def usedBy(valueOrigin: ValueOrigin): ValueOrigins = { if (valueOrigin > ImmediateVMExceptionsOriginOffset) used(valueOrigin + parametersOffset) else usedExternalExceptions(underlyingPC(valueOrigin)) } /** * Returns the instructions which use the value or the external exception identified by * the given value origin. Basically, the same as `usedBy` except that an empty set of * value origins is returned if the instruction with the given value origin is dead. */ def safeUsedBy(valueOrigin: ValueOrigin): ValueOrigins = { val usedBy = this.usedBy(valueOrigin) if (usedBy eq null) NoValueOrigins else usedBy } /** * Returns the instructions which use the (external) exception raised by the instruction * with the given ValueOrigin. */ def safeExternalExceptionsUsedBy(pc: Int): ValueOrigins = { // There is no offset to subtract over here, because external exceptions are never parameters! val usedBy = usedExternalExceptions(pc) if (usedBy eq null) NoValueOrigins else usedBy } /** * Returns the union of the set of unused parameters and the set of all instructions which * compute a value that is not used in the following. */ def unused: ValueOrigins = { var unused = NoValueOrigins // 1. check if the parameters are used... val parametersOffset = this.parametersOffset val defLocals0 = defLocals(0) var parameterIndex = 0 while (parameterIndex < parametersOffset) { if (defLocals0(parameterIndex) ne null) /*we may have parameters with comp. type 2*/ { val unusedParameter = -parameterIndex - 1 val usedBy = this.usedBy(unusedParameter) if (usedBy eq null) { unused += unusedParameter } } parameterIndex += 1 } // 2. check instructions code iterate { (pc, instruction) => if (instruction.opcode != CHECKCAST.opcode) { // A checkcast instruction does not define a new local variable; hence, // though it put a value on the stack, we don't have a new def-site. instruction.expressionResult match { case NoExpression => // nothing to do case Stack | Register(_) => if (usedBy(pc) eq null) { unused += pc } } } } unused } private[this] def updateUsageInformation(usedValues: ValueOrigins, useSite: PC): Unit = { usedValues foreach { usedValue => if (ai.isImplicitOrExternalException(usedValue)) { // we have a usage of an implicit exception or a method external exception val usedIndex = ai.underlyingPC(usedValue) val oldUsedExternalExceptions: ValueOrigins = usedExternalExceptions(usedIndex) if (oldUsedExternalExceptions eq null) { usedExternalExceptions(usedIndex) = ValueOrigins(useSite) } else { usedExternalExceptions(usedIndex) = oldUsedExternalExceptions +! useSite } } else { val usedIndex = usedValue + parametersOffset val oldUsedInfo: ValueOrigins = used(usedIndex) if (oldUsedInfo eq null) { used(usedIndex) = ValueOrigins(useSite) } else { used(usedIndex) = oldUsedInfo +! useSite } } } } protected[this] def propagate( currentPC: Int, successorPC: Int, newDefOps: List[ValueOrigins], newDefLocals: Registers[ValueOrigins] )( implicit cfJoins: IntTrieSet, subroutinePCs: IntArraySet ): Boolean = { if (cfJoins.contains(successorPC) && defLocals(successorPC) != null /*non-dead*/ ) { var forceScheduling = false // we now also have to perform a join... @tailrec def joinDefOps( oldDefOps: List[ValueOrigins], lDefOps: List[ValueOrigins], rDefOps: List[ValueOrigins], oldIsSuperset: Boolean = true, joinedDefOps: mutable.Builder[ValueOrigins, List[ValueOrigins]] = List.newBuilder[ValueOrigins] ): List[ValueOrigins] = { if (lDefOps.isEmpty) { // assert(rDefOps.isEmpty) return if (oldIsSuperset) oldDefOps else joinedDefOps.result(); } /* assert( rDefOps.nonEmpty, s"unexpected (pc:$currentPC -> pc:$successorPC): $lDefOps vs. $rDefOps;"+ s" original: $oldDefOps" ) */ val newHead = lDefOps.head val oldHead = rDefOps.head if (newHead.subsetOf(oldHead)) joinDefOps( oldDefOps, lDefOps.tail, rDefOps.tail, oldIsSuperset, joinedDefOps += oldHead ) else { // IMPROVE Consider using ++! (or !==!) val joinedHead = newHead ++ oldHead /* assert(newHead.subsetOf(joinedHead)) assert( oldHead.subsetOf(joinedHead), s"$newHead ++ $oldHead is $joinedHead" ) assert( joinedHead.size > oldHead.size, s"$newHead ++ $oldHead is $joinedHead" ) */ joinDefOps( oldDefOps, lDefOps.tail, rDefOps.tail, false, joinedDefOps += joinedHead ) } } val oldDefOps = defOps(successorPC) if (newDefOps ne oldDefOps) { val joinedDefOps = joinDefOps(oldDefOps, newDefOps, oldDefOps) if (joinedDefOps ne oldDefOps) { // assert( // joinedDefOps != oldDefOps, // s"$joinedDefOps is unexpectedly equal to $newDefOps join $oldDefOps" // ) forceScheduling = true // joinedDefOps.foreach{vo => // require(vo != null, s"$newDefOps join $oldDefOps == null") //} // assert(joinedDefOps.forall(e => e.iterator.size == e.size)) defOps(successorPC) = joinedDefOps } } val oldDefLocals = defLocals(successorPC) if (newDefLocals ne oldDefLocals) { // newUsage is `true` if a new value(variable) may be used somewhere // (I) // For example: // 0: ALOAD_0 // 1: INVOKEVIRTUAL com.sun.media.sound.EventDispatcher dispatchEvents (): void // 4: GOTO 0↑ // 7: ASTORE_1 // exception handler for the instruction with pc 1 // 8: GOTO 0↑ // The last goto leads to some new information regarding the values // on the stack (e.g., Register 1 now contains an exception), but // propagating this information is useless - the value is never used... // (II) // Furthermore, whenever we have a jump back to the first instruction // (PC == 0) and the joined values are unrelated to the parameters // - i.e., we do not assign a new value to a register used by a // parameter - then we do not have to force a scheduling of the reevaluation of // the next instruction since there has to be some assignment related to the // respective variables (there is no load without a previous store). var newUsage = false val joinedDefLocals = oldDefLocals.fuse( newDefLocals, { (o, n) => // In general, if n or o equals null, then // the register variable did not contain any // useful information when the current instruction was // reached for the first time, hence there will // always be an initialization before the next // use of the register value and we can drop all // information.... unless we have a JSR/RET and we are in // a subroutine! if (o eq null) { if ((n ne null) && subroutinePCs.contains(successorPC)) { newUsage = true n } else { null } } else if (n eq null) { if ((o ne null) && subroutinePCs.contains(successorPC)) { newUsage = true o } else { null } } else if (n subsetOf o) { o } else { newUsage = true // IMPROVE Consider using ++! val joinedDefLocals = n ++ o // assert( // joinedDefLocals.size > o.size, // s"$n ++ $o is $joinedDefLocals" // ) joinedDefLocals } } ) if (joinedDefLocals ne oldDefLocals) { // assert( // joinedDefLocals != oldDefLocals, // s"$joinedDefLocals should not be equal to "+ // s"$newDefLocals join $oldDefLocals" // ) // There is nothing to do if all joins are related to unused vars... if (newUsage) forceScheduling = true defLocals(successorPC) = joinedDefLocals } } forceScheduling } else { assert(newDefOps forall { vo => vo != null }, "null value origin found") // assert(newDefOps.forall(e => e.iterator.size == e.size)) defOps(successorPC) = newDefOps defLocals(successorPC) = newDefLocals true // <=> always schedule the execution of the next instruction } } /** * Returns the origins of a domain value. This method is intended to be overridden by * domains that provide more precise def/use information than the default def/use analysis. * * E.g., the l1.ReferenceValues domain tracks alias relations and can (when we inline calls) * correctly identify those returned values that were passed to it. * * @param domainValue The domain value for which the origin information is required. * If no information is available, `defaultOrigins` should be returned. * @return The origin information for the given `domainValue`. */ protected[this] def originsOf(domainValue: DomainValue): Option[ValueOrigins] = None protected[this] def newDefOpsForExceptionalControlFlow( currentPC: PC, currentInstruction: Instruction, successorPC: PC )( implicit operandsArray: OperandsArray ): List[ValueOrigins] = { // The stack only contains the exception (which was created before and was explicitly // thrown by an athrow instruction or which resulted from a called method or which was // created by the JVM). (Whether we had a join or not is irrelevant.) val origins = originsOf(operandsArray(successorPC).head) match { case None => // We don't have precise origin information... // We now have to determine the source of the exception - whether it was // (potentially) created externally (i.e., in another method) and/or by the JVM. (currentInstruction.opcode: @switch) match { case ATHROW.opcode => // The thrown value may be null... in that case the thrown exception is // the VM generated NullPointerException. val thrownValue = operandsArray(currentPC).head val exceptionIsNull = refIsNull(currentPC, thrownValue) var newDefOps = if (exceptionIsNull.isNoOrUnknown) { defOps(currentPC).head } else { NoValueOrigins } if (throwNullPointerExceptionOnThrow && exceptionIsNull.isYesOrUnknown) newDefOps += ValueOriginForImmediateVMException(currentPC) newDefOps case INVOKEINTERFACE.opcode | INVOKEVIRTUAL.opcode | INVOKESPECIAL.opcode => val mii = currentInstruction.asInstanceOf[MethodInvocationInstruction] val receiver = operandsArray(currentPC)(mii.methodDescriptor.parametersCount) var newDefOps = NoValueOrigins if ( // we have to check that the handler is actually handling // (implicit) null pointer exceptions throwNullPointerExceptionOnMethodCall && refIsNull(currentPC, receiver).isYesOrUnknown && { var foundDefinitiveHandler = false code.handlersFor(currentPC) filter { eh => !foundDefinitiveHandler && ( (eh.catchType.isEmpty && { foundDefinitiveHandler = true; true }) || { val isHandled = isASubtypeOf(ObjectType.NullPointerException, eh.catchType.get) if (isHandled.isYes) { foundDefinitiveHandler = true true } else if (isHandled.isYesOrUnknown) true else false } ) } }.exists(eh => eh.handlerPC == successorPC)) { newDefOps += ValueOriginForImmediateVMException(currentPC) } // the configuration option: // throwExceptionsOnMethodCall // is either // Any // AllExplicitlyHandled // Known (most restrictive) // Given that we have reached this point, we assume that we used // very shallow analyses and hence have no more precise information. if (throwExceptionsOnMethodCall != ExceptionsRaisedByCalledMethods.Known) { newDefOps += ValueOriginForMethodExternalException(currentPC) } newDefOps case INVOKEDYNAMIC.opcode | INVOKESTATIC.opcode => // ... we have no receiver, hence, we can't have a VM // VM NullPointerException and therefore the exception // is not raised by the INVOKEDYNAMIC instruction ValueOrigins(ValueOriginForMethodExternalException(currentPC)) case _ => // The instruction implicitly threw the exception... ValueOrigins(ValueOriginForImmediateVMException(currentPC)) } case Some(origins) => origins } List(origins) } /* * Specifies that the given number of stack values is used/popped from * the stack and that – optionally – a new value is pushed onto the stack (and * associated with a new variable). * * The usage is independent of the question whether the usage resulted in an * exceptional control flow. */ protected[this] def stackOperation( currentPC: Int, currentInstruction: Instruction, successorPC: Int, isExceptionalControlFlow: Boolean, usedValues: Int, pushesValue: Boolean )( implicit cfJoins: IntTrieSet, subroutinePCs: IntArraySet, operandsArray: OperandsArray ): Boolean = { val currentDefOps = defOps(currentPC) currentDefOps.take(usedValues).map { op => updateUsageInformation(op, currentPC) } val newDefOps: List[ValueOrigins] = if (isExceptionalControlFlow) { newDefOpsForExceptionalControlFlow(currentPC, currentInstruction, successorPC) } else { if (pushesValue) (originsOf(operandsArray(successorPC).head) match { case Some(origins) => origins case None => ValueOrigins(currentPC) }) :: currentDefOps.drop(usedValues) else currentDefOps.drop(usedValues) } propagate(currentPC, successorPC, newDefOps, defLocals(currentPC)) } protected[this] def registerReadWrite( currentPC: PC, successorPC: PC, index: Int )( implicit cfJoins: IntTrieSet, subroutinePCs: IntArraySet, localsArray: LocalsArray ): Boolean = { val currentDefLocals = defLocals(currentPC) updateUsageInformation(currentDefLocals(index), currentPC) val newOrigins = originsOf(localsArray(successorPC)(index)) match { case None => ValueOrigins(currentPC) case Some(origins) => origins } val newDefLocals = currentDefLocals.updated(index, newOrigins) propagate(currentPC, successorPC, defOps(currentPC), newDefLocals) } /** * Completes the computation of the definition/use information by using the recorded cfg. */ abstract override def abstractInterpretationEnded( aiResult: AIResult { val domain: defUseDomain.type } ): Unit = { super.abstractInterpretationEnded(aiResult) if (aiResult.wasAborted) return /* nothing to do */ ; val instructions = code.instructions lazy val belongsToSubroutine = code.belongsToSubroutine() // println(belongsToSubroutine.zipWithIndex.map(_.swap).mkString("Subroutine association:\n\t", "\n\t", "\n")) implicit val operandsArray = aiResult.operandsArray implicit val localsArray = aiResult.localsArray implicit val subroutinePCs: IntArraySet = aiResult.subroutinePCs implicit val cfJoins: IntTrieSet = aiResult.cfJoins // THE RefArrayStacks are required to model "at which subroutine level" we are currently // operating. val nextPCs: mutable.Stack[IntTrieSet] = new mutable.Stack[IntTrieSet](initialSize = 3) += IntTrieSet1(0) val nextJoinPCs: mutable.Stack[IntTrieSet] = new mutable.Stack[IntTrieSet](initialSize = 3) += IntTrieSet.empty // General idea related to JSR/RET: // We jump to a subroutine once all regular paths to a specific JSR have been evaluated. // Then we evaluate the subroutine; collect the def/use information related to the JSR // and reset the JSR. After that we execute the next JSR. At the end we join the information // related to the JSRs. // Due to the possibility of nested subroutine calls, we have to track the level at // which a subroutine level happens - the main level has the id "0". val jsrPCs: mutable.Stack[IntTrieSet] = new mutable.Stack[IntTrieSet](initialSize = 3) += IntTrieSet.empty // Recall that we need to ret in reverse order; i.e. last subroutine first! var retTargetPCs: List[IntTrieSet] = List.empty var retPCs: List[Int] = List.empty val currentSubroutinePCs: mutable.Stack[IntTrieSet] = mutable.Stack.empty // the instructions belonging to the subroutine var currentSubroutineLevel: Int = 0 var subroutineIDs: List[Int] = List.empty // basically the stack of the pc of the first instructions of the subroutines that are currently executed var subroutineDefOps: Array[List[ValueOrigins]] = null var subroutineDefLocals: Array[Registers[ValueOrigins]] = null var subroutineUsed: Array[ValueOrigins] = null var subroutineUsedExternalExceptions: Array[ValueOrigins] = null /** * Updates/computes the def/use information when the instruction with * the pc `successorPC` is executed immediately after the instruction with `currentPC`. */ def handleFlow( currentPC: PC, successorPC: PC, isExceptionalControlFlow: Boolean )( implicit cfJoins: IntTrieSet, subroutinePCs: IntArraySet, operandsArray: OperandsArray, localsArray: LocalsArray ): Boolean = { val currentInstruction = code.instructions(currentPC) // // HELPER METHODS // def propagate( newDefOps: List[ValueOrigins], newDefLocals: Registers[ValueOrigins] ): Boolean = { defUseDomain.propagate(currentPC, successorPC, newDefOps, newDefLocals) } def stackOperation(usedValues: Int, pushesValue: Boolean): Boolean = { defUseDomain.stackOperation( currentPC, currentInstruction, successorPC, isExceptionalControlFlow, usedValues, pushesValue ) } def load(index: Int): Boolean = { // there will never be an exceptional control flow ... val currentLocals = defLocals(currentPC) val newDefOps = currentLocals(index) :: defOps(currentPC) propagate(newDefOps, currentLocals) } def store(index: Int): Boolean = { // there will never be an exceptional control flow ... val currentOps = defOps(currentPC) val newDefLocals = defLocals(currentPC).updated(index, currentOps.head) propagate(currentOps.tail, newDefLocals) } // // THE IMPLEMENTATION... // val scheduleNextPC: Boolean = (currentInstruction.opcode: @switch) match { case GOTO.opcode | GOTO_W.opcode | NOP.opcode | WIDE.opcode => propagate(defOps(currentPC), defLocals(currentPC)) case JSR.opcode | JSR_W.opcode => // Let's check if we have a JSR to the subroutine that we are // currently executing. This can be legal in very restricted settings... if (currentSubroutinePCs.nonEmpty && currentSubroutinePCs.head.contains(successorPC)) { // println(currentPC+": (RE)START OF A SUBROUTINE: "+successorPC) // In this case, we treat the JSR basically in the same way as a goto. // We update the retTargetPC, because the calling JSR might be different... val retTargetPC = currentInstruction.indexOfNextInstruction(currentPC)(code) retTargetPCs = (retTargetPCs.head + retTargetPC) :: retTargetPCs.tail stackOperation(0, pushesValue = true) } else { // IN GENERAL: // HANDLING IS DEFERRED UNTIL ALL PATHS TO A JSR HAVE BEEN EVALUATED! jsrPCs.push(jsrPCs.pop() + currentPC) false /*do not schedule the next instruction now - will be done later*/ } case RET.opcode => // IN GENERAL: // HANDLING IS DEFERRED UNTIL ALL PATHS TO THE RET HAVE BEEN EVALUATED! // Note that we have at most one RET at each level and initially it // is set to the fake value -1 and this value is now updated. retPCs = currentPC :: retPCs.tail false /*do not schedule the next instruction now - will be done later*/ case IF_ACMPEQ.opcode | IF_ACMPNE.opcode | IF_ICMPEQ.opcode | IF_ICMPNE.opcode | IF_ICMPGT.opcode | IF_ICMPGE.opcode | IF_ICMPLT.opcode | IF_ICMPLE.opcode => stackOperation(2, pushesValue = false) case IFNULL.opcode | IFNONNULL.opcode | IFEQ.opcode | IFNE.opcode | IFGT.opcode | IFGE.opcode | IFLT.opcode | IFLE.opcode | LOOKUPSWITCH.opcode | TABLESWITCH.opcode => stackOperation(1, pushesValue = false) case ATHROW.opcode => val pushesValues = true /* <= irrelevant; athrow has special handling downstream */ stackOperation(1, pushesValues) // // ARRAYS // case NEWARRAY.opcode | ANEWARRAY.opcode => stackOperation(1, pushesValue = true) case ARRAYLENGTH.opcode => stackOperation(1, pushesValue = true) case MULTIANEWARRAY.opcode => val dims = currentInstruction.asInstanceOf[MULTIANEWARRAY].dimensions stackOperation(dims, pushesValue = true) case 50 /*aaload*/ | 49 /*daload*/ | 48 /*faload*/ | 51 /*baload*/ | 52 /*caload*/ | 46 /*iaload*/ | 47 /*laload*/ | 53 /*saload*/ => stackOperation(2, pushesValue = true) case 83 /*aastore*/ | 84 /*bastore*/ | 85 /*castore*/ | 79 /*iastore*/ | 80 /*lastore*/ | 86 /*sastore*/ | 82 /*dastore*/ | 81 /*fastore*/ => stackOperation(3, pushesValue = false) // // FIELD ACCESS // case 180 /*getfield*/ => stackOperation(1, pushesValue = true) case 178 /*getstatic*/ => stackOperation(0, pushesValue = true) case 181 /*putfield*/ => stackOperation(2, pushesValue = false) case 179 /*putstatic*/ => stackOperation(1, pushesValue = false) // // MONITOR // case 194 /*monitorenter*/ => stackOperation(1, pushesValue = false) case 195 /*monitorexit*/ => stackOperation(1, pushesValue = false) // // METHOD INVOCATIONS // case 184 /*invokestatic*/ | 186 /*invokedynamic*/ | 185 /*invokeinterface*/ | 183 /*invokespecial*/ | 182 /*invokevirtual*/ => val invoke = currentInstruction.asInvocationInstruction val descriptor = invoke.methodDescriptor stackOperation( invoke.numberOfPoppedOperands(ComputationalTypeCategoryNotAvailable), !descriptor.returnType.isVoidType ) // // LOAD AND STORE INSTRUCTIONS // case 25 /*aload*/ | 24 /*dload*/ | 23 /*fload*/ | 21 /*iload*/ | 22 /*lload*/ => load(currentInstruction.asLoadLocalVariableInstruction.lvIndex) case 42 /*aload_0*/ | 38 /*dload_0*/ | 34 /*fload_0*/ | 26 /*iload_0*/ | 30 /*lload_0*/ => load(0) case 43 /*aload_1*/ | 39 /*dload_1*/ | 35 /*fload_1*/ | 27 /*iload_1*/ | 31 /*lload_1*/ => load(1) case 44 /*aload_2*/ | 40 /*dload_2*/ | 36 /*fload_2*/ | 28 /*iload_2*/ | 32 /*lload_2*/ => load(2) case 45 /*aload_3*/ | 41 /*dload_3*/ | 37 /*fload_3*/ | 29 /*iload_3*/ | 33 /*lload_3*/ => load(3) case 58 /*astore*/ | 57 /*dstore*/ | 56 /*fstore*/ | 54 /*istore*/ | 55 /*lstore*/ => store(currentInstruction.asStoreLocalVariableInstruction.lvIndex) case 75 /*astore_0*/ | 71 /*dstore_0*/ | 67 /*fstore_0*/ | 63 /*lstore_0*/ | 59 /*istore_0*/ => store(0) case 76 /*astore_1*/ | 72 /*dstore_1*/ | 68 /*fstore_1*/ | 64 /*lstore_1*/ | 60 /*istore_1*/ => store(1) case 77 /*astore_2*/ | 73 /*dstore_2*/ | 69 /*fstore_2*/ | 65 /*lstore_2*/ | 61 /*istore_2*/ => store(2) case 78 /*astore_3*/ | 74 /*dstore_3*/ | 70 /*fstore_3*/ | 66 /*lstore_3*/ | 62 /*istore_3*/ => store(3) // // PUSH CONSTANT VALUE // case 1 /*aconst_null*/ | 2 /*iconst_m1*/ | 3 /*iconst_0*/ | 4 /*iconst_1*/ | 5 /*iconst_2*/ | 6 /*iconst_3*/ | 7 /*iconst_4*/ | 8 /*iconst_5*/ | 9 /*lconst_0*/ | 10 /*lconst_1*/ | 11 /*fconst_0*/ | 12 /*fconst_1*/ | 13 /*fconst_2*/ | 14 /*dconst_0*/ | 15 /*dconst_1*/ | 16 /*bipush*/ | 17 /*sipush*/ | 18 /*ldc*/ | 19 /*ldc_w*/ | 20 /*ldc2_w*/ => stackOperation(0, pushesValue = true) // // RELATIONAL OPERATORS // case 148 /*lcmp*/ | 150 /*fcmpg*/ | 149 /*fcmpl*/ | 152 /*dcmpg*/ | 151 /*dcmpl*/ => stackOperation(2, pushesValue = true) // // UNARY EXPRESSIONS // case 116 /*ineg*/ | 117 /*lneg*/ | 119 /*dneg*/ | 118 /*fneg*/ => stackOperation(1, pushesValue = true) case NEW.opcode => stackOperation(0, pushesValue = true) // // BINARY EXPRESSIONS // case IINC.opcode => val IINC(index, _) = currentInstruction registerReadWrite(currentPC, successorPC, index) case 99 /*dadd*/ | 111 /*ddiv*/ | 107 /*dmul*/ | 115 /*drem*/ | 103 /*dsub*/ | 98 /*fadd*/ | 110 /*fdiv*/ | 106 /*fmul*/ | 114 /*frem*/ | 102 /*fsub*/ | 109 /*ldiv*/ | 105 /*lmul*/ | 113 /*lrem*/ | 101 /*lsub*/ | 97 /*ladd*/ | 96 /*iadd*/ | 108 /*idiv*/ | 104 /*imul*/ | 112 /*irem*/ | 100 /*isub*/ | 126 /*iand*/ | 128 /*ior*/ | 130 /*ixor*/ | 127 /*land*/ | 129 /*lor*/ | 131 /*lxor*/ | 120 /*ishl*/ | 122 /*ishr*/ | 124 /*iushr*/ | 121 /*lshl*/ | 123 /*lshr*/ | 125 /*lushr*/ => stackOperation(2, pushesValue = true) // // GENERIC STACK MANIPULATION // case 89 /*dup*/ => val oldDefOps = defOps(currentPC) propagate(oldDefOps.head :: oldDefOps, defLocals(currentPC)) case 90 /*dup_x1*/ => val v1 :: v2 :: rest = defOps(currentPC) propagate(v1 :: v2 :: v1 :: rest, defLocals(currentPC)) case 91 /*dup_x2*/ => operandsArray(currentPC) match { case _ /*v1 @ CTC1()*/ :: (_@ CTC1()) :: _ => val v1 :: v2 :: v3 :: rest = defOps(currentPC) propagate(v1 :: v2 :: v3 :: v1 :: rest, defLocals(currentPC)) case _ => val v1 :: v2 :: rest = defOps(currentPC) propagate(v1 :: v2 :: v1 :: rest, defLocals(currentPC)) } case 92 /*dup2*/ => operandsArray(currentPC) match { case (_@ CTC1()) :: _ => val currentDefOps = defOps(currentPC) val v1 :: v2 :: _ = currentDefOps propagate(v1 :: v2 :: currentDefOps, defLocals(currentPC)) case _ => val oldDefOps = defOps(currentPC) propagate(oldDefOps.head :: defOps(currentPC), defLocals(currentPC)) } case 93 /*dup2_x1*/ => operandsArray(currentPC) match { case (_@ CTC1()) :: _ => val v1 :: v2 :: v3 :: rest = defOps(currentPC) propagate(v1 :: v2 :: v3 :: v1 :: v2 :: rest, defLocals(currentPC)) case _ => val v1 :: v2 :: rest = defOps(currentPC) propagate(v1 :: v2 :: v1 :: rest, defLocals(currentPC)) } case 94 /*dup2_x2*/ => operandsArray(currentPC) match { case (_@ CTC1()) :: (_@ CTC1()) :: (_@ CTC1()) :: _ => val v1 :: v2 :: v3 :: v4 :: rest = defOps(currentPC) val currentLocals = defLocals(currentPC) propagate(v1 :: v2 :: v3 :: v4 :: v1 :: v2 :: rest, currentLocals) case (_@ CTC1()) :: (_@ CTC1()) :: _ => val v1 :: v2 :: v3 :: rest = defOps(currentPC) propagate(v1 :: v2 :: v3 :: v1 :: v2 :: rest, defLocals(currentPC)) case _ /*v1 @ CTC2()*/ :: (_@ CTC1()) :: _ => val v1 :: v2 :: v3 :: rest = defOps(currentPC) propagate(v1 :: v2 :: v3 :: v1 :: rest, defLocals(currentPC)) case _ => val v1 :: v2 :: rest = defOps(currentPC) propagate(v1 :: v2 :: v1 :: rest, defLocals(currentPC)) } case 87 /*pop*/ => propagate(defOps(currentPC).tail, defLocals(currentPC)) case 88 /*pop2*/ => if (operandsArray(currentPC).head.computationalType.operandSize == 1) propagate(defOps(currentPC).drop(2), defLocals(currentPC)) else propagate(defOps(currentPC).tail, defLocals(currentPC)) case 95 /*swap*/ => val v1 :: v2 :: rest = defOps(currentPC) propagate(v2 :: v1 :: rest, defLocals(currentPC)) // // VALUE CONVERSIONS // case 144 /*d2f*/ | 142 /*d2i*/ | 143 /*d2l*/ | 141 /*f2d*/ | 139 /*f2i*/ | 140 /*f2l*/ | 145 /*i2b*/ | 146 /*i2c*/ | 135 /*i2d*/ | 134 /*i2f*/ | 133 /*i2l*/ | 147 /*i2s*/ | 138 /*l2d*/ | 137 /*l2f*/ | 136 /*l2i*/ | 193 /*instanceof*/ => stackOperation(1, pushesValue = true) case CHECKCAST.opcode => // Recall that – even if the cast is successful NOW (i.e., we don't have an // exceptional control flow) - that does not mean that the cast was useless. // At this point in time we simply don't have the necessary information to // decide whether the cast is truly useless. // E.g,. // AbstractList abstractL = ...; // List l = (java.util.List) abstractL; // USELESS // ArrayList al = (java.util.ArrayList) l; // MAY OR MAY NO SUCCEED val currentDefOps = defOps(currentPC) val op = currentDefOps.head updateUsageInformation(op, currentPC) val newDefOps = if (isExceptionalControlFlow) { newDefOpsForExceptionalControlFlow( currentPC, currentInstruction, successorPC ) } else { currentDefOps } propagate(newDefOps, defLocals(currentPC)) // // "ERROR" HANDLING // case RETURN.opcode => if (isExceptionalControlFlow) { val pushesValue = true /* value doesn't matter - special handling downstream */ stackOperation(0, pushesValue) } else { val message = s"a return instruction does not have regular successors" throw BytecodeProcessingFailedException(message) } case 176 /*a…*/ | 175 /*d…*/ | 174 /*f…*/ | 172 /*i…*/ | 173 /*l…return*/ => if (isExceptionalControlFlow) { val pushesValue = true /* value doesn't matter - special handling downstream */ stackOperation(1, pushesValue) } else { val message = s"a(n) $currentInstruction does not have regular successors" throw BytecodeProcessingFailedException(message) } case opcode => throw BytecodeProcessingFailedException(s"unknown opcode: $opcode") } scheduleNextPC } @tailrec def scheduleNextSubroutine(): Boolean = { // When we reach this point "next(Join)PCs" is empty! // TODO FIXME XXX Handle throws which terminate subroutines... // We generally first have to clean-up the state of a currently executed // subroutine, before we start the evaluation of the next subroutine, // unless, we have a nested subroutine call - in that case, we have to // do the nested subroutine call first! assert(currentSubroutineLevel == currentSubroutinePCs.size) assert(currentSubroutineLevel == subroutineIDs.size) if (jsrPCs.top.nonEmpty && // We have to check if we have a nested JSR call; // if the current subroutine level (root = 0) is smaller than the // high of the stack then we have a (nested) subroutine call. currentSubroutineLevel < jsrPCs.size) { val IntRefPair(jsrPC, newJSRPCs) = jsrPCs.pop().headAndTail jsrPCs.push(newJSRPCs) // println("processing jsr: "+jsrPC+"; remaining: "+jsrPCs) val jsrInstruction = instructions(jsrPC).asSimpleBranchInstruction val successorPC = jsrPC + jsrInstruction.branchoffset val retTargetPC = jsrInstruction.indexOfNextInstruction(jsrPC)(code) retTargetPCs ::= IntTrieSet1(retTargetPC) // The initial value is basically used to detect subroutines which never end // by a RET. Additionally, we ensure that the size of the retPCs and retTargetPCs // lists are always identical. retPCs ::= -1 // The new subroutine does not yet have any instructions! currentSubroutinePCs.push(IntTrieSet.empty) currentSubroutineLevel += 1 subroutineIDs ::= successorPC // Increase the stack to collect nested JSRs jsrPCs.push(IntTrieSet.empty) defUseDomain.stackOperation( jsrPC, jsrInstruction, successorPC, isExceptionalControlFlow = false, 0, pushesValue = true ) nextPCs.push(IntTrieSet1(successorPC)) nextJoinPCs.push(IntTrieSet.empty) // println(s"START OF A SUBROUTINE: $successorPC") true } else if (retPCs.nonEmpty) { val retPC = retPCs.head retPCs = retPCs.tail val thisSubroutineRetTargetPCs = retTargetPCs.head retTargetPCs = retTargetPCs.tail val lastSubroutinePCs = currentSubroutinePCs.pop() currentSubroutineLevel -= 1 subroutineIDs = subroutineIDs.tail assert(jsrPCs.head.isEmpty) val oldSubroutineJsrPCs = jsrPCs.pop() // drop empty IntTrieSet assert(oldSubroutineJsrPCs.isEmpty) val oldSubroutineNextPCs = nextPCs.pop() // drop empty IntTrieSet assert(oldSubroutineNextPCs.isEmpty) val oldSubroutineNextJoinPCs = nextJoinPCs.pop() // drop empty IntTrieSet assert(oldSubroutineNextJoinPCs.isEmpty) // println(s"END OF A SUBROUTINE: $retPC ... $thisSubroutineRetTargetPCs: "+lastSubroutinePCs.mkString(", ")) // 0. Let's determine the next instruction: val didRet = if (retPC == -1) { // the RET instruction (whether it exists or not!) was not reached false } else { val retInstruction @ RET(lvIndex) = instructions(retPC) val retDefLocals = defLocals(retPC) val originOfReturnAddressValue = retDefLocals(lvIndex) updateUsageInformation(originOfReturnAddressValue, retPC) thisSubroutineRetTargetPCs foreach { retTargetPC => defUseDomain.propagate(retPC, retTargetPC, defOps(retPC), retDefLocals) nextPCs.push(nextPCs.pop() +! retTargetPC) } true } // 1. Let's safe and reset the state related to the last subroutine if (subroutineDefOps eq null) { // initialize the data-structures on demand subroutineDefOps = new Array[List[ValueOrigins]](instructions.length) subroutineDefLocals = new Array[Registers[ValueOrigins]](instructions.length) subroutineUsed = new Array[ValueOrigins](instructions.length + parametersOffset) subroutineUsedExternalExceptions = new Array[ValueOrigins](instructions.length) } // Please note, that we only have the aggregated control-flow information // when we analyze a subroutine. lastSubroutinePCs foreach { pc => // Safe state: val usedPC = pc + parametersOffset if (subroutineUsed(usedPC) == null) { subroutineUsed(usedPC) = used(usedPC) } else { val usedPCs = used(usedPC) if (usedPCs != null) subroutineUsed(usedPC) ++= usedPCs } if (subroutineUsedExternalExceptions(pc) == null) { subroutineUsedExternalExceptions(pc) = usedExternalExceptions(pc) } else { val usedExternalExceptionsPCs = usedExternalExceptions(pc) if (usedExternalExceptionsPCs != null) subroutineUsedExternalExceptions(pc) ++= usedExternalExceptionsPCs } if (subroutineDefOps(pc) == null) { subroutineDefOps(pc) = defOps(pc) } else { subroutineDefOps(pc) = (subroutineDefOps(pc) zip defOps(pc)).map(vos => vos._1 ++ vos._2) } if (subroutineDefLocals(pc) == null) { subroutineDefLocals(pc) = defLocals(pc) } else { subroutineDefLocals(pc) = subroutineDefLocals(pc).fuse( defLocals(pc), (l, r) => if (l == null) r else if (r == null) null else l ++ r ) } // Reset: used(usedPC) = null usedExternalExceptions(pc) = null defLocals(pc) = null defOps(pc) = null } // required, because "didRet || schedule..()" is not identified as tail recursive if (didRet) true else scheduleNextSubroutine() } else { // we don't have subroutines at all.. false } } while (nextPCs.top.nonEmpty || nextJoinPCs.top.nonEmpty || scheduleNextSubroutine()) { val currentPC = if (nextPCs.top.nonEmpty) { val IntRefPair(currentPC, newNextPCs) = nextPCs.pop().headAndTail nextPCs.push(newNextPCs) // print("next pc: "+currentPC) currentPC } else { val IntRefPair(currentPC, newNextJoinPCs) = nextJoinPCs.pop().headAndTail nextJoinPCs.push(newNextJoinPCs) // print("next join pc: "+currentPC) currentPC } if (currentSubroutineLevel > 0 /* <=> we are in a subroutine */ ) { // Append the current pc to the list of instructions belonging to the "top-most" // subroutine - if the current PC does not also belong to a higher-level // subroutine/root // if (defOps(currentPC) == null) { val thisSubroutinePCs = currentSubroutinePCs.pop() currentSubroutinePCs.push(thisSubroutinePCs + currentPC) // print(s" (added to the list of subroutine pcs at level ($currentSubroutineLevel))") // } else { // in this case the PC was already added to the list of pcs... // } } // println(" "+instructions(currentPC)) def handleSuccessor(isExceptionalControlFlow: Boolean)(successorPC: Int): Unit = { val scheduleNextPC = try { handleFlow( currentPC, successorPC, isExceptionalControlFlow )( cfJoins, subroutinePCs, operandsArray, localsArray ) } catch { case e: Throwable => val method = analyzedEntity(aiResult.domain) var message = s"def-use computation failed for: $method\n" try { message += s"\tCurrent PC: $currentPC; Successor PC: $successorPC\n" message += jsrPCs .reverse .zipWithIndex .map(e => s"(Level ${e._2})${e._1.mkString("{", ",", "}")})") .mkString("\tJSR PCs: ", ",", "\n") message += retPCs.mkString("\tRET PCs: ", ",", "\n") message += s"\tStack: ${defOps(currentPC)}\n" val localsDump = defLocals(currentPC).zipWithIndex.map { e => val (local, index) = e; s"$index: $local" } message += localsDump.mkString("\tLocals:\n\t\t", "\n\t\t", "\n") val bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val pout = new PrintStream(bout) e.printStackTrace(pout) pout.flush() val stacktrace = bout.toString("UTF-8") message += "\tStacktrace: \n\t"+stacktrace+"\n" } catch { case t: Throwable => message += s"" } // val htmlMessage = // message. // replace("\n", "
"). // replace("\t", "  ") + // dumpDefUseInfo().toString // org.opalj.io.writeAndOpen(htmlMessage, "defuse", ".html") throw AnalysisException(message, e); } if (scheduleNextPC) { // ... this is never (directly) true for JSR/RET; they are handled specially! if (!isExceptionalControlFlow || currentSubroutineLevel == 0 || belongsToSubroutine(currentPC) == belongsToSubroutine(successorPC)) { if (cfJoins.contains(successorPC)) { nextJoinPCs.push(nextJoinPCs.pop() + successorPC) } else { nextPCs.push(nextPCs.pop() + successorPC) } } else { // The instruction with the current pc and the one with the successor pc // (obviously a handler...) do not belong to the same subroutine. // Hence, we have to schedule the target instruction in the correct context // to avoid that we accidentally reset the state related to the instruction. // In this case, the handler instruction has to be considered a "join" // instruction, because it may be reached by different subroutine calls. val targetSubroutineID = belongsToSubroutine(successorPC) val droppedSubroutines = subroutineIDs.count(_ != targetSubroutineID) // println(s"currentPC: $currentPC does not belong to the same subroutine (sid=${belongsToSubroutine(currentPC)}) as its successor: $successorPC (sid=$targetSubroutineID) => dropped subroutines $droppedSubroutines") nextJoinPCs.update( droppedSubroutines, nextJoinPCs(droppedSubroutines) + successorPC ) // println(nextJoinPCs.zipWithIndex.map(_.swap).mkString("new nextJoinPCs:\n\t", "\n\t", "\n")) } } } val currentSuccessors = regularSuccessorsOf(currentPC) currentSuccessors foreach { handleSuccessor(false) } val currentExceptionHandlerSuccessors = exceptionHandlerSuccessorsOf(currentPC) currentExceptionHandlerSuccessors foreach { successorPC => handleSuccessor(isExceptionalControlFlow = true)(successorPC) } if (currentSuccessors.isEmpty && currentExceptionHandlerSuccessors.isEmpty) { // e.g., athrow, return or any instruction which potentially leads to an abnormal // return (this excludes, notably, iinc; hence, it has to be an instruction which // just operates on the stack and which is not a stack management instruction (dup, // ...)) val usedValues = instructions(currentPC).numberOfPoppedOperands(NotRequired) defOps(currentPC).take(usedValues).map(op => updateUsageInformation(op, currentPC)) } } assert(nextPCs.tail.isEmpty) assert(nextJoinPCs.tail.isEmpty) // Integrate the accumulated subroutine information (if available) if (subroutinePCs.nonEmpty) { foreachNonNullValue(subroutineDefOps) { (pc, subroutineDefOpsAtPC) => // When we reach this point, we have instructions that are executed // as part of the subroutine, but also as part of a parent routine. // Hence, we have to merge the results! if (defOps(pc) == null) { defOps(pc) = subroutineDefOps(pc) } else { defOps(pc) = (defOps(pc) zip subroutineDefOps(pc)).map(vos => vos._1 ++ vos._2) } if (defLocals(pc) == null) { defLocals(pc) = subroutineDefLocals(pc) } else { defLocals(pc) = defLocals(pc).fuse( subroutineDefLocals(pc), (l, r) => if (l == null) r else if (r == null) null else l ++ r ) } // NOTE: we may have usages at the root level of values created in the subroutines! val oldUsedExternalExceptions = usedExternalExceptions(pc) val allSubroutineUsedExternalExceptions = subroutineUsedExternalExceptions(pc) if (allSubroutineUsedExternalExceptions != null) { usedExternalExceptions(pc) = if (oldUsedExternalExceptions == null) allSubroutineUsedExternalExceptions else oldUsedExternalExceptions ++ allSubroutineUsedExternalExceptions } val usedPC = pc + parametersOffset val oldUsedPC = used(usedPC) val allSubroutineUsed = subroutineUsed(usedPC) if (allSubroutineUsed != null) { used(usedPC) = if (oldUsedPC == null) allSubroutineUsed else oldUsedPC ++ allSubroutineUsed } } } } // ############################################################################################# // # // # // # DEBUG // # // # // ############################################################################################# /** * Creates an XHTML document that contains information about the def-/use * information. */ def dumpDefUseInfo(): Node = { XHTML.createXHTML(Some("Definition/Use Information"), dumpDefUseTable()) } /** * Creates an XHTML table node which contains the def/use information. */ def dumpDefUseTable(): Node = { val instructions = code.instructions val perInstruction = defOps.zip(defLocals).zipWithIndex. filter(e => e._1._1 != null || e._1._2 != null). map { e => val ((os, ls), i) = e val operands = if (os eq null) { "N/A" } else os.map { o =>
  • { if (o eq null) "N/A" else o.mkString("{", ",", "}") }
  • }.toList val locals = if (ls eq null) { "N/A" } else ls.toSeq.reverse.map { e =>
  • { if (e eq null) "N/A" else e.mkString("{", ",", "}") }
  • } val used = this.usedBy(i) val usedBy = if (used eq null) "N/A" else used.mkString("{", ", ", "}") { i }
    { instructions(i).toString(i) } { usedBy }
      { locals }


    { unused.mkString("", ", ", "") }


    { perInstruction }
    PC Used By Stack Locals
    } /** * Creates a multi-graph that represents the method's def-use information. I.e., * in which way a certain value is used by other instructions and where the derived * values are then used by further instructions. * (Basically, we compute the data-dependence graph.) */ def createDefUseGraph(code: Code): Set[DefaultMutableNode[ValueOrigin]] = { // 1. create set of all def sites var defSites: Set[ValueOrigin] = Set.empty defOps.iterator.filter(_ ne null).foreach { _.foreach { _.foreach { defSites += _ } } } for { defLocalsPerPC <- this.defLocals if defLocalsPerPC ne null defLocalsPerPCPerRegister <- defLocalsPerPC.toSeq if defLocalsPerPCPerRegister ne null valueOrigin <- defLocalsPerPCPerRegister } { defSites += valueOrigin } def instructionToString(vo: ValueOrigin): String = { if (ai.isImplicitOrExternalException(vo)) s"" else if (vo < 0) s"" else s"$vo: "+code.instructions(vo).toString(vo) } val unusedNode = new DefaultMutableNode( Int.MinValue: ValueOrigin, (_: ValueOrigin) => "", Some("pink") ) // 1. create nodes for all local vars (i.e., the corresponding instructions) var nodes: Map[ValueOrigin, DefaultMutableNode[ValueOrigin]] = defSites.map { defSite => val color = if (ai.isImplicitOrExternalException(defSite)) Some("orange") else if (defSite < 0) Some("green") else if (code.exceptionHandlers.exists { _.handlerPC == defSite }) Some("yellow") else None ( defSite, new DefaultMutableNode[ValueOrigin](defSite, instructionToString _, color) ) }.toMap // 2. create edges defSites foreach { lvar => val thisNode = nodes(lvar) val usages = usedBy(lvar) if ((usages eq null) || usages.isEmpty) unusedNode.addChild(thisNode) else usages.foreach { usage => val usageNode = nodes.get(usage) if (usageNode.isDefined) usageNode.get.addChild(thisNode) else { val useNode = new DefaultMutableNode[ValueOrigin](usage, instructionToString _) useNode.addChild(thisNode) nodes += ((usage, useNode)) } } } nodes.values.toSet + unusedNode } } private object ComputationalTypeCategoryNotAvailable extends (Int => ComputationalTypeCategory) { def apply(i: Int): Nothing = throw new UnsupportedOperationException }