/* BSD 2-Clause License - see OPAL/LICENSE for details. */ package org.opalj package bi package reader import java.io.DataInputStream import org.opalj.control.fillArraySeq import scala.collection.immutable.ArraySeq import scala.reflect.ClassTag /** * Generic parser for an annotation's element-value pairs. */ trait ElementValuePairsReader extends AnnotationsAbstractions { // // TYPE DEFINITIONS AND FACTORY METHODS // type ElementValue <: AnyRef implicit val elementValueType: ClassTag[ElementValue] // TODO: Replace in Scala 3 by `type ElementValue : ClassTag` type ElementValues = ArraySeq[ElementValue] type ElementValuePair <: AnyRef implicit val elementValuePairType: ClassTag[ElementValuePair] // TODO: Replace in Scala 3 by `type ExceptionValuePair : ClassTag` type ElementValuePairs = ArraySeq[ElementValuePair] def ElementValuePair( constant_pool: Constant_Pool, element_name_index: Constant_Pool_Index, element_value: ElementValue ): ElementValuePair def ByteValue( constant_pool: Constant_Pool, const_value_index: Constant_Pool_Index ): ElementValue def CharValue( constant_pool: Constant_Pool, const_value_index: Constant_Pool_Index ): ElementValue def DoubleValue( constant_pool: Constant_Pool, const_value_index: Constant_Pool_Index ): ElementValue def FloatValue( constant_pool: Constant_Pool, const_value_index: Constant_Pool_Index ): ElementValue def IntValue( constant_pool: Constant_Pool, const_value_index: Constant_Pool_Index ): ElementValue def LongValue( constant_pool: Constant_Pool, const_value_index: Constant_Pool_Index ): ElementValue def ShortValue( constant_pool: Constant_Pool, const_value_index: Constant_Pool_Index ): ElementValue def BooleanValue( constant_pool: Constant_Pool, const_value_index: Constant_Pool_Index ): ElementValue def StringValue( constant_pool: Constant_Pool, const_value_index: Constant_Pool_Index ): ElementValue def ClassValue( constant_pool: Constant_Pool, const_value_index: Constant_Pool_Index ): ElementValue def EnumValue( constant_pool: Constant_Pool, type_name_index: Constant_Pool_Index, const_name_index: Constant_Pool_Index ): ElementValue def AnnotationValue( constant_pool: Constant_Pool, annotation: Annotation ): ElementValue def ArrayValue( constant_pool: Constant_Pool, values: ElementValues ): ElementValue // // IMPLEMENTATION // def ElementValuePairs(cp: Constant_Pool, in: DataInputStream): ElementValuePairs = { fillArraySeq(in.readUnsignedShort) { ElementValuePair(cp, in) } } def ElementValuePair(cp: Constant_Pool, in: DataInputStream): ElementValuePair = { ElementValuePair(cp, in.readUnsignedShort, ElementValue(cp, in)) } /** * Parses an element value. * * '''From the Specification''' *
     * element_value {
     *    u1 tag;
     *    union {
     *      u2   const_value_index;
     *      {
     *        u2 type_name_index;
     *        u2 const_name_index;
     *      } enum_const_value;
     *      u2 class_info_index;
     *      annotation annotation_value;
     *      {
     *        u2    num_values;
     *        element_value values[num_values];
     *      } array_value;
     *    } value;
     * }
*/ def ElementValue(cp: Constant_Pool, in: DataInputStream): ElementValue = { val tag = in.readByte (tag: @scala.annotation.switch) match { case 'B' => ByteValue(cp, in.readUnsignedShort) case 'C' => CharValue(cp, in.readUnsignedShort) case 'D' => DoubleValue(cp, in.readUnsignedShort) case 'F' => FloatValue(cp, in.readUnsignedShort) case 'I' => IntValue(cp, in.readUnsignedShort) case 'J' => LongValue(cp, in.readUnsignedShort) case 'S' => ShortValue(cp, in.readUnsignedShort) case 'Z' => BooleanValue(cp, in.readUnsignedShort) case 's' => StringValue(cp, in.readUnsignedShort) case 'e' => EnumValue(cp, in.readUnsignedShort, in.readUnsignedShort) case 'c' => ClassValue(cp, in.readUnsignedShort) case '@' => AnnotationValue(cp, Annotation(cp, in)) case '[' => ArrayValue(cp, fillArraySeq(in.readUnsignedShort)(ElementValue(cp, in))) } } }