--- title: "Parametric Hopf torus" author: "Stéphane Laurent" date: "2018-08-25" output: md_document: variant: markdown preserve_yaml: true html_document: keep_md: no prettify: yes linenums: yes prettifycss: twitter-bootstrap tags: R, graphics, rgl, asymptote, geometry, maths highlighter: kate --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, collapse= TRUE) ``` Identify $S^3$ with the unit quaternions and $S^2$ with the unit quaternions with a null $i$-part component. Then the Hopf map is expressed as $$ \begin{cases} \Pi \colon & S^3 \to S^2 \\ & q \mapsto \tilde{q} q \end{cases} $$ where the quaternion $\tilde{q}$ is obtained from $q$ by negating its $i$-th component. ```{r} library(onion) Pi <- function(q){ qtilde <- q i(qtilde) <- -i(q) qtilde*q } Pi(quaternion(Re=1, i=2, j=3, k=4)) ``` Choose a curve $p \colon [a,b] \to S^2$ and a *lift* of $p$, that is a map $y \colon [a,b] \to S^3$ such that $p = \Pi \circ y$. For our illustration, we will take the closed curve $p \colon [0,2\pi] \to S^2$ defined by $$ \begin{cases} p_1 \colon t \mapsto \sin\bigl(h\cos(nt)\bigr) \\ p_2 \colon t \mapsto \cos(t)\cos\bigl(h\cos(nt)\bigr) \\ p_3 \colon t \mapsto \sin(t)\cos\bigl(h\cos(nt)\bigr) \end{cases} $$ where $n$ is an integer. ```{r} h <- 0.4 n <- 3 p <- function(t) c(sin(h*cos(n*t)), cos(t)*cos(h*cos(n*t)), sin(t)*cos(h*cos(n*t))) ``` The lift is easy to get: simply take $$ y(t) = \frac{\bigl(1+p_1(t),0,p_2(t),p_3(t)\bigr)}{\sqrt{2\bigl(1+p_1(t)\bigr)}}. $$ Let's check: ```{r} y <- function(t){ c(1+p(t)[1], 0, p(t)[2], p(t)[3]) / sqrt(2*(1+p(t)[1])) } Pi(as.quaternion(y(1), single=TRUE)) p(1) ``` Ok. The *Hopf cylinder* of $p$ is then $(t,\phi) \mapsto e^{i\phi}y(t)$, and we say it's a *Hopf torus* when the curve $p$ is closed. This is a parametric representation of a Hopf torus. Here, the integer $n$ determines the number of lobes of the Hopf torus, and the parameter $h$ controls the shape. Now, apply the function $(t,\phi) \mapsto e^{i\phi}y(t)$ and then apply the stereographic projection. Below is a R code after we got rid of the quaternions. ```{r} h = 0.4 n= 3 # number of lobes F <- function(t,phi){ p2 <- cos(t) * cos(h * cos(n*t)) p3 <- sin(t) * cos(h * cos(n*t)) p1 <- sin(h * cos(n*t)) ## alternatively, # den = sqrt(1+h^2*cos(n*t)^2); # p2 = cos(t)/den; # p3 = sin(t)/den; # p1 = h*cos(n*t)/den; ## yden <- sqrt(2*(1+p1)) y1 <- (1+p1)/yden y2 <- p2/yden y3 <- p3/yden cosphi <- cos(phi) sinphi <- sin(phi) x1 <- cosphi*y1 x2 <- sinphi*y1 x3 <- cosphi*y2 - sinphi*y3 x4 <- cosphi*y3 + sinphi*y2 return(c(x1/(1-x4), x2/(1-x4), x3/(1-x4))) } ``` Now we can use the `misc3d` package to plot the projected Hopf torus. ```{r, eval=FALSE} fx <- Vectorize(function(u,v) F(u,v)[1]) fy <- Vectorize(function(u,v) F(u,v)[2]) fz <- Vectorize(function(u,v) F(u,v)[3]) library(misc3d) parametric3d(fx, fy, fz, umin = 0, umax= 2*pi, vmin = 0, vmax = 2*pi, n = 300, color = "red") ``` ![](figures/HopfTorus_blog.png) Since I like Asymptote, I also provide the Asymptote code. ```c settings.render = 4; settings.outformat="pdf"; size(500,0); import graph3; import palette; real h = 0.4; real n = 3; triple F(pair uv){ real t = uv.x; real phi = uv.y; real p2 = cos(t) * cos(h * cos(n*t)); real p3 = sin(t) * cos(h * cos(n*t)); real p1 = sin(h * cos(n*t)); real yden = sqrt(2*(1+p1)); real y1 = (1+p1)/yden; real y2 = p2/yden; real y3 = p3/yden; real cosphi = cos(phi); real sinphi = sin(phi); real x1 = cosphi*y1; real x2 = sinphi*y1; real x3 = cosphi*y2 - sinphi*y3; real x4 = cosphi*y3 + sinphi*y2; return (x1/(1-x4), x2/(1-x4), x3/(1-x4)); } splinetype[] Notaknot={notaknot,notaknot,notaknot}; surface s=surface(F,(0,0),(2pi,2*pi),116,116,Notaknot,Notaknot); s.colors(palette(s.map(abs),Gradient(8192,yellow,green))); draw(rotate(-20,(0,1,0))*rotate(-45,(0,0,1))*rotate(90,(1,0,0))*s); ``` ![](figures/HopfTorusParametric00_k1_R.png) And I also like `three.js`: