--- author: Stéphane Laurent date: '2019-11-20' highlighter: 'pandoc-solarized' output: html_document: highlight: kate keep_md: no md_document: preserve_yaml: True variant: markdown rbloggers: yes tags: 'maths, statistics, R' title: 'Five-parameters logistic regression' --- The five-parameters logistic curve is commonly defined by $$ f(x) = A + \frac{D-A}{\Bigl(1+\exp\bigl(B(C-x)\bigr)\Bigr)^S}. $$ Assuming $B>0$ and $S>0$, - $A$ is the value of the horizontal asymptote when $x \to -\infty$; - $D$ is the value of the horizontal asymptote when $x \to +\infty$; - $B$ describes how rapidly the curve makes its transition between the two asymptotes; - $C$ is a location parameter, which does not have a nice interpretation (except if $S=1$); - $S$ describes the asymmetry of the curve (the curve is symmetric when $S=1$). In the case when $S=1$, the parameter $C$ is the value of $x$ for which the corresponding value $f(x)$ is the midpoint between the two asymptotes; moreover, the curve has an inflection point at $x = C$. In the general case, the value of $x$ for which the corresponding value $f(x)$ is the midpoint between the two asymptotes is $$ x_{\text{mid}} = C - \frac{\log\Bigl(2^{\frac{1}{S}}-1\Bigr)}{B}. $$ It is obtained by solving $\Bigl(1+\exp\bigl(B(C-x)\bigr)\Bigr)^S = 2$. ``` {.r .numberLines} n <- 100 x <- seq(49, 60, length.out = n) A <- 30; D <- 100; B <- 1; C <- 50; S <- 10 f <- function(x) A + (D-A) / (1 + exp(B*(C-x)))^S y0 <- f(x) par(mar = c(4, 4, 0.5, 1)) plot(x, y0, type = "l", cex.axis = 0.5, ylab = "f(x)") abline(v = C, col = "green", lty = "dashed") ( xmid <- C - log(2^(1/S) - 1)/B ) ## [1] 52.63424 ``` ``` {.r .numberLines} abline(v = xmid, col = "red", lwd = 2) abline(h = (A+D)/2, col = "red", lwd = 2) ``` Note that the inflection point of the curve is *not* the point correspoding to $x_{\text{mid}}$: ``` {.r .numberLines} library(numDeriv) df <- grad(f, x) par(mar = c(4, 4, 0.5, 1)) plot(x, df, type = "l", cex.axis = 0.5, ylab="f'(x)") abline(v = xmid, col = "red", lwd = 2) ``` In practice, we are often interested in estimating $x_{\text{mid}}$. So it is better to use this other parameterization of the five-parameters logistic curve: $$ g(x) = A + \frac{D-A}{{\biggl(1+\exp\Bigl(\log\bigl(2^{\frac{1}{S}}-1\bigr) + B(x_{\text{mid}}-x)\Bigr)\biggr)}^S} $$ because fitting this curve will directly give the estimate of $x_{\text{mid}}$ and its standard error. Another advantage of this parameterization is that there is a way to get a good starting value of $x_{\text{mid}}$ when one wants to fit the five-parameters logistic regression model: ``` {.r .numberLines} getInitial1 <- function(x, y){ s <- getInitial(y ~ SSfpl(x, A, D, xmid, inverseB), data = data.frame(x = x, y = y)) c(A = s[["A"]], B = 1/s[["inverseB"]], xmid = s[["xmid"]], D = s[["D"]], S = 1) } ``` I don't know how to get a good starting value for $S$, so I always take $1$. Sometimes, `SSfpl` can fail. Here is another function which returns some starting values: ``` {.r .numberLines} getInitial2 <- function(x, y){ NAs <- union(which(is.na(x)), which(is.na(y))) if(length(NAs)){ x <- x[-NAs] y <- y[-NAs] } low_init <- min(y) high_init <- max(y) minmax <- c(which(y == low_init), which(y == high_init)) X <- cbind(1, x[-minmax]) Y <- log((high_init-y[-minmax])/(y[-minmax]-low_init)) fit <- lm.fit(x = X, y = Y) b_init <- fit$coefficients[[2]] xmid_init <- -fit$coefficients[[1]] / b_init if(b_init < 0){ b_init <- -b_init A <- low_init D <- high_init }else{ A <- high_init D <- low_init } c(A = A, B = b_init, xmid = xmid_init, D = D, S = 1) } ``` Now we wrap these two functions into a single one: ``` {.r .numberLines} getInitial5PL <- function(x, y){ tryCatch({ getInitial1(x, y) }, error = function(e){ getInitial2(x, y) }) } ``` And finally we can write a function for the fitting: ``` {.r .numberLines} library(minpack.lm) fit5pl <- function(x, y){ startingValues <- getInitial5PL(x, y) fit <- tryCatch({ nlsLM( y ~ A + (D-A)/(1 + exp(log(2^(1/S)-1) + B*(xmid-x)))^S, data = data.frame(x = x, y = y), start = startingValues, lower = c(-Inf, 0, -Inf, -Inf, 0), control = nls.lm.control(maxiter = 1024, maxfev=10000)) }, error = function(e){ paste0("Failure of model fitting: ", e$message) }) if(class(fit) == "nls" && fit[["convInfo"]][["isConv"]]){ fit }else if(class(fit) == "nls" && !fit[["convInfo"]][["isConv"]]){ "Convergence not achieved" }else{ # in this case, 'fit' is the error message fit } } ``` Let's try it on a couple of simulated samples: ``` {.r .numberLines} set.seed(666) nsims <- 25 epsilon <- matrix(rnorm(nsims*n, 0, 5), nrow = nsims, ncol = n) estimates <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = nsims, ncol = 5) colnames(estimates) <- c("A", "B", "xmid", "D", "S") for(i in 1:nsims){ fit <- fit5pl(x, y0 + epsilon[i,]) if(class(fit) == "nls"){ estimates[i, ] <- coef(fit) }else{ estimates[i, ] <- c(NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN) } } summary(estimates) ``` ## A B xmid D ## Min. :24.19 Min. :0.8918 Min. :52.52 Min. : 98.63 ## 1st Qu.:27.99 1st Qu.:0.9566 1st Qu.:52.58 1st Qu.: 99.71 ## Median :29.54 Median :1.0121 Median :52.64 Median :100.31 ## Mean :29.22 Mean :1.0367 Mean :52.63 Mean :100.22 ## 3rd Qu.:30.18 3rd Qu.:1.1207 3rd Qu.:52.67 3rd Qu.:100.64 ## Max. :32.23 Max. :1.2599 Max. :52.76 Max. :101.80 ## S ## Min. : 1.001 ## 1st Qu.: 2.262 ## Median : 36.444 ## Mean :1357.639 ## 3rd Qu.:2003.601 ## Max. :7261.694 The estimate of $x_{\text{mid}}$ is excellent. As you can see, the estimate of $S$ is sometimes much larger than the true value. Let's have a look at the worst case: ``` {.r .numberLines} i0 <- match(max(estimates[, "S"]), estimates[, "S"]) estimates[i0, ] ## A B xmid D S ## 29.9159582 0.8917679 52.5992848 100.0519760 7261.6944532 ``` ``` {.r .numberLines} # sample par(mar = c(4, 4, 0.5, 1)) plot(x, y0 + epsilon[i0, ], col = "yellow", cex.axis = 0.6) # true curve curve(A + (D-A)/(1 + exp(log(2^(1/S)-1) + B*(xmid-x)))^S, add = TRUE, col = "red", lwd = 2) # fitted curve with(as.list(estimates[i0, ]), curve(A + (D-A)/(1 + exp(log(2^(1/S)-1) + B*(xmid-x)))^S, add = TRUE, col = "blue", lwd = 2, lty = "dashed") ) ``` Thus, while the estimate of $S$ is very far from the true value of $S$, the fitted curve correctly estimates the true curve. And in such cases, the standard error of the estimate of $S$ is big: ``` {.r .numberLines} fit <- fit5pl(x, y0 + epsilon[i0,]) summary(fit) ``` ## ## Formula: y ~ A + (D - A)/(1 + exp(log(2^(1/S) - 1) + B * (xmid - x)))^S ## ## Parameters: ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) ## A 2.992e+01 1.334e+00 22.424 <2e-16 *** ## B 8.918e-01 7.058e-02 12.635 <2e-16 *** ## xmid 5.260e+01 7.310e-02 719.542 <2e-16 *** ## D 1.001e+02 9.347e-01 107.038 <2e-16 *** ## S 7.262e+03 1.757e+06 0.004 0.997 ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ## ## Residual standard error: 5.224 on 95 degrees of freedom ## ## Number of iterations to convergence: 27 ## Achieved convergence tolerance: 1.49e-08 Note that `nlsLM` provides a test of the nullity of $S$. This is not interesting, whereas the equality $S = 1$ is of interest. So it is better to parametrize the logistic function with $L = \log(S)$ instead of $S$: $$ h(x) = A + \frac{D-A}{{\biggl(1+\exp\Bigl(\log\bigl(2^{\exp(-L)}-1\bigr) + B(x_{\text{mid}}-x)\Bigr)\biggr)}^{\exp(L)}}. $$ In this way we can get a test of $L = 0$, that is $S = 1$.