#!/usr/bin/env python2 # encoding: utf-8 """ e2m3u2bouquet.e2m3u2bouquet -- Enigma2 IPTV m3u to bouquet parser @author: Dave Sully, Doug Mackay @copyright: 2017 All rights reserved. @license: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 @deffield updated: Updated """ import time import sys import os import errno import re import unicodedata import datetime import urllib import urlparse import imghdr import tempfile import glob import ssl import hashlib import socket from PIL import Image from collections import OrderedDict try: import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET except ImportError: import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET try: from enigma import eDVBDB except ImportError: eDVBDB = None from argparse import ArgumentParser from argparse import RawDescriptionHelpFormatter __all__ = [] __version__ = '0.8.2' __date__ = '2017-06-04' __updated__ = '2018-12-26' DEBUG = 0 TESTRUN = 0 ENIGMAPATH = '/etc/enigma2/' EPGIMPORTPATH = '/etc/epgimport/' CFGPATH = os.path.join(ENIGMAPATH, 'e2m3u2bouquet/') PICONSPATH = '/usr/share/enigma2/picon/' IMPORTED = False PLACEHOLDER_SERVICE = '#SERVICE 1:832:d:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:' class CLIError(Exception): """Generic exception to raise and log different fatal errors.""" def __init__(self, msg): super(CLIError).__init__(type(self)) self.msg = "E: %s" % msg def __str__(self): return self.msg def __unicode__(self): return self.msg class AppUrlOpener(urllib.FancyURLopener): """Set user agent for downloads """ version = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.113 Safari/537.36' def display_welcome(): print('\n********************************') print('Starting Enigma2 IPTV bouquets v{}'.format(__version__)) print(str(datetime.datetime.now())) print("********************************\n") def display_end_msg(): print("\n********************************") print("Enigma2 IPTV bouquets created ! ") print("********************************") print("\nTo enable EPG data") print("Please open EPG-Importer plugin.. ") print("Select sources and enable the new IPTV source") print("(will be listed as under 'IPTV Bouquet Maker - E2m3u2bouquet')") print("Save the selected sources, press yellow button to start manual import") print("You can then set EPG-Importer to automatically import the EPG every day") def make_config_folder(): """create config folder if it doesn't exist """ try: os.makedirs(CFGPATH) except OSError, e: # race condition guard if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise def uninstaller(): """Clean up routine to remove any previously made changes """ print('----Running uninstall----') try: # Bouquets print('Removing old IPTV bouquets...') for fname in os.listdir(ENIGMAPATH): if 'userbouquet.suls_iptv_' in fname: os.remove(os.path.join(ENIGMAPATH, fname)) elif 'bouquets.tv.bak' in fname: os.remove(os.path.join(ENIGMAPATH, fname)) # Custom Channels and sources print('Removing IPTV custom channels...') if os.path.isdir(EPGIMPORTPATH): for fname in os.listdir(EPGIMPORTPATH): if 'suls_iptv_' in fname: os.remove(os.path.join(EPGIMPORTPATH, fname)) # bouquets.tv print('Removing IPTV bouquets from bouquets.tv...') os.rename(os.path.join(ENIGMAPATH, 'bouquets.tv'), os.path.join(ENIGMAPATH, 'bouquets.tv.bak')) tvfile = open(os.path.join(ENIGMAPATH, 'bouquets.tv'), 'w+') bakfile = open(os.path.join(ENIGMAPATH, 'bouquets.tv.bak')) for line in bakfile: if '.suls_iptv_' not in line: tvfile.write(line) bakfile.close() tvfile.close() except Exception, e: print('Unable to uninstall') raise print('----Uninstall complete----') def get_category_title(cat, category_options): """Return the title override if set else the title """ if cat in category_options: return category_options[cat]['nameOverride'] if category_options[cat].get('nameOverride', False) else cat return cat def get_service_title(channel): """Return the title override if set else the title """ return channel['nameOverride'] if channel.get('nameOverride', False) else channel['stream-name'] def reload_bouquets(): if not TESTRUN: print("\n----Reloading bouquets----") if eDVBDB: eDVBDB.getInstance().reloadBouquets() print("bouquets reloaded...") else: os.system("wget -qO - > /dev/null 2>&1 &") print("bouquets reloaded...") def xml_safe_comment(string): """Can't have -- in xml comments""" return string.replace('--', '- - ') def xml_escape(string): return string.replace("&", "&") \ .replace("\"", """) \ .replace("'", "'") \ .replace("<", "<") \ .replace(">", ">") def xml_unescape(string): return string.replace('"', '"') \ .replace() \ .replace("'", "'") \ .replace("<", "<") \ .replace(">", ">") \ .replace("&", "&") def get_safe_filename(filename): """Convert filename to safe filename """ name = filename.replace(" ", "_").replace("/", "_") if type(name) is unicode: name = name.encode('utf-8') name = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', unicode(name, 'utf_8')).encode('ASCII', 'ignore') name = re.sub('[^a-z0-9-_]', '', name.lower()) return name def get_parser_args(program_license, program_version_message): parser = ArgumentParser(description=program_license, formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) # URL Based Setup urlgroup = parser.add_argument_group('URL Based Setup') urlgroup.add_argument('-m', '--m3uurl', dest='m3uurl', action='store', help='URL to download m3u data from (required)') urlgroup.add_argument('-e', '--epgurl', dest='epgurl', action='store', help='URL source for XML TV epg data sources') # Provider based setup providergroup = parser.add_argument_group('Provider Based Setup') providergroup.add_argument('-n', '--providername', dest='providername', action='store', help='Host IPTV provider name (e.g. FAB/EPIC) (required)') providergroup.add_argument('-u', '--username', dest='username', action='store', help='Your IPTV username (required)') providergroup.add_argument('-p', '--password', dest='password', action='store', help='Your IPTV password (required)') # Options parser.add_argument('-i', '--iptvtypes', dest='iptvtypes', action='store_true', help='Treat all stream references as IPTV stream type. (required for some enigma boxes)') parser.add_argument('-sttv', '--streamtype_tv', dest='sttv', action='store', type=int, help='Stream type for TV (e.g. 1, 4097, 5001 or 5002) overrides iptvtypes') parser.add_argument('-stvod', '--streamtype_vod', dest='stvod', action='store', type=int, help='Stream type for VOD (e.g. 4097, 5001 or 5002) overrides iptvtypes') parser.add_argument('-M', '--multivod', dest='multivod', action='store_true', help='Create multiple VOD bouquets rather single VOD bouquet') parser.add_argument('-a', '--allbouquet', dest='allbouquet', action='store_true', help='Create all channels bouquet') parser.add_argument('-P', '--picons', dest='picons', action='store_true', help='Automatically download of Picons, this option will slow the execution') parser.add_argument('-q', '--iconpath', dest='iconpath', action='store', help='Option path to store picons, if not supplied defaults to /usr/share/enigma2/picon/') parser.add_argument('-xs', '--xcludesref', dest='xcludesref', action='store_true', help='Disable service ref overriding from override.xml file') parser.add_argument('-b', '--bouqueturl', dest='bouqueturl', action='store', help='URL to download providers bouquet - to map custom service references') parser.add_argument('-bd', '--bouquetdownload', dest='bouquetdownload', action='store_true', help='Download providers bouquet (use default url) - to map custom service references') parser.add_argument('-bt', '--bouquettop', dest='bouquettop', action='store_true', help='Place IPTV bouquets at top') parser.add_argument('-U', '--uninstall', dest='uninstall', action='store_true', help='Uninstall all changes made by this script') parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version', version=program_version_message) return parser class Status: is_running = False message = '' class ProviderConfig: def __init__(self): self.name = '' self.enabled = False self.settings_level = '' self.m3u_url = '' self.epg_url = '' self.username = '' self.password = '' self.provider_update_url = '' self.iptv_types = False self.streamtype_tv = '' self.streamtype_vod = '' self.multi_vod = False self.all_bouquet = False self.picons = False self.icon_path = '' self.sref_override = False self.bouquet_url = '' self.bouquet_download = False self.bouquet_top = False self.last_provider_update = 0 class Provider: def __init__(self, config): self._panel_bouquet_file = '' self._panel_bouquet = None self._m3u_file = None self._category_order = [] self._category_options = {} self._dictchannels = OrderedDict() self._xmltv_sources_list = None self.config = config def _download_picon_file(self, logo_url, title): if logo_url: if not logo_url.startswith('http'): logo_url = 'http://{}'.format(logo_url) piconname = self._get_picon_name(title) picon_file_path = os.path.join(self.config.icon_path, piconname) existingpicon = filter(os.path.isfile, glob.glob(picon_file_path + '*')) if not existingpicon: if DEBUG: print("Picon file doesn't exist downloading") print('PiconURL: {}'.format(logo_url)) else: # Output some kind of progress indicator if not IMPORTED: # don't output when called from the plugin sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() try: response = urllib.urlopen(logo_url) info = response.info() response.close() if info.maintype == 'image': urllib.urlretrieve(logo_url, picon_file_path) else: if DEBUG: print('Download Picon - not an image, skipping') self._picon_create_empty(picon_file_path) return except Exception, e: if DEBUG: print('Download picon urlopen error', e) self._picon_create_empty(picon_file_path) return self._picon_post_processing(picon_file_path) def _picon_create_empty(self, picon_file_path): """ create an empty picon so that we don't retry this picon """ open(picon_file_path + '.None', 'a').close() def _picon_post_processing(self, picon_file_path): """Check type of image received and convert to png if necessary """ ext = "" # get image type try: ext = imghdr.what(picon_file_path) except Exception, e: if DEBUG: print('Picon post processing - not an image or no file', e, picon_file_path) self._picon_create_empty(picon_file_path) return # if image but not png convert to png if (ext is not None) and (ext is not 'png'): if DEBUG: print('Converting Picon to png') try: Image.open(picon_file_path).save("{}.{}".format(picon_file_path, 'png')) except Exception, e: if DEBUG: print('Picon post processing - unable to convert image', e) self._picon_create_empty(picon_file_path) return try: # remove non png file os.remove(picon_file_path) except Exception, e: if DEBUG: print('Picon post processing - unable to remove non png file', e) return else: # rename to correct extension try: os.rename(picon_file_path, "{}.{}".format(picon_file_path, ext)) except Exception, e: if DEBUG: print('Picon post processing - unable to rename file ', e) def _get_picon_name(self, service_name): """Convert the service name to a Picon Service Name """ name = service_name if type(name) is unicode: name = name.encode('utf-8') name = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', unicode(name, 'utf_8')).encode('ASCII', 'ignore') name = re.sub('[\W]', '', name.replace('&', 'and') .replace('+', 'plus') .replace('*', 'star') .lower()) return name def _parse_panel_bouquet(self): """Check providers bouquet for custom service references """ self._panel_bouquet = {} if os.path.isfile(self._panel_bouquet_file): with open(self._panel_bouquet_file, "r") as f: for line in f: if '#SERVICE' in line: # get service ref values we need (dict value) and stream file (dict key) service = line.strip().split(':') if len(service) == 11: pos = service[10].rfind('/') if pos != -1 and (pos + 1 != len(service[10])): key = service[10][pos + 1:] value = ':'.join((service[1], service[2], service[3], service[4], service[5], service[6], service[7], service[8], service[9])) if value != '0:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0': # only add to dict if a custom service id is present self._panel_bouquet[key] = value if not DEBUG: # remove panel bouquet file os.remove(self._panel_bouquet_file) def _set_streamtypes_vodcats(self, service_dict): """Set the stream types and VOD categories """ parsed_stream_url = urlparse.urlparse(service_dict['stream-url']) root, ext = os.path.splitext(parsed_stream_url.path) # check for vod streams ending .*.m3u8 e.g. 2345.mp4.m3u8 is_m3u8_vod = re.search('\.[^/]+\.m3u8$', parsed_stream_url.path) if (parsed_stream_url.path.endswith('.ts') or parsed_stream_url.path.endswith('.m3u8')) \ or not ext \ and not is_m3u8_vod \ and not service_dict['group-title'].startswith('VOD'): service_dict['stream-type'] = '4097' if self.config.iptv_types else '1' if self.config.streamtype_tv: # Set custom TV stream type if supplied - this overrides all_iptv_stream_types service_dict['stream-type'] = str(self.config.streamtype_tv) else: service_dict['group-title'] = u"VOD - {}".format(service_dict['group-title']) service_dict['stream-type'] = '4097' if not self.config.streamtype_vod else str(self.config.streamtype_vod) def _parse_map_bouquet_xml(self): """Check for bouquets within mapping override file and applies if found """ category_order = [] mapping_file = self._get_mapping_file() if mapping_file: self._update_status('----Parsing custom bouquet order----') print('\n'.format(Status.message)) try: tree = ET.ElementTree(file=mapping_file) for node in tree.findall(".//category"): dictoption = {} category = node.attrib.get('name') if not type(category) is unicode: category = category.decode("utf-8") cat_title_override = node.attrib.get('nameOverride', '') if not type(cat_title_override) is unicode: cat_title_override = cat_title_override.decode("utf-8") dictoption['nameOverride'] = cat_title_override dictoption['idStart'] = int(node.attrib.get('idStart', '0')) \ if node.attrib.get('idStart', '0').isdigit() else 0 dictoption['enabled'] = node.attrib.get('enabled', True) == 'true' category_order.append(category) # If this category is marked as custom and doesn't exist in self._dictchannels then add is_custom_category = node.attrib.get('customCategory', False) == 'true' if is_custom_category: dictoption['customCategory'] = True if category not in self._dictchannels: self._dictchannels[category] = [] self._category_options[category] = dictoption self._update_status('custom bouquet order applied...') print(Status.message) except Exception, e: msg = 'Corrupt override.xml file' print(msg) if DEBUG: raise msg return category_order def _parse_map_channels_xml(self): """Check for channels within mapping override file and apply if found """ mapping_file = self._get_mapping_file() if mapping_file: self._update_status('----Parsing custom channel order, please be patient----') print('\n{}'.format(Status.message)) try: tree = ET.ElementTree(file=mapping_file) i = 0 for cat in self._dictchannels: if not cat.startswith("VOD"): # We don't override any individual VOD streams sortedchannels = [] listchannels = [] # find channels that are to be moved to this category (categoryOverride) for node in tree.findall(u'.//channel[@categoryOverride="{}"]'.format(cat)): node_name = node.attrib.get('name') category = node.attrib.get('category') channel_index = None # get index of channel in the current category try: channel_index = next((self._dictchannels[category].index(item) for item in self._dictchannels[category] if item['stream-name'] == node_name), None) except KeyError: pass if channel_index is not None: # remove from existing category and add to new self._dictchannels[cat].append(self._dictchannels[category].pop(channel_index)) for x in self._dictchannels[cat]: listchannels.append(x['stream-name']) for node in tree.findall(u'.//channel[@category="{}"]'.format(cat)): # Check for placeholders, give unique name, insert into sorted channels and dictchannels[cat] node_name = node.attrib.get('name') if node_name == 'placeholder': node_name = 'placeholder_' + str(i) listchannels.append(node_name) self._dictchannels[cat].append({'stream-name': node_name}) i += 1 sortedchannels.append(node_name) sortedchannels.extend(listchannels) # remove duplicates, keep order listchannels = OrderedDict((x, True) for x in sortedchannels).keys() # sort the channels by new order channel_order_dict = {channel: index for index, channel in enumerate(listchannels)} self._dictchannels[cat].sort(key=lambda x: channel_order_dict[x['stream-name']]) self._update_status('custom channel order applied...') print(Status.message) # apply overrides channel_nodes = tree.iter('channel') for override_channel in channel_nodes: name = override_channel.attrib.get('name') category = override_channel.attrib.get('category') category_override = override_channel.attrib.get('categoryOverride') channel_index = None channels_list = None if category_override: # check if the channel has been moved to the new category try: channel_index = next((self._dictchannels[category_override].index(item) for item in self._dictchannels[category_override] if item['stream-name'] == name), None) except KeyError: pass if category_override and channel_index is not None: channels_list = self._dictchannels.get(category_override) else: channels_list = self._dictchannels.get(category) if channels_list is not None and name != 'placeholder': for x in channels_list: if x['stream-name'] == name: if override_channel.attrib.get('enabled') == 'false': x['enabled'] = False x['nameOverride'] = override_channel.attrib.get('nameOverride', '') x['categoryOverride'] = override_channel.attrib.get('categoryOverride', '') # default to current values if attribute doesn't exist x['tvg-id'] = override_channel.attrib.get('tvg-name', x['tvg-name']) if override_channel.attrib.get('serviceRef', None) and self.config.sref_override: x['serviceRef'] = override_channel.attrib.get('serviceRef', x['serviceRef']) x['serviceRefOverride'] = True # streamUrl no longer output to xml file but we still check and process it x['stream-url'] = override_channel.attrib.get('streamUrl', x['stream-url']) clear_stream_url = override_channel.attrib.get('clearStreamUrl') == 'true' if clear_stream_url: x['stream-url'] = '' break self._update_status('custom overrides applied...') print(Status.message) except Exception, e: msg = 'Corrupt override.xml file' print(msg) if DEBUG: raise msg def _get_mapping_file(self): mapping_file = None search_path = [os.path.join(CFGPATH, get_safe_filename(self.config.name) + '-sort-override.xml'), os.path.join(os.getcwd(), get_safe_filename(self.config.name) + '-sort-override.xml')] for path in search_path: if os.path.isfile(path): mapping_file = path break; return mapping_file def _save_bouquet_entry(self, f, channel): """Add service to bouquet file """ if not channel['stream-name'].startswith('placeholder_'): f.write("#SERVICE {}:{}:{}\n" .format(channel['serviceRef'], urllib.quote(channel['stream-url']), get_service_title(channel).encode("utf-8"))) f.write("#DESCRIPTION {}\n".format(get_service_title(channel).encode("utf-8"))) else: f.write('{}\n'.format(PLACEHOLDER_SERVICE)) def _get_bouquet_index_name(self, cat_filename, provider_filename): return ('#SERVICE 1:7:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "userbouquet.suls_iptv_{}_{}.tv" ORDER BY bouquet\n' .format(provider_filename, cat_filename)) def _save_bouquet_index_entries(self, iptv_bouquets): """Add to the main bouquets.tv file """ # get current bouquets indexes current_bouquet_indexes = self._get_current_bouquet_indexes() if iptv_bouquets: with open(os.path.join(ENIGMAPATH, 'bouquets.tv'), 'w') as f: f.write('#NAME Bouquets (TV)\n') if self.config.bouquet_top: for bouquet in iptv_bouquets: f.write(bouquet) for bouquet in current_bouquet_indexes: f.write(bouquet) else: for bouquet in current_bouquet_indexes: f.write(bouquet) for bouquet in iptv_bouquets: f.write(bouquet) def _get_current_bouquet_indexes(self): """Get all the bouquet indexes except this provider """ current_bouquets_indexes = [] with open(os.path.join(ENIGMAPATH, 'bouquets.tv'), 'r') as f: for line in f: if line.startswith('#NAME'): continue else: if not '.suls_iptv_{}'.format(get_safe_filename(self.config.name)) in line: current_bouquets_indexes.append(line) return current_bouquets_indexes def _create_all_channels_bouquet(self): """Create the Enigma2 all channels bouquet """ self._update_status('----Creating all channels bouquet----') print('\n{}'.format(Status.message)) bouquet_indexes = [] vod_categories = list(cat for cat in self._category_order if cat.startswith('VOD -')) bouquet_name = '{} All Channels'.format(self.config.name) cat_filename = get_safe_filename(bouquet_name) provider_filename = get_safe_filename(self.config.name) # create file bouquet_filepath = os.path.join(ENIGMAPATH, 'userbouquet.suls_iptv_{}_{}.tv' .format(provider_filename, cat_filename)) if DEBUG: print("Creating: {}".format(bouquet_filepath)) with open(bouquet_filepath, 'w+') as f: f.write('#NAME {} - {}\n'.format(self.config.name.encode('utf-8'), bouquet_name.encode('utf-8'))) # write place holder channels (for channel numbering) for i in xrange(100): f.write('{}\n'.format(PLACEHOLDER_SERVICE)) channel_num = 1 for cat in self._category_order: if cat in self._dictchannels: if cat not in vod_categories: cat_title = get_category_title(cat, self._category_options) # Insert group description placeholder in bouquet f.write("#SERVICE 1:64:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:\n") f.write("#DESCRIPTION {}\n".format(cat_title.encode('utf-8'))) for x in self._dictchannels[cat]: if x.get('enabled') or x['stream-name'].startswith('placeholder_'): self._save_bouquet_entry(f, x) channel_num += 1 while (channel_num % 100) is not 0: f.write('{}\n'.format(PLACEHOLDER_SERVICE)) channel_num += 1 # Add to bouquet index list bouquet_indexes.append(self._get_bouquet_index_name(cat_filename, provider_filename)) self._update_status('all channels bouquet created ...') print(Status.message) return bouquet_indexes def _create_epgimport_source(self, sources, group=None): """Create epg-importer source file """ indent = " " source_name = '{} - {}'.format(self.config.name, group) if group else self.config.name channels_filename = os.path.join(EPGIMPORTPATH, 'suls_iptv_{}_channels.xml'.format(get_safe_filename(self.config.name))) # write providers epg feed source_filename = os.path.join(EPGIMPORTPATH, 'suls_iptv_{}.sources.xml' .format(get_safe_filename(source_name))) with open(os.path.join(EPGIMPORTPATH, source_filename), "w+") as f: f.write('\n') f.write('{}\n'.format(indent)) f.write('{}\n' .format(2 * indent, channels_filename)) f.write('{}{}\n'.format(3 * indent, xml_escape(source_name))) for source in sources: f.write('{}\n'.format(3 * indent, source)) f.write('{}\n'.format(2 * indent)) f.write('{}\n'.format(indent)) f.write('\n') def _get_category_id(self, cat): """Generate 32 bit category id to help make service refs unique""" return hashlib.md5(self.config.name + cat.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()[:8] def _has_m3u_file(self): return self._m3u_file is not None def _update_status(self, message): Status.message = '{}: {}'.format(self.config.name, message) def _process_provider_update(self): """Download provider update file from url""" downloaded = False updated = False path = tempfile.gettempdir() filename = os.path.join(path, 'provider-{}-update.txt'.format(self.config.name)) self._update_status('----Downloading providers update file----') print('\n{}'.format(Status.message)) print('provider update url = ', self.config.provider_update_url) try: context = ssl._create_unverified_context() urllib.urlretrieve(self.config.provider_update_url, filename, context=context) downloaded = True except Exception: pass # fallback to no ssl context if not downloaded: try: urllib.urlretrieve(self.config.provider_update_url, filename) except Exception, e: print('[e2m3u2b] process_provider_update error. Type:', type(e)) print('[e2m3u2b] process_provider_update error: ', e) if os.path.isfile(filename): try: with open(filename, 'r') as f: line = f.readline().strip() if line: provider_tmp = { 'name': line.split(',')[0], 'm3u': line.split(',')[1], 'epg': line.split(',')[2], } # check we have name and m3u values if provider_tmp.get('name') and provider_tmp.get('m3u'): self.config.name = provider_tmp['name'] self.config.m3u_url = provider_tmp['m3u'] self.config.epg_url = provider_tmp.get('epg', self.config.epg_url) self.config.last_provider_update = int(time.time()) updated = True except IndexError, e: print('[e2m3u2b] _process_provider_update error unable to read providers update file') if not DEBUG: os.remove(filename) return updated def process_provider(self): Status.is_running = True # Set epg to rytec if nothing else provided if self.config.epg_url is None: self.config.epg_url = "http://www.vuplus-community.net/rytec/rytecxmltv-UK.gz" # Set picon path if self.config.icon_path is None or TESTRUN == 1: self.config.icon_path = PICONSPATH if self.config.name is None: self.config.name = "E2m3u2Bouquet" # If no username or password supplied extract them from m3u_url if (self.config.username is None) or (self.config.password is None): # username, password = e2m3u_setup.extract_user_details_from_url(provider) self.extract_user_details_from_url() # Replace USERNAME & PASSWORD placeholders in urls self.config.m3u_url = self.config.m3u_url.replace('USERNAME', urllib.quote_plus(self.config.username)).replace('PASSWORD', urllib.quote_plus(self.config.password)) self.config.epg_url = self.config.epg_url.replace('USERNAME', urllib.quote_plus(self.config.username)).replace('PASSWORD', urllib.quote_plus(self.config.password)) if self.config.bouquet_download and self.config.bouquet_url: self.config.bouquet_url = self.config.bouquet_url.replace('USERNAME', urllib.quote_plus(self.config.username)).replace('PASSWORD', urllib.quote_plus(self.config.password)) # get default provider bouquet download url if bouquet download set and no bouquet url given if self.config.bouquet_download and not self.config.bouquet_url: # set bouquet_url to default url pos = self.config.m3u_url.find('get.php') if pos != -1: self.config.bouquet_url = self.config.m3u_url[0:pos + 7] + '?username={}&password={}&type=dreambox&output=ts'.format( urllib.quote_plus(self.config.username), urllib.quote_plus(self.config.password)) # Download panel bouquet if self.config.bouquet_url: self.download_panel_bouquet() # Download m3u self.download_m3u() if self._has_m3u_file(): # parse m3u file self.parse_m3u() self.parse_map_xmltvsources_xml() # save xml mapping - should be after m3u parsing self.save_map_xml() # Download picons if self.config.picons: self.download_picons() # Create bouquet files self.create_bouquets() # Now create custom channels for each bouquet self._update_status('----Creating EPG-Importer config ----') print('\n{}'.format(Status.message)) self.create_epgimporter_config() self._update_status('EPG-Importer config created...') print(Status.message) Status.is_running = False def provider_update(self): if self.config.provider_update_url and self.config.username and self.config.password: return self._process_provider_update() return False def extract_user_details_from_url(self): """Extract username & password from m3u_url """ if self.config.m3u_url: parsed = urlparse.urlparse(self.config.m3u_url) username_param = urlparse.parse_qs(parsed.query).get('username') if username_param: self.config.username = username_param[0] password_param = urlparse.parse_qs(parsed.query).get('password') if password_param: self.config.password = password_param[0] def download_m3u(self): """Download m3u file from url""" path = tempfile.gettempdir() filename = os.path.join(path, 'e2m3u2bouquet.m3u') self._update_status('----Downloading m3u file----') print("\n{}".format(Status.message)) if DEBUG: print("m3uurl = {}".format(self.config.m3u_url)) try: urllib.urlretrieve(self.config.m3u_url, filename) except Exception, e: self._update_status('Unable to download m3u file from url') print(Status.message) filename = None self._m3u_file = filename def parse_m3u(self): """core parsing routine""" # Extract and generate the following items from the m3u # group-title # tvg-name # tvg-id # tvg-logo # stream-name # stream-url self._update_status('----Parsing m3u file----') print('\n{}'.format(Status.message)) try: if not os.path.getsize(self._m3u_file): msg = 'M3U file is empty. Check username & password' print(msg) if DEBUG: raise Exception(msg) except Exception, e: print(e) if DEBUG: raise service_dict = {} with open(self._m3u_file, "r") as f: for line in f: if 'EXTM3U' in line: # First line we are not interested continue elif 'EXTINF:' in line: # Info line - work out group and output the line service_dict = {'tvg-id': '', 'tvg-name': '', 'tvg-logo': '', 'group-title': '', 'stream-name': '', 'stream-url': '', 'enabled': True, 'nameOverride': '', 'categoryOverride': '', 'serviceRef': '', 'serviceRefOverride': False } if line.find('tvg-') == -1: msg = "No extended playlist info found. Check m3u url should be 'type=m3u_plus'" print(msg) if DEBUG: raise Exception(msg) channel = line.split('"') # strip unwanted info at start of line pos = channel[0].find(' ') channel[0] = channel[0][pos:] # loop through params and build dict for i in xrange(0, len(channel) - 2, 2): service_dict[channel[i].lower().strip(' =')] = channel[i + 1].decode('utf-8') # Get the stream name from end of line (after comma) stream_name_pos = line.rfind(',') if stream_name_pos != -1: service_dict['stream-name'] = line[stream_name_pos + 1:].strip().decode('utf-8') # Set default name for any blank groups if service_dict['group-title'] == '': service_dict['group-title'] = u'None' elif 'http:' in line or 'https:' in line or 'rtmp:' in line: if 'tvg-id' not in service_dict: # if this is true the playlist had a http line but not EXTINF msg = "No extended playlist info found. Check m3u url should be 'type=m3u_plus'" print(msg) if DEBUG: raise Exception(msg) service_dict['stream-url'] = line.strip() self._set_streamtypes_vodcats(service_dict) if service_dict['group-title'] not in self._dictchannels: self._dictchannels[service_dict['group-title']] = [service_dict] else: self._dictchannels[service_dict['group-title']].append(service_dict) # sort categories by custom order (if exists) sorted_categories = self._parse_map_bouquet_xml() self._category_order = self._dictchannels.keys() sorted_categories.extend(self._category_order) # remove duplicates, keep order self._category_order = OrderedDict((x, True) for x in sorted_categories).keys() # Check for and parse override map self._parse_map_channels_xml() # Add Service references # VOD won't have epg so use same service id for all VOD vod_service_id = 65535 serviceid_start = 34000 category_offset = 150 catstartnum = serviceid_start for cat in self._category_order: num = catstartnum if cat in self._dictchannels: if not cat.startswith("VOD"): if cat in self._category_options: # check if we have cat idStart from override file if self._category_options[cat]["idStart"] > 0: num = self._category_options[cat]["idStart"] else: self._category_options[cat]["idStart"] = num else: self._category_options[cat] = {"idStart": num} for x in self._dictchannels[cat]: cat_id = self._get_category_id(cat) service_ref = "{:x}:{}:{}:0".format(num, cat_id[:4], cat_id[4:]) if not x['stream-name'].startswith('placeholder_'): if self._panel_bouquet and not x.get('serviceRefOverride'): # check if we have the panels custom service ref pos = x['stream-url'].rfind('/') if pos != -1 and (pos + 1 != len(x['stream-url'])): m3u_stream_file = x['stream-url'][pos + 1:] if m3u_stream_file in self._panel_bouquet: # have a match use the panels custom service ref x['serviceRef'] = "{}:{}".format(x['stream-type'], self._panel_bouquet[m3u_stream_file]) continue if not x.get('serviceRefOverride'): # if service ref is not overridden in xml update x['serviceRef'] = "{}:0:1:{}:0:0:0".format(x['stream-type'], service_ref) num += 1 else: x['serviceRef'] = PLACEHOLDER_SERVICE else: for x in self._dictchannels[cat]: x['serviceRef'] = "{}:0:1:{:x}:0:0:0:0:0:0".format(x['stream-type'], vod_service_id) while catstartnum < num: catstartnum += category_offset vod_index = None if "VOD" in self._category_order: # if we have the vod category placeholder from the override use it otherwise # use the first found vod category position vod_index = self._category_order.index("VOD") else: for key in self._category_order: if key.startswith("VOD"): vod_index = self._category_order.index(key) break if vod_index is not None: # move all VOD categories to VOD placeholder position or group after first vod position vodcategories = list((cat for cat in self._category_order if cat.startswith('VOD -'))) if len(vodcategories): # remove the vod category(s) from current position self._category_order = [x for x in self._category_order if x not in vodcategories] # insert the vod category(s) at the placeholder / first pos self._category_order[vod_index:vod_index] = vodcategories try: self._category_order.remove("VOD") except ValueError: pass # ignore exception # Have a look at what we have if DEBUG and TESTRUN: datafile = open(os.path.join(CFGPATH, 'channels.debug'), "w+") for cat in self._category_order: if cat in self._dictchannels: for line in self._dictchannels[cat]: linevals = "" for key, value in line.items(): if type(value) is bool: linevals += str(value) + ":" else: linevals += (value).encode("utf-8") + ":" datafile.write("{}\n".format(linevals)) datafile.close() self._update_status('Completed parsing m3u data...') print(Status.message) if not DEBUG: # remove m3u file if os.path.isfile(self._m3u_file): os.remove(self._m3u_file) def download_panel_bouquet(self): """Download panel bouquet file from url """ path = tempfile.gettempdir() filename = os.path.join(path, 'userbouquet.panel.tv') self._update_status('---Downloading providers bouquet file----') print('\n{}'.format(Status.message)) if DEBUG: print("bouqueturl = {}".format(self.config.bouquet_url)) try: urllib.urlretrieve(self.config.bouquet_url, filename) except Exception, e: msg = 'Unable to download providers panel bouquet file' print(msg) if DEBUG: raise msg self._panel_bouquet_file = filename self._parse_panel_bouquet() def download_picons(self): self._update_status('----Downloading Picon files, please be patient----') print('\n{}'.format(Status.message)) print('If no Picons exist this will take a few minutes') try: os.makedirs(self.config.icon_path) except OSError, e: # race condition guard if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise for cat in self._dictchannels: if not cat.startswith('VOD'): # Download Picon if not VOD for x in self._dictchannels[cat]: if not x['stream-name'].startswith('placeholder_'): self._download_picon_file(x['tvg-logo'], get_service_title(x)) self._update_status('Picons download completed...') print('\n{}'.format(Status.message)) print('Box will need restarted for Picons to show...') def parse_map_xmltvsources_xml(self): """Check for a mapping override file and parses it if found """ self._xmltv_sources_list = {} mapping_file = self._get_mapping_file() if mapping_file: try: tree = ET.ElementTree(file=mapping_file) for group in tree.findall('.//xmltvextrasources/group'): group_name = group.attrib.get('id') urllist = [] for url in group: urllist.append(url.text) self._xmltv_sources_list[group_name] = urllist except Exception, e: msg = 'Corrupt override.xml file' print(msg) if DEBUG: raise msg def save_map_xml(self): """Create mapping file""" mappingfile = os.path.join(CFGPATH, get_safe_filename(self.config.name) + '-sort-current.xml') indent = " " vod_category_output = False if self._dictchannels: with open(mappingfile, "wb") as f: f.write('\r\n') f.write('\r\n') f.write('{}\r\n'.format(indent)) if not self._xmltv_sources_list: # output example config f.write('{}\r\n'.format(2 * indent)) else: for group in self._xmltv_sources_list: f.write('{}\r\n'.format(2 * indent, xml_escape(group))) for source in self._xmltv_sources_list[group]: f.write('{}{}\r\n'.format(3 * indent, xml_escape(source))) f.write('{}\r\n'.format(2 * indent)) f.write('{}\r\n'.format(indent)) f.write('{}\r\n'.format(indent)) for cat in self._category_order: if cat in self._dictchannels: if not cat.startswith('VOD -'): cat_title_override = self._category_options[cat].get('nameOverride', '') f.write('{}\r\n' .format(2 * indent, xml_escape(cat).encode('utf-8'), xml_escape(cat_title_override).encode('utf-8'), self._category_options[cat].get('idStart', ''), str(self._category_options[cat].get('enabled', True)).lower(), str(self._category_options[cat].get('customCategory', False)).lower() )) elif not vod_category_output: # Replace multivod categories with single VOD placeholder cat_title_override = '' cat_enabled = True if 'VOD' in self._category_options: cat_title_override = self._category_options['VOD'].get('nameOverride', '') cat_enabled = self._category_options['VOD'].get('enabled', True) f.write('{}\r\n' .format(2 * indent, 'VOD', xml_escape(cat_title_override).encode('utf-8'), str(cat_enabled).lower() )) vod_category_output = True f.write('{}\r\n'.format(indent)) f.write('{}\r\n'.format(indent)) for cat in self._category_order: if cat in self._dictchannels: # Don't output any of the VOD channels if not cat.startswith('VOD'): f.write('{}\r\n'.format(2 * indent, xml_safe_comment(xml_escape(cat.encode('utf-8'))))) for x in self._dictchannels[cat]: if not x['stream-name'].startswith('placeholder_'): f.write('{}\r\n' .format(2 * indent, xml_escape(x['stream-name'].encode('utf-8')), xml_escape(x.get('nameOverride', '').encode('utf-8')), xml_escape(x['tvg-id'].encode('utf-8')), str(x['enabled']).lower(), xml_escape(x['group-title'].encode('utf-8')), xml_escape(x.get('categoryOverride', '').encode('utf-8')), xml_escape(x['serviceRef']), 'false' if x['stream-url'] else 'true' )) else: f.write( '{}\r\n' .format(2 * indent, 'placeholder', xml_escape(cat.encode('utf-8')), )) f.write('{}\r\n'.format(indent)) f.write('') def create_bouquets(self): """Create the Enigma2 bouquets """ self._update_status('----Creating bouquets----') print('\n{}'.format(Status.message)) # clean old bouquets before writing new if self._dictchannels: for fname in os.listdir(ENIGMAPATH): if 'userbouquet.suls_iptv_{}'.format(get_safe_filename(self.config.name)) in fname: os.remove(os.path.join(ENIGMAPATH, fname)) iptv_bouquet_list = [] if self.config.all_bouquet: iptv_bouquet_list = self._create_all_channels_bouquet() vod_categories = list(cat for cat in self._category_order if cat.startswith('VOD -')) vod_category_output = False vod_bouquet_entry_output = False channel_number_start_offset_output = False for cat in self._category_order: if not cat.startswith('VOD -'): cat_enabled = self._category_options.get(cat, {}).get('enabled', True) else: cat_enabled = self._category_options.get('VOD', {}).get('enabled', True) if cat in self._dictchannels and cat_enabled: cat_title = get_category_title(cat, self._category_options) # create file cat_filename = get_safe_filename(cat_title) provider_filename = get_safe_filename(self.config.name) if cat in vod_categories and not self.config.multi_vod: cat_filename = "VOD" bouquet_filepath = os.path.join(ENIGMAPATH, 'userbouquet.suls_iptv_{}_{}.tv' .format(provider_filename, cat_filename)) if DEBUG: print("Creating: {}".format(bouquet_filepath)) if cat not in vod_categories or self.config.multi_vod: with open(bouquet_filepath, "w+") as f: bouquet_name = '{} - {}'.format(self.config.name, cat_title.encode('utf-8')).decode("utf-8") if not cat.startswith('VOD -'): if cat in self._category_options and self._category_options[cat].get('nameOverride', False): bouquet_name = self._category_options[cat]['nameOverride'].decode('utf-8') else: if 'VOD' in self._category_options and self._category_options['VOD'].get('nameOverride', False): bouquet_name = '{} - {}'\ .format(self._category_options['VOD']['nameOverride'].decode('utf-8'), cat_title.replace('VOD - ', '').decode("utf-8")) channel_num = 0 f.write("#NAME {}\n".format(bouquet_name.encode("utf-8"))) if not channel_number_start_offset_output and not self.config.all_bouquet: # write place holder services (for channel numbering) for i in xrange(100): f.write('{}\n'.format(PLACEHOLDER_SERVICE)) channel_number_start_offset_output = True channel_num += 1 for x in self._dictchannels[cat]: if x.get('enabled') or x['stream-name'].startswith('placeholder_'): self._save_bouquet_entry(f, x) channel_num += 1 while (channel_num % 100) is not 0: f.write('{}\n'.format(PLACEHOLDER_SERVICE)) channel_num += 1 elif not vod_category_output and not self.config.multi_vod: # not multivod - output all the vod services in one file with open(bouquet_filepath, "w+") as f: bouquet_name = '{} - VOD'.format(self.config.name).decode("utf-8") if 'VOD' in self._category_options and self._category_options['VOD'].get('nameOverride', False): bouquet_name = self._category_options['VOD']['nameOverride'].decode('utf-8') channel_num = 0 f.write("#NAME {}\n".format(bouquet_name.encode("utf-8"))) if not channel_number_start_offset_output and not self.config.all_bouquet: # write place holder services (for channel numbering) for i in xrange(100): f.write('{}\n'.format(PLACEHOLDER_SERVICE)) channel_number_start_offset_output = True channel_num += 1 for vodcat in vod_categories: if vodcat in self._dictchannels: # Insert group description placeholder in bouquet f.write("#SERVICE 1:64:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:\n") f.write("#DESCRIPTION {}\n". format(vodcat.encode("utf-8"))) for x in self._dictchannels[vodcat]: self._save_bouquet_entry(f, x) channel_num += 1 while (channel_num % 100) is not 0: f.write('{}\n'.format(PLACEHOLDER_SERVICE)) channel_num += 1 vod_category_output = True # Add to bouquet index list if cat not in vod_categories or (cat in vod_categories and not vod_bouquet_entry_output): iptv_bouquet_list.append(self._get_bouquet_index_name(cat_filename, provider_filename)) if cat in vod_categories and not self.config.multi_vod: vod_bouquet_entry_output = True # write the bouquets.tv indexes self._save_bouquet_index_entries(iptv_bouquet_list) self._update_status('bouquets created ...') print(Status.message) def create_epgimporter_config(self): indent = " " if DEBUG: print('creating EPGImporter config') # create channels file try: os.makedirs(EPGIMPORTPATH) except OSError, e: # race condition guard if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise channels_filename = os.path.join(EPGIMPORTPATH, 'suls_iptv_{}_channels.xml'.format(get_safe_filename(self.config.name))) if self._dictchannels: with open(channels_filename, "w+") as f: f.write('\n') for cat in self._category_order: if cat in self._dictchannels and self._category_options.get(cat, {}).get('enabled', True): if not cat.startswith('VOD'): cat_title = get_category_title(cat, self._category_options) f.write('{}\n'.format(indent, xml_safe_comment(xml_escape(cat_title.encode('utf-8'))))) for x in self._dictchannels[cat]: if not x['stream-name'].startswith('placeholder_'): tvg_id = x['tvg-id'] if x['tvg-id'] else get_service_title(x) if x['enabled']: # force the epg channels to stream type '1' epg_service_ref = x['serviceRef'] pos = epg_service_ref.find(':') if pos != -1: epg_service_ref = '1{}'.format(epg_service_ref[pos:]) f.write('{}{}:http%3a//example.m3u8 \n' .format(indent, xml_escape(tvg_id.encode('utf-8')), epg_service_ref, xml_safe_comment(xml_escape(get_service_title(x).encode('utf-8'))))) f.write('\n') # create epg-importer sources file for providers feed self._create_epgimport_source([self.config.epg_url]) # create epg-importer sources file for additional feeds for group in self._xmltv_sources_list: self._create_epgimport_source(self._xmltv_sources_list[group], group) class Config: def __init__(self): self.providers = OrderedDict() def make_default_config(self, configfile): print('Default configuration file created in {}\n'.format(os.path.join(CFGPATH, 'config.xml'))) f = open(configfile, 'wb') f.write("""\r \r \r Supplier Name 1\r 1\r \r \r \r \r 0\r \r \r 0\r 1\r 0\r /usr/share/enigma2/picon/\r 1\r \r 0\r 0\r \r \r Supplier Name\r 0\r \r \r \r \r 0\r \r \r 0\r 1\r 0\r /usr/share/enigma2/picon/\r 1\r \r 0\r 0 \r \r """) def read_config(self, configfile): """ Read Config from file """ self.providers = OrderedDict() try: tree = ET.ElementTree(file=configfile) for node in tree.findall('.//supplier'): provider = ProviderConfig() if node is not None: for child in node: if child.tag == 'name': provider.name = '' if child.text is None else child.text.strip() if child.tag == 'enabled': provider.enabled = True if child.text == '1' else False if child.tag == 'settingslevel': provider.settings_level = '' if child.text is None else child.text.strip() if child.tag == 'm3uurl': provider.m3u_url = '' if child.text is None else child.text.strip() if child.tag == 'epgurl': provider.epg_url = '' if child.text is None else child.text.strip() if child.tag == 'username': provider.username = '' if child.text is None else child.text.strip() if child.tag == 'password': provider.password = '' if child.text is None else child.text.strip() if child.tag == 'providerupdate': provider.provider_update_url = '' if child.text is None else child.text.strip() if child.tag == 'iptvtypes': provider.iptv_types = True if child.text == '1' else False if child.tag == 'streamtypetv': provider.streamtype_tv = '' if child.text is None else child.text.strip() if child.tag == 'streamtypevod': provider.streamtype_vod = '' if child.text is None else child.text.strip() if child.tag == 'multivod': provider.multi_vod = True if child.text == '1' else False if child.tag == 'allbouquet': provider.all_bouquet = True if child.text == '1' else False if child.tag == 'picons': provider.picons = True if child.text == '1' else False if child.tag == 'iconpath': provider.icon_path = '' if child.text is None else child.text.strip() if child.tag == 'xcludesref': provider.sref_override = True if child.text == '0' else False if child.tag == 'bouqueturl': provider.bouquet_url = '' if child.text is None else child.text.strip() if child.tag == 'bouquetdownload': provider.bouquet_download = True if child.text == '1' else False if child.tag == 'bouquettop': provider.bouquet_top = True if child.text == '1' else False if child.tag == 'lastproviderupdate': provider.last_provider_update = 0 if child.text is None else child.text.strip() if provider.name: self.providers[provider.name] = provider except Exception, e: msg = 'Corrupt config.xml file' print(msg) if DEBUG: raise Exception(msg) def write_config(self): """Write providers to config file Manually write instead of using ElementTree so that we can format the file for easy human editing (inc. Windows line endings) """ config_file = os.path.join(os.path.join(CFGPATH, 'config.xml')) indent = " " if self.providers: with open(config_file, 'wb') as f: f.write('\r\n') f.write('\r\n') for key, provider in self.providers.iteritems(): f.write('{}\r\n'.format(indent)) f.write('{}{}\r\n'.format(2 * indent, xml_escape(provider.name))) f.write('{}{}\r\n'.format(2 * indent, '1' if provider.enabled else '0')) f.write('{}{}\r\n'.format(2 * indent, provider.settings_level)) f.write('{} \r\n'.format(2 * indent, provider.m3u_url)) f.write('{}\r\n'.format(2 * indent, provider.epg_url)) f.write('{}\r\n'.format(2 * indent, provider.username)) f.write('{}\r\n'.format(2 * indent, provider.password)) f.write('{}\r\n'.format(2 * indent, provider.provider_update_url)) f.write('{}{}\r\n'.format(2 * indent, '1' if provider.iptv_types else '0')) f.write('{}{}\r\n'.format(2 * indent, provider.streamtype_tv)) f.write('{}{}\r\n'.format(2 * indent, provider.streamtype_vod)) f.write('{}{}\r\n'.format(2 * indent, '1' if provider.multi_vod else '0')) f.write('{}{}\r\n'.format(2 * indent, '1' if provider.all_bouquet else '0')) f.write('{}{}\r\n'.format(2 * indent, '1' if provider.picons else '0')) f.write('{}{}\r\n'.format(2 * indent, provider.icon_path if provider.icon_path else '')) f.write('{}{}\r\n'.format(2 * indent, '0' if provider.sref_override else '1')) f.write('{}\r\n'.format(2 * indent, provider.bouquet_url)) f.write('{}{}\r\n'.format(2 * indent, '1' if provider.bouquet_download else '0')) f.write('{}{}\r\n'.format(2 * indent, '1' if provider.bouquet_top else '0')) f.write('{}{}\r\n'.format(2 * indent, provider.last_provider_update)) f.write('{}\r\n'.format(indent)) f.write('\r\n') else: # no providers delete config file if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(CFGPATH, 'config.xml')): print('no providers remove config') os.remove(os.path.join(CFGPATH, 'config.xml')) def main(argv=None): # IGNORE:C0111 # Command line options. if argv is None: argv = sys.argv else: sys.argv.extend(argv) program_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) program_version = "v%s" % __version__ program_build_date = str(__updated__) program_version_message = '%(prog)s {} ({})'.format(program_version, program_build_date) program_shortdesc = __doc__.split("\n")[1] program_license = """{} Copyright 2017. All rights reserved. Created on {}. Licensed under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 Distributed on an "AS IS" basis without warranties or conditions of any kind, either express or implied. USAGE """.format(program_shortdesc, str(__date__)) try: # Setup argument parser parser = get_parser_args(program_license, program_version_message) args = parser.parse_args() uninstall = args.uninstall # Core program logic starts here urllib._urlopener = AppUrlOpener() socket.setdefaulttimeout(30) display_welcome() if uninstall: # Clean up any existing files uninstaller() # reload bouquets reload_bouquets() print("Uninstall only, program exiting ...") sys.exit(1) # Quit here if we just want to uninstall else: make_config_folder() # create provider from command line based setup (if passed) args_config = ProviderConfig() args_config.m3u_url = args.m3uurl args_config.epg_url = args.epgurl args_config.iptv_types = args.iptvtypes args_config.multi_vod = args.multivod args_config.all_bouquet = args.allbouquet args_config.bouquet_url = args.bouqueturl args_config.bouquet_download = args.bouquetdownload args_config.picons = args.picons args_config.icon_path = args.iconpath args_config.sref_override = not args.xcludesref args_config.bouquet_top = args.bouquettop args_config.name = args.providername args_config.username = args.username args_config.password = args.password args_config.streamtype_tv = args.sttv args_config.streamtype_vod = args.stvod if args_config.m3u_url: print('\n**************************************') print('E2m3u2bouquet - Command line based setup') print('**************************************\n') args_provider = Provider(args_config) args_provider.process_provider() else: print('\n********************************') print('E2m3u2bouquet - Config based setup') print('********************************\n') e2m3u2b_config = Config() if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(CFGPATH, 'config.xml')): e2m3u2b_config.read_config(os.path.join(CFGPATH, 'config.xml')) providers_updated = False for key, provider_config in e2m3u2b_config.providers.iteritems(): if provider_config.enabled: if provider_config.name.startswith('Supplier Name'): print("Please enter your details in the config file in - {}".format(os.path.join(CFGPATH, 'config.xml'))) sys.exit(2) else: print('\n********************************') print('Config based setup - {}'.format(provider_config.name)) print('********************************\n') provider = Provider(provider_config) if int(time.time()) - int(provider.config.last_provider_update) > 21600: # wait at least 6 hours (21600s) between update checks providers_updated = provider.provider_update() provider.process_provider() else: print('\nProvider: {} is disabled - skipping.........\n'.format(provider_config.name)) if providers_updated: e2m3u2b_config.write_config() reload_bouquets() display_end_msg() else: e2m3u2b_config.make_default_config(os.path.join(CFGPATH, 'config.xml')) print('Please ensure correct command line options are passed to the program \n' 'or populate the config file in {} \n' 'for help use --help\n'.format(os.path.join(CFGPATH, 'config.xml'))) parser.print_usage() sys.exit(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: # handle keyboard interrupt return 0 except Exception, e: if DEBUG: raise e indent = len(program_name) * " " sys.stderr.write(program_name + ": " + repr(e) + "\n") sys.stderr.write(indent + " for help use --help") return 2 if __name__ == "__main__": if TESTRUN: EPGIMPORTPATH = "H:/Satelite Stuff/epgimport/" ENIGMAPATH = "H:/Satelite Stuff/enigma2/" PICONSPATH = "H:/Satelite Stuff/picons/" CFGPATH = os.path.join(ENIGMAPATH, 'e2m3u2bouquet/') sys.exit(main()) else: IMPORTED = True