/* BSD 2-Clause License - see OPAL/LICENSE for details. */ package org.opalj package issues import scala.xml.Node import scala.xml.Group import scala.xml.Unparsed import play.api.libs.json.Json import play.api.libs.json.JsValue /** * Describes some issue found in source code. * * @param analysis The unique id of the analysis. * * @param relevance The relevance of the issue. * * @param summary The issue in one short sentence (no line breaks)! * * @param categories A string that uses small letters and which describes the category of the issue. * The category basically describes '''the property of the software that is * affected ''' by this issue (see [[IssueCategory]] for further details). * * @param kinds A string that uses small letters and which describes the kind of the issue. * The kind describes how '''this issue manifests itself in the source code''' * (see [[IssueKind]] for further details). * * @param locations The source code locations related to this issue. This seq must not be empty! * * @author Michael Eichberg */ case class Issue( analysis: String, relevance: Relevance, summary: String, categories: Set[String], kinds: Set[String], locations: Seq[IssueLocation], details: Iterable[IssueDetails] = Nil ) extends IssueRepresentations { assert(!summary.contains('\n'), s"the summary must not contain new lines:\n$summary") assert(locations.nonEmpty, "at least one location must be specified") def toXHTML(basicInfoOnly: Boolean): Node = { val dataKinds = kinds.map(_.replace(' ', '_')).mkString(" ") val dataCategories = categories.map(_.replace(' ', '_')).mkString(" ")
{ analysis } | relevance={ relevance.value.toString+" ("+relevance.name+")" } | kind={ kinds.mkString(", ") } | category={ categories.mkString(", ") }
{ Unparsed(summary.replace("\n", "
")) }
{ locations.map(_.toXHTML(basicInfoOnly)) } { if (!basicInfoOnly && details.nonEmpty) List(
{ details.map(_.toXHTML(false)) }
) else Group(Nil) }
} def toAnsiColoredString: String = { import Console.{GREEN, RESET} val primaryLocation = locations.head primaryLocation.toAnsiColoredString+" "+ relevance.toAnsiColoredString+": "+ GREEN + primaryLocation.description.map(summary+" - "+_).getOrElse(summary) + RESET } def toEclipseConsoleString: String = { locations.map(_.toEclipseConsoleString).mkString( s"$summary«$analysis ${relevance.toEclipseConsoleString}» ", " ", "" ) } override def toIDL: JsValue = { Json.obj( "analysis" -> analysis, "relevance" -> relevance, "summary" -> summary, "categories" -> categories, "kinds" -> kinds, "details" -> details, "locations" -> locations ) } }