/* BSD 2-Clause License - see OPAL/LICENSE for details. */ package org.opalj package br package analyses import scala.collection.{mutable, Map => SomeMap, Set => SomeSet} import com.typesafe.config.Config import org.opalj.log.LogContext import org.opalj.log.OPALLogger import org.opalj.log.OPALLogger.error import org.opalj.log.OPALLogger.info import org.opalj.collection.immutable.UIDSet import org.opalj.bi.Java11MajorVersion import org.opalj.bi.Java1MajorVersion import org.opalj.br.instructions.FieldAccess import org.opalj.br.instructions.INVOKEINTERFACE import org.opalj.br.instructions.INVOKESPECIAL import org.opalj.br.instructions.INVOKESTATIC import org.opalj.br.instructions.INVOKEVIRTUAL import org.opalj.br.instructions.NonVirtualMethodInvocationInstruction import org.opalj.br.MethodDescriptor.SignaturePolymorphicMethodBoolean import org.opalj.br.MethodDescriptor.SignaturePolymorphicMethodObject import org.opalj.br.MethodDescriptor.SignaturePolymorphicMethodVoid import scala.collection.immutable.ArraySeq import control.find /** * Enables project wide lookups of methods and fields as required to determine the target(s) of an * invoke or field access instruction. * * @note The current implementation is based on the '''correct project assumption'''; * i.e., if the bytecode of the project as a whole is not valid, the result is generally * undefined. * Just one example of a violation of the assumption would be, * if we have two interfaces which define a non-abstract * method with the same signature and both interfaces are implemented by a third * interface which does not override these methods. In this case the result of a * `resolveMethodReference` is not defined, because the code base as a whole is * not valid. * * @author Michael Eichberg */ abstract class ProjectLike extends ClassFileRepository { project => private[this] final implicit val thisProjectLike: this.type = this implicit val classHierarchy: ClassHierarchy implicit val config: Config protected[this] val allClassFiles: Iterable[ClassFile] /** * Returns the minimum version number of the JVM required to run the code of the project, i.e., * the maximum class file major version number of any class file in the project. */ def requiredJVMVersion: Int = { if (allClassFiles.isEmpty) Java1MajorVersion else allClassFiles.maxBy(_.version._2).version._2 } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // // // RESOLVING FIELD REFERENCES // // // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - /** * @see [[#resolveFieldReference(declaringClassFile:*]] */ final def resolveFieldReference( declaringClassType: ObjectType, fieldName: String, fieldType: FieldType ): Option[Field] = { // for more details see JVM 7/8 Spec. Section project.classFile(declaringClassType) flatMap { classFile => resolveFieldReference(classFile, fieldName, fieldType) } } /** * Resolves a symbolic reference to a field. Basically, the search starts with * the given class `c` and then continues with `c`'s superinterfaces before the * search is continued with `c`'s superclass (as prescribed by the JVM specification * for the resolution of unresolved symbolic references). * * Resolving a symbolic reference is particularly required to, e.g., get a field's * annotations or to get a field's value (if it is `static`, `final` and has a * constant value). * * @note This implementation does not check for `IllegalAccessError`. This check * needs to be done by the caller. The same applies for the check that the * field is non-static if get-/putfield is used and static if a get-/putstatic is * used to access the field. In the latter case the JVM would throw a * `LinkingException`. * Furthermore, if the field cannot be found, it is the responsibility of the * caller to handle that situation. * @note Resolution is final. I.e., either this algorithm has found the defining field * or the field is not defined by one of the loaded classes. Searching for the * field in subclasses is not meaningful as it is not possible to ''override'' * fields. * * @param declaringClassFile The class (or a superclass thereof) that is expected * to define the specified field. * @param fieldName The name of the field. * @param fieldType The type of the field (the field descriptor). */ def resolveFieldReference( declaringClassFile: ClassFile, fieldName: String, fieldType: FieldType ): Option[Field] = { // for more details see JVM 7/8 Spec. Section declaringClassFile findField (fieldName, fieldType) orElse { declaringClassFile.interfaceTypes collectFirst { supertype => resolveFieldReference(supertype, fieldName, fieldType) match { case Some(resolvedFieldReference) => resolvedFieldReference } } orElse { declaringClassFile.superclassType flatMap { supertype => resolveFieldReference(supertype, fieldName, fieldType) } } } } /** * @see [[#resolveFieldReference(declaringClassFile:*]] */ final def resolveFieldReference(fieldAccess: FieldAccess): Option[Field] = { resolveFieldReference(fieldAccess.declaringClass, fieldAccess.name, fieldAccess.fieldType) } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // // // RESOLVING METHOD REFERENCES / LOCATING THE INVOKED METHOD(S) // // // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - /** * The class file of `java.lang.Object`, if available. */ val ObjectClassFile: Option[ClassFile] /** * The class file of `java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle`, if available. */ val MethodHandleClassFile: Option[ClassFile] /** * The class file of `java.lang.invoke.VarHandle`, if available. */ val VarHandleClassFile: Option[ClassFile] /** * The set of all subtypes of `java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle`; in particular required to resolve * signature polymorphic method calls. */ val MethodHandleSubtypes: SomeSet[ObjectType] /** * The set of all subtypes of `java.lang.invoke.VarHandle`; in particular required to resolve * signature polymorphic method calls. */ val VarHandleSubtypes: SomeSet[ObjectType] /** * Stores for each non-private, non-initializer method the set of methods which override * a specific method. If the given method is a concrete method, this method is also * included in the set of `overridingMethods`. */ protected[this] val overridingMethods: SomeMap[Method, SomeSet[Method]] /** * Returns the set of methods which directly override the given method. Note that * `overriddenBy` is not context aware. I.e., if a given method `m` is an interface * method, then it may happen that we have an implementation of that method * in a class which is inherited from a superclass which is not a subtype of the * interface. That method - since it is not defined by a subtype of the interface - * would not be included in the returned set. An example is shown next: * {{{ * class X { void m(){ System.out.println("X.m"); } * interface Y { default void m(){ System.out.println("Y.m"); } * class Z extends X implements Y { * // Z inherits m() from X; hence, X.m() (in this context) "overrides" Y.m(), but is not * // returned by this function. To also identify X.m() you have to combine the results * // of overridenBy and instanceMethods(!). * } * }}} */ def overriddenBy(m: Method): SomeSet[Method] = { assert(!m.isPrivate, s"private methods $m cannot be overridden") assert(!m.isStatic, s"static methods $m cannot be overridden") assert(!m.isInitializer, s"initializers $m cannot be overridden") overridingMethods.getOrElse(m, Set.empty) } /** * Returns the set of all non-private, non-abstract, non-static methods that are not * initializers and which are potentially callable by clients when we have an object that * has the specified type and a method is called using * [[org.opalj.br.instructions.INVOKEINTERFACE]], [[org.opalj.br.instructions.INVOKEVIRTUAL]] or * [[org.opalj.br.instructions.INVOKEDYNAMIC]]. * * The array of methods is sorted using [[MethodDeclarationContextOrdering]] to * enable fast look-up of the target method. (See [[MethodDeclarationContext]]'s * `compareAccessibilityAware` method for further details.) */ protected[this] val instanceMethods: SomeMap[ObjectType, ArraySeq[MethodDeclarationContext]] /** * Returns the nest host (see JVM 11 Spec. 5.4.4) for the given type, if explicitly given. For * classes without an explicit NestHost or NestMembers attribute, the type itself is the nest * host, but this is NOT recorded in this map. */ val nests: SomeMap[ObjectType, ObjectType] /** * Tests if the given method belongs to the interface of an '''object''' identified by * the given `objectType`. * I.e., returns `true` if a virtual method call, where the receiver type is known * to have the given `objectType`, would lead to the direct invocation of the given `method`. * The given method can be an inherited method, but it will never return `Yes` if * the given method is overridden by `objectType` or a supertype of it which is a * sub type of the declaring type of `method`. * * @note The computation is based on the computed set of [[instanceMethods]] and generally * requires at most O(n log n) steps where n is the number of callable instance * methods of the given object type; the class hierarchy is not traversed. */ def hasVirtualMethod(objectType: ObjectType, method: Method): Answer = { // ... instanceMethods: Map[ObjectType, Array[MethodDeclarationContext]] val definedMethodsOption = instanceMethods.get(objectType) if (definedMethodsOption.isEmpty) { return Unknown; } val definedMethods: ArraySeq[MethodDeclarationContext] = definedMethodsOption.get val declaringPackageName = method.classFile.thisType.packageName val result: Option[MethodDeclarationContext] = find(definedMethods) { definedMethodContext => val definedMethod = definedMethodContext.method if (definedMethod eq method) 0 else { val methodComparison = definedMethod compare method if (methodComparison == 0) { if (definedMethod.isPrivate) { // If there is a matching private method, the given method could still be // invoked by a virtual call for a supertype return hasVirtualMethod( classFile(objectType).get.superclassType.get, method ); } else { // We may have multiple methods with the same signature, but which belong // to different packages! definedMethodContext.packageName compare declaringPackageName } } else methodComparison } } Answer(result) } /** * Looks up the method (declaration context) which is accessible/callable by an * [[org.opalj.br.instructions.INVOKEVIRTUAL]] or [[org.opalj.br.instructions.INVOKEINTERFACE]] * call which was done by a method belonging to `callingContextType`. * The `callingContextType` is only relevant in case the target method has default visibility; * in this case it is checked whether the caller belongs to the same context. * * @note This method uses the pre-computed information about instance methods and, * therefore, does not require a type hierarchy based lookup. * * @note It supports the lookup of polymorphic methods. * * @return [[Success]] if the method is found; [[Empty$]] if the method cannot be found and * [[Failure$]] if the method cannot be found because the project is * definitively inconsistent. `Failure$` is used on a best-effort basis. */ def lookupVirtualMethod( callingContextType: ObjectType, receiverType: ObjectType, name: String, descriptor: MethodDescriptor ): Result[MethodDeclarationContext] = { def lookupSignaturePolymorphicMethod(descriptor: MethodDescriptor): Result[MethodDeclarationContext] = { lookupVirtualMethod( callingContextType, if (MethodHandleSubtypes.contains(receiverType)) ObjectType.MethodHandle else ObjectType.VarHandle, name, descriptor ) match { case r @ Success(mdc) if mdc.method.isNativeAndVarargs => r case _ => Empty } } val definedMethodsOption = instanceMethods.get(receiverType) if (definedMethodsOption.isEmpty) { return Empty; } find(definedMethodsOption.get) { mdc => mdc.compareAccessibilityAware(callingContextType.packageName, name, descriptor) } match { case Some(mdc) => Success(mdc) case None => // we have to avoid endless recursion if we can't find the target method if ((MethodHandleSubtypes.contains(receiverType) || VarHandleSubtypes.contains(receiverType)) && !isSignaturePolymorphic(receiverType, descriptor)) { // At least in Java 15 the signature polymorphic methods are not overloaded and // it actually doesn't make sense to do so. Therefore we decided to only // make this lookup if strictly required. lookupSignaturePolymorphicMethod(SignaturePolymorphicMethodObject) match { case Empty if VarHandleSubtypes.contains(receiverType) => lookupSignaturePolymorphicMethod(SignaturePolymorphicMethodVoid) match { case Empty => lookupSignaturePolymorphicMethod( SignaturePolymorphicMethodBoolean ) case r => r } case r => r } } else { Empty // here, we don't know if the project is incomplete or inconsistent } } } /* GENERAL NOTES * * (Accessibility checks are done by the JVM when the method is resolved; this is, however, not * done by the following methods as it does not affect the search for the potential target * methods.) * * Invokestatic => the resolved method is called (if it is accessible, static etc...) * Invokespecial => the resolved (interface) method is called if it is a constructor * call, or the resolved method belongs to the calling class (calls of * private methods). Otherwise, the calling class' supertypes are * searched for a method with the same signature up until the resolved * method. When we search the type hierarchy upwards, we first search * for a method defined by a superclass (unless the current class defines * an interface type) before we search the interfaces. In the later * case we compute the set of the maximally specific matching methods * and select THE concrete one (it is an error if multiple concrete ones * exist!) * Invokevirtual => the resolved method is called, if the resolved method is signature * polymorphic; in this case the concrete type of the method receiver * is not relevant. Otherwise, the type of the receiver is used to * start searching for the method that is to be invoked. That method * however, has to override the resolved method (which is generally not * the case if the method is private; and is only the case if the resolved * method and the current type belong to the same package in case of * a method with default visibility). * Invokeinterface => the resolved interface method just defines an upper bound; the * called method is determined as in case of invokevirtual; but * signature polymorphic calls are not relevant */ /** * Tries to resolve a method reference as specified by the JVM specification. * I.e., the algorithm tries to find the class that actually declares the referenced * method. Resolution of '''signature polymorphic''' method calls is also * supported. * * This method can be used as the basis for the implementation of the semantics * of the `invokeXXX` instructions. However, it does not check whether the resolved * method can be accessed by the caller or if it is abstract. Additionally, it is still * necessary that the caller makes a distinction between the statically * (at compile time) identified declaring class and the dynamic type of the receiver * in case of `invokevirtual` and `invokeinterface` instructions. I.e., * additional processing is necessary on the client side. * * @note This method just resolves a method reference. Additional checks, * such as whether the resolved method is accessible, may be necessary. * * @param declaringClassType The type of the object that receives the method call. The * type must be a class type and must not be an interface type. * No check w.r.t. a potential `IncompatibleClassChangeError` is done * by this method. * @param forceLookupInSuperinterfacesOnFailure If true (default: false) the method tries * to look up the method in a super interface if it can't find it in the available * super classes. * @return The resolved method `Some(`'''METHOD'''`)` or `None`. * (To get the defining class file use the project's respective method.) */ def resolveMethodReference( declaringClassType: ReferenceType, name: String, descriptor: MethodDescriptor, forceLookupInSuperinterfacesOnFailure: Boolean = false ): Option[Method] = { val receiverType = if (declaringClassType.isArrayType) { ObjectType.Object } else { declaringClassType.asObjectType } resolveClassMethodReference(receiverType, name, descriptor) match { case Success(method) => Some(method) case Empty if !forceLookupInSuperinterfacesOnFailure => None case _ /*Failure | (Empty && lookupInSuperinterfacesOnFailure) */ => val superinterfaceTypes = classHierarchy.allSuperinterfacetypes(receiverType) val (_, methods) = findMaximallySpecificSuperinterfaceMethods( superinterfaceTypes, name, descriptor, analyzedSuperinterfaceTypes = UIDSet.empty[ObjectType] ) // Either it is THE max. specific method or some "arbitrary" method. // recall that we already give precedence to non-abstract // methods in the find... methods methods.headOption } } /** * Resolves a method reference to all possible methods. I.e., this is identical to * `resolveMethodReference` or `resolveInterfaceMethodReference` for class and interface types * respectively except for the case where there are multiple maximally specific interface * methods in which case all of them are returned instead of only a single one. * * @param declaringClassType The type of the object that receives the method call. The type may * be a class or interface type. * * @return The set of resolved methods; empty if the resolution fails, more than one if * resolution finds several maximally specific interface methods - in the latter case * it is not possible to call the method on objects of the declaring class type, but * only on subclasses overriding the method uniquely. */ def resolveAllMethodReferences( declaringClassType: ReferenceType, name: String, descriptor: MethodDescriptor ): Set[Method] = { val receiverType = if (declaringClassType.isArrayType) { ObjectType.Object } else { declaringClassType.asObjectType } def lookupInObject(): Option[Method] = { ObjectClassFile flatMap { classFile => classFile.findMethod(name, descriptor) filter { m => m.isPublic && !m.isStatic } } } project.classFile(receiverType) match { case Some(classFile) => val classMethod = if (classFile.isInterfaceDeclaration) Result(classFile.findMethod(name, descriptor) orElse lookupInObject()) else resolveClassMethodReference(receiverType, name, descriptor) classMethod match { case Success(method) => Set(method) case _ => val superinterfaces = classHierarchy.allSuperinterfacetypes(receiverType) val (_, methods) = findMaximallySpecificSuperinterfaceMethods( superinterfaces, name, descriptor, UIDSet.empty[ObjectType] ) methods } case None => Set.empty } } /** * See [[#resolveMethodReference(declaringClassType:*]] for details. */ def resolveMethodReference(i: INVOKEVIRTUAL): Option[Method] = { resolveMethodReference(i.declaringClass, i.name, i.methodDescriptor) } def resolveInterfaceMethodReference( declaringClassType: ObjectType, name: String, descriptor: MethodDescriptor ): Option[Method] = { def lookupInObject(): Option[Method] = { ObjectClassFile flatMap { classFile => classFile.findMethod(name, descriptor) filter { m => m.isPublic && !m.isStatic } } } project.classFile(declaringClassType) flatMap { classFile => assert(classFile.isInterfaceDeclaration) classFile.findMethod(name, descriptor) orElse { lookupInObject() orElse { classHierarchy.superinterfaceTypes(declaringClassType) flatMap { superT => val (_, methods) = findMaximallySpecificSuperinterfaceMethods( superT, name, descriptor, UIDSet.empty[ObjectType] ) methods.headOption } } } } } /** * See [[#resolveInterfaceMethodReference(declaringClassType:*]] for details. */ def resolveInterfaceMethodReference(i: INVOKEINTERFACE): Option[Method] = { resolveInterfaceMethodReference(i.declaringClass, i.name, i.methodDescriptor) } /** * Computes the set of maximally specific superinterface methods with the * given name and descriptor. * * @note '''This method does not consider methods defined by `java.lang.Object`'''! * Those methods have precedence over respective methods defined by * superinterfaces! A corresponding check needs to be done before calling * this method. */ def findMaximallySpecificSuperinterfaceMethods( superinterfaceType: ObjectType, name: String, descriptor: MethodDescriptor, analyzedSuperinterfaceTypes: UIDSet[ObjectType] = UIDSet.empty ): ( /*analyzed types*/ UIDSet[ObjectType], Set[Method]) = { ProjectLike.findMaximallySpecificSuperinterfaceMethods( superinterfaceType, name, descriptor, analyzedSuperinterfaceTypes )(this.classFile, this.classHierarchy, this.logContext) } /** * Computes the maximally specific superinterface method with the given name * and descriptor * * @param superinterfaceTypes A set of interfaces which potentially declare a method * with the given name and descriptor. */ def findMaximallySpecificSuperinterfaceMethods( superinterfaceTypes: UIDSet[ObjectType], name: String, descriptor: MethodDescriptor, analyzedSuperinterfaceTypes: UIDSet[ObjectType] ): ( /*analyzed types*/ UIDSet[ObjectType], Set[Method]) = { ProjectLike.findMaximallySpecificSuperinterfaceMethods( superinterfaceTypes, name, descriptor, analyzedSuperinterfaceTypes )(this.classFile, this.classHierarchy, this.logContext) } /** * Resolves a symbolic reference to a method defined by a class (not interface) type. * * @return [[org.opalj.Success]]`(method)` if the method was found; * `Empty` if the project is incomplete and the method could not be found; * `Failure` if the method could not be found though the project is seemingly complete. * I.e., if `Failure` is returned the method is not defined by a concrete class * and is either a default method defined by an interface or the analyzed code * basis is inconsistent. */ def resolveClassMethodReference( receiverType: ObjectType, name: String, descriptor: MethodDescriptor ): Result[Method] = { project.classFile(receiverType) match { case Some(classFile) => assert( !classFile.isInterfaceDeclaration, { val methodInfo = descriptor.toJava(receiverType.toJava, name) s"the method is defined in an interface $methodInfo" } ) def resolveSuperclassMethodReference(): Result[Method] = { classFile.superclassType match { case Some(superclassType) => resolveClassMethodReference(superclassType, name, descriptor) case None => // the current type is java.lang.Object and the method was not found Failure } } // [FROM THE SPECIFICATION]] // A method is signature polymorphic if all of the following conditions hold : // - It is declared in the java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle class. // - It has a single formal parameter of type Object[]. // - It has the ACC_VARARGS and ACC_NATIVE flags set. val isPotentiallySignaturePolymorphicCall = (receiverType eq ObjectType.MethodHandle) || (receiverType eq ObjectType.VarHandle) if (isPotentiallySignaturePolymorphicCall) { val methods = classFile.findMethod(name) methods match { case List(method) => if (method.isNativeAndVarargs && (method.descriptor == SignaturePolymorphicMethodObject || method.descriptor == SignaturePolymorphicMethodVoid || method.descriptor == SignaturePolymorphicMethodBoolean)) Success(method) // the resolved method is signature polymorphic else if (method.descriptor == descriptor) Success(method) // "normal" resolution of a method else resolveSuperclassMethodReference() case _ => methods.find(m => m.descriptor == descriptor) match { case None => resolveSuperclassMethodReference() case Some(resolvedMethod) => Success(resolvedMethod) } } } else { classFile.findMethod(name, descriptor) match { case None => resolveSuperclassMethodReference() case Some(resolvedMethod) => Success(resolvedMethod) } } case None => Empty } } /** * Returns true if the method defined by the given class type is a signature polymorphic * method. (See JVM 9 Spec. for details.) */ //TODO add method that lookup the defining class type def isSignaturePolymorphic(definingClassType: ObjectType, method: Method): Boolean = { ( (definingClassType eq ObjectType.MethodHandle) || (definingClassType eq ObjectType.VarHandle) ) && method.descriptor.parametersCount == 1 && method.descriptor.parameterType(0) == ArrayType.ArrayOfObject && method.isNativeAndVarargs } /** * Returns true if the descriptor is a signature polymorphic method for the given class type. * (See JVM 9 Spec. for details.) */ def isSignaturePolymorphic( definingClassType: ObjectType, descriptor: MethodDescriptor ): Boolean = { (definingClassType eq ObjectType.MethodHandle) && descriptor == SignaturePolymorphicMethodObject || (definingClassType eq ObjectType.VarHandle) && (descriptor == SignaturePolymorphicMethodObject || descriptor == SignaturePolymorphicMethodVoid || descriptor == SignaturePolymorphicMethodBoolean) } /** * Returns true if the signature is a signature polymorphic method for the given class type. * (See JVM 9 Spec. for details.) */ def isSignaturePolymorphic( definingClassType: ObjectType, name: String, descriptor: MethodDescriptor ): Boolean = { (definingClassType eq ObjectType.MethodHandle) && descriptor == SignaturePolymorphicMethodObject && (name == "invoke" || name == "invokeExact") || (definingClassType eq ObjectType.VarHandle) && (descriptor == SignaturePolymorphicMethodObject || descriptor == SignaturePolymorphicMethodVoid || descriptor == SignaturePolymorphicMethodBoolean) } /** * Returns the method which will be called by the respective * [[org.opalj.br.instructions.INVOKESTATIC]] instruction. */ def staticCall(callerClassType: ObjectType, i: INVOKESTATIC): Result[Method] = { staticCall(callerClassType, i.declaringClass, i.isInterface, i.name, i.methodDescriptor) } /** * Returns the method that will be called by the respective invokestatic call. * * @return [[org.opalj.Success]] `(method)` if the method was found; * `Failure` if the project is inconsistent. * `Empty` if the method could not be found in the available classes (i.e., the * project is incomplete). */ def staticCall( callerClassType: ObjectType, declaringClassType: ObjectType, isInterface: Boolean, name: String, descriptor: MethodDescriptor ): Result[Method] = { // Recall that the invokestatic instruction: // "... gives the name and descriptor of the method as well as a symbolic reference to // the class or interface in which the method is to be found. // However, in case of interfaces no lookup in superclasses is done! if (isInterface) { classFile(declaringClassType) match { case Some(cf) => cf.findMethod(name, descriptor) match { case Some(method) if method.isAccessibleBy(callerClassType, nests) => Success(method) case _ => Empty } case None => Empty } } else { resolveClassMethodReference(declaringClassType, name, descriptor) match { case s @ Success(method) => if (method.isAccessibleBy(callerClassType, nests)) s else Empty case e => e } } } def specialCall(callerClassType: ObjectType, i: INVOKESPECIAL): Result[Method] = { specialCall(callerClassType, i.declaringClass, i.isInterface, i.name, i.methodDescriptor) } def nonVirtualCall( callerClassType: ObjectType, i: NonVirtualMethodInvocationInstruction ): Result[Method] = { if (i.opcode == INVOKESPECIAL.opcode) { specialCall(callerClassType, i.asINVOKESPECIAL) } else { // i.opcode == INVOKESTATIC.opcode staticCall(callerClassType, i.asINVOKESTATIC) } } /** * Returns the instance method/initializer which is called by an invokespecial instruction. * * @note Virtual method call resolution is not necessary; the call target is * either a constructor, a method in the given class or a super method/constructor. * However, in the first and last case it may be possible that we can't find the method * because of an inconsistent or incomplete project. * * @return One of the following three values: * - [[org.opalj.Success]] `(method)` if the method was found; * - `Failure` if the project is inconsistent; i.e., the target class file is found, * but the method cannot be found. `Failure` is returned on a best effort basis. * - `Empty`. */ def specialCall( callerClassType: ObjectType, initialDeclaringClassType: ObjectType, // an interface or class type to be precise isInterface: Boolean, name: String, // an interface or class type to be precise descriptor: MethodDescriptor ): Result[Method] = { /* FROM THE SPEC If all of the following are true, let C be the direct superclass of the current class: • The resolved method is not an instance initialization method (§2.9.1). • If the symbolic reference names a class (not an interface), then that class is a superclass of the current class. • The ACC_SUPER flag is set for the class file (§4.1). Otherwise, let C be the class or interface named by the symbolic reference. */ val declaringClassType = if (name != "" && (callerClassType ne initialDeclaringClassType) && // <= handles private calls classHierarchy.isInterface(initialDeclaringClassType).isNo) { // Let's select the direct superclass (if it is available; otherwise we use the // declared class as a fallback.) classHierarchy.superclassType(callerClassType).getOrElse(initialDeclaringClassType) } else { initialDeclaringClassType } // ... default methods cannot override methods from java.lang.Object // ... in case of super method calls (not initializers), we can use // "instanceMethods" to find the method, because the method has to // be an instance method, must not be abstract and must not be private. // ... the receiver type of super initializer calls is always explicitly given classFile(declaringClassType) match { case Some(classFile) => if (classFile.isInterfaceDeclaration != isInterface) Failure else { classFile.findMethod(name, descriptor) match { case Some(method) => if (method.isAccessibleBy(callerClassType, nests)) Success(method) else Empty case None if name == "" => Failure // initializer not found... case _ => // We have to find the (maximally specific) super method, which is, // unless we have an inconsistent code base, unique. find(instanceMethods(declaringClassType)) { definedMethodContext => val definedMethod = definedMethodContext.method definedMethod.compare(name, descriptor) } match { case Some(mdc) => if (mdc.method.isAccessibleBy(callerClassType, nests)) Success(mdc.method) else Empty case None => Empty } } } case None => Empty } } /** * Returns the (instance) method that would be called when we have an instance of * the given receiver type. I.e., using this method is suitable only when the runtime * type, which is the receiver of the method call, is precisely known! * * == Examples == * {{{ * class A {def foo() = {} } * class B extends A {/*inherits, but does not override foo()*/} * class C extends B { def foo() = {} } * val b = new B(); * b.foo() // <= in this case the method defined by A will be returned. * val c = new C(); * c.foo() // <= in this case the method defined by C will be returned. * }}} * * This method supports default methods and signature polymorphic calls; i.e., the * descriptor of the retuned methods may not be equal to the given method descriptor. * * @param callerClassType The object type which defines the method which performs the call. * This information is required if the call target has (potentially) default * visibility. (Note that this - in general - does not replace the need to perform an * accessibility check.) * @param receiverType A class type or an array type; never an interface type. */ def instanceCall( callerClassType: ObjectType, receiverType: ReferenceType, name: String, descriptor: MethodDescriptor ): Result[Method] = { if (receiverType.isArrayType) { return Result(ObjectClassFile flatMap { cf => cf.findMethod(name, descriptor) }); } val receiverClassType = receiverType.asObjectType val mdcResult = lookupVirtualMethod(callerClassType, receiverClassType, name, descriptor) mdcResult flatMap { mdc => if (!mdc.method.isPrivate || mdc.method.isAccessibleBy(callerClassType, nests)) Success(mdc.method) else Empty } } def interfaceCall(callerType: ObjectType, i: INVOKEINTERFACE): Set[Method] = { interfaceCall(callerType, i.declaringClass, i.name, i.methodDescriptor) } private val useJava11CallSemantics: Boolean = { val key = ProjectLike.EnforceJava11CallSemanticsConfigKey val forceJ11semantics: Boolean = try { config.getBoolean(key) } catch { case t: Throwable => error("project configuration", s"couldn't read: $key", t) false } val (useJ11semantics, reason) = if (forceJ11semantics) { (true, "(enforced by config)") } else { val requiredVersion = requiredJVMVersion (requiredVersion >= Java11MajorVersion, s"(required JVM version is $requiredVersion)") } info( "project configuration", s"${if (useJ11semantics) "" else "not "}using Java 11+ call semantics "+reason ) useJ11semantics } /** * Returns the methods that may be called by an [[org.opalj.br.instructions.INVOKEINTERFACE]] * call if the precise runtime type is not known. (If the precise runtime type is known, use * `instanceCall` to get the target method.) * * @note '''Caching the result (in particular when the call graph is computed) * is recommended as the computation is expensive.''' In other words, this * function is meant to be used as a foundation for call graph construction * algorithms. * * @note Keep in mind that the following is legal (byte)code: * {{{ * class X { void m(){ System.out.println("X.m"); } } * interface I { void m(); } * class Z extends X implements I {} * }}} * Hence, we also have to consider inherited methods and just considering the * methods defined by subclasses is not sufficient! In other words, the result * can contain methods (here, `X.m`) defined by classes which are not subtypes * of the given interface type! * * @return The set of potentially called methods. The set will be empty if the target class * is not defined as part of the analyzed code base. */ def interfaceCall( callerType: ObjectType, declaringClass: ObjectType, // an interface or class type to be precise name: String, descriptor: MethodDescriptor ): Set[Method] = { var methods = Set.empty[Method] // (1) consider the method defined by the super type or this type... // Depending on the set of open/closed packages it may be the case that the method // cannot be a receiver, because it is actually always overridden; however, we don't // do any checks related to this issue. val initialMethodsOption = instanceMethods.get(declaringClass) if (initialMethodsOption.isEmpty) return methods; find(initialMethodsOption.get) { mdc => mdc.method.compare(name, descriptor) } foreach (mdc => methods += mdc.method) if (methods.nonEmpty) { val method = methods.head if (!method.isPublic) { if (method.isPrivate && useJava11CallSemantics) { // The method is private, thus it is selected (JVM 11 Spec Section 5.4.6) // However, access control may still fail if (!method.isAccessibleBy(callerType, nests)) return Set.empty[Method]; return methods; } else { methods = Set.empty[Method] } } } // (2) methods of strict subtypes (always necessary, because we have an interface) classHierarchy.foreachSubtypeCF(declaringClass, reflexive = false) { subtypeCF => val subtype = subtypeCF.thisType val mdc = find(instanceMethods(subtype)) { mdc => mdc.method.compare(name, descriptor) } mdc match { case Some(mdc) => if (mdc.isPublic) methods += mdc.method // This is an overapproximation, if the inherited concrete method is // always overridden by all concrete subtypes and subtypeCF // is an abstract class in a closed package/module if (!mdc.method.isPrivate) methods ++= overriddenBy(mdc.method).iterator.filter { m => m.classFile.thisType isSubtypeOf subtype } // for interfaces we have to continue, because we may have inherited a // a concrete method from a class type which is not in the set of // overriddenBy methods subtypeCF.isInterfaceDeclaration case _ /*None*/ => true } } methods } /** * Convenience method; see `virtualCall(callerPackageName:String,declaringType:ReferenceType*` * for details. */ def virtualCall(callerType: ObjectType, i: INVOKEVIRTUAL): SomeSet[Method] = { virtualCall(callerType, i.declaringClass, i.name, i.methodDescriptor) } /** * Returns the set of methods that may be called by an invokevirtual call, if * the receiver type is unknown or effectively encompasses all subtypes it * is recommended to use [[instanceCall]]. * * @note As in case of instance call, the returned method may have a different * descriptor if we have a signature polymorphic call! */ def virtualCall( callerType: ObjectType, declaringType: ReferenceType, // an interface, class or array type to be precise name: String, descriptor: MethodDescriptor ): SomeSet[Method] = { if (declaringType.isArrayType) { return instanceCall(ObjectType.Object, ObjectType.Object, name, descriptor).toSet } // In the following we opted for implementing some support for the // different possibilities that exist w.r.t. where the defined method // is found. This is done to speed up the computation // of the set of methods (vs. using a very generic approach)! val declaringClassType = declaringType.asObjectType var methods = mutable.Set.empty[Method] val initialMethodsOption = instanceMethods.get(declaringClassType) if (initialMethodsOption.isEmpty) return methods; val callerPackageName = callerType.packageName // Let's find the (concrete) method defined by this type or a supertype if it exists. // We have to check the declaring package if the method has package visibility to ensure // that we find the correct method! find(initialMethodsOption.get) { mdc => mdc.compareAccessibilityAware(callerPackageName, name, descriptor) } foreach (mdc => methods += mdc.method) if (methods.nonEmpty) { val method = methods.head if (method.isPrivate) { // The concrete method is private, thus it is selected (JVM 11 Spec Section 5.4.6) // However, access control may still fail if (!method.isAccessibleBy(callerType, nests)) return SomeSet.empty[Method]; return methods; } else if (method.classFile.thisType eq declaringClassType) { // The (concrete) method belongs to this class... hence, we just need to // get all methods which override (reflexive) this method and are done. return overriddenBy(method); } else { // ... we cannot use the overriddenBy methods because this could return // methods belonging to classes which are not a subtype of the given // declaring class. classHierarchy.foreachSubtypeCF(declaringClassType, reflexive = false) { subtypeCF => val subtype = subtypeCF.thisType val mdcOption = find(instanceMethods(subtype)) { mdc => mdc.compareAccessibilityAware(callerPackageName, name, descriptor) } if (mdcOption.nonEmpty && (mdcOption.get.method ne method) && !mdcOption.get.method.isPrivate) { methods ++= overriddenBy(mdcOption.get.method) false // we don't have to look into furthersubtypes } else { true } } return methods; } } // We just have to collect the methods in the subtypes... unless we have // a call to a signature polymorphic method! def findSignaturePolymorphicMethod( descriptor: MethodDescriptor ): Option[MethodDeclarationContext] = { find(instanceMethods(declaringClassType)) { mdc => mdc.compareAccessibilityAware(callerPackageName, name, descriptor) } } if (MethodHandleClassFile.isDefined && MethodHandleSubtypes.contains(declaringClassType)) { val mdcOption = findSignaturePolymorphicMethod(SignaturePolymorphicMethodObject) if (mdcOption.isDefined) { val method = mdcOption.get.method if (method.isNativeAndVarargs && (method.classFile eq MethodHandleClassFile.get)) { return Set(method); } } } if (VarHandleClassFile.isDefined && VarHandleSubtypes.contains(declaringClassType)) { val mdcOption = findSignaturePolymorphicMethod(SignaturePolymorphicMethodObject).orElse( findSignaturePolymorphicMethod(SignaturePolymorphicMethodVoid).orElse( findSignaturePolymorphicMethod(SignaturePolymorphicMethodBoolean) ) ) if (mdcOption.isDefined) { val method = mdcOption.get.method if (method.isNativeAndVarargs && (method.classFile eq VarHandleClassFile.get)) { return Set(method); } } } classHierarchy.foreachSubtypeCF(declaringClassType, reflexive = false) { subtypeCF => val subtype = subtypeCF.thisType val mdcOption = find(instanceMethods(subtype)) { mdc => mdc.compareAccessibilityAware(callerPackageName, name, descriptor) } mdcOption match { case Some(mdc) if !mdc.method.isPrivate => if (methods.isEmpty) { methods = mutable.Set.from(overriddenBy(mdc.method)) } else { methods ++= overriddenBy(mdc.method) } false // we don't have to look into furthersubtypes case _ /*None*/ => true } } methods } } object ProjectLike { /** * Computes the set of maximally specific superinterface methods with the * given name and descriptor. * * @note This method requires that the class hierarchy is already computed. * It does not require `instanceMethods`. * @note '''This method does not consider methods defined by `java.lang.Object`'''! * Those methods have precedence over respective methods defined by * superinterfaces! A corresponding check needs to be done before calling * this method. */ def findMaximallySpecificSuperinterfaceMethods( superinterfaceType: ObjectType, name: String, descriptor: MethodDescriptor, analyzedSuperinterfaceTypes: UIDSet[ObjectType] = UIDSet.empty )( implicit objectTypeToClassFile: ObjectType => Option[ClassFile], classHierarchy: ClassHierarchy, logContext: LogContext ): ( /*analyzed types*/ UIDSet[ObjectType], Set[Method]) = { val newAnalyzedSuperinterfaceTypes = analyzedSuperinterfaceTypes + superinterfaceType // the superinterfaceTypes in which it is potentially relevant to search for methods val superinterfaceTypes: UIDSet[ObjectType] = classHierarchy.superinterfaceTypes(superinterfaceType).getOrElse(UIDSet.empty) -- analyzedSuperinterfaceTypes objectTypeToClassFile(superinterfaceType) match { case Some(classFile) => if (!classFile.isInterfaceDeclaration) { OPALLogger.warn( "project configuration", "finding the maximally specific superinterface methods failed: "+ s"${superinterfaceType.toJava} is not an interface and ignored" ) (analyzedSuperinterfaceTypes ++ superinterfaceTypes + superinterfaceType, Set.empty) } else { classFile.findMethod(name, descriptor) match { case Some(method) if !method.isPrivate && !method.isStatic => val analyzedTypes = newAnalyzedSuperinterfaceTypes ++ superinterfaceTypes (analyzedTypes, Set(method)) case _ /* None OR "the method was either private or static" */ => if (superinterfaceTypes.isEmpty) { (newAnalyzedSuperinterfaceTypes, Set.empty) } else if (superinterfaceTypes.isSingletonSet) { findMaximallySpecificSuperinterfaceMethods( superinterfaceTypes.head, name, descriptor, newAnalyzedSuperinterfaceTypes ) } else { findMaximallySpecificSuperinterfaceMethods( superinterfaceTypes, name, descriptor, newAnalyzedSuperinterfaceTypes ) } } } case None => (analyzedSuperinterfaceTypes ++ superinterfaceTypes + superinterfaceType, Set.empty) } } /** * Computes the maximally specific superinterface method with the given name * and descriptor * * @note This method requires that the class hierarchy is already computed. * It does not required `instanceMethods`. * @param superinterfaceTypes A set of interfaces which potentially declare a method * with the given name and descriptor. */ def findMaximallySpecificSuperinterfaceMethods( superinterfaceTypes: UIDSet[ObjectType], name: String, descriptor: MethodDescriptor, analyzedSuperinterfaceTypes: UIDSet[ObjectType] )( implicit objectTypeToClassFile: (ObjectType) => Option[ClassFile], classHierarchy: ClassHierarchy, logContext: LogContext ): ( /*analyzed types*/ UIDSet[ObjectType], Set[Method]) = { val anchor = ((analyzedSuperinterfaceTypes, Set.empty[Method])) superinterfaceTypes.foldLeft(anchor) { (currentResult, interfaceType) => val (currentAnalyzedSuperinterfaceTypes, currentMethods) = currentResult val (analyzedSuperinterfaceTypes, methods) = findMaximallySpecificSuperinterfaceMethods( interfaceType, name, descriptor, currentAnalyzedSuperinterfaceTypes ) val allMethods = currentMethods ++ methods if (allMethods.isEmpty || allMethods.size == 1) { (analyzedSuperinterfaceTypes, allMethods /*empty or singleton set*/ ) } else { // When we reach this point, we may have a situation such as: // intf A { default void foo(){} } // intf B extends A { default void foo(){} } // intf C extends A { } // intf D extends B { } // and we started the analysis with the set {C,D} and // first selected C (hence, first found A.foo). // // We now have to determine the maximally specific method. // Both, the set of `currentMethods` and also the set of `methods` // each only contains maximally specific methods w.r.t. their // set. var currentMaximallySpecificMethods = currentMethods var additionalMaximallySpecificMethods = Set.empty[Method] methods foreach { method => if (!currentMethods.contains(method)) { val newMethodDeclaringClassType = method.classFile.thisType var addNewMethod = true currentMaximallySpecificMethods = currentMaximallySpecificMethods.filter { currentMaximallySpecificMethod => val specificMethodDeclaringClassType = currentMaximallySpecificMethod.classFile.thisType if (specificMethodDeclaringClassType isSubtypeOf newMethodDeclaringClassType) { addNewMethod = false true } else if (newMethodDeclaringClassType isSubtypeOf specificMethodDeclaringClassType) { false } else { //... we have an incomplete class hierarchy; // let's keep both methods true } } if (addNewMethod) additionalMaximallySpecificMethods += method } } currentMaximallySpecificMethods ++= additionalMaximallySpecificMethods val concreteMaximallySpecificMethods = currentMaximallySpecificMethods.filter(!_.isAbstract) if (concreteMaximallySpecificMethods.isEmpty) { // We have not yet found any method or we may have multiple abstract methods... (analyzedSuperinterfaceTypes, currentMaximallySpecificMethods) } else { (analyzedSuperinterfaceTypes, concreteMaximallySpecificMethods) } } } } private val EnforceJava11CallSemanticsConfigKey = "org.opalj.br.Project.enforceJava11CallSemantics" }