/* BSD 2-Clause License - see OPAL/LICENSE for details. */ package org.opalj package bi package reader import java.io.DataInputStream import org.opalj.control.fillArraySeq import org.opalj.control.fillArrayOfInt import scala.collection.immutable.ArraySeq import scala.reflect.ClassTag /** * Generic parser for the ''Module'' attribute (Java 9). */ trait Module_attributeReader extends AttributeReader { // // TYPE DEFINITIONS AND FACTORY METHODS // type Module_attribute <: Attribute type RequiresEntry <: AnyRef implicit val requiresEntryType: ClassTag[RequiresEntry] // TODO: Replace in Scala 3 by `type RequiresEntry : ClassTag` type Requires = ArraySeq[RequiresEntry] type ExportsEntry <: AnyRef implicit val exportsEntryType: ClassTag[ExportsEntry] // TODO: Replace in Scala 3 by `type ExportsEntry : ClassTag` type Exports = ArraySeq[ExportsEntry] // CONCEPTUALLY: // type ExportsToIndexEntry => type ExportsToIndexTable = Array[ExportsToIndexEntry] type ExportsToIndexTable = Array[Constant_Pool_Index] // CONSTANT_Module_Index[] type OpensEntry <: AnyRef implicit val opensEntryType: ClassTag[OpensEntry] // TODO: Replace in Scala 3 by `type OpensEntry : ClassTag` type Opens = ArraySeq[OpensEntry] // CONCEPTUALLY: // type OpensToIndexEntry => type OpensToIndexTable = Array[OpensToIndexEntry] type OpensToIndexTable = Array[Constant_Pool_Index] // CONCEPTUALLY: // type UsesEntry => type Uses = Array[UsesEntry] type Uses = Array[Constant_Pool_Index] // CONSTANT_Class_Index[] // CONCEPTUALLY: // type ProvidesWithIndexEntry => type ProvidesWithIndexTable = Array[ProvidesWithIndexEntry] type ProvidesWithIndexTable = Array[Constant_Pool_Index] // CONSTANT_Class_Index[] type ProvidesEntry <: AnyRef implicit val providesEntryType: ClassTag[ProvidesEntry] // TODO: Replace in Scala 3 by `type ProvidesEntry : ClassTag` type Provides = ArraySeq[ProvidesEntry] // // IMPLEMENTATION // /** * @param module_version_index 0 or index into the constant pool (i.e., optional). * @param module_name_index Reference to the constant pool entry with the name of the module - * which is NOT in internal form. (I.e., "." are used!) */ def Module_attribute( cp: Constant_Pool, ap_name_index: Constant_Pool_Index, ap_descriptor_index: Constant_Pool_Index, attribute_name_index: Constant_Pool_Index, module_name_index: Constant_Pool_Index, // CONSTANT_Module_info module_flags: Int, module_version_index: Constant_Pool_Index, // Optional: CONSTANT_UTF8 requires: Requires, exports: Exports, opens: Opens, uses: Uses, provides: Provides ): Module_attribute def RequiresEntry( cp: Constant_Pool, module_index: Constant_Pool_Index, // CONSTANT_Module_info requires_flags: Int, require_version_index: Constant_Pool_Index // Optional: CONSTANT_UTF8 ): RequiresEntry def ExportsEntry( cp: Constant_Pool, module_index: Constant_Pool_Index, // CONSTANT_Package_info exports_flags: Int, exports_to_index_table: ExportsToIndexTable // CONSTANT_Module_info[] ): ExportsEntry def OpensEntry( cp: Constant_Pool, opens_index: Constant_Pool_Index, // CONSTANT_Package_info opens_flags: Int, opens_to_index_table: OpensToIndexTable // CONSTANT_Module_info[] ): OpensEntry def ProvidesEntry( cp: Constant_Pool, provides_index: Constant_Pool_Index, // CONSTANT_Class provides_with_index_table: ProvidesWithIndexTable // CONSTANT_Class[] ): ProvidesEntry // // IMPLEMENTATION // /** * Parser for the Java 9 Module attribute. * * Structure: *
     * Module_attribute {
     *     u2 attribute_name_index;
     *     u4 attribute_length;
     *     u2 module_name_index;
     *     u2 module_flags;
     *     u2 module_version_index;
     *     u2 requires_count;
     *     {   u2 requires_index; // CONSTANT_Module_info
     *         u2 requires_flags;
     *         u2 requires_version_index; // Optional: CONSTANT_Utf8_info
     *     } requires[requires_count];
     *     u2 exports_count;
     *     {   u2 exports_index; // CONSTANT_Package_info
     *         u2 exports_flags;
     *         u2 exports_to_count;
     *         u2 exports_to_index[exports_to_count]; // CONSTANT_Module_info[]
     *     } exports[exports_count];
     *      u2 opens_count;
     *      {   u2 opens_index; // CONSTANT_Package_info
     *          u2 opens_flags;
     *          u2 opens_to_count;
     *          u2 opens_to_index[opens_to_count]; // CONSTANT_Module_info[]
     *      } opens[opens_count];
     *     u2 uses_count;
     *     u2 uses_index[uses_count]; // CONSTANT_Class[]
     *     u2 provides_count;
     *     {   u2 provides_index; // CONSTANT_Class
     *         u2 provides_with_count;
     *         u2 provides_with_index[provides_with_count]; // CONSTANT_Class_info[]
     *     } provides[provides_count];
     * }
*/ private[this] def parserFactory() = ( cp: Constant_Pool, ap: AttributeParent, ap_name_index: Constant_Pool_Index, ap_descriptor_index: Constant_Pool_Index, attribute_name_index: Constant_Pool_Index, in: DataInputStream ) => { /*val attribute_length = */ in.readInt() val name_index = in.readUnsignedShort() val flags = in.readUnsignedShort() val version_index = in.readUnsignedShort() val requiresCount = in.readUnsignedShort() val requires = fillArraySeq(requiresCount) { RequiresEntry( cp, in.readUnsignedShort(), in.readUnsignedShort(), in.readUnsignedShort() ) } val exportsCount = in.readUnsignedShort() val exports = fillArraySeq(exportsCount) { ExportsEntry( cp, in.readUnsignedShort(), in.readUnsignedShort(), { val exportsToCount = in.readUnsignedShort() fillArrayOfInt(exportsToCount) { in.readUnsignedShort() } } ) } val opensCount = in.readUnsignedShort() val opens = fillArraySeq(opensCount) { OpensEntry( cp, in.readUnsignedShort(), in.readUnsignedShort(), { val opensToCount = in.readUnsignedShort() fillArrayOfInt(opensToCount) { in.readUnsignedShort() } } ) } val usesCount = in.readUnsignedShort() val uses = fillArrayOfInt(usesCount) { in.readUnsignedShort() } val providesCount = in.readUnsignedShort() val provides = fillArraySeq(providesCount) { ProvidesEntry( cp, in.readUnsignedShort(), { val providesWithCount = in.readUnsignedShort() fillArrayOfInt(providesWithCount) { in.readUnsignedShort() } } ) } Module_attribute( cp, ap_name_index, ap_descriptor_index, attribute_name_index, name_index, flags, version_index, requires, exports, opens, uses, provides ) }: Attribute registerAttributeReader(ModuleAttribute.Name -> parserFactory()) }