--- author: Stéphane Laurent date: '2020-02-19' highlighter: 'pandoc-solarized' output: html_document: highlight: kate keep_md: no md_document: preserve_yaml: True variant: markdown rbloggers: yes tags: 'R, maths, geometry' title: An orbit of the modular tessellation --- I came across this [interesting paper](https://www3.risc.jku.at/publications/download/risc_5011/DiplomaThesisPonweiser.pdf) entitled *Complex Variables Visualized* and written by Thomas Ponweiser. In particular, I was intrigued by the *generalized powers* of a Möbius transformation (of a matrix, actually), and their actions on the modular tessellation. So I firstly implemented the generalized powers in my package `PlaneGeometry`. Then I wrote the script below to visualize the orbit of the modular tessellation under the action of $R^t$, $0 \leqslant t < 3$, with the notations of the paper. The command `fplot(u)` generates the modular tessellation under the action of $R^t$ when `u` is the value of $t$. Then I use the `gifski` package to create the animation. To get the modular transformations $z \mapsto \frac{az+b}{cz+d}$, I use the `unimodular` function of the `elliptic` package. It generates the quadruples $(a,b,c,d)$ of *positive* integers such that $ad-bc=1$. Then we can get all such quadruples $(a,b,c,d) \in \mathbb{Z}^4$ by inverting these modular transformations, swapping $a$ and $d$ and changing their signs. ``` {.r .numberLines} library(PlaneGeometry) library(elliptic) # for the 'unimodular' function # Möbius transformations T <- Mobius$new(rbind(c(0,-1), c(1,0))) U <- Mobius$new(rbind(c(1,1), c(0,1))) R <- U$compose(T) # R^t, generalized power Rt <- function(t) R$gpower(t) # starting circles I <- Circle$new(c(0,1.5), 0.5) TI <- T$transformCircle(I) # modified Cayley transformation Phi <- Mobius$new(rbind(c(1i,1), c(1,1i))) # plotting function #### n <- 8L transfos <- unimodular(n) fplot <- function(u){ opar <- par(mar = c(0,0,0,0), bg = "black") plot(NULL, asp = 1, xlim = c(-1.1,1.1), ylim = c(-1.1,1.1), xlab = NA, ylab = NA, axes = FALSE) draw(unitCircle, col = "black") for(i in 1L:dim(transfos)[3L]){ transfo <- transfos[,,i] # M <- Mobius$new(transfo) draw(M$compose(Rt(u))$compose(Phi)$transformCircle(I), border = "black", col = "magenta") draw(M$compose(Rt(u))$compose(Phi)$transformCircle(TI), border = "black", col = "magenta") M <- M$inverse() draw(M$compose(Rt(u))$compose(Phi)$transformCircle(I), border = "black", col = "magenta") draw(M$compose(Rt(u))$compose(Phi)$transformCircle(TI), border = "black", col = "magenta") # diag(transfo) <- -diag(transfo) M <- Mobius$new(transfo) draw(M$compose(Rt(u))$compose(Phi)$transformCircle(I), border = "black", col = "magenta") draw(M$compose(Rt(u))$compose(Phi)$transformCircle(TI), border = "black", col = "magenta") M <- M$inverse() draw(M$compose(Rt(u))$compose(Phi)$transformCircle(I), border = "black", col = "magenta") draw(M$compose(Rt(u))$compose(Phi)$transformCircle(TI), border = "black", col = "magenta") # d <- diag(transfo) if(d[1L] != d[2L]){ diag(transfo) <- rev(d) M <- Mobius$new(transfo) draw(M$compose(Rt(u))$compose(Phi)$transformCircle(I), border = "black", col = "magenta") draw(M$compose(Rt(u))$compose(Phi)$transformCircle(TI), border = "black", col = "magenta") M <- M$inverse() draw(M$compose(Rt(u))$compose(Phi)$transformCircle(I), border = "black", col = "magenta") draw(M$compose(Rt(u))$compose(Phi)$transformCircle(TI), border = "black", col = "magenta") } } for(i in 1L:dim(transfos)[3L]){ transfo <- transfos[,,i] # M <- Mobius$new(transfo)$compose(T) draw(M$compose(Rt(u))$compose(Phi)$transformCircle(I), border = "black", col = "magenta") draw(M$compose(Rt(u))$compose(Phi)$transformCircle(TI), border = "black", col = "magenta") M <- M$inverse() draw(M$compose(Rt(u))$compose(Phi)$transformCircle(I), border = "black", col = "magenta") draw(M$compose(Rt(u))$compose(Phi)$transformCircle(TI), border = "black", col = "magenta") # diag(transfo) <- -diag(transfo) M <- Mobius$new(transfo)$compose(T) draw(M$compose(Rt(u))$compose(Phi)$transformCircle(I), border = "black", col = "magenta") draw(M$compose(Rt(u))$compose(Phi)$transformCircle(TI), border = "black", col = "magenta") M <- M$inverse() draw(M$compose(Rt(u))$compose(Phi)$transformCircle(I), border = "black", col = "magenta") draw(M$compose(Rt(u))$compose(Phi)$transformCircle(TI), border = "black", col = "magenta") # d <- diag(transfo) if(d[1L] != d[2L]){ diag(transfo) <- rev(d) M <- Mobius$new(transfo)$compose(T) draw(M$compose(Rt(u))$compose(Phi)$transformCircle(I), border = "black", col = "magenta") draw(M$compose(Rt(u))$compose(Phi)$transformCircle(TI), border = "black", col = "magenta") M <- M$inverse() draw(M$compose(Rt(u))$compose(Phi)$transformCircle(I), border = "black", col = "magenta") draw(M$compose(Rt(u))$compose(Phi)$transformCircle(TI), border = "black", col = "magenta") } } } # animation #### library(gifski) u_ <- seq(0, 3, length.out = 181L)[-1L] save_gif({ for(u in u_){ fplot(u) } }, "ModularTessellation.gif", 512, 512, delay = 1/12, res = 144) ``` ![](./figures/ModularTessellationOrbit.gif)