--- title: "The balanced ANOVA model with random effects" author: "Stéphane Laurent" date: '2017-07-29' output: md_document: toc: yes variant: markdown html_document: keep_md: no prettify: yes prettifycss: twitter-bootstrap tags: maths, statistics highlighter: kate --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.path="./figures/AV1random-") library(scales) source('./Rfunctions/inertia_macro_v1.R', encoding='UTF-8') ``` \(\newcommand{\indic}{\mathbf{1}}\) \(\newcommand{\perpoplus}{\overset{\perp}{\oplus}}\) \(\newcommand{\RR}{\mathbb{R}}\) ## The balanced ANOVA model with random effects The balanced ANOVA model is used to model a sample $y=(y_{ij})$ with a tabular structure: $$y=\begin{pmatrix} y_{11} & \ldots & y_{1J} \\ \vdots & y_{ij} & \vdots \\ y_{I1} & \ldots & y_{IJ} \end{pmatrix}, $$ $y_{ij}$ denoting the $j$-th response in group $i$. In the model with *random effects*, it is assumed that the observations $y_{ij}$ are generated in two steps. First, the group means $\mu_i$ are independently generated according to a Gaussian distribution ${\cal N}(\mu, \sigma^2_b)$ where $\mu$ is the overall mean and $\sigma^2_b$ is the so-called *between variance*. Second, the responses $y_{ij}$, $j =1,\ldots,J$, for each group $i$, are independently distributed according to a Gaussian distribution ${\cal N}(\mu_i, \sigma^2_w)$ with *within variance* $\sigma^2_w$ and mean $\mu_i$. Shortly, the model can be written: $$ \begin{cases} \mu_i \sim_{\text{iid}} {\cal N}(\mu, \sigma^2_b) & i=1, \ldots, I \\ (y_{ij} \mid \mu_i) \sim_{\text{iid}} {\cal N}(\mu_i, \sigma^2_w) & j = 1, \ldots, J \end{cases}. $$ ```{r anovarandommodel, echo=FALSE, fig.width=9, fig.height=6} set.seed(314) mu <- 24 delta <- 1.2 sigma <- 0.8 I <- 3 J <- 4 factor <- factor(rep(c("A","B","C"),rep(J,3))) mu1 <- rnorm(1, mu, delta) mu2 <- rnorm(1, mu, delta) mu3 <- rnorm(1, mu, delta) results <- c( rnorm(J, mu1, sigma), rnorm(J, mu2, sigma), rnorm(J, mu3, sigma) ) dat <- data.frame(factor=factor, result=results) grandmean <- mean(dat$result) omeans <- aggregate(result~factor, data=dat, FUN=mean)[,"result"] # fplot <- function(dat, results, ocolors, cols=rep("black",nrow(dat)), lcol="white", ylab, labs, cex=1.3, col.yaxis="black", cex.axis=1, cex.xlab=1.7, cex.ylab=1.7, padj=0){ plot(c(17.5, 29.5), c(0.7, 5.8), type="n", axes=FALSE, xlab="observation", ylab=NA, cex.lab=cex.xlab) axis(1, cex.axis=cex.axis, padj=padj) axis(2, labels=labs, at=c(3,2,1), lwd=0, cex.axis=1.7, col.axis = col.yaxis) mtext(ylab, 2, adj=0.23, padj=-3, cex=cex.ylab) h <- 4.5 # plateau du haut abline(h=h) points(results, rep(h,length(results)), col=cols, pch=19, cex=cex) abline(h=1:3, col=lcol) k <- 1 op <- levels(dat$factor)[k] x <- dat$result[dat$factor==op] points(x, rep(k,length(x)), col=ocolors[k], pch=19, cex=cex) k <- 2 op <- levels(dat$factor)[k] x <- dat$result[dat$factor==op] points(x, rep(k,length(x)), col=ocolors[k], pch=19, cex=cex) k <- 3 op <- levels(dat$factor)[k] x <- dat$result[dat$factor==op] points(x, rep(k,length(x)), col=ocolors[k], pch=19, cex=cex) } ocolors <- alpha(c("red","blue","green"),0.5) cols <- ocolors[as.numeric(factor)] h <- 4.5 cex.axis <- 1.8 ml <- 8 par(mar=c(5.9, ml, 0, 1)) K <- 1.8 # scale for gaussian curve fplot(dat, results=omeans, ocolors=ocolors, cols=ocolors, lcol="black", ylab=NA, labs=c("","group","")) curve(K*dnorm(x,grandmean,delta)+h, add=TRUE, lwd=3, col=1) text(grandmean, h-0.2, labels=expression(mu), cex=1.4, col=1) k <- 1 segments(omeans[k], h, omeans[k], k, col="red", lty=3) k <- 2 segments(omeans[k], h, omeans[k], k, col="blue", lty=3) k <- 3 segments(omeans[k], h, omeans[k], k, col="green", lty=3) k <- 1 curve(K*dnorm(x,omeans[k],sigma)+h-1.5-(3-k), add=TRUE, lwd=2, col="red") text(omeans[k], h-1.5-(3-k)-0.2, labels=expression(mu[1]), cex=1.4, col="red") k <- 2 curve(K*dnorm(x,omeans[k],sigma)+h-1.5-(3-k), add=TRUE, lwd=2, col="blue") text(omeans[k], h-1.5-(3-k)-0.2, labels=expression(mu[2]), cex=1.4, col="blue") k <- 3 curve(K*dnorm(x,omeans[k],sigma)+h-1.5-(3-k), add=TRUE, lwd=2, col="green") text(omeans[k], h-1.5-(3-k)-0.2, labels=expression(mu[3]), cex=1.4, col="green") width <- shift <- 0.05 inertia(x0=grandmean, y0=h-0.35, a=1.6, b=0.15, lwd=2, l=0.25, col=c("green","blue","red"), w=width, s=shift) a <- 1.1 b <- 0.11 vadj <- 0.3 r <- 1/4 width <- shift <- 0.05 k <- 1 inertia(x0=omeans[k], y0=k-vadj, a=a, b=b, lwd=2, l=0.2, col="red", r=r, w=width, s=shift) k <- 2 inertia(x0=omeans[k], y0=k-vadj, a=a, b=b, lwd=2, l=0.2, col="blue", r=r, w=width, s=shift) k <- 3 inertia(x0=omeans[k], y0=k-vadj, a=a, b=b, lwd=2, l=0.2, col="green", r=r, w=width, s=shift) ``` An equivalent writing of this model, and from now on using capital letters for random variables, is $$Y_{ij} = \mu + \sigma_bA_{i} + \sigma_wG_{ij},$$ where all random variables $A_i$ and $G_{ij}$ are independent and $\sim {\cal N}(0,1)$. ## The three summary statistics $\bar{Y}_{\bullet\bullet}$, $SS_b(Y)$, $SS_w(Y)$ Using the tensor product language introduced in [this article](http://stla.github.io/stlapblog/posts/Anova1fixed.html), the model can be written $$Y = \mu({\bf 1}_I\otimes{\bf 1}_J) + \sigma_b A\otimes\indic_J +\sigma_wG, \qquad A \sim SN(\RR^I), \quad G \sim SN(\RR^I\otimes\RR^J).$$ The overall mean $\bar{Y}_{\bullet\bullet}$ is given by the projection of $Y$ on the subspace $[{\bf 1}_I]\otimes[{\bf 1}_J]$: $$P_{[{\bf 1}_I]\otimes[{\bf 1}_J]} Y = \bar{Y}_{\bullet\bullet}({\bf 1}_I\otimes{\bf 1}_J).$$ Then the variations $Y_{ij}-\bar{Y}_{\bullet\bullet}$ around the overall mean are given by the projection on the orthogonal complement ${\Bigl([\indic_I]\otimes[\indic_J]\Bigr)}^\perp$. Knowing that $$ \RR^I \otimes \RR^J = \Bigl([\indic_I]\otimes[\indic_J]\Bigr) \perpoplus \Bigl([\indic_I]^\perp\otimes[\indic_J]\Bigr) \perpoplus \Bigl([\indic_I]\otimes[\indic_J]^\perp\Bigr) \perpoplus \Bigl([\indic_I]^\perp\otimes[\indic_J]^\perp\Bigr), $$ one gets $$ \begin{align} \underset{\text{'total'}}{\underbrace{ {\Bigl([\indic_I]\otimes[\indic_J]\Bigr)}^\perp} } & = \Bigl([\indic_I]^\perp\otimes[\indic_J]\Bigr) \perpoplus \Bigl([\indic_I]\otimes[\indic_J]^\perp\Bigr) \perpoplus \Bigl([\indic_I]^\perp\otimes[\indic_J]^\perp\Bigr) \\ & = \underset{\text{'between'}}{\underbrace{\Bigl([\indic_I]^\perp\otimes[\indic_J]\Bigr)}} \perpoplus \underset{\text{'within'}}{\underbrace{\Bigl(\RR^I\otimes[\indic_J]^\perp\Bigr)}}, \end{align} $$ thereby yielding the decomposition of the variations: $$ P^\perp_{[\indic_I]\otimes[\indic_J]}Y = P_{[\indic_I]^\perp\otimes[\indic_J]}Y + P_{\RR^I\otimes[\indic_J]^\perp}Y, $$ whose component formulae are: - ${\bigl(P^\perp_{[\indic_I]\otimes[\indic_J]}Y\bigr)}_{ij}=Y_{ij}-\bar{Y}_{\bullet\bullet}$ - ${\bigl(P_{[\indic_I]^\perp\otimes[\indic_J]}Y \bigr)}_{ij} = \bar{Y}_{i\bullet}-\bar{Y}_{\bullet\bullet}$ - ${\bigl(P_{\RR^I\otimes[\indic_J]^\perp}Y\bigr)}_{ij} = Y_{ij}-\bar{Y}_{i\bullet}$ Now we can see that the three summary statistics (*overall mean*, *between sum of squares*, *within sum of squares*) $$\bar{Y}_{\bullet\bullet}, \quad SS_b(Y):={\Vert P_{[\indic_I]^\perp\otimes[\indic_J]}Y \Vert}^2, \quad SS_w(Y):={\Vert P_{\RR^I\otimes[\indic_J]^\perp}Y \Vert}^2,$$ are independent random variables. Indeed, the overall mean $\bar{Y}_{\bullet\bullet}$ is given by $$\begin{align} P_{[{\bf 1}_I]\otimes[{\bf 1}_J]} Y &= \bar{Y}_{\bullet\bullet}({\bf 1}_I\otimes{\bf 1}_J) \\ & = \mu({\bf 1}_I\otimes{\bf 1}_J) + \sigma_b(P_{[{\bf 1}_I]}A)\otimes\indic_J+\sigma_wP_{[{\bf 1}_I]\otimes[{\bf 1}_J]}G, \end{align}$$ the between variations are $$P_{[\indic_I]^\perp\otimes[\indic_J]}Y = \sigma_b(P^\perp_{[\indic_I]} A)\otimes\indic_J + \sigma_w P_{[\indic_I]^\perp\otimes[\indic_J]} G,$$ and the within variations are $$P_{\RR^I\otimes[\indic_J]^\perp}Y = \sigma_wP_{\RR^I\otimes[\indic_J]^\perp} G.$$ Independence follows from the independence between $G$ and $A$ and from the orthogonality between the ranges of the different projections. It is easy to derive $\bar{Y}_{\bullet\bullet} \sim {\cal N}\left(\mu, \frac{\sigma^2}{IJ}\right)$ where $\sigma^2=J\sigma^2_b+\sigma^2_w$. It is also easy to get $SS_w(Y) \sim \sigma^2_w\chi^2_{I(J-1)}$ because of $$P_{\RR^I\otimes[\indic_J]^\perp}Y = \sigma_wP_{\RR^I\otimes[\indic_J]^\perp}G.$$ To derive the law of $SS_b(Y)$, note that $$ \begin{align} P_{[\indic_I]^\perp\otimes[\indic_J]} G & = \begin{pmatrix} \bar{G}_{1\bullet} - \bar{G}_{\bullet\bullet} & \ldots & \bar{G}_{1\bullet} - \bar{G}_{\bullet\bullet} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots \\ \bar{G}_{I\bullet} - \bar{G}_{\bullet\bullet} & \ldots & \bar{G}_{I\bullet} - \bar{G}_{\bullet\bullet} \end{pmatrix} \\ & = (P^\perp_{[\indic_I]}G_{\text{row}}) \otimes \indic_J \end{align}$$ where $G_{\text{row}} = (\bar{G}_{i\bullet})$ is the vector of row means of $G$, and then one can write $$P_{[\indic_I]^\perp\otimes[\indic_J]} Y = \bigl(P^\perp_{[\indic_I]}(\sigma_b A + \sigma_w G_{\text{row}})\bigr) \otimes \indic_J.$$ Now it is easy to see that the components of $\sigma_b A + \sigma_w G_{\text{row}}$ are $\sim_{\text{iid}} {\cal N}(0, \sigma^2)$, and consequently $SS_b(Y) \sim \sigma^2\chi^2_{J-1}$. ## Confidence interval for the overall mean By our previous derivations, the statistic $$ \frac{\bar Y_{\bullet\bullet} - \mu}{\frac{1}{\sqrt{IJ}}\sqrt{\frac{SS_b(Y)}{I-1}}}$$ has a Student $t$ distribution with $I-1$ degrees of freedom, wherefrom it is easy to get an exact confidence interval about the overall mean $\mu$. Note that we would get exactly the same confidence interval if we were told only the group means $\bar{Y}_{i\bullet}$. This is the topic of [another article](http://stla.github.io/stlapblog/posts/ModelReduction.html). ```{r, echo=FALSE} knitr::knit_exit() ``` ```{r} library(AOV1R) I <- 2; J <- 4 nsims <- 3000 sims <- numeric(nsims) for(i in 1:nsims){ dat <- simAV1R(I, J, 1, 2, 3) fit <- aov1r(y~group, data=dat) sims[i] <- (fit$grandmean - 1)/sqrt(fit$`Sums of squares`[["ssb"]])* sqrt(I*J*(I-1)) } curve(ecdf(sims)(x), from=-3, to=3) curve(pt(x, I-1), add=TRUE, col="red") ```