/* BSD 2-Clause License - see OPAL/LICENSE for details. */ package org.opalj package da import java.io.File import java.nio.file.Files import org.apache.commons.text.similarity.LevenshteinDistance.{getDefaultInstance => getLevenshteinDistance} import org.opalj.log.OPALLogger import org.opalj.log.GlobalLogContext import org.opalj.log.ConsoleOPALLogger import org.opalj.log.{Error => ErrorLogLevel} import org.opalj.bytecode.JRELibraryFolder /** * Disassembles the specified class file(s). * * @author Michael Eichberg */ object Disassembler { OPALLogger.updateLogger(GlobalLogContext, new ConsoleOPALLogger(true, ErrorLogLevel)) private final val Usage = { "Usage: java …Disassembler \n"+ " [-help will print this help and terminate.]\n"+ " [-o the name of the file to which the generated html page should be written]\n"+ " [-open the generated html page will be opened in a browser]\n"+ " [-source a class or jar file or a directory containing jar or class files;\n"+ " if no source files/folders are specified the current folder will be\n"+ " searched for class files]*\n"+ " [-sourceJDK the current JDK/JRE is added as a source folder]\n"+ " [-noDefaultCSS the generated html page will have no CSS styling]\n"+ " [-noMethodsFilter the generated html page will have no embedded means to filter methods\n"+ " (as a whole, the file will not contain any JavaScript code)]\n"+ " [-noHeader the generated output will have no header; \n"+ " the top level element will be
\n"+ " (automatically activates \"-noMethodsFilter\" and \"-noDefaultCSS\")]\n"+ " [-css the path (URL) of a CSS file (\".csss\")\n"+ " which will be referenced from the generated HTML page]\n"+ " [-js the path (URL) of a JavaScript file (\".js\")\n"+ " which will be referenced from the generated HTML page]\n"+ " [-showProgress shows the progress when searching for the class file]\n"+ " [ name of the class for which we want to create the HTML page;\n"+ " if not specified the first class that is found on the given path is taken;\n"+ " this is particularly useful if the source identifies a particular \".class\" file]\n"+ "\n"+ "Note: \n If no parameters are specified, the first class file found in the current folder\n"+ " or any subfolder of it will be disassembled.\n"+ "Example:\n java …Disassembler -source /Library/jre/lib/rt.jar java.util.ArrayList" } def handleError(error: String, showUsage: Boolean = true): Nothing = { Console.err.println("Error: "+error) if (showUsage) Console.out.println(Usage) sys.exit(1) } def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // OPTIONS var toStdOut = true var toFile: Option[String] = None var openHTMLFile: Boolean = false var sources: List[String] = List.empty var noDefaultCSS: Boolean = false var noHeader: Boolean = false var noMethodsFilter: Boolean = false var css: Option[String] = None var js: Option[String] = None var showProgress: Boolean = false var className: String = null // PARSING PARAMETERS var i = 0 def readNextArg(): String = { i += 1 if (i < args.length) { args(i) } else { handleError(args.mkString("missing argument: ", " ", "")) } } while (i < args.length) { args(i) match { case "-help" | "--help" => { Console.out.println(Usage); return } case "-o" => { toFile = Some(readNextArg()); toStdOut = false } case "-open" => { openHTMLFile = true; toStdOut = false } case "-noDefaultCSS" => noDefaultCSS = true case "-noMethodsFilter" => noMethodsFilter = true case "-noHeader" => { noHeader = true; noMethodsFilter = true; noDefaultCSS = true } case "-css" => css = Some(readNextArg()) case "-js" => js = Some(readNextArg()) case "-source" => sources ::= readNextArg() case "-sourceJDK" => sources ::= JRELibraryFolder.toString case "-showProgress" => showProgress = true case cName => className = cName.replace('/', '.') } i += 1 } // VALIDATING PARAMETERS if (noHeader) { if (css.nonEmpty) handleError("specifying -noHeader and a css file is not supported") if (js.nonEmpty) handleError("specifying -noHeader and a js file is not supported") } if (sources.isEmpty) sources = List(System.getProperty("user.dir")) val sourceFiles = sources map { src => val f = new File(src) if (!f.exists()) handleError("file does not exist: "+src, false) if (!f.canRead) handleError("cannot read: "+src, false) f } val classFileFilter = if (className == null) (cf: ClassFile) => true // just take the first one... else (cf: ClassFile) => cf.thisType.asJava == className val (classFile, source) = ClassFileReader.findClassFile( sourceFiles, (if (showProgress) println else (f) => {}), classFileFilter, (cf: ClassFile) => cf.thisType.asJava ) match { case Left(cfSource) => cfSource case Right(altClassNames) => if (altClassNames.isEmpty) { handleError(sources.mkString("cannot find class files in: ", ", ", "")) } else { val allClassNames: List[(Int, String)] = altClassNames.map { cf => (getLevenshteinDistance()(className, cf).intValue, cf) }.toList val mostRelated = allClassNames.sortWith((l, r) => l._1 < r._1).map(_._2).take(15) val ending = if (mostRelated.length > 15) ", ...)" else ")" val messageHeader = "can't find: "+className val message = mostRelated.mkString(s"$messageHeader (similar: ", ", ", ending) handleError(message, false) } } val classNameAsFileName: String = org.opalj.io.sanitizeFileName(classFile.thisType.asJava) val targetFile: Option[File] = if (openHTMLFile) { if (toFile.isEmpty) Some(File.createTempFile(classNameAsFileName, ".html")) else { val f = new File(toFile.get) if (f.exists() && !f.canWrite) handleError("cannot update: "+f) Some(f) } } else if (toFile.isDefined) { val f = new File(toFile.get) if (f.exists() && !f.canWrite) handleError("cannot update: "+f) Some(f) } else { None } // FINAL PROCESSING val htmlCSS = if (noDefaultCSS) None else Some(ClassFile.TheCSS) val xHTML = if (noHeader) classFile.classFileToXHTML(Some(source)).toString else classFile.toXHTML(Some(source), htmlCSS, css, js, !noMethodsFilter).toString targetFile match { case Some(f) => Files.write(f.toPath, xHTML.toString.getBytes("UTF-8")) println("wrote: "+f) if (openHTMLFile) org.opalj.io.open(f) case None => Console.out.println(xHTML) } } }