/* BSD 2-Clause License - see OPAL/LICENSE for details. */ package org.opalj import scala.annotation.switch import scala.xml.Node import scala.xml.Text import scala.xml.NodeSeq import org.opalj.bi.AccessFlags import org.opalj.bi.AccessFlagsContext import org.opalj.bi.VisibilityModifier import scala.collection.immutable.ArraySeq /** * Defines convenience methods related to representing certain class file elements. * * @author Michael Eichberg * @author Andre Pacak */ package object da { type Constant_Pool_Index = ClassFileReader.Constant_Pool_Index type Constant_Pool = ClassFileReader.Constant_Pool type Interfaces = ArraySeq[Constant_Pool_Index] def NoInterfaces: Interfaces = ArraySeq.empty type Methods = ArraySeq[Method_Info] def NoMethods: Methods = ArraySeq.empty type MethodParameters = ArraySeq[MethodParameter] type Fields = ArraySeq[Field_Info] def NoFields: Fields = ArraySeq.empty type Attributes = ArraySeq[Attribute] def NoAttributes: Attributes = ArraySeq.empty type ExceptionIndexTable = ArraySeq[Constant_Pool_Index] type ExceptionTable = ArraySeq[ExceptionTableEntry] def NoExceptionTable: ExceptionTable = ArraySeq.empty type ElementValuePairs = ArraySeq[ElementValuePair] def NoElementValuePairs: ElementValuePairs = ArraySeq.empty type Annotations = ArraySeq[da.Annotation] type ParameterAnnotations = Annotations type ParametersAnnotations = ArraySeq[ParameterAnnotations] type TypeAnnotations = ArraySeq[TypeAnnotation] type StackMapFrames = ArraySeq[StackMapFrame] type TypeAnnotationPathElementsTable = ArraySeq[TypeAnnotationPathElement] type LocalvarTable = ArraySeq[LocalvarTableEntry] type VerificationTypeInfos = ArraySeq[VerificationTypeInfo] type PackageIndexTable = ArraySeq[Constant_Pool_Index] type Requires = ArraySeq[RequiresEntry] type Exports = ArraySeq[ExportsEntry] type ExportsToIndexTable = ArraySeq[Constant_Pool_Index] // Array[CONSTANT_Module_Index] type Opens = ArraySeq[OpensEntry] type OpensToIndexTable = ArraySeq[Constant_Pool_Index] // Array[CONSTANT_Module_Index] type Uses = ArraySeq[Constant_Pool_Index] // Array[CONSTANT_Class_Index] type Provides = ArraySeq[ProvidesEntry] type ProvidesWithIndexTable = ArraySeq[Constant_Pool_Index] // Array[CONSTANT_Class_Index] type ClassesArray = ArraySeq[Constant_Pool_Index] // Array[Constant_Pool_Index] type RecordComponents = ArraySeq[RecordComponent] /** * A node representing the context's access flags and a string that can be used * for filtering purposes and can be attached to the member's node. * * In the string the default visibility is represented using the name `default`. */ def accessFlagsToXHTML(access_flags: Int, context: AccessFlagsContext): (NodeSeq, String) = { val accessFlags = AccessFlags.toString(access_flags, context) val explicitAccessFlags = VisibilityModifier.get(access_flags) match { case None => if (accessFlags.length() == 0) "default" else accessFlags+" default" case _ => accessFlags } ( { if (accessFlags.isEmpty) NodeSeq.Empty else Seq({ accessFlags }, Text(" ")) }, explicitAccessFlags ) } def asJavaReferenceType(cpIndex: Int)(implicit cp: Constant_Pool): FieldTypeInfo = { val t = cp(cpIndex).toString(cp) if (t.charAt(0) == '[') parseFieldType(t) else asJavaObjectType(t) } def asJavaObjectType( cpIndex: Constant_Pool_Index )( implicit cp: Constant_Pool ): ObjectTypeInfo = { asJavaObjectType(cp(cpIndex).toString(cp)) } def asJavaObjectType(t: String): ObjectTypeInfo = ObjectTypeInfo(t.replace('/', '.')) def returnTypeAsJavaType( type_index: Constant_Pool_Index )( implicit cp: Constant_Pool ): TypeInfo = { parseReturnType(cp(type_index).toString) } def parseReturnType(rt: String): TypeInfo = { if (rt.charAt(0) == 'V') VoidTypeInfo else parseFieldType(rt) } /** * Returns a string representation of the type and the information whether the (element) type * is a base type. */ def parseFieldType( type_index: Constant_Pool_Index )( implicit cp: Constant_Pool ): FieldTypeInfo = { parseFieldType(cp(type_index).toString) } /** * Returns a string representation of the type and the information whether the (element) type * is a base type. */ def parseFieldType(descriptor: String): FieldTypeInfo = { (descriptor.charAt(0): @scala.annotation.switch) match { case 'B' => ByteTypeInfo case 'C' => CharTypeInfo case 'D' => DoubleTypeInfo case 'F' => FloatTypeInfo case 'I' => IntTypeInfo case 'J' => LongTypeInfo case 'S' => ShortTypeInfo case 'Z' => BooleanTypeInfo case 'L' => asJavaObjectType(descriptor.substring(1, descriptor.length - 1)) case '[' => val componentType = descriptor.substring(1) parseFieldType(componentType) match { case ArrayTypeInfo(elementType, dimensions, elementTypeIsBaseType) => ArrayTypeInfo(elementType, dimensions + 1, elementTypeIsBaseType) case TypeInfo(elementType, elementTypeIsBaseType) => ArrayTypeInfo(elementType, 1, elementTypeIsBaseType) } case _ => val message = s"$descriptor is not a valid field type descriptor" throw new IllegalArgumentException(message) } } def parseMethodDescriptor(descriptor: String): (IndexedSeq[FieldTypeInfo], TypeInfo) = { var index = 1 // we are not interested in the leading '(' var parameterTypes: IndexedSeq[FieldTypeInfo] = IndexedSeq.empty while (descriptor.charAt(index) != ')') { val (ft, nextIndex) = parseParameterType(descriptor, index) parameterTypes = parameterTypes :+ ft index = nextIndex } ( parameterTypes, parseReturnType(descriptor.substring(index + 1)) ) } def methodDescriptorAsInlineNode( methodName: String, descriptor: String, methodParameters: Option[MethodParameters] )( implicit cp: Constant_Pool ): Node = { var index = 1 // we are not interested in the leading '(' var parameters: IndexedSeq[FieldTypeInfo] = IndexedSeq.empty while (descriptor.charAt(index) != ')') { val (fti, nextIndex) = parseParameterType(descriptor, index) parameters = parameters :+ fti index = nextIndex } val returnType = parseReturnType(descriptor.substring(index + 1)).asSpan("return") { returnType } { methodName } ({ if (parameters.nonEmpty) { val spanParameters: Seq[Node] = if (methodParameters.isEmpty) { parameters map { p => p.asSpan("parameter") } } else { parameters.zip(methodParameters.get) map { parameter => val (fti, methodParameter) = parameter methodParameter.toXHTML(fti) } } spanParameters.tail.foldLeft(List(spanParameters.head)) { (r, n) => r ++ List(Text(", "), n) } } else { NodeSeq.Empty } }) } /** * Internal helper function to parse method descriptors. */ private[da] def parseParameterType(md: String, startIndex: Int): (FieldTypeInfo, Int) = { val td = md.charAt(startIndex) (td: @switch) match { case 'L' => val endIndex = md.indexOf(';', startIndex + 1) ( // this is the return tuple ObjectTypeInfo(md.substring(startIndex + 1, endIndex).replace('/', '.')), endIndex + 1 ) case '[' => parseParameterType(md, startIndex + 1) match { case (ati: ArrayTypeInfo, index) => ( ArrayTypeInfo( ati.elementTypeAsJava, ati.dimensions + 1, ati.elementTypeIsBaseType ), index ) case (t, index) => (ArrayTypeInfo(t.asJava, 1, t.elementTypeIsBaseType), index) } case _ => ( parseFieldType(td.toString), startIndex + 1 ) } } def abbreviateType(definingType: String, memberType: String): Node = { val classAttrtibute = "type "+(if (definingType.indexOf('[') == -1) "object" else "array") val abbreviatedMemberType = org.opalj.bytecode.abbreviateType(definingType, memberType, '.') { abbreviatedMemberType } } def byteArrayToNode(info: Array[Byte]): Node = {
{ info.map(b => f"$b%02x").grouped(32).map(_.mkString("", " ", "\n")).mkString }} }