/* BSD 2-Clause License - see OPAL/LICENSE for details. */ package org.opalj import scala.reflect.ClassTag import org.opalj.collection.IntIterator import org.opalj.collection.mutable.IntArrayStack import scala.collection.mutable import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer /** * This package defines graph algorithms as well as factory methods to describe and compute graphs * and trees. * * This package supports the following types of graphs: * 1. graphs based on explicitly connected nodes ([[org.opalj.graphs.Node]]), * 1. graphs where the relationship between the nodes are encoded externally * ([[org.opalj.graphs.Graph]]). * * @author Michael Eichberg */ package object graphs { /** * Returns the given graph as a CSV encoded adjacency matrix. * * @example * For example, the graph p with the nodes A (id = 0),B (id = 1),C (id =2) and * - an edge from A to B, * - an edge from A to C and * - an edge from C to B * would be encoded as follows: *
     * 0,1,1
     * 0,0,0
     * 0,1,0
* * @note Though the function is optimized to handle very large graphs, encoding sparse * graphs using adjacency matrixes is not recommended. * * @param maxNodeId The id of the last node. The first node has to have the id 0. I.e., * in case of a graph with just two nodes, the maxNodeId is 1. * @param successors The successor nodes of the node with the given id; the function has to * be defined for every node in the range [0..maxNodeId]. * @return an adjacency matrix describing the given graph encoded using CSV. The returned * byte array an be directly saved and represents a valid CSV file. */ def toAdjacencyMatrix(maxNodeId: Int, successors: Int => Set[Int]): Array[Byte] = { val columns = (maxNodeId + 1) * 2 /* <=> nodes + (',' OR '\n') */ val rows = maxNodeId + 1 val g = new Array[Byte](rows * columns) // pre-allocate final array for CSV data var r = 0 while (r <= maxNodeId) { val s = successors(r) var c = 0 while (c <= maxNodeId) { val i = r * columns + c * 2 g(i) = if (s.contains(c)) '1' else '0' c += 1 if (c <= maxNodeId) g(i + 1) = ',' else g(i + 1) = '\n' } r += 1 } g } /** * Generates a string that describes a (multi-)graph using the ".dot/.gv" file format * [[http://graphviz.org/pdf/dotguide.pdf]]. * The graph is defined by the given set of nodes. * * Requires that `Node` implements a content-based `equals` and `hashCode` method. */ def toDot( rootNodes: Iterable[_ <: Node], dir: String = "forward", ranksep: String = "0.8", fontname: String = "Helvetica", rankdir: String = "TB" ): String = { var nodesToProcess = Set.empty[Node] ++ rootNodes var processedNodes = Set.empty[Node] var s = "digraph G {\n"+ s"\tdir=$dir;\n"+ s"\tranksep=$ranksep;\n"+ s"\trankdir=$rankdir;\n"+ s"\tnode [fontname=$fontname,shape=rectangle];\n" while (nodesToProcess.nonEmpty) { val nextNode = nodesToProcess.head // prepare the next iteration processedNodes += nextNode nodesToProcess = nodesToProcess.tail if (nextNode.toHRR.isDefined) { var visualProperties = nextNode.visualProperties visualProperties += ( "label" -> nextNode.toHRR.get.replace("\"", "\\\"").replace("\n", "\\l") ) s += "\t"+nextNode.nodeId + visualProperties.map(e => "\""+e._1+"\"=\""+e._2+"\""). mkString("[", ",", "];\n") } val f: (Node => Unit) = sn => { if (nextNode.toHRR.isDefined) s += "\t"+nextNode.nodeId+" -> "+sn.nodeId+" [dir="+dir+"];\n" if (!(processedNodes contains sn)) { nodesToProcess += sn } } nextNode.foreachSuccessor(f) } s += "}" s } /** * Function to convert a given graphviz dot file to SVG. The transformation is done using the * vis-js.com library which is a translated version of graphviz to JavaScript. * * The first call, which will initialize the JavaScript engine, will take some time. * Afterwards, the tranformation is much faster. */ final lazy val dotToSVG: String => String = { import javax.script.Invocable import javax.script.ScriptEngine import javax.script.ScriptEngineManager import java.io.BufferedReader import java.io.InputStream import java.io.InputStreamReader import org.opalj.log.OPALLogger import org.opalj.log.GlobalLogContext OPALLogger.info( "setup", "initialzing JavaScript engine for rendering dot graphics" )(GlobalLogContext) val engineManager = new ScriptEngineManager() val engine: ScriptEngine = engineManager.getEngineByName("nashorn") var visJS: InputStream = null val invocable: Invocable = try { visJS = this.getClass.getResourceAsStream("viz-lite.js") val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(visJS)) engine.eval(reader) engine.asInstanceOf[Invocable] } finally { if (visJS ne null) visJS.close() } OPALLogger.info( "setup", "finished initialization of JavaScript engine for rendering dot graphics" )(GlobalLogContext) (dot: String) => invocable.invokeFunction("Viz", dot).toString } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Closed Strongly Connected Components // // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- final def closedSCCs[N >: Null <: AnyRef: ClassTag](g: Graph[N]): List[Iterable[N]] = { closedSCCs(g.vertices, g.asIterable) } /** * Identifies closed strongly connected components in directed (multi-)graphs. * * A closed strongly connected component (cSCC) is a non-empty set of nodes of a graph where * each node belonging to the cSCC can explicitly be reached from another node and no node * contains an edge to some node that does not belong to the same cSCC. * * Every such set is necessarily minimal/maximal. * * @note This implementation can handle (arbitrarily degenerated) graphs with up to * Int.MaxValue nodes (if the VM is given enough memory!) * * @tparam N The type of the graph's nodes. The nodes have to correctly implements equals * and hashCode. * @param ns The nodes of the graph. * @param es A function that, given a node, returns all successor nodes. Basically, the edges * of the graph. */ def closedSCCs[N >: Null <: AnyRef: ClassTag]( ns: Iterable[N], es: N => Iterable[N] // TODO Improve(?) N => Iterator[N] ): List[Iterable[N]] = { val nDFSNums = new it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2IntOpenHashMap[N]() def setDFSNum(n: N, i: Int): Unit = nDFSNums.put(n, i) def hasDFSNum(n: N): Boolean = nDFSNums.containsKey(n) def dfsNum(n: N): Int = nDFSNums.getInt(n) // Core Idea: perform depth-first search val ProcessedNodeNum: Int = -1 val PathSegmentSeparator: Null = null val workstack = new mutable.Stack[N](initialSize = 8) val path = new ArrayBuffer[N](initialSize = 16) var cSCCs = List.empty[Iterable[N]] var nextDFSNum = ProcessedNodeNum + 1 // the next (not yet used) dfsNum def dfs(initialN: N): Unit = { var initialDFSNum: Int = nextDFSNum path.clear() workstack.clear() workstack.push(initialN) def markPathAsProcessed(): Unit = { path.foreach(n => setDFSNum(n, ProcessedNodeNum)) path.clear() } def addToPath(n: N): Unit = { if (path.isEmpty) { // This happens if we have identified a path which does not end // in a cSCC and we have killed the path. initialDFSNum = nextDFSNum } path += n setDFSNum(n, nextDFSNum) nextDFSNum += 1 } while (workstack.nonEmpty) { val n = workstack.pop() if (n == PathSegmentSeparator) { // We have visited all child elements of the "previous element"; // we can now report a path, if we have one (note that we eagerly kill // non-cSCC paths and hence every path that still exists, is a valid path. // However, we have to ensure that we have visited _all_ successors belonging // to the current candidate cSCC) val n = workstack.pop() if (path.nonEmpty) { val nDFSNum = dfsNum(n) val cSCCDFSNum = dfsNum(path.last) assert(cSCCDFSNum != ProcessedNodeNum) if (nDFSNum != cSCCDFSNum) { // This is the trivial case... obviously the end of the path is a // closed SCC. // ALTERNATIVE: val cSCC = path.dropWhile(n => dfsNum(n) != cSCCDFSNum) val cSCC = path.drop(cSCCDFSNum - initialDFSNum) cSCCs ::= cSCC markPathAsProcessed() } else { // Test if we are done exploring all paths potentially related to // the cSCC... // ALTERNATIVE CHECK: //val cSCCandidate = path.iterator.drop(cSCCDFSNum - initialDFSNum) if (workstack.isEmpty || path.iterator.drop(cSCCDFSNum - initialDFSNum).forall(n => // ... for all cSCCandidates es(n).forall(succN => hasDFSNum(succN) && dfsNum(succN) == cSCCDFSNum // <= prevents premature cscc identifications ))) { cSCCs ::= path.drop(cSCCDFSNum - initialDFSNum) markPathAsProcessed() } } } } else if (hasDFSNum(n)) { // this node was visited before.... val nDFSNum = dfsNum(n) if (nDFSNum < initialDFSNum) { // The current node either belongs to a (previously identified) path which // ends in a node with no outgoing edges or belongs to a (previously) // identified cSCC; hence, all nodes on the path cannot be part of // a(nother) cSCC. markPathAsProcessed() } else { // We have found a new cycle; we now use the dfs num to mark // all nodes as belonging to the cycle. val startPathIndex = nDFSNum - initialDFSNum // the (start) index of the cycle var pathIndex = path.length - 1 if (dfsNum(path(pathIndex)) != nDFSNum) { // test if the node is already correctly marked while (pathIndex >= startPathIndex) { setDFSNum(path(pathIndex), nDFSNum) pathIndex -= 1 } } } } else { // The node was not visited before; we are extending our path addToPath(n) val succNs = es(n) if (succNs.nonEmpty) { workstack.push(n) workstack.push(PathSegmentSeparator: N) workstack prependAll succNs } else { // We have a path which leads to a node with no outgoing edge; // hence, all nodes on the path cannot be part of a cSCC. markPathAsProcessed() } } } assert(path.isEmpty) } ns.foreach(n => if (!hasDFSNum(n)) dfs(n)) cSCCs } /* private[this] val Undetermined: Int = -1 final def closedSCCs[N >: Null <: AnyRef]( ns: Traversable[N], es: N => Traversable[N] ): List[Iterable[N]] = { case class NInfo(dfsNum: Int, var cSCCId: Int = Undetermined) { override def toString: String = { val cSCCId = this.cSCCId match { case Undetermined => "Undetermined" case id => id.toString } s"(dfsNum=$dfsNum,cSCCId=$cSCCId)" } } val nodeInfo: mutable.HashMap[N, NInfo] = mutable.HashMap.empty def setDFSNum(n: N, dfsNum: Int): Unit = { nodeInfo.put(n, NInfo(dfsNum)) } val hasDFSNum: (N) => Boolean = (n: N) => nodeInfo.get(n).isDefined val dfsNum: (N) => Int = (n: N) => nodeInfo(n).dfsNum val setCSCCId: (N, Int) => Unit = (n: N, cSCCId: Int) => nodeInfo(n).cSCCId = cSCCId val cSCCId: (N) => Int = (n: N) => nodeInfo(n).cSCCId closedSCCs(ns, es, setDFSNum, hasDFSNum, dfsNum, setCSCCId, cSCCId) } def closedSCCs[N >: Null <: AnyRef]( ns: Traversable[N], es: N => Traversable[N], setDFSNum: (N, Int) => Unit, hasDFSNum: (N) => Boolean, dfsNum: (N) => Int, setCSCCId: (N, Int) => Unit, cSCCId: (N) => Int ): List[Iterable[N]] = { /* The following is not a strict requirement, more an expectation (however, (c)sccs * not reachable from a node in ns will not be detected! assert( { val allNodes = ns.toSet; allNodes.forall { n => es(n).forall(allNodes.contains) } }, "the graph references nodes which are not in the set of all nodes" ) */ // The algorithm used to compute the closed scc is loosely inspired by: // Information Processing Letters 74 (2000) 107–114 // Path-based depth-first search for strong and biconnected components // Harold N. Gabow 1 // Department of Computer Science, University of Colorado at Boulder // // However, we are interested in finding closed sccs; i.e., those strongly connected // components that have no outgoing dependencies. val PathElementSeparator: Null = null var cSCCs = List.empty[Iterable[N]] /* * Performs a depth-first search to locate an initial strongly connected component. * If we detect a connected component, we then check for every element belonging to * the connected component whether it also depends on an element which is not a member * of the strongly connected component. If Yes, we continue with the checking of the * other elements. If No, we perform a depth-first search based on the successor of the * node that does not belong to the SCC and try to determine if it is connected to some * previous SCC. If so, we merge all nodes as they belong to the same SCC. */ def dfs(initialDFSNum: Int, n: N): Int = { if (hasDFSNum(n)) return initialDFSNum; // CORE DATA STRUCTURES var thisPathFirstDFSNum = initialDFSNum var nextDFSNum = thisPathFirstDFSNum var nextCSCCId = 1 val path = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[N] val worklist = mutable.(Ref?)ArrayStack.empty[N] // HELPER METHODS def addToPath(n: N): Int = { assert(!hasDFSNum(n)) val dfsNum = nextDFSNum setDFSNum(n, dfsNum) path += n nextDFSNum += 1 dfsNum } def pathLength = path.length def killPath(): Unit = { path.clear(); thisPathFirstDFSNum = nextDFSNum } def reportPath(p: Iterable[N]): Unit = { cSCCs ::= p } // INITIALIZATION addToPath(n) worklist.push(n) worklist.push(PathElementSeparator) worklist ++= es(n) // PROCESSING while (worklist.nonEmpty) { // println( // s"next iteration { path=${path.map(n => dfsNum(n)+":"+n).mkString(",")}; "+ // s"thisParthFirstDFSNum=$thisPathFirstDFSNum; "+ // s"nextDFSNum=$nextDFSNum; nextCSCCId=$nextCSCCId }") val n = worklist.pop() if (n eq PathElementSeparator) { // i.e., we have visited all child elements val n = worklist.pop() val nDFSNum = dfsNum(n) if (nDFSNum >= thisPathFirstDFSNum) { // println(s"visited all children of $n") val thisPathNDFSNum = nDFSNum - thisPathFirstDFSNum val nCSCCId = cSCCId(n) nCSCCId match { case Undetermined => killPath() case nCSCCId if nCSCCId == cSCCId(path.last) && ( thisPathNDFSNum == 0 /*all elements on the path define a cSCC*/ || nCSCCId != cSCCId(path(thisPathNDFSNum - 1)) ) => reportPath(path.takeRight(pathLength - thisPathNDFSNum)) killPath() case someCSCCId => /*nothing to do*/ assert( // nDFSNum == 0 ??? nDFSNum == initialDFSNum || someCSCCId == cSCCId(path.last), s"nDFSNum=$nDFSNum; nCSCCId=$nCSCCId; "+ s"cSCCId(path.last)=${cSCCId(path.last)}\n"+ s"(n=$n; initialDFSNum=$initialDFSNum; "+ s"thisPathFirstDFSNum=$thisPathFirstDFSNum\n"+ cSCCs.map(_.map(_.toString)). mkString("found csccs:\n\t", "\n\t", "\n") ) } } else { // println(s"visited all children of non-cSCC path element $n") } } else { // i.e., we are (potentially) extending our path // println(s"next node { $n; dfsNum=${if (hasDFSNum(n)) dfsNum(n) else N/A} }") if (hasDFSNum(n)) { // we have (at least) a cycle... val nDFSNum = dfsNum(n) if (nDFSNum >= thisPathFirstDFSNum) { // this cycle may become a cSCC val nCSCCId = cSCCId(n) nCSCCId match { case Undetermined => // we have a new cycle val nCSCCId = nextCSCCId nextCSCCId += 1 val thisPathNDFSNum = nDFSNum - thisPathFirstDFSNum val cc = path.view.takeRight(pathLength - thisPathNDFSNum) cc.foreach(n => setCSCCId(n, nCSCCId)) // val header = s"Nodes in a cSCC candidate $nCSCCId: " // println(cc.mkString(header, ",", "")) // println("path: "+path.mkString) case nCSCCId => val thisPathNDFSNum = nDFSNum - thisPathFirstDFSNum path.view.takeRight(pathLength - thisPathNDFSNum).foreach { n => setCSCCId(n, nCSCCId) } } } else { // this cycle is related to a node that does not take part in a cSCC killPath() } } else { // we are visiting the element for the first time addToPath(n) worklist.push(n) worklist.push(PathElementSeparator) es(n) foreach { nextN => if (hasDFSNum(nextN) && dfsNum(nextN) < thisPathFirstDFSNum) { killPath() } else { worklist.push(nextN) } } } } } nextDFSNum } ns.foldLeft(0)((initialDFSNum, n) => dfs(initialDFSNum, n)) cSCCs } */ /** * Implementation of Tarjan's algorithm for finding strongly connected components. Compared * to the standard implementation using non-tail recursive calls, this one uses an explicit * stack to make the implementation scale to very large (degenerated) graphs. E.g., * this implementation can handle graphs containing up to XXX nodes in a single cycle. * * @example * A very simple, but very large cycle: * {{{ * def genGraph(max : Int) = { * var i = 1; * var g = Map[Int,List[Int]]((0,List(max-1))); * while(i < max){ g += ((i,List(i-1))); i+=1; } * g * } * val g = genGraph(100000) * val es = (i:Int) => {g(i).toIterator} * org.opalj.graphs.sccs(g.size,es).mkString("\n") * }}} * * A large graph: * {{{ * val g = Map((0,List(5)),(1,List(2)),(2,List(1,4)),(3,List(0)),(4,List(2)),(5,List(4,3,6)),(6,List(6)),(7, List())) * val es = (i:Int) => { g(i).toIterator } * org.opalj.graphs.sccs(g.size,es,filterSingletons = true).mkString("\n") * }}} * * @param ns The number of nodes. The nodes have to be consecutively numbered [0..ns-1]. * @param es A function that returns for a given node n the immediate successors for that node. * @param filterSingletons Removes SCCs with just one node, where the node is not connected to * itself. I.e., nodes which have a self-edge will be kept and other will be discarded. */ def sccs( ns: Int, es: Int => IntIterator, filterSingletons: Boolean = false ): List[List[Int]] = { /* TEXTBOOK DESCRIPTION * (cannot handle very large, degenerated graphs due to non-tail recursion) * * algorithm tarjan is * input: graph G = (V, E) * output: set of strongly connected components (sets of vertices) * * index := 0 * S := empty array * for each v in V do * if (v.index is undefined) then strongconnect(v) end if * end for * * function strongconnect(v) * // Set the depth index for v to the smallest unused index * v.index := index * v.lowlink := index * index := index + 1 * S.push(v) * v.onStack := true * * // Consider successors of v * for each (v, w) in E do * if (w.index is undefined) then * // Successor w has not yet been visited; recurse on it * strongconnect(w) * v.lowlink := min(v.lowlink, w.lowlink) * else if (w.onStack) then * // Successor w is in stack S and hence in the current SCC * v.lowlink := min(v.lowlink, w.lowlink) * end if * end for * * // If v is a root node, pop the stack and generate an SCC * if (v.lowlink = v.index) then * start a new strongly connected component * repeat * w := S.pop() * w.onStack := false * add w to current strongly connected component * while (w != v) * output the current strongly connected component * end if * end function */ // output data structure var sccs: List[List[Int]] = List.empty val nIndex = new Array[Int](ns + 1) val nLowLink = new Array[Int](ns + 1) val nOnStack = new Array[Boolean](ns + 1) // we use the "index == 0" to identify the case that no index has been assigned val UndefinedIndex: Int = 0 var index: Int = 1 val s = new IntArrayStack(Math.max(8, ns / 4)) /* RECURSIVE VERSION (FOLLOWING TEXTBOOK IMPLEMENTATION) var n = 0 while (n < ns) { if (nIndex(n) == UndefinedIndex) scc(n) n += 1 } def scc(n: Int): Unit = { nIndex(n) = index nLowLink(n) = index index += 1 s.push(n) nOnStack(n) = true es(n).foreach { w => if (nIndex(w) == UndefinedIndex) { scc(w) nLowLink(n) = Math.min(nLowLink(n), nLowLink(w)) } else if (nOnStack(w)) { nLowLink(n) = Math.min(nLowLink(n), nLowLink(w)) } } if (nLowLink(n) == nIndex(n)) { var nextSCC = Chain.empty[Int] var w: Int = -1 do { w = s.pop() nOnStack(w) = false nextSCC :&:= w } while (n != w) sccs :&:= nextSCC } } */ var n = 0 while (n < ns) { if (nIndex(n) == UndefinedIndex) { // The following two stacks are maintained in parallel: // ws Contains the set of nodes which we have to process/for which we need // to continue processing later on. // wsSuccessors Contains for the respective node from ws the remaining not yet // processed successors unless the value is null; "null" is used to // signal that the node was not yet processed. val ws = IntArrayStack(n) val wsSuccessors = mutable.Stack[IntIterator](null) // INVARIANT: // If wsSuccessors(x) is not null then we have to pop the two values which identify // the processed edge; if wsSuccessors is null, the stack just contains the id of // the next node that should be processed. do { val n = ws.pop() var remainingSuccessors = wsSuccessors.pop() if (remainingSuccessors eq null) { // ... we are processing the node n for the first time nIndex(n) = index nLowLink(n) = index index += 1 s.push(n) nOnStack(n) = true remainingSuccessors = es(n) } else { // we have visisted a successor node "w" and now continue with "n" val w = ws.pop() nLowLink(n) = Math.min(nLowLink(n), nLowLink(w)) } var continue = true while (continue && remainingSuccessors.hasNext) { val w = remainingSuccessors.next() if (nIndex(w) == UndefinedIndex) { // We basically simulate the recursive call by storing the current // evaluation state for n: the current edge "n->w" and the "remaining // successors"; and the push the succesor node "w" ws.push(w) ws.push(n) wsSuccessors.push(remainingSuccessors) ws.push(w) wsSuccessors.push(null) continue = false } else if (nOnStack(w)) { nLowLink(n) = Math.min(nLowLink(n), nLowLink(w)) } } if (continue && !remainingSuccessors.hasNext) { // ... there are no more successors if (nLowLink(n) == nIndex(n)) { var nextSCC = List.empty[Int] var w: Int = -1 do { w = s.pop() nOnStack(w) = false nextSCC ::= w } while (n != w) if (!filterSingletons || nextSCC.tail.nonEmpty || es(n).exists(_ == n)) { sccs ::= nextSCC } } } } while (ws.nonEmpty) } n += 1 } sccs } }