/* BSD 2-Clause License - see OPAL/LICENSE for details. */
package org.opalj
package da
import scala.xml.Node
* Identifies the target of a type annotation.
* @example
* {{{
* Object o = ...;
* List> l = (Serializable & @MyTypeAnnotation Cloneable) o;
* }}}
* @author Michael Eichberg
* @author Wael Alkhatib
* @author Isbel Isbel
* @author Noorulla Sharief
trait TypeAnnotationTarget {
def attribute_length: Int
def tag: Int
/** Description of the target kind. */
def description: String
def toXHTML(implicit cp: Constant_Pool): Node
// type_parameter_target
sealed abstract class TATTypeParameter extends TypeAnnotationTarget {
def type_parameter_index: Int
final override def attribute_length: Int = 1 + 1
final override def toXHTML(implicit cp: Constant_Pool): Node = {
{ description }[0x{ tag.toHexString }]
(type parameter index:{ type_parameter_index }
case class TATParameterDeclarationOfClassOrInterface(
type_parameter_index: Int
) extends TATTypeParameter {
final override def tag: Int = 0x00
final override def description: String = {
"type parameter declaration of generic class or interface"
case class TATParameterDeclarationOfMethodOrConstructor(
type_parameter_index: Int
) extends TATTypeParameter {
final override def tag: Int = 0x01
final override def description: String = {
"type parameter declaration of generic method or constructor"
// supertype_target
case class TATSupertype(supertype_index: Constant_Pool_Index) extends TypeAnnotationTarget {
final override def attribute_length: Int = 1 + 2
final override def tag: Int = 0x10
final override def description: String = {
"type in extends clause of class or interface declaration "+
"(including the direct superclass of an anonymous class declaration), "+
"or in implements clause of interface declaration"
def toXHTML(implicit cp: Constant_Pool): Node = {
{ description }[0x{ tag.toHexString }](supertype index: { supertype_index })
// type_parameter_bound_target
sealed abstract class TATTypeParameterBound extends TypeAnnotationTarget {
def type_parameter_index: Int
def bound_index: Int
def description: String
final override def attribute_length: Int = 1 + 1 + 1
def toXHTML(implicit cp: Constant_Pool): Node = {
{ description }[0x{ tag.toHexString }](type_parameter_index: { type_parameter_index }, bound index: { bound_index })
case class TATTypeBoundOfParameterDeclarationOfClassOrInterface(
type_parameter_index: Int,
bound_index: Int
) extends TATTypeParameterBound {
final override def tag: Int = 0x11
final override def description: String = {
"type in bound of type parameter declaration of generic class or interface"
case class TATTypeBoundOfParameterDeclarationOfMethodOrConstructor(
type_parameter_index: Int,
bound_index: Int
) extends TATTypeParameterBound {
final override def tag: Int = 0x12
final override def description: String = {
"type in bound of type parameter declaration of generic method or constructor"
// empty_target
sealed abstract class TATEmpty extends TypeAnnotationTarget {
final override def attribute_length: Int = 1
/** Description of the kind of target of the annotation. (See JVM.) */
def description: String
def toXHTML(implicit cp: Constant_Pool): Node = {
{ description }[0x{ tag.toHexString }]
case object TATFieldDeclaration extends TATEmpty {
final override def tag: Int = 0x13
final override def description: String = "type in field declaration"
case object TATReturnType extends TATEmpty {
final override def tag: Int = 0x14
final override def description: String = {
"return type of method, or type of newly constructed object"
case object TATReceiverType extends TATEmpty {
final override def tag: Int = 0x15
final override def description: String = "receiver type of method or constructor"
// formal_parameter_target
case class TATFormalParameter(formal_parameter_index: Int) extends TypeAnnotationTarget {
final override def attribute_length: Int = 1 + 1
final override def tag: Int = 0x16
def description: String = {
"type in formal parameter declaration of method, constructor, or lambda expression"
def toXHTML(implicit cp: Constant_Pool): Node = {
{ description }[0x{ tag.toHexString }](formal parameter index: { formal_parameter_index })
// throws_target
case class TATThrows(throws_type_index: Int) extends TypeAnnotationTarget {
final override def attribute_length: Int = 1 + 2
final override def tag: Int = 0x17
def description: String = "type in throws clause of method or throws_target constructor"
def toXHTML(implicit cp: Constant_Pool): Node = {
{ description }[0x{ tag.toHexString }](throws type index: { throws_type_index })
// localvar_target
case class LocalvarTableEntry(start_pc: Int, length: Int, index: Int) {
def toXHTML: Node = {
(start pc: { start_pc }, length: { length }, variable index: { index })
trait TATLocalvar extends TypeAnnotationTarget {
* From the JVM (8) Specification:
* '''"A table is needed to fully specify the local variable whose type
* is annotated, because a single local variable may be represented with different local
* variable indices over multiple live ranges. The start_pc, length, and index items in
* each table entry specify the same information as a LocalVariableTable attribute."'''
def localvarTable: LocalvarTable
final override def attribute_length: Int = 1 + 2 + localvarTable.size * 6
def description: String
def toXHTML(implicit cp: Constant_Pool): Node = {
{ description }[0x{ tag.toHexString }](local variable occurences:{ localvarTable.map(_.toXHTML) })
case class TATLocalvarDecl(localvarTable: LocalvarTable) extends TATLocalvar {
final override def tag: Int = 0x40
final def description: String = "type in local variable declaration"
case class TATResourcevarDecl(localvarTable: LocalvarTable) extends TATLocalvar {
final override def tag: Int = 0x41
final def description: String = "type in resource variable declaration (try-with-resources)"
// catch_target
case class TATCatch(exception_table_index: Int) extends TypeAnnotationTarget {
final override def attribute_length: Int = 1 + 2
final override def tag: Int = 0x42
def description: String = "type in exception parameter declaration"
final override def toXHTML(implicit cp: Constant_Pool): Node = {
{ description }[0x{ tag.toHexString }](exception table index: { exception_table_index })
// offset_target
trait TATWithOffset extends TypeAnnotationTarget {
def offset: Int
def description: String
final override def attribute_length: Int = 1 + 2
final override def toXHTML(implicit cp: Constant_Pool): Node = {
{ description }[0x{ tag.toHexString }](bytecode offset: { offset })
case class TATInstanceOf(offset: Int) extends TATWithOffset {
final override def tag: Int = 0x43
final def description: String = "type in instanceof expression"
case class TATNew(offset: Int) extends TATWithOffset {
final override def tag: Int = 0x44
final def description: String = "type in new expression"
/** A `::New` expression. */
case class TATMethodReferenceExpressionNew(offset: Int) extends TATWithOffset {
final override def tag: Int = 0x45
final def description: String = "type in method reference expression using ::new"
/** A `::Identifier` expression. */
case class TATMethodReferenceExpressionIdentifier(offset: Int) extends TATWithOffset {
final override def tag: Int = 0x46
final def description: String = "type in method reference expression using ::Identifier"
// type_argument_target
trait TATTypeArgument extends TypeAnnotationTarget {
def offset: Int
def type_argument_index: Int
/** The description of the annotated type argument as given in the JVM spec.*/
def description: String
final override def attribute_length: Int = 1 /*tag*/ + 2 + 1
final override def toXHTML(implicit cp: Constant_Pool): Node = {
{ description }[0x{ tag.toHexString }](bytecode offset: { offset }, type argument index: { type_argument_index })
case class TATCastExpression(offset: Int, type_argument_index: Int) extends TATTypeArgument {
final override def tag: Int = 0x47
final def description: String = "type in cast expression"
case class TATConstructorInvocation(
offset: Int,
type_argument_index: Int
) extends TATTypeArgument {
final override def tag: Int = 0x48
final def description: String = {
"type argument for generic constructor in new expression or "+
"explicit constructor invocation statement"
case class TATMethodInvocation(
offset: Int,
type_argument_index: Int
) extends TATTypeArgument {
final override def tag: Int = 0x49
final def description: String = {
"type argument for generic method in method invocation expression"
case class TATConstructorInMethodReferenceExpression(
offset: Int,
type_argument_index: Int
) extends TATTypeArgument {
final override def tag: Int = 0x4a
final def description: String = {
"type argument for generic constructor in method reference expression using ::new"
case class TATMethodInMethodReferenceExpression(
offset: Int,
type_argument_index: Int
) extends TATTypeArgument {
final override def tag: Int = 0x4b
final def description: String = {
"type argument for generic method in method reference expression using ::Identifier"