/* BSD 2-Clause License - see OPAL/LICENSE for details. */ package org.opalj package bi package reader import java.io.DataInputStream /** * Generic parser for the `RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations` attribute. */ trait RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations_attributeReader extends AttributeReader { // // TYPE DEFINITIONS AND FACTORY METHODS // type ParameterAnnotations type ParametersAnnotations <: Iterable[ParameterAnnotations] /** * Method that delegates to another reader to parse the annotations of the parameters. */ def ParametersAnnotations(cp: Constant_Pool, in: DataInputStream): ParametersAnnotations type RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations_attribute >: Null <: Attribute /** * Factory method to create a representation of a * `RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations_attribute`. */ protected def RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations_attribute( cp: Constant_Pool, ap_name_index: Constant_Pool_Index, ap_descriptor_index: Constant_Pool_Index, attribute_name_index: Constant_Pool_Index, parameter_annotations: ParametersAnnotations ): RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations_attribute // // IMPLEMENTATION // /** *
* RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations_attribute { * u2 attribute_name_index; * u4 attribute_length; * u1 num_parameters; * { * u2 num_annotations; * annotation annotations[num_annotations]; * } parameter_annotations[num_parameters]; * } **/ private[this] def parserFactory() = ( cp: Constant_Pool, ap: AttributeParent, ap_name_index: Constant_Pool_Index, ap_descriptor_index: Constant_Pool_Index, attribute_name_index: Constant_Pool_Index, in: DataInputStream ) => { /*val attribute_length = */ in.readInt() val parameter_annotations = ParametersAnnotations(cp, in) if (parameter_annotations.nonEmpty || reifyEmptyAttributes) { RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations_attribute( cp, ap_name_index, ap_descriptor_index, attribute_name_index, parameter_annotations ) } else { null } } registerAttributeReader(RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotationsAttribute.Name -> parserFactory()) }